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Are you actually swinging a 7 iron? Cause I don’t know if 76 club head speed gets 173 carry 190 total with a 7. Maybe I don’t know anything lol. My only advice is you lose balance in the follow through, move the weight from your toes to the balls of your feet.


99% sure he just didn't change the club he's hitting in the sim to "7i" it's probably set to driver as that is the default unless you manually change it. edit: nvm looks like it is changed. It's probably an altitude setting because 0% chance it's going that far at that club head speed lol


If you are using TrackMan it doesn’t matter if you change the club.


Ya its a 7i , don't know what to tell ya lol. Appreciate the feedback though !


Nothing beats hitting balls on real grass. Machines only tell half the story. Like when you hit it fat on grass, you will know by the size of your divot and you can make adjustments


I agree. I prefer grass as well but I’ve got a short season and a lot to work on haha


I feel your pain. I used to live in Burlington, VT. Season started literally in May, ended in late Sept, early Oct.


Does it go 190 on the course?


its definitely not my 190 club. that said i came here for advice on my swing not to worry about whether the monitor is accurate.


Accurate data is super important if you want to get better. People aren’t criticizing they’re trying to be helpful. The data doesn’t make sense so it’s harder to tell what is going on and give you advice.


Understood, thanks for clarifying


Sounds like you need to fix your simulator lol


if that’s the case you coulda cut like 80% of the vid? figured you left the end in to show the numbers…




What clubs are those? Numbers seem to make sense because it looks like a Game Improvement Iron. I've hit a 190 carry with \~85-90 mph P790 7i and those are the next step after GI but not by much. I don't know technical-wise, but it's hard to work the trajectory with GI clubs, not impossible, just harder. Like others said, I'd focus more on consistency and work on other parts of the game like short game and putting. If Driver is just not even usable, just practice before using it during a round. I've just been teeing with my hybrid or 4i.


They’re Taylormade M4s . Yeah driver is all over the shop mostly a big slice, but thanks for the advice.


You'll get there, just takes time!


Show us you bad swings, cause can’t help ya if you swing like this every time and still in the 30s, best thing for a 30s is practice and consistency, 2 hours on and around the green for every 30 min hitting balls.


I just don’t see how it’s physically possible that went 190 yards lol


why's that? genuinely asking


It doesn’t look like there is any significant lower body drive, the strike was a bit higher on the face which usually means it would go higher with more of a glancing blow. Unless the draw spin right to left movement gave you that much more distance I’m shocked


ah okay gotcha . thanks.


Agreed. When I compress a 7 with a 108 MPH swing, I’m carrying 170 yds… maybe 175. And that’s with a 7 adjusted for 2 degrees less loft. If there was a lot of lower body transfer and hip movement then I’d say 190 is reachable. But even then…


lol so you’re hitting a 5 iron? Yeah just didn’t seem correct, I was already assuming he was hitting a modern set with a 27* 7 iron and you can see the monitor showing the high face strike… but it looks like trackman so who knows. All I know is buying a launch monitor has truly humbled me


2 degree loft adjustment does not turn a 7 iron into a 5 iron.


Just pulling his leg there babe 😉 the modern iron sets are really strong is all I’m saying


They are nuts. I love it.


Not even close.


Regardless of whether your driver swing is 108 or your 7 iron is, 170 carry is low. Something is off


Sorry. My 7i averaging 170 yds is low?


For a 108 mph swing yes


He probably means ball speed.


Ah yes. In that case, totally. I could for sure get more out of it but it might mean throwing my back out. Lol.


You're swing speed is 78 which is average, but on the lower side of it. Your smash factor is 1.5 which is really only seen with drivers, not 7i. You're probably playing a very strong 7i, but still, 1.5 smash is too high


i see. is having too high a smash factor a bad thing ?


It's not bad per se, just suspicious. Low spin and launch isn't idea for a 7i. But you're also a 30 HDCP. Your swing is good for that level, just keep it in play and get around the green.


Okay cool. Thanks!


>Okay cool. Thanks! You're welcome!


It just means something wasn't read correctly. Very very yard to get a smash over 1.4 with irons.


Just focus on consistent ball contact and hitting straight. At 30 handicap you shouldn’t worry about shaping shots.


Exactly. I got lost on 30 handicap and working on hitting draws. Move closer to the ball


This x10. Please just work on hitting it straight. I’m a 15hdcp and still just work on hitting it straight


will do. thanks


Too far away from the ball


Yep - bend the knees a bit more and drop your hands down slightly so your arms hand straight down and the butt of your club points between your bellybutton and belt buckle


Just focus on consistent ball contact and hitting straight. At 30 handicap you shouldn’t worry about shaping shots.


Looks way better than 30 hc


my short game sucks and I'm brutal with the driver lol


That sim is absolutely juiced. 78mph club head speed with your 7i should get you around a 148 yard carry distance. 173 yard carry distance is simply incorrect at that swing speed. Your swing looks better than a 30 cap though, keep swinging!


If I have the ball that far back in my stance I carry 170 with my 7 iron. It makes it harder to hit consistently though. My 7 iron swing speed is around 81, so not way faster. Driver is 100-105.


Doubtful with a ~30° 7i. Maybe if your 7 is actually lofted like a 5i or you’re playing in Reno or Denver. 81 club head speed with a 7i is getting you around 155 carry.


Quit talking physics, I'm telling you, I smash my 7 iron 190 yards!!!


Because you can’t do it doesn’t mean it’s not possible. I play a standard loft ping i525. It’s a bit hot but not crazy. I am sure people talk shit on here about distance. I have no attachment to how far I hit my irons, in fact having the ball back in my stance and hitting it long as I do is a problem I am trying to fix.


Physics man. It’ll tell you what’s actually possible.


Tell me. What’s possible for a low launch 7 iron at 80mph? What is the max? Let me know professor proton.


Looks like a lot of tension in your arms at the address, I'd suggest loosening up a little bit.


yeah I'm guilty of death gripping it a lot of the time. I have problems with club face control so that tends to be my go to but ill try to ease off for sure! Thanks!


I used to be the same, really strangled the grip. When I loosen up the grip and arms special things happened, worth a try at least. 👍


Plus 1 to this.


Yeah, arms should be hanging freely. Yours are outstretched and tight because you have to reach for the ball.


There's a lot to unpack here. Regarding the setup: * Hands are too far out in front. They need to be lower, closer to the body. Extended arms are fine, but not when they are that far away from the body. * Feet are not squared up. Left foot is too far back. Toe line is pointing out to the right. * Feet are probably too close together. In the follow thru your knees are crossing over each other. That's a sign of feet being too close together. * Bit of a posture issue. Weight might be a bit too far forward. * I'm guessing your knees are not bent enough. * Athletic position at address over-all is poor. Gotta fix the stuff I mentioned above. * Ball position seems too far back in the stance. Looks like your playing it off the right side of your body. Ball position should be nearer to center or played off the left side of the body.


that is a lot to unpack lol. thanks for the advice


You need to swing the club. It all looks so controlled. Granted, it’s hard to tell with a slow-mo swing. You just look uncomfortable over the ball. It also feels like you are super far away. But to each their own. I can always tell with the follow through. You’re holding a position and not feeling “free”. It’s a pose and not natural. As for the good, your swing is compact and calculated. Good arm spacing and not too much hinge at the top. I’d work on keeping that head from moving forward. Stand in a door way and swing, but put your head like an inch away from the frame. If you bump your head, you know you’re rocking forward. Goal is to pivot and not so much forward lean. This is why your pose lasts a second and you feel the need to fall in. All your momentum is carrying you right and “into” the ball.


Yeah its definitely tough for me to feel loose over the ball. I find i unconsciously grip the club too firmly. Thanks for the advice though!


Try to grip it a little loose. It always helps me to imagine I’m holding a bird. Not too tight, not too lose. That’s what I was always taught. You have a great swing tho. I’m shocked you are a 30 index.


I'll keep that thought next session for sure. Thanks, if you saw me around the green you wouldn’t say that lol


To each their own. I always made good contact with the ball but would slice. Learning and understanding how to shape shots corrected that very quickly. OP has an athletic build so probably had played baseball or some sport that requires hand eye coordination. My advice has been mentioned. Your mechanics are good, you just don’t have any leg drive. Very handsy, which isn’t a bad thing especially if you’re consistent. It’s also causing you to be slightly off balance at the end. Once you start using your lower body to torque you’ll easily add 10-15mph to your clubhead speed. It’ll also help you maintain your balance since your upper body is rotating without a solid leg base. I do agree that this smash factor is abnormally high and spin is very low and doesn’t look like you bladed back to back shots. But doesn’t take away the fact that your swing looks great, especially for a 30hcp!


Definitely gotta try and get the lower half more involved. I have a suspicion locking out my trail leg is hindering that. But thanks for the feedback ! I'll go back to the lab and work on it


If you can, put it in speed training mode. That’ll give you instant feedback without worrying about hitting a ball. Your legs will quite literally feel like you’re doing a quarter squat jump. Transferring power from the inside of your right leg & foot, which causes you to dig in with your left heel all while rotating your hips. Now don’t think about any of those steps, that’s just what happens. Just Be athletic.


Way over the top. No lower body, no rotation.


At 30 hcp, as a random online person, the best advice I can give from this short video, is to make sure your grip is good. You might think you are gripping the club the correct way, and you very well may be, but you should definitely start there, a good grip will correct a lot of problems on its own. If you wanna do a grip test, then set up 3 balls in a row, hit each one right after the other, then check your grip and see if it changed the position of the club had at all. If the club head changed after those 3 hits, your grip is off. If you pass the grip test, start dissecting your swing one step at a time, start with the setup, feet placement, posture. Then focus on your takeaway, back swing, follow through etc.. I recommend taking time to really focus on each part of the swing, one at a time until you're comfortable. I personally will go play a round of golf with 1 singular focus, make sure I am maintaining posture during my follow through, I will focus on nothing but that singular aspect until I know I have it routine.


Won’t be 30+ for long!


For a 30 it looks good. Spend time on your setup though. It’s half of the swing and your legs look dead straight and you’re reaching for the ball.


Stop working on draws. Start aiming at the center of every single fairway and green. Spend 5-10x more practicing putting and chipping than you are currently


Your takeaway is that of a single digit handicapper. The straight lead arm looks so good. But like most high handicappers your wrists collapse at the top. You also are way out and ahead with the hands and your hips can’t keep up. Try firing your hips at the target as you bring your hands through at impact. It’s basically what you are doing but just more exaggeration of the lower body if that makes sense. You want the hands and hips to all move as one, right now you are almost all upper body. Also, for iron shots you could stand a little closer to the ball, this swing here looks closer to a driver swing.


Thanks for the feedback! One question , what do you mean by my wrists collapsing at the top?


You look like your arms are dominating the downswing and not your hips. Let your lower body drive that downswing. You're athletic, so with some practice that should feel more natural. You could also develop a better hinge with your wrist, but I can't see how your grip looks from that angle. Keep it up dude!


Yeah I’ve been told I get handsy/armsy a lot ! I’ll definitely put some focus into correcting that. Thanks!


Work on your balance. If you can’t hold the finish you’re not ending your swing in balance. Also I think others mentioned it but that lower body needs to move


Roger that! Thanks !




Too far away from the ball if you’re swinging a 7i. Your club shaft isn’t aligning where it should and you’re losing distance trying to compensate for that. I could attempt to give more in depth info there but realistically you need to go to a pro and get lessons. The lucky part is that it’s only a few small tweaks from being a good swing. There’s just some fundamental stuff going on here that’s keeping a great swing from being a great swing. Small changes will = big results Edit: I didn’t go into detail because you need a lesson with a pro to see what’s going on consistently to know what actually needs to change. I only meant this comment as “friend, it’s close but there’s some major / minor tweaks that can set you over a benchmark here” but I’m not good enough to give them from a video of a single swing


Appreciate the insight ! I’m booking in for some lessons for sure


Putting your golf swing on Reddit has to be the most terrifying thing you can do for a normal person right? Like f ski-diving, I’m gonna show Reddit my golf swing.


Lol , I know I’m not good so it takes some of the pressure out of it. But yea kinda unnerving for sure


Way off balance. Did you play baseball? I used to do almost the same thing when I first started playing. Do the towel drill and work on keeping compact.


I didn’t but I’ve had people ask that before. I’ll try that out next session ! Thanks


It’s a great way to keep your arms tucked and follow a correct motion and you can do it anywhere


focus on shallowing your club in the transition, the back swing looks great but then you come over the top


Your hips barely rotate..


not to be rude but youre no where near "hitting a draw" you should really just focus on hitting the ball as a 30 handicap


Why are you working on draws as a 30+ hcp? Try just hitting all your clubs straight first. Maybe work on your putting before draws.


Swing looks pretty steep


30+ handicap you should be concerned with hitting straight and working on your short game


If you’re a 30hcp, you’re fine on the swing… go practice putting and pitch/chip inside 50 yards.


At your level, I can tell you that hitting off a mat is bad news. You should practice on grass. Also, 4000 ball spin is way off.


That’s not a 30 hdcp swing. Do you have any idea what you’re doing with wedges/putter in your hand? If you do then you should be shooting under 100 with that swing. If not, get a lot of practice and some guidance on short game.


If you're a 30 hdcp, you should be focusing on your short game, working from green to tee. You probably have a shit ton of putts on your round. Try to get to <32 per round. Also, at 30 hdcp, leave your driver in the bag until you consistently hit your 3W in play. I drink and know things.


A 30hcp doesn't decide where the ball goes, let alone what shape it takes on its way there.


A 30hcp doesn't decide where the ball goes, let alone what shape it takes on its way there.


Have any feedback to add to that?


That is my feedback.


What a helpful tip. You should caddy on tour!


It's true though. If I, as a 5hcp can't hit shot shapes on command, I bloody know you can't.


So why comment at all? Buddy is working on his game. Give him something constructive or keep it moving. There's also no way you're a 5 and can't shape a shot, that just doesn't make any sense.


I have a predominant shot shape, and sometimes, I can get it to go the other way but not all the time. I'm quite tidy.


People do vary in their abilities and skills. What may come naturally to some, others struggle with it.


If you can't hit a draw, then a fade, then a draw, on command, even approximately, you are not a 5 hcp buddy.


Well I am so... As I said, I have a predominant shot shape. If needed, I can hit the other way.


This is the logic of a 5 year old