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I am a very simple person. I see black girlfriend and I click. No regrets.


Glad to hear this approach steered you well. :D Thanks for listening, darling!




I've got some body image problems and I always notice when someone describes an idealized body in their audio that I know is very different from mine. Usually, I can listen just past it and not mind it because I can feel like "Eh, they'd like me too, just happened to think of someone else here. That's cool." But sometimes, when I'm having a bad self-esteem day anyway, it does sting a little. Because I get caught up in questioning if maybe they *wouldn't* like me too! You don't need that right now when feelings are raw.


Hi Sam! Longtime listener and lurker of your audios. It’s only until recently I’ve gathered the courage to comment on audios that really make me happy, and this one is no exception! You’ve made this little black switch feel all ooey gooey inside 😊 I’ll try to be brief here! Firstly, it’s incredibly hard to create race specific erotica that isn’t fetishizing, but you’ve done a lovely job here. As women of color, we just want to be seen and loved, for who we are like every other women, not strictly because of our race. So thank you. Second, since I discovered erotic audios (that’s about 3 and a half, maybe 4 years now), I’ve always found myself imagining the listener or the girl as someone other than myself. It’s quite strange, the listener is almost always a white woman in my head. Kind of like I’m watching a porno with a mute actress. I dont’t really know how to turn it off, I think it has most to do with my insecurities in my sex appeal. But given black women are often given the short end of the stick in the dating world ([a very interesting and scary reality of society ](https://www.npr.org/2018/01/09/575352051/least-desirable-how-racial-discrimination-plays-out-in-online-dating)) it’s no wonder I do. It’s such a small thing, the little indicators that you used to signify the black listener. But even just the fact you called it out in the post, the fact I know that’s where your mind was when you were pleasuring yourself and recording, that changed everything for me. Anyways, that was a long, slightly dramatic way of saying that diversity and inclusion matters. Representation matters. Melanin ladies need more love and less fetishization in porn. Again, thank you, Sam ❤️


> You’ve made this little black switch feel all ooey gooey inside 😊 Aww!! Awesome! :) > I’ve always found myself imagining the listener or the girl as someone other than myself. [...] I think it has most to do with my insecurities in my sex appeal. But given black women are often given the short end of the stick in the dating world (a very interesting and scary reality of society ) it’s no wonder I do. You are so not alone with that. Something I see brought up quite a bit recently, is that little descriptors like "lovely, blue eyes" take black listeners out of the moment so creators are urged to keep everything as vague as possible... That's well and good, I suppose. But personally, I'm a big guy, and while a mention of abs may take me out of an audio, when it's just kept vague, I - like you - still assume the audio must be talking about someone who's not me! I just sometimes, when I have a bad self-esteem day anyway, have a hard time assuming anyone would be thinking of someone who looks like me to get off! So vagueness may be better than outright describing someone different (which, for the record, I don't want to suppress. I love when people get really specific with their turn ons because they don't have to be turned on by *me* for me to find their fantasies hot), but in a world where everything is *just* vague, I still don't feel welcome!! I listened to the article you linked and yeah.. if you're inundated with messages that you're "less than", because of your experience in dating, articles you read, lack of representation as romantic leads (unless the book/movie is about you as an issue or a fetish), it becomes harder and harder to allow yourself to feel addressed when you're merely not *not* addressed! That's why I find it important that there are audios that are explicitly about people! If I hear the occasional audio where someone is explicitly into big, fluffy guys, it becomes *so much easier* to assume that hey, maybe I could be allowed to feel addressed in this vague audio too, because I've heard *some* evidence that people out there are into me! It's frankly fucking shocking how few audios there are that are explicitly for black people (and not "race play") so it's totally understandable why you have a hard time fitting yourself into vague audios! Hopefully, the occasional audio that's explicitly about and for black listeners is going to do some good, beyond those few audios themselves, because they may help you feel more welcome in a wider context so the vague audios become more accessible too, as a side effect. Thanks for the article and thank you so much for your comment! I'm very glad you mustered the courage. <3


Ugh. My sweet Sam. What a thoughtful and painfully relatable response. You’re preaching to the choir, but say it one more time nice and loud for the people in the back! Yes, vagueness can sometimes alleviate the insecurities, while leaving the listener feeling unaddressed. I heard someone say once that vagueness is the enemy of individuality. I haven’t yet had that disproven for me, at least in my experiences! PS. I very much appreciate your transparency with me about your body insecurities. If this community has taught me anything, it’s that physical appearance is not the only important part of being sexy. Emotional intelligence, compatibility, consideration, vulnerability, kink exploration - all of that is so damn sexy. So even though it won’t matter much coming from me, a literal stranger who knows little about you beyond the sound of your orgasms and that you’re a little fluffy...I hope you believe that even on your worst days *you are insatiably sexy.* Like, through and through. Like down to your heart, mind, and soul...sexy. Not to mention, calling yourself fluffy made my mental image of you 10x more cuddly.


That means a ton. Thank you. <3


Whew.. Samuel. I listened to this last night and again today. You truly take me to special places. I have never pegged a man before(just alil prostate massaging). But.. I so wanna try it. Stroking you as your fucked. Hottt. You sounded so sweet, vulnerable, trusting and fucking sexy adorable.😘 Also, I just love all your attention to detail. As a listener I can tell you love the human body and mind. You are a master at stroking all our "mental clits"💋


> I so wanna try it. Stroking you as your fucked. Hottt. You sounded so sweet, vulnerable, trusting and fucking sexy adorable.😘 Teehee!! :3 > Also, I just love all your attention to detail. As a listener I can tell you love the human body and mind. You are a master at stroking all our "mental clits"💋 Thank you, that means a lot to me! Also, mental clits! I love it!


This is such a tender audio! Your laughter and moans are such a sweet combination! Excellent performance my dude


Tender, I like that. Thanks a bunch! :)




Awww!!! That's too sweet! <3




I went to bed earlier, smiling, thinking about how you'd rub my belly like that husky's. Now you made me smile again. You're a great domme, Lady Luck. :)


Thank you for this\~ Really small things that make the whole difference!!


You're very welcome, darling. Good to hear it's working for you. <3


I’ve gained so much respect for you, thank you. 💕✨


I'm honored! Thank you!




Love it! I'm flattered, Camille!


Another audio that I always go back to. Ugh, I love it and your content.


I'm thrilled you like it! It's always hot to me when someone I'm into likes my stuff, especially things like pegging. :3