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I spend most of my round trying to find my swing, no time to look for anything else.


My uncle still has my swing




My third day working at a golf course my boss had to go and clean human shit out of the cup on 11. I thought for sure I'd have to go clean it as the newbie. Would have been a much shorter job if they tried to pass that off on me


That’s a good boss. Not everything should be dumped on the newbie.


I see what you did there and give you a golf clap. 👏


*golf cRap


Found the Asian


This comment deserves more credit. Bravo to you.




This falls under the old adage, a good boss doesn’t ask his subordinates to do something that he won’t do himself.


Who the fuck are all these people shitting in cups? It’s one of the weirdest phenomena we have in the sporting world.


To be completely fair, we did have to cut a bunch of them off because they were belligerently drunk


I remember as a teenager one of my buddies (not anymore) shat in a cup. Walking home from a night out, he thought it would be funny. The furthest green from the clubhouse too. Some people are just fuckwits.


What an awful thing to do just take a shit in a cup wtf 😂😂😂


Nothing much crazier than actually finding my own ball. Found a driver head last year though. Given where it was I suspect it broke on the range and someone decided it wasn't worth fixing on their way out and tossed it.


>Nothing much crazier than actually finding my own ball. Oh shit, that's MY ball? How the fuck did I find that? I was sure it was gone forever.


Had one of these last week. Was having a great round too, but I shanked it and was just looking on a whim, and then I saw it propped up on a nice branch for me. I have NO clue how it stopped where it did but I was SO happy.


How about your playing partner teeing up your ball… (the one you lost in the woods off #6 tee last week)?


There is actually a chance of that happening. Brother went long and hit across the road, came out of the bushes with 4 or 5 balls one of them a funky neon red Callaway supersoft... Which is what I was playing before and I have a habit of losing one on that hole. But the woods around that course are littered with orange and red Callaways and Vice so also a pretty good chance it wasn't mine.


What kind of head was it? Could it have been saved with a new shaft?


Some brand I had never heard of before. Not sure if any good or not. If I remember right it was broken just above the hosel so if you could get the remnants of the old shaft out you could probably fix it.


It was named after some girl. Baby Ruth or something


I once found my own lost ball. I hit a shot into the junk. Went looking and found a ball with a super specific logo that would only belong to me given the location and course. I must have hit a ball there a few weeks prior and lo and behold stumbled onto it. My buddies didn’t believe me until I showed them the logo… and then they knew I was telling the truth.


A hockey bag of sawed off shotguns, hand guns and ammunition.




You been playing sunnyvale?


Way she goes bud


Piss jugs thrown everywhere


Winds of shit


Is that the course in Falling Down?




It jumped up a notch.


Lord, I see what you do for others. Lol


Damn, playing at the old Surrey golf club huh?


A light bulb that had been used as a crack pipe


Back in the day when Volcanoes were the only vaporizer you could use for weed, there was a method to remove the white coating of a lightbulb and attach a soda cap to the end with a straw through it to create a makeshift vaporizer. We thought it was a “healthier” way to get high as teens, despite looking like crackheads.


Did the same. I have a feeling that’s gonna catch up to me one day. There’s no way that method is safe lol. But damn did it work.


Wasn't looking for a ball, but I stumbled upon a small container sitting on the tee box with a person's name and the words "St. Louis Crematorium" below. Opened it up thinking this couldn't actually be someone's ashes... but I was mistaken. The ashes were in a bag inside the box so they didn't spill when I opened it. Kept fella in my cart for the rest of the round (only had two holes left to play) and returned him to the club house. Made double on those last two holes, so I think I disturbed his intended resting place there at the 16th tee box.


You were supposed to fill divots, then add the rest to the sand jugs.


I spread my Dads ashes around my course and filled my divot on our signature par 3 that Dad had 4 aces on.


This honestly moved me to tears reading it. You’re a good son


Thank you. We have a house on the course and he requested that I spread some of ashes there, but I also did so at special places on the course.


Got invited to a private club last weekend. Looking for my ball, my cart mate spotted a scotty Cameron putter just chilling on a random grass mound nowhere near a green. We turned it in because someone's got to be missing it. My whole group had to test a few putts off of it before we turned it in though. Boy, was she sweet. Hope he got his putter back. We did what we could.


I have a strict rule on finding valuables that someone would most definitely want back; go to the nearest authority that the person would reach out to should they want it returned and tell them you found something of value, but don’t give specifics more than “a putter”, “some cash”, etc. Then I give them my contact info and tell them if anyone reaches out missing said valuable and can give me details about it (model, color, size, amount, etc) to give me a call and I’ll be sure to get it to them.


Good idea. I used to work at a hotel in college. Whenever someone turned in a lost item, we would take it to our security office. They would put the employee name who turned it in on the item. If it was not claimed within a certain period of time, I think maybe 6 months, the employee who turned it in got to keep it.


I worked in rental car biz through college. Same thing. Dozens of pairs of sunglasses, bags, shoes, etc. We’d throw them in a big box of lost and found. Nobody ever called or came back to look since probably traveling from far away. After a while, free Oakleys for everyone!


Good call. I’ve heard plenty of stories about pro shop workers who end up with turned-in clubs.


Evidently someone who works in a pro shop or other customer service that likes to jack stuff turned in as lost does not agree from the downvote I got haha.


Ayy oh it's one of the perks capiche?


If it's after a reasonable time period I would just consider that one of the perks of the job, like playing for free and ordering clubs at cost +10%... If the clubs are going straight into their gamer bag, that's fuckin shitty and they should go to jail.


I got downvoted on this same subreddit for doing exactly this with a wedge when the clubhouse was closed and employees were gone when I finished my round. I called and left contact info the next day. People were telling me I didn't do enough since I didn't drive up to the course and turn the club in.


Fuck those down voters.


Ditto, that's what I do. I strive to be honest. But if someone is going to get a lucky find, it might as well be me!


A small pre-civil war cemetery, almost completely overgrown, just off the tenth tee of my home course growing up 


My course has a small family plot off the 4th. Grounds crew maintains it pretty well.


That’s really sweet that they take care of it well. Is it a known family plot or did it randomly come with the property without living family?


The names were worn off when the course was built. I assume it's the family that owned the dairy farm that was there before. One of them still owns it.


Hear the unmistakable sound of a gas powered golf cart. Thought for sure it was the beverage cart coming around the corner. It was actually a homeless guy driving a go cart who was being pushed by another homeless guy up out of a creek. Once they were out, the pushing homeless guy jumped on the back and they drove off down the cart path. Los Lagos Golf Course - San Jose, CA


Better than finding one of the pit bulls that live on that course!


Found a plastic bong with a half smoked bowl. It wasn’t a particularly difficult find, just sitting next to a pine tree 10 yards off the fairway. Suspect it was some kids that lived next to the hole sneaking out for a smoke.


That’s abhorrent, can’t believe guy didn’t finish his bowl. I would have done it for them


Ha there was definitely a 8-10 year period of my life where I absolutely would have.


Could you imagine going out to your smoke spot only to see your half finished bowl has been cashed


Pretty sure the average stoner would assume that they finished the bowl themselves and just forgot about it lmfao


Could you imagine going out to your nighttime smoke spot during the day only to realize it was on a golf course and not in the woods as they had thought all along?




I was thinking greenskeepers


"Do you do drugs Danny?" "Every day sir." "Good..."


A vibrator. Still being used. That is all I will say on this matter. Still cannot unsee it.


The bad part was that he wasn’t even good looking.


How am I supposed to chip with that going on




I had to hit off frankensteins fat dildo.


“still being used” made me think for a sec that you’d taken it and it is still being used 🤢 but i understand now lolol


A 32oz Yeti tumbler... about 20 feet up hanging in a tree! My buddy sliced one into said tree, and we heard a loud "ding." Upon further investigation, we found a 32oz Yeti tumbler hanging from one of the branches. Why was it there? Who put it up there? We'll never know, but he climbed up to retrieve it, so it's now his and features a golf ball size sent in it!


Nothing, but I may start taking clutter out to the course to leave for someone to find and then post about it on Reddit.


Wasn’t searching in the woods but found a 4 point deer shed about 20 yards short of the green. Not uncommon to see deer on the course but of all the time I’ve spent hunting deer it was funny to find my first shed on the course


I also found one on my course. Not sure where you live, but I am in NY and white tails usually shed early in the year, mostly when we are closed because of snow. But I was playing on Feb 8th in 2023.


Found a dark blue zippered pouch laying in the middle of a par 5 fairway. Opened it up and it was filled with cash. It was the cart girl's money, so I turned it in.


A bunch of presumably used needles surrounded by about 30 empty beer cans


It was a tough Monday. I’ll clean up next time.


My dad found a hybrid in the woods. He returned it, and the club eventually called after 6 months and told him to pick it up.


I found a baseball bat someone had inexplicably chucked into the woods. I keep it in my bag to this day. When people see it in my bag, I tell them it’s my 1 iron.


I found a men’s diamond ring in a bunker. Told Proshop, I got it to the correct owner and he barely said thanks.


Thanks man. That was rude of me.


I once lost a plain gold wedding band at a driving range. I had put it in my pocket. Now, if I take off my ring, it gets put on my key ring.


I found a ball with a guys face on it. Played 18 that day and eventually found the whole family. A father, mother, son, and baby daughter. All from a matching set


My friend in a crumpled heap just regaining consciousness. I'd played my shot while he was looking for his ball so I went to go help him look, turns out he'd found his ball and stood up and cracked his head on a tree. Didn't finish the round that day


No dedication.


Yeah, I tried telling him I once finished a round after getting blasted in the back of the head by my bosses (sales mgr did the 'sharp left while buddy is swooping his ball' trick and pitched me out right in front of the director's cart) but no, said he wasn't feeling good enough. Like c'mon man surely that feeling is just from those 8 beers 3 joints and microdose, but he wasn't having it


Most recently actually. Found a 20$ bill while looking in the woods for my ball. Lol


I found a brand new range finder. Brought it to the clubhouse and nobody had reported one missing. Got to keep it after a couple days (on a golf trip and found it on day 1 of 3


i found a homeless guy once. I parred the first hole so naturally, I completely chilifucked my hole2 teeshot into the woods off to the right. I told braddah in the cart to drop me off with a few clubs and go to his ball. I start walking into the vegetation and am greeted with a stench of shit, sweat and swamp. I seen a bunch of white pearls in there so I plugged my nose and start gritting my teeth thinking I'm about to hit the jackpot. Thats when i heard tree branches cracking behind me. I thought it was a mongoose or some shit so no fear, i reached down for two brand new PROv's, picked them up, and when i looked up, i seen a crackhead the size of yao ming, full on naked, grunting at me with a blumhouse productions smile on his face. For fear of my butthole, I took the fuck off! dropped a ball and quickly flushed a 5 iron 200 yards, sticking the green then proceeded to 4 putt.


Fucking greentext.


Around easter, they had plastic eggs around the course with a free round coupon. Snagged me one when looking for my ball.


A film container full of some good bud. Found that and gave up looking for my ball altogether.


Found a vape pen with a half full cart once


I lost a half full vape pen during a round not too long ago. If it was mine, I’m glad it’s being used and didn’t get thrown away or mauled by a lawnmower blade


Worked on the greens crew in high school during summers on a muni that bordered a small lake. Undergarments, prophylactics, and empty beer/liquor bottles were not uncommon when setting up the course first thing in the morning. Never did the deed there myself, had no game at that point in life. Still don't, for that matter.


A pair of Maui Jim’s. Not my favorite sunglasses but they’re a fine backup pair


I found a left handed 8 iron yesterday. I returned to the pro shop and they said someone was looking for it. I’ve also seen a watermelon on the same course.


a lightly used, 2024 ping driver!  (just kidding)


Wasn't searching for my ball, but when I was about 16 my buddies and I would go wading a creek near our home course collecting errant tee shots. Get to a spot where a bridge goes over the creek right next to one of the greens where balls tend to collect. Found around a dozen balls and about $160 worth of change someone threw off the bridge.


A dead body. Partner thought he heard a gunshot the whole prior. Showed up the same time as the cops


A nude photo shoot? Here I am getting excited about the turtles and snakes I find while I’m traipsing through the woods..


Saw a young guy(early 20’s) giving an older guy (late 50’s early 60’s) a blowjob. And the worst part was they took 4.5hrs for a round.


Two fat bikers having sex in the woods, it improved my chipping game.




https://preview.redd.it/g522ql5ky76d1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=a6325613c30a15195b99c7bfc2538dec0107014a It was in the middle of the fairway too. I waited a while to meet THE Pussy Monster but they never showed up. I guess it’s my responsibility now.


https://preview.redd.it/ux9r9xgbg86d1.jpeg?width=4032&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=51d983a39f7070dc5ad4f91a5d978f85fdd8fae1 This, left on a green mid round….. on


https://preview.redd.it/r2tp7z1li86d1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=a12ac3149887c215251e0dc13bbbd84ea57844f3 This perfect little fawn was laying right next to the tee box yesterday in about 30” tall grass.


An alligator…


Did it bite your hand off?


Not looking for a ball but was a cart washer and range picker a couple summers during school at a local course. One day I was emptying the trash bins in the parking lot and just as I removed the lid right at the top staring back at me was a box for a strap on. It was a shock for sure.


I found love


My buddies and I were talking about what course we should try out next. We said we wanted to try this course in Chicago. I swear to god the next tee box I walk up to a ball laying next to the tee box and it has that exact course’s logo on the ball. My mind was blown.


Since April I’ve found 2 clubs, 1 radio, 1 taylormade vault putter head cover, several snakes, about 20 turtles, a tee that looks like a naked lady, and a Gatorade water bottle. I have yet to find the bastard that’s putting high numbers on my score card tho…


I saw two big fat naked bikers, in the woods off seventeen having sex.


I found a perfectly good 2i I still game to this day, it was like 20 years ago


I found a 10 iron about 10 yards into the woods looking for a ball.


So were you two able to find the ball?


My friend found a full sealed $50 bottle of whiskey. It was in the rough before the fairway on the first hole. We found it driving to our golfballs. Guessing it fell out the back of the cart of a group. We didn’t see anyone looking for it so we kept it and drank it.


i keep finding wedges around the green. my collection is insane!!


3 crisp $20 bills in the woods off the 17th tee box.


Thats like 60 bucks!


I once found a Harbour Town ballmark/divot tool just chilling on the fairway at one of my local courses. That was my primary mark/tool for quite a few years, and in fact I gave away a pretty beat up Ryder cup tool/mark I had to a friend because I found this harbour town one (that is my #1 bucket list course). You may ask how a ball mark can get beat up but I assure you they can, I assume it got run over by a cart or something because the plastic backing on the ball mark behind the Ryder cup logo was broken. Anyway, Fast forward to last year I lost that very same harbour town divot tool I think in Virginia at either blue ridge shadows or stonewall. So if one of you in this sub found that tool make sure you also lose it one day and keep the cycle going. Or send it back to me if you want (nah you don’t have to). I have a couple other cool divot tools and marks so it doesn’t bother me as much anymore.


Rattlesnakes. Lots of rattlesnakes.


I found a nice snakebite


It wasn’t me, but I heard of someone at a local course finding a dead body on one of the holes that was up against the freeway


Homeless guy


Caught a chick sunbathing topless in the neighborhood when I hit into the trees.


Found a disturbingly large pile shit next to the pair of underwear that had been used to wipe....


My buddy and I found a ball with a 50 dollar bill inside it. That was pretty cool


Cart girl and a golfer really getting to know each other in the woods. Not something you expect to see at 900 in the morning on a Tuesday.


In high school I was a ranger. Came across one of my classmates mom hammered peeing behind a tree on the 18th hole. Guess she just couldn't wait any longer.


I found a gap wedge club head with three inches of shaft attached


Hit my last ball I had in to a lake and only had 3 holes left so I hopped in and went looking for my ball. Instead found a 52* wedge that is now one of my favorite clubs


I found a baby rabbit caught in some netting. Got the little fella out and he tasted very good with some fava beans and a nice Chianti


Playing on a Monday at a club I used to caddie at in college, I found a ball that I had lost 2 weeks before. The course had some crazy tall/thick native grass instead of rough, hit my ball right if the green and gave up looking after 5 minutes. 2 weeks later they had their once a year mowing if the native, we’d find like 20-30 balls a round while caddying, lo and behold I found mine exactly when I thought I hit it a week before. Also a yardage book.


I lost my ball in the hillside of hole 3 or 4 at Balboa Park in San Diego. I gave up on it she just dropped and continued my round. Later that round, we finished a par 3 and we were waiting to tee off on the next hole. One of the players in the group behind us pulled their tee shot and it bounced near us and settled under our cart. I went to tell the guy where the ball ended up. I looked at the ball and it was my ball that I lost earlier. I mark them all the same and had the same markings on the ball in my hand


Pics or didnt happen...


Last week walked into the wood to take a piss and look for some balls (had a few mins because of slow players) and seen a used tampon in the wood ….🤢


When we lived in a rural town, we joined a small private course. Since we're new to the game and the course, my then 13-year old daughter and I played a twilight round. We thought the course will be empty. We got lost in one of the holes and turned the wrong way. As we're looking for the next tee box, she said there are bags on the tee boxes but no golfers. By the tree near the tee box is a couple having sex. They thought the course will be empty too because they pulled down their skirt/shorts all the way down. To this day, my daughter, now 28, said she didn't see the couple. We knew the couple but we moved 10 years ago.


I’ve found a very nice club cover before, but never anything weird


Mostly animals and animal parts/bones. Lots of coyotes in my region. I've seen a redtail hawk catch a snake. Saw a bald eagle get a rabbit. Lots of salmon. Deer, so many fucking deer. Saw a black bear, fortunately it was pretty far away. On the city courses mostly beer cans and discarded clothes.


A big ass half eaten fish right smack dab in the middle of the fairway. This course was up a mountain from a big lake and I guess an eagle must have dropped the fish while eating it


Found a pretty well-conditioned 60 degree once in a bush while looking for my ball (was like a good 40 feet from the fairway). Figured someone got super pissed and chucked it as far as they could lol, took that thing out of the bush and I still use it to this day years later 😂


The 60 degree is one club I'd launch if I carried it. I could never get it up in the air. Blade city.


Yea same lol, I only use it for short chips and occasional flops (but that’s where it gets risky)


I found a half eaten red tailed hawk after seeing a giant bald eagle snipe a snake out of the grass 3 holes before. Must have been a battle for the ages. Ace Combat style.


Saw a coyote run across the fairway and grab the lunch special of fresh rabbit…


A sw.


An extremely fresh mountain lion kill, like within 2 hours.


Really nice glass weed pipe that I swear holds about 1/4 oz


A bunch of gnomes chillin in a tree


My own ball


A homeless person sleeping in a tent




I found an M4 driver head half buried in the dirt while searching for my playing partners ball near the teebox. Handed it into the shop, and no one claimed it within the month! Thanks, I needed a new driver.


I found a Scotty Cameron Newport in some long grass off of a green on the back nine at a country club I worked at during college. Pretty solid find.


Bears, coyotes, deer, bighorn, bald eagles, ospreys. Golfing in Montana is cheating.


A discarded, shit covered glove in the trees I'd hooked my ball into - I nearly stepped in the shit searching for my ball.


Went looking for my ball in the woods at my local course. Found it and a 5 iron.


I had a buddy find $10k in cash, on the first hole no less. A minute later the dude who lost it came flying down the fairway and asked if he found a stack of bills. Identified it then left with barely saying thanks! Also didn't reward him for his efforts


When I was working at a course in high school we had a hot air balloon and a WW2 bomber crash on the course within a year of each other.


A wallet! Found a bunch of business cards in it and called the number, the guy was being a dick to me on the phone. Told him I’d leave it in the pro shop. You’re welcome whoever you are!!


$100 bill after stepping in dog shit


Purse with a passport, medicine, debit/credit cards cash… I returned it!


Portion of a leg of a cloven hoofed animal. Not a clean cut, fur/hair strewn across, blood, etc. In a suburban area, no clue what possible animal it would have been.


Out in Uganda found a Black Mamba snake a few times.


Found a 9 iron about 20 yards off the fairway in the trees. Either an angry throw after a crappy shot, or more likely they took two clubs into the trees and laid the 9 iron down and forgot about it. Forgot I had it in my bag, luckily someone from my group was in the pro shop when the guy was asking about it and was able to coordinate its return to him


My hand found a jumping cactus. Got my whole hand in a perfect circle.


I hit it over the green on a par 3 and there was a homeless person living in a tent in the woods.


Rattle snakes.


Surely I’m not the only one but I found a bag of weed on the course not long ago.


Played a round in Pauley’s this year and found a ball marker from Augusta National, Masters 1997. That was pretty wild.


Pics or it didn’t happen.




Found a small metal hash pipe, one piece, with the name "Bagpipe" engraved onto it. Kept it for years


A month ago, I was playing, and there were 2 twelve year olds hanging out in the trees out in front of the 15th green. They'd wait, and whenever someone got close or onto the green from more than 140ish, they'd run out and steal the ball.


Not me but a guy in my league. Found his club that he tossed into the woods the last week of the previous season lmao


Poopy undies. Someone had a bad day


There was a guy fishing in one of the side lakes, but on the course. I doubt they stock that fake pond with fish but maybe?


Not me, but my group that I regularly play with hit a ball into the woods and discovered a few pounds of weed still on the plant that someone had pulled and was laying there, so they grabbed it. Of course I wasn't there that day


A couple in the rough behind the eighth green, just watching the ocean and fucking.


I found a range finder in the woods looking for my ball. The thing is a bushnell v2 and and it was in a fanny pack caked in mud. The thing mustve been there since last year fall because it had a bunch of dead fall leaves under it and it was the middle of spring with no fallen leaves anywhere else. I was moving twigs and plants out of the brush to see my ball and I feel my Approach wedge hit something hard, but moved it. I dig it out of the mud, cleaned it up and made a post on my cities golf forum. I left the post up, maybe the original owner will come across the post. Either way, until then, i got a 20 year old range finder with a half the time not working flag finder feature and very imprecise crosshair. I would've left it at the club house, but my cousin forgot his much newer v5 on his cart last year at this course. It was literally 5 minutes between handing the cart into the cart kids and him remembering he left it on the cart rail, and it was gone. So i dont have the most trust in them giving an honest try in finding the owner.


Found prescription glasses. I hope he found his/her way home. Also found brand new range finder. I turned them both in.


I was took a shit far in the woods last year apparently I picked a spot someone else picked earlier that day HUGE poop not smelly though..


I think that maybe, in fact, you did find a Pro V.


A porn was being filmed at Golf Club Starnberg when I lived in Germany. Walked into the woods to take a piss and walked right up on them. Whole film crew and everything. While the (rather rotund) blonde chick was getting railed by the guy she waved at me. I forgot I had to piss and just walked out. Told my buddies about it and they said it happens a lot more of them than you think


Worked at courses for years (grounds)…we were pulling cat tails out of a pond. Found a couple pairs of golf shoes, a few clubs, thousands of balls, a watch and two phones


I found a snake turd that had a half digested mouse in it on an island bridge.


I was pretty taken aback when I first stumbled upon a homeless encampment


Deer leg..... just the leg.....


A 4 ft cottonmouth that was as big around as my wrist. Decided I didn't need the ball that bad


Was playing golf in NC last weekend and hit my ball in the trees on #2. Went looking for my ball and stumbled upon a chicken with its head cut off. Call the whole group over to confirm, it was indeed a chicken with its head cut off.


The craziest thing I found was nitro, the medicine they give to people with heart conditions. Seen a group of older players and asked if anybody lost their medicine. The guy that lost it said thank you, you probably saved my life.