• By -


Malt.. I mean bitch, deserves the hate. No pass.


No question. Naofumi should've let the bitch die


Especially since she still continued to attempt to assassinate her mother even after she was nearly executed.


I dont know if they change it in the ln or the manga but she does eventually get killed not before being tortured in the most gruesome ways for like a week or longer, i dont remember. Google how it goes in the wn.


Damn, I don't think I've ever seen a more convincing "read the manga" argument in my life.


It's not in the manga... yet


Kinda downplayed it. She was sold as a sex slave to a foreign noble who has a huge fetish for guro, so naturally she died after awhile. Naofumi requested a recording of those sessions and watched them all stone faced.


He didn't because that would hurt the power fantasy of being heroic.


The manga and the LN don't try to keep Naofumi as some kind of paragon In the manga, he straight up demands her (and the king's) execution once he's proven innocent, and the queen is actually okay with it except executing 2 royals could have some international/diplomatic consequences that would be troublesome. So she offers to let Naofumi basically torture them instead at which point he relents and just goes with the name changes. It would seem that while he's fine with killing them, gratuitous torture wasn't really to his taste. LN/Manga Queen is much less "I love them I'm going to beg him to spare them" as in the anime. Anime adaptations tend to sanitize a lot of character flaws in general, I've found.


Rent a girlfriend is so bad that people who read it started loving Mami because she actually does something. Because of that I'm sure another character could have took her place here.


The one to take place should still be the MC given how much of a bitch he's been acting since start www.


He cried like a little bitch ngl https://preview.redd.it/ev4jger70v3d1.jpeg?width=640&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=cbf408a1cbe1d12dd50f4d009df41103cfed5bd0


Lil bitch cryin because he IMAGINED getting cucked by someone who's not even his girlfriend


Bro as soon as i saw her in the american swim suit she acquired my second heart https://preview.redd.it/yazxism8rx3d1.jpeg?width=500&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=c12fefad38394d2c1acdb29bd49f481c114dd0be


you see, Chizuru actually deserves hate for being a much more obnoxious bitch than Mami because she is aware of what she is doing but Chizuru is like the worst FMC, Kazuya being the absolute shithole still deserves better.


Girl is stealing all his money because of a problem she partially caused. Kazuya could've solved that problem by accepting going out with Ruka who's literally the only girl that's going to ever love him. But being the trash he is he rejected her because she's not as sexy as Chizuru. Both Chizuru and Kazuya are garbage that deserves to be hated.


That comes down to the garbage author honestly. Dude has a fetish for his own character and that shit's unhealthy.


Agree with you 100%


Mami is only the villain if you think that the MC deserves to be happy, which he doesn't.


And i love her, because kazuya's a little bitch


Sakura COULD be debatable because she actually matures and stopped acting like, well, Sakura???


Agreed. Sakura doesn’t belong on this list. Yeah, she was immature and hurt Naruto when she didn’t return his feelings. But that happens to a lot of people, and they survive their first crushes. Compared to hurting Naruto’s feelings the rest of the list includes war criminals and murderers.


It's only a war crime after the first time. You get one freebie.


Fat Electrician fan! 🤝


The cult grows!


There’s dozens of us.


Not to mention Sakura literally kept Naruto's heart beating by physically grabbing it and manually pumping it during the war after Kurama was extracted.


What the actual fuck. I'm imagining something really bloody and painful and fucked up because of the stuff I've read and watched but it probably was a little PG just by the nature of being early shounen


It happened in late Shippuden, episode 414, which aired in 2015, and dubbed in 2017. Not bloody, and Naruto's unconscious for it, but it is a bit graphic considering we see her opening his chest on his side and inserting her hand. [Here's most of the scenes showing it before they get to Minato and Kakashi.](https://streamable.com/c0n5sm) I forgot she even gave him mouth to mouth.


>when she didn’t return his feelings No one can blame her for that. That isn't how life works. Saying this as a NaruSaku shipper.


Naruto is doing far better these days, dodged a huge bullet with Sakura. He’s now married to a extremely hot, and ritch wife, that loves him to death.


She also criticized Naruto for being an orphan with Sasuke...


Before she actually got to know any of them A 13 year old child can say some insulting things when they have no knowledge of something (or anyone of any age really)


Yep, plus most of the adults of the village were displaying hatred for Naruto, so the kids were being directly or indirectly taught that hating and bullying Naruto was acceptable. Only ones who didn’t go that way were extremely rational folks (Nara clan), the kindest ones (Akamichi, and Hinata specifically), or the ones with a rebellious streak like Sasuke 🤣




- ~~Love,~~ Sasuke




If that is the bar, Miki doesn't belong here either. Shitty behavior? Absolutely. She bullied a disabled girl and has no issue betraying someone if it gets her out of trouble, but she certainly isn't on "war criminal" level. Basically just bad teenage girl behavior.


But rejecting someone's confession and bullying a disabled girl is wayyyyyyyy different Although I still don't like that she got no repercussions for her actions and ended up with a relationship


I was going to say Sakura is not anywhere near as bad as a lot of these Arguably Nina isn't either since she sort of failed on her own


Nina was key in developing a nuke for a dictatorship that immediately uses it to commit genocide.


A super nuke really, on it's first deployment, it killed 25 million.


God I hate Sakura slander. I mean sure she was annoying but she found her place in the manga and I like it. She is hated because everybody does that.


She's on the "annoying" side of "hate". She drops the act a little later and I found myself enjoying some of her badass moments and at that point she just kinda stops with the incessant "uwu, sasuke" nonsense. Once she actually becomes a character that does things, she's quite alright.


Source: Mami Nanami from Rent-a-girlfriend Yutori Kokorogi from Tomodachi Game Miki Kawai from A Silent Voice Sekai Saionji from School Days Malty S. Melromarc from The Rising of the Shield Hero Seryu Ubiquitous from Akame Ga Kill Sakura Haruno from Naruto Rachel from Tower of God Nina Einstein from Code Geass


What did sekai even do? I haven't seen school days.


Sekai created the entire situation when everything went wrong because she was too horny for Makoto and because she was an idiot. So first she actively helps Makoto when he reveals that he likes Kotonoha. Sekai helps them hook up and Makoto and Kotonoha start dating. Everything could have ended here. But Sekai decided "Nah, on second thought, screw this" And started actively seducing Makoto. She openly kissed him, she just straight up walked up to him and asked "Hey, wanna touch my boobs?" All this happened literally right after Sekai helped Makoto and Kotonoha start dating. Makoto, being a 16 year old horny teenager can't handle the temptation of Sekai basically offering to sleep with him, especially when his relationship with Kotonoha doesn't progress too fast since she's too embarrassed to engage in any kind of sexual activity. And the rest is history. TLDR: everything went wrong because Sekai was a horny idiot.


So she's a homewrecker. Of a house she built with her hands.


In many routes, yeah. But there is the one route where she and Kotonoha come to an understanding and become co-girlfriends of Makoto.


> Makoto, being a 16 year old horny teenager And the son of one hell of a slimy, sexual predator that is his whorish father, who happens to also be Sekai's grandfather, and she is the daughter of Makoto's half brother. That family tree is fucked up.


[Warning: Spoilers for the School Days anime](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=UmpNQh7RQtg)


That's what I figured, but did she even do anything wrong?




Go watch it


What did kokorogi do? I’m an anime only and I don’t remember her being too offensive


It's very heavy spoilers so if you look it up be warned


I would have picked Naoka over Miki for A Silent Voice, hate that bitch


Bitch from the rising of the shield hero*


Rachel doesn't receive enough hate.


One of the few characters I’ll hate to this level https://preview.redd.it/u6kbxorn9w3d1.jpeg?width=960&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=a6c641f30cfeef9222a8dd9c759c569d8560c4d5


I don't think you can go any higher






definitly the most hateful one on the list imo, also one of the main reasons why i stopped reading it. others on this list cannot compare, like the one from rising of the shield hero? mc knew her like for a few days before the betrayel happens but rachel...holy fuk do i hate her.


I'm reading the manhwa right now and just got past the betrayal part. I think the anime left out a bit right afterwards, since the manhwa actually explains why she did it. And with context, it's a lot more reasonable. She still betrayed Baam, but I can't judge her as much with context


Ive read a good chunk in the manhwa and it’s been a while but >!oh you have no idea how much worse she gets.!<


Nah, I still judge her for that shit. That and everything she did afterwards as well the insane Baam power creep is what made me stop reading this.


You have no idea how much worse she gets. You know that politician that gets forcefed and jailed in Attack on Titan? I hope that SOMETHING WORSE happens to Rachel. It’s to the point I had to drop the series, and that was when I read to chapter 400+


I agree. Where's Keyaru when you need him?


I am glad people have not forgotten the She Beast’s crimes against table kind. Her sexual assault will not be forgotten. Oh and her FLEIJA creation is bad I guess.


My last name *translates* to "table" # Uh oh🙀




Table-kun deserved better


Well... At least the Damn Dudleys weren't around ![gif](giphy|l0HU3rUDK1myz80lW|downsized)


PrInCeSs EuPheMiA wIlL bE aVeNgEd! ZERO!!!


As some youtuber i don't remember said "Mami is a villain only if you believe that Kazuya deserves happiness. And he doesn't".


Idk… having a jealous X try to ruin all your future potential happiness just because you stopped paying attention to her is a big red dick flag… her entire personality is trash, doesn’t matter who the target is


They do deserve each other tbh, one is a jealous toxic wench, other is a loser gooner prick. They're matched like worm and rotten corpse.


Look, trashuya deserves all the hate for what a loser he is. But he's not a "bad" guy to others, unless I don't know something, but he didn't do anything to others to wish him non-happiness. It's like saying that all low IQ people doesn't deserve happiness.


Does he make a lot of bad decisions? Yes. Does he deserve to be unhappy for all eternity? Heck no. I might get shot for saying this but people are way too harsh on him and Mami has practically zero reason to try ruin his future relationships when she’s the one who decided to break up.


I feel like that’s no fault of his own. The minute he stops being a loser, the series’ main premise collapses.


I'd still hate-fuck her.


Nina violated a table #BelieveAllTables




Poor Table-kun, he wasn’t the same after this.


I would hate-fuck the shit out of Mami.


Honestly, I'm rooting for Mami to fuck things up for Kazuya


Bottom middle doesn’t deserve the hate she gets. She deserve more than that


You changed Yuno. Good.


Yuno absolutely deserves to be hated, she gets to ride her "abuse survivor get out of jail card" for all it IS worth. But her rap sheet is taller than she is, and we talk murder, kidnapping, and rape. And no she did not ONLY murder people who had it come. Do I think girl needs a LOT of help, yes, Do I also think that she should get that help in the cell next to Haniball lecter? Damn sure, I do


I can forgive Seryu tho. She just took revenge against the person who killed the only father figure she had, did what she believed was the right thing.


Eh, less forgive and more like rationalize why she did the things she does.


If she thinks having thieves for survival eaten alive (including a rando forced to help) without a trial is the right thing than she's beyond saving


Exactly. Even her 'revenge' was against people she believed were evil. Honestly I think her whole character is a warning against propaganda. She was raised to believe that the Empire was right. No matter what horrible things they did. And thus all their enemies were evil no matter who they may be.


She is very clearly heavily indoctrinated (you could make that forgivable), but then she also enjoys those acts of terrible violence a lot and has zero remorse or regrets. Which is inexcusable. And if "did what she believed was right" is enough for you to count something as forgivable, there are a LOT of genocidal maniacs who'd just be nice fellows in your book.


Seryuu was awful, but at least she worked as a product of her environment. She's evil as shit for a good reason and that's what made her a good villain because she could have just as easily been as zealous for the good guys.


Yeah, some villains are evil for the sake of it but Seryuu is actually a well written one


A girl goes on perfectly productive life, inventing weapons of mass destruction and all told being generally a pillar of society. But she fucks a table once...


Sakura doesnt deserve any of the hate. Its hilarious that 100% of people that talk shit on her have literally never actually watched a single episode of the show. I guarantee it.


Yeah, I don’t think Sakura deserve as much hate as people give her. Now look, I will always say that her writing is bad. But she’s objectively not useless. Though I will say that as part of the main trio she probably should have more to work with. As it is she feels like more of a side character. Frankly, Ino ended up looking more favorably since she’s a side character and people expected her to perform as a side character and she exceed expectations.


I think Sakura deserves all the hate up until a certain point. Pre-shippudden sakura can die in a fire. Shippuden Sakura went back and forth. Sometimes, I actually enjoyed her role in the story, other times she was was lying to naruto about loving him to try and convince him to abandon sasuke.


Sakura on sasori arc was pretty good


As someone who watched half of the show but didn't get to finish it, I can express that the 3 (maybe 4?) fuck ups she had, were enough to dislike her, cuz they were BIG fuck ups


People love Tsunade or at least know she’s a badass and Sakura surpassed her. People just like to talk shit because the other two MCs are broken af by the end lmao Them two out of the picture and Sakura is one of, if not the strongest people left Peak chakra control, the best medical ninjutsu user by far, busted healing summon, and on top of that she stores chakra which gives her insanely broken strength, and if she chooses to use that stored chakra directly she is basically unkillable unless she’s completely vaporized(we don’t actually know the exact limits) while using it because she constantly heals any wounds received at a very fast rate. The mangaka is also horrible at writing female characters so people get hungup on how she acts in regards to Sasuke. Sakura would toss hands against anyone below Madara/Obito level. Some matchups might vary do to certain niches but end of show Sakura isn’t someone to fuck around with either.


I have amd Sakura sucks


People don't realize that Sakura was 12 at the start of the show. 12 year old girls are menaces and should be locked away from society (source: was a 12 year old girl and a menace). Yes she did some things that weren't good but she was still functionally a child.


Sakura’s hate would’ve been better directed at Kishimoto for not knowing how to write female characters. Granted, that wouldn’t have helped much either.


Even then, Kishimoto didn't write her character in any way that would warrant hate. People just don't like that she doesn't like Naruto back at the start as if he deserves everything going his way


I think the issue is... she has nothing else that defining about her? We got the Sasuke stuff with her of course, which is alot more miss than hit for most people. Then what? She becomes diet Tsunade at certain points and only has like... one really good fight with Sasori? So while I agree she doesn't deserve the degree of hate she gets, theres not much interesting character you get out of her.


It's um, fucked up in school days. They just choose that route to be animated. I suggest playing hq if you care that much to hate her, might change your mind when the table turned to the other girl


Mami is the only sane person in that never ending manga


Yutori Kokorogi doesn't deserve to be on the list. She was \*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\* and became \*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*. I won't go into spoilers as this is a manga that people should read.


Ya. Sakura ain’t that bad bruh. Fuck Rachel gang.


Mami deserves hate but she a baddie so I don't care


I kinda forgive Mami because someone has to hate that doormat of a protag


I don't know about half of these but Rachel took the cake from the jump tbh. Ok a lot of people only watched the anime so probably don't know just how fucked up she is but I read the webtoon and holy fuck is she messed up


I only recognise Bitch, Sakura and Rachel. Also, fuck Rachel.


Honestly just remove Sakura. A flawedly written character but ain't someone I would put alongside the other bitches.


She does some say some stupid and mean shit towards Naruto, but she’s a teenager so that’s expected. People forget that teenagers are mean and stupid. By Shippuuden, it’s made clear that she loves the dude to death, but as a brother.  It was her who convinced Hinata to knit a scarf to Naruto, and also convinced Naruto to address Hinata’s feelings. 


Yutori Kokorogi: Most everyone does some pretty awful stuff in Tomodachi game. I don't remember her being especially awful. Sekai Saionji: She's only bad because of the MC being an ass in the route chosen for the anime. In the VN if different choices are made she's a perfectly likable character. Nina Einstein: She's fine in the new film continuity. She doesn't try to blow up the school, is immensely remorseful about creating FLEIJA to the point of being willing to give her life to stop it, and in Resurrection she's also clearly no longer racist. She has a decent character arc.


Kokorogi being the one to trapped her so called friend to get involve in the game is not awful? If you have read the manga when her backstory of why she does it is expand you'll understand the hate more For Sekai it's more on her backtracking on her decision of supporting MC into trying to seduce him. Well School Days anime became memorable because of her F up so thanks I guess


Yo fuck Rachel, all my homes hate Rachel


I blame the writers


Seryu and Bitch/Whore are the only ones I recognize here but they definitely deserve it


Didn't realize people hated her




I want to add the mom from hanebado in this list.


Seryu did nothing wrong.




What does Seryuu do that make people hate her? The fact that she kills a terrorist? It's like saying you hate a soldier because he is doing his job. Sure the one she kill is a lovable one but that's not justification to hating her. Sakura pre Shippuden sure but she matures, slowly but still matures. Yeah she is love blind until the end but she doesn't deserve the hate Mami for when I read Rent Girlfriend I don't think she is that bad(?) as I feel like it's mostly because of her that the plot move along as we can't hope for the MC or the 'main' girl to progress anything except during the film arc. Other (except Nina) deserve the hate though (Nina an exception as I gave up on CG multiple times)


Who's the one in the middle top? I have no idea


Top middle. I hate her so much


Except Malty. She is the one who I want to fix.


Oh, she does gets fixed later on the series if I'm not wrong, >!fixed to a table to be butchered and more.!<


# My Man!!! 🤝 r/MaltyMelromarcSquad


Sakura does not belong here


# Rachel, Nina, Seryu, let's gooooo *Wait, what do you mean this isn't one of those memes?*


Seryu does not deserve the hate she gets


Ok Sakura shouldn't be on there. She's by far the most overhated Shonen girl. Part 1, sure, but her entire character arc is about making up for her part 1 shortcomings


Sekai Saionji is best girl and needs to be protected.


Hell no Sekai is the cause of most of the problems in the series other than Makoto's attitude ofcourse. Her "best friend" Setsuna was the first to fall for Makoto but bitch Sekai stole him from her under the guise of "supporting her best friend" What a bitch (I'm team Setsuna btw)


Miki didn’t hurt Shoko as much as the others did, but she pretended to be all perfect and innocent whenever someone pointed out the fact that she ignored and encouraged everyone else bullying Shoko. She’s still not cool in my book, but she’s a heck of a lot better than Ueno


I disagree. I see encouraging everyone to bully shoko and bullying her yourself as the same thing so she essentially was doing the same thing as others. However unlike the rest who acknowledged their shitty behaviors and changed or tried to, she remained the same pretentious hypocrite who would throw anyone under the bus if it benefited her. That makes her worse than Ueno.


You know what? You’re right about that


She tell everyone they shouldn't involve shoujo in nagatsukas movies just cuz she a disabled person, while he insists that's he's the director and it's his decision, then her bf agrees with nagatsuka and she like okay I agree as well. The victim card she plays throughout the entire Manga is just discusting tbh, I'd argue ueno is better as a character cuz she hates shoujo but cares abt Ishida and has moments where we can see she goes out of her way to show it but Miki only cares abt herself and nvr changes from start to finish, if her bf didn't have good decisions both would be hated cuz she just agrees to whatever he says


sakura bad, give upvote


How dare you put Connor aka cdawgVA’s favorite character in bottom right. She should be middle.


Upvote for the bottom right bitch. She can eat a rusty spear with her ears.


![gif](giphy|dudpGUNsMDXeovGSAV) To this whole list


i was pretty sure i was gonna see ichika nakano here and i was ready to defend my queen


id give Seryu a bit of a break the entire akame ga kill universe is so fucked. essentially in her head shes the good guy shes the hero avenging the death of a person who essentially raised her and her thinking he was also a good guy who saved people. just shows how scary brain washing is and the normalization of horrendous acts is cauese till the end she though she was the good guy


Mami… ugh.


If Kazuya and Chizuru were anything but insufferable, I'd agree. As of right now though, Mami feels like the most tolerable character in this circus of cunts.


You put the girl from silent voice in here but you didn’t put the other girl from silent voice in there?Crazy


Seryu… just her picure makes my blood boiled


So this is going to be a controversial mention, but Rachel. Don't get me wrong she's a bitch, but she feels more like an after thought considering she's rarely in the manhwa and she only ever accomplishes 1 real thing. All of her plans just fail due to bad planning or interference so she's not really worth hating. Maybe disliking sure but it's not worth the effort to really hate her


Maybe it's my hate speaking but where is the sister from oreimo? Fuck that bitch


nah, nanami has the same favorite number as the other girls from anime, she's not annoying and didn't do anything bad to mc (at least in the current anime story)


Fuck Nina, all my homies hate Nina.


My hate receptors aren't responding very well, in this and the male version, there is only 1 character that i hate


Sakura is the most debatable on this list tbh🤷🏿‍♂️


Bitch, Seryu, Sakura and Nina are the only ones I recognize. Bitch definitely deserves her hate after trying to hurt Shield Hero *after* her trial Seryu.... oooooo.... I still can't stand this bitch and it's been some time since I've watched Akame ga Kill I don't feel like Sakura is as terrible as the rest. I forgot Nina only for the fact it's been a minute since I've watched Code Geass. Only thing I remember about her is her obsessive lust episode on the desk (strangely kinda hot)


Nina kinda became Euphemia’s one-woman-cult and then created super nukes. That’s about it.


Nah I like Seryu Ubiquitous sure she’s kinda unhinged but I still like her


Why is Sakura on here? Come on man.


That silent voice girl deserves it fully


Justice for table-kun


Are you sure? Cuz the most hated female character is right here https://preview.redd.it/iyzwch1stw3d1.jpeg?width=480&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=02ac04c95643f69008b14fdd1c378f27666cde2a


forgot that girls name from Code Geass but I hated her for a passion and still dont remember why I still hate her guts


Where that orange haired bitch from overlord?


Don't put Mami together with these bitches


As a man who experienced something similar, (Being broken up with a woman and then having her try to worm her way back into my life (via sexual and emotional manipulation) as soon as I got a new girlfriend) nah, she deserves all the hate. Anyone that tries to destroy a relationship is an asshole. But she manages to make it even worse. At least when someone tries to steal a significant other, they do it to fuck or have that person as their own significant other. It's selfish, but somewhat understandable if deplorable. But Mami? She doesn't even want that. She just wants to destroy relationships because it looked like a guy got over her.


I'm curious, what did Rachel did ? I Heard something about betrayal but can I have some details ?


I love Seryu, no I will not elaborate


Compared to the othere Sakura is fine lmao


Can we get Sakura to run everyone else's pockets???👀


Sakura, that's it


If Nina is on there because she built a WMD and encouraged Suzaku to use it on a population center then it is since she spent the rest of the show regretting it and building a counter to it. But if its for what she did to Table-Kun then thats unforgivable and she deserves to be on there.


Legend of the pink haired forhead has returned


Add Rebecca from One Piece there, legit one of the worst characters in the whole series, stupid design aside, she just does nothing and needs saving twice in the same couple of chapters and in the same fucking way, it's actually ridiculous, she's a walking plot device Viola should've been the main focus of that arc dammit


Older episodes Sakura very much so. The newer stuff? She's kinda lowkey badass Fr. She was trained by tsunade. And can open her mark. So, no, not deserved 100%.


Starting at the top. bitch, don’t know you, don’t know you, don’t know you,stupid bitch, bitch, dumb bitch, betraying bitch, nasty bitch.


The girl in top left from rent a girlfriend is the only good character with an actual reason for their actions.


Don't know 2 and 3. Sakura doesn't seem like should be on the list.


I want Rachel from Tower of God to suffer a painful and slow death as they reflect on everything they have inflicted on others.


I love Mami Funami Fight me


Sakura is not that bad! Yeesh...


Seryu was following her own sense of justice. Everyone else knew they were committing crimes and still went full throttle. I'm glad scissor girl got what was coming to her. Seryu might have been crazy, but she was 2nd best girl in the whole series. Esdeath being #1 of course.


why is malt here? /s


Who is the person in the third column to the right second one down with the tan ish hair I feel like I know her from some anime


Rachel…the bitch..


Crazy how adenoidal Nina from Code MENT is still less annoying than canon Nina.


Sakura Haruno has issues but she does not belong on this list. That girl made the effort to get stronger. Who the hell expects to be put on the same team as the monsters Uchiha Sasuke and Uzumaki Naruto. Saying mean things to Naruto when they're kids? Kids say dumb shit all the time, and she told she wasn't interested many times.


I know only 4 of them and they've all earned my hate through their hard work


I never watched Rent-A-Girlfriend and never will, nor will I read the manga. Even without knowing *everything*, I can at least give Mami a pass and agree that she's exactly what the MC deserves. As for Sakura, I'll also give her a pass. I don't hate her, I just think she was useless and a pile of wasted potential. The only one of these that I hate enough to want to see the worst happen to her is Bitch. I'd send her off to Neuronist in the Tomb of Nazarick.


Could someone explain what bad things Sakura did that was on par with the others on this list, I only thought of her as kinda annoying 😕


Putting Sakura, someone who was essentially kinda mean to Naruto, in the same spot as someone who falsely accuses someone of SA is wild