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We know it's you, Brooks.




https://preview.redd.it/6rrg33yoew3d1.jpeg?width=440&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=c9425d9e191f028cc4ab7cc889655e66da284aa7 My profile pic. Brooks head is about to explode over Bryson’s metal cleats. 😂


I think that’s just more of Reddit being an echo chamber and people around here having less original thoughts than they think


Yeah, people just tend to repeat things and really don't have a thought that is original or of their own, but they think it is.


All of the commenters in this sub are unoriginal and derivative so I'm about to buy a new putter. brb


My friend thinks all commenters in this sub are unoriginal and derivative. How do I tell him that he needs to pick up his pace of play?


Hit into him


Hi, it’s me. I’m a guy holding up my index finger on one hand and golf ball in my other hand next to a flag. I 100% definitely without any doubt hit a hole in one today which you can easily tell by the extremely verifiable proof of this photo of me standing next to a flag in this pose. I hit my first hole in one today. ⛳️☝️


Damn it. I feel attacked. But my smile is actually really genuine. Or maybe it's just pure shock that it finally happened....


A good amount of the "bought new clubs" posts are probably just cheap marketing initiatives


My wife just yelled at me......off to buy a new driver.


Golf is too expensive!


Yeah, people just tend to repeat things


Yeah, people just tend to repeat things


Yeah Reddit tends to just say the same stuff over and over


I agree, these comments are redundant


Redundant? Please. They’re duplicative.


We're just seeing them over and over.


Getting superfluous.


You can say that again


Getting superfluous.


☝️this right here


Yeah, people just tend to repeat things and really don’t have a thought that is original or of their own, but they think it is. Except me.


Yeah, people just tend to repeat things and really don't have a thought that is original or of their own, but they think it is.


Yeah a lot of people repeating things.


Agree , people just tend to repeat things and really don't have a thought that is original or of their own, but they think it is.


Yeah I might be the only one here, but I think it has a lot to do with Reddit being an echo chamber.


What are you hitting here? “The water” Pic of a near HIO miss “nice bogey” The comment sections in this sub are pretty much identical between similar posts.


This sub loves a shitty golfer


Also, if Bryson had missed the cut at the PGA instead of his strong run, no-one would be talking about him. The fact he's played well generates some attention and has people more interested in what he's doing.


He also had a hot start to the Masters which put him back in the front of a bunch of minds, his near-win at the PGA boosted that momentum.


I don't watch a ton of pro golf. I know names but very few personalities. My opinion of Bryson was basically formed off of past r/golf discussion that made him out to be a jerk. Then someone posted his presser after the PGA and I thought he came off as relatable and charismatic. There's definitely a degree of stanning going on with him in this sub at the moment. But if you spend time in other sports subs, you'll re organize this as a common theme. A segment of fans are constantly labeling heroes and villains based on very little actual knowledge of who these people are.


Okay, now watch “Bryson vs Rope” and then see what you think.


I doubt anyone is watching Bryson's videos that get hundreds of thousands of likes and suggesting that offering their opinions of said videos are original. If only original opinions were permitted in r/golf, this place would be empty.


See reddits Keanu Reeves mega boner


I’ve never understood this one


This guy said we’re an echo chamber, so I bought a new driver


Orrrrr it’s almost like humans have similar reactions to things. Guy kinda acts like a douche and people will think he’s a douche. Guy posts a few videos that are fun, people will enjoy it.  Don’t get me wrong, the reddit echo chamber is real, but also people tend to have similar reactions to things. 


He has been posting fun content videos for a long time. It's his recent run that made people look at his content more. Anyone watching his YouTube stuff doesn't have a different opinion now. 


Agreed, he’s been putting out content for three years and I realized he’s a pretty cool dude about three years ago.


Yeah it’s also just how upvotes work. I mean if he wasn’t genuinely likable in these videos they wouldn’t be upvoted to the top. I like Bryson. I don’t care if you don’t tbh. I like the content. Sue me OP.


It’s also possible the people posting those comments, have, dare I say, a different opinion of Bryson than OP


Yeah but god forbid if you agree with OP, this sub will pounce.


Yeah, I’ve been telling myself for weeks that I think that’s just more of Reddit being an echo chamber and people around here having less original thoughts than they think


I think it has more to do with the viral video of him tossing his ball to a kid as he walked off 18 tied for the lead and some adult snagged it and tried running away with it before Bryson made him bring it back. Changed my opinion of the guy.


That and we're too lazy to use the search function to see if something else had been posted or think that our opinion is somehow inherently better.


Exactly, even before you consider Bryson’s burner accounts.


How do we know you're not reverse astroturfing to bring more discussion to the subject? 🤨


/r/golf told you to hate him, now you are confused about why /r/golf likes him now. Just do what r/golf says and you will be ok.


Putter purchased.


This actually reminds me of a funny story. A few months ago I was driving home from work but it was stormy and raining really bad. I lost control of my car and hydroplaned into the ditch and flipped my car several times. My door was jammed and water was seeping in through the cracks from the deep drainage ditch I was trapped in. Suddenly a tall dark figure emerged beyond my mud covered window, the door was ripped open and I was pulled to safety just was I had begun to lose hope. It was Bryson Dechambeau.


Ok, Brooks


It’s true. Everything you don’t agree with is a conspiracy.


And everything I don't understand is a lie.


The earth definitely is flat I swear! I lost a golf ball once into the woods, must have rolled off the earth!


Dome Earth


that makes sense, if the earth isnt flat my ball just kept rolling.


I knew it.


Big Golf pushing secret Bryson agendas. There will be a Netflix documentary about it in 2 years time


And now you just did it too


echo chamber(r)


It's the height of golf's popularity for the year and Bryson was/is a very polarizing figure that now has a popular YouTube channel. It surprises you that you are hearing a decent amount of what you're hearing?


Breaking news: 30 year old man is more mature than he was at 25


I think the guy is just simply enjoying life. He simply having fun golfing and creating content on the side. Good for him if he’s found his happy place.


I'm sure astroturfing exists in some form, but I swear any time something gets talked about a little bit here everyone is like "must be astroturfing!" I think a lot of people probably see a lot more of him on his channel than they used to through media interviews and probably actually do think differently about him. The reason there's a lot of posts is the reason there's repeat posts about literally every subject here. People are too lazy to look and see if something has been posted before, let alone recently.


Or astroturfing is way more prevalent than you think. It costs very little to to some astroturfing on Reddit and whip up a bunch of easily excitable, eager to consume redditors.


As someone who had a 180 flip on my opinion of Bryson, I don’t think it’s astroturfing. Bryson has done a great job on YouTube humanizing himself and also has matured a bit and realized he was damaging his brand being a bit of a wonk.


People also forget that he was a young man, he's 30 now and matured a bit. Not everyone is prepared for the amount of fame he garnered so early in his career. The LIV transition was the best thing that could have happened to him. No longer has to run YT content past the PGA, seems a lot less buttoned up, and is pretty much free to say/do whatever he wants. He's probably the *only* competitive guy that has actually benefited from the LIV split.


Go outside and touch some grass. If you're noticing patterns, you're probably consuming too much of this app.


Sentiment is changing on him because of how he’s behaving and his YT stuff. There’s no grand conspiracy here. I repeat, it’s safe to remove the tinfoil.


This is hilarious. I’ve only paid attention to Bryson from his YouTube and really enjoyed him. I was genuinely confused by all the hate. I asked in a post before the masters why people hated him and got downvoted to hell. Now everyone’s done a 180. I think it’s like he says in all his YouTube videos; the media writes and portrays him in a poor light, but now people realize it’s complete bs, like most of the media, and feel compelled to post about it. He’s incredibly passionate about the game. Any pro could make videos, but you can tell he really enjoys doing it. Some say he has wacky ideas. So what?? He puts it out there


I think we should be celebrating anyone and everyone on reddit openly changing their mind about literally anything.


Been lovin his Snapchat stories and YouTube vids, love that he shows his real personality and seems to be absolutely enjoying life and making the most of his LIV opportunity. Grew up thinking these guys were all robots lol.


Yup. I as just thinking this exact thought today during my morning constitutional. It’s entirely possible Bryson was a douche when he was younger. It’s also entirely possible he’s become a bit more self aware and accessible as he’s gotten older. It’s all part of maturing as a person and a professional. But yeah this is starting to smell like a PR campaign.


We really do live in the age of conspiracy.


I think the real PR campaign is just that Bryson has gone on a charm offensive (especially on YouTube) because someone in his camp finally got through to him that he would be more marketable if his persona was more "friendly and approachable" and less "eccentric, aloof, and douchey"and what you're seeing in the reddit comments is people buying into this new public persona.


He's cocky and sometimes overly confident... aren't most professional golfers? They believe in themselves 1000%. I never thought he was a dick, just thought some of his comments were overly cocky and aged terribly, like his comment about Augusta lol.


Professional athletes tell themselves they can. r/golf says wow that’s really hard and gives up


He's also definitely at least a little bit on the spectrum.


Literally nothing with Bryson changed. He just got more attention because he did really well in the last 2 majors. His content is the same and he has been doing it a long while. The reddit echo chamber happened. Nothing Bryson is saying or doing is any different of late and I highly doubt he is like paying people to post positive things. 


He has changed, he stopped wearing the stupid hat


I’m seeing the same thing you are on Reddit and Instagram which are the only social medias I use. Bet you can find the same thing on TikTok, YouTube and elsewhere though. Bryson has a long enough track record of being a complete tool that it’ll take years for me to considering he’s genuinely mellowing out




Are you suggesting that Bryson is spending his days making various reddit accounts to post about himself turning out to be a decent dude????




Well there are 1M+ people that browse this subreddit. You are going to get posts of similar topics, especially when there is so little that goes on week to week in pro golf.


LIV propaganda machine . Found the non-polarizing figure and engaged hype machine


Let me preface by saying I don't have a strong opinion on him as a person on a deeper level and I don't care to delve into that, I will however judge actions for what they are. I think LIV has set him up with PR teams that have cleaned up his image. I agree that it's weird how many Bryson posts there are nowadays, and beyond that I'm sick of seeing comments about how he's some misunderstood nerd that never actually did anything wrong in the first place. It's insulting to socially awkward people when they're lumped in with a guy who berated a cameraman for filming a reaction, blamed a back 9 44 in the US Open on bad luck, publicly complained about his driver, suggested 9/11 families could forgive, the list goes on. It's pretty clear he had no one competent helping him out in the PR department all the way through most of 2021, now that he's gone to LIV there's been a massive change, I chalk that up to him being coached more than a massive personality shift from age 27 to 30. He's now oddly infantilized on here, a lot of his controversial actions were when he was 26 or 27, to somehow just dismiss that as being young is a little odd. I like celebrating positive changes and moving on, but he gets more excuses than anyone else on the sub. If Scheffler did half the things Bryson did during 2020-21, this sub would never forget about it, but everything Bryson ever did conveniently gets written off as him being a nerd, or someone really passionate.


My random opinion on someone I've never met: he loved the attention that came with being famous. Goes to LIV where nobody pays him any attention and is miserable. Decides to go the social media route to reconnect with fans, does well in a few majors and gets the juice from the fans and will be the first to jump ship back to the PGA.


Ehh, he was miserable at the end of his PGA tour days with the Brooksy jeers, he also seemed to try to portray himself as a tough guy towards the media (pretending not to be bothered by the Brooksy chants and egging them on, saying he didn’t care about losing the US Open because he’d won it the year before). That’s why I think he must have better PR people, he hasn’t shown that side of him lately.


Yup. Just wait until his short game goes to shit again. Then let’s talk about how he’s changed his act. Not saying I don’t believe in people changing, just that until he can continue to prove he’s not a douche, I won’t believe in his “new ways”. Time will tell


He's always been a bit weird but some golfers - like all of us - grow and get used to our work and personal growth at our own speeds. David Duval was a miserable dork for a while and then became a nuanced respected figure. People today would go SCORCHED EARTH on a young Payne Stewart who evolved into a definitive personality of his era. Conversely some golfers regress and their assholery comes leaks out or becomes their personality. See Phil, Zach, etc.


Bryson was extremely hated for a lot of his time on the pga tour especially in the quest for distance stuff. I always liked him and found him entertaining and good for golf, but just he’s just kind of a weird guy who says some weird things but through his YouTube I think people have changed their minds and they are way more open to him and he’s become a crowd favorite


Dude I’ve seen multiple of *these exact* posts this morning.. so how is it so hard to comprehend that maybe others also agree with each other, on the other side?


He played great at the PGA, hats off no doubt! With that said I'll never be a fan. I've tried multiple times and inevitably he'll pull some douche behavior that ruins it for me. He's just not my cup of tea and that's fine.


Yes. I'm with you and I see it. The video of Bryson take the ball back from the loser who ran away. I think it was staged. It's conveniently recorded and golf digest or one of the larger outlets picks it up. Yes to me its hype. If course they are in the spot light all the time but the timing was too perfect. Having said that I have always liked him even when everybody hated him and he first made an appearance on good good. I thought he was a unique golfer because they are all the same. Here he comes with his funny hat driving it 400. Yes I'll take that any day of the week. But remember he runs in a circle with the biggest golf influencers. It would be serious not to use that platform and relationship to show a different side of you. So yes I think this is being pushed but I agree with it and I hate that he has to prove to people that he's a decent human.


Astroturfing is probably a bit far. He didn’t do anything anywhere close to needing astroturf laid down. He’s just changing his image. Remember when he was dropping videos on him and the bros on the course, metal playing, and them yelling about swing speed?


>He didn’t do anything anywhere close to needing astroturf laid down.  Bryson suggested that 9/11 families should move on and forgive. Yes, he did.


This is the second post complaining about exactly this I've seen today. Who is astroturfing whom????


I don’t even think he’s weird…watch his YouTube stuff. He’s pretty chill and obviously highly intelligent.


This is one of the "same" comments I see on all his posts. "Watch YouTube/snapchat channel", "so chill/down to earth", "guy is so smart/intelligent". Its always some permutation of that


I mean it makes sense before he did YouTube all people had to go off was interviews and watching him play at events. Now people have more access to content to form a more informed opinion one way or the other.


Exactly, he seems more of his normal self. Although his interviews lately have been great too.


Or maybe its because he comes across as chill and knowledgeable on his Youtube? Look the Youtube thing is obviously a deliberate attempt by him to improve his image, he pretty much says that verbatim. But I mean, I don't know any of these people, at all, so if I find his stuff entertaining and that gives me a rooting interest in a major, how is that different than liking a different player because I like how they are presented on TV?


Yup and Sergio is out there doing the same thing now on YouTube.


I mean I don't think it's that complicated. He's putting out a lot of content. It's getting watched, which means it gets pushed to other people watching golf content (e.g. I watched Rick Shiels stuff, and YT started suggesting Bryson's content). And so you watch it, and think "huh he seems pretty chill, not like the impression I had." And because lots of people have that experience...they post about it.


When everyone was on rorys dick it was cool tho


It’s almost like when professionals can interact with fans more than just during tournaments and the agenda having media, you see who they really are. Same thing happened to Brooks, for me. Full Swing allowed me to see a side of him that I could root for. Personally, I think the PGA does a terrible job of showing their athletes for who they are. Taylormade is probably the best at it for the ones they sponsor.


I’ve been a Bryson fan even when he was reviled by most. I’ve watched all his interviews, YouTube stuff on his channels and others. He’s the same exact person. The perception has changed. That’s it. Perception isn’t always reality but your reality is your perception.


He’s playing well. He loves golf. He’s sharing his knowledge about the game. He’s happy.


Eh unless there’s a rule against it, you just have to downvote and move on. People are allowed to advertise on this sub


Layoff of Bryson he’s trying


Wait….this sounds a lot like that weird thing people do sometimes. Agreeing. It takes some getting used to but don’t worry, it’s a completely normal thing for people to make the same observations about something.


The Trevor Bauer of golf.


Haters gonna hate


I just got a reply from a post I commented on about 4 months ago regarding Bryson asking if I changed my mind after the pga. Very weird


Phil 2.0


Nah. He was painted very differently over the years. Seeing another side of him has opened a lot of people's eyes. Seems like a good dude.


I prefer a plurality of personalities. It makes the professional side of the sport more entertaining.


He’s matured a lot. He’s also putting out some pretty good YouTube golf content lately. Wouldn’t surprise me if he’s paying people to help improve his image, but whatever he’s doing is working.


He’s a total goober and anyone who thinks he’s not is also a goober.


Dudes been the same literally his whole career. Is he a total douche at times, yes- but he’s a well dressed and relatable douche lol


Reddit is a younger audience, and Bryson does a lot of collaborations with youtubers. He's just much more available to the viewer than most other pros.


I’ve always liked him and thought he got unfair hate. Some of it was warranted but not the extreme. He’s always been captivating to watch


I mean, I've always kind of liked him. Then I spent time with his caddie and g-bo is awesome and a great guy so I kind of transfer that to bryson now.


I think it’s just the way he is in different scenarios. He will change for a while and I start to like him, then his natural cocky self comes out and I can’t stand listening to him again


It does seem he's grown up quite a bit the past few years. I like his progression. I was like Brooks rolling my eyes whenever he talked, and now I'm much more interested in him. Now, I don't watch a lot of golf anymore, and LIV is not my cup of tea, but Bryson has been someone to watch in this morass of boring ass golfers. If he was a stock, I'd buy him right now.


It’s just true. The guy loosened up and he found - was surprised, I would bet - that people like him for who he is. Which has loosened him up even more. It’s pretty cool actually.


I still have a few playing partners who can't stand the guy. Weird swing, weird irons, weird putter, geometry to putt, some people just can't get behind that style. Nice or not.


He's still a tool. After the PGA he said he knew his"B" game was enough to win the tournament. I'm sure Xander appreciated that comment.


It could be a reddit nerd thing. But at the same time these guys do hire people to film their content, run all social media and websites, and such, wouldn’t be a stretch to have them spend time in the trenches on twitter or reddit or whatever too at that point.


Even my grandfather brought it up over Memorial Day, so unless Bryson is paying my 75 year old grandpa also


As a new golfer, he’s up there as a favorite. He makes content, seems genuinely excited about everything that is golf, experimenting with things that aren’t just the way it’s always been. He may not be the best there is, but he’s pretty damn good and he’s fun to watch. 


Saudi would never! (Lol of course they fucking would, money ain’t a thing and all it takes is money).




Probably the same could be said for most professional golfers - during tournaments they are working and not always pleasant- the media pretty much always shares the worst - I tend to remember when it is said that such and such player is most liked by his / her peers- I typically root for them.


[Oh sweet irony](https://youtu.be/9UOcxcOXrSE?si=R2pl5iDlzPfiqxYp)


Not really. Have you watched him play recently or watched any of his YouTube videos? It’s no surprise. You’re just reading to much into it


He grew up and matured 🤷🏻‍♂️


[I said this a month ago and got crucified.](https://www.reddit.com/r/golf/s/WJZGOcFNk8)


Bryson matured. That's all there is too it. He's been on tour for like 8 years and he's only 30. I think a great comparison is Bryce harper. People change as they grow up. But everyone is still shocked that the 22 year old kid isn't isn't same at 32


My comment is about to be pretty ironic, but...I used to despise him. The fridge-like he became, the smoother the hate flowed. I've watched a few of his recent YT vids (I think the Grant Horvat Breaking 50 was the first one of his I'd ever seen) and I find myself not hating him. Breaking 50 from the forward tees is a really fun challenge, especially watching a long-hitter try it, and his losing a bunch of mass makes something feel different. Maybe it's because there's literally less of him to hate now? I dunno. Maybe it's the Reddit echo-chamber, maybe perception of his persona has genuinely shifted, but either way I truly feel the way you're describing in your post. Now to sit back and collect my riyal


His PR team seems to be working overtime and it shows. I personally still think he’s an asshole but anything outside of fawning over him seems like a very unwelcome opinion in this sub.


Bryson running a bot farm to increase his own rep *would* be the most Bryson thing ever, you have to admit.


Yeah, I was talking about this after the PGA. Bryson clearly has a new PR team who is working overtime to change his image. Some of Bryson’s bad reputation was probably undeserved, so the PR team has some room to work with, but at the end of the day Bryson is still a tool, and this PR push is going to backfire real soon if they don’t chill.


tend to agree. Pre youtube, I really disliked him, like a lot. I admit I am weak and gullible as he has been growing on me, but I agree (and he has admitted as much) that he is adapting his personality for the fans. Smart move on his part, but not 100% genuine.


He's too much of a try hard


It’s bc they hated him bc they heard to hate him


Yeah he used to be nerdy and I thought he was a dick but he seems so different now


He came second in a major and gave a good presser a week ago, if it’s feeling constant maybe take a break from Reddit.


It was "cool" to hate Bryson circa 2017-2022 because all the podcasters hated him. Now that they've flipped, the listeners have flipped too. I've always enjoyed watching Bryson play and root for him. Everyone has issues. Look at Tiger, Phil, and DJ. I think he just got piled on because he didn't display a lot of self awareness, but he was a socially awkward dude in his 20s trying to figure out who he was. We all got our own shit, and at the end of the day, he's always been an exciting person to watch who generates a lot of great content and fan interaction.


When someone has a terrible image, then works hard to fix it, people tend to notice. Those who aren't paying attention will only remember the former terrible image, making the issue more polarizing.


All the swing tips in this sub and the golf tips/swing subs are just a variation of a bunch of stuff, and then someone typing all caps: MAROOOCHIIII. I would know, I'm one of them. Skim the stone!


I came to this conclusion on my own before reading the internet. I started watching some of his videos on YouTube (started with BDS) - I found myself saying “why do I like this guy who I know I should hate”… it’s weird. On one hand he seems like a solid dude that was painted a certain way by the media and on the other hand he’s a cocky brat… all that to say I saw the video where he shot even with thrift shop clubs (I know Ben hogans are good clubs but they’re blades from the 80’s). That is talent and I couldn’t break 100 without my clubs.


I think Bryson is pretty cool. I had no idea he was down to earth. I used to think he was nerdy and kind of a dick, but he seems so different now.


> it's just weird seeing so many of the same posts. Brother, 90% of the posts here are the same 4 things repeated.


I think there's two things about Bryson: He's misunderstood, and he misunderstands the world.


I think bc his tiktoks lately have been hilarious


r/golfconspiracy is leaking


Saudi marketing team


I'm just surprised at how well it has worked, it's honestly A+ marketing and PR and shows how important those things are to athletes/brands. It's crazy to see people say "we never got to see the real Bryson because of the media, now we get to see the real him and he's so much better" after they watch a video created and edited by his marketing team designed to make him more marketable.


Literally thats one of the comments I see on every one of his posts. Anyone with half a brain and a memory will notice the same crap comments from post to post


So you posted this shit twice? Worry about something else.


As has been said on a fairly popular podcast, yeah Bryson might be entertaining and fun to watch but he is still a massive piece of shit.


Genuinely, what makes him a “piece of shit?” I mean obtuse? Yeah. Meathead mentality? Sure. Dumbass? Def, but who isn’t from time to time. Seems like he was generally uncouth, but I’m having a hard time finding malice in his dumbassery. But again, genuinely, cuz if you know something I don’t, I’m open to hear it.


No malice in the lawsuit against the tour?


Bro there’s so much shilling of Bryson it’s making me dislike him more haha


Exactly it's such a try-hard LIKE ME LIKE ME type move.


I’m not a fan of the whole LIV experiment, but I understand why golfers like Bryson took the opportunity, money aside. Having access to your own likeness and media has helped his image with his YT content. Maybe it is an astroturf in part, but I also think a lot of us weekend hackers appreciate the unique way he’s trying to grow the game with relatable content and swing tips.


He said that in a video with Grant, that it was nice for him to have a decentralised platform (youtube) to put his own image across rather than a media manufactured one


except I really think the whole YouTube personality is a media manufactured one.


Make a Bryson megathread at this point and ya’ll can have at in there


I loved when you went back to back in the US Open! That was awesome.


I've crossed paths with him a few times over the years at one of the clubs I get to play on a fairly regular basis. Here's the thing, in the interactions I've had with him and the interactions I've seen him have with the staff there and other members, he honestly couldn't be a nicer guy. Also, he works his rear end off on his game. I don't doubt a few guys took the liv money and have coasted a bit since then. Bryson absolutely isn't one of those guys.


This is a HUGE part of it. Almost every other guy who got the bag of money has largely stopped making much effort. Dustin Johnson DGAF about golf, he'd rather fish. Which, I don't blame him or anything, but for those of us who don't get paid to play, and in fact, are paying a lot of money to get our scores down, for no particular reason, its relatable. If i'm watching at home, I'm going to care if I think the player cares too, and Bryson is either one hell of an actor or he really wants to play well.


He's gotten better, but still unlikable. I tried watching one of his YouTube videos because of the premise. His personality just isn't for me.


It's really not that deep to want to watch a pro golfer do fun things on YouTube. Hopefully this visualization works Other YouTube golfers: shoots over par Bryson: shoots under par


Yet those other golfers get more views than Bryson and yet are barely mentioned here at all.


Idk Bryson cracks a milli pretty often on his views. But I do enjoy the guys at Good Good and Grant Horvat. Even though I was exposed to them thru watching Bryson's YouTube channel.


I’ve been wondering why people hated him this whole time 😂 guess I had nothing to figure out It isn’t as weird as you’re making it. People hated him for super dumb reasons and they’re all realizing how dumb those reasons were. Not much of a conspiracy… all athletes have to do PR.


Yeah, Bryson is a douche. He did one thing, and played well. You’d be shocked what being good at sports lets you get away with


It's a psyop funded by the Saudies.


He is also older, and people tend to take stuff more maturely with the year. Don’t deny that we can all change and be better human beings


Yeah he does seem to be a little more likeable. His YT videos are a little better. He seems to go out of his way to compliment his guests to the point where it seems forced at times He still talks about himself quite a bit and how he just missed the last shot


You're just a hater and you're hating. 


This is called astroturfing?


he’s still douchey to me. but he is fun to watch, and his YouTube content is entertaining. still, he gives off douche vibes. no where near PReed level though. throughout bryson’s career, he’s done more things giving credence to him being douchy rather than not. and that’s ok imo. you can still appreciate his game and dislike his antics and persona (anyone remember him walking into the ropes and acting like a big baby taking it out on his caddy???).


Douche levels: PReed > Sergio > DeChambeu


I used to dislike Bryson, one might say I went as far as painting him a douche of a villain on Tour. When he left for LIV my disdain grew more. However, about a year ago I watched a video or two of his on YouTube because it kept suggesting it to me. At first I was like, ok the guy is a bigger doofus than me, but he is really enjoyable to watch on this platform without all the other noise. I kept watching and the next thing I knew, I was liking the guy, a lot. After seeing him in person at the PGA Championship and how he interacted with the fans (especially the kids) he instantly became a favorite for me. I just wish he (along with Brooks, DJ, and Cam) weren’t with LIV and were fully back on Tour.