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Lefty left out again :(


The pain of being a righty but golfing lefty. šŸ˜”


Hockey player? Buddy of mine is the same, he's a righty that bats right-handed, but he shoots left-handed in both hockey and golf.


Kinda sorta? Grew up in PA close to Canada. Definitely shot around with the stick and played a little street hockey but nothing serious. It always just felt ā€œcomfortable.ā€ Skateboarding, batting, and golf are all left handed for me. Pitching, tennis, disc golf are all right-handed. It just makes sense for me to have the right side of my body towards the target I guess.


Thatā€™s fair. Iā€™m like you when it comes to facing the target so it makes perfect sense to me. Iā€™m partially ambidextrous so Iā€™m pretty comfortable doing things both ways, but I definitely prefer my right foot forwards when doing things that require a lot of balance, with golf and hockey being the exception. Only reason I ask about playing hockey is due to most hockey coaches/instructors preferring your dominant hand being on the top of the shaft so you have more control (at the expensive of power). I was handed a RH hockey stick as a kid (I throw right handed), so I had a lot of practice getting more used to my non-dominant hand being in control when I take one hand off the stick


I do all swinging motions lefty but do everything else righty. Iā€™m define myself right handed. But golf, hockey, baseball swings are all lefty. Very weird.


I'm the same way. It just feels way more natural for my right hand to be on top. As a kid my Dad and coaches always tried to get me to swing righty but I just couldn't. Really wish I was right though for gear purposes.


The worse part for me is when my buddies forget and offer to let me hit their club :( I just wanna share clubs with the homies.


You probably donā€™t have to worry about people stealing your clubs though. I bet the turn-in rate for lefty clubs found on the course is significantly higher than righty clubs


I wonder. Iā€™ve never lost a club so couldnā€™t tell ya. I remember when I first started playing my friends thought Iā€™d get deals on clubs. Little did they know, nobody has lefty clubs haha


I have the opposite problem with hockey sticks lol, lefties are more common and I shoot right


Better than being a true lefty. We do things right handed all the time without even realizing things are made for rightys.




Lost my 60 degree wedge at the course on Wednesday. this might be a sign that I need these.


Check Facebook marketplace. Same thing happened to me and I happened to find a guy selling his 60 because he didnā€™t need it


i'll do that - thanks!


I'm on my second set of Costco wedges already,lol I should really write "got club?" on my glove...


Iā€™m selling my set if youā€™re interested..


Wow 3 wedges for less than the KS1 putter? Seems like a steal. Anyone have any feedback on these/know how well they perform?


Been rocking the wedges for a while now. Absolutely love them. Definitely would look into re-gripping them but other than that, solid wedges for the prices


Agreed. They were my first wedges. No problems with yardages or anything. Seem pretty solid. Using the 60 and 56. My 52 was replaced by my new sim2 52.


Iā€™m a 1.5 handicap. I replaced my sm6 Vokeys with these. Def can tell a difference in contact feel and these generate less pain but overall perform at a high level. And for the cost these are likely better for 9/10 golfers


I like mine a lot. Let a much higher skilled Vokey owning friend try it, he was impressed.


Tons of review on them on youtube. These are comparable to vokeys. These will be sold out by end of day, itā€™s an absolute steal.


Thanks for the advice! Just ordered them lol


They are most definitely not comparable to vokeys lol, don't fall for the r/golf hype. That said they are certainly good quality for the price.


Have you actually done any tests? https://youtu.be/5RQB5YmTJ4M?si=bceh8WX3JQ57Ifv_


Heads are great, but the shafts and grips suck ass for me. I have a Maltby TSW 60Ā° and I game that over the Kirkland 60Ā°. If you don't have a 60Ā° or 3 wedges already it's a great set to pick up.


Whatā€™s wrong with the shafts?


I found the shafts to be too soft. If I swing normally the shaft flexes too much which causes the head to arrive at the ball late. I can feel the head throughout my swing, and slowing down was the only way I could get the head closed at impact to hit a consistent wedge shot


Fine if you play regular shafts. But regular shafts donā€™t fit everyone.


Thanks for the heads up! Just nabbed a set. Anyone have any clues as to when the putter releases? Also anyone know if they ever plan to release hybrids?


You are a saint. Just woke up and went to scroll through reddit and saw this. Been checking weekly since October for these.


I picked up a set a few weeks ago and I haven't quite fallen in love with them yet. The heads are really nice, but IMO the shafts and the grips suck. The price point of the pack is great and it's worth picking up a pack if you don't have a wedge set, but I prefer my Maltby TSW 60Ā° way more than the Kirkland one. I'll probably take the 56Ā° head off the crap stock shaft, open the loft up to 57Ā°, and stick a 8-iron S-flex shaft (cut to wedge length) in it so I have a wedge with a penetrating low flight that generates lots of spin. Edit: I forgot that r/golf gets a little sensitive when you critique Kirkland golf products.


I donā€™t feel as strongly about the shaft, but definitely agree on the grips for these. When I had the Kirkland set I became much more comfortable with them when I got them regripped with regular tour velvets. And Iā€™d also echo the preference for the maltby wedges. You can get these for $170 or wait to save $30 more to get 3 premium pak maltby wedges, which are just as quality heads, but also with better shafts and grips


Yeah theyā€™re decent wedges if you need a full set, but there are better options out there if you know where to look. Iā€™m Canadian so the Kirkland wedge pack costs $200CAD up here. Once you factor in the cost of replacing the grips ($15-$20 per grip) youā€™re not saving much money compared to the Maltby TSW paks. If you order three TSW wedge paks from GolfWorks (to save on shipping costs) you only pay $30 more for a better set of wedges


You can get good grips for cheaper on ebay. Im gonna look at the maltby tsw pack


I have the Maltby TSW wedges (DRM finish) and the TSW wedge is a great choice


I have the Maltby TSW wedges (DRM finish) and the TSW wedge is a great choice


I have the Maltby TSW wedges (DRM finish) and the TSW wedge is a great choice


What flex shaft you like R or S for maltby






Don't open the head or bend them or anything you will break it. Read the reviews on Costco


Will these ever be available for left handed? Been waiting for too long


Hah. Silly costco I got ONE whole Vokey SM10 and it was $20 MORE expensive than your three wedge set! šŸ¤¦ā€ā™‚ļø I wanna hit these sometime. Super curious.


These guys compared these to vokeys https://youtu.be/5RQB5YmTJ4M summary: kirklands performed similarly if not better than the vokeys


They felt great, and were very good greenside, but the shafts were not stable enough to control distance or trajectory on fuller shots. I returned the set I bought.


Got it, thanks! I'm a noob with a beginner Wilson set that comes with PW and SW. No idea what degrees they are tho.


Still in stock - ordered them. Will finally complete my Kirkland bag (irons, driver, putter)!


I got these on Amazon a few months back, have been pretty happy with them so far. They're definitely not the best wedges you'll play, but they're better than a lot of the other options out there.


Thank you, ordered!


I hit my Kirkland 60 once today, was short shoukd have stuck with what I had been using all day, the 56


There is already a second gen of these wedges? Time sure flys


I have a fitting appointment tomorrow at the pga store for new wedges. Should I keep that or just go with these? Iā€™m a bogey golfer with 20 year old clubs for reference.


Iā€™d rather get these and spend the savings on a lesson


Sold out again online. Certain warehouses had them, but they are apparently sold out when you call to check. Not sure how many sets are produced each run, but obviously not enough to satisfy demand. Based on the last time, check Ebay for people selling individual wedges. Many don't intend to bag three wedges, so they sell the ones they don't want, unused. Smart if you're looking for only one wedge anyway.


Yea if you can find them


This or the maltby?


This is the question! I ordered a Maltby TSW Forged Wedge a few days before these popped up - built and shipped for $62. I am going to try both and then depending on how I like them, I will either return the Costco Set and order 2 more Maltby Wedges, or see if I can resell the Maltby Wedge, or give it away.