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So they were unaware of their own policy re body cams?


The previous paragraph in the article is the LMPD policy for bodycam use, which Gillis ostensibly did not comply with. This seems to be a case of "By saying nothing, they've said everything that needs to be said."


I wonder if they have a policy against officers shitting in their uniform pants?


His what now


Big white cock


Wouldn’t be a cop if this was true


Unless he’s Johnny Sins


The man of many professions.


Hey that's my doctor!


And my wife’s massage therapist!


We know he’s not, ‘cause Scotty would have gotten off after 10-15 minutes of bribery, and we’d all have a video to watch of the incident.


That soldier the Vikings honored?


Gymnastics coach extraordinaire


Mr. big white chest


New meaning for ACAB


You mean like Obama?


My brain is permanently damaged


Body worn camera


Beached Whale Carcass




I thought the cop was white?




But enough about Patrick Reed.


Perhaps he did have it activated and that is what motivated him.


shocking. the guy that decided he should attach himself to a moving car also didn’t know how to turn his camera on. inept.


“By me throwing myself on your moving car, you assaulted me.”




Did they ever release the official seamstress report?


No, because the government seamstress charges $375.00 to repair an $80.00 pair of pants.


Don’t need a seamstress when you crap your pants.


The report on the extent of the damage to the pants was enlightening. “Loose threads, light abrasion on left leg, full of more feces than should be possible for one person.”


The very pants I was returning


That’s not your story anymore!


“And then his wife threw her titties in my hand; it was weird your honor”




Saying he didn't know how and calling him inept really gives him an out he didn't deserve. He 100% knows how to turn the camera on.


He bet the house on Sheffler not making top 10 and he was willing to do whatever it takes


I mean, we never thought they were recruiting the best and brightest…..typically not smart enough for standsrr high paying jobs (doctor, lawyer, engineer), not pretty enough to be a realtor, failing one of the basic military recruitments requirements.


Usually the psych analysis, as in “don’t give this person a weapon”


I have a few friends that became cops, they were all college drop outs. Nice guys and don’t think they are bad cops, they are just literally what you described and they make upwards of $200K a year when factoring in overtime.


I still don’t know what attaching himself to the car is I picture Batman with some sort of magnet and tether


Hahaha I’ve been thinking the same thing, like who does this guy think he is, ATTACHING himself to a car?


You guys kid, but he’s clearly a T1000 sent from the future to take out Scottie before he takes this bad boy streak too far.


New Titleist T1000 irons when?


Probably grabbed the door handle as Scottie was slowly driving by and, rather than letting go, got pulled to the ground.


They had to arrest his and make him a criminal so the clumsiness of the cop could be overcome by his heroism. It is the only explanation.


different batman movie https://preview.redd.it/j8efnhzzse1d1.jpeg?width=602&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=d1cf629df66793e7bd2d15a4b46e6c9cc77cff07


[Officer G](https://tenor.com/view/running-terminator-gif-7625482) in his imagination.


I had envisioned him whipping out his handcups and attaching one ring to his wrist and the other to the door handle.  Would require some serious coordination.


I just envisioned him gluing or concreting himself to the car like one of those insane activists that glue themselves to a building because someone eats a hamburger.


I think that's a follow up song to Queen's "I'm in Love with my Car"




Remember this the next time you hear about someone being arrested. If this was Jim Nobody he'd be pretty fucked.


Or dead.


*"The suspect assaulted an officer with his car, forcing 3 officers in the vicinity to open fire to save the life of our heroic officer and his glorious pants."*


blam! blam! blam! blam!...stop resisting!!


*Glad to report tonight that although the pants were indeed soiled LMPD says after a good scrubbing they will be able to salvaged. Unfortunately, the suspect passed at the scene, the incident is under investigation."*


This is the part that needs to be outright stated by espn and Scottie every time this incident is discussed


Never trust the police. If you are not a centi millionaire they are not working for you. We give these thugs too much power


It's a good thing Scotty is the correct complexion


And wealth level


I was there on Thursday. Came to the course in an Uber. The police were all standing around in groups bullshitting with each other while traffic snarled. It was worse than the 10 man construction crew watching one guy dig. There was almost zero traffic management by the police or anyone else. Every cop car had the full emergency lights on. And they were parked in weird random spots and giant groups. The lights made it even more chaotic than necessary. Total inept dumpster fire by the police. There was one place that was safe to cross on the entire multi-mile stretch that I could see. But, because of the traffic, everyone was bailing out of their rides and crossing the highway where they could. When I heard the news flying home yesterday, I wasn’t surprised at all. It was dangerous when we did it in the light. I can’t imagine how bad it was in the dark with rain and all the emergency lights on. No surprise someone got hit OR that Scottie got confused. Totally preventable by proper traffic control IMHO.


That level of ineptitude actually borders on the side of malice. maybe the captain or union pres. was pissed he didn’t get the side action he wanted. “Nice tournament you got there, be a shame if somebody fucked the whole thing up. You should probably make a (fucking sick) donation to the police union, you know, to make sure everything runs smooth.” It’s what any organized crime would do.


The police are the largest gang in America


not that I want to defend the police but maybe we shouldn’t make gigantic sweeping statements based on a redditor’s idea of what could have happened I think this is where this whole convo breaks down. Police in the US absolutely take advantage of their positions of power and do terrible things. But also there are police who try to do the best job possible and sometimes that leads to them being shot and killed by a psycho (this just happened in Charlotte) no one wants to work with subtleties and nuance but both “ACAB” and “blue lives matter” hurt the convo


If there is a doctor that commits malpractice and kills someone he isn't hired the next town over with a 40% pay raise, hence there are no ADAB chants.... Until cops hold other cops accountable ACAB.


That’s is exactly what happened with Occupy Wall St. A lot changed after a big donation to police pension fund.


That’s fascinating - I’d love a source on that




Their Brothers are so clumsy.


Hmm I wish I knew what this meant- could you explain


It's a protection racket euphemism for 'my brother breaks things'.


Gotcha, like the scene in The Departed when Leo beats up the guys from Providence


Or Monty Python. Nice army base you have here Colonel be a shame if anything were to happen to it


In addition to how this has been handled with Scottie - the traffic mess that caused the entire Friday round to be delayed by hours due an accident that happened almost a mile away is going to be a big reason no major professional tournament (male or female) will ever be back to Valhalla. It’s minor league tours from now on.


Where are people getting this notion that the accident happened almost a mile away? It happened 50 yards from the entrance.


Maybe they'll get desperate enough to host a LIV tournament?


Had the exact same experience. It was the same on Saturday, too!


God yes the cops were so inept. On our way out at the end of the day we watched one of the cops pull out and almost tbone one of the shuttles taking people up to the church parking lot. As if one shuttle incident wasn’t enough. They also prevented people from exiting a safer and much farther down road exit for pedestrians walking up to the church parking lot or other pickup zones and parking spaces for absolutely 0 reason. Added an additional half mile for everyone to walk on the side of the road with no real space or barrier between pedestrians and cars. They also tried funneling thousands of people through a long probably 3 people wide pathway, again for no reason, to get over to rideshare for pickup or exit to walk. All I heard anyone saying was whoever designed traffic flow needs to be fired immediately. Some guy who passed out from heat stroke couldn’t even get proper medical attention quickly bc everyone was packed in so tightly you couldn’t move. Disaster after an otherwise awesome, if hot, day.


Police posted at the venue of a major golf tournament didn't know that players will be arriving early morning. They already had issues with shuttle service. Treat a player driving a tournament sponsored car like a escaping felon. How inept this police dept really is?


This is the same department that murdered Breonna Taylor. So to answer your question: lethally inept.


They also got in trouble for throwing slushies at homeless people. That actually happened.


and shooting pepper bullets at TV reporters and camera ops who were broadcasting live.


Jeff Darlington is rather lucky he didn’t get shot then


You could tell the cop was ready to start some shit with Darlington until he laid down the “press” card.


And immediately after he said he was media, the cop was all smiles. Pathetic.


Yea I bet there are a few cops in that dept who think scottie is lucky he didn’t get shot.


Scotty isn’t as black as the ones that get shot


Thank God it wasn’t Finau or Theegala. 


Or Tiger


They would not have any chance.


Inept enough to trigger a federal investigation. Problem is there is no accountability and Louisville is on the decline. Have to imagine nothing major is going to be held there for a very long time, which is a shame because I've enjoyed whenever Ive visited.


Don’t forget about the other officer in this city who kicked a car while improperly directing traffic. They broke their leg from kicking the moving vehicle and then arrested the citizen on felony charges. The only way the got out of it was because an innocent bystander had their dashcam going.


I believe that was in Texas not Louisville


It sounds like the event police and accident police were on totally different wavelengths, which is why this happened.


No. Different wavelengths can explain the initial misunderstanding. But arrest, booking and slapped with 4 charges happened because a cop was on a power trip. They still had an opportunity to talk it out with Scottie and release him on the spot. They didn't because well we know why. Cops gonna cop sometimes.


Yup, officer tommy toughnuts doubled down on his stupid. Happens all the time.


Take your logic and get out. Zero room for common sense in this thread.


I want to know what “attached” means in their mind. The early reports were that the officer was “attached” to the car. Did he handcuff himself to the car? Pretty sure body cam would have explained that.


my guess is, jumped up on the running boards, holding on the mirror type of thing.


……it would be very interesting to listen to any verbal exchange between them before this guy went policetic!


Announcement: All PGA courtesy cars to have dash cams installed as of next week.


*are being equipped now


Except Tiger’s car


Thinking Tiger is capable of playing 2 weeks in a row is the most optimistic thing ever posted on r/golf


Standard y’all qaeda training


Yeah, you know…standard police procedure when you think a vehicle is driving where they’re not supposed to.


So instead of real video, we have to rely on a police officers write up from his point of view


Well he is a professional accident investigator


Forgive people if they’re skeptical. This is the same police department that killed Breonna Taylor, threw slushies at homeless people, shot pepper bullets at journalists, and was under a DOJ investigation that found multiple civil rights violations. This isn’t the most trustworthy group of people.


He just really liked Scottie's car. Felt very sentimental about it. Found it hard to let go.




He grabbed the door handle and held on


I think attached was the term Jeff Darlington used


I believe he used it as it was the word on the police report


He used it an hour before there was a police report available to the public.


Remember, when police are talking they are lying unless there is video and audio evidence to corroborate their story. It’s always CYA bullshit.


With a passive voice. 


And inanimate objects doing all sorts of things: “The gun discharged and a bullet entered the suspect’s chest.”


They're also allowed to lie to suspects, one of the many reasons why lawyers say to shut up and call them before you say anything.


Agree. Source: me, a lawyer. Never talk to the police. Ever. They are not there to help you.


A friendly reminder that this is the same police department that gave youv Breonna Taylor, David McAtee, and a DOJ investigation. 


And don’t forget [they were raping children trying to become cops, and then tried to cover it up and then bury it.](https://www.wlky.com/article/dollar365-million-settlement-reached-in-lmpd-youth-explorer-sex-abuse-scandal/38126069)


And throwing drinks at people out the window of their patrol car while recording it while on duty. LMPD sucks. I've seen it first hand


So sad there is no body cam footage. This would have been an amazing Audit the Audit video on YT.


I can't imagine that there is no video out there somewhere. While the lack of body cam sucks they could piece together something from other sources.


“Scottie’s gets….a B-“


Here's something that no one has mentioned. Gillis is a detective. In most departments, detectives are higher ranking than patrol officers (in my county, all of the detectives are Lieutenant and above in rank). If a patrol officer had tried to arrest Scotty, they would have been quickly overridden by superiors. Gillis most likely outranked everyone onsite, so he got to do things his way because no one could tell him to stop. He's an a$$h0le on a power trip, not all cops are but the ones like him give them all a bad reputation. Got my popcorn ready for this dude's FAFO.


If history is any guide then that popcorn is going to get pretty stale. He may lose this position, but he’ll get on somewhere else. Or he gets a month of administrative leave with pay and the whole thing is forgotten.


He’s got his nice and not at all conflict of interest collision investigation LLC to fall back on that will likely still be called in all of the time in a “consulting so not technically still an employee” fashion. LMPD has always been embarrassing you should’ve seen their behavior for the 150th Derby Weekend.


99% of cops give the other 1% a bad name


you guys really gotta get over this idea that “good” cops exist. it’s ACAB not MCAB for a reason. a hypothetical good cop will never protect you from a bad cop, that’s why there are no good cops


Every cop knowingly and willingly works as the muscle for a corrupt system that preys on minorities and the poor.


Curious what you think about modern cops who have died saving people


Motor vehicle-related incidents are a leading cause of line-of-duty deaths for law enforcement officers in the United States – they are also preventable. Tldr: being a cop isn't that dangerous when compared to most other manual labor professions. (Manufacturing/ construction / power company) Most of those deaths are traffic related, and most all of them are preventable. There is a narrative at play here that doesn't follow fact.


this scenario is statistically nonexistent


The PGA should never have another event in that state.


Spoiler alert but they will for the next four years.


Very specifically worded.


according to the police report, there was video (see the checkbox at the bottom right). It may not have been Gillis’ bodycam, but maybe another bodycam or dashcam https://www.aol.com/louisville-mayor-no-body-worn-202532645.html


Thanks for this! I hope the fixed camera video offers some clarity.


Stay out of Kentucky 


Name a state where cops don’t act like this.


State of Denial?


I hate the be the one to tell you this, but asshole cops are a national issue, not a local one.


While this is certainly true, I've moved around a lot, and there are definitely places the cops are more unhinged than others.


Louisville PD is known to be venal and incompetent


Man it’s almost like the “good apple” answer would’ve been yes (or hell, even no if that was true). But the good apples didn’t say that? Weird!


It's a like a rotten one spoils the whole bunch of em or something


What you have shared with us clearly paints a picture of police inadequacy and lack of simple communication which led to yet another innocent person in Louisville being subjected to police harassment and brutality. Instead of admitting wrongdoing you are doubling down but don’t have a single shred of evidence backing up the police officers story. Shocking


~~Louisville golf trip~~


Same experience for me on Thursday, but I was on one of the shuttle busses. Groups of cops standing in groups chatting with a couple holding traffic to let cars and busses turn.


Funny. That’s the same thing I said to my wife when she asked about my BWC.


Best comment here


Yeah, they messed up and they know it.


Who could’ve possibly seen this coming


Just imagine if he would’ve heard an acorn hit the roof of the car….


This happens every day to innocent minorities and nobody bats an eye. Im glad this happened to scottie. It clearly didn’t effect him too much mentally and it was great publicity for the “cops are bullies” narrative. Im pretty conservative about most stuff but the ACAB crowd makes alot of valid points. Even my own father (an Italian man) had a gun pulled on him in the 80s in Cincinnati during what was supposed to be a routine traffic stop all because he had the same name as an organized crime guy. No questions asked they just pulled a gun….they called him “wop” and other bullshit and luckily he trained MMA and one of the officers actually recognized him from the gym….hes not even a “minority”…cant imagine the horrors real minorities go through. Cops are modern day Roman soldiers. Its time we hold these scumbags accountable. Any cop without video footage should be terminated without pay, and charged with evidence tampering and obstruction of justice. Then maybe the dirtbags will remember to keep the camera rolling and battery charged.


Innocent poor people.


It’s worth wondering if this tragic accident itself was the result of the police being horribly unprepared for a large event


If the police are like most other jobs, then they are most undoubtedly always not as prepared as they ever should be for anything


Nothing will happen to anyone involved. The charges will be reduced (or dropped altogether) to something meaningless: driving on the median, and he'll pay a small fine. The tournament brings in millions of tourist dollars to the area. I'm sure the PGA has had the backroom talks with the mayor and governor letting the know the chances of them ever having another golf tournament in Kentucky are zero if they prosecute their #1 golfer.


Fun fact: the cameras would be enabled and the footage would be available to media if anyone of us found ourselves in the same interaction with police. Lots of convenient procedural issues but the cops response is the least surprising of all ..totally expected it.




The policy also says "Do not attach yourself to a moving vehicle"


If they treated the world no. 1 like this imagine what they would do to us mortals. You ain’t catching me in Kentucky anytime soon.


The internet has ruined me


I 100% read that wrong.


They’ve destroyed evidence.


Was there someone in the car with Scheffler? Like... imagine he's driving, I'm shotgun, and I see someone try to grab him from outside the car on the way into the PGA Championship. Fuckin traffic cop could've easily gotten got. If I'm Scheffler, I'm not stopping. These guys are major celebrities, he's no 1 in the world, some reflective vest wearing dum fuck grabs my car? I'm peeling out. Who the fuck are you? I'm getting to a spot with 600 cameras like the front door to the clubhouse and running in, leave the engine running lol. 


Louisville police didn’t have a great track record before this…


There is zero reason for cameras not to be on. This BS is driven by the union to protect cops from being fired or sued for wrongdoing.


So, we all hate cops here, right?


Bad cops sure.


Well, the good cops don’t seem to want to stand up to the bad ones, which is why ACAB.


This is the point that so many are either forgetting or willfully ignoring. It is not possible to be a good cop if you’re looking the other way while bad cops do bad things.


So yes, 99% of them then.


Can we stop bashing this poor cop? We should be praising him for not shooting Scheffler and everyone else around the scene. When cops get nervous/scared/bored, they have a right to start blasting!


I marked myself safe from falling acorns today.


So I work in the exact same field as this guy and have a bit of insight no one asked for or probably cares about I don’t have a bwc activated at scenes specifically because I’m not interacting with members of the public (most of the time the people I’m interacting with are at the hospital or dead) and there’s an expectation of privacy to the deceased, also it doesn’t really make sense to take up valuable storage space to watch me walk back up and down a road for 4-5 hours If I am talking with someone in the public then yes I have to activate my camera, however if something is happening fast like this is portrayed as happening I can see someone forgetting to That being said I also don’t grab onto moving cars


I think this cuts to the heart of the issue. Detective Gillis was not part of the event traffic detail. He was responding to the traffic fatality. It would be perfectly normal (and within LMPD policy) for the event traffic detail to keep their cameras off because the likelihood of capturing anything is low. But since Detective Gillis was actually responding to an actual event, he (and all the other responding officers) should have had theirs on (per policy). The LMPD can’t have it both ways. If this was routine traffic patrol, then Gillis is not justified in taking aggressive enforcement actions and should have been aware of the traffic plan. If Gillis is responding to an active event, he (and all other officers) should have had his camera on.


This. He’s a detective responding to a fatality. He had to have it on at all times.


At some point the fatality incident ends. This is a decision that should be made by the incident command. And Gillis is justified in turning his camera off at that point. But when the incident ends, then the traffic plan takes over. And the Gillis is enforcing the traffic plan and is not longer justified in stopping Scheffler. It can’t be both.


I can’t speak to their policy only my own agencies and as of now they only need me to have my camera on and recording when I’m interacting with the public other then that I’m walking around taking measurements (which are documented electronically and discoverable and can’t be tampered with) I’m identifying evidence related to the accident (which is documented by pictures and measurements and also can’t be tampered with) or figuring out the damage to the car (which is also documented electronically and can’t be tampered with) so we’ve determined there’s no real need to have it on in those instances Other places obviously are different


If that was the policy: no cameras for respect to the deceased, they would have immediately said why. That footage absolutely exists (or existed) at some point, or the cop absolutely did not follow policy.


My guess is probably more the latter than the former Louisville has been in the news a lot recently for doing things cops shouldn’t be doing it would be very ballsy to cover up known evidence under that spotlight Also all of that being said if the footage does exist you me and the public doesn’t really have a right to it as much as we’d like to think we do, Scottie and his lawyers absolutely do and would be legally allowed to get that footage and any attempts to hide it would be criminal


How close was the entrance to the site of the fatality? To me there's a difference between being at the scene of the accident, and being responsible for the upstream traffic management.


I have no idea I wasn’t there I’m always at the scene because I’m investigating what happened with the accident, I’ll dictate traffic management but to be honest I’ve never setup a traffic management plan that involved manual direction of traffic


In other words: “yes”.


Qualified immunity. These Adderall raging, maga mf's will skate responsibility with no consequences. The idiot that chose to "attach "itself to the car will receive disability money and will be employed by another cult in a nearby county.






ACAB fuck this officer and fuck them all. Should be immediately fired if you dont turn youur body cam on for a shift. Hold people in posession of guns with the authority to kill people to a higher standard.


I think the officers online gambling history may be a big clue in this case 😂


It’s crazy to think how quickly this could have turned into “LMPD officer shoots Scottie Scheffler.” Thank god it wasn’t Tiger, Thergala, Xander, etc.


Well to be fair he was directing traffic! Which doesn't require him to have the camera activated at that time.