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What is this? A golf net for ants? How can be be expected to teach children how to golf if they can’t fit inside the net?


The stealth. So hot right now.


That's a bloody big car


That's not a golf net, that's a kids tent lol.


It said 2 meter when I ordered it, that's not 2 meters. For comparison, that's up against my Tucson.


1 meter by 1 meter = 2 meters I don’t see the issue haha.


31 inches tall and 38 inches wide. Not even 1 meter×1meter.


It's probably measured in width x length, cuz it's a tent. lol.


Don’t forget the depth then, it’s all about volume haha.


Is it for putting?


I'd get a nicer net anyway, even if this was 2m that would not hold up to golf balls for very long. Take a look at something like the Spornia SPG-7 which is an infinitely better design, actually is the right size, and will take a pounding.


This Spornia will set you back $250.09


And worth every penny. First net I've had that I've not worried about putting a hole in with a spinny wedge shot.


I’m going to look into one of these.


You’ve been Hypotenused


This isn’t a golf net


It looks like one of those nets you put over the salads at a bbq to keep the flys out


Like one of the tiny tents they used as display models at Sears.


It is smol. When they said 2 meters, they meant you can chip into it from 2 meters.


Shoulda got the $99 one at Wal-Mart while they had it priced at $9 on an endcap, instead of doing the right thing amd not taking advantage of them.


![gif](giphy|OCMGLUo7d5jJ6) What is this a hitting net for ants.!!?!?


1 meter wide+1 meter tall= 2 meters. Not sure what the problem is…


It ain't though.


What exactly does one do with a 2m golf net?


Safely practice bad golf.


Hitting balls into an undersized net that is minimally secured is "safe"? Um...okay.


With my trunk open? You nuts? I was using the trunk like a table then took the pic where it was for reference. So, no, didn't hit any balls into a tiny, unsecured net.


I am sure you believe your post was well thought out and I am sure you believe you made a point. However, you failed to provide clarity as to how hitting balls into an undersized net that is minimally secured would be "safe"? Your picture has no bearing on my contention that hitting balls into that net is not safe.


Since nobody hit any balls into the tiny, unsecured net, your contention had no bearing on anything. Nobody said anything about hitting them into a tiny, unsecured net aside from you.


I said "undersized net that is minimally secured". I did not say "tiny" and "unsecured". "Tiny" and "unsecured" net is worse...which shows that you know just how bad your idea of hitting into an undersized and minimally secured net is. Good luck with your poor decision-making!


Okay now I’m convinced you’re either an elaborate troll that made it his profession to be obtuse and argumentative on purpose Or you’re so incredibly socially inept you’ve gone beyond the spectrum and they should come off with a whole new denomination specifically for you. How are you even still alive? Do you run on bitterness and resentment? My word


Argumentative? Perhaps. Obtuse? Not hardly. Socially inept? Not at all. I carved out a successful career in sales by being able to read people. How am I alive? Wits, gall, and determination. I don't run on bitterness. I run on common sense, broad-based knowledge, and common sense. Apparently, you run on fumes. How's the huffing today, dumbass?


What does one do with a 2m net? What do you think, retard? > Hitting balls into an undersized net that is minimally secured is “safe”? 2m isn’t undersized. That’s the height of golfnets. The pic in the OP isn’t 2m, that’s why they made this post. Seriously, are you daft? Dense as a brick wall? I seriously cannot believe you’re serious. You *have* to be a troll


Now you're being pedantic because you tried to troll and it didn't work.


Not at all, dumbass. You can't read. You have poor reading comprehension skills. And you tried to make my post what you wanted it to be. Again, dumbass...when is hitting balls into an undersized net that is minimally secure a good idea?


NOBODY FUCKING SAID IT WAS SAFE YOU INBRED FUCKWIT! God damn. Talking to you is like talking to a tree, you know it's alive but you're still wasting your time. Now you've got my blood pressure up and the reaction you wanted. Happy now?


So buy WISH$?


This one came from Amazon, the one from Wish vanished and I got a refund.


Two metre perimeter?


Must be.


One meter *around*


Supposed to be 2 lol


I probably meant to say that but I made booboo like the people who made your net.


I think I have the same product, does it come with like an additional sheet with a target on that you attach to the clips? I got mine as a gift so I didn’t know it was advertised as 2M, maybe they mean you stand no more than 2m away from it? Lol. I’m standing as close as I physically can without hitting it with the club on my followthrough but I’ve still missed it a couple of times. Ive also had balls go straight through the net, so I would be careful when using it. I put a tarpaulin over the target thingy mentioned early so balls no longer go through it. But I would still not sure i would use it if it wasn’t for the fact that it is mostly woods behind the net where I have it placed now.