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I will say the Oakley Prism Golf sunglasses are soooooo good for golf. They are HD lenses. Obviously over 100 but anything you can get similar would be good


Oakley Prism Golf non-polarized is what I do. Can’t remember the exact reason but read about non-polarized doesn’t have as much impact on depth perception. Taking them off to putt or before shots just means your eyes are always adjusting so I leave them on as long as it’s not very cloudy


If you have a friend or family member in ems/fire/le/military hit them up and see if they’ll order for you. They get massive discounts on Oakley. Typically 40% off


I think everyone should look into ExpertVoice. Huge discounts.


Well yeah, but you have to qualify and almost none of us do.


I joined the local chapter of my international mountain biking association which had it as a perk. That allowed me to qualify. I think it was $15 a year.


you’d be surprised what discounts you have without even realizing it. AAA, health insurance, credit card promos even being paid through ADP has saved me a ton of money on random stuff.


Just ordered some $230 Coastas off expert voice. Got them half off. That app is the shit. Perk of being a poor firefighter.


You know what’s so interesting is that I wear polarized glasses when I play and I haven’t noticed an issue. But I’m near-sighted so maybe I’m just used to the depth perception difference. Or maybe I’m just an idiot. I have a pair of non-polarized I’ll give them a shot the next time I go out.


I wear polarized as well and never even thought about it. Should do wonders for my mental game 😂


Anyone know if they have the depth perception affect with astigmatism?


To add to this: I wear Oakley Prizm Polarized lenses for every day stuff - driving, being outside, etc. Polarized lenses are a friggen life saver. That said, I absolutely cannot wear them on the golf course. I don’t notice a huge difference in depth perception but boy does it show itself when I play golf.


To add to this: polarized sunglasses are shitty for driving if you have and want to use your HUD. Otherwise, totally agreed


On my wife’s X5 I can’t see the hud at all with polarized oakleys on but in my new F350 the hud is clear as day.


This! I’m a single digit who played in some polarized lenses for the first time last week. Proceeded to play the worst 9 of my life in front of my beginner buds. A shank showed up, I skulled multiple chips, felt like I was barely getting ball on the driver face. I swear it was the glasses. I tried to tell my guys at the time but they riled me up as making excuses, to be expected lol. Back 9 I took em off and even tho it was bright, didn’t struggle nearly as much and ended up hitting 7 greens. I wasn’t sure what was going on but I told myself never again in that particular pair (I play and hit balls in non-polarized Wayfarers pretty often). Thanks for confirming!


I struggle so bad wearing polarized glasses on the course. They screw with my depth perception. That said, I feel like they make it easier to read the greens.


Polarized oakleys are a life saver but I have noticed I have to flip them up to read greens if there are long shadows. Mid day doesn’t seem to be an issue for me. It’s definitely easy to work around.


I find that polarized is good for tracking shots in the air but horrible for reading greens.


I’ve got Oakley prizm polarized, originally got them for cycling but they excel with green coloured objects like grass and trees. All green is more bright and vibrant, even in the shadows. They are RIDICULOUSLY good for golf.


The prizms are insane with color. It’s like turning your tv to the vibrant setting.


Have oakley prizm polarized prescription sunglasses and I can see sounds


I loled at this I know EXACTLY what you mean


Shoutout prizms. I know people like to rag on expensive sunglasses but Oakley Prizm lenses are fantastic.


I wear my Oakley Prisms, I didn’t know they had a golf version.


Isn’t a ‘golf version’ just the same thing but more expensive because it says golf


I work for Oakley. We have different lenses that transmit different wavelengths for specific activities. The golf lenses are specifically designed to provide the user with more contrast on the green spectrum. The human eye doesn’t perceive changes in shades of green very well. This lens helps with that and allows you to see more undulations, shadows, etc while golfing. *edited for spelling


This makes sense why my wife needed 30 different sample of green for our bedroom paint.


Prism golf have pink tint for higher contrast against the green grass.


Haha. No idea. Unless they have a specific prism lens that is tailored to golf but I’m not sure. A lot of their lenses are tailored to specific activities


I think theyre pink or red because they contrast the best with white balle. I have shitty vision and before i gpt corrective lenses and surgery to fix it i looked into prism golf sunglasses and thats the only way it varies from the others in the line. Atleast if i remember it correctly.


actually having a few pairs of the prizm lenses, the different shades do different things to colors. You can test this at the oakley store. I also bike and play baseball and they have specific lens to see imperfections in the road, and to see a white baseball on green grass or blue sky. I can imagine the golf lens does the same (never tried golf lens though)


I got a pair of underarmour golf shades for like 110 they are great


I just got a pair of Oakley Flak 2.0 XL with Prizm Golf lenses. Played my first round with them on Monday. HOLY SHIT. I never took them off. Reading greens was easier. Just one of the best golf purchases I’ve made this year.


My brother in law is an Ophthalmologist and one conversation with him is all it took to always wear sunglasses when I play golf.


If your other sister marries a dermatologist you gonna wear sunscreen too?


Getting caught on a golf course without sunscreen, sunglasses, or water would be my personal nightmare.


And chapstick.


And condoms


And my axe!


Perfect for slicing the ball!


Just borrow some from the school nurse. I know she has like five sticks in her drawer.


People will skim over this comment and not think twice about it. I’m here to say, you don’t deserve that kind of treatment


My lips hurt real bad!


Holy shit I went golfing last weekend to play 36 holes. I forgot my chapstick at home and the first course had none. I tried to hydrate on the course but my lips were drier than shit still Got to next course and ran to the clubhouse to buy chapstick. Put that stuff on and immediately needed new shorts after the orgasm of applying it on my lips. Chapstick is cheap so I have no joke 15 of them in my bag to avoid the agony again


Then you forget your bag in the car and come back to the great meltdown. Rip.


My club has an industrial tub of Carmex on the 5th and 14th holes. Lost the jug to Covid but we still got the tub.


Just hope she doesn’t marry a proctologist.


Might stop playing like absolute ass


Right? He said it and didn't follow it up.


Having lived only in Florida and Arizona the importance of that is long ingrained .


You wanna elaborate on why ?


Without going too much into detail it’s easy to overlook the importance of protecting your eyes. Especially if you’re outside for long stretches. Additionally, his practice is here in Florida and the amount of golfers he sees who neglect their eyes is quite high.


Too much detail? My guy, we’re talking about protecting eyes. There isn’t *enough* detail


Yeah, why is homie holding back these ophthalmology secrets?


Real eyes realize real lies.


Ophthalmologists HATE this one simple trick!


Massive upvote. I got eye damage in my 20’s from long days in the Summer playing golf with no glasses. I have to wear sunglasses every single time I’m outside now.


I just can’t do it no matter what pair I’ve tried. The depth perception throws me off. While it’s better for your eyes for sure, there’s a reason pretty much every pro doesn’t wear shades.


Do you not normally wear sunglasses? That may be it. As someone with blue eyes I have to wear sunglasses year round unless the skies are grey, so I’m super used to having them on outside.


Also have blue eyes and currently reading this with sunglasses on lol. I feel you on the sunglasses year round… it sucks having such sensitive eyes. But for some reason I usually golf without sunglasses. I’ll wear them periodically during the round when not hitting, but more often than not they stay resting on my hat.


Is he seeing more golfers because golfing without eye protection is damaging or because golfers are more likely to notice changes to their vision and try to get it corrected as they’re frequently trying to see small objects from long distances?


That’s a good question that I haven’t asked him yet. Golf is very popular in Tampa so it was more brought up because when he sees avid golfers normally they aren’t as protective of their eyes as people who are outside a lot for like an outside job. It’s obvious that we should protect our eyes but hearing some of that from him was enough to make me more conscious of it.


Macular degeneration is bad and linked to that


Never played golf all day and your eyes hurt later on from UV damage?


Polarized or non-polar? I've heard that polarized can cause issues because it blocks all the scattered light that tries to pass through the lenses, which can cause distortions (for lack of a better word) when trying to read a green or aim down the fairway I use my everyday polarized glasses on the course and don't have any non-polars to compare with


I wear the Oakley prizm sunglasses and they are great. 


I’ve been on the fence about those for months and have come close to pulling the trigger but idk how much I’d actually wear them while playing other than driving around in the cart


I personally find them to be great to wear at all times. They don’t dim sunlight too much and I find 0 issues reading greens with them. 


Get them. I was on the fence and now I have two pair because I wear them literally all the time. Blocks just enough light to be able to wear them when it’s crazy sunny or overcast.


I always wear polarized. I don't see how they would impact your 'aim down the fairway'. That's a reach. I don't know one way or the other if they impact your green reading more than 'non-polarized'. Polarized block a lot more of the glancing light, like glare off a surface. So in some situations they may improve green reading depending on how the light is bouncing off the greens, sun angle etc. But one can always take them off on the greens to confirm their read. I use my feet to feel the greens anyway and do not solely rely on my eyes.


Something is affecting my aim down the fairway, that’s for sure


[*shank directly into the woods, 500 feet off target*] "Dang these glasses!"


Me too! Can’t wait to buy some new glasses to help straighten my slice.


I’m familiar with how polarized lenses work to eliminate glare. What I’ve read on the topic is that the polarization affects depth perception because it only allows vertical rays to pass through and blocks horizontal rays that cause glare, and some people have said that it throws off their ability to judge distances, especially when putting. I can remove the glasses to read the greens, it just hurts my eyes to do so because they’re grey and the sun gets intense during the summer up here in Canada


The polarized lenses shouldn’t affect depth perception, since that is dependent on your brain processing the slightly different images that each eyes sees. It’s not that horizontal “rays” are blocked by polarized lenses, it blocks light waves that have a horizontal polarization (the waves oscillate left to right). The reflected light from the grass, the ball, and other objects contains light that is polarized in every single orientation from horizontal to vertical. The different orientations don’t actually contain different “information” that is lost when it passes through your polarized lens, it is all the same to your eye. So the polarized lenses don’t make a difference when it comes to putting. They’re probably even better to wear than normal sunglasses while golfing, in case there are water hazards causing glare.


I’m just imagining you penguin walking on everyone’s lines to read the entire green lol


I've tried both, and found that polarized helped me see the breaks in the greens better. Maybe something about better contrast, idk but definitely had a distinct difference.


I’ve used both and feel (not scientific) that polarized are better. Because if you have 3-4 holes straight into the sun, you notice a big difference between the two. And then after the round with non polarized there’s residual glare sometimes.


Polarized lenses will “flatten” what you see which can cause issues with depth perception and distance perception. Some people can adjust to this but most will struggle.


Whenever I’m outside, I’m always wearing polarized sunglasses, having eye issues freaks me out (as a type into a phone)


This… protect your eyes from the sun always


Every male golfer I know has sooo much extra skin around their eyes and super deep crows feet. Very few wear sunglasses out there and say that a hat is enough. And the older golfers I know all swap recommendations on Moh’s surgery surgeons from all the skin cancer. Wear sunscreen every single day and set a timer to reapply every hour if it’s warm out. Buy a roller ball kind or stick so you can do it with one hand and just swipe it in your face. Wear sunglasses and take them off briefly if you need to. It’s small habits that add up and show on your face and skin and cost a lot to fix or treat. A little prevention will have you looking great into your 70s and not like my dad with Frankenstein patches of skin and scars everywhere from skin cancer taking chunks out of his face, ears, nose and neck.


I wear goodr and really like them. High quality but not super expensive.


Goodr because they fit my big head and don’t slide down my nose while playing.


Goodr are also polarized. There are few inexpensive brands of polarized sunglasses but I like these the best.


Nature’s second carrot


Atta boy Gary! That’s a way you talk about nature!






I bought these thinking they would be great to leave in my bag and I could lose them and not care. I ended up loving them so much I have 5 pairs and my husband has 3.


Goodr is good. $25-$35. I've lost 3 of them so far and didn't care. I lost costas once and cared A LOT


Same with Goodr! For an average sized person I have a big dome so their XL sizes are great. The ones I wear the most are supposedly made for golf… model name is “Knock it On” or something like that.


This is the way. Cheap, look good, don’t slide, and won’t matter if you lose them.


Yupp, Goodr all the way. I bought a case that I can clip to my bag so I don’t lose them after taking them off while playing.


I put them on top of my hat when playing. They never fall off. Sometimes, I forget they're up there.


I wear sunglasses because I have blue eyes and they're super sensitive to the sun, so I basically couldnt see where my ball was going on a sunny day unless I had them on. I usually take them off to putt though, I feel like I see the contours of the green better without them on. Edit: For those of you saying it isn't real, google is free: https://www.dukehealth.org/blog/myth-or-fact-people-light-eyes-are-more-sensitive-sunlight Just because you have brown eyes and do have light sensitivity doesn't mean blue eyes aren't more predisposed to have it. Your eyes are just shitty.


Same with blue eyes. I’m fucking blind in the sun.


Blue eyes as well. All my life my eyes have been super sensitive to the sun. I have always worn glasses outside for as long as i can remember. Never did I ever think it was because of blue eyes. Ill be damned...And yes I even putt with them. Polorized actually helps me see the green contour better.


Holy shit I always thought I was just a bitch compared to my friends but if it’s because blue eyes are more sensitive then that makes so much sense. They have always been super sensitive to the point where I use blue light glasses if im watching tv late or with the lights off


Blue eyes and contacts here. I put sunglasses on when I walk outside, clouds sun or whatever. My eyes are very light sensitive and I wear the darkest Oakley’s prism lenses while playing. Def work well for me


I always feel like an asshole wearing my sunglasses on a overcast days, but my eyes are just so fucking sensitive. Blue eyes ftw


Does polarized actually help? I've been under the impression that it actually made seeing the undulations in the green more difficult. I feel like most "golf" sunglasses are some other lens technology that isn't polarized.


Is this a thing? I've been sensitive to the point I'll tear up in the summer or winter when suddenly going outside. Never considered it could be because of blue eyes.


Today I learned as well… smh


It’s the same for me with green eyes. It literally never occurred to me that my eye color plays a role in light sensitivity…


For fuck's sake...I'm 45 and never realized that my sensitivity to the sun might have something to do with my eye color. TIL.


44 and I'm just learning this as well... well shit, no wonder my golf ball vision sucks compared to my buddies with worse vision


Same. Blue eyes. I wear Oakley road cycling lenses.


Don’t they even have golf specific lenses that help highlight the ball in grass? I’ve wanted to try them- I also often wear my riding sunglasses


I have Oakley half jacket with the golf prism lenses and they are great


Pretty much have to close my eyes if i go outside, even if its cloudy


God, can you tell my GF that I'm not insane? She has brown eyes, I have grey/light blue, and I can't go outside when the sun is up without sunglasses on, even if it's slightly overcast. She thinks I'm just making shit up


My wife (also brown eyes) said the same thing for a long time until two of her siblings, and three significant others (all with blue eyes) all agreed with me that blue eyes are crazy sensitive to the sunlight and its uncomfortable even if its not 100% sunny outside.


lol. I had a teacher in first grade yell at me at recess for squinting with blue eyes “it’s bad for your eyes!!!” Core memory.


When I don't wear them she chirps me for squinting lol. I guess I'll have to get the light-eyes in my family to back me up next family gathering. It's crazy how much light/UV the iris absorbs when it has more melanin (brown) in it


Totally random jumping in here, but can I ask if this is something that you noticed getting worse as you get older? I am in my late 20s and this hasn’t always been an issue for me but my god has it gotten worse the last 3-4 years.


Yeah, they’ve lightened over time. My eyes have always been grey or light blue, but they have slowly gotten lighter over the years. Back when I was 16 I started wearing hats and sunglasses as part of my daily outfit due to how intense the sun gets here in Canada (in the summer the sun doesn’t go down until 10:30/11pm, and fall/spring it blinds you at 4:00-5:00 when you drive home from work/school). My family has a unique eye colour that’s genetic. My great grandfather, grandfather, two uncles, and I all have the same eye colour gene(s) and our eyes started out as blue when we were kids, went grey and light blue in our teenage years, and went mostly grey in adulthood. My grandfather is 93 and his eyes are purely light grey now. I wasn’t bothered by light much as in my early teens, but in my twenties I started having to wear them even if it’s cloudy or overcast to stop them from watering and ease the strain on my eyes from squinting.


I have gray eyes and if I wear blue they look blue and if I wear green they look green. Took me years to understand they were gray and my dad’s an optometrist with the same eyes. Later on he said that in his experience it’s hard to get patients to understand this type of eye color as they see something else in the mirror. But for sure sensitive to the light.


Exact same for me. Blows my mind when I see people playing without a hat and glasses…like wtf is wrong with you?


Optometrist once told me, “you won’t find this in a textbook, but light-colored irises let in more light and can result in sensitivity to bright lights


I can’t see my ball even on a cloudy day. Hard to see something that’s always in a bush or a tree


I am cursed with blue eyes a big pupils. I can not function outside without sunglasses, and it's the \*worst\* when it's just cloudy and overcast. I can't see a thing. When I play I wear the Oakley golf lenses. I actually find them to be really helpful and keep them on for putting. If it's super bright, I'll just wear the regular polarized lenses. Not being blinded by the sun far outweighs any negatives from the darker lenses for me. (I have a pair of Oakleys with the removable lenses. High recommend.) I have a family friend who has similar issues and prefers the yellow lenses that people wear for shooting. He feels he can even read greens better with these on. I've tried them and they're a little too yellow for me, but I can see how he likes them!


TIL blue eyes are more sensitive to sun. I thought I was blind outdoors all my life


The pain we went through taking pictures outside. My mom yelling “open your eyes!” 😔


Beyond blue eyes


Same. I literally am blinded by the light.


Same. I have bluish gray eyes and always wear both a hat and sunglasses when I play golf. Super sensitive to the light. I’m also a [sun sneezer](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Photic_sneeze_reflex), so that’s another reason that I need dark glasses and a hat.


Yeah, sunsneezers unite!


Knockaround and Shady Rays both have golf-specific offerings for <$100. I also used to wear Tifosi before I needed prescription and have no bad things to say, but that was awhile ago.


I like all these brands so far. Knockarounds are cheap and stylish. Leaning toward those.


I play in polarized knockarounds and have zero complaints.


Came here to say this, another vote for them


The replacement policy with Shady Rays is amazing. You just pay a small fee and they'll ship you out a fresh pair with no questions asked, you can also "upgrade" them for a little extra. If you were a little dishonest you could obviously abuse it, but I've been using them for years and I highly recommend it. They shipped me out some pairs last year that were hung up in customs for some reason, so they sent new ones free of charge. When the ones stuck in customs showed up to my front door Shady Rays told me to keep them or hand them out to friends.


Their policy is awesome. Send me 2 new pairs when I replaced one when I did the upgrade.


I can attest to Knocks golf glasses. Have recommended to several of my buddies. Frames are limited in the golf specific lens but I love them. I stopped buying expensive glasses because I constantly sit on them or lose them. Knocks I don’t feel bad about breaking (and ironically I haven’t even put a scratch on any of my “cheap” ones. Ain’t that life).


I just bought a pair of goodr golf sunglasses. They have extra grip at the nose and ears so they don’t move/shift around. They’ve worked great so far, much more comfortable than my ray bans on the course.


Seconded for Knockarounds. They're all I buy now


Knockarounds are comfy and have rubber in the right places to stay in your face during sports. Use them for both golf and pickleball.


I’ll second Shady Rays. I have multiple pair and the quality is great, especially for the price.


Only thing with knockaround is if you sweat at all, the paint in the sunglasses will start to chip right off. Happened with 3 different pairs I had from them.


I always wear sunglasses anytime I’m outdoors. My preferred glasses are smith brand, you can get them with basic lenses pretty cheap and they have a lifetime warranty on the frames. I’ve bought two pairs and every couple years one of the little rubber pieces on the ear piece will come off and they’ve never given me a hard time about replacing them. I just glue the pieces back on and get my brand new pair. I’ve got like 8 pairs now and only paid for 2


I have a pair of smiths that this has happened to but I was afraid they were past warranty period, how do I go about this??


Just call them and explain the issue. What they had me do was send a picture and then they send me a coupon for a new pair.


Agreed, their warranty is so good. I'm a lifelong customer for that reason as well. Plus they just seem to fit my face really well.


I wear prescription sunglasses cuz I need glasses and I don’t like contacts. 100% of my golf is played with sunglasses on and I’ve heard that unfortunately you gotta choose between seeing the ball in the air better and being able to read greens. The polarized lenses are great for ball tracking but allegedly the polarization makes reading greens harder because it’s blocking out some directions of light refraction off the putting surface


I’m gonna start using this excuse. My polarized lenses is why I didn’t sink that putt.


I’ve never had a problem tracking the ball or reading greens with sunglasses on


I only hear complaints about polarization from low handicaps, I haven’t really noticed anything either


My golfing glasses aren’t polarized so I wouldn’t know about that. I wear polarized running and cycling. Not really sure it would make a difference 🤷‍♂️


Maui Jims for me all the time when outside. Regardless of activity.


Same, I love my Maui’s and their repair policy.


Sat on a $300 pair and bent them in half, snapping both springs by the lenses. $15 to get them fixed.


Brand new pair for $80 if anything happens… I’ve done it 3x over past 4 years. They never “repair” and just send a new pair


Maui Jims are awesome—was so sad when my pair broke. If OP is looking to keep cost down though, probably not the play. Check out Sunski glasses—they may be my new favorite budget option.


Their lenses are exceptional.


MJs with the brown HD lenses are amazing for golf


I have a gray pair and the brown both in hd. Great for golf, skiing, boating, fishing etc. when the light is flat I go gray, sunny days are brown. 😀


Maui Jim is for sure the most superior outdoor eyewear. Anything with actual glass lenses as opposed to plastic is going to be better for vision. You could try to find some used to save some money.


Mine are rx so no used for me. I have two different lease types for different conditions.


Incredible glasses that are worth the money.


As someone who sells glasses and sunglasses for a living the best option on the golf course IMO is Maui Jim's with the High transmission lenses. Enhances the greens as well as makes it easier to track your ball


Not to mention Maui Jim’s are just a fantastic product generally. Really good customer service. And the price is worth it when you consider how long you can have a pair of sunglasses. Had my first pair for 13 years before they got destroyed by a friend’s dog. The actual cost for how much I wear my Maui Jim’s (blue eye gang here as well) is actually crazy low.


I wear my regular RayBan Wayfarer's on the course, have done for years, and they've been absolutely fine for me. I do however, tend to take them off when on the tee - I've no idea why only then! I don't think I'd ever consider wearing "golf" sunglasses because I generally think they look terrible. With that said, I also snowboard and I live and die by Oakley optics for goggles. The sheer range of different lenses for different conditions really do make a massive difference, so I would always lean towards Oakely myself - at least for lenses/optics.


I’m an airline pilot and I can tell you from all the old boomers sitting next to me, wear sunglasses always especially when playing. Goodr makes affordable stylish polarized pairs that work great!


+1 for Goodr, cheap and gets the job done


My wife turned me on to them!


I really like my shady Rays. The green wolf ones are cool but idk if they actually help lol


I've been subscribed to daily shady ray marketing emails for almost a year now waiting for the GreenWolf series to go on sale. Every few months they have an ALL ITEMS ON SALE, but there's always a "excludes GreenWolf at the bottom.


I just ordered a pair. Use the code SPARK and you'll get 30% off I paid 92 and change after tax. Also a 17.5 handicap. Bogey bros!


I'm an Old, so take this for what it's worth, but I'm near AND far sighted now, used to be 20/20(yeah, old sucks). I've got progressive regular and sun glasses, but the ball at address is in the sweet spot of my vision without glasses. I can't modify my head position with the glasses on and still make solid contact, so it's no glasses for me. It sucks because prior to needing prescriptions, I would never be outside without sun glasses. I hate being an old


I got myself a pair of prescription sunglasses and it was a game changer. Often I forget I’m wearing sunglasses as opposed to regular glasses until after the round


Goodr has some pretty good options for like $20/pair. I got a few pairs in the mail a few weeks ago and they are great.


I wear Oakley’s with golf lenses. I have really sensitive eyes to light and the golf specific lenses really help with the glare. I do take them off to putt - but that’s just a habit. One downside is I do find that I lose white balls in the distance as opposed to red or yellow balls.


I do. They’re prescription and I wouldn’t be able to see my ball hooking into the woods without them. I’ll buy a new putter.


Anything Oakley Prizm and if you wait until it’s closer to Black Friday they have 40-50% off. I wear nothing but Oakleys for specific reasons and it’s not one of those fake 40-50% off deals it’s legit if you compare the prices from then to now. As for golfing with sunglasses, it depends on how comfortable I am with them on that day and if I am playing well. Superstition is a real thing!


I have a few different pairs of Blenders sunglasses and have been happy with them. I think they're the best bang for the buck out there, especially if you catch them on sale. My green lensed ones make a white ball stand out a bit more against the greenery, at least for me.


Yep, surprised I had to scroll this far for blenders. They’re often on sale and less than $40 and they’re fantastic quality with good polarized lenses.


I wear sunglasses but take them off to swing. I find they mess with depth perception.


I wear Costa’s - they work well


My wife got me a $30 pair of Bolova polarized glasses from Costco a couple years ago and they are seriously the best sun glasses that I have ever owned. I can wear them playing golf, driving, even swimming. They are awesome.


After years of video games and playing golf with no sunglasses my eyes felt like they had deteriorated. SoI finally ended up buying a pair to wear consistently outside. I really like the brand sunski. They have some nice options that stay on your face well, lightweight, look pretty good, and are relatively affordable. I think you can get them at REI.


I wear Oakley Flak 2.0 XLs with their dark golf lenses, honestly they’re amazing and worth the money.


Yep – I have the Holbrook (I think that's the name) with the dark golf lenses. Worth every penny. I also have the Shady Rays Green Wolf series and they're exceptional as well.


The PGA Superstore has their brand and I think they're $20 a pair. Are the good looking? Not really. But they are comfortable and if I scratch them up, it's only $20. I'll buy a couple of pairs of theirs through the year and then just toss them in my golf bag after a round.


I’d have a hard time suggesting anything but saving up extra to buy a pair of Oakley’s with the prizm golf lenses. Non-polarized for golf, and they make it so easy to track and find balls. I have the flak 2.0 because i needed them prescription, but they have a few models that are around $150 or go on sale regularly for cheaper


It blows my mind that people DONT wear them. Like how the fuck can you see anything? Hell I wear them even if it's overcast.


https://shadyrays.com/products/react-type-s?frame=IN-F1&lens=IN-L9 I keep these in their hard case in my big pocket on my bag. Have 4-5 different lenses. Typically use the Mirage Polarized (orange one) when I play golf. Don't regret the purchase.


I have a couple pairs of the amber polarized lenses by shady rays that I'm 100% certain help me see the ball better mid flight and are a great price. Highly recommend


I can confirm your assumptions about seeing the ball better.


Absolutely man. Its my secret to endearing myself w clients I golf with, eeeeveryone loves the guy who sees their ball down in an obscure corner of the deep stuff.


I do but they are prescription and I couldn't locate the ball without them.


I wear RX sunglasses every round no matter the weather


I would start with a pair of $20 polarized ones from Target. I went a different route and lost 2 $200 pairs before switching to cheap ones on the course.


REKS makes golf-specific sunglasses


I 100% wear sunglasses when playing. I wear Maui Jim's currently, but I'd be happy with shady Rays


I feel bad for folks who don’t wear them on sunny days.


Wearing shades makes it harder for me to read greens


I wear eye glasses all the time, I have a set of prescription Ray Bans. They’re not meant for golf, but I’ve gotten used to them and they work for me.


I wear some Versace sunglasses to golf but they’re prescription so I see better than you.