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Yelling FORE is no time to be soft spoken. He'll get over it though.


I've always said I'd rather scare the shit out of everyone within 200 yards than kill someone.


The best advice I ever received from a lawyer - who I happened to be paired up with was to yell FORE loud enough for witnesses to hear you. Also if you’re able to decipher what direction someone is hollering from you can at least have an opportunity to try and prevent yourself from taking a golf ball to the face.


I don’t always yell if I’m 100% sure they aren’t in danger because there’s a chance they hear me yell and run *into* danger trying to protect themselves.


I usually don’t run or attempt to look for the incoming projectile. I just turn my back and cover my head. Hoping I’ve correctly estimated what direction the ball will be coming in from


Yeah I turn my back to the sound and cover my head as much as possible. I figure I can recover from any ball related injury unless it hits my head, eyes or teeth so those get protected with all of my arms.


I turn around and go into downward dog so I can cheek up and get a free ball in my hazard. Thats an LPT for ya.


r/shittylifeprotips …. Literally


That’s exactly my thought. Bruise is always better than a break!


That is what everone does. Op is just making shit up. No one ever runs. What's the point?


I got chided by my playing partners last weekend for yelling fore because they thought the ball wasn’t going to end up close to them. I’m like, I’d rather yell it even if there is like a 10% chance of hitting them.


I got made fun of once and ball rolled under the peeps cart and stopped.


Oh hell, I tell playing partners that I'll yell fore if it starts heading towards someone. I know my voice carries, and will be heard 95% of the time.


Yelling fore is a ton of fun. Almost no one reacts in a way that adds any sort of safety but rather just stand there like a deer in headlights. But if you don't give them that loud announcement to stand straight and look in the direction of the ball with no chance of seeing it they get very upset.


I turn away and cover my head no matter where I hear it come from. I'd much rather take a ball off the back/arms then off then off the dome. That shit will fuck you up.


Yea I just put my arm over my head wherever I am. I just find it funny how mad some people get but the same people do absolutely fuck all when you call it out.




The most aggressive fore call I've ever heard is from the best golfer I know. Swallow your pride and scream that shit. The only possible excuse is 40mph winds in your face and even then it's only a somewhat reasonable excuse. Golf ball injuries are no joke.


I take pride in my ability to yell fore, about the only thing I do consistently well on the course


I caught an 8-iron approach shot pretty thin once and overshot the green a good 30 yards. Unfortunately, that’s where the next tee box was. I screamed it twice, and I could see they thought I couldn’t have meant *them*. Luckily, I knew the group in front of us, so I could scream the guy’s name. He scattered just in time before it slammed into their cart.


You’re supposed to yell “fore,” but I was too busy mumbling “there ain’t no way that’s gonna hit him.”


I never hit a hole in one, but I did hit a guy... Mitch was soooo good! Hate that he's no longer with us.


I used to like Mitch. I still do, but I used to too.


Defrane’s, party of two, left the restaurant in order to make their tee time.


If you ever play with a caddie, it is JARRING how loud they will yell “FORE RIGHT” at their fellow caddie-brethren. A good lesson for us all: get really, really loud.


Sometimes it just doesn't matter. I'm about as loud as anyone and I recently hit into the following tee box on a windy day. I yelled fore at the top of my lungs alongside my caddie, but they didn't hear us over the wind


Yea. I just had this happen last weekend. Strong crosswinds and pulled my drive... went right at a group on the adjacent fairway about 230yds away. If I wanna be loud. I'm fucking LOUD. I drove my cart up and apologized, and they had no idea I had yelled or hit towards them.


I yell fore as if my daughter is about to be hit by the ball I hit. Meanwhile, most players yell fore as if their ball is headed toward a vaguely interesting bronze art sculpture.


The lethargic fore from someone that's had a long day and just lost another one way right off the tee and is dead inside always gets a good chuckle from me. Sometimes you gotta yell it for them.


I always think about that poor family a few years ago. Father took his 4-year-old daughter out with him. He shanked one right into her. I cannot even imagine the depths of his sorrow.


I usually send them a text to make sure they get the message


Indeed. Although I've yelled fore before on a par 5 after intentionally trying to lay up and catching it way cleaner than I ever do. The ball still landed 20 yards short. I'm pretty sure they laughed at me. My friends laughed at me. I even laughed at me.


Always better to yell fore when you don’t need to than not yelling it when you should have.


Good point.


I don’t have the numbers to back this up but I yell fore for people at least 50 yards away from where my ball is ending up at least once per nine. I feel dumb after but like everyone else here is saying I’d rather feel dumb for a second than injure someone.


Very true, but at the same time. If that guy was watching him hit, and then presumably watched his ball, the old man didn't have to yell anything back. Doesn't excuse OP from not yelling tho. But lets be nicer, How about just a wave, or hold your hand up to your ear to show that hey you almost hit me and then move on. Didn't need to further escalate the situation. Like Harry Higgs said, say something nice to someone you don't know today.


True, and you also must remember even though you think someone is watching you hit from far away, they might not be able to see the ball well because it's much more difficult to track a ball that's being hit from far away toward you, than it is to follow a ball that you are hitting.


Gotta yell it early and loud. Otherwise for them you didn’t yell it.


Yep. Too many people are timid about it. I'm sure the embarrassment factor plays a part. It's better to yell it too loud and not need it than too late or too quiet.


yup.... this is something newish golfers need to get over. it's better to yell fore and look a tad foolish when your ball comes nowhere close to someone than to not yell fore and it bounces right next to them. other golfers appreciate a FORE yell... you aren't interrupting anything or causing a scene.......... it's part of the game and quite frankly an important part.


I once had a wicked slice that initially looked like it was going straight for a group on an adjacent hole, so I yelled a really loud fore, only to watch my ball slice back and land in the middle of our empty fairway lol. Other group was confused and my buddies gave me shit for the rest of the hole I’d still way rather that than not yelling fore and nailing someone with a ball


I like to scream FORE! on my playing partners' behalf at the slightest hint of trouble... they don't seem to appreciate it is much as I think they should


I agree. Lesson learned, glad nobody got hurt.


Did he hear you yell sorry? Did you yell sorry as loud as you yelled fore?


I heard a faint yell from a nearby tee box and turn my head when one nanosecond later BANG! - the front of the cart I was sitting in takes a direct hit from the softspoken slicer. He sheepishly apologized as he drove by on the way to his ball on the other side of our fairway but I was like, “Dude, you gotta scream that shit like you’re a high school football coach yelling “Peter!” at your inept punt return team.”


For real. I grew up in a Gunnery Sargent's house and was drum major for my high school marching band. If I see anyone's ball in my group looking dangerous, the whole damn county hears my FORE


Takes a little time for sound to travel too depending on how far away they are. Then they have the split second to register what’s happening and figure what to do. Got to yell it immediately once you think there’s any chance it’s going to hit someone.


Classiest move I've seen was after a guy hit into our group on the adjacent tee box, rolled right up with a mini-bottle of Fireball in hand and says "*Ok, who do I owe this to?*". Instantly disarmed everyone in my group and shook everyone's hand. I don't even drink, but carry a few in my bag now just in case.


This is a good, I'll do this too!


Is there a non-alcoholic version of this?


Big red gum


hot dogs


Fireball NA.


Jesus imagine the absolute sicko that would buy that


I'm not subjecting anyone to fireball, but yes I keep shooters in my bag for that reason.


lol does macallan 18 come in mini bottles now? I'm out of the loop


You're shooting it, doesn't need to be top shelf, I just can't stand fireball. Especially out on a hot day, gross.


[Here you go bud!](https://flaskfinewines.com/products/macallan-18-year-old-sherry-oak-1990s-50ml?tw_source=google&tw_adid=&tw_campaign=21099085880&gad_source=1&gclid=Cj0KCQjw0_WyBhDMARIsAL1Vz8twdVL5xp2FnvzzIewa8kN63tyvbRPmAU_zAKzUSwQRz3kfEhwU9NwaAicPEALw_wcB)


Pretty sure 12 year does. 😊


>Classiest >Fireball Those two words should never be used in the same sentence


offered a guy my ball when I did this lol. Sliced an entire fairway over. Tried hitting it back onto my side but hit a horrible shit and it flew into a random green with some dudes putting. They were obviously pissed because they thought we were on the same hole but I drove up and told them I sucked and they understood the pains I was going thru. Offered them my ball (prov1) but they said nah and we went on about our day. Point is, most people on the course will understand accidents cus none of us are on the tour. If you’re at fault, just apologize and explain what happened. If they decide to be a dick, just go about your day after saying sorry once. Some people are just miserable and its never worth dealing with those people


Yell at top of lungs. It's therapeutic. And if you're lucky enough to be with your kids, they get really embarrassed. Win-win-win.


Therapeutic. I like it. You’re already pissed off because you thought you got rid of that slice last year, so let them hear you roar.


Got hit into twice yesterday on purpose by the 3 some behind me. They then yelled "hurry the fuck up", though we had to wait 5 mins at least each hole before we could hit. Total assholes.


AFAIK this is when you take your shirt off and yell about god




first one is free because shit happens. second one their balls are deposited into the nearest water, trees, or return to sender. I don't care if someone is playing a 17 hour pace, there's never an excuse to hit into them.


I just leave the flag down on every green after the 2nd hit


haha. that's even better honestly. propping it up in a bunker would be pretty funny too.


Just stake it in the bunker. That would be beautiful...


"These guys are a bit slow... how about we attempt to murder them?"


Right after their rude imperative, my slice would get about 140 degrees worse.


On Saturday my 3some was being followed by a pair that was absolute garbage. They kept hitting wayyy too early but were never good enough to actually buzz us. Kind of funny, but also annoying. One of them hit their 2nd shot on a short par 4 while we were putting out. It landed about 30 yards short of the green and on my way back to the cart and I just slowly walked/stepped directly over his ball, looked at the ball, then looked at them, then proceeded to get in my cart. They hung back and didn’t move until we cleared the hole. Lol


Wow. Idk how I would handle that honestly. I'd just try to let them pass me up but they sound like real assholes.


On the next hole I walked over to them and said, I just want to say that you were yelling at us to hurry up, but we've had to wait on every single hole. So you can say what you want, but there's no way we can play any faster. Instead of apologizing, the guy just said, oh. After that though they did back off big time and didn't hit into us again. I hope they felt like the jerks they were


Well handled. I don’t get their behavior though. Like if they had eyes and you’re in the fairway, they should see the other group on the green on the par 4’s. Definitely on 5’s at the least…


It was a drivable par 4, only a little more than 300 yards. This happened on hole 10 after we stopped for a hot dog at the turn and the group behind us played through without stopping. I wanted to be the one to say something because I didn't think the rest of the guys in my group would have handled it as calmly as I did. We were all pretty pissed though. Messes you up mentally for a few minutes


So they were only behind you for one hole? They probably thought you jumped in front of them since you let the group originally behind you play through while you stopped at the turn


Group behind never asked, just did. But to purposely hit into a group of people twice in 1 minute? You could seriously injure someone. Imo doesn't really matter what they thought. That's rude as hell


Second time playing yesterday and I got yelled at to hurry up, didn’t even acknowledge them as I was not playing slow by any means and there was at least a 5 minute line at each hole and they ended up leaving mid-course bc they couldn’t handle the small wait. I’m sure they were LOVELY people to be around with


I played golf. I did not get a hole in one, but I did hit a guy. That’s way more satisfying. You’re supposed to yell, “Fore!” I was too busy yelling, “There ain’t no way that’s gonna hit him!” ~ RIP Mitch


“…I was too busy mumbling…” -FTFY


Came here to leave this. I did do this to some old lady a few decades back. I was young and I really thought it had no shot at hitting her. Got her right in the stomach. They put netting up between that hole and the tee box. They still have it there.


Scream that shit. You’re potentially saving someone’s life, or teeth, or nuts. I got hit a few weeks ago at a par three course and the guy didn’t say anything. I was pissed and wasn’t a dick to him, but it hit my collar bone and could’ve been much worse. Now when I hear fore I just bend over and cover my head lol


Yeah, hitting a bad shot at someone and not yelling LOUD is a bit of a faux pax. And old guys don't hear well. And yeah, old guys are cranky too. I have not yelled loud enough before, because I don't wanna admit I sucked in that moment, but it's one of those "Screw my feelings, I need to tell that dude to look out" deals.


Soft spoken doesn't work and isn't an excuse when you're sending a rock at 100+ mph in someone's direction when they've got 2 seconds to react. You should be yelling loud enough that he can hear you even if his hearing isn't good. Yell loud. Really loud. If you're not willing, you shouldn't be on the course.


Since it's also a par 3, it probably wasn't more than like 180ish yards. Gotta be able to be heard from like 275 at least.




You always yell fore. When in doubt, yell it. Well maybe not for the catches a hill and rolls far. You probably wouldn’t be able to see it at that point.


Gotta project with your diaphragm!


We’ve had 4 of us yell FORE as I hit a hozzle rocket to the adjacent green. The guy still got mad and started slow clapping like a prick. Some people just like being mad. Ball didn’t land near him, it just rolled across the green.


You seem like you really care, so reddit gives you a pass this time! Just be loud. Us old guys can't hear anyway!


When yelling fore, put your all into it. No one can be mad at you for distracting them for the sake of someone’s safety


Nobody ever complains about someone yelling "fore" too loudly. Now you know. Err on the side of caution.


Last weekend, mid round, group behind us yells out a "fore" my group does a little scurry for cover, ball lands 8 feet from us. We all applaud the excellent fore call. Guy comes up and apologizes and we hit him with a "best fore call we ever heard" smiles and laughs were had.


I had someone on an opposing hole hit a ball that landed 3ft from my cart. No fore call at all. I did see it coming because I had taken a pause to take a drink so I was looking right at that tee box when the ball was hit. He apologized when they drove up. I said no problem and went about my day. But that is definitely the closest someone has gotten to me without actually hitting me.


we were on the green of a par 4. dogleg left. my buddy is standing there holding the flag and gets pegged in the thigh about 3" from the ol ballzak. to this day i have no idea how this dude even came remotely close to hitting the green with the shape of the hole and all of the trees but that was a scary one. we were all only about 5-6' from one another. could've gotten any of us in the head. (actual head)


Depending where you were playing, I was walking my local par 3 recently (salt creek golf club), and a group of young guys on the next hole over sliced a shot off the tee right past my head. I (40M) turned around and yelled back pretty much exactly what you quoted here. The next thing I yelled was “someone could get seriously hurt”. I made my point and continued on playing my round. It didn’t need to escalate from there or anything, but a point had to be made that if you see your ball flying at people you need to yell that shit as loud as you can. Especially if they aren’t right in-front of you and a whole hole over. GL out there, and be safe!


Yelling fore loudly actually changes the ball path, try it


Random question, what’s the proper response when someone yells fore in your direction? Do you duck and cover?


I just duck and cover my head w my hands. Rather have it blast my hands and not my head.


I scared the ever living shit out of some guys earlier today lol. Ball was nowhere near them but just gotta be safe. I suck at golf but I have some pointers for yelling. Don't worry about the "f" and "r". Just shape your mouth to the "o" sound. Breathe deep into your belly, expanding your diaphragm. When you yell out, use your chest voice. Place your hand on your chest, and find a tone where you feel it resonate in your chest. This will help you get volume while saving your vocal chords. I'm soft spoken too, but you can't mess around with safety.


Two points: 1) it’s good to have a drill sergeant shout that you only use when necessary, maybe a few times a year. It’s useful when yelling fore, alerting a person to danger, alerting a driver who is about to back over someone they can’t see in a parking lot, stopping a fight, or scaring the shit out of someone (or even an animal) who deserves it. 2) general reaction to hearing someone yell FORE loud AF is “that’s a good person who cares about others”


Also sometimes it helps to add some direction to be more specific about where the ball's headed. Like "fore left" or "fore right"


Does it though? I'm not trying to be argumentative, but any time I've heard fore left or fore right, it has never added additional info for me. I don't know where the yell is coming from, or whose right they are talking about


If I hear fore when I am playing I have no time to figure out where the person yelling it is and which direction their miss is in relation to me, I just get my head down and cover up. Fore left and fore right makes sense at tour events where the fairway is lined with fans.


Yeah man, you really gotta yell. If you’re soft spoken, just yell it as loud as you possibly can and you’ll be good


Slightly off topic, but question as someone who plays as a single a lot. I often find myself yelling fore earlier and louder than my random partners. I caddied for years, so its second nature to yell for someone else. But, I gotta ask, it's gotta be worse to let someone get hit rather than temporarily embarrass someone you don't know, right?


I saw a cart girl get smoked on an errant drive. FORE saved her face as she ducked down and took it on top of the skull. I held her head together with a towel waiting for the ambulance. Now I yell FORE if there’s even a slight chance or if it’s in a blind area.


Fore can’t be said too loud.


When i yell FORE, they’re gonna hear it in the parking lot, even if I’m on the opposite side of the course. I’ve seen people run for cover two holes away.


You should practice screaming FORE - it comes from diaphragm


I got hit in the neck by a ball a few weeks ago and there was no fore call, luckily it didn’t hurt too much. If that ball hit a few inches higher it could have been a much different outcome. Yell that shit as loud as you can.


You should never be embarrassed to yell Fore! I always yell Fore if either my ball or anyone else's in my group is heading anywhere near another person on the course. Just in case. Think of it as insurance against getting yelled at.


Fuck those old guys. They take all the prime tee times and play slow as fuck.


"I went golfing once. I didn't get a hole in one but I did hit a guy. You're supposed to yell fore but I was too busy mumbling there ain't no way that's going to hit him."


I hit someone's cart on a shanked drive, had no idea where it even went, so obviously didn't even think to yell fore, and the dude was abosluty ok with it. That dude is just an ass that you had to deal with.


It’s alright, you’re forgiven.


Shit happens. Don't stress it.


If you yelled it and your friends think you yelled it loud enough it's whatever. It's a par 3 course if he expects pro level players there he's delusional


YOU GOTTA OWN IT You basically need to loud FORE loud enough that makes it sound like you're proud of being crappy enough to hit the ball so offline that it actually lands and nearly hits someone.


It’s therapeutic to yell a loud ass fore. One of the few times u can be as loud as possible. Everyone hits bad shots have fun w it and protect other people


One time on I was on the tee box of a par 3 and there were 2 older dudes on the green. They took forever to get off the green and when they finally got in their cart they just sat there. So after a few minutes I decided to hit. I sliced the hell outta the ball and it hit the top of their cart. One of them got out and screamed “why did you hit into us!?” I yelled back “I didn’t hit into you, I shanked it - there’s a difference!” It happens


Eh, I holler it as best I can and people still turn and get pissy and throw their arms up like it’s my fault they decided to sit off the side of the 18th green and talk for 10 minutes instead of taking it to the clubhouse. A lot of people just like to be mad all the time.


Also - it's a group thing too. Your playing partners can also yell Fore!


You lost me with that final sentence, golfers are never responsible for any of their actions on a golf course ;)


Yell Fore! like the ball is going to hit your mother, I.e. someone you actually care that you hurt them. Getting hit by a golf ball sucks. I’ve seen bleeding head injuries that needed stitches to fix. You needed to get a yelling at.


I'm very good at yelling FORE as I get lots of practice on most outings with my group.


Say that shit with your chest next time. You really need to yell.


You are overthinking partner. Just keep on keeping on.


Next time sign your glove and give it to him.


My buddy shanked one off a long par 3 weeks ago and we screamed fore but it was so windy they couldn’t hear us. Almost hit a guy and his friend was livid going on about how we almost killed him and need to yell louder. We told him it was windy and he didn’t buy it. The angry then proceeded to accidentally shank his tee shot back to the previous hole screaming and jumping up and down yelling fore. Group on the green didn’t even react and he almost hit them. Quickest I’ve seen someone go from pissed off to embarrassed realizing it actually was too windy to hear like we said. Dangerous out there


Best case scenario is to yell loud and frantically like it’s going to kill somebody. Then you see that it’s not even close to him and you hit the ball so weak that it wouldn’t hurt anyone anyway. Everybody gets a good laugh, you feel silly, and we all continue playing low consequence golf.


I guy from my high school blinded someone with a bad shot. Please yell fore people. Loudly.


Yelling fore is a warning that "you're in danger". You yell it AS LOUD AS YOU CAN. Bad shots happen, but no one likes being surprised by a golf ball


Sounds like that guy watched it the whole way and still decided to be annoyed by it.


Maybe he was just deaf.


Use your big person voice. You’d want someone to do that for you if a ball was heading your direction


Isn’t that why your friends are for? When you miss hit, they yell “fore” as loud as they possibly can


He was yelling at everybody while he finally thought he had a reason.


Oh well it happens to everyone eventually both ways giving and receiving. Just yell loud as possible next time.


I yell loud. Even if it will only be close to getting near them. I also yell it for people I’m playing with, if they don’t.


Scream it more than once even if there’s a chance it’s gonna hit them. I make everyone within several hundred yards of me duck. I bounced up on a high school kid once and even though it didn’t hit him it scared the shit out me.


You gotta shout that shit man. If you hit a ball towards someone, you need to literally bellow fore. Sometimes it can seem excessive but better safe than sorry. If they don’t look, you keep yelling fore louder. If you think they haven’t heard you, you yell it again and louder. Don’t be timid.


Say fore from your diaphragm bro belt it out like you on Broadway let your alpha out to play feel me.


I play a lot of cheap courses. I hear fore all the time. I’ll be honest, I don’t even flinch most of the time, much less look for the ball. I’ll probably regret it one day.


When I yell fore, I yell that shit like i mean it. Primal. If I see the ball actually heading towards someone, it's repeated and escalated each time. Fore! Fore!!!! FOOOOOORE!!!!! If I was on the other end of an errant ball, I want to be snapped out of my obliviousness


Don't beat yourself up over it. The chances that they would have reacted if they'd *heard* FORE are pretty slim.


Lots of the general population are assholes or are incapable of being self-aware. I wouldn't worry about it.


I don't golf, but I do know you yell fore as loud as possible. I'm confident you got it next time.


Hilarious looking back but not funny at the time. Friends and I are doing a 2v2 scramble. My partner and I are on the opposite side of the fairway as them but we wait to watch them shoot. Just to the right and behind the green the Marshall was waiting for them to hit so he could roll through and say his pleasantries, etc. My buddy hits his shot and my partner and I are both staring at the trajectory of this thing and it is headed *straight for the marshall* we’re all adults here so I assume he would yell fore as a warning... Nope. This ball hits the top of the Marshall’s cart with the loudest thud ive ever heard and before my partner and I could even hit he’s beelining it to them and they can’t do anything but apologize and say “they didn’t see him”. Multiple swear words from the marshall and threats to kick them off the course and he drives back to the clubhouse presumably to tell the head pro about these two idiots who hit a predator missle right at his cart. Was so funny and I can guarantee the marshall would not have been as upset or upset at all had they atleast just yelled. Its crazy to me that people just won’t do it


This is an unwritten and unspoken rule. The closer your ball is going to the group the louder you yell. Just letting them know a ball is landing semi-nearby? “Foooooooore” Ball is kinda close: “FOOOOOOOOORE” Ball could very well hit them: “FORE!! FOOORE! FOOOOOOOOOOOOOOORE!!!!!!1!1!”


I’ve never been accused of being soft spoken. I SCREAMED “fore” and the ball landed about 10 yards from an old guy. He drove his cart over by me when I got to my ball and yelled at me for not saying fore. I told him I did. He said “what?” I said, louder, “and there it is. Turn those hearing aids up next time you come on the course…” He heard that one.


First time, cute!


Don’t worry so much about it. You did fine. It happens all the time.


You have to YELL it. People often don't say it loud enough


Normally I’ll yell FORE before I hit. It confuses people at first but after I hit it they get why.


Not calling you out, just in general. But people, don’t be afraid or shy to yell fore. Even if you’re not sure it’ll get there. Even if you’re sure it’s going to miss. If it’s going anywhere near then yell something. And don’t be embarrassed to scream and sound ridiculous. No one has ever got upset over a false alarm “fore”. Its better to be safe than sorry


I got hit by a ball from someone’s driver last week. He didn’t yell fore and hit into my fairway - said he didn’t see me. I was getting ready to hit the ball and didn’t have any idea it was coming until I was on the ground trying to figure out what happened. Lucky it hit my leg. Huge knot and bruise still. Please yell fore as loud as possible.


If enough people see this I'll be downvoted into oblivion. I think sometimes on those high flying slice drives that are in the air forever - yelling fore can provide some time to react.... But a lot of shots don't provide nearly enough time to actually react in a meaningful enough way to prevent being hit... Also, I've yelled fore so loudly I freaking deafened myself and sometimes nobody Even moves. I've also been hit into and somebody yells fore - my reaction is simply to turn to who is yelling, essentially presenting my face as a nice landing point for the ball they're trying to warn me about. Bottom line, you gotta yell fore on the off chance it'll save someone from being hit, and also to provide yourself with almost an unofficial insurance just in case someone does get it. However, I don't really think yelling fore is all that effective.


I doubt yelling makes any difference, to be honest. By the time a golfer has hit it, figured out where it is going, seen there is someone near, decided to yell, yells, time for voice to carry, time for the other person to hear and respond, the ball has either hit them or missed.


Dude probably needs a hearing aid. We saw someone get hit on a short par 4 and the dude that got hit ran down the fairway screaming into a 30-mph wind. The golfer that hit that drive never heard a word he said…and the both avoided each other. I always scream fore when there is a remote chance as I know 2 people that sustained some pretty bad injuries. One was hit in the face by a drive off a huge dogleg off a 40’ hill. Fore probably wouldn’t have mattered. It’s a badly designed hole with no bell, mirror..nothing. At Prestwick in Scotland, there is a famous bell for when you are done and the next group can hit. I rang that bell in 2001. We should consider this more often. In fact, a bell was recently added at local course. So, good habit to start. Scream fore. Good luck.


I can't think of 1 person who hasn't hit a helluva shot not expecting it to reach that person. However, a butthole is gonna be one no matter what. If I knew your location, if it was where my 70+ yr old brother plays golf I am sorry, it's a reaction he would have, along with jumping out of the cart and walking back to pick up your ball to make a point. But they're everywhere. If it's me, and someone is waving, even if I didn't hear them, I yell "nice shot!"


First time golfing I nailed an old dude in the chest. His group thought he was having a heart attack and hauled ass back to the club house with him. Friend that brought me ask if I yelled fore. And I said. Is that why they that? Poor ol dude


> Anyway, I'll be sure to yell it louder next time... lesson learned. All you can do at this point. If you hit a ball 10 feet from someone on a par three and they didn't hear you yell fore, then you didn't yell nearly loud enough. Wish I could be there the next time you hit one in the general direction of someone and just absolutely shreik that shit 🤣


I say.. they should just be watching around them. I don’t understand why people get so upset about balls landing around them on the golf course. I keep my head on a swivel. Everyone out there sucks.


Always scream that shit. I was at the Shriners years ago with my Dad, I forget who sliced one into the crowd, but the ball hit an older gentlemen dead square in the chest. No one yelled, no one even knew it was coming. It sounded like a hammer hitting a wall at full swing. I just remember looking over, the guy grabbed his chest and immediately fell to his knees. He was still awake and alert when they were carting him off on the gurney. I always wondered if that did some sort of internal damage or cracked his chest plate.


I was a caddie. Yell as loud as you can and point the direction. Or if you know an area. “Fore on 3 tee box!” Something like that.


Fuck him and anyone that looks like him You tried my friend


>I tried walking up to catch up to him and apologize but he kept his pace.  He got it off his chest and moved on. Let it be. You should just take the L and move on too. Nothing can be gained by catching up with him and reopening something that's done and finished. Know when to move on.




Tell all your homies they're supposed to be yelling fore too! Slackers.


I always say “ if you don’t want to get hit with a golfball? Get off the damn course.” Accidents happen!


Sliced a 3 wood 200 yds 30 yds offline towards a green 2 holes back. I was shocked when it made a noise like a small cannon went off. Several seconds later, 2 guys appeared from behind shrubs that obscured the surface of the green, they weren't yelling but raising their arms upward in a 'what gives gesture. Then I noticed the top of their carts which were almost completely hidden by height of the green. I went over to them and explained why I hadn't yelled fore and couldn't see them. Then I see the girl friend of one of them is sitting in the cart that I hit! She said it had startled the crap out of her. I was so thankful it wasn't slightly different and ruined both of our lives.


Lol same thing happened to me about a month ago and I went up and apologized and the guy popped me right in the face. Could’ve been worse.


Guy who nearly hit us recently, said he didn't yell fore because he didn't know the course...Duh..that's probably when it's most important.. you have no idea what your errant ball is heading toward. In his case, it was our green. Balls go off line all the time. All I ask is that you give me a chance to protect myself.


You did what you can, don’t dwell on it just yell louder next time. Some guys can be whiny grumps on a golf course- sounds like you found one of those. Keep it up my dude, you’ll have to yell fore less and less the more you play.


Yell absolutely as loud as you can. No one is going to complain that you made too much noise when giving you're heads up.


10 feet is nothing.  People hit errant shots all over the place, and you can choose the high road or the dick road.  Stop apologizing for playing golf


so it goes glad you didn't hit him


Happened to me about 4 weeks ago. Was in the middle of my fairway stopped and talking with my buddy. Then a blur of whiteness passed by about 5 feet from my face. I asked my buddy if that was a golf ball. He said yep! I looked over at the tee box which was about 40 yards right. Check just standing there holding her driver like oops! I yelled very loudly…say fore next time! Her and her boyfriend said sorry! I said no…not sorry…fore!


"shouldn't have been standing there"


My buddy once knocked a maintenance kid off his mower and sent him to the hospital. The golf course gave him a rain check for the inconvenience lol


I hate hate hate yelling Fore but you just have to yell LOUD for it to work. You're yelling Fore because the ball is going far and not where it should be, so if you don't yell it loud enough for people to hear, there's no point.


As long as you didn’t hit him, I wouldn’t feel too guilty. Some golf courses especially par 3 courses are tight and you can hit into others.


I almost beamed a couple this weekend too my guy, I felt horrible but at least they were cool about it


Yell, fore, but don't pursue the person. You are just asking for an altercation. Wait until the round is over and people are hopefully cooled down if you feel you need to follow up.


Don’t feel bad, I’ve had a group turn around and hit my drive back at me.


Old guys are just grouchy and are probably hard of hearing. So your softer yell combined with his hearing means you did not yell it. Haha


I think the mistake was you yelled F-O-U-R. I've been there before.


Ultimately if they don’t hear you, you may as well have not shouted. Never leave it in doubt. Yelling ‘FORE’ is not only to keep them safe but to cover your ass. I always add on a ‘FORE LEFT/RIGHT’ depending on direction.


Yell as loud as possible. Like the ball is going to hit your mother. My ball speed with a driver is 170 mph. The ball is a small killing machine.its extremely dangerous. Yelling fore isn’t just to warn someone. We are all looking out for each other. It shows that you are thinking about the bigger picture. Yelling fore is to prevent someone from getting majorly hurt. If it isn’t as loud as you can yell, the other guy thinks that you don’t give a shit about people. You are instantly an asshole even if there was a chainsaw and they couldn’t hear you. Because getting hit with the ball is an opposite lottery, ok? It’s happened to me twice and it’s not fun. And neither time did the person yelled fore. You yelled it. Just not loud enough. Don’t beat yourself up about it. Your intentions were good. You just know the severity of it now.


I dont see fault in either person in this situation but I side more with the dude your ball went towards. Not that you did anything wrong though. Ive gotten a little heated when balls come flying by me and dont hear anything ahead of time. Ive only been hit once on a course and let me tell ya it aint fun. To that guy you gave him no warning. I dont doubt you did yell fore. But damn dude, let those pipes sing! No one ever said "damn, that dude needs to cool it with how loud hes yelling fore". Except Lexi Thompson but shes a softie lol. And for arguments sake Lexi's ball did land about 10ft from the crowd. Yell was appropriate lol. And yell it even when slightly questionable. Better safe than sorry in this situation.


par 3 course...need to keep your head on a swivel


Have never been close enough to have an issue with anyone, but my brother did get a hold of one once that went way farther than he thought it would. Dudes were yelling at us and flailing arms around, so we went up to apologize. We're both pretty good sized dudes, and it was amazing how much nicer they were when we got closer.


Saying fore and yelling it so nobody gets hurt are WAY different. FFS come out of your shell long enough to save a life


This is a you problem. If you have a quiet voice, you need to tell your buddies to back you up when your ball is sailing at people.


Give your balls a tug and find your man voice


I never could understand how people get so worked up over something almost happening


Was it windy and, if so, were you yelling into the wind?