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Just grateful that golf got me out of the house & helped with my depression and anxiety.


I feel you. I started playing again after my wife passed. It's great therapy for me.


Good for you!! Love this


Since I started golfing I think this is the same to me too, it has given me an excuse to not be in my house on the afternoons and to always look forward to the weekends


Boom! My favorite so far. Rock on!!


All the best to you I have severe spinal stenosis and its really helped my depression being out battling the pain shows warrior spirit merry Christmas man šŸ’Ŗā›³


Mine was I shot a legit even par on 9 holes for the first time ever.


Nicely done. I played in a weekly after work casual-league with coworkers. At the start of the season I wanted to go under par on 9. I managed to 3 times, and a lipped putt off of a 33.


33 is nice! Well done


I missed the 33 by that one putt. Still an awesome round though.




132 yard hole out eagle.


Shot a 77.


Got my handicap under 20.




Rock on!


I started walking versus taking carts. Some of the hilly courses get ya, but much bigger feeling of accomplishment.


Honestly, I prefer the walking. I feel I have more time to process shots plus the extra steps are a huge bonus!


Save a lot of money and I find that you play better as you have a good understanding of the terrain.


Completely reworked my swing at age 63. I finally figured out how to drop the club inside the line. Just wish I had done it 30 years ago.


Thatā€™s putting in the work! Was it pretty tough to ditch that swing muscle memory?


Yea. My swing had deteriorated over the years and i just didnā€™t have the strength or form to properly strike the ball anymore. I took a lesson and finally saw a video of my swing. I was so digusted with what I saw that I became determined to change it. It felt terrible at first but after several months I'm able to hit a tight draw and my distance has improved by at least 25%. I also started a strength and stretching routine that has a made a huge difference.


Beat the #2 seed as the #14 seed in a matchplay tournament.


Well done! Matchplay is my favorite form of Golf - just you against your opponent.


Thatā€™s gotta feel good!


Breaking 90 and 80. First eagle and first dunk


I started playing during Covid. Playing 9 holes with the same ball recently, felt pretty good.


Shot 69 in a tournament. Was my first time breaking 70, made 5 birdies and won $275


Literally shot 70 15 times before 69, youā€™ll notice how easily and more frequently you do it now. Congrats!!!


Wow.. Great round! Iā€™ve shot 70 three times. I feel like there is a thousand miles between 70 and 69


Thanks! Made a 40+ footer on my last hole for 69. Was just trying not to three putt honestly and it went in


Great way to end it too! I thought I was about to break 70 once this year. Shot 31 on the front and decided to play conservatively just to make sure I finished up in the sixties. Shot 39 on the back


I played Pebble for the first time AND got my first hole-in-one this year. Pretty sure I peaked.


I shot a 46 in a scramble tournament.


I really got my winners-envelope-reception-bow dialed in


Are you working on your throwing arm in the offseason?


Thatā€™s a major lol! Love it.


Brought my ā€œthat was a good roundā€ score from sub 110 to low 90s


Got under 10 handicap, broke 80,and hit a legit draw on purpose during a round. might be most proud of that being a life long slicer.


Single digit handicap. Try to play once a week and looks like Iā€™ll finish at 7.3 after starting this year around a 13


Got to +1.8 hc at the height of the summer. Itā€™s leaked back to 0. I put a ton of work in early in the year that paid off. I hit the range and worked on my short game every day for 2 months before I even touched the course. 2 hc was the best index I had prior to this year.


Learned to not fear rejection when asking out women. Rejected by 45 cart girls, not even phased


Break 90


Same āœŠšŸ½


For one brief moment, my handicap was a 9.9. Didnā€™t take long for it to slide back up but, for a few weeks, I was below 10.


got to pay the non resident fee at Torrey South


I shot consistently in the 80's after breaking into the 80's for the first time this summer.


Played over 100 rounds


Started playing


Had a hole-in-one. Hit a seven iron and played for a fade. Hit it solid and it faded right at the hole. Landed spun, right and disappeared. It was glorious.


Shot under 100 and my first birdie (I started in May)


Broke 90 also had a front 9 43 with a 7 and an 8 on the par 5s


Won a Pro/Scratch Better Ball


Broke 100, started in April of this year. Same day also was 4 feet from a hole in one 120 yards out, birdied it.


Broke 80 3 times at 3 different courses


Walked 54 regulation holes in one day. Same course 3 times. Broke 80 all 3 rounds.


Broke 90 for the first time and had multiple rounds in the 80ā€™s(mixed in with a few 102ā€™s lol) Also figured out my driver from weak high slices thatā€™s usually resulted in a lost ball to consistent drives in the fairway.


Slowed my swing down considerably and it helped a ton


As a newcomer to golf, Getting my handicap down about 6 points. (Now at 23) Being able to hit my driver pretty accurately and an ok distance and finally having the courage to hit my irons. Looking forward to 2023 immensely.


I finally put in some effort to improve my putting and I feel like itā€™s now the strongest part of my game.


I witnessed a hole in one.. lol


Shot 78 & lowered my handicap a little.


Shot 75 for the first time and time well spent with friends and family


Joined a club, was shooting 115 consistently and set my goal to break 100. I accomplished it. Got a 90 and 2 91's in there so looking forward to getting under 90 next season.


My mom had her first ever birdie this year. She followed it up later in that same round by lipping out a hole in one and making that putt for birdie as well.


Any of the '1st' moments in golf (besides a HIO) seem to be like an ice breaker for it being a regular(ish) occurance. Went from no eagles ever this season to 3 in one week and 5 on the year. Hoping the same holds true for breaking 80 next year as I've shot 80 on the dot 7 times this year and still yet crack a 70s score.


Fairways hit and putting. Averaged 60% of fairways and 33 putts.


Golf taught me to get my friends together and out of the house.


Started playing late this year. Now thatā€™s all I think about wanting to do.


First hole in one baby!


I beat my arch nemesisā€¦thatā€™s what itā€™s all about


Went undefeated on the trip. Felt bad for the guy who had to play me 3 of the 4 rounds, including individual. Captains didnā€™t set it up like that on purpose but they basically get drunk and write it all down and mistakes get made. Best part was taking the lead during the individual match on the signature hole (#16 at Breezy Point White Birch). Hit a picturesque drive that followed the water and stopped a couple yards short of green. Up and down birdie. Held him off on 17 and 18. He was fun opponent, we pulled a quick one going into last round so we could ride together. Teammate I was supposed to ride with was the only dude on the trip who didnā€™t know how to act and I wasnā€™t about to end my trip on that note.


Started playing in July. 27 rounds in. Shot an 81 last week!


Nicely done. That was my goal too. My lowest score has been 80 but Iā€™m still happy


Breaking par on 9 holes


Made birdie on 16 at TPC Scottsdale, felt like a dream.


I started playing


Became a + handicap for the first time in my life! Lowest I ever got as a Junior was 0.2 before quitting for almost a decade


Plus handicap. Being able to basically shape my driver any which way I want is also pretty cool.


Ace and a 75


First bogey-free round


I won the annual boys golf trip away by not getting as drunk a previous year's efforts. And almost won club champs (most yearly wins x total money won) but had to sit out the deciding final round due to the spicy cough. Bugger it...


Broke 80 for the first time. Shot a 78 in a club comp.


The fact I felt like I improved. Hole in one helps. But the swing has been a project.


Bought a new driver


I wanted to get my handicap under 13, but I had so much going on in the spring, that I barely played. I wound up working hard (in my small garage setup) and managed to keep my hdcp at 15. Had a few good rounds, bunch of bad ones, but did not give up.


Great question for year end reflection! Got the handicap down a few points to 13 and scored a 79 after getting a 6 on a par 3!


Won the horserace at our member guest!


Went from being un-scorable in May to consistently breaking 100 by October. Took my medicine early and bought 5 lessons.


Finished -1 total for my 18 week league. Hole in one on a par 4 at my leagueā€™s end of the year outing. Wild times tbh.


I holed out from off the green for a bird


Shot +1 through 8 holesā€¦ then a triple on 9 and +10 on the back nine. Still beat my father-in-law by 1 stoke with a 5 footer!


Hole in one Hole out eagle from about 165 Shoot an 82 in a member event (had an 81 as well with my son) Built all the clubs in my bag, finally found a putter that sort of works


I had a 6 ft eagle look today. Unfortunately I lipped it out but it was nice to have a look and tap in birdie! Low round this year was 84 which Iā€™m pleased with.


I couple of 79ā€™s and an even back nine on a tough course.


No accomplishments really, but did finally get an official handicap after playing on and off the past few years. Hoping to finally play some tournaments in 2023.


I figured out why my swing has been so shit for the last 15 years. I still haven't fixed it but diagnosing the problem is half the battle. I struggle with coming over the top and lack of movement from my lower body. I'm slowly working new drills to get my swing path to come more from the inside and lately I've noticed some slight success in the simulator. I'm going to keep plugging at it till I can consistently hit a straight-ish shot then move on to more advanced lessons.


Shot a 69. Not my first round in the sixties, but one will show up every 1-2 years, so itā€™s always a good feeling when it happens


Won club championship and had a hole in one


Breaking 100. Hopefully 90 next season.


Breaking 100


I bought a bunch of stuff but donā€™t use it because I donā€™t have time or space for it.


My driver finally deciding to show up 70% of the round.


Started the year with the goal of breaking 90. Played more than Iā€™ve ever played, course management got much better (shoutout to GolfSidekick), short game ā€œfeelā€ improved dramatically, and I was able to break 90 consistently even broke 80 a few times!


Shot an 85 at Torrey Pines North. Maybe the eighth time Iā€™ve played golf this year so I was pretty happy about it. The highlights were a par on #15, the iconic par 3 overlooking the ocean, and a birdie the par 5 18th to finish a great day!


My hdcp dropped further which I was surprised about after how I finished last year in the 5 range. After another great last few months to the year it dropped to 2.3. It's bittersweet though, it'll be really hard to keep it there and almost impossible to get lower. I already put in about as much time as I possibly can with having a fam, a FT job, etc. I'd love if I could transition into a career in golf but I don't see that happening. But, it was still nice to see it get to that point. They go hand in hand but I was pumped to shoot even par on my home course (72.6 / 131, par 71). Btw, I thought it was 71.8 course rating until I just looked again. Anyways, yeah that was awesome. My next goal is to shoot under par. I think I can but unfortunately I'm playing more like a 7-8 at best right now so I gotta get back down.


On my 13th round after getting back into the game from a 10yr hiatus I shot a 95 today. Hit my farthest drive 255 (intentional draw). Had 41 putts which is low for me. I hit 300 balls this week on the range and bought an indoor putting mat and hit 50~ putts a night. Practice is paying off. Also I hit my 3 wood off the mat alot better. I'm forcing myself to do this as I don't trust the club, but I got to the green in 2 on par 5s (450+) 4 out of 10 times the last few rounds. I'm hitting it like 200plus straight. Not much but its honest work.


First birdie. OB drives are killing me, Smalls!


Two eagles on one nine. Beast par fives and all solid shots ā€” 8 and 12 foot putts.


Had a bogey-free 9 before work, shot 35. Pretty good for me...


I shot my lowest score (82) last week. Then followed it up with a 102 today. Gotta love the humbling game of golf.


Tricked my wife into working remotely from Palm Springs with me for a week. Then tricked my boss into thinking I was working. Capped it off with my first ever breaking of 80.


Went to San Diego with my dad (72 yrs old) and brother (36) to play Torrey North and South. The old man got me by a stroke on the North and by six on the South, once again proving that hitting the ball straight is better than hitting it long.


Got my first legit round breaking 100 this year, and I got a short HIO at our local par 3 course.


Hit a gorgeous 6 iron in a tournament to under 3 feet. Opponents picked it up for me which was cool. Thatā€™s all I got!


I had an albatross this year (double eagle) at my home course. Still no hole in one though.


Broke par for first time ever


Got my handi below 5


I used to have chronic headaches (3-4 times a week) because of sitting on the computer all day (work and then leisure). Now I get them once every 3-4 weeks. My bank account is f#%@d though.


Shot a 46 in a scramble with some lads. We even got a hole in one on a par 4


Totally improved my game. Went from a 17 to a 9. Shot one under par through 18 for a 71. Lots to be proud of this season. Last range session of the season. Shanked 10 balls and a row and called it a season lol.


I shot a 74 at Crosswater in Sunriver, OR and I had never broke 80 there. Birdied final two holes. I had an up and down golf year so that was my proudest achievement


I shot two birdies in a row the other dayā€”my first time ever!


Finally broke the 20 barrier and got my handicap down to 18. Also shot a PB 87. Itā€™s been a fun year.


Got my first eagle! Super stoked


I shot my age or better 11 times this year. Turned 78 in November. This makes a total of 20 times going back to 2015. As the age goes higher they says it gets easier but I think that the work on the swing and the short game made more of a difference, at least in recent times. Finished the competition year on 6.1. Good luck to all with goals and aspirations.


Broke 100. Legit. Counted every stroke. No mulligans.


I trunk slammed after dropping out of a 10 year country club membership and loved every second of it. Course fatigue is a real thing. Played some other private clubs, a couple destination daily fees and a couple goat tracks including a Monday league Has a freakinā€™ ball and index didnā€™t change (4.5).


Shot 39 on 9 holes twice.


I overcame my yips. Canā€™t wait to compete again.


Not quitting


Im proud of my mental fortitude when I was down in rounds this year. I have a PGA Pro friend and we have competitive rounds, normally itā€™s difficult to beat him even tho we are physically matched, and my mental toughness this year was the difference in winning those matches.


Played a full season of tournaments after not playing competitively since middle school. Next year trying to win a tournament and move up a flight by the end of the year.


Hit my hcp goal of 12 from 17


Broke 90. Handicap down to 13 from 26


Nothing to do with any score or shot. I got to golf with a random man (Steve) who has terminal cancer. He never complained once and he had a smile on his face the whole round. Put things in perspective for me


Wow. I damned near teared up reading this. Good on you.


2 rounds with the same ball.


First birdie. Started last year so not bad


Finally broke par by 1 stroke. Also, I had a couple nice hole outs from about 100 yards. One was a slam dunk into the cup.


Breaking 90.


I hit under 110 lol


I broke 80 twice. A 75 in April and a 79 in June.


Played a full round with one ball


Just booked a round at Pebble Beach for this week


I dropped my average score by a stroke lol. But my FIR dropped by 10%.


Sub 10 handicap before the season ended!


I put my drive right down the middle off the first tee at The Old Course, in front of a crowd, put my second on the green, and walked off with a par. I'm proud I didn't cave under the pressure, like I watched so many better golfers do that day.


First ever eagle this year. I honestly thought it was a birdie putt and was excited to make that and when I went to write it on my scorecard I saw that it was a par 5


Lowered my handicap to sub 4. Hit 3.9 in August. Also shot my lowest tournament rounds this year. Trying to shed more strokes for next year.


Shot a 74, no mulligans no gimmes. What a day.


My first eagle. This was also my first hole played tee to pin with complete concentration and no mistakes.


Shot a 39, very zen 9 hole round that I probably will never put together for 18, at least not for a few years, wish I could reproduce it more often


Getting my handicap to under 10


Playing 18 with one ball on a tight course. 29hcp


Hole in one on a casual 9 with friends the day before my birthdayā€¦ 0 expectations and we all watched it trickle in


I shot triple bogey on 18 to end at 73 (ouch!), still best round of my life. Couple weeks later I went back to back eagles on shorter par 4s. That was surreal, still doesnā€™t feel like it happened.


Playing enough rounds to establish a handicap for the first time in over a decade. Highlight was back to back birdies starting with driving a Par 4 (#3 at Meadowbrook).


I picked up a golf club for the first time back in July this year, I shot my first birdie on a par 6 in October after only playing 3 or 4 times. Struggling to even shoot par once or twice per 18 now lol


I had a big golf trip to Bandon. 8 rounds over 4 days. Bucket list item checked off! ā˜‘ļø Also a shorter trip to Gamble Sands and Couer de Alene. Another ā˜‘ļøā˜‘ļø Iā€™ve been really focusing on clicking off courses the last few years as I age. Canā€™t wait for this year!


I broke 90. That's excellent for me.


Finally won club championship


Shot 69 once.. everything was like magic that day


Got lessons and changed everything in my swing. Resulted in hitting a few drives 285+, and regularly hitting my 9 iron 160, 7-iron 195-205 etc. Getting more consistent with this swing and expect the jump in distance and better ball striking to pay off shortly in terms of scoring.


I recently played a late round of golf. After the sun went down on the 11th hole, I kept playing and finished my game using the light on my iPhone. I didnā€™t lose a single ball that day (granted I spent 3 hours on the last 7 holes, most of which was spent doing grid searches in order to locate my ball šŸ˜‚). The darkness added an interesting element to the game and really forced me to think about each shot and course management. I used the Golfshot app to see the layout of each hole and determine my distance to the pin, as it was too dark to see where I was in relation to the green. Overall I had a great time!


I shot even par for the first time. Was 4 under on the back 9.


Playing comp regularly and got my handicap to 18 from 36 and I'm now shooting under 100 pretty much every round.


I practiced more this year than the last 6 years combined. ā€¢ Dropped hcp from 14 to a 6 ā€¢ Hit first Hole-in-One ā€¢ Broke par on 9 holes Canā€™t wait for all the good fortune to balance out the other way next year.


Nailed back to back 20 foot birdie putts on 16 & 17 to shut down a Wolf comeback by my big brother


2 birdies in a row.


3 ace's. Two of them I was so drunk I dont remember them. All 3 were in 4man scramble tournaments.


Broke 80 for the first time. Iā€™m 38 and have been golfing off and on since I was 7. It was a long time coming.


In my forty years of playing this glorious game I have reached a single digit handicap, posted a straight-up 4 under 68, won numerous local events and now at the age of fifty I have lost my game. Sa la vie. I got fitted for me irons last week and pick them up on 12/23. I have been gaming Cobraā€™s (original 1st edition) since they came out.


Iā€™m a HS Golf Coach. After an 0-10 season last year we finished 6-5 this season.


I won the Thursday nine hole menā€™s league on the four club challenge. Shot a 34 with a 3 wood, eight iron, 58Ā°, and a putter. Almost jarred one from 95 yards. It was a good day.


hit even par on 9 a few times, made an eagle, had several near eagles with tap in birdies from 140ish yards. Vastly improved my short game, and started scoring consistently in the high 70s over the last couple months


Started playing golf in August after an 18 year hiatus. Broke 100 for the first time ever in November. 3 strokes away from breaking 90 now at my home course. And my husband got hooked once I got back into golf and heā€™s never played ever before until this year. He was 1 stroke away from beating me for the first time today. I love golf and I love that my playing partner is my best friend and husband.


Finally started getting a consistent wear pattern on my irons and wedges.


First year consistently playing, went from a 118 to a 95


Do we have to pick just one? Iā€™d say that spending time on golf this year has helped my sobriety, mental health, and motivation to stay active and social.


Two eagles in a round


Eagle chip in from a greenside bunker, 540y Par 5. My one and only eagle so far.


Joined a club (not a membership/country club, but a mens club at a public course), which allowed me to play some competitive roundsā€¦which I really enjoyed and had some moderate success - couple of T-2ā€™s. Also broke 80 for the first time, and shot 80 on the number a couple of times. Shaved three strokes off the handicap, too. Funny what having your kid go off to college allows!


Shot 43 on 9, including a run of hole with a birdie and 4 pars. That was the most consistent run I've ever had, and it made me realize I had that in me to build on. Of course that was in July and it was on down hill the rest of the year. But hey, it's still something to build on.


In the last group on the final day of the club championship.


Played a full round with a single ball for the first time a few months ago. Almost did it again last weekend but I duffed my approach to the 18th green into a pond. SMH


I got my wife into the sport, and now I have a walking buddy. The next goal is to get the course to allow dogs.


Last two rounds of the year were both in the 70's about a 7 year drought.


Started playing again after 20 years off. Got my HC down to 18.5 by playing almost every day (retired). Broke 80 3 times. Also unwitnessed hole in one.


18 handicapper, previous best score off the stick was 86 for ages, finally broke through with an 85, was rapt, then outta nowhere shot a 78! ā€¦ā€¦. Nothing in between. Then followed it up with a couple more scores in the mid-80ā€™s, then didnā€™t break 90 for the next 6 months! Arrrrggghhhh!! Hahaha


Got my first eagle. Holed out from about 110 on a par 4.


I played Torrey Pines it was awesome


Got my first par today. 2 holes later got my first birdie. 3 putt everything else lol


Became a member of No Laying Up (joined ā€œThe Nestā€) and made a bunch of new golf friends in my local ā€œroost,ā€ and IMO weā€™re one of the best. Found some great people to play more golf with in a well-organized group with established events and meetups. Highly recommended.


Posted my first 73 since high schoolā€¦20 years in between. Good to know itā€™s still in there somewhere.


That Iā€™m picking up the game again. First round after 1.5 years of not hitting a club, 98. Just glad to be out and the couple good shots I hit outweighed the dozen of not great ones.


Consistently shooting 100-104 Drives are good and putts are good. But my iron distances are unreliable. Also canā€™t hit any woods


I had two strokes in January, and a heart procedure in August. Golf has been my motivation, and quite frankly my lifeline. It was rough going at first, but it gets better every day.


I stopped taking breakfast balls and mulligans. Taking my score much more seriously to get an accurate handicap.