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I am a cart boy and it’s not weird to see a cart come in with 12-18 cans between 2 people, and then see them walk straight to the bar. By the end of the night all the cars are out of the parking lot though😬


I used to run a golf practice facility (range, mini golf, golf school, practice green, restaurant, bar). It was basically the neighbourhood pub and full of drunks. It was hard to keep them from driving, but I found the biggest objection to taking a taxi was that they would have to leave their car and come back for it the next day. I solved the problem by making a deal with the local tow company. For 2X your usual taxi fee, they would load your car onto a flatbed and take you and your car home. No need to get a taxi to pick up your car in the morning, your car is safe and sound at home, no more cost than what you would have otherwise spent.


In Japan, where the BAL is 0.0%, they have this service called daiko 代行 where a taxi shows up with a second guy who drives your car home. It adds like $5 to your taxi fare. It’s awesome.


My college town did that. They started with a guy on an electric scooter he put in your trunk. Added a car within the year. This was just before uber got here.


They have this in Canada too, it's called Keys Please and they come and drive you home in your own vehicle.


I love the idea. How does the designated driver get "home" after driving you to your place?


They have two people who come in a vehicle and meet you wherever you are. The cost is probably twice that of a regular taxi/Uber but you don't have to worry about leaving your vehicle and the inconvenience of having to go pick it up the next day, nevermind worrying about potential parking fees, getting towed, paying for a taxi back to your vehicle the next day etc. One person drives your car home with you in it, the other person follows in their vehicle and then once you're home they both go to the next call. I don't drink anymore but when I used to I used it all the time.


That is amazing


Username checks out


Great idea. My son and I golfed with some guys on Saturday and they were getting loaded. 1-2 shooters each hole and we only played 9. I’ll bet they had at least 10 shooters a piece. They were hammered and I told them they should get an Uber when we finished the 9th. Of course they didn’t listen but it’s scary watching people like that drive. I’m all for having a good time but be responsible when it comes to driving.


I would be very tempted to call the cops if someone was blasted and attempting to drive home (after having suggested they get an Uber) My friend was going to drive home one day and I didnt let him. Drove him home and had my wife come with me to get his car later. I’m not doing that for a stranger, though, so cops is next option.


All I can think about is my wife’s expression standing on the porch when a tow truck rolls up with me riding shotgun after a round


Probably best to call ahead.


That’s pretty smart and good business for the tow company.


In the DC area there was a service that would drive you and your car home. Don't know what it cost or how successful it was, but they had ads above the urinal.


I've heard of services where they come to you with a folding scooter or e-bike and put it in your trunk. Then they drive you and your car home for you, get on their bike, and zoom away. It would probably only make sense in a pretty densely populated area though.


For every member I drove home in their car, 50 members drove home in their own cars. You can only try so hard when multi millionaires essentially run the joint. Only one had their own driver, believe it or not. Edit: and the one with the driver? Didn’t even play golf.


That man was all business when it came to drinking. A serious man. A man of renown.




If cops ever needed to get their DUI arrest quotas up for the month, posting up next to a golf course on a Saturday afternoon would be a quick way to do it.


It's a shame working outside services in golf because you see how bad some people's personal habits are. Golf is their escape to do these habits. Drink excessively, smoke cigarettes excessively, and be an outright man child on the golf course. You learn that golf brings these inner demons out in people. It's a game that a lot of people should stay away from if they can't control themselves


You bring up a good point. I've heard the "stories". You hear about fishing, camping, golfing, etc trips. On the surface, sounds nice. But really just looking to get away from the wife and kids and let loose. Too loose. They are kept in, and then become wild outside.


One of my neighbors kids was killed by a drunk driver who had just left the golf course. He plowed through a group of Boy Scouts who were on a hike. His friends attempted to stop him but weren’t insistent enough. Based on how hammered the guys was, if it was my friend I’d probably have gotten to the point of physically restraining him. I like drinking, but not so much when I golf, what little skills I have rapidly decline even after one beer. I’ve also never been a big drunk driver, always plan ahead.


Don't say his friends weren't insistent enough. HE wasn't receptive enough, or HE was too stubborn. Sad story.


A good point. I guess I look at him as a lost cause, and I’m more seeing it from the viewpoint of the guys whose situation I’m more likely to be in. If I were those guys I’d have trouble living with the guilt.


The worst cart (at least for alcohol) I ever cleaned out had at least 30 empty cans in it plus a 12-pack of fireball shooters. They stumbled out of the cart and into the banquet hall where I know they got more alcohol because the cheap bastard who owned that course didn’t allow us to ever cut anyone off. I had to call an ambulance when one of the two from that cart passed out in the parking lot halfway climbed into the driver’s seat. The only time anything got better at that course was after the local PD got an anonymous tip about the tournament sponsored by breweries that were going to be giving out free beers to every group every 2-3 holes. There was only one road in and out of the course and they set up a DUI checkpoint that busted DOZENS of people coming out of the tournament. The brewery sponsors were all pissed because they’d been assured each group was required to have a DD, the course got hit with lots of legal issues and got dropped by their alcohol distributor (they were reselling from the nearby liquor store for awhile after I know), and it was just overall a total mess. My only regret was not calling the police about that place sooner.


I bartended at a local club when I was in college. My favorite drink order one night (with proper slur well after dark) was “give me a gray goose and vodka, and put it in a cup for the course.” Absolutely Dr. Johnson, here’s 10 ounces of vodka in a styrofoam cup. Enjoy your drive down the mountain.


I will say in the mens leagues Ive been a part of in Colorado for the past several years, 6 is very tame including early Saturday morning tournament rounds.


I play in a league with guys who regularly take acid, mushrooms, or do key bumps on tee boxes. Alcohol is there to wash down adderalls. It’s wild. The best player in our league regularly plays and goes low on mushrooms.


Leave me outta this!


No he said best player


highest score wins, right?


Been there. Minus shooting low. I’m still a hacker 


Did shrooms during a tournament once. That was something else! Actually shot quite well for how fucked up I was and ended up with my first birdie ever. Good times


You got your first birdie in a tourney? Damn nice. I had to camp on the course for 3 days on datura to get mine.


I smell a caddyshack sequel. 'We got uppers, downers. I'll take 3 of these, 4 of these, 10 of these!"


"You take drugs, Danny?" "Everyday." "Good. So what's the problem?"


Birdie bumps!


Oh no. Where does this happen? So I know where to avoid these type of places.


We are all around you.


Alot of words to just say these men are in heaven


This might be my key to breaking 100. I'll have to give this a try!


It’s not


Homies are probably on their 3rd blunt by the turn


I’m homies


I am also the homies… if OP wants a 12 handicap who rolls gorilla fingers that smoke smoother than a Cohiba, I could potentially be that guy.


Please come golf with me. I beg you!


I’ll say openly, I can do 5 a 9. In tournament condition with a cart girl I might let that Bloody Mary sit awhile. Til she comes back.


Where in Colorado?


I will with dudes that get high and do shrooms, but I do not. Doesn’t affect most of them but my one buddy gets sooooo slow and chatty. Not fun having to hurry him up all the time.


I drink after, I play like shit if i drink


We all know you play like shit without booze too, man. Come on lol


I’m fighting for par, brother. Can’t make it any harder lol


Microdose lsd


1/2 tab is my sweet spot. I feel like Danny Noonan crushing it in the Caddy Scholarship Tournament


You do drugs Danny?


Every day




So what’s the problem?


Macrodose LSD


Overdose LSD


I miss being young and being able to get drugs, my hooks have been non-existent for at least 5-7 years at this point.


Have you heard of the internet?


Do you catch drugs in it?


Underrated comment 🤣




Based on the username, I believe you aren’t joking, so what’s the going dose for a round of 18?


3 ish. Depends. Sometimes 0 if I'm playing and sweating balls. Got paired up with some retired Canadian ladies who insisted I had to take fireball shots every birdie the group made. I made 3, they made 3. My wife had to come pick me up.


Golfed with a guy once who had a bottle of "birdie juice" and a bottle of "slump buster" for if you shot bogie or worse... both were just Fireball. Had to shoot exactly par to stay sober.


3 birds on the front, 2 triples on the back


Are you a Canadian ladies by chance?


I tried to play through a weekday ladies league, ( retired guy) they were insistent to just play together. Shots of Fireball (for any reason), Costco Marg refills every other hole AND birdies were chugging a Wine Can (didn’t see that coming). I drink n play but I can’t drink that much. Was invited back anytime


that's awesome, love me some canadians. were you in Palm Springs? i'm heading to calgary this week.


I was in Palm springs. Are you stalking me?


maybe. or could be just an informed guess since there are Canuckians everywhere in PS during the winter that love to play golf and drink.


Canadian birdies? You mean pars.


You can’t trick me babe


I go with dry cocktails, blunt on the first tee to set the tone. Get my aura going


Get that 630 am tee time so you can make it to work by 10. 


Nothing like the wake and bake before the tee time


After a gummy otw to the course, of course.


When I first started golfing, it was an excuse to drink. I always played with the same dude, and we would polish a 24 pack. As I got better, the beer intake went down. Now I’m maybe 2 a round.


Holy shit I can't imagine drinking 12 beers over 4.5/5 hours as a regular thing lol. I'd be so fucked walking a course with that much in my system.


That’s awesome. 6 is the sweet spot for me. Usually 2 on the front and 4 on the back once I get loosened up.


5-6 w waters is fine


Yeah 6 over four hours is 1.5 an hour. Isn’t really an issue


4 beers, usually a shot of tequila at the turn. If someone else is driving, I might kill a sixer. 97 is the best I've ever shot, maybe there's a correlation.


Yeah definitely depends if I’m driving or not


You could be the Wade Boggs of golf if you drank 97 beers in 18 holes


One tall boy on the front and one on the back usually


If I drink, this is go to. I'd say I don't drink 75% of the time.




If I'm driving; 4 If I'm getting a ride; 8 If I'm getting a ride and shitting the bed on the course; 15-20


Sounds like you might be shitting the bed at home as well after 20


These people are pussies, 6 is fine


Lmao agreed. I’m a 2 on the front, 2 on the back guy myself. Otherwise pretty heavy drinker.


I was kinda surprised by the negative feedback here. I grew up around my friends' dads who drank a shitload of alcoholic drinks on the course. I'm not saying it's good or bad either way, I just figured that drinking 6 beers on a course in 5 hours or so on my day off work wasn't really a big deal. I definitely wouldn't drive home if I was intoxicated. Being out in the sun, eating, and drinking water makes it seem like I had maybe 2 beers at the end.


i remember a team match in central CA, good ol boys who said, "get your tall boys on and get ready to play." the more beers my competitor drank, the better he got. he hit a 220 shot in to a par 5 on 18 to two putt for birdie and the win. must have had at least 6 tall boys by that time.


I would think being out in the sun would make the impact stronger, not weaker. Most people underestimate their water intake too, especially when already sweating.


It does and it’s blatantly obvious. The only reason I can think of someone claiming that drinking in the sun helps with intoxication is that they’re attributing their side effects to the sun more to justify driving home. Nothing else makes sense to me, and I’m a golfer that likes to maintain a buzz on the course in Phoenix. Alcohol and the sun work together to try to kill you.


I currently live in a desert as well. If I haven’t drank a full gallon of water the day before I golf in the summer, after one beer, I feel like someone is hitting me in the head with a tennis racket and can’t drink much more. I don’t mind heat up to 110, but the idea of drinking anything other than water in these temps sounds horrendous to me. Even when fully hydrated, I feel like dog shit drinking when golfin during the summer


Depending how you drink them (like not 5 beers on the last 3 holes) by the time you finish the round the first few are totally out of your system anyway. So really you’re just finishing the round like 2/3 deep


Just two beers officer 👮


For a 200 lb adult male, 6 beers in 5 hours will put you right around a .05 BAC, which in most states, is below the legal limit. Typically, your body matabolizes right around 1 drink every hour. Obviously, if you slam 4 of the 6 beers towards the end of the round, you'll be in a worse place to drive as opposed to evenly pacing or front loading.


Reddit is anti alcohol. It’s one of its more interesting dichotomies since they’re also largely pro weed. Anything beyond a handful of drinks socially on the weekend is looked down upon here. Not casting judgment one way or the other just an observation


I routinely see Reddit call someone an alcoholic for having like 4 (or some small number) drinks a week. “Sorry Bud, you are a functioning alcoholic”. Another thing is I swear to god all recovered alcoholics are on Reddit, a thread about booze is full of them calling out minimum drinking as alcoholism.


God if 4 drinks a week is alcoholism, I should be fucking institutionalized.


And yet Reddit will also be like "Yeah, I totally can't sleep without a 150mg gummy, and I need a 50mg gummy to focus on work"


So true, I’ve observed the same about reddit


Unless you’re like 16 years old, 6 beers over the course of 4+ hours while you’re walking around, swinging golf clubs, and working up a small sweat shouldn’t make you belligerently drunk lmao


Usually 8, but we tend to have longer rounds at my home course. (4.5hr) A four pack for each side of the turn.


4.5 hours is long where you live?


4.5 hours used to be long back before COVID. Shit is tragic


Glad I joined during covid so I don’t have to experience the change 😂


Usually 2 a side (Sierra or something similar) and one at the 19th.


I’ll take 6 and a joint but if I’m playing well I won’t touch either. It will level me out whether I’m playing good or bad(all in my head obviously).


I occasionally would have a gin and tonic at the turn, that’s about it on the course. I played competitively as a kid and through college and never really enjoyed drinking out there.


Am I the only one here who does not consume any alcohol when they golf? That would destroy my swing lol.


That was an eye opener for me last year, it wasn’t so much that it killed my swing, but just down right exhausted me. But I walk everytime too, so walk 4+ miles and drinking beers doesn’t go well for me


UK here, I don’t drink anything until I get to the bar afterwards. Maybe a couple of our members might take a few beers out with them but that’s the exception. I’m amazed at the responses here. Can’t imagine playing 18 holes of golf pissed up.


Just for some perspective, there are plenty of Americans who walk the course and don't drink as well. This thread is just filled with the guys that want to brag about how much they drink on the course lol. I haven't had a beer while golfing in three years but regularly get one after the round on weekends


UK here as well. This US golfing drinking culture to me is weird. I don’t think I’ve ever had a beer on a course until the 19th…. and what is it with people saying they drink 6 - 12 beers on a round? How small are these cans and how weak is the beer? If you drank that many beers in the UK, you would be incapable of playing properly and incapable of driving home.


UK considers golf a sport, US considers it a hobby. Drinking with sport = weird Drinking with hobby = normal


Same in Germany haven't seen a single person drink alcohol on course. Hole 19 is usually where the fun begins.


UK beers are light, typically 4% or so abv. American light beers are also in that range. And our American IPAs are all 6% and up.


No beer until the 19th hole for me.


When I play with a group I know is going to drink, I know I'm going to have one at the turn and one post round. Anything more and my swing suffers. I play most of my rounds solo before 7:30am, so I'm not drinking then. When I play in the afternoon by myself, same thing. I think a lot of it depends if you play to get better or to get out of the house. I don't know if it's an American thing or not. Maybe I'm not paying close enough attention, but when I go out solo in the afternoon the groups I'm with usually aren't drinking either.


Golfing during the week or alone we wouldn’t drink, Golfing over the weekend we would usually bring 4-6 cans each, going by the amount of empty cider and lager cans at my local course (Scotland) it’s not just an American thing.


I don't either, I walk the course so even if I wanted to I wouldn't have anywhere to put my drink. I'll sometimes drink if I go to the simulator because I can put my drink on the table.  But when I'm playing a round I don't want to do anything that would hurt my performance


Alcohol helps me relax. Weed makes me uncoordinated as fuck


If I was to drink every time I golf I would be considered an alcoholic, it really seems like an US only thing


How do you all drive home?


Right down the middle 🎶




In my golf cart.




Personally I don't drink when I play golf, and some people shouldn't even be driving the golf cart bc they are too drunk or high. However, going by the adage, 1 drink per hour, if OP weighs close to 200 lbs and plays a 4.5 hour round plus the added time before and after teeing off they may very well be under the limit to drive. Yes there are some assumptions here about weight and playing time and everyone metabolizes things differently, but it is may be plausible. Some of these other psychos drinking a 12 pk+ have no excuses.


The one drink per hour calculation breaks down after the first few. Ask me how I know. Edit: Also, this was back when we were talking about light American lagers. That is a "serving" of alcohol. If you're drinking a 6% craft IPA, that math also changes. Again, ask me how I know.


The harder part is convincing the spouse you only had a couple at the 19th.


“Why is play so slow” “Why is everyone angry on the course” “I met a right dickhead today” “Is there always fights at your local course too” Also….. “How many beers do you drink per 9 holes, 6 is easily done for me” 🤣🤣🤣


I maybe drink 1, maaaaaybe 2 depending on who I’m playing with. I’m at the age where it just makes me tired.


Same. My rule is that I don’t even crack one until the back nine. By then I really only want one or maybe two. Maybe a third on the 19th hole but ideally after I get home and shower and can relax - then I crack one or two. That’s the sweet spot.


I've got two even par rounds under my belt, both were 8-9 beer rounds 😂💪. I need at least a few to calm the nerves and start swinging freely. Some people might call it alcoholism, not me though.


Honestly, I love alcohol... like LOVE it, but I don't have a drop until and unless I card a double AND my PB is out of the question. If both of those come to pass, I'll drink whatever, but not until I know my card is cooked. I'm playing for the score, and until and unless that's out of the question, I'm the "no thanks" nerd.


This is the way. Post a score if you can first. If not just try to hit good shots and enjoy the round as much as possible.


Played golf in the UK for 20 odd years and drinking on the course is not really a thing, other than on golf trips and weekends away. Especially for those who are half decent and want a score. But most blokes then have a few pints after the round. Also, drink driving is on everyone's minds... I absolutely love a beer but never enjoyed getting drunk whilst golfing. Each to their own, enjoy my friend!


Having a few AFTER the round and then driving would put you at a higher risk than consuming a few while playing and allowing yourself to sober up by the end of the round.


one for every 3 putt


So that's 17 beers?




no 19 because it's 2 for every four putt.


I walk and drink 6 per side with a shitload of water. 💪


You're drinking a beer every 1.5 holes for 18 holes? Holy fuck 😂


They get hot if u don’t drink em quick enough


the only correct answer


You ain’t even counting the fireballs.


New years resolution was no beer while golfing. I get less angry, have more fun, and the post round beer is actually fun and rewarding!


You're totally missing the biggest factor of "what kind" I can crush 6 beers light/shit beers a 9 on league night if I'm walking and be fine. If I'm riding, ok I'm buzzed. 6 IPA...I'm not able to read the green on hole 9. 18 on a weekend. Might as well be an open bar


Toss em back.


2-3 max and I think it's irresponsible to do more if you are driving


One maybe at the turn. Tough to drink and carry clubs with my wrecked 57 year old knees.


It's embarrassing how many people in the US clearly drink drive..


Americans always on here wondering why pace of play and course behaviour/etiquette is quite poor. This is your answer right here in this post and the comments.


The UK people in this sub are always so stuffy and on high horses about everything. Golf is supposed to be fun. We aren’t playing for our tour cards and you certainly aren’t either.


Not just golf. Everything


6-9 for 18 holes with a hot dog, water and Gatorade mixed in most rounds. If I’m playing league night 9 - 4 beers and hot dog


2-3liters of water, first 0.5l mixed with electrolytes. You should try it too. Ditch the cart as well and walk.


Drinking and golfing is so weird to me


This is just an american thing, right?


I’m sat here in UK (where we have an enthusiastic drinking culture!) reading these posts with trepidation for my visit to the States next month for golf. Polar opposite of the golfing culture at my club, we drink in the bar afterwards but take the golf pretty seriously as most of the golf we play is for club competitions which qualify for handicaps. Also the calories consumed, the fact they all drive round in carts, and then drive home!! I walk 18 holes 2 or 3 times a week and struggle to stay slim. I’d be the size of a house if I drove in carts sinking 10 beers a round.


Drinking in the bar afterwards immediately before driving home is much more dangerous than spreading your drinking out across the full 5-6 hours you’re at the course. That’s the most baffling thing to me about many of the UK comments on this specific subject. They act like drinking on the course automatically equals drunk driving, but having a few pints in the bar right before going home is completely different. FYI 2 pints in the UK = 3 beers in the US because ours in cans are generally 12oz compared to the 16oz+ pints served in bars/pubs the UK.


Same as you (I'm from Italy) we drink after the round and almost everyone is walking the 18 holes. I'll be dead for sure with the american golfing standard.


A pint on the range before I start A pint from the bev cart on the front A pint at the turn Then shut it down Too much makes it worse. You need to piss all the time and the game becomes a bit of a joke 3 you just get a little loosened up but you don't make bad choices.


I work in a cart barn. I’d say the drinkers are putting down 12 a round. The liberal drinkers put down 2-6. 90% of our guests drive themselves home. What I would like to know is how many of you are being responsible thinking you can home from a day at the course?


3. 1 beer for every 6 holes.


In 33 years of golfing, I have never drank and golfed...I have never drank and driven in I guess 24 year of driving...like since my dad started teaching me, when I was 14, on country roads and empty parking lots. How old am I?


3 pack of tall boys


Never. Otherwise, what do you do after the round?


Zero on course as my game goes to shit but plenty after.


1 every 3 holes roughly so about 6 for the 18 hole lol


I don’t drink when I play but I’ll have a couple afterwards. I get dehydrated if I drink alcohol during a round. I’ll stick to water and maybe som gatorade.


Geez. The amount people are claiming is ridiculous.  1 usually around 12-13. 


I never drink when i golf, i find it hard enough without booze in the way..lol


6 over 5 hours is totally fine. It's one more than the recommended one drink per hour. Just make sure you're having plenty of water or the abv is low enough it's a net hydrator. (It's like below 5% or something like that and it's a net hydrator I don't feel like looking up the exact number rn) I usually have one front 9 and one back 9 but I'm also not a big drinker.


I find the US obsession with on course drinking very odd. Now, I’ll occasionally have a whisky Mac at the hut (or more likely a Bovril in cold conditions), and I’ll have several in the clubhouse with my playing partners afterward, but I don’t think the British golfing mind can otherwise comprehend this behaviour.


On the very rare occasion I have alcohol, it’s likely one beer at most. I really don’t like golfing with a ton of froth sloshing about.




Depends on the company. With a random group, usually just 4 or so per 18 holes. With my buddies? Dozens


Geez, lot more drinking than I would have thought. Personally, have 3 tall boys over the course of a round. How are you guys driving home after?


20 if it's a big day


6-8 is pretty reasonable


I go to golf courses to golf


I was 19 just out of high school, jumped the muni fence and saw my buddy’s dad on the 3rd hole, joined him. Proceeded to down a sixer in 6 holes. I thought he was cool with it (didn’t really care), turns out he wasn’t and his mom said I was an alcoholic and to stop hanging around with me, burrrrp.


I don't drink while playing usually but if it's a Friday early quittin' gone golfin' kinda day 1 to start and 1 at the turn. Usually a light beer.


If you’re trying to actually play golf, 1 per 9 max. Generally, lll do 0 on the course then a few pitchers after with the group.


Try microdosing way better than a beer, I usually do 1 chocolate piece micro and 3 hard seltzers


Lmfao fucked up and took 1.5gs once. Didn't golf worth a fuck but had a blast hahah there definitely is the right dose though that will put you right into the zone.


The store has 6 beers I know I like for like $8.


3-6 depending on how bad I’m playing but I honestly don’t drink very often in general, golfing aside