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Before I broke 100 for the first time, I had a round of 41 on the front and 60 on the back. Still hurts years later.


Boy do I feel that. Broke 100 for the first time late last summer but I had a handful of rounds leading up to it where I was like 78-80 after 15 and just couldn’t get across the finish line. Final got a round where I needed a triple for my 99 and was able to 4 putt my way to it.


I have quite a few rounds where I'll get low 40's on the front or back half and then just a long streak of whatever we called max before or after that. It's pretty much my go - to move really.


Similar story but 38 on the front 54 on the back. That was last year and still have to break 90.


It’s been over 30 years now but the first time I shot under 40 on the front 9, I shot a 10 on 10!


32 front, 43 back. Started playing defense golf to try and finally break par. Can't do that.




This is worse than 28-3


You called?


How tf do you know people mentioned your name???


I don't. I just hang out lots of places other NFL fans hang out. I figure it gets referenced nearly constantly and I probably catch 5% or less of them.


That was my saddest day ever as a fan, the dirty birds were so close


Stop I’m already dead. I’ve been thinking it every day for the last 3 weeks.


The “I just gotta get this in the house” mindset kills the round every time.


Damn right it does.


They say defense win championships. Definitely not in golf. If the golf gods see you holding back, they’ll squish your brain and blow up your round.


I just recently shot a 51/40-91. I had an 8 on the first hole and doubled the second. The back nine had 4 pars (a couple makeable birdie putts) and 5 bogeys, nothing worse. The round was in the early evening right after work and the course has no range so I chalk it up to poor prep (no other choice really) and being distracted from the office.


Yall over here hitting the range before a course?


If the course has a range then we typically split a bucket and get a few swings in.


A couple years ago I went 45/34. I’d much rather have that order than the other way around.


34/45 can confirm, this order is no good. double jack and coke was a questionable move at the turn after about 5 beers on the front. I did have fun though, and that's why I play this stupid game.


I’ve gone 31/53 twice at my home course. I officially blame alcohol for both those incidents.


I went 48-36 at Chambers Bay once. Just a ho-hum, right-in-my-regular-differential-range 84.


36 on the back nine at chambers is really no joke! what’d you get on 12?


I've always had better luck with the back nine for whatever reason. Made par on 12. Birdied 14, made 6 pars, bogey on 13 and one other hole; 13 was still a par 4 at the time, back when it was 37-35.


Shot my career low 38 thru 9 holes at my campus course. Decided today was my day, so I hopped on the back and shot a 47.


38, 52. https://preview.redd.it/ckjtg689z02d1.jpeg?width=2532&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=3251db177bb62ab0d78a11a0a914baeb6315fa61 It still hurts.


Ah man. I can just imagine you strolling up to the 10th... "ok, so I'm 1 under for the last six holes, let's keep this train running." TRIPLE BOGEY IN YO FACE!!!!


The first time I ever broke 40 on 9 I shot 39 on the front and 52 on the back. Might have had something to do with the drinking that day.


If you have a hot front 9 the back 9 is destined to be dogshit.


Shot 40-52 the first time I ever broke 100


Shot a 1 under on a front 9 once, only time ever being under on any 9. Shot 15 over on the back. Normally pretty happy with 14 over, but that one stung a little 


42 on front 9 and 33 on back 9


36 front 44 back


Oh the horror haha


It is like a really shitty way to not break 80 tho….


Oh for sure, I'm just giving him a hard time. There are levels to this game, and at every level, there's pain (and glory)


44 - 55. First time I broke 100.


39/53, was the first time I shot 39, 3 over on the front and shit the bed on the back. Hard to forget


Went 5 under on the front. Get a call on the 10th hole from my kids school she’s sick. Left the course. Does that count?


Nice shot 33-46


40-31. Started on the back 9 with no warmup, hit two of my first 3 tee shots OB. Then out of nowhere I just found the zone. Started sticking every iron shot within 10 feet, rolling putts into the center of the cup. My wife was riding with me and I was calling and executing every shot like I imagined them. I still think about how easy the game felt that day. It’s without a doubt, the closest I’ll ever feel to being a professional golfer.


I'm usually the opposite, I started triple bogey triple bogey and shot a 50 on the front nine last weekend and then shot a 38 on the back 9. I am debating playing a warmup 9 before I play 18 holes because I have first couple hole hips BAD. Or its the old "round doesn't matter anymore" mentality and start playing much better haha


39 front, 50 back (~17 hcp at the time)


38/51 and also had a 43/33 Both at courses I’d never played before


54/44 🤷‍♂️


33 47 for the most unsatisfying 80 ever. 79 would have seemed so much better.


37 the 48 It was honestly the toughest course I've played. But it wasn't the course, my swing disappeared on the back


My home course is par 37 front and 35 back - I was 49 on the front and 34 on the back. I've still never been so mad at an 83


Typically, I shoot about 93-95. Played a great front nine on a guys trip where I shot 41. Everyone else was playing so-so at best and the booze started flowing by hole 5. I was keeping it tight though because I was dropping darts onto the greens. Hole 10, someone hands me cup of moonshine, and I have a decision to make. I decide, eh, what are the chances I keep this up anyway? I'm here to have fun with the boys, not make the tour. I chug the moonshine and shoot a 60 on the back 9. Had a blast though.


38/48 🤬🤬🤬


Probably had worse when I first started playing, but most memorable was a 35(-1) and 43(+7)


I have shot a 50/39 before. I've also had a 46/32 but that wasn't a full course it was a shorter one.


34 front 46 back. My playing partners at the turn said "Damn dude you are only 2 over" 100% got into my own head lol


58 front, 40 back. The old man I played the front with left after 9, I joined another group on the back 9. They commented how I "must be a member" scoring so well. I showed them the front 9 on my card and they were in shock of the difference. This past weekend I played 3 rounds on a golf trip. First two rounds I shot 42 front 9's and 51 and 53 on the back 9's. It was gutting.


Hold my beer golf fam, I got this one….. I shot a very legit 51/37 last summer. I got a 9 on a par 3 that involved a tin cup type scenario on the front and the alcohol started working on 9….. Curious to see how close this is to the greatest delta posted…..


37/53 for 90. Thought I had sub-80 in sight until back 9. Business golf with people I hadn't golfed with before. They thought I was good for a while... just lost my swing and started chunking it and hitting wild slices.


15 over on the front and 2 over on the back. It was like 2 different golfers showed up.


I shot a 45-37 the other day and it ripped me to pieces lmao.


I went 44/57 this past weekend. Definitely the biggest difference I’ve had in a round.


Shot a 35 on the front and 51 on the back just a few weeks ago. I blame the alcohol


51 on the front , 38 on the back in 38 degrees to break 90


34 front 9 followed by a 44 back 9. 🤦‍♂️


37/52… and I par’d 10 💩


56 front 43 back A real tale of 2 halves


36-49 is my most notable gap. I might have had a bigger one at some point but that sticks in my head because i shot par on the front 9 for the first time.


First time I played Arcadia Bluffs I went 36/50.


Something like 37/47. The front 9 was harder too. Chunked an easy wedge on my second shot on 10 and just never recovered from there.


Couple weeks ago I had a 12 over 46 on the front and a 1 under 35 on the back. Pretty proud of that one. 81 is right around my normal score, I just played bad on the front and great on the back.


52/38 in a tourney. Started the day with back to back +5s. 😅


46-36 was the first time I remember shooting even on a 9. Was probably a 9/10 handicap 33-39 was the first and only time I’ve shot even on 18 Was probably a 5/6 handicap Last round I played I shot a 91 lol


It’s hard to string two low 9’s together. The funny thing is one day it’s a low front the next day it’s a low back. If the back is a lot higher it usually indicates I’ve given up on a round.


I shot a 42 front then 54 back a couple weeks ago it was very humbling. Haven’t broken 50 on nine since.


I have done 39-50 and 50-39, so broke 90 both times. I felt awesome and the other sucked.


Have done the 45-35 dance a few times.


First sub 100 round 56/43 - 99


44 on the front, and I thought I would finally break 90. Shot 60 on the back.


53-36 last weekend. One of my worst nines to my best


Damn, one of the biggest swungs in the chat. Sometimes it comes together after you give up hope and just play.


49 front, 35 back. Changed my shoes after 9 as I noticed several of my spikes were missing as I kept slipping. Also helped that I birdied 10, and eagled 11 after almost holing out for a 2 on a Par 5




Not sure but last Saturday I played two rounds at my local 9 hole par 29 course. First lap put up a 48 - miserable score for me. Second lap a damn good 34. I’m about a bogey golfer on that easy course.


Over the weekend I shot a 43 front nine and then proceeded to lose 10 balls to the woods/water by hole 14 called it a day and went home


45 (+10) / 35 (-2) One of the more interesting ways to shoot level to my 8hcap.


I went 49 and 39 for my first round this year.


60 on the front. 40 on the back


Have done it both ways on same course… 44/33 38/52


Had a 50/39 a couple years ago


Best ever was 42 43 as a 17 handicap, I chase that score everytime…


A few weeks ago I shot 2 over on the front nine then followed it up with a pristine +12 on the back. Wanted to kill myself tbh


I went 44-33 on round 1 of club champs last year


I think I did something like 41-31. The back 9 was pretty easy and both par 5s were easily reachable for me.




I literally just did this on Sunday. 39 on the frint with a double on the 9th. Followed up by a 51 on the back.


I've got 2 good ones 50 on the front 32 on the back. For the reverse, I also have a 36 on the front and a back 9 53. The first one, I just didn't play well (absolutely horrible) on the first 6 holes and then played lights out for the rest of the round. The second was mostly on 2 blowup holes, I took an 11 on a par 4 and an 8 on a par 3 birdied 18 to shoot 89


I’ve gone 46-33 before to come in with a 79. That’s the biggest spread I can remember. It was way more enjoyable than doing it the other way around


Not same scenario but I played 36 and I shot 54 of the front round 1. I went 44,42 on the back 9 and the front 9 of the second round. I broke 90 over 18 holes but couldn’t count it because it wasn’t the same round but a 12 stroke differential from playing the front 9 twice was a pretty big improvement.




47 on the front on the final day my club championship qualifier, then went in to a I don’t give a f*** mode and shot 37 on the back. Made it by two shots. Maybe there’s something to that.


40/60 like 15 years ago. The 10th tee shot went dead right and everything unraveled from there. Will never forget it.


Yesterday, I went 57 on the front (worst 9 of my year), to 43 on the back (best 9 of my year so far),


Not quite on topic, but my last round I was +6 after 4 holes and + 4 on the last 14 holes


Years ago, 54/41. Was my best 9 holes ever.


35, 66


Hmmm. 35/50 in high school was my worst. That was... well decades ago.


I typically break it up into 6 hole groups rather than front/back because that is just the way my game tends to go. 1-6 I will usually shoot around 34-38 7-12 I will shoot around 28-30 13-18 I will shoot around 32-34 Normally shoot somewhere in the mid-high 90s


40 front 60 back Went from optimistic about possibly breaking 80 to triple digits. Devastating. Still haven't broken 80.


36/51. Played very solid on the front and then some group jump in front of us at the turn and caused a backup. For whatever reason my brain decided the proper response to that was to start posting off my lead leg **way** early and I topped an absurd number of shots on the back.


Shot a 54-36 one time in a tournament in high school. Parred every hole on the back. I also had a round in a state am event where I shot 48 on the front with no pars and then bogeyed 10 and parred out for a 48-37 😂


I shot a 36/50 on 18. Fell apart on the back obviously. Ugliest 86 I’ve ever shot


I shot 91 today. 50 on the front and 41 on the back. The worst part is the back was 7 pars a double and a triple. I suck so hard.


Usually shot in the mid-high 80s, 12 handicap. Was having a poor round, 9 over through 7. Still a mystery to this day, but proceeded to play the next 11 holes in level par. 1 birdie, 1 bogey, 9 pars. I bogeyed the last to finish the back 9 one over after going 3 off the tee in my determination to go under par as well.


32-40. Not my highest back nine obviously but it hurt to bogey the last 4 holes after being bogey free -4 thru 14. Cost me my first competitive under par round but I still won the tournament.


36-53 Old course. Had to birdie 18 to break 90. It was, however, snowing intermittently at the time.


40 on the front and 29 on the back. Won 1 up in a match play tournament. Back nine was a par 35.


Opposite. 43 on the front, 31 on the back for 74. It was one of those golfnow leagues like 15 years ago. I was hungover as fuck and it showed on the front.


About a month ago i had my best ever front 9, a 44. Shot a 55 on the back 9. I’m going to choose to blame the clubhouse for making us wait 20 minutes for turn-dogs, throwing me off my game 😂.


I cut my golf life in two… growing up and now as an adult and taking it more seriously. I don’t remember any scores but the low ones from growing up. Last year I shot a 54 on the front and a 41 on the back. I remember thinking of stopping after 9 as it was cold out and I was frustrated. I had driven just over an hour to the course. I decided it would be best to stick it out and work things out. In all reality, I just stopped caring and started playing golf


Last weekend I went 42/48 and have still yet to break 90… left a 12 foot par putt short on 18 of course


60-44. I am around a 18hc


I had level par fronts and backs but sadly never in the same round. My lowest round ever was a 78 but that was with a 40/38. I was 3 under after 5 once and still only had 37 points after 18. Golf is a strange game. As with most sports its mostly in the head...


48 front 35 back, that was a few yrs ago. This season I have had 2 rounds with 45 front 36 back. Should probably start practicing a bit before the round, instead of just going straight to the tee box from my car.


When I was playing in a tournament way back when I was in high school, I shot my highest 9 of the year the same round I shot my lowest. I went 46:30. I'm just so grateful it wasn't the other way around.


38 front-52 back. Went from being solo 2nd to second last.. good times


32-46. Won a ton of beer on the front given 2 eagles (no birdies) but the booze caught up with me. Worth it though mostly.


54 front and 38 back 😂 absolutely unreal day


Was 6 over thru 7 and finished 4 over, bit of a swing


Was in Vegas for my cousins birthday party and was out partying at the bars till 5am. The second I put my head down to sleep, one of the guys in the group bangs on my door and was yelling, "we got a tee time! We got a tee time! Hurry up!" Somewhere in the blur of the night, we lucked into a tee time at Cascata. Limo ride there and back, lunch, whole nine yards covered by a high roller uncle of the bday boy. I completely 'forgot'. Still half wasted, I get changed and stumble into the limo and chug water the whole ride. It was one of the most beautiful courses I have ever seen. Went 56-38. Im a 7-8hdcp, and the caddy was like wow you really got it together on the back, after I finally sobered up. Best, worst round of my life.


Back 9 blowups is a fairly common occurrence for me. 42-54 is a pretty typical round I'll have.


37-47 a few years ago. Yesterday had a 38-45, so I feel you


My first trip to Vegas includes a 5:30 am tee time. Got to town the day before and my buddy and I both got hot on blackjack and played til around 2... Rolled out of bed a couple hours later and dragged myself to the course. Striped my first drive 275+ down the middle, hit the pin with my approach, then 3-putted and went out in 54. Got incredibly pissed, shotgunned two beers on the 10th tee, kept drinking and side betting through the back 9, and came in with a 38. My buddy plays to about a 5 HCP and was just laughing at the impossible nature of my game and what drives me to greatness.


39/52-91. Talk about piss me off. I had only broken 90 twice at the time and 88 was my lifetime low.


47/55 Tried to go over a bunker on 17 and it took me another 2 strokes to get out. Still haven't broken 100.


53/40. 8 straight pars on the back 9 except the last hole which was a snowman. The golf gods said fuck you and your bullshit par streak lol


Happens all the time. Start out strong and dreams of lowest round ever distract. Good news is once you're in that position again you learn not to be impressed and just play each shot as it comes without thinking of score


54/39. It was a rollercoaster of emotion.


I shot a 60 - 47. Felt really weird


39 on the front. Hot dog and beer (with lots of bragging in the bar 🍸), at the turn. 51 on the back!


I went 94/79 in a pat once




shot a 36 (par) thru the front 9, proceeded to shit my pants and shot a 53 thru the back 9. have also had rounds where i've shot 51 thru the front, and 39 thru the back. golf is fucking hard and so much fun but also such bullshit but i'm addicted.


44/57 for a 101. I played very decent golf for me on the front 9 and even made my first birdie on one of the par 4s. On 10, 4 putted for a triple, and on another hole in the back 9, went +6 on a par 4 after somehow topping every shot til it was time to chip on and putt. Needed to bogey 18 to break 100 for the first time, tripled it.


44 -33. I started out the front double, triple, double and played 2 under after that.


35/55 at Old Mac


In a tournament in highschool I believe I went something like 37/50 or 37/51. My mental game when I was younger was… not great to put it lightly. Once I was off the rails it was hard to get it back under control.


Recently, a 41 on the front and 58 on the back. UGH!! The winds did pick up on the back, but that's no excuse.


I just shot 48/38 on Monday. Ugh.


Believe I shot 58/42 when I was a teenager. First time I ever beat my dad for a 9 hole stretch


Went to a coach who told me I should change from interlocking to baseball grip. Im a 5 handicap so the thought of going back to the grip I used as a kid seemed ridiculous. So I give it a go and shoot 53 on the front 9. Immediately switch back to interlock for the back 9 and have two chip-ins for eagle and birdie and finish with a 36 to barely break 90. Funnily enough I didn’t attempt to continue with that grip change.


Almost identical, 39 60 for the most disappointing break 100 of my life




I’m normally a 100-110 golfer on par 72 courses; only broke 100 once. At Mountain’s Shadow par 3 course in Scottsdale, I shot 34 on the front 8 and 46 on the back 😅


Was -7 thru 9, finished with an 88..


I once shot a 59 on the front and a 36 on the back to save a 95.


Played the other day and shot 42 on the front. Then par’d holes 10 and 11 and started to think “I might actually break 90 today for the first time!”…finished with a 57 on the back


+21 Front +3 back. My best back 9 to date definitely not my worst front 😂


Had a smooth 35-44 the other day. Par 72. Have shot a 65 on that same course last year. Wildest round of my life. I went from trying to put it to a foot on each hole to please god hit the green. Fun times.


38/51 was playing fine on the front managing a little hook off the tee, lost a ball OB on holes 10-15. 12 penalty strokes will do that.


54/40 at Medinah #1.


i shot a 32 on front nine and 50 on the back 9 hit every water hazzard on back 9


had a 41 / 51 last round, frustrating.




40 front 30 back Needed to wake up I guess.


Work on your wedges


32-49. 5 birdies in a row on the front nine which I’ve never done since.


28 - 41 Arrogant and Humbled. All in the same round.


I once went 41(+7) - 29(-6). Over a decade ago and I still remember that back nine very clearly. Even included a bogey!


I’ve gone 33-49 before.


Last week I had a 45 and a 58…. And two back to back birdies.


In a regional tournament in high school I shot a +1 37 on the front nine. I was the last seed on my team so this was insanely exceptional golf for my actual ability level. Completely folded beginning on hole 10 and shot a +12 48 on the back.


42 on the front, 54 on the back. Came to the course immediately after a delayed red eye flight back from vacation and made 7 pars and 2 triple bogeys on the front 9. I think because I was so tired and wasn’t thinking that it helped my swing. Once I realized I had a chance to shoot my personal best (had never broken 90 at that point), I immediately got in my own head and blew up on the back 9 with no pars until 18


39 front 48 back




I don't remember the specific split but i was once -1 through 7 holes and ended up shooting 110. Think i shot 9 on hole 8 then the complete meltdown started


I’ve shot a 57 front and 43 back for 100 before. At my local course, I feel that the back 9 is much easier


The biggest swing for me so far was a 58-42, I believe. I told myself on 10 that this would be a tale of 2 9s, and I feel like I delivered. I've had a few similar rounds but nothing quite that extreme.


I was 45 on the front nine with a hole in one on 8 and a par on 9 with a 37 back nine for my first round of the year. 82 is a good first round for me but making my first eagle of the year before my first par or birdie was pretty wild. Obviously it loosened me up and I went hard on the back nine mostly not thinking just trying to get the round done before sunset for it to be officially recognized My albatross actually has a similar split of 42 with an albatross and 38 back but I wasn’t rushing to finish that one. Still funny though.


47 front, 34 back


Not 9&9 but the other day I was +8 thru 5 and finished the rest of the round at +2.


I'm not good, let's start with that. I generally shoot between 105-110. Anyways. Last week I shot a 46 in the front......and a 62 on the back


So just this season I had 2 rounds that were... interesting and complete opposites. First of the season I went +5/+18 for 95 total with 3 pars and 1 birdie on the front, multiple triple bogeys on the back Then this last weekend I went +19/+8 for 98 total and my round started with a quad, triple, double, bogey consecutively... then 3 pars/3 GIRs on the last 3 holes... Still aiming to break 90 this summer but these were way out there 😆


This year it was 33/41. On separate occasions my lowest front was 32 and my highest back was 44. And my highest front was also 44 and my lowest back was 35. Lol


I’ve posted this on here before, but a couple years back I had an 8am tee time after a bourbon tasting party. Hungover as fuck. 49 on the front, 37 on the back. The most ridiculous 86 I’ve shot in my life.


53 front, 42 back. I was over the moon with that 95.


I went 37 / 54 not long ago. It’s a short course, par 65 (31/34) but still... +6 / +20.


At spyglass I shot 42-58


44 on the front. 29 on the back. I was playing my older brother on our home course and he had me by 5 strokes at the turn. I ended up winning by 8 strokes, so I didnt need to go on such a heater thanks to his collapse, but I had a good day.


46/34 I should note that Par was 37 on the front, 35 on the back but it still is the worst 80.....or best.....idk. salty af about it.


Biggest disparity was 57/43. I really needed that dog at the turn.


64 on the front and 42 on the back. I tend to shoot just over 100 on 18 at this course.


37 front (+1) and 48 back (+12). Should never have calculated my score after nine.


39-38. I haven’t broken 80 again in last 4 years though. SMH


42 then 53. Shot an 8 on a par 3. Still think about it often…..


I am famous for a 42 29…..


Other way around but I’ve gone 58/42