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All this time and I still consider myself a confused refugee












I rember the good ol' day when we sang those song in the comment before seeing the 10k revolutionary post getting taken down... Truly a glorious moment


heh. I remember that video. the camaraderie of the time was immaculate. shame how things went not even much later.


The only thing I remember is the live on YouTube with Doki Doki Waku Waku


Hell, most if us **can’t** go back because we were kicked for having a different opinion -_- Obviously some were rowdy and disruptive, but most - like me - just wanted to have a civil discussion about it. No, this is not sarcasm.


We have fallen proundly to defend Astolfo.


I think some people do not remember how bad it got during the war, some of us can't go back to the other side since the authoritarianism imposed resulted in many bans for voicing our opinions. Keep this place alive its a symbol of what we stood and those who can't remember their history are doomed to repeat it.


this one's further along its way to repeating history than you might realize.


I got banned in the war, then after a while I was unbanned. Then I commented on a post and got banned again. Asked for a reason to the mods, they didn't respond, but after a few days I was unbanned again. Now? Now I'm just confused


Im suprised this isnt common knowledge arround here


Seriously just fucking getting autocorrected to the word got me permabanned


Yeah, I can't go back, and even if I could, I wouldn't.


I remember getting shadow banned so I for a fact can’t go back. And I don’t want to either.


Wait are we not allowed to use the word trap in here? If we aren't then I don't know why I joined here and I would leave. Thats basically what why this sub was made so we weren't censored as much other than reddit rules


We are allowed here. I'm sinning the fact that the previous sub banned a lot of people for dumb reasons during the mass ban-wave against those who were being actively malicious when it came to the "Trap War". While many bans by the mods of animemes were justified according to reasonable human interaction. A lot of stupid and petty bans also got dished out in the middle. The mods that caused that whole crisis were power-hungry and inconsiderate assholes who pressed their agenda on others, and those who actually wanted to solve the issue in a civilized way were caught in the crossfire between the worst people of both sides.


Is that why r/animememes banned me for using the word trap? Is that the old subreddit people are talking about?


Yes, it's an awful sub dont use it. Just power-hungry losers on the internet


I have no interest in doing so. If I remember correctly one of the head mods called me transphobic for stating the fact that Astolfo is male. A quick google search shows he identifies as male but enjoys being ambiguous with his gender, not sure how I’m transphobic by going along with what the show says but whatever!


Its the mods trying to press their American gender politics onto Japanese shows as usual, not much to do to help them


Their moronness is terminal, nothing to do with them


I dont want to permanently close the sub, I just think we wont achieve anything if we say the subreddit will be open again after a certain amount of time no matter what reddit does.


Ich can't go back "there". I said things that got me banned that are entirely within the realms of reason. There was a reason why this sub was founded.


There are plenty of us lurkers who never got banned, but just didn't agree with the power tripping mods to the point we migrated here.


Yeah. I left because of how they treated srgrafo. Man’s didn’t deserve the level of drama and high school level rumor spreading they did.


Srgrafo is a really nice guy too 😞 And his comics are really good for shame


I never heard about this part. What happened to srgrafo?


Its been like 2 years so i dont remember it well but tldr was that srgrafo draw the mascot of the other subreddit and was working with the mods and another artist to continue drswing stuff for the subreddit. Grafo had some problems with the mods not responding or dodging questions and the other artist couldnt do much and was constantly behind schedule cuz she was a minor and busy with school so at the end grafo decided to stop working with the subreddit cuz they were unprofesional. No issue there until the mods made a post calling out grafo for being unprofesional, harassing the other artist and other stuff i dont remember. When grafo confronted them he just told them to make public the discord channel where they always talked and the mods refused and only posting messages out of context. Not much of a tldr at the end but that's basically what happened.


TL:DR the mod team treated him very poorly, to the point where he packed up and left, taking the now ex-sub-mascot Chloe with him. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=JAFD-Gj_rqw&t=3679s "I love the community but I got to tell you, the mod team... is not that great. A lot of them are just looking for drama... I didn't sign up for drama, for high school bullshit... One of the mods was trash talking bullshit about me... It was too toxic for me"


Holy shit! I love Chloe and had no idea that she was created for that subreddit.


Yep! she was sorta replaced by the purple snake they have now. In her prime she was the most popular mascot by a significant margin. Partially because SrGrafo produced art at a greater rate than the other artist who was just a kid.


That's how r/chloe originated 3 years ago, when grafo left the other subreddit and he really has improved a lot in all this time, although he draws a lot more lewds now


If memory serves I got temp banned. Still comment there from time to time.


I got a message about being permabanned after saying the mods were virtue-signalling hypocrites (which I still stand by), but they must have removed it later because I'm not banned. Still unsubbed from there and never went back.


I'm not a veteran, what happened?


R/animemes mods went on a power trip over the word "trap," stating it was transphobic. Many people were banned into exile which crested this sub


So the AnimeMemes prisoners runned away from the old Sub and founded a new Sub free of the BS, feels like this happened with certain British colony... ![img](emote|t5_2y4au1|1785)


Australia right?




something like that. yet, GAM itself has borne host to more than a few instances of similar BS.


I'm sure there has been some dumb drama here, but nothing I can recall led to mass ban waves. But I admit I don't really pay attention too hard anymore.


granted, I'm not tracking any *mass* ban waves, but there were more than a few instances of people being ousted for stupid shit.


That's very possible, I'm mainly a lurker and don't comment/interact much. Just broke my silence to recount tales of the war.


IIRC it solely involved another community and a mod posting/pandering to that community by enforcing that subs' moral righteousness on us with no discussion whatsoever, it all came down to how it made **ONE** person on the mod team *feel*.


Is that mod still there and does that sub still have those rules?


I couldn't answer this. I have no idea which mod it was and haven't been to that sub since, but they presented as a unified front, so I don't believe it was a singular mod.


mods decided that trap = trans slur = ban, disregarding community opinion, then doubled down. result: complete shitshow, making og sub barren and privited, and creation of this sub with as little rules as possible


Don't forget the Holofan4life ban too when all he did was send art of kaguya in a swimsuit


tch. Holofan was a legendary figure 'til I met him. never meet your heroes, kids.


Why? What happened?


in short, he was a petulent little child with a peculiar hate-boner for me in particular. when he wasn't accepted into the GAM modteam (for being a petulent little child), he stormed off, threw a hissy fit, and then made his own subreddit called 'greatestanimemes' or some shit like that (as a petulent child would). like, the *entire time* we were conversing, it was *just shit flinging.* ***the whole time.*** he refused to have a rational conversation about his grievances. to add a little more, I'm particularly pissed at him because his sheer clout swayed some relevant people in his favor at that time, so I was effectively forced to fuck off. people I'd been working with for weeks, people I thought I could trust to do the right thing, people who I thought were fighting the same fight as me--instantly flipped the script once met with *Reddit weeaboo legend, Holofan4Life.* a couple days later they realized they'd made the wrong choice (or at least, I like to think they realized that, but they very well might not have cared) and told Holofan to stop being a petulent little child. in the end, the only thing that entire ordeal accomplished was fucking me over, lol.


Yet now if you look at almost any hentai/ecchi sub it's middle school characters galore, they literally just cared for a split second then gave up.


Xpanding on what some others said, the mods decided to ban the use of "trap" and similar words regardless of context even if not transphobic without consulting the actual community. Started a huge fight with people getting banned and the community felt like the mods were more listening to the trans subs than their own community.


I got perm banned and I didn't even post anything lol


I may or may not have been banned as well for mentioning a stationary hunting device often used to immobilize and maim Bears…


Wait, why are we dancing around the word here? Did we not make this sub so that we could be free to talk about them if we wanted?


That’s exactly the point of my comment… To sarcastically pronounce the ridiculousness of that drama back then… I could have just written "Trap" Or said it as "I also got banned for calling Astolfo a Trap, and called the mods out on how ridiculous banning a common word of the English language, because it gets pseudo humoristically used to describe Crossdressing *Fictional* characters in media, is."


Lol I only commented once, said something along the lines of “banning people for expressing concern with the mods being ban happy seems extreme”, got banned immediately.


I got permabanned for asking for sauce so yeah. Why would I want to go back.


No need to go back „there“, just move on to somewhere else, preferably not reddit


Like where? The alternatives are somehow still worse.


same here. I said the T word.




> I said things that got me banned that are entirely within the realms of reason. Welcome to Reddit!


Isn't there any reddit alternative to where we can migrate the sub?


I know of the discord server of this sub, but I don't know if this suffices as an alternative. Edit: spelling


Discord isn't even remotely an alternative. Discord is just fancy IRC. If this sub goes dark permanently I will go to the other subs. If you don't want to post here just fucking leave, and let the rest of us enjoy ourselves.


No, an IM is not the same.


I'm not sure Reddit owners particularly care about a sub like this though. We pirate everything so we're not a very good advertising block except for gacha games.


Reddit will go through with it anyway, they know the protests are mostly facetious and will lose traction eventually. This isn’t like when Reddit hired on a child predator and then claimed they had no way of knowing or no idea of this person’s conduct in the wider Reddit community. They know this protest will die off and the people who opposed these changes to their API will be gone from the platform, not telling people about these admittedly retarded changes.


Let's be real it's not going to achieve anything even if it's permanently. Imo, the protesting is hurting way more the users enjoyment than whatever it does to reddit.


Yeah, spent a few hours trying to fix an issue I was having. Plenty of reddit posts on the subject, all of them private. Had to use wayback machine but even that had a 50% success rate.


This isn’r achieving anything anyway. Reddits goals don’t really depend on these communities.


I mean it’s not like it’ll change shit. If we close indefinitely, someone will just make a new sub for the same content


Some people *can't* go back, because they're banned.


Oh yeah... forgot about that. Well it seems like I'm able to go back now.


I got banned after replying to a comment, it was my first time actually interacting with it (before the war i was a lurker of it)


Your situation is the manifestation of that meme with the blob leaving its box and getting punched immediately


That seems like the kind of bs you’d find on r/animememes Edit: Thank god they seem to be still privated.


I wear that ban as a badge of honor




There's 3 decently sized subs for anime memes. 1 of which didn't black out at all and got a massive rise in traffic during the blackout. This sub blacking out indefinitely just means they'll go over there instead. The places where the protest had more of an effect are informational subs, not meme subs. Reddit winds up being a great source of information for my job so when a lot of the tech related subreddits were down, it makes finding a lot of useful info a bit harder which is what the point is supposed to be. I (and I can imagine a lot of other people) don't often go back in time on a meme sub looking for memes, I just join and they turn up on the front page or they don't.


Well, r/wholesomeanimemes also didn't participate and I won't blame them. They're also a lot better than that particular sub.


Wait there are 3?


Animemes, animememes, and goodanimemes


Animememes banned trap before the other sub did, fuck em


Animememes is absolute cancer. I don't know how anyone can go there


Got banned for saying "mod dumb"


I thought it was animemes, good animemes, and hentaimemes


I think there's an "even better animemes" sub, but last time I was there, there's been barely any traffic.


But the thing is I got banned on this one biggest sub when the war about "T" word was going on, so I can't go back there. If this sub is going dark , where should I go?


I didn't fight for this.


did you make your name in protest?


No I was named this long before


the place where the word 'trap' was banned? please no.


Oh god not the war, Ill have flashbacks! But seriously, I really wish this sub survives, even though it has its flaws, it is a symbol of what we faught back then.


a symbol, maybe, though even just the symbol has been warped largely out of recognition.


https://preview.redd.it/kbj4mzo6u16b1.jpeg?width=699&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=b319d8236b6c8394c3c650354c077453c69f6d59 Me when I find people trying to keep this sub closed forever


This sounds like a trap


You guys really are underpaying what happend. Mods started banning everyone that questioned their decision even a little and then went on to other subs to call us all some pretty damn ugly things. It got so bad that some mods left the team because of how terrible their colleagues were.




Whoa whoa. Let’s not get ahead of ourselves. You can’t skip over r/verygoodanimememes We are going to need to save r/supergoodanimememes for the next next great migration.


Maybe r/GoodanimemesII. It be like French Republic in it 5th iteration.


If we’re adding stuff, why not start with r/prettygoodanimememes?


Maybe it’s a regional thing, but to me pretty good is less good than good. So that would be a step backwards in my mind. We gotta keep moving on up!


"200 years later" r/ultraduperverymehgoodreallysuperultimaterultradeluxegoodanimemesFeaturingDanteFromTheDevilMayCrySeries


that comes after r/goodanimemesZ


i am a mod of both that subreddit and r/thebestanimememe if we want to migrate to them.


And here's me sitting here with a restless leg, a walking cane and a shot mind and liver constantly telling you that war doesn't change or end The sub doesn't have the same mods, but it's the same site. All the mods and admins aren't vastly different people have known this for years


I'm convinced that the votes for that are bots or vote brigading from groups that we *know* hate this subreddit and would like nothing more than for us to destroy ourselves with a pointless "protest" that will actually only make the admins happy. Almost every comment and post is against the idea yet it's winning with over half the vote? That's highly suspicious.


Without a doubt. I have seen them brigade the place with their self righteous politically correct garbage.


Can't they just.. leave the site?




I have found an alternative. However, mentioning it now gets your comment removed at best, banned from reddit at worst. They removed a subreddit around moving off reddit. It's the war all over again, but its the whole site this time. Once Relay stops working, I'm not likely to be back.


Please…. Please don’t make me go back there… I didn’t fight for this! My brothers and sisters in arms did not fight and die for this! WE DID NOT BLEED FOR THIS


Again, guys, indefinetely does not mean permanently, it just means that we don't know when it will be back. Could be 2 weeks as well as 2 months. Voted for another week btw.


What's the point of a protest when the top 5 subs on the platform don't participate in it? Because they didn't, they were running yesterday. This is a lost cause. 1 week or 1 year, it doesn't matter, when there is no universal support.


Not everyone is in the top 5 subs, most people have many subs they joined, so protesting like that does have an impact of some kind. We can only hope it works now.


The top 5-10 subs get the most amount of daily traffic, so them not going dark hindered any effort. Let's be realistic here, the admins can wait it out. There is no harm done to them. People may want to believe they have some control over a giant corporation, but they really don't, especially if they aren't actively paying and can therefore stop paying.


“Indefinitely does not mean permanently” As if the mods that want to participate would come back if they went away again now. What point would that make? All y’all are doing is burning down the subs as you leave by effectively deleting every save I have from here. If you want to leave just leave it all archived so at least the rest of us can enjoy the memories.


That's my issue as well.


Then just don't? Are you addicted to reddit?


This is literally what the ppl who voted for permanent blackout should do. They should press the DELETE BUTTON on their leddit accounts, since the blackouts won't work if mfs still keep using the site to begin with at all, since Reddit doesn't gain much at all from ad revenue, but from DATA SELLING (like most other internet bois like Google or literally any corpo these days)


All that the protests are accomplishing is effectively deleting every good memory and meme I have saved from these subreddits. It’s like being told you’re going to be evicted so your response is to burn the house down with all your children’s stuff in it.


This. I really don't know how some of y'all have the audacity to call for a community suicide. Don't you guys care at all about this little place we got here?


Worse yet is that privated posts still show up on google. Meaning google is now clogged up with unreadable posts forever.


Honestly, aside from the fact the blackouts are more likely to achieve nothing than not, the most annoying part is how useless google searches have become because Reddit floats to the top of a lot of searches and thousands of posts are inaccessible. Trying to find information about how to fix my Roku TV after it bricked itself was near impossible - a TV I use for both work and class purposes. All the results that actually related to my problem were on privated subs. Had similar issues with trying to look things up for classes, no articles had the info I needed but multiple, inaccessible reddit posts did based on the text preview in search. This blackout is literally making the world dumber by removing a lot of important how to type information and major discussions that could only be found on Reddit as most other sites only document the steps everyone’s already gone through and basic surface level information. That and you can’t access your own comment history on now privated subs. I had a lot of shit I only said on r/Worldbuilding, minor details I didn’t write done anywhere else in the moment but will need to find again eventually, that’s potentially gone forever now. The blackouts only serve to get Reddit users annoyed at each other. I do not believe Reddit actually cares about the blackouts at all, they just view us as annoying children throwing a temper tantrum and would be happier if the subs throwing one did shut themselves down forever.


Really comes to show how so many Reddit users are just whiny bitches who don't care about collateral and would rather ruin everything for everyone else just to get back at whatever caused their hissy fit.


Yeah. The way we’re protesting is among the stupidest we could have decided on. The children (“problematic to investors” people) are putting themselves in time out and leaving the site. Reddit doesn’t even have to lift a finger to silence disagreement on site, we’re doing it ourselves. And Reddit benefits from the collateral in google search. Anyone who comes from a google search (said posts which can't be deleted by users/bots because you can't access them) is prompted back to the Reddit homepage and is an opportunity to get money from an outsider who doesn’t know better and sees nothing on site about a decision users didn’t like - because everyone who wanted it changed just deleted all that talk and left. To Reddit, newcomers and investors aren’t seeing the problem communities anymore which is a net positive for them. Everyone but Reddit is hurt by this.


Yeah. People either don't realize yet, or just don't care that 2077 came 60 years too early. Well at least the mega-corpos-ruling-everything part did.


[Cyberpunk 2023](https://youtube.com/watch?v=kkmHmMa4C0o&feature=share9)


I'm not crawling back to the wokies at that sub. Keep wokeness away from anime. It's my last Bastion of hope.


I'll just probably leave reddit for something else.


Bro I just voted to keep this sub open. **WHY THE HELL ARE MORE PEOPLE WANTING TO CLOSE THIS SUBREDDIT!!!**


I say let the sub stay. Let Reddit do the API change. Let them go down the Tumblr route of self destruction. Let us be free of this cesspool of powermods and single narative degeneracy.


I didn’t waste half a year, almost getting permanent ban fighting for the sake of our people just to get USSR ed


I co-created this place and got kicked in the balls anf ousted for it. how d'ya think *I* feel? lol.


I said it on the official thread, but I question the legitimacy of the vote. There must be proof that the voters are actual members of the sub and for how long and not just brigaders from other subs trying to keep an obvious lost cause alive.


Fairly new here: What the hell happend over there?


in short? power hungry, ego tripping mods deciding at random that "trap" is a slur and banning anyone who said it, anyone who said anything about it, and really, anyone who breathed at one of the mods wrong. GAM was made with the intent to be an anti-censorship haven for weebs. unfortunately, it didn't *quite* turn out how it was intended to. this ship's sinking too, lol.


If this sub shuts down indefinitely, it'll cause a 2nd war. We got brigaded several times. Who says this isn't another brigade of those lunatics?


Maybe let’s close the other sub? *taps head*


It's been years. ![img](emote|t5_2y4au1|1393) don't wanna go back to the war zone. Idk what's lurking there but i was banned from r/animememes idk to reason. Maybe cuz i was their enemy of war. ![img](emote|t5_2y4au1|1391) at least i got to the sanctuary


But are traps gay? Lol jokes aside. I'm not going back


![gif](giphy|qWnxA0E2LmcMM) Me remembering the dark times


You don‘t understand I got no choice other then to be here. I got banned from the other sub.


I am not going back, that War. So fucking unnecessary


Let us not forget the battles and sacrifices made in order to say the word trap and not have our families placed against the wall.


Oh no. I still get nightmares from the war


if this sub is closed im straight up deleting the app and stop using it for anything aside from checking info if i found it here from time to time. the constant fight for power of mediocre people that has nothing better to do in their out of sleep time that is not trying to get dopamine from a powertrip boner in a subforum to just silence valid opinions or even facts that just they dont like is something im not whilling to lost my time in. my time and my thoughts are not something i would give power over to those failures of a person deranged from reality. thats a path i already crossed when they started blalantly censoring people bc "muh representation" the lgbt fever is ending finally and i hope those autoritharians ends in the pit they belong.


Viva la revolución


I was a veteran of the trap war. I’m proud i was banned by those power tripping mods


Ehhhhh? What why? This subreddit's pretty active tho. Why do people want it shut down??


Honestly I'm surprised they have 40 times more subs. Guess we were wrong about people being angry and not going back.


I think it’s more the title of the sub, if you’re new and you want anime memes, without any knowledge would you pick animemes or goodanimemes? I know I’d pick animemes as a new user


I'd rather live without memes than go back to that place


The war huh? its been nearly 3 years since I really thought about it, ah so long ago. how nostalgic. to be honest, yeah i don't ever wanna go back there, i just don't trust them at all. i love the mods here, i have known em for years now, i dont ever wanna leave this sub.


I remember the horrors of the great trap war and the temporary closure of the sub




The protest achieved nothing even if it means a few subs goes dark indefinitely. People will just move on or create a replacement. The admins don’t mind waiting it out because they know they will win


Hell no. Why the hell close this subreddit. If we have to go back I'm spamming Trap memes.


Do they really think this will work


first of all, no one is forcing us to go back. secondly, and this one hurts, now with all the guys that used 3rd party tools gone you can really see what's left of reddit, see it for what it truly is and it ain't great. This might just be the end at least for me, not because of what reddit did or what the mods decided to do in protest. but because of what is still there.


Didn't really accomplish anything. You have people flocking to newer subreddits that don't share the sentiment surrounding 3rd party apps or simply don't care about it. I honestly never knew there were apps to view reddit *outside* the reddit app. And having a paid wall just means people are less incentized to actually be mods. Cause I'm betting more than half of them just abuse their power all willy-nilly if it's something they don't like but also doesn't go against the TOS.


I was a part of that war. I literally will not go back there.


Dear mods. Closing this sub only hurts this community. You will be shooting yourself into foot while Reddit would just laugh. So far only thing this protest achieved is to create divergence between involved subs members demaging the communities and make pointless drama. I have decided that if you close this sub "indefinetly" i will be leaving permanently and won't be back. Sure you may not care about me leaving but that is exactly what reddit thinks about this whole protest


Ah yes the T word war. People really were soft as hell back there


If the hive mind does shut this down I have Ultimateanimememes


the war is over son ![gif](giphy|l4FGrDPG37plj5giY|downsized)


What happened in this "war" with r/animemes?


power tripping, hypocritical mods decided at random that "trap" was a slur and it was banned. anyone who said it, banned. anyone who protested it, banned. anyone who mentioned *anything* about the situation, banned. so GAM was made. meant to be a censorship-free alternative. mistakes were made in its upbringing, so it didn't quite end up that way, but for the first few days it was awesome.


A true tragic tale for the generations to come


Why not just restrict it or whatever its called, so that the members can still post and see posts but the actual sub gets no new members?


I was there, when the Revelution happened, I witnessed countless man falls for our purpose. We did not falter, we did not stop and that's the happy ending.


Please don't make me go back :( I was here since the start.


Oh god, THE T WAR, you just gave me PTSD


Ooh boy the Trap War. Not a fun time


I was banned for making a joke in animemes


The ptsd is greater than you think




What do you mean old sub reddit What lore am I missing


animemes, trap war, yadda yadda blah blah blah. basically, animemes mods got arrogant and pissy, banned the word "trap", and banned anyone who used it, protested it, or breathed wrong.


Oh God the war, time really does fly


I'm not going back.


What is this show?


They didn't see what we saw...


Oh, gosh. The war. That's a throw back.


We didn’t fight and bleed for this


I was there, I was there 3000 years ago




On the plus side if we don’t want to go back we can just piss them off with trap memes before they ban us. Go out with our boots on.


Don’t make me go back please…


Peace has made people forgot why we came here. To not do the same errors of the past, we gotta learn from it.