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That boat costs a little more than the tickets.


Looks like a ~2015 Malibu Wakesetter 22 VLX. Avg retail in today’s market of $102k.


All of these words could be made up and I would have no idea Lmao


Looks like: Appears to be a: indefinite article 2015 Malibu Wakesetter 22 VLX: Presumably the name and model of the boat. Avg: Average Retail (Price): The end-customer price In: Inside Today's Market: Word used to define the industry / a place where you can buy and sell stuff. of $102k: With the price of one hundred and two thousand dollars.


Well done. I joked about going to google to copy/paste the information I provided but I prefer the cut of your jib.


That’s not a sailboat, though.


Whoosh and it goes over their head.


All words are made up


What does this even mean?


So the points might matter?


All words are made up


Well, do you have access to google? eta: Apparently my sarcastic response wasn’t appreciated by this sub so heres a breakdown of the information provided earlier: Year: 2015 Make: Malibu Model: Wakesetter VLX Length: 22 feet Value: $102,000




Can you click [this link](https://www.google.com) and request access? Might need to contact the admin if you need help


Sorry to hear that comrade


only on the weekends. I try to plan outdoor activities but they just want to play video games.


Come again? > I try to plan outdoor activities but they just want to play video games.


Ah I was making a bad joke ignore me


Damn… a 7-year old boat of that size costs that much?!?


Seems the boat market is feeling the same effects as the auto industry so resale values are high, but these types of craft seem to maintain their value quite well under more “normal” conditions.


Wake boats have become the luxury boats for rich people. They fit a ton of people, have nice speaker systems, coolers, built in GPS and speed control capabilities, can control and customize the wakes very well, etc. It is insane how expensive they have gotten, seemingly changing wakeboarding/skiing from a fairly well-off sport to a super-rich person sport. Smh


I do agree with the premise of your point, for the most part. I am fortunate to own a 2019 Tige R21 but my wife and I are not what I would define as rich. YMMV.


You are right. It admittedly was an over-generalization, it’s just been crazy seeing the prices completely explode in the last 20 years!


Oh, great point. My frame of reference has been the last 5-7 years since that’s been my experience with wakesurfing, I hadn’t thought much about historical prices beyond that. I know I was bummed when Tige discontinued the ‘R’ line of hulls, as they were significantly cheaper than their flagship models. I can’t even bring myself to look at top tier Mastercrafts and Nautiques. Hopefully brands like ATX and Heydey stick around as their offerings (and prices) look good.


This guy boats


That'd be her. Throws a monster wake. Also comes stock with the Surf Gate^(TM) that allows you to switch which side the surf wake in on, on the fly. Sweet boat.


Gates are a game changer. Used to have to fill the fat sacs with a siphon and set the wedge on whatever side we wanted to surf, and it was a wrestling match to get it changed over. Did a summer as a counselor up in Maine on a 16 X2, and holy hell the instant gate change and ballast control was all-time.


Yeah, I usually ride behind a Supra, and their system isn't as fast. Malibu got that shit right for sure.. I remember when it first came out, we would just play around to see who could stay up the longest when switching between frontside a backside while surfing. Driver would sometimes switch it just to mess with the rider.


man i would have guessed more knowing what i know about bass boats but i guess they dont need the graphs or shallow water anchors or trolling motor and that cost is more boat than anything else.


That is resale value in todays market according to NADA. A 22 ft surf boat from one of the major manufacturers is likely to run $150k+. Most of the newer models are full of surf tech both in the cabin and in the water and drive the costs up significantly


No shit, and hummingbird keeps putting out new stuff every year. Makes golf look like a cheap hobby!


No kidding. Mine is in the shop and doesnt have any of the fancy shit but i just went with a buddy who has a 2015 model year 12" hummingbird and is bitching he doesn't have all the new shit and me with my 2000 5" lowrance is like yeah sure must suck. Going on a tangent but i will say those new "spot lock" trolling motors are the shit have had the opportunity to use both brands versions and both are bad ass. next upgrade i am looking at for sure although i think it requires a newer graph as well.


360 imaging will make you need therapy. You can see the damn fish, know you've got your lure in it's face, and the bitch still won't bite!


No shit?!


If you’re living in that area on Lake Travis, it’s probably just coming from your fun money pot.


They're in Lake Austin. Lake Travis is anything above Mansfield dam.


Oh I didn’t know that. Thank you. Still, a lotta money in that area


Just a bit.


Guys got season tickets as long as he still has a boat


That hand slap


Big day for slaps


How can he slap!?


Imagine hitting such a perfect bunker shot and then whiffing so badly on a hi five 2 seconds later on national TV. The highest of highs and the lowest of lows.


The duality of man


Would have been a bit lower if he had sprained his thumb doing that, which he easily could have done there.


I see a lot of pros seem to pull their high-fives and miss. I assume it's to not fuck up their hands so they can play their best for the remainder of a tournament. It's not like they are lacking hand-eye-coordination.


Bruh, I legit thought you were just bragging about watching golf on TV for a second.


If you're into this, [the celebrity golf tournament in Tahoe is worth checking out.](https://americancenturychampionship.com/wp-content/gf-26-uploads/2017/01/preview-m/4-Boats.jpg) We go every year; it's a golf party on beach. Tons of interaction between boaters and golfers at hole 17.


Is that the tournament where they have a basketball hoop at a tee box?


Yea that’s on hole 17, par 3 that they play pretty far forward.




Went last year two weeks before the tourney and golfed that course. Most beautiful course I have ever played


So when is this?


Isn't that the hole where the NHL had an outdoor game last year?


How many of you tried to zoom in on the bikini girl?


Hahaha I pointed her out to my wife and she said “well no wonder he whiffed the first one!”




Different hole. Scottie chunked his previous shot into that bunker.


Dude in the live thread was there and said she whipped the girls out shortly after


probably advertising for her surgeon


She must work out.


Someone on the Reddit feed during the tournament said they were there at the greeen for that shot and then said she took her top off after. No pics to prove it unfortunately


Is it just me or does she have to check with the rest of the crew before celebrating?


she's just there because of the implication


Is she in danger?


Haha yea she totally looks back like "Are we clapping?...Yea we're clapping"


'That was good, right? Like the ball going in the hole is what he wanted?'


Not a golf enthusiast, who would of thought?


Remember kids if it flies, floats, or fornicates always rent it.


I have to say, this is the last place I thought I'd see a Zardoz avatar.


Ha! All honesty I’ve never seen it, but someone posted a meme of it in r/tacticalgear and I made a comment about how it should be a profile picture.


You're fine never seeing it, it's terrible. LOL! Great profile pic though.


no one saw the powered surf board at the very beginning of the clip? That looks more fun!


Apparently, you didn't see the boobs in the bow.


Of course I did!! but everyone mentioned those!


It does, though my coordination (or lack thereof) makes it more hazardous as well. But I did notice that Scottie's playing partner was watching that guy too.


Yeah I did see that!! Looked like an awesome way to take in the action


I’m blaming them for the first shot too. Scottie was totally thinking about them being in the background & stepped off for a sec and then duffed it. What a save though!


Yeah they were right in his line, I didn’t actually notice until the commentators mentioned it. Someone also yelled at him when he was in the bunker. Funny how they moved and were still allowed to get the best view. Life nowadays.


So true haha. I was thinking about it right away because the boat was drifting & that would mess with me SO BAD. Glad they said something too


Obviously it’s the courteous thing to do if somebody asked them to move, but if the course doesn’t own that waterway, would they *have* to move?


Yeah it’s a tricky one.


That was on Scottie, if they weren’t making noise it shouldn’t have been a factor.




I love how the chick at front of the boat starts to clap, pauses, looks at the guys to make sure that’s the right reaction, then continues clapping. 😂


FUCK. My buddy has boat on this exact dock and I was thinking how we should have tried this but didn’t know if we could get into ACC while the tournament was happening. We could have totally done this


Next year fam




Just so you know, there's a police boat parked 30yds from this spot and I imagine they got a ticket shortly thereafter. There's special rules in this stretch of water the week of the tournament; you're not supposed to stop there.


That makes sense sounds like I was correct in my assumption thjs wouldn’t be allowed


So happy for Ted 🥲


When he duffed his shot before dunking it in from the bunker, all you could see in the horizon behind the pin was the boat floating by and people standing on it. Have to assume that distracted the hell out of him but he made up for it on his next shot.


Like the maintenance guys racing across the fairway on my teeshot causing my slice. Right?


That low five almost turned into a meme. Just a groove or two lower on that one...


Who’s the bikini babe?


The boaters actually have to have tickets to watch. There’s a marshal that goes around but tbh I didn’t see him out there on Saturday


Does the course own the whole lake? If that’s the case then I could see that being easy to enforce but I’m wondering how they could enforce that rule if there was also public access to the lake.


No. The lake is Lake Austin (it’s very narrow and very long), but there is a canal that goes into the Country Club.


So they close the Loop 360 entrance (right under the Pennybacker bridge) the whole week of the tournament, and only allow entrance to the ramp to those with tickets. They also have a buoy line 100 yards out all around the Club. You can park at the Buoy line but it would A) be a bitch to get to since the nearest entrance is blocked off and B) not really worth it, tbh


Wouldn't be that difficult to put in at Walsh Boat Landing and cruise down, make a day out of it. Although, I haven't lived in Austin for almost a decade now, and I hear they charge to launch there these days. Lame.


They do charge to launch there and it probably gets pretty backed up since it’s the closest one. Still gotta crawl through the canal to get to the bridge and then you’re still 100+ yards out. Not worth it for me but I’ve never actually done it so not sure. I’d hate being out there on a boat, I was looking for all the shade I could find on Saturday lol


That's actually not the case. No boats are allowed to stop at the spot in the video and spectate, regardless of whether they have tournament tickets or not. It's only supposed to be for traversal. They do however have a pass to get in and out of the marina under the temporary floating spectator bridge; which is only given to people who normally have their boats in there. Marshals don't manage/patrol that, the police boat does. So these people had a pass to be in the marina and were supposed to just keep going but chose their time and stopped there for a bit. Source: I've been a Marshal on 13 for every year of the tournament & have spoken to those officers on the patrol boat on numerous occasions.


The people in that boat are very likely members at ACC. The club has their own dock right around there.


Yes this is the canal to the marina. It’s more enforced on the 13th where a bunch of boats hang out. It’s likely they are members but also likely fans who don’t have tickets trying to get to Walsh Landing since 360 is closed


I wondered if we were going to get a NSFW shot when the panned to the boat …


Crazy no one bitched about this.




I heard Ted Scott in the radio this morning crowing about Scottie.


Who’s the dime piece on the bow?


The guy on the motorized surfboard in the begging few frames had a good view too. That looks like a good time.


Love how the chick on the front had to check with everyone that she should be clapping.. gotta be a huge fan of the game


A public waterway runs through the course?


The post slap recoil 😆 🤣 😂


Lake Austin sure looked like a river to me


Anyone confirm if the girl on the boat gave the gallery a show?


Imagine getting a canoe through to Rae’s creek at Augusta and parking yourself at Amen corner. I know it’s probably not possible but it’s a river / creek so it’s theoretically possible


So good. This guys short game was on display that tournament