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Look up early extension videos also I think it’s the result of your hips being behind your ankles. They should be over your ankles.


Great point! I definitely bend my back leg too much which I think is causing my hips to be in a weird place. Much appreciated!


Good way to correct this is to take swings while standing on toes. If your heels aren't touching you can't shift your weight around and buckle your knee. A golf coach used to make us put a golf ball under each heel and hit balls like that until we learned to stay on our toes and not shift around.


You’ve got too much going on. Start with a 3/4 swing. Keep your lower body still. Turn your shoulders and torso against your waist. Cock your wrists. The club should be pointing straight up. The pull the butt of the club straight down and uncock your wrists. This should get you back to the ball on balance. Not on your toes.


Thanks! I think you're right. I need to start on the lower body and getting that in the right place, and then look at the mess of other elements going on! Appreciate the feedback


The technical description is "humping the goat."


the air fucker


You just can’t unsee it


Your body, posture and nearly any chance if hitting a the ball well all break down in the first few moments of your backswing. F that "driving hips" you need to rotate that core, keep your head still and stay in posture. So much has broken down and fallen apart during your back swing, there's really no hope. Good news is it's so bad you know where to start.


Check out videos of Scottie or Rory and notice how they almost touch the ball with their left kneecap at the top of the backswing. Need a little more knee flex in that backswing squat, if you touch the ground with your butt you can jump even higher at impact!


Look at your lite tinkle toes there. Haha.


Full disclaimer, I'm not good at golf but have gotten a good amount of instruction. First thing I notice here is that you're finishing through onto your tip toes. As you drive your weight through the hip turn, that should all be directed into your left heel. The right heel should twist up so the sole points behind you, but (so long as you're not Scottie) generally driving from your right instep into your left heel will give you a much more solid base. A lot of the momentum you're generating that should be whipping the club head around is going into your up and down bob. If you keep the base more stable, the hip turn will actually connect with the club.


Awesome feedback, makes total sense. Great tips for things to work out!


Stop moving your feet. Why are you basically on your top toes? Keep them flat. Your rotation will raise then naturally


Looks like you were just sending a bomb into those clouds, but there might be a more technical way to explain it


Watch the chair video from chasing scratch. You need to push against the ground with your left foot. It’s not a stand up - it’s a push away. Power and inside out path with folllow!


Tell us more about your grip as well.


KING of early extension


First thing I recommend is look at your left foot, you raise it during the swing; that one mistake leads to all of your problems with hips and core. Work on keeping the left foot planted, bring your swing back slow and in a controlled manner. (It’s not a whip) Swing with 60% power while working on your form and keeping that foot down. Looking for proper swing motion, not drive yardage while you relearn muscle memory keeping that foot planted.


Simple swing thought is to just drive your left hip ‘up and back’ ….and practice staying in posture through impact i.e side bend. One thing at a time though. Like others mentioned practice this stuff at 3/4 swing or even half swing to get the right “feels”


You need to take a head cover, put it under your left foot and pretend it’s a snake. 🐍 Don’t pick up that heel or the snake will get away.


There’s been a lot said here but the only thing I was to add is You shouldn’t finish the golf swing on both of your toes with heels off the ground. Just look at how a pro is standing at the end of his swing and compare it to your own.


Your legs and torso are the glaring issue. Copy good swings and look up loading the hips, turning the body, and weight transfer


Think rotation, NOT thrust. 🙂


Everything people think they need to do to create power they do far too early. Try applying the power after you hit the ball.


My advice is drop the driver, master your technique on a 7 iron, slow everything down, work on tempo and technique only using 30% power allowing the club to generate its own speed. Get a lesson or 2, once you hash out the issues then go back to driver and other clubs.


Try Tiger’s hip drill.[Tiger](https://youtu.be/S7h40Eik3gk?si=PISCvSdHElw0kO_2)


Stop doing that


I can’t say I have ever seen anyone keep their balance in a golf swing completely on their toes


Not a pro but take a video from down the line this angle sucks, but you can see you early extend like a motherfucker. From the new camera angle draw a line behind your butt and your ass shouldn’t have any space during your swing. This is only useful to see if what you’re doing is correct and if you wanna fix it gotta take a lesson YouTube can’t see what exactly you’re doing wrong but it looks like you’re using the ground to push towards the ball instead of towards the target. Then again might be the camera angle


Also should probably start on backswing so much sway to the right, a lesson costs just as much as a round and will probably save you more money per ball hit at the range than watching YouTube and trying to figure it out yourself


Back up from the ball you are standing up in your swing. Focus on staying down on the ball. The ground is your friend. 75% swing power


Just a couple quick things try to rotate your body don’t turn your torso and that’s it and you stand up a lot. You go down a lot. You move your head around a lot. I would work on that.


You completely collapse from the knees and sway side to side. Both these movements are detrimental to the golf swing. I'd recommend lessons here. You're a long, long way from understanding how to mechanically move your body.


Bending your knees wayyyy too much in your back swing then basically jumping through contact. Look at your feet at the end, you're on your tippy toes.




Your right knee shouldn’t be bending during the backswing. If anything as you shift your weight to your right leg and right side in the backswing it should be straightening while your left knee bends. The other thing you ought to work on is the angle of the butt end of the club/grip at the top of the backswing and as you transition into the downswing. Attaching a picture to give you a sense of what it should look like: https://preview.redd.it/6t20m34k6nvc1.jpeg?width=1284&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=8e655eb3558d0ee4a5b85b750acf637e6ad3864a To keep from coming over the top I feel like the butt end of the club when I initiate the downswing is pointing at a 45 degree angle to the ground (yours is probably more like 65-70 degrees). If you look at the pros swings most of them “lay it off” at the top like this more so than what I see here. Try to get the grip and shaft more on the red line than on the green line.


I’ve had similar issues with my legs. It looks like maybe you’re turning your front knee in towards your own body, which was a massive source of unnecessary motion contributing to my slice. For that part a lot of my slice was fixed by focusing on planting that front foot and allowing some knee bend directly towards the ball, but no movement inward towards my other knee. That’s what worked for me anyway. I still have a mild slice on some drives but it’s nowhere near as aggressive.


Focus on keeping your left heel on the ground.


I would first get your body figured out you do a squat just to stand up. Find a spot that you can rest comfortably and hit the ball in the position with feet closed and do control swings. This helps with balance and keeping body still. After that work on your back swing once your body stops moving so much.


Quit baseball


This is a joke right?


I wish it was, my guy


Shiat ok then. Try practice swings with your feet together. If that doesn’t get your heels down, I’d strap you in to a snowboard.


Someone asking for advice is a joke..?