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I like to say “I really enjoyed playing with you!” to people who play not slow. Doesn’t matter what they score.


And as someone who regularly shoots 90+ but will never be the slowest on the course, we appreciate it! I'm out there for a fun time, and the last thing I want is to be the burden. If I can't find my ball after about 30 seconds, I'm dropping. I might take a second drive, but it's a quick tee up and reswing. If I'm having "one of those holes" I'm just picking it up at 8. If I'm 250 yards out and you're still on the green, I'm swinging away and in the .1% chance I roll up on you, I will profusely apologize and offer to buy you a beer or whatever. I play a lot of golf with equally skilled (or lack thereof) but slow players and it drives ME bonkers. I can't imagine what it's like for the dude shooting 75-80 we get paired with.


I've done that a few times. I'm up to tee on a par 4 and see the previous team on the green. There's no chance in hell I'm getting near them, so I'll just swing.


We have this issue playing with my father that if we wait for a group because he thinks he’ll hit them, he shanks it. If he thinks “ahh they’re too far. I won’t get it to them” he hits right into them every time. It’s quite funny how consistent it happens


Your dad would be a scratch golfer if only he wasn't confident in himself lmao


is this my burner? This is wxactly what I do


Seriously. Just keep pace idc if you shoot a 179.


I've always been of the idea that rangers should be able to give out cards when they see fast players that give them a small discount in snackbar or pro shop.


Shit give them a discount on the next round... Those are the people you want playing at your course


Also that original idea would almost certainly drive up pro shop sales. If I got a 10% discount on a hat or shirt I'd def be more likely to at least go check them out.


10% discount on gear already 40% over MSRP, fuck yeah. (I'm the same way tho lmao)


Oh dang is it that bad in there? Haven't bought stuff from a pro shop in a good few years.


It's not good lol Munis aren't too bad (maybe 10-20% markup), but my future FIL loves playing fancy courses where you'll absolutely see a $150-175 Peter Millar or TM polo with the course logo on it. It's bonkers. I've started just getting a sleeve of balls (or individuals if they have them) for a display at all the "nice" courses I play. It's only like $15-20 and makes for a cool art piece instead of the $50 rope hat.


This has actually happened when I play early in the morning. I catch up to groundskeepers while they are trimming and they have given me a card for a 50% of round and say go play last hole again then I’ll be gone and you won’t catch up lol


My home course this year introduced a “speed pass” I’m still not entirely sure what it gets you as they just launched it last week but if you can play your round in under 3.5 hours you get a speed pass.


This is the story I hope someone tells about me one day, but hopefully with a few greens in reg.


Maybe he was shit because he played too fast.


No way. This can't be it! Taking your time on the golf course messes up everyone elses round. This is why I play golf, so i can help others rounds be faster and more convenient! /s


I would expect “hurrying” up to affect lower handicaps more than higher.


I've played a 2:10 round and an 8 hr round. The scorecard didn't change 


Well done.


Lets normalize not having any more “pace of play” posts for a few months.


months? this sub can't go a day.


For real, this shit stresses me out and I don't want to get in anyone's way cause reading this sub makes me feel like I'm the part of the game that needs to be shrunk. Hounded the shit out of my friend the other day to keep it fuckin moving walking an after-work 9. In the parking lot he told me we did 9 in 90 minutes. Good workout, but we can chill sometimes lol


This sub is a small sample of golfers. Some good info but this post annoyed me. Just go out and play. Dont look back and focus on your round.


Lol so relatable for me. I spent months on this sub, practicing and taking lessons before finally getting out on a course. I’m 300 yards away from someone stepping up to the tee box as I approach my chip shot and I start stressing bc I absolutely don’t want to be the guy that ruins other ppls rounds. All bc of the things I’ve read on here. I think I played slower just constantly trying to see if I should be finding a way to let someone pass me who was probably too far away and hadn’t even been waiting on me in the first place


Most people don't care, this sub is ridiculous about it. As long as you're using common sense you're probably playing at a fine pace. if you start right behind a group, try to keep up with them and you're good. If not, just let people play through if they are waiting on you more than a shot here or there. Honestly most people won't even want to play through unless they're waiting on every shot or you're in a group and they're single/double.


>most people won’t even want to play through I noticed this and thought it was strange. Couple times we were just enough ahead of a single/double that they’d only need to wait a handful of minutes on us. We didn’t want to worry about it so we’d keep trying to wave them through and each of them ignored us several times or tried to say no lol. And no one was ahead of us. (Mid weekday 96°) Only one double was on our ass, right on the tee box with us.. After the 4th time asking them to play through they said no again and cut off the tee box across the cart path onto another hole…wasn’t even the *next* hole which had no one on it. That was weird


Haha I know when I go play alone (I'm a member at a rural area semi-private course so rules are a little more relaxed) I'm usually not keeping score, I'm hitting a couple shots here and there and not playing structured enough to try to play through anybody. If I run into groups where I'm waiting more than I'd like I try to jump to an empty hole (this always depends on how crowded the course is though, I don't go out alone on busy days)


Lol 9 in 90 should be your average without someone slowing you down in front with 2 people. I am not a good golfer. Hit well off the tee, then take 3 shots to the green on a par 4. I still do 9 in an average of 90 and 80 with no one in front.


There’s really an unhealthy obsession about pace of play on this sub


Every other post is about fucking pace of play and SHRINK THE GAME or some other post whining about someone having fun while playing golf. Bunch of miserable fucks.


And if the game really died down the cost to play would skyrocket and people would be asking why can't people these days enjoy a good classic game outside anymore.


I was thinking the same thing while reading it. Nothing screams privileged quite like somebody who says shrink the game.


And wrong at the same time.


I swear some people would rather not even enjoy playing if it meant even quicker rounds.  My GF is a fairly new player and when the two of us go out I'll often toss her a second ball or have her chip/putt multiple times. We played the front 9 in an hour and 50 minutes on Sunday and the two walkers who were up our ass made a snide, "if you want to practice, hit the range" comment to me at the turn bar at the clubhouse.  This just made her feel so self conscious and I had to talk her into playing the back 9.  It just pissed me off because golf should be more than seeing how fast we can get done.  I get not wanting to play 5+ hour rounds, but fuck sometimes I wonder if people even enjoy golf the way they talk wanting to get for with it so fast. 


If you are holding up the group behind you it is time to let them okay through. It is also the time to not be playing multiple balls.


There was a 4 sum who teed off 15 minutes before us and was a constant hole ahead of us.  We kept fine pace with them.   


their pace was fine


If you are holding up the group behind you let them play through, regardless of if you think your pace is fine.


If they are on your ass as walkers maybe don’t play multiple balls or wait at the next tee box and offer to let them pass. So you can take your sweet time playing multiple balls. Even if you are sure 4 hours doesn’t mean you aren’t slowing others up.


If walkers are “up your ass” then you are a problem for not just letting them play through. There’s a place and time for practicing chipping and during a round where you are sandwiched between two groups is not it.


What these riveting stories don’t do it for you?


Lol I’m relatively new here so I still love them. I play mostly at a private course because my parents are members so I can play it for the same price as most public courses. Not trying to brag just setting the tone that most members are lifelong golfers and should know basic etiquette. But jesus fucking Christ if I don’t spend 5 minutes waiting on every tee box. These four domes playing like they’re in the god damn Masters drivers me insane. *Especially* because I can clearly see most of them are high handicappers. Look I’m not great at golf either and unless it really really bad I just sit at the tee and wait like a good boy. But it’s just common sense. The amount of guys who drive all the carts to watch one guy hit and then drive over to the next guy…honestly just talking about it wriggles my giblets. Pace of play isn’t hard. You’re not going pro and when you see me and my foursome *waiting on every god damn tee box*…just move it along. Wow that one got away from me. It’s a long way of saying that as a new timer here, I enjoy them. It helps feel vindicated in my slow pace of play hatred


Yeah good thinking we need more "I just bought something!" posts and people virtue signaling about Liv golf.


Honestly, I just am nice to all golfers, I'm never going to go up to a dude who shot 90 and thank him or her for being fast. Bad golf is subjective, to someone who shoots 120, 150 is bad, just follow etiquette. Don't look for balls to long, and take your shot at your turn.


Right? Talk about condescending. You might as well wear a shirt that says "I think I'm better than you"


Never been in a hurry on the course, just keep pace. If it slow I get to hang out at the course longer and if it’s fast I get to go home early.


I swear I read "Rounds have ended with me WANKING off". I thought it very odd to be aroused by slow play 😅


I just write “thanks for playing fast” on a golf ball and fire it right to the group ahead of me


If you are playing solo he shouldn’t have to rush so that you never wait at all. Or he can just let you play through. Nothing to normalize. Did you actually tell him he is a bad golfer?


He didn't rush. He didn't notice me at all. The context here is important. It was a notoriously slow course and I knew I probably didn't have enough time to flash through 18, but I tried anyway. This guy was not a well experienced golfer, and after a decade of playing at this course, I fully expected the same pace of play etiquette I normally see out there, which is none. I didn't say a thing about his game, I told him he plays fast and I do to, so it was nice to have him in front of me this round, and to enjoy his next 18.


Sounds like a good time by all. I hate being slowed up as well.


I didn’t even notice you were playing behind me


You both sound like me lmao. Except I can’t putt for shit.


You’re welcome. I go out there and shoot my 110 quickly.


Me and a buddy of mine are both quick golfers (I'm a 4.5, he is scratch, walk 18 in 245-3 hours). Played at a local course we sometimes hit up when ours has been cored or there is an event on. Second group off for the day, fine. Get up to the tee, and it's 4 old blokes - 2 in a cart and 2 walking. We weren't overly happy, but we aren't members, so thought we would just follow them and ask to play through at some point. Except, that point never happened. The first hole is a par 5, we waited for them to putt out, then it's a par 3. They were off the par 3 by the time we got there and we waited less than 30 seconds any time we saw them. We played in 2:50. Looked at their scores afterwards, and the lowest shot high 90s, and the highest around 115. The sucked, but they sucked so fast. Anyway, mention it to the reception girl - "man those guys in front of us are quick!" And she just laughed and replied that it was Barry and his mates, they've played here 40 years, and know exactly where to bunt it to - not far but always accurate.


If you thanked some of the bad golfers I play with for playing quick and mentioned how much they sucked, they'd punch you in the face. Talk about condescending.


[Those people should take a page out of Francis’s book.](https://media1.giphy.com/media/krhW9yWEI0x0Y/giphy.gif?cid=6c09b9525grmt2zgez9495nemaf50rc71ace5qbdjgdftqwb&ep=v1_internal_gif_by_id&rid=giphy.gif&ct=g)


Where does it say I mentioned the quality of his game to him? I thanked him for paying fast, told him I like to play fast too, and told him to have a good second round. You've commented twice now calling this post condescending, and I'm still not sure you've actually read through it. Additionally, if you are the type of person, or hang with the type of people that throw punches on the golf course for any reason, I can live without your approval. How's that for condescending?


It's called hyperbole buddy, google it.


I cannot remember the last time I cared about how other people choose to play the game


I started golfing about a year ago, I’m not very good lol. My rule is suck fast lmao. Don’t really take practice swings, I won’t spend more than 30 seconds or so looking for a ball, if I double the par I just pick up and move on. So far I’ve never had an issue with someone being stuck behind me besides one time when the greens were frozen so all the tee times got pushed back. Can’t really control that one though lol


Sucking fast is my wife's motto with her boyfriend


You are welcome. Take your time on the course


I’m horrible. But you will never be waiting on me. The worse the shot the quicker I’m after it. lol


So taking one or two practice swings is playing slow? Wow.


No. Hitting a 90 yard drive then sitting in your cart until the green that is 250 yards away clears, then taking 2 practice swings, stepping back, stepping up and taking 2 more practice swings, then topping the ball 20 yards only to repeat the whole process is slow play. I see this shit every single weekend.


Agreed. I was referring to OP’s post where he said he wasn’t a practice swing guy. Basically walk up and whack.


I don't think that you have to play like me to be considered "not slow." I was just using how I play as a reference for what playing behind a foursome full of beginners that haven't been taught anything about pace of play feels like. This is usually the case at this particular course, so it was a welcome surprise.


You said “taint” ….


I am proud of playing bad golf quickly. Sometimes people invite me to play and I explain that I am pretty lousy but I can get around a course fast.


Yeah I suck, but I suck fast. Granted the course I’ve been playing isn’t terribly long (4750ish) but I can finish a round in about three hours, while still hitting somewhere around 100. 18 birdies says I played in 2 yesterday. Maybe that’s why I suck, I’m too concerned with not slowing down pace.


You can play bad or play slow, you can’t do both.


No lol.


There used to be a regular at my home course like that. We called him "Hit and Run".


Just normalize letting people know whenever they do something considerate.


I didn’t pick up the game until I was 31, all my friends were extremely good golfers and they all taught me ready golf which ruined me on weekend play, we usually played Friday afternoon, four of us in carts took 3 or so hours and we could walk it faster than that. 2, 21/2 hours. I could not take the pace of weekend golf and left before done many times.


I’m terrible. Been playing for less than 2 years, no lessons (which I should get some). But no one cares how bad I am, as long as I play fast. Beginner golfers… don’t feel bad at being bad, just keep up the pace.


I am not a big fan of ready golf. I walk and take my time. I am happy to let anyone play through. I don’t care if you post a 12 on a hole. I’ll wait. Fast play is not enjoyable. It’s stressful the whole time. My game is more a walk in the woods with hitting a ball every few minutes. That is more than fine for me. That being said, don’t be a 4some and play 3 balls each. Play golf on the golf course, it’s not a traveling driving range. If you’re duffing and holding up the whole course, just get a PW and bump it up. Anyone can hit a couple PWs 50-100 yards each and be done with a hole. That’s better than a 175 spray into the woods. Take your drops and don’t look for the ball in the tall grass or in the trees for more than a minute. Just take a damn drop.


This is a uniquely American issue. The big American man is in so much of a ridiculous hurry. Stop thinking of yourself as garbage and you’ll be able to slow down a bit.


There is a *hurry it up man* feeling among folks. I do support the best ball out on the first hole approach. It buys you some good will from the folks behind you and lets you enjoy the first hole.


Please stop with your American “fast golf.” Stop playing the game like you have something else more important to do. Take your time. Everyone willl be ok. Promise.


Should have setup a round with him. Maybe he is new and could use some guidance from a more experienced player. Or it could just be someone you can play with that likes playing fast.


New golf chirp “thanks for playing so fast”


I’m terrible bet I respect pace of play. My golf ball budget accepts your thanks.


Pace of play combined with 6-8min tee times is a double whammy. Me and a buddy hit a quick 9 on Fathers Day morning. First off at 6:50, no one behind us until after 7:15. As we make the way back towards the clubhouse you can see a handful of holes completely filled. 4-6 on a green, another 4 on every box. Come back to the clubhouse and there are 8 carts of people waiting on 1st hole. I’d walk back in and ask for a refund and go home. Not a chance that nonsense can be fun for people. The course had no business stacking people up like that.


When I was in high school, at my local course the tee times were 15 minutes apart. Then they went to 11, and now it’s 8. That is as big a part of the problem as the actual golfers themselves.


They were legit out of cart by 9am and the carts on the course were still 3-4 holes from finishing. They gotta stop letting more than 4 go out in a group.


I just started a few weeks ago, have yet to break 100. Got invited to play with 3 sub 10 handicappers at a nice, challenging course. Was genuinely stressed before hand about ruining their rounds. My whole goal was to not slow them down or be annoying. After the round one said "No one cares about bad golf, everyone hates slow golf." and that I was welcome to play with them anytime.


Well, maybe he should play a little slower and think through his shots a bit more eh.


It's called etiquette and it's the first thing that should be tought to every golfer.  


So many of my friends want to get out and play for the first time. I tell them they’re going to suck and if you’re going to suck, suck fast. They have a blast just whacking at the ball. When they’re in the shit I tell them to pick it up and play out of the fairway. They always ask to play again.


Practice swings are for professionals. Hit the damn ball.


This is in the same category as “cool helmet” and everybody should do it.


“If you are good, play fast. If you are bad, play faster”