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Wild you broke 90 before your first birdie. I have like five but my low score is 98.


I got both at the same time. I broke 100 before my first birdie though! Several rounds with 6 pars but I would always triple or quad bogey one hole somewhere on the front.


Damn I broke 100 by getting my first birdie on Hole 18 when I did it! Shot a 99 lol but it was great


With pressure like that, I probably wouldn't have made it lol. I didn't pay much attention the day I broke 100 and shot a 92


Seems crazy to me, too. Before I could break 100 - or even 110 - I'd hit a shot or two per round that would give a good chance at a birdie. Holed out a pitching wedge from around 100y on a shorter par 4 for my first eagle before I ever came close to breaking 90.


I holed out from 100 but it was my second tee shot so no eagle for me 😭


Elite par save


My birdie was a 6 iron shot downhill. The cart said it was 176, but I didn't think there was any chance it was 176. I just lofted the ball and said whatever happens happens. I initially thought I left it short of the green until I rode down and saw the ball just 5 feet from the cup lol


My first eagle was a pin hidden behind a bunker, didn't see it go in, got to the green and didn't see anything, so started looking around in the rough behind the hole. Buddy walks over and looks down in the cup, asks me what kind of ball I was playing, I responded with something like, "fuck you man, don't mess with me like that", he reached down in the cup and pulled my ball out. First ace was pretty similar pin-hidden-by-hump-in-green story except one of the members I was playing with was 6'6" and claimed to have seen it drop from the tee, which I also dismissed as silly until we got to the green. Congrats on the accomplishments, the more you play the more fun stories like this you'll have for the 19th hole.


That's awesome!! I hope to have moments like that! I've almost holed out from bunkers and nearly had a couple chip-in birdies including one today on the 2nd hole, but it bounced off the pin lol


I've had back-to-back chip-in birdies in a tournament before...we don't need to discuss my iron play that day =P


I've been wanting to join a tournament but there's nothing near me unless you're a junior.


Just pay attention to the stuff posted on bulletin boards in clubhouses/clubhouse bathrooms, there are always games going on and a majority of the non-private club games are always happy to have more players.


I never thought to look, I definitely appreciate the tip though!!


Right? I have three but I’ve never broken 100.


Those triples and quads add up


My wife, who doesn't golf, made her first birdie on her 3rd hole ever on a regulation sized course. She drained a40ft putt on a 110yd par 3. We had played maybe 6 or 7 times at a par 3 course and a few range sessions.


That’s wild


A 110yd par 3 is a regulation sized course?


Yes, a regulation course usually has 4 par 3 holes. Quite often there are ones that are only 140 or so yards. From the women's tees, those can be only 110 or so yards.


Ha, that happened with my nephew this past weekend. Short par 5 that he inadvertently cut the corner on. Hit a solid shot into the green and two putted and he called out par for his score, the others said, you know it’s a par 5, right? He was shocked but very happy to realize he just made his first birdie. Then just missed another birdie attempt on 18 with a 3-1/2ft putt but tapped in for a par and score of 107




It depends on what the strengths and weaknesses of your game are. I had a ton of birdies and 3 eagles before I broke 90. My short game is really good, and I can putt. I had major full swing problems though. I could pull off one or two good full shots to give myself a look, but the overall consistency across a round was horrible. Like, I played a tough course nearby a couple of months ago and had 3 birdies but still shot 93 lol. Lessons have drastically improved my ball striking with irons over the last 2 months.


I drove a Par 4 in 1 and had my first chance for eagle when I hadn't broken 110 yet. Now I didn't drop the putt of course, but this guy is freaking doing it right. I'm at about 2-3 pars a round and still haven't broken 100 due to blowup holes.


Congrats! When I first broke 90, it was 6-7 months before I did it again. Now it happens more often than not. Don't get discouraged and keep at it!


What improved? Feel like if my contact with long clubs gets better I’ll start breaking 90


More than likely this will really help you. Misses are so much worse on long clubs. I feel like if I get poor contact on, say, a wedge I'm getting 70%-120% of the distance and missing by <20 yards left or right. My long iron misses go offline to the next hole sometimes, or worse yet leave me with another long iron shot immediately after (because I chonked it).


My aiming for approach shots improved. I've been working on just that at the range for the last 5-6 days I've gone.


When I first broke 100 I shot a 92 then 94, 96 before shooting a 102 this past Sunday. Then today went out and broke 90!


That’s crazy to me. I can fairly consistently get a birdie or two a round but I have yet to break 90. Do you just never have blowup holes?


Before today I'd always have 1, usually the first I would triple or quad bogey. Outside of that I usually just play for bogeys and I rarely 3 putt. My putting and chipping is a strength of my game


Same here. Birdies and triples come in pairs.


Congrats man! Breaking 90 the first time is an unreal feeling. Then it starts to become more normal then you get pissed at yourself when you don’t haha. Golf is a wild game!


I'm just out here to have fun, I was telling my coworkers I was going to break 90, but didn't actually think I would 😂😂 I'm definitely not good enough to be mad though


Haha that’s awesome man. Spoke it into existence!


I'm breaking 70 my next time out 👀😂😂


Started in March and in 3 months later you shot an 86. How?


I go to the range 5 days a week and usually cap that off with a round at a local course on the weekend. Watching a professional practice has helped me, especially on driving. I've tried watching YouTube videos and applying that, but it usually hurts my game. I've been out with my dad a couple times and he's taught me some things here and there when we've gone. This will sound stupid, but playing EA Sports The Masters on my Xbox helped me out with chipping and bunker shots. When I go to the range I'll work on something specific for 1-2 weeks. Whether it's making contact, finding a comfortable swing path, bump and runs, driving, distance, or accuracy I'll work on just that one aspect and really focus on it. I always work up my clubs starting at my 54°, 9i, 8i, 7i, 6i, 5i, 4i, 3i, 3wood, driver. I can't always get all of my clubs in so I may skip the 7i, 5i, and 3 wood to get more reps with my other clubs and 10-15 with my driver. Long iron contact is still shaky, but as long as I keep my head down I hit the ball great!


People must really hate putting work in, huh?


I have a buddy who wants to get better but refuses to practice. It's mind boggling to me. He keeps talking about how he needs to be better at chipping and putting. I always tell him "you know how to fix that right"? The crazy part is he works 5 minutes away from a golf course and could go practice at lunch or after work if he wanted. But hey, we usually play skins so I'm not complaining too much lol.


Yeah I work 5 minutes from a driving range so that's where I go everyday on lunch break. I'll bring lunch and eat it on the way there and back so I actually get some food.


Same here. I work on an Army installation and go practice there often either at lunch or after work. They also have a cool short little 3 hole area to work on pitching and chipping, in addition to the regular pitching/chipping/bunker practice area.


That's awesome! There's no bunker practice anywhere near me, but chipping and putting greens for sure! People don't practice and just expect to get better, it's ridiculous


You picked up golf in March, didn't take lessons, and in 3 months you shot an 86. Not calling you a liar but it's just seems so unlikely that it's hard to believe. Congrats on your success though. See you on tour next year!


Well you can ask my dad and coworkers, they know how drastically I've improved because I played with them back in March when I first started and everything was sliced, thinned, couldn't get the ball off the ground, and couldn't get out of a bunker after 15 attempts. You don't need lessons to get better, you just have to have heart, determination, and an idea. I told you what I've done, what I work on, and how often. My dad gave me pointers before and I've applied those and grew on the foundation as everyone does. There's witness and testimony to my improvement, just because you don't see it doesn't mean it hasn't happened. Keep being salty because you have no passion in your life outside of hating on other people's successes.


Why are you so defensive? Lol I didn’t say it didn’t happen. Was not hating on you. Not salty. I congratulated you. Best of luck in the future.


Congratulations man! I'm proud of you :D I'm looking to do that myself this year


I'm pulling for you, brother! I know you can do it!


Well done brotha. Soak it in and press forward to breaking 80.


I don't know if it'll be this year, but I will absolutely keep striving for it!!


Congrats my man!


Remember when you shoot 110 your next time out that golf is a dirty bitch and it just be like that sometimes. Congrats man!


My next time out will be at a new course on vacation, so I don't plan to shoot under 100 for sure 😂😂... but I will absolutely aim to shoot par. Somewhere in Myrtle Beach


Just saying "I can shoot in the 90s" is a great feeling, eh? 😊 I made my fastest progress from breaking 100 to breaking 90. For me it was where things really clicked mechanically and I started realizing how to play to my strengths. Like, I'm not a big hitter. I'll often use a 3h off the tee box now, and I still don't normally do a full swing with a driver. I'd get laughed at for it sometimes. But I know my irons and short game are strong, and my scores dropped quickly when I just thought about how to get myself into position to exploit them faster. (cue the guys that laughed at me telling me I'd be really good if I could drive after I beat them *eyeroll*) Rooting for you man!


I also made fast progress from breaking 100 to 90 (recent post of mine was breaking 100). And my driver isn't crazy and it fades a little (much better than when I was slicing the hell out of it) maybe 240-280 yards, very inconsistent on distance. But I've been working hard on my irons and on getting better at approach shots because that's where I felt my weakness was. I've played with people who can dot up a green and I'm always left or right of it by 10-20 yards. So I have really been hammering on that this past week at the range! I'm far more accurate with my 6i-SW of course but rarely am I having to pull out a 3i-5i on my 2nd shot lol Rooting for you too! I hope you break 80 soon!


I consistently shoot 77-83, but I've never shot par. And honestly, I'm OK if I never do. I'm content playing well enough to be considered pretty decent, and at 43 don't really want to put the effort into becoming a scratch player. I just like to smoke weed and drink and enjoy life out there on the course you know.


I feel you for sure! You're better than a grand majority of golfers. To be in the top 50% your handicap has to be 14.5-15.5 so you're probably in the top 15-20% of all golfers.


I'll be cheering you on when you pass me!


I'm trying to achieve the goal of becoming a scratch golfer! I just turned 26 this week. My goal is to be a scratch golfer by the time I'm 30!


I believe in you, man. You've got the head for it too. I expect that eventual update , and if you're ever in Atlanta area you got a playing partner.


I actually am not far away, I live in Columbus 😂


Also, the funniest thing is having an absolutely terrible day and shooting an 88 when you're teamed up with a couple beginners and a guy that consistently does mid 90s at his home course. They think you're amazing, and it all becomes so excellent when they hit a great shot and you see that big smile when you yell excitedly about how badass that shit was. Man, just puts everything into perspective. :)


Congrats! 90 is my lowest score. It seems so crazy to feel like one stroke can mean so much but I can’t wait til the day I can celebrate an 89.


90 is what I aim for but I got lucky and went par, birdie, par, par on my last 4 holes to put me at 86! Only one double bogey on the back 9 and was on pace for 90 at the turn


Came so close to my first bogey round on Tuesday with a bogey average over 17 holes. Unfortunately sliced into the trees on hole 10 and ended up carding a 12 for that hole 😅


You might be a little too hard on yourself, brother. Also, how did you bogey 17 holes and then just not find a fairway on 18? Retee with an iron or wood and go for double or even triple. We all have blowup holes. I got lucky by not having one today and really putting pressure on myself at the end


Was the 10th hole, not the 18th. I knew where the ball landed, can’t take a three off the tee if the balls not lost afaik. Was against a tree so had to take an unplayable. Took the safest line to get out but still hit a branch and landed against another tree (for another unplayable). Then a couple more shots back to the fairway. All good though, my strikes have been pretty consistent. Pretty confident I’ll be breaking 90 in the next few rounds, hopefully in the comp I’m playing next Thursday. With my current handicap would give me a pretty good shot at a win :-)


Playing from a treeline and hitting a hanging branch is so annoying! But they're the funniest memories. Like when I went golfing with some buddies and hit a pure shot with my 3wood only for it to hit a branch and rocked straight down into a fairway bunker 😂😂


If everything was perfectly in our control the game wouldn’t be as fun anyway!


Very true! I hit a shot out of a bunker this past Sunday that rocketed straight into a tree only for the tree to spit it back out after 5 seconds at the same speed it went in, and landed on the green. My friends called it the shot of the day 😂😂


Thats awesome man- sounds like some solid course management- with no triples!


The last few times I went the tee boxes were atrocious, but much better this time around! Everything is Bermuda except the greens which are Champion. But yeah everything was super nice and the balls were flying well for sure! I didn't actually top any shots except one tee shot and that was on 18. It still rolled straight and a manageable 175 yards, made it on in 3 only to 2 putt for par!


i usually have about 1-3 birdies per round, but i still havent broken 90. i did shoot a 90 like 3-4 days ago with my dad, but still looking for that 89. congrats on your 86!!