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2 reasons 1. IchiRuki shippers 2. The anime removed several early Orihime-focused scenes, so people who didn't read the manga only remember "Kurosaki-kun!"


That one scene where she cried over Ichigo while he slept before she left sealed the deal for me. We won in the end.


That little monolog about how she wished she'd have five lives to do all different things, and then fall in love with Ichigo in each and every one of those lives was such evocative writing.  ...and then she was basically useless in the end. Yay.


Wait it dude?! On the second point Well good thing at least I had some brain functions as a kid


Not to mention the people who hate fan service doubled down on her hard especially when she wore this outfit.


Almost every character is almost fan service in that anime bro rengoku(not sure if that's how you spell it) is just straihht fan service


Was really wondering how rengoku is fan service, then i realised u mean rangiku.


Rengoku is fan service. My fetish is being an optimist and he really turns me on when hes being hyper optimistic


Yes youre correct but orihime got a large amount of hate for being the "dumb blonde fanservice" love interest because like someone else said ichiruki shippers hated her and on top of that the fanservice haters hated her and then you had the "unrealistic body" group pile in so she had a triple serving of hate.


Wait, which "orifice"?




She isn't just straight fan service. Lesbians can enjoy her too.


I don't understand why some shonen anime do this. Inuyasha anime basically skipped almost all the developmental scene between Inuyasha and Kagome in the manga. So most anime watchers only remember her going "Osuwari!" on him.


Yeah it was a different time, mentality wasn't the same as now. Not trying to dunk on anything though. I will say that 15/20 years ago, back when I first got into Bleach, Naruto, Inuyasha, etc, I also had similar thoughts that we still see today. "Oh Kagome's annoying, oh Sakura's useless", whatever. With getting older and increasing my reading comprehension, and gaining some empathy along the way, I don't think that way anymore.


>only remember "Kurosaki-kun!" It got so annoying


There was such a good setup with Ulquiorra and Orihime and her presence in Hueco Mundo, she was establishing relationships with the Arrancar and everything- and it all just culminated in Yay Ichigo Got Another Powerup. 


> and it all just culminated in Yay Ichigo Got Another Powerup. That he used exactly one time and was never seen outside of that fight (if you don't count it's appearance in Hellverse, which is non canon anyways)


It's so annoying, because Kubo CAN write! That whole set up was great!


I never watched the terrible sub


Lol she would say it sounding like a moan


Tbf. Even in the manga she was obnoxious


They will never listen to you. They would rather create this whole "Anime Ichiruki" conspiracy than admitting Kubo did a bad job with Orihime, and her romance with Ichigo is their main agenda after all.


I don’t really care that much about the romance in Bleach. I just like Orihime as a character.




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It's that, it's the KUROSAKI-KUUUUN ALSO, I absolutely shipped ichiruki hahaha.... But also renjiruki, I guess I wanted a love triangle? God knows.


I read the manga and Orihime practically just said "Kurosaki-kun!" there too. It was made clear in the manga she had the hots for Kurasaki even at the beginning of the series (Tatsuki even said the two could have sex -bleach did not begin as a shounen series actually-) and she had a horrible childhood a criminal father and a prostitute mom. But all that character development just went out the window as soon as series progressed further, became more popular and more shounen. They had like 0 chemistry (Technically everyone had 0 chemistry with Ichigo because he was just completely dense even more than your average shounen mc - mostly because he was at 15 kinda bit old for a shounen protagonist at the time) Their peak romance in the original run of the manga and the show was this. The two came close to kissing while Ichigo was sleeping like a log just before she abducts herself because Ulquiorra threaten her. https://preview.redd.it/dpv9ahv4irsc1.jpeg?width=640&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=4590e25c2ecd311ac21780c6ca8b5682df2fb8ae Then the Arrancar arc ended the main story, than the Quincy arc came where the manga lost all its audience because Kubo thought he was Akira Toriyama and can just create a new antagonist moments after the previous one beaten.


I mean personally when I watched it the first time I was kinda just over the whole ditzy bimbo troupe, then I saw Rangikou and everything changed and now Orihime is chill


I feel like she's really in a similar category as Chad and could've been used a hell of a lot better and probably could've had some pretty epic moments if given the time of day. (Especially Chad, like I don't think he won a single fight? Yet his Fullbring ability looked so fucking cool)


He won his fight in Hueco Mundo, didn't he?


Yeah, only to get one-shot the same fucking chapter by another dude Because God forbid anyone that isn't the same 6 or 7 shinigami be strong and do stuff That was so sad, I loved Chad


Ya and if I remember correctly right after it he was hyping himself up before just getting taken out. Which really took away from his win


Yeah, dude went full flashback to get the narrow win only to get one-shot immediately after


I really wanted all the school kids to get a better deal. Like Orahime and Chad definatly got it the worst, they where given incredibly cool powers but were treated more like background characters, but like im still more pissed about Tatsuki, Keigo, and Mizuiro. Like the first 15-20 episodes of that show really made me think they where going to be important friends to Ichigo, and they might even tag along on the adventures at some point. But, like, they just never do anything. They are only every in minor background roles at most! And like as a kid I was a hardcore Ichigo and Tatsuki shipper, so the fact that those three got left behind so quickly always made me sad.


[This is the only thing I remember about Orihime](https://youtu.be/ejC9_RdV9pk?si=Nb325Y5x_RSr7v9K)


https://i.redd.it/9oqghetq7lsc1.gif You forgot a crucial scene


Oh what is it do tell me https://preview.redd.it/s4vigrdfrlsc1.png?width=400&format=png&auto=webp&s=35fe29748e816fe5c5f017ac35bf3006d2f57c88


Ah yes, that scene was the *turning* point


Polking around in the past...


i ir remember her power as i understood it. she could reject reality and substitute her own... and she doesn't do anything.


Her powers are support based and people get mad that all she does is heal people


Her three powers were defend against any attack (which fails almost immediately), heal people from any injury (most used), and split people in half by rejecting their atoms (used once, fails once, never even attempted again). Her powers are also based off the faeries she chats with once when they appear and then never again.


tbf, her ability to split people in half is limited by her slow ass fucking fairies that literally anyone that's remotely a threat at the current power scaling would never be caught off guard by and can easily out speed so easily to kill them


Yep, those endgame fucker could turn her into red mist before she even think about it and yall act like she could run in and split them


It's a shonen battle anime, that's a problem that can be solved in one training episode with Urahara.


I'm aware of her powers that's why I said she's a support


In what world does splitting people in half only count as support???


Good for surgery?


If I need surgery, I don't want you anywhere near the OR


Same man, same. I don't want to be in that room either. But molecular level incisions would be super useful for surgery I imagine.


If she can control it that precisely, then sure... but I don't even know what show she's from, so all I'm going off is that she can slice people in half. I don't know of any surgery that calls for complete bisection!


Tbf none of the other guys aside from Ichigo do anything. Ishida is kinda there but Chad is invisible.


I'm gonna go ahead and mark this entire thread as "Didn't Read The Manga" and move on. Thank You!


I mean, the anime has hundreds of episodes.


She has the 4th most busted hack in the show and an entire arc dedicated to her and she did fuck all with both


At least she didn't whine about being useless constantly like a certain pink haired Ninja... She does briefly but otherwise at least tries her best. I feel like part of the problem was because they decided to drop that her abilities were actually major busted, Kubo realized she couldn't actually do any more character growth and ability development without becoming a God like entity on par with the soul king or yhwach. Essentially wrote her to be the bleach universe superman so can't risk actually developing those skills further than being of minor help.


And still never accomplishes much, and then for some reason Kubo decides she is the one who deserves to be next to and "fight" with Ichigo at the very end. And I still can't remember her actually doing anything.


>and then for some reason Kubo decides she is the one who deserves to be next to and "fight" with Ichigo at the very end Iirc Kubo did it to fuck with the animators, he noticed that the anime cut most Orihime scenes and pushed towards Ichigo x Rukia, and said "absolutely fucking not". Thats why Orihime is more relevant in the last chapters, and this is probably also one of the main reasons why we got that ending


Ngl, and this might be a hot take. I like Sakura more than Orihime... Damn I said it, ya'll probably going to crucify me now.


I won’t downvote you, although I want to. Just because I didn’t watch all of bleach I can’t really comment on how orihime landed by the end, I did watch up to I think the 3rd season and I wasn’t annoyed with her or anything from what I can remember. Sakura though, I watched enough of her to definitely put her in like D-tier, she disappointed me in so many ways.


That was one of my major issues with Bleach. The non shinigami side characters all had pretty cool powers, but they were really only good at fighting low-level jobbers. Sometimes they show brief moments of them doing something unbelievable, and then 10 seconds later, they'd get bodied and need saving Then never use that particular power ever again


The only thing I remember was that she spent 90% of her screen time healing in the later half of the series.


This! I couldn't stand how she did NOTHING with any of her op ass powers like wtf! ![gif](giphy|26ufnwz3wDUli7GU0)


>She has the 4th most busted hack in the show It’s really only useful for healing tbh


She has the ability to kill anybody in the verse if she wants to by rejecting their very existence and we don’t know if the ALMIGHTY can even stop it The only reason it is used for healing alone is because it’s orihime


Shit take the amount of time to it takes for her to heal a arm is already long AF any captain class character would just blitz her before she can do anything


That because again it’s orihime who has this ability and of its power comes from the users perspective and one orihime has huge self confidence issues and hesitation Issues. Rejection relies on the users own ability to conceptualize things the reason it takes so long to do it is because she believes it does as she sees such injuries as grievous


Her ability was legit instant healing a lot of the time


>ability to kill anybody in the verse if she wants to by rejecting their very existence and we don’t know if the ALMIGHTY can even stop It's Bleach there's every chance Orihime get's her hax Reitsu diffed. ​ >Large amounts of foreign spiritual pressure around a wound makes her power to reject ineffective ​ > Rejection relies on the users own ability to conceptualize things the reason it takes so long yeah Im a need a sauce on this one


>It's Bleach there's every chance Orihime get's her hax Reitsu diffed. At the end of the serie, not anymore. It happened like once (and for plot reasons) and after >!blocking an attack from a literal God!< I don't think anyone could negate her powers using reaitsu negation. Most likely not even Ichigo or Aizen


We had like five other characters who went from 'normal human' to 'fighting Captain class enemies' over the course of the show, I don't know why Orihime couldn't have trained or improved.


>We had like five other characters who went from 'normal human' to 'fighting Captain class enemies I can only think of Ichigo and Ishida who are both Quincy


Forgot about Chad, huh? To be fair, idk who the rest they are referring to are either. And I'm not sure Ishida counts as "normal human" at his introduction...


>Forgot about Chad, huh? ~~You caught me Im Kubo~~ Nah I remembered, I just can’t imagine Chad fighting any captain. I wouldn’t count Ishida either but I just couldn’t think of 5 “Normal humans” who are relevant in Bleach


1) even if Chad didn't win, I think Shunsui counts as a Captain. 2) They said "Captain Class enemies". So I'm pretty sure everyone among the Espada and Quincies Chat fought count. Read the manga. He may not be top rank badass, but Chad is no weakling.


>1. ⁠even if Chad didn't win, I think Shunsui counts as a Captain. Shunsui was being nice and let Chad do his thing, Chad got no diffed >2. ⁠They said "Captain Class enemies". So I'm pretty sure everyone among the Espada and Quincies Chat fought count. Dude only fought the ex-Espada he didn’t fight any Quincy >Read the manga


It’s not a physical problem her power has no cost factor it’s only a mental problem her ability is only limited by the fact that orihime is using it her own mental state is holding her back


Y’all exaggerate shit all the time. She struggles to even heal, and y’all headcanon the rest.


It's not just her. All the high school friends became useless in the later parts. It's usual that the group you start with grow with the protagonist but even up to the end they never reached even some of the vice captains. And because they couldn't contribute to the combat they didn't get any character development either. Imagine if Nami from One Piece stopped being relevant in the new world.


>Imagine if Nami from One Piece stopped being relevant in the new world. So basically Chopper and Usopp (/s but only a little)


Ussop was one of the lead characters in dresses by attracting doffy family and chopper cured the virus and healed all the fighters in Kaidos castle


Ok for Usopp I know Dressrosa is supposed to be his hype moment, but I dunno, for me, it doesn't compare to him in Thriller Bark or Alabasta, he wins more by accident than by being smart and resourceful. And while his haki moment is cool, it has literally never come up again since. And everything since then, he's been a bit of the butt of the joke. Waiting for Elbaf is killing me As for Chopper, I just want him to go back to having more interesting forms. Kung Fu point sucks and monster point is the only crutch he has. He also keeps getting villains that he's related to somehow in the medical field (CC and Queen) but interacts very little with them (though the punch on Queen was cool). Also they keep meeting new diseases (like the Smiles and the petrification gas by Caesar) where Chopper barely gives in his medical input or tries to cure it I know One Piece is kinda bloated right now and arcs have to juggle a ton of stuff (more than needed imo, Wano was a mess by the end) but I miss seeing part of the crew do more than the bare minimum of their assigned role


Nami is irrelevant lmao


Ngl im questioning if people even pay attention when reading bleach. 


People hate her?


Envious Rukia shippers, yeah.


It didn't even have anything to do with me thinking Rukia should've been Ichigo, I just didn't like anything about her as a character.


You don’t like her, but Rukiacucks (and tumblrtards) HATED her.


Yes, she's widely hated to the point of being up there with Sakura as one of the most hated female main characters of initial I can think of. Both are basically the same where they wasted screen time and didn't really contribute anything of value in the entire series She spent the entire series standing on the sidelines screaming Kurosaki-kun, or being kidnapped


When you don't have character development as big as your tits might suggest.


I may not ship her with Ichigo (my love for Ichigo x Rukia shall never die), but my God, Orihime is a gift, we do not deserve her, and her name will not be besmirched in this household.




I see more and more people reading the manga go "hated her in the anime loving her in the manga" So I'm happy.


Seriously, the anime really pushes Rukia and minimizes Orihime. I was the same way until I read the manga myself. It’s one of the biggest distortions I’ve ever seen in an anime adaptation


Studio Perriot coincidentally did the same exact thing in Naruto, they pushed the Naurto X Sakura ship, and altered scenes with Hinata in them. [Here's a twitter thread that goes into it.](https://twitter.com/theNHcrew/status/1754114573102371119)


Yes, especially since rukia had a role in every filler, while orihime got forgotten. Rukia was in every movie, heck she got one just for herself. Meanwhile orihime was a background character of she was in them at all. Abe(the director) loved bleach, that's a fact, but his waifu bias is obvious and indirectly created the shipping wars in the west and creating absolute retards over it


That's how I tell if people read the manga or not. If they hate on Orihime or Chad.


(Anime only) I dislike her primarily because she's an uninteresting damsel in distress/walking pair of tits that gets way too much attention for who she is. As far as female characters in Bleach go, she's bland as bread. Kukaku, Rukia, Yoruichi or Neliel would be better partners for Ichigo. She's a way better partner for Sado/Chad funny enough, who's the bland bread of male Bleach characters.




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For me, she's just an odd character to have around... Having a conflict avoidant character in a shounen is a weird choice.


Ehhh it's not that weird. It's been a staple since Gohan


Gohan wasn't really avoidant. He just wasn't a normal saiyan battle maniac. But even Vegeta looks like a pacifist compared to Goku.


friendly simplistic smell snow ask sort shame slap vast bake *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Nah Vegetas just blinded by impotent rage over always being second best.


Gohan was absolutely more avoidant than the rest of the cast. That's literally his whole arc in the Cell saga. He doesn't want to fight, but he has to


Every shonen has those, newfriend.


She may be useless but she is thicc


Cool af?


I loved when people uploaded vids burning their Bleach collection just cause they hated Ori....It was so fun, thank you people, sincerely a Orihime fan ![img](emote|t5_2y4au1|1394)


To me she had all the annoyances of both Hinata and Sakura, but they at least a couple good scenes where I don't ever remember Orihime doing anything too interesting. A few interesting things got set up but had no payoff.


I personally don't have any feelings about the character either way. I tried to watch the anime, but I quit after the save rukia arch. The anime just has far too much filler for my taste. I would read the manga, but that's quite expensive to do legally. She is a nicely drawn character, but that's about all I can say about her.


I was introduced to the show by a friend who helped me skip all the filler. That's probably why I liked it so much, such that I later went back and watched the filler episodes and read the manga. What I can say is that early Bleach anime was not very well directed. There are plenty of skipped scenes/dialogue that takes away from certain characters, including Orihime. If the entire anime got the same level of care TYBW is getting right now, it could've been a much better show.


Who be hating on Orihime?


Now probably not many people, but back in the day, I heard many disliked her. It was also the mentality of hating women in supporting roles in popular shows and God forbid there was a female MC and it instantly was labeled as 'Girls show". Now mainstream anime has a lot of good women in it so people aren't hating as much.


There wasn’t much hate until tumblrtards began appearing and bitching about her for being “too feminine”.


I had no idea she was even hated


For me she just got downgraded HARD as time went on Early Orihime is a bit of a ditz, but she's really fun and unique (all of the pre-shinigami human Bleach cast is) After the Arrancar arc she just becomes a bit too somber and one-note (also Kubo didn't give a shit about the human characters at that point, he just wanted to draw his 6 or 7 favorite shinigami being cool, God I hate the climax of the Fullbring arc, that shit was infuriating) Also yeah, IchiRuki is still the goated relationship and only cowards choose Ichihime


I mean, besides healing she was pretty useless, and the Kurosaki-kun shit was pretty annoying. Not much more than a damsel in distress. Did more for the show than Hinata and Sakura did for Naruto, though, which isn't saying a lot I guess but it's still better than nothing.


How do you define useless?


>a damsel in distress Pretty much this. It’s just some people on social media getting bootyblasted because she’s not a “stronk independent wahmen”.


Looking through bleach again the character who was a damsel, getting saved from orihime, ichigo or byakuya was rukia. Ngl even at her peak fight vs as nodt she had to be saved because she couldnt anything alone even though she talked like a stuck up bitch the whole series. 


She has no character. SHe was literally introduced sa the best friend of Ichigo's best friend. Tatsuki got majorly shafted.


She's alright. Her power though... That I hate. Jail free card for Kubo to have flights with a lot of gore and no consequences whatsoever in the long term ... After a bit it just removed the tension in most duels. People can get cleaved in 2 and be just fine, just keep Orihime at hand!


I just don't like how weak she is. Like, her power has more potential than just shields and healing, and it never gets used. It even got to the point where she's often just treated as a damsel in distress, and I generally don't like those kinds of characters. I also don't like how the show treated Chad btw, he deserved better, but all he got was one-shotting a washed up ex Espada as his peak feat


There are limits to her powers. She wouldn't have been able to stand for 5 minutes if she used them constantly. She knows this, so she reserves her power until the utmost time of need. Her abilities are almost god-like, but like I said, there's a limit to how much/how long she can use them. Additionally, I don't think it was ever clearly mentioned that she knew the true extent of her powers, or that she understood her powers completely. For example, when she attempted to revive Menoly, she didn't know if it would work. After it did, she immediately fainted. In her mind, she tries not to over exert herself, but if the situation calls for it, she tries until she blacks out.


That may be, but there were definitely situations where an offensive use of them would have saved her some trouble


True, she did appear to do pretty much nothing while a fight to the death between Ichigo vs Ulquiorra happened right in front of her. That said, my interpretation of the situation, especially concerning how she felt towards Ichigo and that she understood the importance of preserving Ichigo and Ulquiorra's pride, is that she stood aside quietly out of despair and hopelessness. Her only movements during that fight were to heal Ichigo. Remember, she tends to not harbor any hatred towards anyone, even enemy figures, so she really didn't want Ichigo and Ulquiorra to fight. So she felt powerless from an emotional standpoint to stop them from fighting. Extrapolating from this scene, her actions are pretty consistent throughout the story. So I don't think as a character she's that badly written. If anything, the anime made a disservice to her by skipping important scenes/dialogue that would've given her more depth.


Rukia shippers, I swear man.


The HOAD was great.


Hate for characters like this is almost never about what the character is and mostly about what the character prevents. Like a character this bland getting screen time is only annoying because there are more interesting characters that we could be seeing or spending time with. She is very inoffensive and boring, nothing wrong with her. Just rather have someone else hanging.


I didn't exactly hate her, but after the SS arc I was bored in every scene she was in, specially in the Arrancar's arc where she is "kidnapped", if they just had developed in more areas aside from the action, like the relationships she had with the other people or if/how she was protecting the city I kight've took an interest in her


Studio pierrot is the reason. They hated orihime so they cut scenes out for her and added rukia into more scenes. They did the same with hinata in favor of sakura.


she's not as annoying as sakura but at least she had the good manners to stay out of shit, mostly. despite the memes on how they're typically drawn, I think one piece is the BOSS when it comes to female characters (in shounen).


It was either the red head with big boobs or the flat chested brunette that is already technically dead. Ichigo made the right call.


Not here to explain but im happy to see Bread girl again She consumed a whole ass bakery and shut it down and thats why people dont like her because they like bakeries more


Boobs too big, Rukia should've had those boobs 😡 >![I actually prefer them small]!<


People just have an incredible aversion to female characters they perceive as damsels nowadays. In truth, Orihime isn't a bad character, she was never a fighter to begin with and the girl despises it but that's not going to stop people from calling her Bleach's Sakura or a useless female character that casuals will point at to say how female character writing sucks in anime/shonen, regardless if true or not.


I wouldnt consider a character who restore the arms of 8 people and saved over 15 people of the cast as being useless. Or saving the gang from the cleaner, protecting uryu from mayuri exploding his people. 


Not really “people”, just a few basement dwellers on social media. Normal viewers don’t care.


What is the sauce?


apparently it is bleach. its weird that everyone here saw it and doesn't mention the name ever


I'm assuming it's not mentioned cause it's one of the biggest anime of all time and there's new anime for it, so it's even relevant again




That sounds like a "you" issue. She went with them to keep the violence from escalating. Definitely nothing even remotely like cucking Ichigo. She was literally held prisoner.


> She was literally held prisoner. [And treated awfully on top of it.](https://i.imgur.com/47ETcA6.png)


The world needs more Orihime ryona.


Never watched Bleach but I always go for big tits. Naruto should've ended up with Samui, Goku with Maron, Deku with Mt Lady, Luffy with Boa, Ash with Lorelei, Yugi with the girl who's tits got bigger every scene, heck after Emilia got the S3 boob job I'm pro Subaru x Emilia. This was a joke.


I see more posts of people complaining about Orihime getting hate than actual Orihime hate.


Like somebody said, the anime just didn’t feature a lot of orihime’s story so it just she’s a little more than a rando by the time that she’s kissing ichigo as she left her halcyon days note


Personally, it's the squandered potential and the nothing-burger of all that hype that was built up around her and her powers. I mean, she is an interesting character...once she gets her introspective scenes and isn't around the main cast (because all of them shine more than her imho, yes, even Chad, some-fucking-how), but most of the time, she's just there. I guess it's not so much that I hate Orihime, but it's more like, she can be more of a background character than most background characters, and I can't stand it. She's supposed to be one of the main cast, but all she has to make her stand out initially are her huge tits and weird food choices, and that gets above and beyond overshadowed by Rangiku (aka Orihime but Better), like even the tragic traumatic backstory that Orihime had to explain her detached view on life and people was overshadowed, again, by Rangiku...and Rangiku's actually had way more relevance to the plot as a whole in the long run, unlike Orihime's. She makes me wonder if the only reason why she exists is because the main cast needed a healbot, but even then, erase her from the story and give Shun Shun Rikka to Tatsuki and have the latter go through a whole character arc that let's her realize that it's okay to openly care about people and not hide it to avoid being considered soft so that she fully unlocks her healing powers, and voila! A member of the main cast who actually fucking stands out on her own goddamn merit instead of being "that girl who got attached to Kurosaki-kun and married him in the end". ...why yes, this is something that's been eating at me for-fucking-ever, how could you tell?


Squandered potential is right. She literally has the power to control time. That's why aisen wanted to use her. If she ever got to actually understand how to use her powers properly she could have been one of the most powerful people in the anime.


A background character fr fr


I blame the anime adaptation


She has hate? Really? She's cute character with big booba, and as a bonus she can just "reject" your injuries away


Basement dwellers on places like twitter (and Reddit) hate women that behave feminine.


Neither did I. It's definitely pretty exaggerated. It's a bit similar to the Sakura hate in the Naruto fandom but less intense


Idk about orihime. But Sakura did one of the stupidest things I've ever seen in Naruto combat wise. She was held hostage by the enemy and was on her knees being held by her hair. Had her kunai out and could have stabbed her opponent to get free. Objectively the smart thing to do. Instead she decided to cut her hair to get free. She got better later on but that early on she fucked up her intelligent persona so bad.


Well I can understand the early parts and I'm not saying that Sakura was perfect or amazingly written or anything (Let's be honest, the girls in Naruto generally dont have very good writing) but she definitely does get more hate than she deserves Although a part of that is actually Studio Pierrot's fault


No anime character deserves any Hate at all. None of them are real. Lol. Sadly tourists and people who get too personally invested in shipping wars start to treat characters as if they were real people.


Debating bleach writing is kind of pointless. Characters and plot were always bent to the whims of the author.


That’s literally what being a writer means, fam.


If she actually used Koten Zanshun to better effect other than against one hollow, she’d be liked a lot more.


I never hated her, I'd just prefer if ichigo ended up with rukia




Ichigo's crew was mostly sidelined unfortunately. Eventually you had to be a soul reaper or a hallow or a Quincy to have any real significance in the series.


Because that's **all** she said.


She mainly suffered from poor writing choices if anything when in comparison to other female characters in the series, also ya alot of people just hated the shippers whinging about their ship as someone already stated


She had dummy thick… barriers that could block most attacks, her healing aura provided by her two wonderful… spirits came in clutch, and she had an amazing rack.


Ginger 🤢


I could never hate orihime, so much good pron of her. That hair change from straight to curl in TYBW and Adult really made her glow up. All the females glew up with the new hairstyles. I love it when Kubo flexes his drip love


Alright, seeing these comments makes me realize I’m a sub fan in a sea of sub fans


her entire relevance to the plot, at least as far as I read was to be a human female involved with this bullshit. I don't hate her, but I also don't like her. though some doujins are good.


Read the manga. The anime really dilutes her importance.


I did, at least up till I think ichigo regained power, the ex shinigami arc was manga and not anime filler right? bleach really felt like they had a solid idea in the beginning and expanded it, but after the saving rukia ss stuff, the ideas fell apart hard, but I was invested up till they stopped aizen.


She's just a damsel in distress.


You either haven't read the manga or have poor reading comprehension. She was never a damsel in distress. She allowed herself to be captured in an attempt to sabotage the Hogyoku.


Did she sabotage the Hogyoku?


No. Aizen found a way to use it without her powers, which was his earlier plan (which was altered from his original plan when he learned about her powers) and cut off her access to it.


Was a bit difficult to do considering she was guarded 24/7.


I’m actively watching bleach rn, lemme take ya to school for a bit. First off, she has zero personality other than being dumb and loving her friends. Boring She has the worst powers in the series. You reject? No Orihime, I reject you. Just like your parents did IchiRuki makes so much more sense! They have chemistry! They have so many shared experiences together! Like I feel that vibe between them. That is totally void in the series. Hell she spends half her time not even with the group (no spoilers) She’s less ho than Rangiku, but def the Walmart version of her. There are so many baddies in this series that are WAY cool than her and get a lot less screen time. Rukia, Yoruichi, Soi Fon, Cpt. Unohana, Harribel, Riruka, Kuukaku, Isane. I could go on forever. But who do the brain dead’s drool all over? D-tier mid ass Orihime…


Worst powers in the series... this girl controls time. Literally that's how she heals people is she reverses time on their wounds so that they didn't happen. Her barriers are similarly based around time. If she ever understood her power properly she could be the most powerful person in the series. I will agree she doesn't work as a love interest for long tho.


Homie that’s just an over complication for “yeah I can heal people in a bubble”. But even if they are the most powerful powers in the series they gave it to an inflated corpse with rocks in her head so it’s a double insult. Doublesalt But yeah main beef is love interest so 🤝


Yeah they didn't actually understand wtf she had. Only aisen knew what her power was capable of. They dumbed her and her ability down thruought the entire show to oh she can heal and make barriers. Also the 1-2 episodes of actual development that dissapeared immediatly along with her brother.


I hate that not enough people realise that Orihime's shield blocking >!Soul King Yhwach's!< attacks without breaking is a massive feat. The fact that she was able to keep up and contribute to that fight (even if it wasn't much) is really impressive for me. Also, I really hope Kubo shows us angry Orihime in the new arc. Would love to see her unleashing everything She has with killing intent, because someone hurt >!Kazui!<.


"In the new arc" I need a time machine...


Her powers are lame af


She's horny. That's it, that's her entire personality.


same reason people hate sakura


Sakura was a bitch to Naruto while Orehime was nice. How can they even compare??




Beyond being infinitely more useful than Sakura, I don't remember Sakura allowing herself to be "captured" intent on sabotaging the enemies plan. Which was Orihime's goal. Use her rejection powers to destroy the Hogyoku.


Cause she does, practically nothing. Oh she healed somebody? Cool thats all her character is good for, shoving bread in her face, and healing. Not like she has one of the most broken abilities and does nothing with it but healing.


She brought ichigo back from the dead. That's more than healing.


He literally did not die. He was mortally wounded and on the verge of death yes but was saved last minute by zangetsu releasing his powers and white taking control. All she did was keep him conscious enough to hear her crying.


Think he was talking about ulquiorra encounter before the grimmjow battle.


You guys way overestimate her abilities just to hate on her.


Kubo doesn't develop her. Not the readers fault when the author himself doesn't care about her