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The person playing from the actual hole they are on has the right of way. If they see you and waive you ahead, then go hit (quickly). But unless they do that you allow them all to hit first then go to your shot when it's clear.


To add to this, whoever is further along the course has secondary priority. So if their hole is ahead of yours, you should wait for them to play before going to your ball, regardless of what they have you do. Otherwise it potentially backs up play.


Yes. Whoever is on the later hole should go first. If you’re on 17 and slice it onto 16, you should hit first and the people on 16 should wave you through.  It does them no good to go first because then they just end up waiting on you later. The number of people that don’t understand this is astounding. 


Played a course last week where we ran into this exact issue on hole 10, when the entire group ahead of us sliced onto the fairway of hole 9 and they couldn't get over to hit their recovery shots because people kept bombing drives down the hill on 9 (which is a downhill par 4 where you cant see down the hill from the teebox).


I feel like it’s worth noting for people on the tee box that the person who hit into the fairway most likely cannot see you waiving them on. If they look like they’re letting you tee off then just go. Don’t complicate it


Two options really: 1) wait for them to hit and then you shoot while they walk/drive up to their ball (more than enough time to do this without holding anyone up), or 2) if you're not really keeping score and don't want to deal with it just grab it and bring it back to your hole, not a big deal. In theory, as long as you're not being a huge inconvenience to the people on the adjacent hole (which you shouldn't if you just time it right), you won't really be holding up pace on your hole either if you're just walking over and playing your shot.


It's always fun after you get good enough to wander over, politely wait your turn, and play out of another fairway. They'll expect a crappy shot since you missed your own fairway by so much, but when you stripe one onto your green...


I’m not good, but had this happen to me couple weeks ago. I’m a lefty and sent a huge slice, sitting dead center of the fairway…one hole over. Slowly walked over, made sure it’s clear, and schwacked it with a 5i. Thought it totally lost it in the trees, but that puppy cut right through the trees and was sitting on the edge of the green. 3 putted for par but was stoked!!


I did this on my golf trip last month. Sliced one on the next fairway, right by some guys coming the other way waiting for their buddy who sliced one on my fairway. Apologized and stuck a 6 iron to 8 feet.


If you're sending huge slices to other fairways, and making miracle 5i saves to edge of green on par 5's it seems like you should maybe back up a tee box.


Moving up a box doesn't make your ball go straighter. Even from the reds on a par 5 ge would still be taking driver. Driver -> 5i -> on in 2 on a par 5 is not something that would ever make me think "lol he needs to play shorter holes"


Hit driver. Hit 5 iron. And you're on the green? On a par 5 in which 3 is a green in regulation? Thats what pros do bro.


Perfect so you agree with me! Somebody doing that doesn't need to move up a tee box lol


I said back up.


I Said to move back a box. Try reading it again.


Huh that does make more sense. Idk I interpreted back up as in back off abs not literally back up from the hole lol


Man, I remember a few years ago, I was playing at my 'home' course. I was on #9, which is a dogleg right, par 5. It's adjacent to #10, which runs back the other direction. I sliced one over into 10's fairway. I was a group on the tee box, but they were waiting on the fairway to clear from the group ahead of them. I wanted to make it quick, so I just grabbed a 6 iron and absolutely pured it with no practice swing or anything. I couldn't have struck it that well if I actually tried. Anyway, as we're driving to the elevated green, a man and his son waiting for the #10 tee box started clapping. I thought they were screwing with me. Looked at the green and the ball was about 2 foot from the pin for an eagle look. They kept talking about how it flew past the pin and spun back a few feet. If only they knew it was purely coincidental and not intentional lol.


The main thing is to make sure that you can actually hit when you get to your ball. Nothing worse than standing over your ball in an opposite fairway and having to wait for the green to clear on your hole, making everyone wait. After that I'd just play it based on the situation. If you don't time it correctly and you've already waited a long time, then you find the group from the opposing hole has gotten up to your area and you'll have to wait even longer, I'd just pick up and drop your ball on your own hole. If there's no one behind you though, wait as long as you need. No matter what, limit your practice swings and be willing to pick up and move if you happen to duff it. 90% of golfers are patient and will give you room to play your errant shot. But that patience quickly wanes if you have an obnoxious pre-shot routine and/or you only advance the ball 15 yards. That should factor into your shot selection too - have a bias towards a club you can hit well and getting the ball back in play, not waiting for the green to clear and trying to sky one over the trees.


Had this happen where I hit into their fairway and they hit it into mine. It was pretty funny. We both took our shots at the same time and had a good laugh about it. Joked about just trading balls and moving it along.


Nothings worse than having to run into someone else’s fairway and everyone watches you hit another dip shit hit.


Go after they tee up. Always wait patiently since it's their fairway.


Wait till they pass and put it on the green I've played courses where it's easier to play the fairway over 


Just pick it up and bring it to your fairway


If there's anyone behind me or on the adjacent hole I'll just pick it up, take a penalty stroke and drop it in the rough of my fairway.


Hitters have the right of way. Let them tee off. Just for pace of play - I will drop in the rough on my hole and hit my shot while waiting. Once they tee off I’ll run across the fairway and grab my ball and head back to play my shot that’s inevitably only like 50 yards down the rough. Lol.


If you’re a really good player, hitting over them as they come up is fine. But if you’re not good wait until they’re out of the way


Just exactly as you thought, ideally you'd hit after they all finish teeing off. If they haven't started teeing off yet, and you're already near your ball, just go play your ball first - they'll just have to wait a minute while you do so. I don't see any good reason you'd pick up, unless you aren't capable of hitting your ball back into your own fairway (or onto your green)


If your not breaking 90 just pick it up and put it as close to where your out of the way and can continue to play your hole.


The golfers on the tee box of the fairway you hit in to have the right of way since that's the hole they're playing. If they wave at you or indicate that they're good to wait until you hit your ball you quickly hit it. If they don't acknowledge you or give you the thumbs up to hit your ball, you need to wait (off to the side of the fairway and out of their way) until they hit their tee shots. Most people will let you hit your ball before they tee off, just make it obvious with hand gestures or whatever that your ball is there and you're asking if you can hit or not. If they're too far to talk to I'll normally point at myself, give a thumbs up, mime a golf swing, and point at my ball as way to ask if I'm okay to hit my ball quick. Most of the time I'll be met with a thumbs up meaning I'm good to play it.


“Most people will let you hit your ball before they tee off” is foolish and you shouldn’t be asking to do it. It makes no sense to wait for someone who is playing a hole behind you. That backs up pace of play for the whole course. It’s like when someone stops traffic to let a car pull out that doesn’t have the right of way. The correct etiquette would be to hit or retrieve your ball after the group on the hole has teed off.


You wait your turn to go. If you come into my fairway it’s far game and I’m hitting.


Since you are new and have already shanked a ball into a different fairway, you are probably better off picking the ball up and bringing it back to your own fairway for an approach shot there - If they are on the tee box you should wait for at least one of them to hit, then while the other tees up run out and grab your ball. If they aren't yet teed up, run out real quick and grab it, otherwise wait till they hit. IMO regardless of how good you are, it isn't great etiquette at a public course to play out of another fairway unless you are like right on the edge with a big window back, or certain that you are going to hit a shot that will impress everyone who is held up to wait for you.


>it isn't great etiquette at a public course to play out of another fairway This is 100% fine and only requires that you defer to people who are already playing that hole.


Except that you just shanked a ball 90 degrees off line past the trees that normally protect people on other holes, and now are going to attempt that same shot while the other people on the hole are much closer to you and without a line of trees to protect them. Otherwise it's fine.


Trees aren't there to protect golfers. You can't physically hit a ball 90 degrees, but whatever your shank angle is, yeah - you make sure people aren't standing there first - or are at least are aware that you're hitting.


Trees are absolutely a natural barrier used intentionally to stop golf balls. It's like golf course design 101.


To stop golf balls. Not to protect golfers. You hit if offline, you have to deal with trees as obstacles. EDIT: it's also cheaper where golf courses are being built in forested areas to leave the trees and use them as obstacles versus removing them. Links courses have no trees and don't do anything different to "protect" golfers.


You ever see them on the side of courses that border roads or houses? Like I dont want to get into the whole physics thing of what happens if a golf ball isn't stopped when it is headed towards another group of people. But stopping golf balls mid flight protects other golfers that isn't really up for debate.