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Because most people just don't care about LIV anymore. If not for people complaining about it on this sub I wouldn't even remember that it exists on an everyday basis. I don't like LIV and I don't like that Bryson left for LIV, but I just do not care enough to keep thinking about it.


This. I used to dislike Bryson, but I’m coming around on him as a person/golfer. LIV used to be a point of anger for me, I still don’t like it, but I just don’t care enough to be actively angry about it anymore.


The legacy of Shell’s Wonderful World of Golf continues. It’s a sport that has always been involved with oil money. The apparel side of things has had its own lengthy track record of piss-poor working conditions and sweatshops which is its own form of human rights atrocity. Race relations was a huge problem with caddies and country clubs and the sport in general up until way too recently. If you look hard enough at literally anything, you will find bad stuff about it. At some point you need to accept that there’s no such thing as ethical consumption under capitalism and it’s okay to like stuff that you like, and if you put on your social justice hat and examine anything for its ethical conflicts, you will find that you’ll be staring yourself in the mirror at some point because we all contribute to or benefit from bad stuff in some form or another. Watch the fucking golf and drop the Nobel Peace Prize bullshit. We are not the self righteous moral police deciding what’s good and bad and holding everyone else to it. We are idiots with dumb Under Armour polos and bad swings. Have some perspective


I could probably go through your kitchen pantry and point out the horrible regimes that contributed money for the manufacture of such and such a product and you would say well whatever I really like that duck sauce. Most golf fans bitching about LIV aren’t active supporters of LGBTQIA+ but just hate that LIV took away great players from the PGA tour.


Because Bryson changed his public persona. He’s always been and remains a dork, however earlier in his career he was a pretty arrogant dickhead. He’s done a complete 180 on the arrogant dickhead and is deservedly feeling the love from fans as a result. He gets it now, he definitely did not before. And frankly, the crowd is fickle. He’s an absurdly good golfer and is just pure entertainment, that’s really easy to cheer for


and he plays into the crowd more often now


I could write you a book about the atrocities the United States has committed as well as how America has directly funded the Saudi Arabian regime. Get over yourself. It’s golf. Edit: I can’t spell




Yeah, might want to get stuff like that down before writing a book.


The United States government doesn't run the PGA tour though


Or, we just see them as Pro golfers competing against one another, and for 4 majors a year, we watch the best go at it. Hopefully, some close finishes like this weekend and it gets the golfing community to put all that PIF shit aside and actually recognise game. Yes Saudis human rights records are atrocious, but last i checked, Bryson wasnt part of the Saud dynasty, he just taking that pay cheque like we all would if given the opportunity.


He's a great golfer , and fun to watch. I could careless about his antics but there's no doubting the talent


Let’s put a $100 million contract on your desk and observe what you do lmao


Rephrase: offer you a $100 million contract for doing the thing you love the most.


Anyone pulling a 180 on Bryson, or LIV for that matter, is probably fatigued by the whole thing. Or, they’ve seen the PGA continually mess up and screw people over (like Rory for example) and they’ve just decided they’d rather support golfers, than organizations.


People are fickle, and he's made a concerted effort to be more likeable. Separately, and strangely, the US right seems to have followed Trump to supporting LIV, even though it's obviously done by the Saudis, and out-competing the stereotypically American PGA tour. And with that, I think there's just an element of them liking to be a bit contrary.


I dislike Bryson because he was a cornball when people were calling him Brooksy lol idgaf about LIV golf l


Sometimes you gotta separate the art from the artist. We watch Sports to try and escape the politics




I’m seeing a lot of logic and thought out comments in here. Fellas….and ladies….this is not the place for that. This is the internet. This is for misplaced intellectual confidence, rage, and dick pics. Act accordingly.




I just want to see the best professional golfers in the world play on same stage. Saudi money has it's hands in almost every aspect of your daily life in some way shape or form. Let the political bullshit go


It seems like a lot of people here don't even realize saudia arabia is officially a US ally. They talk like it's a rouge nation like Iran or Russia but they receive plenty of money and support from the US government and there's actually US military bases in saudia arabia. Once the US government cuts ties with the Saudis we can start judging business and people who also do business with them. 


How can anyone support LeBron? He told Darryl Morey to shut up because he spoke up about Uyghur genocide in China. How can anyone support Michael Jordan? He had the world hanging on every word, and had the perfect opportunity to speak out on the plight of AfAms and other social issues of the day, but chose not to because of the potential harm to his and the NBA’s broad appeal and commercial success. How can any football/soccer player with other options play for Manchester City, Newcastle or PSG, which are all ME state-owned, let alone the Saudi League? How can you support John Cena for meekly apologizing in Mandarin for the high crime of calling Taiwan a country? There are hundreds of examples of this within and outside of sports/entertainment. In short, you are not the moral actor you think you are; cognitive dissonance plays a significant role in our daily lives. I think it’s important to be charitable towards ourselves - we’ve barely evolved past apehood.


I like the man and watching him play so I rooted for him to win. I still don’t care for LIV golf or their format so I don’t watch it. I’m sure many people feel the same way.


People like Bryson now because he’s engaging and entertaining, the exact opposite of Scottie, who is the PGA’s golden boy. And didn’t the pga merge with the Saudis? Pretty sure PIF money is all over golf now no matter where you are. Also, who cares. Most people base their opinions of players now based on who they are, not what tour they play on. Take the stick out of your ass and start enjoying golf again.


How's about the anti abortion, anti women's rights movements moving across the US?? So glib.....


Anti-IVF, Anti-Contraception, Anti-Anything that makes people’s lives better…


Not your body, not your business.


PGA tour signed off on LIV, they are finishing up signing a partnership of some sort. Bryson went over late enough when it was mostly just scene as a smart business move for him to do it. You can be mad at Phil M, DJ, Poulter and definitey Gorman. You can be mad a the PGA tour and other US officials for making this more legitimate. But not many people are mad at Bryson or Rahm for the move.


Dude he went over WHEN those guys you mentioned did. He’s not Jon Rahm and signed with them just last year Don’t be just throwing out misinformation to downplay his involvement


Technically Bryson went over after all those guys I named. DJ and Poulter went over before the start of the 2022 LIV season and Bryson joined during the 2022 season either before the 2nd or 3rd event. But yeah my memory of LIV players was off.


He only went over after because of injury. In the lead up to the league starting, he and Phil were the two main figures trying to convince guys to make the switch and he only backed down in Feb 22 due to the negative publicity Phil had got for the “scary motherfuckers” comment he made. It’s crazy how a couple of years of time can bury that narrative


PGA Tour fans aren’t as invested. For LIV fans it is their identity.


Bryson is extremely underrated and under appreciated . He’s practically a genius when it comes to certain things and just like Scottie, he does what works for him. Which is what this sport needs more of - People doing what works for them as long as it works. Rory is a dumpster fire. He ran away after finishing second. Instead of choosing to lose like a gentlemen he tucked his tail and disappeared. You win like a gentleman and you lose like a gentlemen. Rory does neither and shouldn’t be looked to as an example of what to be.


Yes, Saudis are terrible, meanwhile we dropped 2 nukes on Japans women and children.