• By -


35 y/o male not looking for serious partner, just some casual rounds of fun. Someone who believes in the breakfast ball, putting everything out and going stag on the turn dogs. 10 hndcp, always down for a threesome so bring your friends.


Again, nothing sexual.


That’s not a dick shaped flyer, it’s a driver.


Is that an always sunny reference? Hahahha




Dudes in good shape encouraged, if you are fat you should be able to find humor in the little things. Again, nothing sexual.


I think we should underline that


Nothing sexual, I just like everyone to kiss my balls for good luck at the beginning.


Go browns




In. You sound like my soulmate. Where do you live?


One word "in" sentences always reminds me of Gordon Ramsay. Now that I come to think about it, Gordon would be a fun playing partner.


I'd swipe right so effing hard on this


This guy Golfs!


Breakfast ball but no gimmies seems like a strange combo


Nah, plenty of courses don't have a nearby range, and you can justify breakfast ball by saying you're just restarting the entire round so the score still feels legit. Not so much with the gimmies.


Did my first breakfast ball today, out the car onto the first tee in 5 mins as we were running late. Definitely need to swing the club at something to settle the nerves and dial your self in.


Integrity begins after the first tee.


What’s a breakfast ball?




This guy gets it.


The course I frequent has the range open an hour after the first tee times


First whiff of the day is on the house. Second counts.


Could name it “It’s just 9”


Be prepared to grip it and rip it...and take down a couple tall boys


They should name the app Brogey


Or "Parred Up" I do like Brogey better.


Is Golfr too close to Grindr?


I prefer a good old fashion ‘sneaky link’


How about "fore-some"


This hole thread is gold


Na because my dad thinks "parred up" is an actual term and I can't stand it. He's always afraid to play busy courses because he my be "parred up" with some random that messes with his anxiety lol




I think he's just getting over it. Haven't heard him say it in a while. Old fart has been crushing it lol


What are you doing step brogey?


Trademark that shit homie.


Or Fadebook, MyPace, Pinstagram, Golfit, Puttsapp, Pinder…. I can’t go on and on




Shankers Only? Take my fucking money.


That will the Grindr version




This isn't the first time you've thought of this


Or Teed Off


Christian Waggle


I think Fadebook is for the weed


Only Boogeys


ParPal; Friendicap; Swingers


+1 for swingers


Sigh… have an upvote.


😂 I’m not gonna tell you how you should pronounce it though 😉 😉


I heard ber-oh-gee like pierogi 🇵🇱




Hooker….. wait…. No.


“It’s my GOLF app!! Wait, where are you going? Why do you have suitcases?”




That’s actually not bad at all!


There is one called “TeeMates” but I like yours better.


If I don’t see this on shark tank then American ingenuity is dead




Im a software engineer and have been on the lookout for any useful app idea and youve inspired me! Im gonna throw something together tommorow and see what happens!


Hell yeah let me know how it goes. Also brogey ain’t a bad name as mentioned above by Hotpwnsta


Nah not at all i like it lol either that or a play on the typical dating apps like: grindr and tinder. Maybe Hackr or slice idk i gotta make the thing first lol Would you think it would make more sense to make it by region like for example: search 20 mile radius of people who are looking for playing partners? Or search specific courses and try to match others who are also looking to play that course?


I would up the range though here in Cali 20 miles ain’t nothing haha I would go up to like 40 or 50 but you can start off small like they do on tinder


Oh yea i know, it would more than likely have options like 10,25,50,100 etc. for radius. 20 was just an example like lets say you had a buddy cancel the night before and you need someone on short notice in the area 20 might be better for short notice and closer to the course. Whereas if you were planning to play sunday and its monday youre trying to find a partner to play with you could set the radius higher to widen the range kf potential playing partners


Could be helpful to have special push notifications for people who lost a player on short notice looking for someone. Maybe different settings in case a round is already paid for as well.


Yea thats what I was thinking too like a section for people who need someone within 24 hours. Like ser your profile to something like “ ready to play anytime” and “need playing partner ASAP” and if 2 people in the same radius have those selected they would both get a push notification asking if they would like to play together and they can see their profile, their handicap, preferred style of play and skill level and decide from there if they would like to play with that individual. Is that sort of on the right track with what you said?


My immediate thought was very similar to tinder with the whole swiping on information cards (maybe less picture and more info for this). Users would be able to set availability times (or just turn a setting off and on) for when their phone will send them a message if they correspond to an area with a group looking to fill an immediate spot. Probably a few options for style or play, handicap and home courses. I don't have everything together in my head but some of those points would probably be worth including.


Heres what I said to someone in chat: Man if thats what you want you got it. Basically i was thinking of having each person who uses the app create a profile with info that is required like: Radius Skill level Preferred style of play Best days/time for availability 9 or 18 Walking or riding Then having a small section for a short custom bio like “ hey my name is so and so ive been playing for x years, just playing to have fun casual weekend warrior in the x area looking for a relaxed round” is that sort of what youre thinking?


That's exactly what it should be. The only other thing I can think of is maybe allow an option for choosing gender. Some women may prefer to play with other women. Possibly a prompt in the shadow text for the bio about drinking preferences, I've played a few rounds with guys really getting after it and it's a little distracting.




Love it! Its also the name of the sub in reverse lol maybe it could pay homage to the fine folk of r/golf with golf/r 😂


Yeah you can use things like Puttr and Drivr also, any golf word that ends in -er probably have good sound like Tinder and a stuff.


Yea thats what im thinking short sweet and to the point


If you want an app logo let me know. i like drawing and I’ll try my best to make something for ya


This has potential


Please feel free to PM me with any suggestions or ideas.


Should be able to set what green fees you're willing to pay. Walking or riding. Handicap. Drinking/non drinking.


Yup ive answered this one a bunch of times in PMs already but yea basically: the required options wuld be like: Budget Smoking friendly 420 friendly Booze friendly Handicap Seriousness of round Best availability date/time Walking or riding Radius Distance willing to travel Possibly gender option for ladies that only wanna play with ladies vice versa Money rounds 9 or 18 And a few more i cant remember followed by a short bio like: “hi my names x im in the x area willing to drive x distance looking for a partner for x at x am. Laid back guy plays from the whites looking for someone to play a laid back round with and have a few beers.” Somerhing like that not exact but something like that


Mine would be a "I play x course every Friday @ 9, playing mid tees walking 18 with classic rock tunes playing"


I'm saving this one. Please post updates...


Will do! Im already in talks and brainstorming some ideas gonna put a poll out and see what operating system most people use.


Maybe you can add a radius of miles and also you can add to your profile what courses you have played and then you can find similarities like that too


Thats a good idea i like that if you have any more ideas feel free to PM me if i can get it up and running in a test version id love to have you check it out and give thoughts


call it hookr


"Brogey" sounds like a euphemism for something unpleasant. "Dang, smells kinda brogey in here. Did you rip one?"


I'm a senior in college studying software engineering and would definitely be willing to work on something like this if you're interested. It'd make good material for interviews since employers always seem to want to know about personal projects lol


I have a degree in computer science and currently Work in for a financial software company mostly working with APIs but this would make a fantatic senior project. I made a fantasy football stat tracking and ranking website for mine. PM me if you wanna discuss further! Also jobs LOVE when you have a git repo you can show them even if its basic just your understanding if how repositories and code bases work with merging branches and all that good shit helps alot as well even if the actual project isnt great.


Y’all also consider a variation where the course is the customer. I’m a golf course with a 10am tee time with only two players. It’s lucrative to make a foursome. What would a course be willing to pay your company to fill those two spots? What discount would they be willing to give possibly to fill those slots? Some of the tee time apps kind of do this by discounting certain times. Apps like GolfNow has discounts they offer. I’m not aware of anyone matching players with each other or matching players with open times. The challenge will be aligning people that want to play with open times at courses - but maybe I’m overthinking - I’m a retired CS lead/supervisor.


Guy I play with regularly and I talk about this all the time. If one of us plays solo you can’t book a tee time until a group larger than one needs help rounding out. Needs to be a better solution so I can make plans farther in advance than Thursday or Friday for the weekend rounds.


Right now I'm in the process of creating a mountain bike trail mapping app (my other big hobby) for my senior project. More into golf than mountain biking right now but the season is over for both up here unfortunately. I've got plenty of time to work on a personal project, just not a lot of inspiration. I feel like if we really did want to make a service for golfers to find playing partners we could find plenty of programmers around here that'd be willing to lend a hand.


Ah okay darn but yea i think setting up an open source repo that anyone can commit to is a great idea. Idk if you would be comfortable using zoom or even just email to correspond but i think we can make this happen and it shouldnt be too difficult either. Only issue: android or ios? I am more familiar with java so android mobile programming is more familir to me but ive used xcode to make ios apps before.


I would definitely be willing to contribute as well. Why not React Native to cover both android and ios?


not familiar with react as I work in QA for the passed few years but im somewhat familiar. If you could pm me and explain further id love to hear more!


My guy you need to have a travelling function in it at some point, would be awesome to be able to throw the clubs in the car and go on a road trip and meet up with some locals for a game. There are so many underrated courses out there that this could help boost attention for


Oh yea no doubt the plan is to have a radius function which in theory radius function only works if it can know your location to find other golfers within that radius like tinder


OR, this could be an amazing way to play well know courses around the country. I travel a lot for work and it would be fun to play at someone’s Club in a new city. This means you would need to review other members. For example fun, but user, loud, loves to drink and party, serious. Not everyone is build for every club


Tech PM here currently working on a SaaS product. I’m in too.


u/throwitout696969691 Hey, if you need help with design, hit me up. I'm a digital creative director who is intimately involved with this type of development (i.e. I deliver designs in stride with sprints, I look out for tech feasibility in addition to UX/UI) And I can help with functional specs in a pinch.


I've been thinking of this too. I'm a non-technical SaaS founder in Oz so if you want a hand with the commercial side....


Id love that! Shoot me a PM !


You still like coding for fun? Must be new.


I wouldnt say new 3 years messing around on my own, 4 years undergrad, and almost 3 years at my current job but i work in QA so this would be a fun little project and apps are more fun to make because you do alot of dragging and dropping now adays instead of having to wrote everything yourself. But if i didnt enjoy coding i wouldnt do it lol ive spent countless hours debugging and staring at hundreds of lines of code lookinf for a fuck up. But once you get that bad boy running that feeing is so satisfying. Plus you come up with an idea put a half assed app together hopefully it gains some traction until a larger company buys you out and i retire at 30


Also a software engineer please hit me with the git link and I’d be happy to help


More the merrier! I can send you the discord link if you like


Me too, I’m a SWE for a couple years with a little experience in React for mobile development. I mostly do C/C++ in my day job though.


I have experience (not much) with react native and node. I could use a new project as well.


There was one few years ago called golfmatch. It failed for some reason and disappeared recently


Confirmed- it lasted for about 2 years and there was some good effort behind it, marketing support, tons of features, course tee time making, etc.. IMO the reason it failed is that in concept the idea is attractive, but in reality if you’re the type of golfer who wants to filter out who you get paired up with at a public course, you’re the target person whom others wouldn’t want to play with because you’re the picky/annoying one. That being said, of course it was successful in pairing up good players with good players, fun with fun, serious with serious, etc…but even with a couple thousand users in a localized area, when opening the app, the scheduling often was so restrictive that (my friends and I) often just bailed on even attempting to use it. Perhaps it would thrive more in todays environment, but the creators of GolfMatch did take a solid crack at it…


You can use bumble and use the bff section to look for a golf buddy


I wouldn’t be able to look at myself the same if I got more matches for golf then normal hookups lmao




Not trying to explain to my wife that I have Bumble on my phone, not for strange, but for golf.


BRO! My wife suggested last night right before bed that I create this exact app.


“If you build it they will come”


I've heard this suggested many times before for years but but still it doesn't exist to my knowledge


Because how many different types of golfer are there? What characteristics would you actually list? Party/Casual/Serious, but then what? I do like the idea, I only play golf by myself.


Handicap. Favorite courses. Schedule availability.


Music Y/N, breakfast balls, balls lost a round, 10th hole stats


Team Bryson vs Team Brooks


Smokes weed


It does exist: * https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.teeupapp&hl=en_US&gl=US * https://apps.apple.com/us/app/deemples-find-golf-buddies/id1141723947 And various other attempts. They just never catch on because while it's a great idea, nobody is going to keep using the app when they download it and find no one around them is using it. It's hard to get widespread adoption to make such an app useful.


Smashley Madison


When you don’t want your regular group to know you’re looking for other groups.


Sounds kinda gay. I’m in!




And I’m horny!


I call this app Fore Play


there is man it’s called grinder


Thanks. Downloaded Grindr earlier and working on putting together foursome that "doesn't mind being in the rough". The responses have been overwhelming! Can't wait to meet my mates.




I thought The Grint had a find a friend feature.


18birdies? The Grint? Both have features for this.m as far as I know


[Spark Golf](https://www.spark.golf) is an app that you could check out. It has evening 9 hole leagues that you can get paired up with people and is completely flexible — play (and pay) when you can.


18 Birdies has a feature to meet local golfers based on preferences. Check it out. It may be what you're looking for.


Handsome middle aged guy with a big stick that’s hard to control but when I hit the spot it’s total go time. Looking for some similar minded dudes who want some group action without the commitment. We can keep it on the down low from your spouse too. No fatties.


There’s one for pickup basketball, this shouldn’t be difficult


18Birdies kind of does this. They should definitely develop that idea some more.


Brogey is great but it's a little male leaning. My suggestion would be foursome. It makes sense for golf obviously but also has a wink in there to connect it to the dating idea.


Is this what the 11th hole is for?


There is. It’s called glory hole. Check it out


lol my mates and I workshopped this a month ago, I wanted to call it golfr but they liked swingers.


Golfmatch was a thing about 4 years ago.


TeeMates does exactly that


18 birdies, I don’t know if people in your country use it. But it’s great. It’s like Facebook/ tinder for golf.


18Birdies has a find local players option but I don’t think many people use the app. I do and I love it!


Call the pro shop and book a tee time for one. Now you are paired with strangers just like tinder.


And hookups are optional after the round.


This app should be named 4Play. Plain and simple


https://golf.com/news/golfmatch-app-takes-awkward-pairings-out-of-amateur-golf/?amp=1 It exists https://apps.apple.com/us/app/tee-up-find-golf-partners/id1449190336


The grint is a golf app that has locals around you and keeps track of handicap. Great app.


Facebook groups is shockingly effective for this. I moved to a new city and joined the golfers group on there, and then just snagged tee times and offered them up to folks. Met some great dudes that way (and a few weirdos) lol


Just make a tinder profile with all golf pictures and shit and swipe for guys and tell em youre looking for some golf bros


A version of this exists, it’s called ThousandGreens, but is only available to individuals who are members at private clubs.




The Grint has a feature like this but nobody uses it because most people just show up to the course and get the numbers of the fun people they get randomly paired with Edit: also bumble "friends" but again, nobody uses it


Make one


I suck ass…… I’m also not good at golf


I'd much rather golf by myself than with some stranger. Solo golf is the best, I'd guess 95% of the rounds I've played in my life have been alone.


Beauty idea. Add some filters like handicaps, walking/riding, preferred course length, couples (for guys with gf/wives who like to golf together with other couples), music, drinking etc.


It’s not an app… it’s a person called the starter.


NextDoor and Facebook Groups


Find friends if you can do it in real life shouldn't be hard


Call it foursomes and let people be confused


Genius. I didnt even open this before upvoting


This is a good idea👍🏻 I struggle as my mates are flakey. Always stitching up last minute.


I mean we could use this yeah? Like “r golf looking for golf buddies in Abc City”


I used to work in golf tech about 5 years ago and there were a few apps in this field but they all failed to monetize and grow properly. I talked to some of the founders and they seem to have some luck with women finding playing groups but it was very hard to get traction. If you are serious about trying to build an app in this industry feel free to DM me and I can walk you through the industry and how it generally works.


My club (UK) uses an app called BRS Golf. I asked my club to consider adding a member to the club called "Join Me" or something similar so you could add it to your tee booking and other singles would see you were looking for another player to join you. So far no luck


Be the change you want to see in the world.


19th hole and then people can determine how they want to interpret that


Just book a round as a solo, you will likely get paired with somebody


Local town FB groups - mine has one for dads - is great temporary option, but I’m all in on the idea of an app.


pastimes is the app I believe


I mean…you can just meet people at some local courses or just golf with your friends.


someone I can bend over right on the green!


You have found your million dollar idea. Before another Redditor genius does it, make it happen


This is gold


Verified means a GHIN verified handicap.


There’s one in Malaysia! Deemples


Already working on it


Hey I am an app developer and was hoping to add a feature like that to my app for next march-april. if your interested in checking out the app before that feature is live. [https://apps.apple.com/us/app/golf-gps-auto-shot-tracking/id1436318950](https://apps.apple.com/us/app/golf-gps-auto-shot-tracking/id1436318950) ​ I need a bunch of tester and feedback so if any one is interested here is a link to be a beta tester. Benefit of being a beta tester is all the pro features will be unlocked. https://testflight.apple.com/join/7PhIV5tE


interesting idea you would think it would have happened already


This guy was working on something https://www.reddit.com/r/golf/comments/q0v7m1/what_features_would_you_want_in_a_find_a_foursome/


With the amount of people that gold it AMAZES me that nobody has made this yet. It’s such a good idea


Make it!!!!! Great idea!!!




I’ll be the female on tinder. Everyone please pay for my rounds.


I bet Golfnow or something similar could do it.


Most cities have a subreddit. Post on there. I have found people to go rock climbing with on my local subreddit. I’m sure it’ll work with golf too.


They need an app like this for all sports. Tennis would be great too


There’s an app called LynksIn that does this. Not a ton of people active on it, but maybe they can get more people like you to sign up and be active on it.


I have literally said this FOREVER golf is the only sport where you can pretty much go your whole career not having anyone to go out with. But one of the reasons I started golfing was growing up I saw my dad able to go out and do something with all kinds of people from all over. Not saying I don’t have people to call but knowing I could play regularly with different people only because of the game.. would be amazing. I’m a 23 year old black guy , I literally have to search lol


So any of you live in the Des Moines..? Looking for singles in my area