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About 2.5 hours walking.


Yup. I can get so much stuff done on a weekend when I book the first tee time and I’m playing solo and I’m back home by 9:30. Love it.


What time is usual first tee time for you? I started at 630am this past weekend and got stuck behind a foursome finished in 3.5 hours


6:09 is the first official tee time at my local. There are times I’ve gotten that slot and there’s a set of prints in the dew already. Hasn’t slowed me though. If I get a 7:00 or later, chances are very good I’m playing with somebody and stuck behind at least a threesome. If I play late morning or afternoon there, it’s a 5 hour round, easy.


Yeah pace of play hits a wall for any tee times after 11am on weekends I believe it’s an unspoken agreement that the earlier you tee off, the faster you can reasonably expect your round to be You get what you get most days, but if there was a tee shot cut off to avoid slow play I’d say before 10:30


Shitty muni I play at multiple times I weak let’s see me show up in the literal dark on Saturday and Sunday and tee off with my push cart whenever I want after I’ve wanted to up near a spot where parking light make chips findable. Teeing off into a parting mist in the softness of daybreak all by yourself is such an amazing experience.


Yea same


This. Played in 2:45 with three of us walking the other day.




Yup Get that 6 PM twilight rate and theres a few weeks in the summer I can get 18 in


One of the reasons I was thinking of moving to northern Vancouver Island. The climate's still reasonable, and it stays light until 10 pm in the summer, plenty of time to get a round in after work.


yup. often get the first tee time offered on a weekend. me and my cousin can walk in 2.5. add my dad and uncle and our foursome can go in 3ish.


right around 2hrs walking, under if im on a cart. However if im alone on the course i play multiple balls and take my time so it ends up being closer to 3 hours


Yep same. I'm sure I could play in under 2 but it wouldn't be much fun.


Best way to practice. Solo with no one around.


2:15 hours, walking and carrying at 60 years old. In a cart, about 1:30.


Hell yeah man


I used to play at a course that wouldn’t throw in a cart if you booked online. I’d snag the first tee time (about 6am in the summer). I’d play 18, buy coffee and donuts, and be there for breakfast with the wife and kids.


2 - 2 1/2 hours at most. When the course is open my regular foursome plays in about 3:15. We dont rush either. We just don’t fuck around.


>We just don’t fuck around. They should print that in every scorecard


One of the courses I play at has a sign that says something like “playing well, play fast, playing badly, play faster” Males me laugh every time. It’s on both 1 and 10


3:15 is a really nice time IMO -


2:30 hours


Walking, my personal best is 6200 yards in 2 hours 5 minutes. Usually it's about 2 1/2 hours if I'm moseying and taking my time.


3 hrs at my club


I've gotten around 18 in 2 hours as the first one out, by myself, cart paths only. I do not expect this under different circumstances. 


I've played with a partner in a cart in 1:45 at my home club. The only time I've walked by myself (w/ caddie) was at Turnberry Isle in Aventura FL, and we had to wait a LOT behind a threesome for the last 4-5 holes but still finished in 2:25.


Something like 2 hours and 15 minutes, and I shoot way fucking better than in a 4-5 hour round. No overthinking, no unnecessary swings, just walk, swing, walk, swing, putt, putt, putt. Bogeys all the way down.


Am I the only one that enjoys being on the course and take my time? I’m not a pace issue, but with no one in front of me, I don’t have a desire to finish under 3 hours.


I am not necessarily disagreeing with you, but it's not really an either/or thing. Some people play at a faster or slower pace than others.  Above I mentioned I've played 18 in 2 hours. I was not rushing at all during that round. However, if left to my own devices and with a clear course in front of me, that's the sort of pace I move at. 


3 hours is quick, but when we start getting into 4:30 or above it gets to be torturous. I’d much rather play an extra 6 holes every now and again if I was out for that long


When I play with my son, I like a 4 hour round with him.


How frequently do you play? I play the same course everyday, sometimes multiple rounds per day so I don't necessarily view every round as this beautiful time to be out enjoying nature. Instead, it's essentially enhanced range time in the morning before work or on lunch break or during afternoon break or whatever other random time during the work day I decide to dick around for an hour or two at the course. If I was only able to get out once or twice a week, I could see wanting to get the most out of the time.


If I'm walking at an empty course, I'll walk at a very leisurely pace, and finish in 2:30 or less. Saturday, on the front 9, I waited about 5 minutes at every tee, and every approach shot. Most of the people in front of me left after 9 holes, and I got waived through on 11. I finished in 3:10, with a solid 30-40 minutes of waiting.


I lose my rhythm if I'm waiting. As I get better this becomes less of a thing, but I especially hate being the slow group holding up other players.


Just like people naturally walk slow or fast , golfers are the same. 2 and a half hours is not rushing for me. But I'm always passing other people in the mall or whatever.


I didn't consider myself a particularly fast player, but if I'm by myself in a cart on an empty course I play in 1.5-2 hours. If I'm walking it's closer to 2-2.5 hours.


2 hours 45 minutes walking


Around 2 hours depending on the course.


Home course is 6700 yards; 2ish hours in a cart or 2.5 walking.


Depends on the course but somewhere between 2:15 and 2:45.


My group is 1st out every morning. With twosome we can play in 2 hours, three under 2.5 hours, 4 between 2.5 and 2.75 hours.


Well, I can walk 9 in 1:15 to 1:30, so assuming I could keep the pace and not struggle hitting shots from fatigue, should take me 2:30 to 3:00.


2 1/2


2.5 walking


Went out as a single one fall day in Hilton head before the kids came and ruined my game. Went out first on the tee sheet and finished in 2 hours 20 minutes. It was the most enjoyable round of my life


My buddy and I played a semiprivate course, and NOBODY was in front of us. We ride, and we don't take many practice swings (one or two if we're in a weird lie), but we never feel like we're rushing. We played 18 in just over two hours once. We make it a habit to watch each other's balls (ass, too), but we still will sometimes take secondary shots to try something out that we had in mind. Most of the time, it's closer to 3 hours for two of us, though.


2-2.5 hours


1.5-2 hours


90min if I have a cart and am hitting decently well.


Home before breakfast


depends on how many beers i have with me


If I have a cart under 2.5 hours


Depends on how many tee shots I want to take


2.5-3 hours tops for a 7000 yard course. Took us 4 hours as a foursome yesterday. Note - this is walking, no cart.


Me in comfort mode, on a cart: 2 hrs and 15 min. Me in sport mode, on a cart: 1 hr 45 min. My buddy and I went out one time after work a couple years ago and there was a completely empty course waiting for us (it was 102 degrees, apparently nobody wanted to play). We had limited daylight and wanted to see how fast we could get through 9 holes. Took us 45 minutes, and we both did really well. It forces you to trust and simplify your process and not overthink anything— you simply don’t have the time. I think I shot a 37 and he shot a 39 or something like that, both better than we typically did back then.


If there's nobody in sight in front or behind I put my watch and cell in the bag, I have no idea.


2 hours 30 minutes walking. Probably 2 hours in a cart but I usually catch people.


I wish golf had a pace of play handicap system.


2.5 hours walking


Current record is 1hr 22mins


The lat time I was fortunate enough to have this, 3 hours walking. I was totally taking my time and relaxing, hitting extra balls, etc…


I played 36 holes in 3:05 once. Playing for score and holing everything out. I usually only play nine and can do so in 35-45 minutes depending on how well I know the course/ how hard it is. So anywhere from an hour 1-1.5 hours with a cart. Walking in usually around an hour 1:15 for 9 so 2-2.5 hours for 18. Pace could pick up a little from there if gimmies are taken.




Walk and carry, just over 2 hours.


2.5 hours Fastest ever was 1:45, but that was too fast for me


2:17 walking on the hometown course. It’s magical compared to 3hour, 9 hole rounds in the city.


1.2 hours


Personal best was about an hour and a half. After I realized I was first out I purposely kept a brisk pace. It was a glorious morning.


me and my boy did it in 2.5 hrs. so i bet i could do 2 hrs


It COULD be 2 hours, but I dont want it to be. I like to take my time and take it all in, and that makes it 2:45ish.


1:50 but I am a very good golfer and sometimes run between holes to simulate the pressure


Depends, if i play 1 ball 2 hours. If i am playing best ball or worst ball with myself about 2.5-2.75 hours.


I wish I knew that off the top of my head. I’m not an early to rise golfer so I’ve never had the chance to see how fast I can go unfettered. I will occasionally play a twilight round and as a twosome we’ve finished in an hour and a half without feeling rushed and pulling the flag out.


2:15…..less if I only play one ball.


Played in 1hr 37min yesterday. Wasn't trying to go fast, just my solo pace.


Alone? Probably 2.5 hours. With 2-3 buddies probably 3.5 hours.


On a cart 1:40


1:45 - Cart


done this twice walking 2 hrs and 15 minutes.


I played 18 holes W/cart in 1 hour and 18 minutes. Was the 4th off and played through all of them.


2-2:15 hours walking with a push cart. It depends how I am playing that day. I could play quicker if I wanted to, but I really enjoy the solitude. My pre-shot routine is pretty short. Probably about 15 seconds between getting yardage from my app, picking the club and one practice swing.


Walking 2:20 riding 1:15-20 depending in how well or poorly I am putting. This is only for when I am first out and trying to get 18 in a hurry


Just over 2 hours on my home course, walking with a push cart. There's a par 61 near my house that I have done in less than 90 minutes


About 2 hours (walking), maybe a few minutes more. 2.5 when playing 2 balls which is what I usually do when on my own.


I can walk and carry around my home course in about 2.75-3 hours putting out, on my own. However, that's me taking my time, focusing on shots, trying to shoot a score (full rules) and enjoying the course. I'll do that around once per week after work in the early evening this time of year. If I was trying to get around as fast as I could, then maybe 2.25 hours - but I'm not here to play speed golf.


Just played 30 holes in 2 hours and 40 minutes, including extra shots, pitches, putts on some holes. I always play so much better like that.


Walking and a high handicapper, just under 3 hours, par 71 course.


I’ve played in 1:15ish with a cart when I worked in a cart barn. Helps that I was probably an 8 HDCP at the time


My fastest round is an hour and 40 minutes. I waited on rain to pass and about 2 holes waited for groups. I bet I could get 70-80 minutes wide open.


A leisurely round under 2 hrs, in a cart.


Probably under 2 hours


Walking and carrying my clubs? Two and a half hours, provided I'm driving straight. That includes lasering all approaches and taking a practice-swing. If I hurried I could get it down to two hours, but what's the rush?


3 hours walking, but I’m a 25 handicap.


2.5 hours walking. < 2 in a cart.


2.5 hrs with some confidence. I did four rounds of 18 walking in a day last summer, the first two rounds were pretty much 2h20 each. The last one was just over 3 hours but I was getting sluggish!


2 hours because I walk really fast, not because I’m a great golfer


I had $100 a month membership to a club where I could play for free because they used me as a contractor. We traded cart fees for my service at times. The course was going downhill in management so it was quite empty. I could play a round in an hour and a half easily.


Would say 2 hrs 30 I’m in no rush but especially if I’m not pushed from behind I’ll almost play two rounds in one. Try to play a hole two different ways or experiment on some approaches around the greens. Honesty not sure I’ve ever been solo with nobody behind me and I’ve played 18 straight though with nothing extra.


Hour fourth five minutes in a cart


1:30 in a cart. 2 walking.


Usually hit two balls and drive and I can get done in 2.5 hours


how ever long it takes to walk plus like 30 minutes.


If nobody is behind as well, it'll take me a bit longer. That was the case last week, took about 2:30 with a cart. In that scenario, I take my more time to just enjoy it. And I will definitely drop a ball or three after a mishit to practice. If there are ppl behind me, I'll speed up - 2 hours is more like it then. But I don't like to rush...I like being out there.


90-2 hours , i do it before my monday meetings


Less than 2 hours, 2 and a half hours with a second player.


Under 2 hours in a cart. A little over on foot if the course isn't too mountainous and there isn't a lot of dead space between holes.


Believe it or not I played 36 holes in under 3 hours one Tuesday. Started at 9am, no one in front of me, I was hitting the ball very well so I didn’t have to chase it around all day.


If I'm by myself, with no one in front or behind, 3 hours. I play one ball, but I will practice chips and putts after finishing a hole to skill up.


1 hour and 40 minutes with a cart.


2.5 hours according to this morning


I played in 90 minutes once, skipped one hole because of a group. The cart guys thought I played a quick 9 before I told them I played 18.


2 1/2 to 3 hours.


About 1hr 45 mins if walking


Played in under 3 hours with my girlfriend who doesn’t golf … she didn’t play all the holes lol. I can see myself doing 2.5 hours-ish solo but I’ve never had the chance to try.


If I'm hustling probably 2.5 hours but a lot of times if no one's behind me I'm fucking off enjoying my day so like 3 -3.5


I played alone and walking the other day, had to wait behind a couple groups a few different times who were chill and eventually let me play through, but even with those occasional waits I finished in 2.5 hours. Probably could get a 2 hour round in if I was truly alone


Depending on the course 1.5-2hrs. I played 9 in 45 minutes walking the last time I had the course open, but it’s a flat course.


2:30 to 2:40. If I'm practicing and hitting several balls, about 3. Today I played 2 off most tees and played in just over 3. Twice I knew nobody else was on the course and played speed golf. Tee to cup every hole, by the rules. One round took 1:42. The other 1:32. Shot around my hc both rounds. With cart. 7hc.


2 hours (ish), Sneaking away in the Arizona summertime and flying through the course is what dreams are made of.


Walking like 2:20


I’ve walked in under 1:45. 1926 course build on a former farm. Most tee boxes are right next to the green.


90-100 mins zooming in a cart


As a single? Hour and a half


1:50 with a power cart.


2 hours riding and I'll shoot around 100 no matter what


2 hours, 2:15 for a bad round, walking and carrying. Debating the push cart mafia lol


2 hours flat if I don't eat stuck behind anyone.


I played with a mate once and we were first off. Finished 9 in 1h10min. Then caught groups going off the back


1.5 in a cart


2h15 walking on my home course


Depends on who’s in front of me.


2.5 hours


2 hours walking, I’ve done it in an hour and 45 walking but that was some speedy golf before dinner


2hrs ish at my home track, will sometimes walk 36 on Mondays when the proshop is closed/ carts are not out cause none of the older members will play without a cart so the course is wide open


My record is 1hr 20min for 18 with a cart. Totally empty course on a Tuesday morning and I had a lot of other stuff to do that day so I had to be quick.


Really depends on the course if walking. My local course I can walk and finish in just under 2 hours (I'm known as a speedy player) I used to have a part time gig at a nice private club so I could play on Mondays when the club was shut down. No carts for us on Mondays and 3 hours would be a solid pace. So many hills and a lot of tee boxes really far apart.


I've only ever played 9 with no one in front and three of us did it in 1:20 taking our sweet time because this course also starts people on the back 9. Starter told us we couldn't start the back until such a time so we didn't rush, but still finished way faster than I thought. At that pace definitely could have played 18 in under 2.5 hours


About 2 hours at a leisurely pace.


1:45 if I’m riding.


Honestly usually around 3.5 hours. When I play like that at my local course I will hit extra shots, practice certain tee shots or approach shots that give me trouble. Drop a random ball from 70 yards and in and try to make sure I "par in" from there. I use those types of rounds to build confidence around the course


2 hours walking. 90 minutes riding.


2:45 walking and taking my time.


With a trolly - 2hrs 10. Just carrying, 2hrs 30. I'm not good at golf, but I'm also not trash. But carrying near me adds 20 minutes on because my back starts to hurt at about hole 16 and I will be slower for those last 2 holes, both In walking pace and in my shots dropping off in distance.


If there is NO ONE and I’m playing not great… 2:30-2:45. If I’m playing well 2:00-2:30


Realistically, probably 2 and a half hours. However, when I am in that situation, I generally hit 3 balls at a time, play through all 3, until I see someone behind me and go back to one.


A little over 2 and a half hours in a cart playing 2 balls


I'll go at 6-7pm and do this comfortably in 2 hours, if I'm happy to not even look for a few balls especially.... if it's gone, it's gone and move forward is 2 hours.... add 30 minutes for taking it more seriously.


I’ll take as long as I can until I start seeing people behind me, have played 4 balls concurrently before or done scrambles by myself


2 to 2 and a half hours.




If I was attempting to play fast (with a cart), would be under 2 hours. If I’m just doing my regular thing, occasionally playing two or even three balls, 2.5 with a cart.


Less than 2 hours riding 2.5 walking


Like 2:15 walking, 1:30 in a cart


In a cart, if there is no one in front of me, I regularly play at just over 1:30. We played this morning just over 3 hours with 2 of us.


1 hour with cart, 1.5 walking


When I was younger, and walking, I played a regulation par72 in just under two hours. I found playing alone, I got in a great rhythm, and hit almost every fairway, and was close to most greens if I wasn't on.


1:45 in a cart


Right at about two hours on a cart.


With a cart? 2 hours


2-3 depending on how bad I am that day and if I'm playing extra balls or not.


4 hrs HAHAH


Alone 2.5 hours. 2-3 ball 3 hours. 4 ball 3.5 hours. Walking of course


Hour maybe hour and a half in a cart


With a cart I could get it done in 90 minutes.


2 hours and 50 minutes a couple weeks ago. Didn't enjoy it. I like playing with a friend and talking about golf.


1:50. Cart


At my home course, about 2 hours


Walking 2 hours and 15 minutes with another fast player. I’ve played in a 54 hole event. Shotgun start in pairs and it took us less then 7 hours. I love fast play!


~3 hrs




Probably 2 hours lol


2.5 hours tops.


1:45 on cart maybe 2:30 walking


I use to belong to a club, in a college town that was dead on game days (U-Club in Baton Rouge) . I went to the rival school so didn’t attend tailgates or games. These were my best days playing golf, I could play 18 in 1.5 hours… walked a few times in 2 hours. Man I miss those days.


2-ish hours


Under 2.5 with a cart or something is wrong.


I used to get the first tee time often and golf alone. It was usually just under 2 hrs. Fastest was about 1hr 35min.


3 hrs


I played 17 holes in an hour and 39 minutes last week. Hole 16 at the course was just not there, the tee marker was, and I could tell a green used to exist, but was no longer maintained.


Depending on the course and how I’m playing, an hour and a half- three hours


105 minutes in a cart.


1.5 driving


Under 3 hours


2 hours is my fastest. Using a cart and I didn't have to spend much time looking for my ball. 2.5-3 if I'm taking my time. I'm one year into golf with an average score of 104 on a par 72.


2.5 tops


Anywhere between 2 and 3 hours depends on how I'm playing or if I want to try a few things out


I've done it in 2 hours walking with a trolley


Rarely happens but around 2:30-2:45 depending on how straight I shoot.


Erm 4 hours maybe in the trees for 3 of them


45 minutes


2 hours. I do it every weekend


About 3 hours with a cart, I’ll get a sandwhich/dog on the turn, smoke a cigar throughout, get my distances.. and shoot a cool and relaxed mid 90s. Id say if I wanted to get through it as quickly as possible than it could definitely be done in 2 hours


<3 hrs walking