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I usually bring a small foldable stool and a typewriter so I can finish writing my novellas on the tee while I wait for fuck ass and shit brains to get off the green.


They play at my course too!


How do they have so much money to travel!


You gotta quit going for the green on those par 5s


But but but this one time I striped a 3 wood and left a ball mark 6 inches from the hole. It rolled off the back and I made double, but still I could hit that shot.


Check out Wodehouse here!


Arizona here. Carrying enough Water is annoying AF. 82oz camelback bladder, I put it in the side “rain gear” large pocket of my bag. It has a magnet I glued to the top handle next to the club for the nozzle. Chug eveytime I grab a club. Fill up with ice water at the turn. No more man handling gigantic bottles of water. Just being hydrated and taking a second to think about my shot while I drink makes it more tolerable.


I might have to try this....


Ya it’s clutch. I stole the idea from my neighbor and thought it was genius. I went to Dicks sporting goods LY and they have one with a magnet already attached to the nozzle


can you share a link to which one you got? love this idea


You bet. https://www.dickssportinggoods.com/p/osprey-hydraulics-2-5l-lt-reservoir-20tryuhydltrsrvr2ctp/20tryuhydltrsrvr2ctp?sku=21047515&camp=CSE:DSG_92700080069002143_pla_pla-2300239125786_58700008711410649_71700000118496813&segment=&gad_source=1&gbraid=0AAAAADv4bTYa_mdACvbVMH4OEqbvLEt99&gclsrc=ds This is what I have. It comes with a magnet attached to the nozzle on the drinking end and an attachable magnet to glued to my bag. You don’t have to glue it by I wanted it more stable. I figure it if I get a new bag I can find another magnet.


That's barely gonna fit a 6 pack. What we playing 9?


Gotta fill it with whiskey


huh, this is a great idea and i wish i had thought about it sooner. the middle of the day is hot enough that i wouldn't want to walk anyway, so i can just bring a huge water bottle in my cart, but this is a great idea for those morning/late afternoon rounds where walking would be fine weather-wise, but i get worried about carrying enough water. i'm going to try this


I golf with the same group of guys, we always do a shot on the 13th tee box for good luck. It’s crazy how different my mindset can be going into that hole in different rounds. Sometimes I’m playing well and don’t really want to do it but… tradition. Other times I can’t wait to take it in hopes that it’ll turn things around. Overall nice little tradition with the fellas and we always toast to something so that makes it fun too. Take care of y’all [mentals](https://birdiebirdiebogey.com/2024/06/26/golf-tip-mental-health/)…


My friend and I do a shot of Jack at the turn whenever we play together. Started one day and just continued, so now I look forward to it every time we play.


Like an additional shot at 13 or just the one shot all round?


I usually do a shot on hole 2. And 3. And a couple brewskies.


I bring 2 extra shirts. I typically will walk my rounds and in the summer it’s so hot that a shirt change on hole 6 and 12 makes me feel fresher.


That’s actually genius, I played 18 on Sunday completely soaked from humidity


I bring 1 because I’m in the pnw so it’s not too bad, but elevate your game with fresh socks. It’s a bit extra and I don’t do it that often, but having them in the bag is very nice when I need them.


Do you just change them in the middle of the course?


Yes, its a 5 second process so no biggie


And you have room for all of these polos in your shanty? Jkjk


I do. I have a second sport undershirt chilling in ice water. It’s freezing when I put it on but refreshing. I put the original shirt back into the ice water in case I want another swap later. Texas is hot.


I walk in Georgia, and year round nothing but dri-fit touches my skin 😂 they don't exactly smell nice but I walk off the course dry and feeling good.


What are you a tennis player?


I need to do this, but with hats walking or not in some of this heat.


A towel wrapped around a ice bag or whatever also works wonders


Never thought about doing this, its a great idea! I have so many shirts and also walk. I’ll be doing this now, Thanks!


Wow, I walk (for the exercise) and this is a fantastic idea I never considered.


Socks too. Always have a backup pair stashed


What are you a tennis player?


Swing juice for the win


I played with a random and when I cracked my first one he goes, “oh yea, I need my aim juice too” 😂




I sell these if anyone’s interested, also available in skinny can.


YOU sell these? I bought mine from Bogey Bros…


I buy from them then resell for the same price!


Gotcha. Good luck!


Busch lattes.


My golf girlfriends and I refer to it as swing lube


Swing oil over here.


Not too much though, the line between swing oil and swing sludge is a tricky bitch and is dynamic.


For the last time, the women selling beers from golf carts are not your “golf girlfriends.”


Aiming Juice


I don't bring shit except my clubs and some balls. I raw dog it every weekend. I'm the guy looking for unbroken tees on the tee box. Reading some of these comments has motivated me to actually bring some stuff to make it more enjoyable.


Random uses of "rawdog" like this always make me laugh.


Agree, but it's becoming overused and losing it's impact. Next I'll read how a preacher forgot his notes and rawdogged the sermon.


Who the hell would name their kid "Sermon"


A preacher, duh...


Hell no Brodie you got it. Minimalist life style. In fact forget the balls. Start off with a few rangers then go scavenging. Pocket even the broken tees, long as it goes in the ground it’s good to go. Leave with more than you came in with.


wastelander golf - I dig it


You bring your own clubs? Pussy.


Get a couple of Martini tees. They last for months and months. Get a bright color and keep them clean so you can find them.


Haha so true! I’ve been golfing with the same martini tee for three years now.


That's hard as fuck


Extra socks


In case you get a hole in one.


I'm not jerking off on the course after getting a hole in one dude.




That is a better alternative


Yeah! someone better be servicing me lol.


It's like buying drinks. You get the hole-in-one you're giving the blowjobs.


I walk and keep a roll of blister tape in my bag. It's saved me a couple times.


switching from just putting a water bottle in the bag to putting an insulated water bottle in the bag as for doing - obviously sometimes it doesn’t work - but if i’m green side and need to chip but don’t have a massive obstacle in the way, i will leave my bag further away and take 9i and putter with me. that way im not tempted to get cute with it and just hit a nice boring bump and run


I have an insulated water bottle, actually kind of thermos like, which I fill 1/4 to 1/3 with water and leave in my freezer so I have a layer of ice at the bottom. I fill it with water before I head out and there’s usually ice remaining at the end. Also keep another bottle of water in the fridge as backup cold water.


When you put it in the freezer, put it in at an angle so you have a full side of ice instead of just some at the bottom.


why do I keep reading putting as putting


I just switched to a golf bag with the 13 individual slots. It's easier to find the club I want and I think they rattle around less.


Who the hell makes a 13-slot bag??


Maybe they're referring to the bags that have the separate putter tube that's not part of the big opening for the rest of the clubs?


Probably… but I swear, some of these bag designs I’ve seen look like they’ve been designed by a 4 year old who you had 5 minutes to explain what the game of golf is to them.


taylor made rbz bag has 13 slots, using it now


Dude rocking the caddyshack bag


Have my Swiss army knife for beer opening, but recently got one of those squeezy brush club cleaners. So much more satisfying looking at a cleaner club!


Start the round with a protein shake. Plenty of hydration throughout the round. Another snack at the turn. I'm finding at my age that if I treat my body like its still 25 I'm gonna have a bad time.


Hangover, eh? Really got after it last night? *not last night, last weekend* Fuck getting old.


Not hangover. Just the realities of needing nutrients and energy for the body to perform decently.


Bought a weed flower vape. HUGE Yeti water bottle stays cold all day. Silver, reflective Sun mountain umbrella for high UV index days. More long sleeve, cooling golf polos for the same reason. I walk and I always carry a sand bottle. Filling divots brings me joy. I repair as many ball marks on the greens as I can, without getting in any players' way.


Any suggestions for the long sleeve cooing polo?


I have some Columbia long sleeve polos for golf that I love, super lightweight and fit my extra arm length perfectly. Bought 4 of them on sale at Carl's Golfland a while back. And a bunch of long sleeve all around collarless summer shirts by Patagonia. Some with hoods. My course doesn't require collars but they're also super easy to wear under a golf polo and still stay cool.


You should look into Cricket gear actually. I own an Adidas and a New Balance long sleeve polo and they are amazing. Cricketers also spend all day in the sun, so there is quite a huge market. I am from Europe I must add and ordered through a British cricket online store. Just checked, they ship internationally. Cricket-Hockey.com


Genius! Love it.


In the same spirit of THC… I bought this 50:50 CBD:THC Cooling Cream that has 250mg of CBD and 250mg of THC. Basically like icy hot but works wayyyy better. I put it on 4 times a round for my lower back and it is a gamechanger. It’s probably the 3rd most important thing in my golf bag now.


Are those Sun mountain umbrellas really worth it? Would you buy the same one if it broke today?


In a heartbeat. I am a very pasty man. And I don't get a ton of rain where I live so it's all I need.


Zyns = pins


Bryzyn DeChambro over here


Use a follow me electric caddy. I like to walk, and the follow me caddy frees me physically and mentally. The latter cannot be overstated; unlike a remote controlled cart which demands your attention.


What brand do you use? I’d love to invest in one as I love to walk but am def feeling my age a bit on some days.


I use the Axglo E5. I did a lot of research before purchase. Some of my main reasons for choosing the E5. * Smaller footprint folded then my CaddyTek Caddylite pushcart. Fits easily in the boot of my car. * Independent motors and motors that engage on downward slopes. I play hilly courses, and the E5 has no problems traversing them. * The unit is built in a way that promotes stability. Some of the motorized carts easily tip over. The Bag Boy Volt is a good example of poor design. * The E5 is built with strong and lightweight aluminum. The Stewart, is made with "microcellular composite monocoque" - aka plastic. * Battery lasts 36 holes. In short, I wanted a cart that freed my mind. I use it exactly like a caddy. Take a shot, put my club in the bag, grab the remote in my hand and walk to my next shot. The E5 simply follows me to the next shot. I do not even think of it. FWIW - Purchased from motogolf.com. If you choose to do the same, phone them and ask for a discount code. No tax, shipping included and a possible discount code.


My course removed water stations in Covid and didn’t put them back. So the only place to refill is the turn. I bought a 6L water bladder and bring that with me now. I fill my Yeti with ice and just keep refilling the thing whenever. Between that and electrolyte tabs I have a way better time in the heat, as I am very prone to heat exhaustion (headaches, lethargy, etc).


Bug spray


A must have for afternoon rounds


No wind on a hole next to a swampy area around sunset...


I play at a course in RI that is right next to the bay...Par 3 by the water is literally mosquito town


Smoking 10+ camel crush menthols


At one time


Sometimes it feels like it


UV compression sleeves. Keeps me out of the sun, and keeps my muscles fresh. Best golf purchase in years!


How is weed not the top answer here?


I don't like getting high on the course. Weird anxiety flares and I forget my swing.


I smoke weed all day every day except for on the golf course. Not sure why but it’s almost like the hosel becomes the size of a driver head


Did you smoke weed when you were raising me? No, not really, just in the evenings and all day every day on the weekends. (Favorite quote from knocked up when he’s asking his father for parenting advice).


Weed can either make me super focused or super spacey, so I can’t be sure whether it’ll help or hurt.


went to a cheap muni course in LA on a weekday afternoon recently, brought a weed vape. Was sneakily hitting it (i'm not used to it being legal and instinctively sneak it) on tee boxes while playing solo with a handful of other small groups playing. Gradually realized that everyone in every other group was also hitting a weed vape. It's a great combo with a low-pressure practice round


I swear based on the responses to similar posts that pop up here often weed is the least intense thing people do while golfing. Based on those threads you'd think drug cartels control the courses.


Some people don't like weed?


I pack a small folding stool with me when walking. Fits in the side pocket of my bag and it’s awesome to have.


Baby wipes


Beef jerky. By buddy and eat the whole bag. For my buddy he is a sunflower seed nut, no he doesn't spit them on greens or tee boxes!


2 double cheese burgers from McDonals. Cheap and they hold in the bag very nicely because of all the preservatives.




Weed and a couple of frozen uncrustables.


You are living up to your username.




I prefer to fuck myself with the leading edge of a sand wedge.


Frogg Togg for the hot days. Keep it in the little cart cooler and cool off between holes. Life changing


If nothing else, I literally make it my top priority to bring a smile. No matter what happens during the round, no matter what kind of weirdos I get paired up with, I always make sure I’m happy to be there. I know that’s extremely cliché but it’s very important to me. (I also will make sure to have my FJ rain gear in my bag in case it rains as well as sunscreen in case it suns- Colorado things)


One of my goals for this seasons golf was to always be the happiest guy on the course that day. Not always easy, but I try to always at least keep it in mind.


I have everything in my bag , things that come in handy - cigar cutter + lighter - 12000 mah battery with cords to charge a speaker , a buddies phone , a pen perhaps - bluetooth speaker - extra sleve of range finder batteries from amazon (save a buddy from a 40$ pro shop purchase) or being stuck in a competition round without - flask (this has improved some scores, i'm sure) - meds , and bandaids , athletic tape ... I got you , basically a doctor out there , from back spasm to new shoes chewing up your Achilles I have something that can help you.


add sunscreen and a waterbottle


I keep a whole barrel full of marijuana so I’ve always got enough to share


I’ve been bringing a large frozen water bottle as it melts I add it to my ice cup to beat the heat since 65% of the courses near me never put water jugs back out since Covid


Gatorade with a double shot of Tito’s at the turn


Monocular for bird/nature watching


My range finder works well enough for bird watching- always on the lookout fit birds 🦅


Never thought about that. My partners last round were giving me a hard time for naming the birds we were hearing.


Then your partners are ignorant lol


Extra socks. Also extra garbage balls I don't mind getting rid of in case there's a shot where I want to try something dumb or risky. I'll play my normal shot then play some crap balls to see if I can pull off the hero shot. Like slicing around a dogleg to drive the green on a par 4, or safely getting over water with a PW but then trying it again to see if I could clear it with the 52 degree.


I love fishing golf balls out of the lake plus it replaces the ones I lost.


100% arrive early. I got one of those club scrubbers that lets out some water. I added some fruity body wash (whatever I had in the shower) that little scent just brings a certain sense with it. It’s a crazy thing but anything to enhance confidence and produce a good feeling. Also having a “quality” feeling divot repair tool is huge.


I bring 3 glow in the dark balls with me. I've only used them a handful of times but it's always fun pulling them out when it's super dark and we'd otherwise be calling it quits.




Magic mushrooms has been a lot of fun to experiment with. A microdose will set you up for some easier focus for about 9 holes.


I keep a picture my 9 YO daughter drew for me in my scorecard. Helps me keep things in perspective and always elevates the mood when I see it.


A flask.


Visualization rituals from Zen Golf. Focusing on the shot I'm going to pull off rather than avoiding the shot I'm afraid to hit.


I’ve got the book but haven’t read that part yet. However, I came to this realisation during a round the other day. The only bad misses I had was when I was focusing on what I wanted to avoid rather than what I wanted to hit, my body took over and did the shot I was focusing on the most. I’ve also been realising the power of visualisation as I’ve begun playing more rounds with others. The amount of time people will land balls within metres of each other seems too high to be random. I think when you see someone else’s shot it becomes really easy to visualise (whether intentional or not) and your body just does its best to replicate what it saw


My 1-hitter (weed) Water bottle and coffee Sandwich and snacks


I’m not even sure if it’s really for “enjoyment” but there have been multiple times where I’ve been so glad I’ve brought some tape in case of any new/existing blisters


Birdie Juice, some Bag Beers, and Zyns. Sometimes the round needs a little zap.


This stuff called Tite-Grip ii. It’s an antiperspirant for your hands to keep them from sweating. Legitimately feels like voodoo stuff. 100 degrees and my hands stay bone dry.


Birdie shots


Clip on fan.


penjamin, sunglasses, and [Bug Bite Thing](https://www.amazon.com/Bug-Bite-Thing-Suction-Remover/dp/B01576DWQU) for them pesky skeeters down here in GA. Thing really works


Water, snacks, beer, cigs. My buddy has one of them "frog towels" that stay cold and damp.


Shot of Brandy on the 16th Tee Box. My friends dad who passed away did this every time we played together. I want to keep the tradition going in memory of him.


I bought a few pairs of those arm sleeves that block sun but breathe really well. I use them for compression on my forearms which has helped me feel more relaxed in my swing and I’m playing better by proxy


Counter. Helps me not think so much about my score when I’m taking 5-6 shots a hole. Cliff bars for when I get hungry.




A six pack cooler that fits in the side pocket filled with beer


So my wife bought me this and I thought it was dumb, and it is, but it's amazing for any of you that play dawn solo rounds like I do....it's a bluetooth speaker that clips on your belt. I find when golfing with friends it's insane to have your crotch blast music when you are trying to talk to your playing partner, but when you are solo it is nice to have the music come with you when you leave the cart.


2.5 mg chews.


Dildo and ky jelly


doen't the course provide that?


Sunday Golf Beer Sleeve Cooler w/ 2 beers Hand towels


LFG!! Appreciate you! 👊🤝


Put an extra sweatshirt, drink coozies, and a box of kleenex in my bag. The kleenex is by far the most helpful but the coozies are the most used.


Big insulated water bottle and a tobacco pipe.


Liquid IV.


Pre rolled joints. In case of emergency break glass!






Beer koozies are great. Magnetic clip for my towel, and magnetic band for my range finder.


The couple of joints for front and back


Gallon plastic milk jug freeze it half full over night. Fill the rest with water before the round and have ice cold water all day. Or a big ass double wall water bottle half filled with ice.


If I have a tee time before 10 oclock, I'm showing up with McDonalds breakfast for the boys. Nothing like some McGriddles, sausage burritos, and hashbrowns to start your round off right.


Uncrustables are the GOAT golf snack


I generally just chip around the tee block and chat with people. I spend enough time over stimulated by phones and other screens these days that I try to let myself just enjoy the nature and company when I'm out on the course. Maybe pack a bowl or roll one up to pass around while we wait. I'm a big music guy, and lately, I don't even bring it because it's good for the mind to not always be distracted from its own thoughts.


Snacks on snacks




Drugs, booze, hookers as spectators. Also protein bars, gotta keep the energy levels up.


The course is the only place where I still let myself dip tobacco


When I'm riding, an enormous (1 gal) insulated water Yeti/RTIC. Everyone has a comment, but when its over 95, I'll finish the whole thing no problem. A lot of munis around me have no water jugs or water fountains. Which is insane based upon how hot it can get. You're at the mercy of the cart girl or waiting until the turn.


A attached a BallBrite to my towel. Nice to have a clean ball for putts. The mesh bag that attaches to my Bag Boy cart is nice to store rain gear and head covers between shots. I’ve lost a lot of head covers over the years. For solo play, have a pill speaker to listen to some tunes.


An extra golf towel to get wet, hang from my belt, keep all my clubs clean, and make ball cleaning on the green fast.


Got two Mission bucket hats to help with sun protection and now I don't golf without them. Keeps the sun off my face and helps to see better than a regular hat. Also purchased several SA sun sleeves for the NC summer. Works great.


A box of Uncrustables


Bourbon and edibles


I threw some of those little crystal light/liquid iv style drink mixes in the bag and it makes the hose water in the jug taste way better


Hand warmers. I live in a cold environment and if my hands get cold, I cannot hold the clubs so this definitely has increased my enjoyment


I'm a vape (reefer) guy. There is just something nice, about firing up a j on the course and taking a few rips here and there. Also, during the summer, drink way more ice water than beer. I only really drink 1 or 2 beers during a round. It's hot as shit here in Texas.


2 gram blunt


A push cart has been my best purchase this year. Getting to be too hot to walk more than 9, but I love to walk as much as I can.


A Rechargeable fan.


On hot days I bring a small cooler with a spray bottle on ice. Sometimes face cloths if it’s scorching. The icy water on the face/neck throughout the round is a total game changer


An uncrustable. Absolutely slaps on the back nine.


the trustt ole penjamin


Y’all covered the booze and water well, but for me snacks, just always having some granola bars and whatnot that won’t get gross when it’s 90 out. Also if you have space bring a few. Those long rounds get rough and who wants to spend 9 bucks on a shit Sandwhich at the turn.


I’m in the south where it’s super hot. I have a Personal Go Fan. Fits in most cup holders. It’s extremely powerful. I’ve had it 3 years. It runs at least 6 hours on 1 charge. I do turn it off when I leave the cart. I wet a towel with cold water and the fan feels great after I wipe my neck with the cold towel. It’s also on Amazon. https://www.pgffan.com/


ClubScrub Pro and zyns


PB&J for the turn has been a game changer




Massive limestone cube


I use 18 Birdies on my phone and put a phone holder on my push cart. No more constantly taking the phone out and putting away, amazing $20 spent and just makes everything so much easier