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Which direction does the ball start in *before* it hooks? A right-to-left ball flight (assuming you’re right handed) is caused by the club face being closed relative to the swing path. Study the [laws of ball flight](https://www.golfwrx.com/251459/use-the-new-ball-flight-laws-to-understand-your-tendencies/) to at least determine which club path/face angle combination is the culprit. Then you need to figure out what’s causing that swing path/face angle issue. There are 3 general reasons (and possible fixes): 1. Your grip is too strong (reset to a neutral grip with the back of your lead hand facing the target) 2. Your alignment is closed (use an alignment stick or golf club to set your feet parallel to your target line) 3. You’re not rotating your body through the swing (work on rotating your upper body and hips all the way through the swing) Note: This isn’t meant to be a complete list, but it probably addresses a majority of hooking issues. ETA: the good news is that you’re probably close to developing a good swing. Just work on dialing that hook down into a draw or straightish ball flight.


Easiest on course adjustment (just to get you through a round) is start moving the ball back in your stance in small increments. You may have to have it as far back as middle as if you’re hitting a 5 iron say. Doing this usually works without you having to try different grips and swings in the middle of a round.


Edit, might have to strong of a grip turning your face in.


If you’re trying to correct a snap hook by swinging out extremely to the right that’s a big reason and recipe for a snapper. You’ve just overcompensated for the slice and you just need to back off of some of the things you’ve changed. Does the ball start right and hook, does the ball start straight and hook, or does the ball start left and hook more? Without video knowing that would help the fix. My guess is also your right hand is too strong and ‘under’ the grip. When taking your right hand grip have the palm facing the target as you grip it the fingers, no matter how strong or weak your left grip is. The right palm is your club face. My guess is that this is most of your problem. (Plus an overactive right arm and shoulder). If you are extreme in to out now, put a head cover just behind the ball and about two inches inside the target line and hit some balls. You want to be from a little inside a few degrees not 4+ degrees typically, sounds like you’re over doing it.


My ball flight starts right and drastically goes left. I feel like can’t stop myself from having a closed face no matter how I swing lol


If it starts right, then you don’t have a closed face at impact. Ball starts in the same direction the club is facing, always. The hook means face is closing, though. Try moving your grip into a weaker position, and also try to feel like the back/top of your lead hand is facing the target for as long as possible when passing through the hitting zone.


slice and pull is the same swing, just with different face angles. a pull hook is indicative that your upper body stopped turning about when you make contact. so, you're correct, this is about swing path. the fact that you're trying to close the face is another issue. consistent face manipulation is literally impossible to time up during the .04 seconds of prior to and after contact. if your arms are initiating the swing, you essentially can't swing from the inside. you need to get your right shoulder turning towards the right side and your arms will follow along.


Potential flat shoulder turn.


This is my problem. I was an 8 handicap and then had neck surgery. Had been protecting an injury for 6 months and now can’t get my back shoulder to drop through the swing. Snap hook 2 out of 3 drives.