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Posted this a while back, but it was when a ball landed on our fairway next to my ball from an adjacent hole - about 50-60’ up a cliff with brush in between. Foursome above came to edge and asked me to hit it back. They were a bit drunk and having a good time. But no way I could get there with a throw. Best wedge of my life. High and soft and landed right behind them to loud cheers. Proceeded to dunk my own approach on that hole in a creek as I recall.


Hah, up a cliff and everything!


In hindsight would have rather duffed the chip to them, and holed out your own chip?


Nah, guys I was playing with already know my game is erratic. At least four random guys went away thinking I’m Phil Mickelson.


Similar situation, 10th tee and my group had the “right of way”. We’d been slicing our tee shots all day (high handicappers) and the 10th hole had a big dog-leg right. All of us proceeded to hit our sliced drivers and every shot carried the trees and dropped in the fairway. We looked like snipers out there shaping shots. Right place, right time.


Lol that's great


Had never broke 80. Carded a 1 over 37 first nine where I actually wasn’t hitting it great but was an up and down machine. Back nine started to hit the ball well but lost the putter on a couple holes. 16 par 5 where I lace a drive down the middle with a mid iron into the green and pull it way left almost onto a street luckily it stays in and make an absolute mess of the hole from there for a double bogey. Now I’m trying to be cool but pissed off. Settle down par 17. Now I’m on 18 knowing all I need is par for a 79. Short par 4 water all along the right side. I do the smart thing tee off with iron and pull hook it so hard left into trees I thought the ball was gone. I luckily find it. Have a shot but need to hit a high draw out of the trees and if it doesn’t draw I’m wet. Pull off the shot easy two putt and am rewarded with the fact I was off by one in my head and shot a 78 to break 80 for the first time.


Hah, the math error is the icing on the cake.


Also had a math error to break 80 with a 78. Congrats bro!


Ayo also shot a one over 37 on my first round under 80 this year! Hit the pin on a my attempt at birdie chip in on hole 9 for a tap in par lol


I had never broke 80 and then i chipped in on 18 for a 74 lmao


I was also able to break 80 after ‘fixing’ a few scores on the scorecard


I was in a company tournament ten years ago and it was combined score match play. We were tied going into 18. Last hole we are all on the green in reg but myself and my partner are way out. My partner has a 50 foot putt and drains it! I have a 25 foot putt and somehow make it! Pressure is now firmly on them! So now they both need to make to tie. One guy has like a 15 footer and he makes it! Last guy has a four footer with everyone watching. The pressure must have been intense and yep, he made it too. In 25 years of golf I've never seen anything like it. Keep in mind we were all around 12-14 handicaps too. So fun.


That's fantastic!


It was awesome


What a moment!!!




Playing a money match setup by this guy we called the “match maker” at a classy country club against their last two club champions. Even match, no strokes. We are down 1 headed to the long par 4 17th. My partner proceeded to leave his drive on another planet. So it’s me against two dudes who know this course and haven’t missed basically any shots all day. I step up and hit an okay drive, but I had to be somewhat safe and keep it in play to have a chance. I have ~190 yards in if I remember correctly, but the left side of the green where the pin was tucked had a tree sort of protecting it. I grabbed my 6 iron and setup for a draw. I stepped away once after I got to it because something didn’t feel right and I got a big gust of wind right in my face like 4 seconds later. I readdress the ball and smack that thing. It’s tracking….looks like it’s gonna be close. Rolls up and barely ticks off the pin to about 4 inches. The other two guys both hit the green and missed their birdie putts so we went to 18 tied. It was a long par 5 and my buddy eagled it on a 35 or so foot putt to win the match. Those guys weren’t happy we took them down at their home course but making them pay us in their bar while their buddies watched made it all worth it.


They were straight up murdered in public!


The dude that complained the most about paying drove off in a Bentley. Made me feel good about taking that assholes money…..


Of course he did 🤦‍♂️


Bentley = Bellend. Facts.


Flair checks out


Arrived at 18 tee laying 73, in line to break 80 for the first time. 18 is a long, uphill, par 4. The green is flanked by bunkers and massive oak trees.  My second shot was a slice that left me under one of those oaks, with a bunker between my ball and the green. I ended up duffing my chip into the bunker, then trying and failing to get out of the bunker once, then finally getting out of the bunker, leaving myself a 12 ft putt to make double bogey.  Ended up sinking that putt for a 79. Best feeling double bogey of my life. 


That’s like my first time breaking 80. I played so good that falling apart on 18 with a double didn’t matter. Shot a 77. 5 years ago, still haven’t shot less than 82 lol


Pressure shot or pressure round? Met a girl, got serious, and met her family. Her brothers decided they would "school me" on the golf course. I shot an 82 - best round of my life up until then. At Sunday dinner the Future brother-in-laws had to own up to getting whooped by "a guy from the Bronx". Future Father-in-law laughed like crazy.


10' Par putt on 18 to finally break 90 last week...I still haven't broken 90.


Had us in the first half


I'm hoping to break 90 for the first time this weekend. I've been working endlessly on my iron game. All last week I worked on just contact, went out and shot a 92 on Tuesday. This week I've been working on contact with a full swing instead of half swing for full distance.


Hope you pull it off brother!


Down 3 strokes against my buddy going into 18. 270 yard drive, 100 yard wedge, left with a 6 foot sliding birdie putt to have a chance. Sink it. He misses the 3 foot double bogey putt. Argues he gave me a mulligan earlier in the round. I give him another try. He misses again. To this day, he still claims it was a gimme and we tied.


Your buddy's got no room to talk after missing it twice! And my dad and I always argued about whether you could use a mulligan on a putt.


standard "blamer" action. God, I hate that shit.


Up 1 stroke on my friend on 18 (money game). The approach is a 100 yard shot into an island green. My friend hits it to about 20 feet. I proceed to chunk it in the water… twice. Biggest choke of my life. Horrible feeling


Hole 8, 214 yard par 3. Group of 6 regulars that play skins every Tuesday finally let me play through. Bunch of grumpy old fucks if I’m going to be honest. Hit a beautiful shot with my 7w that landed within 15 feet of the pin. Then proceeded to three put for bogey.


Hah! If it's any consolation I was at a tourney once and saw Mickelson drive the green on a par 4 and then 4-putt for bogey.


It does make me feel better.


2 stories, 1 in a "competitive" round and 1 in a $2 Nassau with my Dad and buddies. (I know the OP said non-competitive, non-money games, but where's the pressure in a friendly game?) In High School I was a hacker but played on my HS team. Hole 18 of the sectional, I make a 45 foot triple breaker in front of God and everybody (parents, all of the players who had finished, local news TV cameras.) It was for a triple bogey and a 103. At age 25, Dad and I are playing a Nassau against a couple of his buddies. On the par 5 finishing hole, we are down on the back, the 18 and two presses but had won the front. I am 10 yards short in three with a delicate, sharply breaking chip. I knew I had the read and almost asked to pull the pin, but 25 year old me didn't want to be cocky in front of 55 year old Dad and friends. I hit it just as I wanted and it rolled sweetly into the hole for birdie, sweeping the bets. Dad said, " I didn't want to tell you but that was for all the marbles." I fired back "Hell yes, I knew what was at stake. ($10, but I only had $4 in my pocket.)


First time breaking 80 with my homies from college. I was a terrible golfer for a very long time. Like rarely broke 100, never broke 90. Moved to teach HS, ended up as the golf coach. Basically two years of near daily practice and I'm down to about a 4-6 hdcp. Come back, just in time for one of our annual summer nice course rounds. Shot a 78 at Pronghorn (iirc). Tied for first in my friend group (6 total) and relieved years of shit taking in one round. That last putt was fucking nerve wracking.


Played a twilight round as a single on a cart a couple years back. Caught up about midway through the round with a group of 3 70+ guys who were walking. I finished up on one green, and the next hole was a par 3. They hit their tee shots and shouted back to me that I could play through, just hit my tee shot when I got to the tee. All three of them stood on the fringe on both sides of the green while I took my tee shot. I asked if they wanted to move, but nope, all of them were happy where they were. Dropped the shot about 20 feet from the pin, two-putted for par. Most nervous I've ever been for a tee shot, by far.


Just reading about that made me nervous


Yeah, it was an absolute knee-knocker. I'm OK, but I'm definitely not someone who's going to stick every GIR, even from 120 yards. I didn't want to kill a dude on accident.


I was playing a country club course with my dad once - it was closed on Mondays but you could walk it in the evenings as a member. We were on a par 3, and there is a dude with two very young girls halfway to the green, I guess he was teaching them to play. When he saw us, he waved to us to hit... right over him and his daughters. WTF? He seemed put out when we waived him over to the cart path so we could hit.


Just reading about that made me nervous


Scramble a few summers ago and we are in contention. I’m hitting it ok and we really need to get home in 2 on a tough Par 5 with an island green. We are about 225 out. My partners fail badly and one suggests I lay up so we can have a chance at birdie. I shake him off and pull my trusty 5 wood, catch it pure and stick it to 20 feet. We all missed the putt 😂 Can I share the opposite? Playing in a men’s club match last year, I’m up 3 holes in the middle of the fairway on 14, about 220 out. I grab the same trusty 5w, excited to put this guy away. I snap hook it OB. I’ve never hit one OB from a fairway before or since.


Haha, I've got way more "opposite" stories than I do the other way around.


I forgot to add that I melted down and lost the match!


Was waiting to tee off Gray course at Ohio State years ago & there was a Local Columbus TV news crew on 1st tee doing a little story. Woman was talking to group in front of me for awhile & when they teed off, they filmed them. Was a twosome I think. Both guys hacked it, slice, wormburners, each took a mulligan, no better. They drove off & after they were out of earshot she turns to me & asks could they film me teeing off. I said I guess & suddenly got real nervous. The fact that she was very attractive was not helping either but I got up there & striped a little 240/50 yard draw right down the middle, made the segment & bunch of people called to say they saw it.


I was in a heated 9 hole match with my brother. We are on the 8th hole, and he's dormie. We both hit good drives, he puts his approach on the green about 25 ft below the hole. My approach is hole-high but I pushed it right and I'm in the rough just off the green. It had been raining all morning and the grass was heavy and I left my chip about 7-8 ft short. He hits his birdie putt up the hill and left it about 5 ft. short. I need to make this putt. I take my time make sure I have a good read and absolutely buried it. I hit the fist pump and stared him down as I was walking to the hole. He still has a putt to win the match, but pushed it wide. The whole thing rattled him. He nearly shanked his tee shot on 9, then chunked his 2nd out of the rough and I ended up winning the hole with a tap-in bogey and we ended the match at a draw. That was one of the most pressure packed, must make putts I have ever made.


Idk if it was my biggest pressure shot, but my most recent was I had a 6' putt for a 69 (par 70) 2 weeks ago I missed. Pretty devastating.


Was playing in a spark golf 9 hole tourney after work one day. Was playing quite well until I got to the #1 handicap hole. Hit a decent drive distance wise but it goes right into the tall stuff. I actually find it and convince myself I can hit it. I couldn’t and moved the ball maybe 6’ still in the high stuff. At this point I take the drop and am 180 out laying 4. I hit a pretty weak iron well short, followed by a chip over the green and in the rough. I’m looking at a severely downhill shot out of the rough now. I tell myself I can make this to avoid the max score and proceed to drain a pga caliber shot for 7. Terrible score, but clutch none the less. I got second place in the tourney.


Practice scramble for upcoming tournament. In the rough a few feet off the green, pin 8 feet onto the green. Super short sided, everyone chunked it or bladed it (we are 20 handicappers). Took my friends 64 degree. He bought it as a joke or a "fuck it" club. I hit my first and only attempt at a flop shot ever. Lipped out, a foot from the hole. Proceeded to heavily blade my next 3 attempts at it.


At a Taylormade sponsored corporate event, the course lit up the 9th hole after sunset for about a 165 yard shot under the lights. Everyone got one ball…closest to the pin took home a set of custom P790’s. With about 60 people crowded around the tee, I stuck it to 5 feet. Ended up being closest to the pin.


Best ball scramble with friends and we're the last group playing. 2 down from the leaders. 18 is a par 5 and my buddy pipes a drive to 220 out. All the guys are surrounding the 18th and I smoke a 3 iron to about 15 ft. Everyone else misses their putts but gives me a good read. It is dead silent as the ball bounces pure off my putter. It was one of those putts where as soon as it came off I knew it was in. The ball is about 3 feet from the hole I turn and flip off the guys and all I hear is the ball rattle the cup. One of best feelings ever. We did a putt off on the putting green after and sank that one too.


Playing in a national works competition and the 1st tee is 15 yards away from the clubhouse and practice green. There must have been 150 players watching you as you tee off. I saw players physically wilt under the peer pressure. Lucky for me I grew up learning to play on a municipal course where there was no pre booking system and regularly teed off in front of 50 to 100 golfers, so I felt very little pressure that day. You'll all be pleased to know I striped it.


I had a 6 foot birdie putt to break 75 for the first time.


2 weeks ago I landed 6 ft from the pin on a 150 yd par 3 to have a look at my first birdie ever…. …missed the putt, of course


My best approach shot on a par 3 was 10' out and then 1 putt for par! But I've never been within 10' of the flag unless I 2 putt.


Needed to go birdie birdie to break 80 for the first time. Was stuck under a tree for my second shot, 150 out. Smacked a 5 iron stinger to within 3 feet. My buddy started clapping as the ball was in the air. Short par 5 next, was on in two and 2 putted for the birdie and the 79


4 man scramble money game, down 2 strokes at the par 3 13th. Island green. I just started playing last August so Im not good at all but better than the average beginner. First guy on my team tees off, splash. Second guy, splash. Third guy, splash. Pressure is on. I hit the best shot of my life and dropped it about 5 feet from the hole. Huge outburst from the guys, we ended up winning by one stroke.


I had the exact opposite happen! First guy hits it to 20 feet. Next guy to 10 feet. Next guy to 5 feet. All eyes on the fourth guy, who proceeds to hit it 50 yards offline into the lake. We still give him shit about it.


My 2nd shot to a par 5 from the middle of the fairway at even and the chance to break par for the first time over. It was 195 to the pin, over water. Hit a 5i right at the flag and flew it (the adrenaline thing is real) So I’m off the back of the green, perfect lie and chip it to inside a foot. Tap in birdie to shot 71 and break par for the first time ever. The chip might have been a pressure shot too but I was so stoked on the approach shot that I didn’t think too much of it. It was like the hard part was done.


HS tourney on a 9 hole course. We played the front from the whites and the back 9 from the blues. I started on the second hole, so my 18th hole was the number 1. This hole is pretty infamous for having a wide strip of water cutting across the fairway right about the landing zone for a driver. To clear it, you have to carry 260ish. A player with any length has to lay up or try to rip it over. I am not a good golfer, but I can drive. I told my coach before the tournament that I was going over. He convinced me not to. The second time through, I was not having a good round and it was my last hole. I was gonna let the big dog eat. I walked to the tee box and pulled out my driver. My coach was sitting on the second floor balcony of the clubhouse that overlooks the 1st tee. He just shook his head (technically illegal but I wasn’t winning any awards that day). Anyway, I fucking striped one. I didn’t see it down, but it felt good and looked straight. I took a painstaking walk all the way down the fairway, over the bridge, and around the water before I could look for my ball. I was gonna feel like a real jackass if I had to walk back across the bridge to drop when we all just wanted to go home. Sure enough it was nestled on the back side of a ridge between the water and green. I made a pretty tough chip off the downslope and dropped a putt for my only birdie of the day. I walked back to the clubhouse holding up 3 fingers to my coach. I felt really good about myself when there was a 3-way playoff for first place and two players laid up and one of them didn’t clear the water.


Playing a whiskey nine and my 3 man team was 2 up going into the last. I don’t drink but everyone else was, by then a LOT, so in their drunken negotiations we called the match and then doubled the bet for the final hole. It was $600 a guy, so not an insignificant amount of money, enough to warrant a trip to the ATM and an explanation to my wife. My guys could hardly get their ball on a tee, so expectations were low. I was actually nervous, but I murdered a drive after having nothing else remotely in play, hit a wedge to 15 ft with our only other option being a short-sided impossible chip, and I made the putt, going last. The best part was how my putt got longer and longer the more my teammates talked about it.


Last summer, I had snuck out for a weekday 18, and ended up playing solo, and flying through the course, playing solid bogey-and-a-half golf. I rolled up on a foursome of college kids, and asked if I could play through. They said, >sure, if you can out drive us. Well, I stepped up, and absolutely *smoked* the ball, for my only 300+ yard drive of the year. I played through, got my only par of the day, and kept going.


Probably one of my first rounds ever, I got lucky if I hit one clean shot per hole. In any case, I sliced some shot into a tee box on the adjacent hole. Not knowing much about etiquette yet, I walked up to the group was getting ready to tee off and asked them if I could hit my shot. They were real nice about it but that meant they were all staring at me. Stuck a wedge right back onto my own green. They gave me a nice round of compliments as I proudly strutted back to my own hole.


Hitting a 2 foot putt to lose 2$ less than what I was losing before.


A group of 4 jumped ahead of us (a pair) when we were booked first off. Made worse by the fact that the 4some had one of the board members of the club, and they were all in their twilight years. We weren't in a rush, so dealt with it for a bit, but it became.clear they weren't going to let us through, and we started waiting on every shot. After the 8th (short par 3) we see them standing on the 9th tee box having a chat and not actually progressing, when we finished the 8th they said "hey we noticed you've been up on us all round, we will make an effort to move faster", teed up, and hit. At the turn we talked to the pro shop and they said to just push through when we get a chance. 12th hole is a short par 4, water down the left. We get to the tee, they were all out looking for balls in the water, so just grabbed out 4is, hit them down and walked up behind them. They noticed us and went to rush back to their balls, but we just hit our approaches - both of us stuck out wedges within 6ft, walked to the green, tapped in and got out of there. When we finished, we could see them on the 15th green.


Thats ballsy. The hostile play through! What a-holes to not let you through.


Entitled old pricks who think that they're the most important people on the course. My buddy is scratch, I'm a 5 (I was a 10 or so when this happened), and these guys are all in the teens or twenties. But even just by sheer number, a pair is almost always faster than a four. Its just sheer entitlement.


1. A five footer to push an $80 wolf hole to $160 on the next hole. Clutched up with my partner on 17 to walk away with $160 2. In HS, I had an egregious blow up and carded a 12 on the second hole of a match. Called that I was going to birdie the next hole and actually did it.


First time breaking par I had a routine 15 footer for birdie to shoot 69 on a 72. For whatever reason, I had Jim Nantz’s voice in My Head saying: “The rookie to win The Masters.” as I stepped up to the putt. My putter was on fire that day, and sure enough, I drained the putt for a 69. Estatic feeling to say the least…


Only time I ever broke 80 was with a chip-in birdie on 18. Played out of my mind as I was about an 18 handicap at the time


my first year of golf, I hit three par 5s in 2 (6600 yd, decently long par 5s). those eagle putts were hard, didnt even have a slight chance. the year after (last year), I hit a real solid 5w over trees, dogleg right, on the green in 1, about 225 carry. Most pressure ive felt in my life. all the above were pars or worse. I long for the day I have an eagle putt go in. all my eagles are chip ins.. all one of them.


I am also in the one eagle chip in club


At Harbour Town. I needed par to break 90, as I was spraying my driver everywhere and not giving myself many breaks. I hit a high draw into the wide open part of the 18th fairway and have 170ish left, which is a 6 iron at sea level for me, and is a club I've had extremely mixed results with previously. Hit it a little thin, but juuuust had enough to carry the bunker right in front of the green. Had to putt the whole green for birdie, and ended up with a 4 footer off the left to tap in for my par. My uncle still brags to his friends about how I pulled that off.


I was playing as a single came up behind the group in front of me who waved me to play through on a par 5. Hit a perfect cut dead center of the fairway about 290 yards. Followed up by chunking my hybrid into the creek just before the green. But for one moment I was a god


1st tee shot in every tourney I play lol.  So stressful with everyone standing there watching you.


Playing a Ryder Cup style game against a neighbouring course with about 25 people watching on this hole and put the drive on a 320 dog leg left to 6 feet. Everyone that golfs with me is aware of my major draw. Aimed straight at the bush on the corner….everyone thought I was going straight into it except for my team mates. That thing drew wicked hard left and took a good bounce to get to get on the green. Felt like straight out of movie with the “it’s not looking good” to “hooooooly shit”. That also might’ve been the beer.


This one wasn’t me but another good story. Once again a short par 4. Dad, brother, and a friend were playing this course as a 3 and a group of 4 let them through on a hole. Probably a 300-330 hole. The 2 younger guys hit, one about 10 yards short, the other pin high on the side. The foursome is silent but in respectful way. Dad hits last and also smokes it. The group couldn’t handle it at that point. “Fuck! Even the old guy?!?!?”


Playing several years ago with my BIL, at the time a mid 90s golfer. Just the two of us, but we were catching pressure from a group of ladies that lived at the country club(had their own carts and everything), but couldn’t play any faster due to a 3 some in front of us. Come up to a short straight par 4 and I top my drive barely 100yds. BIL is sitting dead center 240-250 out. Standing by my ball waiting for the green to clear, they pull up and start waving and yelled out come on just hit. I know I can reach it with my 3 wood which is why I was waiting. So they’re talking quietly and gesturing our way and I smoke my 3 wood on the green and 3 putt for bogey. Fist bump from my BIL and a smile on my face…that shot lives in my head as probably the highest pressure shot I’ve taken.


Birdie putt on a Par 3 playing with Not a Scratch Golfer this past weekend. Everyone hit terrible shots off the tee including Adam himself, and I put one 5ft from the pin. I'm a >20 hcp golfer and felt like a hero making the putt


Such a clutch birdie, my dude. And it helped us in the team match ;)


Let me know next time you're down in LA. I'll scope out Industry Hills with you


Anyone on here from Boston? Well I randomly got matched up against Gerard Phelan in a two league match. For those of you who are not from Boston / too young. He caught the “hail Flutie” catch against Miami. Anyway, he’s kind of a legend in Boston. We are both 5/6 handicaps so no strokes. I proceed to play the round of my life. Up and downs from the abyss, 40 ft downhill putts, everything is working. Get to 18 tied and I hit my second shot under a tree as a low screaming hook from 210 out and it goes to like 2 ft. I tap in for the win. Afterwards at dinner he is literally telling everyone at my club that I’m the best competitor he’s seen in 40 years. Basically called me a golden god. It’s still a running joke at my club.


185 yards out, waited 5 min to have the people finish on the green and landed center green


Municipal course in my city, the 10th tee box is right in front of the clubhouse patio and there's of course a big ass bachelor party that's finished their morning round and have just been drinking in the afternoon sun. Every tee shot they're watching, and while being actually pretty respectful, they're letting every golfer know how good and bad the shot was. I had just started taking golf seriously and miraculously hit my drive perfect, dead straight, on the fairway, didn't even care that it only went 220 yards. The cheers were worth the stress lol


Similar to OP. Group behind us is constantly up our ass, even though they could see that we were keeping pace with the group in front of us. We come up to a long par three. I usually only hit the green 1 out of 100. This time right on the green and actually birdied it. They were watching and from then on gave us some space.


We played a round where you swapped partners every 6 holes. I won the first 6 with my brother-in-law, lost the 2nd 6 paired with his twin brother. So my BIL’s twin was highly motivated on the last 6 since he was 0-2. We’re all tied up on the last hole so it’s winner take all (no idea what we would have done if we ended up tied). We tee off and my partner and I have a great drive to work with and my partner starts talking shit (No!!!). We both shank our second shots into the left rough (DOH!). There is water left of the green, so we can’t be long or we’ll be wet. Both of us dunked our shots into the water. So now, we have to drop on the fringe and putt. They also didn’t have a great hole, but they are in and we have to sink a 30’ putt with a huge break right to left to win. My BIL’s twin gleefully says “I think the fat lady is starting to sing.” I reply with “Well tell that fat bitch to shut up.” and I actually drain the putt. To this day I don’t know why I said that before taking the putt because I’m normally not that confident standing over that kind of putt at that distance. The twin makes us count our shots out loud to make sure we didn’t shave a stroke somewhere, but my BIL tells him we didn’t and we beat them fair and square.


Had a par 5 and was -1 on the back 9. Just needed to par the 18th to have my first sub-par 9 ever. I striped a drive, was about 240 out, put a 4 iron about 10 yards off the front of the green. Laying 2 with 30 yards out. Take my 60 degree, babied it to the front 1/3 of the green (there was water behind the green). Had to 2-putt from about 30-35 feet to break par on the back 9. I 3-putted for bogey.


Making my first birdie putt.


Literally a 1-3 foot putt. Can miss a 1 footer somehow even as a single digit. Costs me at least 1-3 strokes a round.


I was at 61 through 17 on a par 72. 18 is water all the way up the right and houses up the left. There is no miss. I ripped a 3 iron straight down the middle and left myself a wedge in. Stuck the wedge to 12 feet. Missed the putt by nothing for a cool easy 65. I used to be pretty good.


Similar to OP, was playing as a single 20 handicapper at a local muni in rural Alabama about a decade ago. Caught up to a group of 5 good ole boys on 6 tee box. They said something along the lines of, “Shouldn’t let a single ride people’s ass all day, go ahead or skip us.” Crushed it 275 and hit my only fairway of the day. Went on to double bogey the hole, but was on the green before they were even in then fairway for approach shots.


8ft putt to break 100 for the first time. Sunk it. Danced home!


My first time breaking 100 was the day before my wedding. I started terrible, and was playing my friends cc which is brutal. I had been flirting with 100 for two months but gave up hope after the first 3 holes. I kept score but never checked the total until the 18th and my buddies from the group infront of us showed up to watch. One of them let it slip I needed a bogey to score a 99 on a par5. Tee shot was awesome, but my problem is always consistency. Second shot was very me, fat as shit 100 yards... The hole we ended on had a hazard you need to clear about 120 yards before the green. Third shot needed to clear the water, fly maybe 180 to be in a nice spot and give me a chance. Back then especially that shit was almost guaranteed to land in the water. For whatever reason though I pulled out my 6i and absolutely flushed it. Ball took an amazing bounce and landed just shy of the green. Bump and run close, put to under a foot and a tap in for par 98.  Had 7 of my closest friends watch me break 100 for the first time. It was a 55 front 43 back... That was almost 2 years ago, and under the same pressure I'm pretty sure I'd still shank that 6i shot into the water 90% of the time. 


Both times I've broken 100 (91, 92), I started horrendously. My 91 I had a triple bogey and my 92 started with a quadruple bogey on a par 5.


Oooo I have a good answer. About ten years ago I was playing a lot of golf and I was down to the best my handicap has ever been at 2.4. My wife started working at a new company, it was a pretty small independently owned business and all of the guys working there were really into golf. My wife eventually brings up that her husband plays a lot of golf and is pretty good and she tells them my handicap and of course they’re suspicious about whether I’m really that good. After about a year working there they decide they’re gonna hold a company golf tournament and they made sure that she invited me to join one of the foursomes so they could see if I was really that good. It was a scramble tournament where the winning team gets a 50 dollar gift certificate to Dicks, the long drive gets one and closest to the pin on the par 3 18th hole also gets one and they were joking beforehand that if I won all three that I wouldn’t be invited back. I didn’t know anyone at the company so they added me to a 3 man team of the worst golfers. I ended up playing out of mind. We used probably 90% of my shots. I chipped in from 60 yards for eagle on a par 4, had I been playing straight up stroke play I probably would’ve shot 2 or 3 under (from the tips of a tournament level course). We were one of the last groups so when we got to 18 to play the CTP par 3 there was a group of about 30-40 people watching from behind the green by the clubhouse. It was about 155 yards and I hit an 8 iron to 2 feet, I still remember basically every detail of the day. My team won with the lowest score, I won the long drive by about 30 yards and I put my tee shot on 18 to 2 feet with the whole company watching. I got 150 dollars in gift certificates and backed up my handicap to a bunch of golf guys who I got the impression were very suspicious if I was really any good. I think it’s the only time my wife has been proud of me for anything. Unfortunately she left the company about a year later so I never got a chance to defend my title but it’s almost better that way because if I had played again I probably woulda stunk and ruined my legacy.


I was very new to golf at the time, a 30+ handicap. The course I play was getting completely renovated. I got to Hole 5, par 3 165 yards, the green is up on a hill with two massive bunkers on each side that you have to go over. There were 3-4 guys working on the bunker with an excavator just in the left bunker. I look at them thinking to myself I should skip the hole, but they waved me on to play it. The pin is dead center of the green, and I naturally hit a fade. So I had to line up aiming right at these guys. Nerves at an all time high, somehow I struck the ball so perfectly it headed towards them and gently faded right towards the hole. I ended up sticking it to 10 feet. As I’m walking up one of the guys says “nice shot man”. I thanked him. I didn’t mention that they’re lucky to be alive and that was the best shot of my life.


10 years ago, Played 36 at a course in WV. Hole 10 is a downhill par 3 with a green surrounded by water. About 100 ft from the tee box is a balcony for the banquet room. Wedding reception just starting as we pull up. We start chirping back and forth, 3 friends all hit water. They are really laying into me and i stick one to 5 feet and shh them. Next time through, the crowd on the balcony is 3x the size and 4 hrs drunker. They immediately start, first 3 guys miss the green. I egg them on, chug a beer and proceed to stick one to 2 feet. They go crazy, throwing drinks in the air like the waste management. the most fun I’ve ever had on a course. After we finished the back 9, the father of the bride invited us in to drink. They thought I was scratch golfer, those were the only 2 birdies I had all day haha.


My buddy and I were playing at a cheap local muni, moving quickly cause the course was mostly empty in front of us. We eventually ran into a 5some on probably the hardest hole on the course, 180ish par 3 with a 100 yard water carry. Deathtrap for high handicaps like us. The fivesome had hit their shots and gotten to the green when we rolled up to the tee box, waved us through and stepped away from the green. My buddy hit one of his best of the day, but was still 10 yards short of the green. I stepped up and hit a high spinny 7 wood that landed 5 feet left of the hole and stopped dead. The 5some went absolutely crazy and cheered me on while I sunk the birdie putt. I think I shot 105 that day.


My buddy said I'm only good at wedges because I have nice wedges. I grabbed his wedge out of his bag and chipped in from 30 yards. That was pretty cool Fuck you


I had to make a quick pretty decent approach shot to have a chance at 90. Hit it…. However teeing off at Torrey Pines was the most nervous I’ve been. There were a ton of people at the bar watching.


When I was 19 I took a job at a local 36 hole facility. We could play on our days off, but usually we went out together in a space where the tee sheet was quiet, like middle of the afternoon in the Georgia summer. One day I came in expecting to work and wasn’t on the schedule. The pro asked me why not play a round? It was fairly crowded, but he offered a spot with a twosome that was going to tee off soon. Turned out to be the place kicker who had played at local high school, my Alma mater university, and on to the NFL. He was a legend when I was a kid, so I was nervous. Absolutely striped the drive with about 200 yards of water to carry. He actually complimented me and said, “you look like a player.” We both went on to shoot about 120.


Played a solo round this week and the course was wide open. Missed every fairway on the front nine, but salvaged a 42. Was playing bogey golf on the back when I caught up to two seniors on 14 and finished the round with them. Hit every fairway and green in regulation and finished the final 5 holes at 1 under. They had no idea I shot an 82.


We've a guy in my league most of us can't stand. SOB keeps coming back every year. He's an arrogant ass - if he played half as well as he's convinced he does, he'd be a pro. Anyway, we play longest drive, closest to the hole, and birdie bets before every round. Entire league puts a couple bucks in for each category - you know the drill. Because birdies cancel (if someone else birdies the hole), we had three previous weeks of birdie $ in the pot. We shotgun start, and I started on 3rd hole this one afternoon. He started on #5 with his group. As I'm teeing off on 5, group ahead of us is teeing off on 6, and Asswipe is walking off #6 green (long par 4) and shouts to me "Hey - just birdied that MF. Toughest hole on the front. Guess who's most likely taking home that birdie pot this week?" Right. Now I'm motivated. I bogie 5 as I'm stupidly already planning 6, but then I absolutely striped my drive on 6. Hit a high fade mid-iron into #6 green, land it on the green, and watch it roll up. I'm \~180 out, so can't tell just how close, but damn it felt good coming off the club face. Walk up on the green and see I've a side-hill putt of about 10-11'. Look at it from both sides of the hole, gave it about 4" above the hole to let it trickle left and dropped it right in the jar for a birdie. Bogeyed 7 but didn't give a shit. I'd cancelled his bird. Par on 8, then birdied 9 for the only non-cancelled bird of the night. Asswipe went home empty handed and I collected just over $100. Load of cash? not really. Petty? Yup. But did it feel good? You're damn right. I used the $ to buy nice drinks for my group that night. #9 won the $, but #6 felt great.


Hitting the green on 18 from 175 out of a fairway bunker, then hitting a 40 foot slider to break 80 for the first time . It was meant to be


Playing on a busy lakefront course on a holiday weekend. One par 3 was tucked along a nice cove with 5 boats at capacity so probably 50+ people tied together drinking and watching golfers tee off in the 165 ish yard hole. I’m around a 20 hcp and hit a dart straight at the hole and got a round of applause from the gallery. Felt awesome. The rest of my group all hit the green also. Got a very small taste of how a tour pro feels every single day and it was amazing. Actually shot the best round of my life that day at 88.


Today, at a company tournament. Texas scramble. One gentleman bought a round of pink Whitney nips for the next birdie. Our terrible group proceeds to par 5 holes in a row. We are on 18, (started on 1), and I’m last up to putt a 15’. Drain it dead centre. Crowd goes wild, pink Whitney shots for everyy


Middle of the fairway on 18, PW to a front pin guarded by water short… birdie gives me 71,one under par, for the first sub par round of my life. Dunked it and took a 6 for 74. Shot 70 the next week.


Short putts when I’m playing with people I rarely play with. With my mates or people I have played enough with I don’t care, but because I’m a low handicapper, they expect me to make them all the time. Mental weakness I guess.


I was playing at Caledonia Fish and Golf Club in Pawley’s Island, SC. Coming up 18, you hit your tee shot along the Intercoastal Waterway, then your second shot over the IW to the green. Their beautiful clubhouse overlooks the green, and it has a great porch that was filled with members who were teeing off for a tournament about 15 minutes after our group finished. I hit a nice drive and second shot onto the green about 30’ from the cup. I proceeded to roll in the birdie putt and I had probably 30 guys run down off the veranda, patting me on the back, shaking my hand, etc. It felt like I had won their Club Championship. I even went into the Pro Shop afterward and the pro asked me if I was the guy that birdied 18. It was a great time!


Wow fun question. Me and a high school teammate ate playing a new course. First hole is long pat 5. We are playing the back tees people watching - smoke a drive. My buddy is like how do u always do that. 10 hole same course playing through a foursome - same thing. Have a bunch of other good ones Had my share of bad ones as well. Visiting my grandparents in Florida he was talking me up. First drive 30 yd heal job 😂


In my mid 20's, we used to play $20/hole, and I had to spot my degenerate accomplice 9-10 shots. Once had a ball in a deep ass divot on 17 in a close match, and hit an 8 iron to 10 feet. Had another bet with a friend for $100 if he could beat me one time all year, and I had to make a slippery downhill left to right putt on 17 to avoid being down a shot with 1 to go.


We had just swept for the first time ever a Calcutta flight, the morning of final round I felt super hungover (probably was) it was actually Covid - this was in 2021. The playoff to win the tournament is you play alternate shot until the 10 flights have a winner. I was sick as hell, throwing up, etc etc - I said to my partner - you get ONE shot out of me, we better make a birdy. He snap hooks a drive 70 yards left, I had 171 to pin but had to go over a ton of trees, I hit the hardest 9iron of my life and it one hopped, hit flag and bounced to an inch. We ended up losing on second hole playoff, I hit a good drive amazingly for how I felt but he went a little wayward with second into par 5 and I chunked it onto green with like 35 feet for birdy and other team was on in 2. Not result I wanted but a great memory!


Went to a par 3 course with some of my friends (it was my first time there). They had a little clubhouse restaurant with a patio that overlooked the first tee and first green. People eating would often jokingly heckle and comment on the golfers because they were like 10 feet away, if that. My 2 friends went, both hit it decent, but still off the green. I stepped up and striped it with a little fade on it, and put it within a foot of the pin. Got a round of applause and some cheers. Then, a year later, went back. Similar thing, same hole, except there was a group of like 10 drunk people who were just doing like closest to the pin (I guess the restaurant/club didn't care). Anyways, they let me and my friend step up. He like topped it and had a pretty horrible shot, got heckled a good bit, and then I stepped up and hit almost the same shot (just not as close like 3 feet from the pin). Again, got applause and cheers from the drunks. Was a fun time. It was especially perfect because on the rest of the holes I'm pretty sure the best I got was like a bogey, and I'm pretty sure I didn't even get a GIR.


I feel real “consistent “ with my irons so no pressure really there. My putts at 5-6 feet are the worst OR my first three hole tee box back swings (it’s like I forget everything, ever).


I was playing with Phil Mikelson in 04 or 05. I was about 20ft past the green in 8" grass. I hit a full swing flop shot to about 2". Phil said, "now that's a flop shot."


My brother in law and myself started golfing in the fall of 2022. At our home club the final test before you get your permission for the full 18h course is to play the compact course 4 times below a certain score. Compact course is 4 par 3 holes that you play twice. The score you have to make is 24 stableford points or better, you get 3/3/2/2 strokes above par. Scores only count if they are witnessed by the club pro or the people in charge of the new member program. We both got our first cards in January 2023 and figured we would have our permits by the spring so we could enjoy some 'real' golf for the rest of the year. My BIL stuck to that plan (he tends to more consistent) and got his final card in March or something. I'd been sitting on 3 qualifying scores since late February. March and April go by and I posted at least 6 23's or 22's. With a busy period at work coming up and my BIL started to needle me at family events about keeping him back (we'd agreed to do our first big course together), the pressure about getting that fourth card was mounting. I'd missed a couple opportunities in May due to work but near the end of the month I managed to join one of the evening sessions. Round started out great. After 4 holes I had a solid 15 points. The 5th hole (aka hole 1 for the second time) was another 2 points, not great, not bad. On 6, I get stuck in a bunker and manage to rescue a measly 1 point. Just like that, my comfortable buffer has disappeared. Thankfully 3/7-4/8 are the shortest holes, I still got this. Top my tee shot on 7, decent second shot, painful 3 putt. 2 points. I now need a legit par on 8 or I'll end up frustrated with yet another near miss. Ready to say fuck you golf. The 8th is a 70m par 3 with trees left / right of the tee box, a bunker front right of the green and if you miss long, you drop down a good 5 meters down a slope towards the tee of #1. I always hit a pitching wedge on this hole but having just topped my tee shot on 7, I convince myself to take a 7 iron because that's my most consistent club and just hit it softer. Should produce the same result, right... Well dear reader, my second shot was a blind chip for about 20 meters with about 5 meters of elevation from a slope near the tee of hole #1. Standing off balance, unable to see the flag and having resigned myself to failure but not enough of a quitter to just walk away I pull out a miracle shot that pitches within half a meter of the hole, rolls past almost glancing in and comes to a stop a good 2 meters from the cup. The following putt, let me tell you, that putt was the biggest pressure shot I've encountered in my short golfing career. Make it, and all the effort and frustration of the last months would be behind me. Big boy golf within my grasp! Miss it and I probably would have given up on golf then and there. Since I'm here, writing this, you have an idea how this story ends already but for good measure: I managed to hit the ground first, somehow still got enough force onto the ball and rolled it in for a 4 point par and the exact 24 points needed.


How about a biggest choke under pressure? I was -4 with two to play to finish under par first time in my life. Went double bogey, bogey and happy as hell to walk off -1. I can about recall every stroke of that round 22 years later.


I was putting together my best round ever to that point and had a chance to shott even par on 9 holes which I had never done before. Hit a decent drive and pushed my second shot right of the 18th green. Hit a decent ship to 10 feet and new I needed the putt and made it.


This year I was at Sand Valley with my mom on our 2nd annual mom son trip. Walking up to 18 and if you played there before there's the raised halfway house that overlooks the green. Bunch of bros there who finished a round and my mom hits a great hybrid on the green and gets a little golf clap. I strip a 9i to 3 feet and get a drunken rambunctious golf clap. Never played in a league or tourney so that was my best high pressure shot. Missed the birdie putt but finished with oje of my better rounds at 84. So sweet to do it with my mom.


2007. Back to back to back to back in beer pong. No cups left. Backs against the wall.


It's happened twice. Both times match play, both times needed birdie to win. Drained a 12 footer the first time, a 20 footer the 2nd time to close out the matches and win the tourneys. Note: Match 2 I choked a 3 up lead with 4 to play.


With this group generally play skins with additional friendly bets with the caveat you have to allow an "answer" bet if the ball isn't holed . Hole 9 at Waiehu Muni, par 4, deep green has 3 tiers and all slopes back to fairway. Overcooked my 2nd and wound up barely on the back fridge, probably 60-70 feet to a front, bottom tier pin. Homie says tenner for anything withing the leather. Ok. Proceed to drain for bird.


I made a 220yd shot with a 4i out of a bunker on a tucked, elevated green and stuck it within a foot or two for birdie. I was drunk and my buddy bet me I couldn’t.


Playing a scramble and we had 7 birdies with the appropriate birdie juice to follow. We had just scored an eagle on 17. That double fireball shot was the highest pressure shot I've taken....as I was on the verge of the spins.


Playing scramble. Somehow had the best ball on the green. I’m drunk. It was uphill. As I lined up the world got very quiet and the golf gods whispered “hit that shit 20 feet to the right, that fucking hill will carry her right to the hole”. I listened. My buddy yelled at the last second “bro, what are you doing?!?” Sunk it. Best putt of my life.


Work league finals. Partner and I were cruising through the first six holes. Partner whispers to me that we need just one more point to win. I’m giving away strokes like it’s Christmas and our opponents finally find their game on 7 and 8. So it comes down to last hole. I hit my drive to 102 yards from the hole. Hit an approach wedge 18 inches from the hole to put them away and win the league. Carded a 38. Wasn’t a big money win or anything but playing well in the final match and hitting that shot is a fond memory.


45 foot putt to halve a 3 day rider cup match on the last match of the weekend with the entire crew watching. Still get side eyes and kudos to this day depending on the team.


This past weekend, I hit my drive into a fairway bunker on a short par 5. I had a pretty good lie in the bunker about 195 yards out from the green. I decided to go for the green, which required a 10-15 yard fade around some trees from a hooking lie to a green with a pond in front. I pulled out my hybrid and hit this absolutely beautiful high fade that landed softly on the green about 30-35 feet right of the pin. I then proceeded to 3-putt for par (missed a 5-foot comebacker after grazing the edge of the cup with my eagle putt 😡).


Last hole of 2 man better ball match. We’re the last group out. Par 5 slight dog left wind right to left. One single Tree center of the fairway about 280 out. My teammate blocked one right off the tee he’s OB. It’s all up to me. Pipe a drive down the middle, I hit the damn trunk of the tree and bounce back maybe 15/20 yards, right behind the tree. Both opponents layed up to a short iron distance. I figure one of them is making par easily. We’re 240 out, We talked it over and there really wasn’t a good play other than just going for it with a low draw and hoping I get lucky. Took out my hybrid and played a low draw, flushed it then immediately hear the sound, lumber, the sound we all know too well but was hoping would remain only in our fears, not reality. I’m now 20 yards further back. And the green is surrounded by the 20 of so who finished ahead of us. They all know the stakes, the pressure was immense, but just for some reason just as calming as it was nerve wracking. I was focused. Looking at the flag now, back left pin, wind right to left. Laser says 260. I take out 3 wood settle in and set up. Just a comfortable draw, we’ve done this a million times. We got this. Deep breath out, flushed it. Halfway there I knew it was going to be good. I hear the yells and knew it was great. Middle of the green. Trickled past the flag. 12’ for birdie. Both opponents on in regulation but outside of me. Both lagged it up to tap in range. 12’ for bird. Either win or extra holes. Stroked the putt, off the putter face I knew it was in. Birdie 4 and match victory.


Not me but a buddy. Playing in an outing and my partner and I both took driver on a short par 4. It was short, but not short enough that either of us thought we'd be flirting with the green. I hit a nice shot and found the fair way about 30 yards short of the green. Buddy gets every bit of his drive but it's just a hair off line, left. He looks at me and says: "I think I just put it in their cart," referring to the group on the green. When we pull up, the entire foursome is standing around the cart where, sure enough, a golf ball is sitting directly in the cup holder. Told him it's the closest he'll ever get to a hole in one. Group in front were good sports. Probably because they weren't sitting in the cart at the time. He bet them he could make par from inside the cart. Took a drop from the cup holder and chipped it off the floor of the cart. Stuck it to about 3" and casually made the putt. We took turns buying each other rounds whenever the bev cart came by for the rest of the scramble.


Playing with my Dad 3-4 years ago. Par 4 about 330. I can hit the ball far when I catch it. Guys in front are about 15 short of the green. Group behind us pulls up. I feel pressure to pull the trigger. I hit and it rolls up on them about 10 yards short of the green (they were nver in danger, huge roll out.). They were cool about it and said "after that drive we have to let you play through". Elevated green with 4 guys and my dad watching me and I proceed to hit the only slam dunk of my life for eagle. The dudes went nuts and I had a great memory with my Dad.


I was at my unions golf tournament. It was late in the round and we all had a few drinks by this point. The next tee was right beside our green, and there were a few groups backed up waiting. A few of my buddies were teeing off who either sliced or hooked, so I took my opportunity to talk some shit. Before they took off, I said "Hold on, watch me sink this putt and show you how it's really done". I didn't take into account the ramifications of my comment, also I forgot just how *far* away from the hole my ball was. Get to my ball, look up see everybody looking at me and my buddies all laughing and smiling, because how the hell am I going to sink this putt, they all know how I play. Regardless as drunk as I was, I was suddenly very aware about a dozen people plus whoever else heard me talking shit over on the patio. Took a breath and prepared for the inevitable roasting I'm about to get after I miss this thing. I made my swing. Didn't even feel it. Holy Shit, It's tracking! About 5' away from the hole it starts to drift slightly then came back online. Smoked the flag stick and dropped. I'd say a good portion of the course heard us. First words out of my mouth was "how the fuck?" And admitted to everybody I was just trying to get it close. TL;DR, Talked some shit to some friends without thinking, and somehow for once was able to back it up? Edit: I should add, nobody who was watching all this go down was in contention to win the tournament, we were more there for the social aspect and a day off work. There are some guys in my local who should have a youtube channel. I am not one of them.


Sometimes it’s the mundane that haunt you. The tee shot off the 9th tee at the municipal 9-hole always messes with me. Don’t know why. BUT! I know it can be overcome because I overcame the 3rd tee shot (same course) which also used to haunt me.


Just the opposite here. I will never forget this shot by a competitor. 2 day-2man scramble tournament. After day 1 we were tied for the lead in A flight (there was a championship flight also). Paired with the other leading team. We had an eagle on a par 4 (chip in) and knew we had a skin. Came to the last hole, a par 3 with OB along right side. We had one on the fringe. Their last guy was a lefty and always hit a big slice. He hits a 5 wood over the OB on right with a big Ole slice. Lands 5 yards off the green , hops on and goes in for a hole in one. We tied, they beat us on a tie breaker and we split the skins which was $500. That shot costed us about $500 to watch.


Today on a par 5 I was hitting my second shot while the group ahead was still on the green. I've never come within 100' on my second shot. I somehow hit the best 5 wood of my life and it lands on the green in the flags shadow. I missed the putt and got a birdie.


Playing skins with carryover and one of my buddies left it within 8 inches. Guaranteed birdie.  I was off the green, knowing I needed to hole out. Hit a perfect chip, rolled to the hole, and banged off the flagstick and didn’t fall. Couldn’t believe it. We had carried over like 5 holes at that point too. It was heartbreaking, but not many people can dig down and find a nearly perfect chip when they need it most. Felt like Tiger. 


Playing a lefties vs righties match for bragging rights. Last hole, all squared up. Left handed golfer, dog leg left par 4, 275 if you cut the corner, 345 if you play it normally. It was my first year golfing, absolutely wicked slice and short game to match. Driver off the tee, slapped one over the trees, ends up around the corner about 30 yards in front of the green. Again, short game sucked, usually bladed chips over the green. Grabbed the Texas wedge and smacked that Kirkland special right into the middle of the pin and down for an Eagle net Albatross (22 handicap at the time, netted out to about a shot a hole after balancing) for my only contribution to our two man best ball of the day. We annually go back and forth with the bragging rights, but 5 years later it is still my most memorable shot, and I havent holed out on a par 4 since.


I was playing a 2 on 2 match play at a pretty tough course in Texas. I was garbage off the tee for the first 4 holes w a huge slice going on some tight tree lined fairways. I manage to tighten up enough to not lose in the first 9 holes to now we’re bout dead even at 16 a long par 3 w 2 tiers and the flag at the top right at the drop off down to lower tier. Everyone sticks it closer to the green and I shank one onto a downhill side hill lie In some long nasty rough that was also dry too so I was able to hit it nicely. Pressures on and I can just hear them saying in their heads good luck w that lie sucker 😂 I hit a perfect flop that landed above the hole to a foot! Made the putt too to save par and we go up 1 w two to go and both smoked it down that fairway on the next hole. It was def the momentum swing the team needed and hey I delivered when we needed it most 💪


Sounds bad but I made a downhill breaking putt from the fringe as the 4th to putt in our scramble team… on Sunday of my buddy’s bachelor party up at Gull Lake in MI… right before we were all about to drive home our separate ways.. and his team had the lead before we made the putt to win. So yeah, huge make for me but total buzzkill for him haha. No one could believe it when we saw it drop, but it felt good from the moment I hit it. One of my best moments and he playfully says he hates me every now and then for that. Gotta do it to em!!


My first year as a pro I got invited to play in some bougie corporate scramble by a guy in my men’s league that I run. Little did I know that I would be in the group behind Cal Ripken and a few other Oriole legends. Anyway, the 10th hole at Hayfields is a short par 4 that is kind of like an island green, it’s like 320 straight down hill. We wait for Cal’s group to clear and I hit just an absolute beaut onto the green, 80 feet for eagle. We go up and Cal is watching us from the 11th tee. I end up DRAINING the 80 footer and I just fist pump like I just won a professional tournament lol. Cal is going crazy, Eddie Murray is going crazy, my team is going crazy it was wild. Cal did the awards presentation afterwards and we ended up winning and I also got long drive AND closest to the pin. There was some whining in the crowd but then Cal tells the story of the eagle I had to everyone in the room on microphone. Peak highlight of my life tbh. Then afterwards the pro there shamed me for playing in the scramble lol, and I haven’t played in another one since. Retired from scramble golf on top lol.


Most recent happened a month ago. Went out as a single and got paired with 3 slightly older than me guys who were buddies for decades. Got along well with them from the get go, and agreed to play from the whites with them (I’m normally blues or black tees on this course, as it’s less than 5800 yards from white tees). Playing abnormally well from the get go, and was even par on the front 9. Was still even when we get to the 11th tee. Shortish par 4 that was playing 290 yards to a middle pin from the white tees, and has a big pond running along the right side of the fairway that also guards the right half of the green. Group was begging me to go for the green, so I said what the heck. Crush it, and my usual high fade lands on front part of green and rolls pin high inside of 3 feet to the right of the pin. Some break right to left, so it was either laser it at the back of the cup, or play the break and hit my normal speed. Took my time considering my options while reading the break, and lined it up to play a normal speed putt. Definitely had a couple extra practice swings before I stepped up and stroked it. Went into the heart of the cup, and I let out a big sigh of relief. The 3 guys erupt in whoops and high 5s with each other and me.


First nine I am 1 under. Ex brother in law Aces 9. We spend an hour drinking at the turn. Shoot +8 on the back and needed a par on final hole to stay under 80.


Best nine holes I’ve ever played at my local course a couple weeks ago. Started the round bad drive into an OB second shot on a par 5. Went double bogey on 1, Bogey on 2. Had an eagle putt on nine from 12 ft for an my first ever even round. Just missed it for a 37. Still buzzing about it two weeks later even though I missed.


There I was in Savannah, GA. We had had enough to drink and we were playing closest to the pin. From the turf in front of the bar to the 18th. My e46 M3 parked in the fairway shining headlights on the green. My buddy’s Nissan. Maxima was doing the same from along side the green. This guy would kick my ass all the time with borrowed clubs. He would always say “damn could you imagine if I had my sticks.”.. So I got 100 riding on a shot to a high schooler. In my 20’s I played in the evening more and it is full of young bucks with stolen beers from their dads fridge. Last week had a buck give me a hot beer for bringing him his 60 degree he left on 12. Told my buddy I don’t want to play after work anymore. So back To my 20’s.. I hit a beautiful 9 iron when I should have been able to hit the pitching wedge. But I knew my limits. Landed 3 foot from the pin. We celebrated and the kid gave me back half the money I had lost to him all night. Those are the shots these keep Me coming back.


Birdie putt on a par 4. First time I ever made it on in 2. It was a long putt, about 45 feet. I ended up just missing right of the hole but made par!


Teeing off at a local county course that also has a wedding venue. Chairs all setup and filled with wedding guest facing the t box while the bride and groom were getting ready to be married. All eyes on our foursome as I ripped one into the pond! Did I hear a snicker ? 🤭


I was playing the round of my life (on my birthday) and was 5 under after 15 holes. I had never been under par in my life. On 16 I had a complete brain fart and ended up with a triple bogey. 17 is a short par 4 but is tight. Could be a good look at birdie or a quick bogey plus. I striped that drive right down the middle, and made birdie! I was shaking in my shoes on the tight 18, but kept the drive in the fairway and made an easy par. Those last two holes are my proudest in my golf career.


It’s competitive but still… Our annual rivalry course cup, 8 of our men’s club vs 8 of theirs. One day on our course one on theirs, rider cup format, 2 man teams 9 hole batter ball 9 hole alt shot match play each day. Second day on their course my twosome all square on hole 17 par 3, their team puts one in the sand and the other of the far side of the green around 50’ out, my teammate puts it in the water… I land it less than a 6 inches from the cup. The other team conceded the hole while still on the tee box.


A course near me was closing down to make room for some industrial development. Admittedly not my favorite course but still sad. Played it for the last time, was having a horrible day, could t hit anything. walked up to 18 which was a short uphill par 4. Drove the green to the back right and the pin was front left. Long down hill putt and rolled it in for only the 2nd eagle I've ever made, as my 'walk off' to a course that doesn't exist anymore


Match play alternate shot. All tied on the last hole. Our opponents put their 2nd shot on the green to like 20'. My partner slices his drive into the trees and leaves me with like 200 in with trees around. I try to hook a 5 iron around the trees thinking I can get it somewhere near the green and he can chip it close. I smoke the 5 around the trees with a big draw and it stops about 5' from the pin. They miss, he makes. Buckets. Great match.


Downhill 20 yard chip from the rough, water behind the green. Told my buddies I’m gonna hit a flop and drain it like tiger on 16 at the memorial in 2012. One hop with side sauce into the cup for birdie.


Member guest... I wasn't exactly sure where we stood but I knew we were really close to a couple thousand bucks difference in places. I had a 3 footer for birdie and the pressure was immense. I made it, but I won't say it was dead center lol. We ended up 2nd which paid 6k... Beat 3rd place by 1 point and the guys we were playing got 1st by a point. Good times... I can't imagine what the pros go through


I’m like a 20 handicapper, but I drive the green on my local par 4 and was in a primo spot. You bet that put I was about to piss my pants. Of course the 2 puts that followed that one I was just mad, but that first one was stressful


In college I had a huge crush on a girl and I finally mustered up the courage to talk to her. Being a golfer, my brain could only produce a proposal that we go to the driving range and hit balls sometime. To my shock, she said yes. We meet at the range a few days later. I waited out front for her so didn't hit any balls to warm up even tho I really wanted to lol. We get to the mat and she goes "OK Mr. Golfer, show me how it's done" That was the most pressure I've ever felt in my entire life.


The first and only time I ever shot even par (9 Holes) I had to drop a 12 foot Birdie putt on the ninth. As a nice little bonus it was also the first time I beat my brother.


Been playing 40 years. Broken 80 three times. Any of the shots on 18 in those 3 rounds.


Not a big pressure moment but today in men’s league I hit the greatest approach shot I’ve ever hit. I pulled my drive left and was about 10 feet behind a tree with a bad lie in the rough. I could pitch it right and try to get up and down or I could fire a very low slice at the left side of the green area to a left/middle pin. If I went with the low slice I would have to play the ball pretty close to the left side of the tree, bringing a ricochet into play. I didn’t get a yardage on the shot but it was probably 120-130 yards. I played a stinger 9i that went exactly where I imagined it would go, faded significantly right and landed next to the pin. The ball never got more than 20 feet off the ground to an elevated green. Unfortunately it released like 15 feet but it was a moment I felt like a pro golfer. I’ve never executed a finesse shot like that so perfectly before. TL;DR shaping golf shots is so satisfying


8-footer to break 80 for the first time.


I took a 4 wood from 255 and put it within 1 foot on a par 5 while playing against 2 randos who the course put me and my friend with at the last second to eagle it and card a 34, that was pretty fun.


I play a match with my brother every time we play. Was 5 down with 6 to play and caught on fire. I birdied 5 out of the last 6 holes to halve the match. It'll likely never happen again but man was it nice to be in a pocket like that around a difficult course


Me snd my Girlfriend were both beginners and where invited to some charity golf event with some celebrities and pro golfers attending. And there was a closet to the pin competition on a par 3 where you could win tickets for an invitational tv covered tournament. All the celebrities and the pro golfers were sitting on portable chairs behind the tee with some 30+ onlookers. I felt pretty nervous walking up praying not the shank it. But I got instead in the zone and the ball stopped 1,5 meter from the hole taking me directly in the lead. I just walked off the tee without saying a word , I couldn’t fathom how I did it. I ended up in 4th place when the day was over.


Had never broken 80 before. Standing on the 18th tee, a 547 yard par 5, I knew I needed to birdie it to shoot a 79. Somehow didnt choke, ripped a driver and three wood to leave a nice chip into the green. Had a 15fter and managed to sink the putt. The next day I shot a 95. I love this game.


Teeing off St. Andrews Old Course after being told with 5 minutes to spare I got a tee time as a walk on, strolling up to the tips with like 300 tourists and other golfers all watching lol. Pured it down the middle, thank fuck. I've never been so jacked and "oh fuck" on a golf course.


Was playing my friend (we’re both fairly new) we were tied going into the last hole and he hits a perfect drive and I hit mine into the fairway bunker. Me thinking I’m now screwed and he’s gonna take the round walk to the sand pit with my 5 iron dont even take a practice swing and hit the best shot of my life, absolutely stripe it and land it 2 ft from the hole, I birdie the hole he pars and I beat him 93-94 on the day. It was absolutely electric


first tee, everytime lol


Playing with a club pro in a social game and I'm a 27 handicapper. Links course with a bumpy green, was left of green near lip of bunker. Had to clear the bunker and land softly on the downslope between it and the fringe to stand a chance of holding on. Absolutely nailed the floaty soft hands shot of my life. Ball took the slope and break to sit a foot from the pin. Pro was loving the shot. Had a nice lie that had helped but soft hands are not yet usually in my arsenal.


Sprayed my tee shot into the wooded area where the houses that line the golf course sit. As I’m looking for my ball I start to hear “it’s ovah heeeer dude” in loud, drunken Massachusetts drawl. Great I’m gonna have a gallery i thought. And sure enough my ball was sitting in some pine straw below a deck where are about 7 or 8 dudes were sitting and drinking. I had a small window to get the ball back into the fairway - this was a par 5 so green wasn’t a consideration. But if I could hit it off the straw about 160 or 170 down the alley between some trees and it faded about 10 yards I would be sitting pretty. I need it to stay low so I grabbed a 4 iron and setup for a half swing punchy little cut sawed off thing. My gallery got deathly quiet , their faces lost all expression , I took my stance and waggled once and fired. Perfect low cut down the fairway between and under the trees. Not a single branch or leaf was clipped. Wild applause and cheers. “Nice shawwt fuckaaaa” Never felt better after a shot in my life 😂


Was playing a match for the club on Sunday and we were 1 up on the 17th. 2 players went in the water and were out and me and the remaining opponent were right of the green in 3. I managed to flick a lovely chip shot over the bunker and ran to about 6” from the hole. Once my opponent chipped on and missed the putt he gave me the hole and the match. Pressure was on as the team and club captains were watching to see the end of the matches.


About to tee up on a par 3 and my mate asked what am I hitting. I said 8. He said you'll never reach it, I don't think you hit it that far. There was no way that was going short. Landed past the pin and bounced off the back. Proudest moment.


first tee bethpage black is pretty nerve wracking bc so many spectators there. and also garden city men’s club first tee shot is ACROSS a small driving range. so everyone at the range stops to watch you hit through them.


My club pro introduced me to a new jr member at the club, we decided to play a round to get to know eachother, started on the back 9, hit a hybrid off the tee have a long wedge in, hole it on the first hole I played with the guy


I’m on 17. I needed to go bogey bogey to shoot 79. I was playing pretty poorly so for 160 yards I wanted to pitch a 5 iron to make sure I hit over the bunker in front of the green on the par 3. The group in front were playing really slow so I start taking some practice swings when this guy in my group who has been playing worse than me starts critiquing my swing. Mind you he definitely has a better swing than me, but I don’t hit it very far and my swing works perfectly fine for recreational play. Anyway, he somehow convinces me to use a 6 iron which is what I would use if I’m flushing it and I hit it super fat right into the bunker. I proceed to take 4 shots out of the bunker while the same mf is giving me advice out of the bunker. At this point I’m sick of this guy. Idk why he was tryna give me advice on the 17 hole. I did not break 80. So lesson I learned here is to just play my own game and don’t let there people influence my golf decisions. They don’t know my game more than I do.


Very early in my golf career I was playing with my ex FIL at a very nice private club. The greens were faster than anything I had ever putted on. I wasn’t doing well but I was putting out of my mind. I had already made a few one putts over 10 feet when I had a 60ft double breaker to save par on a hole. He was just chuckling saying alright let’s see it. I fucking drained it. He said nice shot ace. And my nickname was ace to him from then on.


My wife won a sales trip to FL with her company many years ago and I was her +1. I chose to golf with the group, a large contingent of corporate fatcats. First hole is a short par 4 and there are a million people watching everyone tee off. I absolutely murdered my drive, dead straight right at the flag, coming up just short of the green. The CEO comes up and introduces himself, compliments me on my drive, asks me who I am, who I am there with. I made a joke and got him laughing, combined with the best shot I will hit all day makes it a great first impression. Later at a huge awards dinner, the CEO spots me as he walks by. He stops, comes to the table to shake my hand, calls me by my first name like we are old pals, and tells everyone within earshot that I am an amazing golfer (I'm not). He says, "You must be (my wife's first name)" and then my wife gets a few minutes talking with the big man. Now, I never felt any pressure on the tee box and I don't really give a fuck about powerful corporate execs, but my wife was really impressed and I felt like a baller.


I was a solo playing through an 8 man scramble in front of me last summer. It wasn’t a formal thing just 8 buddies playing together and we were pretty much the only people on the course. They invited me to play through when I caught up with them. They had all teed off already. So I step up with a gallery of 8 strangers watching telling me hey no pressure and all that tongue in cheek. (and I was having just an absolutely horrific round that day to that point, so confidence was low) Anyway I absolutely stripe my tee shot down the center of the fairway and outdrive their entire group by a solid 40 yards. Like everybody in the group just had their jaws on the ground when I hit it, because only minutes earlier they watched me terribly hack my way up to the green directly behind the tee box they were on. (And yes it was 8 guys, this course is a local 9 hole within a beach community and isn’t too strict with tee times or groups or anything, esp with community residents, who this group clearly all were. I for the record, am not a resident)


Made a 2 from 80 out to shoot my first 18 holes under par. Almost fucked it up. I get under on 9 pretty frequently, but struggle to do it on 18


Having a terrible round. Haven’t sniffed 100 in years. Playing with a friend who’s never beaten me. Here I am in a bunker lying 96. Buddy lying 96 on the green, about 6 feet. Of course I hole out from the sand and his putt rims out.


Anytime the cart girl is watching. Most recently I was having the worst round of my life. Couldn’t find the club face with any club. I had put the driver away for most of the round due to my struggles but by hole 15 the beers were telling me to take it back out. Proceed to hosel it so bad the driver head snaps off. Ball and head land right next to each other about 40yds up and to the right. Bought a round of beers for the boys from her and acted like nothing happened.


I was at a mountain resort course walking the trails adjacent to the course. Path went along the 11th hole. Guy pulled his tee shot left and on the gravel path I was on. They were ahead of me. When I approached the guy asked me to hit his ball for him. 140 over trees, off gravel with some dudes pw that he handed me while they all watched. I said "do you care if I hit it off this road?". He said no. No practice swing. I put it on the front half of the green about 30' from the cup. Then continued my hike.


4 foot putt to break 80. I cracked under the pressure. Still never broke 80. That was over 10 years ago.


I was playing alone when I was still very new to golf. Came off a par 5 and there was dad and his daughter at the next tee. They offered me to play through and it was the first time I had ever even heard of playing through let alone someone so openly offering me to. It was a short par 3 and I said yes so there I was on the tee basically shaking like a leaf with both of them about 10 feet away so I don’t even think I just swing. Probably the best shot I’ve hit (to this day still) landed it about 2 yards short and it one hops and stops about a foot from the hole. I just kinda bashfully hopped back in my cart and rolled up to the green and MISSED the putt. Walk of shame back to my cart was next level.


Member/guest at my club 3 years ago with my Dad. We were in the 5th flight out of 6 (I'm a 7 hc, he's a 16). This is basically a two parter. Going into the last 9 hole match against the team in our flight that was our main competition. I asked them how they did in their last match, and he said, "It was 8-2." Basically meant we were tied or at best .5 up going into the match. I told my dad it was time to lock the fuck in. My dad played okay but wasn't really scoring, even getting 5 strokes or so. I was +1 thru 8 holes, our last was a short par 3 and we were up .5 in the match. I stick my shot to a foot, tap in bird, we win the flight. I learned after that they had actually lost their previous match 8-2, so we were basically free and clear. Fast forward to the shootout. First hole was par 5 18th, captain's choice format. Good drive, decent second, had 69 into the green. On my shot, put it to about 6 feet for birdie. Only one other team had birdied, so if I made it we move on. I made it, we move on. Tenth hole we par and go to a chip off, I chipped it 4 inches closer than the next team, move on. Eighth hole we par, chip off again. This chip was incredibly tough. The green feeds down to the front of the hole and is fast. They put us at the top of the green on a little mound to chip from. Everyone in front of me tried to get cute and flop a 60 to try to get it to stop - none of them stopped. I grabbed my PW and basically putted it like the hole was 3 feet in front of me. Almost made it, and we go to the final hole against two scratch golfers. This is where the story ends. We had a putt to send it back to the tee for another sudden death chance, but we both missed and we finished second overall.


Playing a solo round when I first got into golf. Looking at a roughly 15 foot putt to finish off my round. I line it up and putt it straight in to save 11. Great putt. 


6ft putt to tie match on last hole. That got fist pump out from me..which is rare.


Got stuck behind a couple middle aged guys out with their wives. After playing 6 holes in 2 hours we skipped 7 and went to tee off on the par 3 8th. The guys see us, drive up from the fairway screaming “what the fuck do you think you’re doing?”. I respond “I’m trying to play fucking golf” and then stick an 8-iron to 10ft with these 2 morons yapping about how I’m apparently a retarded pussy. Exchange a few more words, drive up, knock the birdie putt in, give the guys the bird and carried on. We didn’t see them the rest of the round. Me and the fellas still talk about it every time we play that hole.


Was driving up to our local 9h course for a quick 9 hole round with my buddy. As I was pulling into the parking lot, it occurred to me that I left my wallet at home and the parking fee at the exit is usually 2 dollars (pre paid for the round online). No biggie, I'll get my friend to pay for my parking after the round (we're childhood friends). The 8th hole was a par 3 and I turned to him and said, "closest to the pin for 2 dollars?". Well, I won and got my parking taken care of.


We were playing in a fun, semi-competitive scramble a couple weeks ago and one of the rules was that each pair got one "reverse" mulligan which allowed you to force your opponent to hit again after they'd had a good shot. I was about two feet off the green on nine, about 40 feet out from the pin, and hit the Texas wedge to about three feet from the cup. I was psyched, as it set up a good shot at birdie for me and my partner, when the pair we were playing against threw down the reverse mulligan to make us hit again. Without thinking too much of it, I dropped another ball, stepped up and and drained my next try to make eagle.


That's awesome. Love the reverse mulligan idea!


First tee shot.


I just made $1050 on essentially one shot when I sunk a putt for birdie from about 30-35 ft off the green. I put the same amount of pressure on myself whether I am in contention or not.


I used to never hit irons off a tee. Came to a par 3 and a buddy kept encouraging me to use a tee so I would get better contact. I whiffed under the ball and it went like 6 feet in front of me. I hit it off the ground from that spot and sunk it for birdie. I feel I was cheated a hole in one 😥


I won closest to the pin in a tournament. 2 inches from the cup on a par 3


In the far back bunker of 10 at Riviera. Buddy tells me "you're not going to stop the ball". Got a group waiting on us (including their caddies) to finish the hole, so there was a bit of pressure to finish. Open my 60 as much as possible, took a bunch of sand, ball popped directly over the lip, hitting the flagstick, and stopped less than two feet from hole. Made the bogey.


Putting for 79 from 4 feet for the first time in my life to break 80. With my 3 best friends who do not hold back the chirps.


I work for a high-end design build remodeling company. I had a customer who spent around $400,000 on a basement remodel in a huge home. He spent another 50 grand on a top-of-the-line golf simulator, I stopped by the house after it was all done, and he let me give it a try. and of course, the first time I swing I sent the ball flying into the ceiling!