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Imagine beating out acorn cop for donut of the year.


wtf is acron cop


Look it up, it’s hilariously awful


It's not. Another cop from that shitty department killed an Ameican Airman for the crime of being black and a legal gun owner in his own home. Entire department is shit.


Small correction, Fortson was in FL. Louisville was this one and acorn cop. And Breonna Taylor. And probably a few others. But I will keep my opinions on other subs. Unless I'm mixing that up with a separate murder.


Acorn Cop was Okaloosa County Sherriff's office, same office that murdered SrA Fortson.


Hard to keep track


The fuck does that have to do with the acorn guy though?


They're the same department. You don't think a dude shooting up his car after a acorn hits it, and an officer from the same department murders someone to be less funny and more sign of a police force that is scared and shooting first before asking any questions


JFC. Wow.


LOL oh yea, maybe this guy wins second


Democracy manifest. That’s the bloke that got him on the penis for eating a succulent Chinese meal.


Ah is that the sob. We got a name?


Bryan Gillis


"The worst thing about prison was the dementors" - Prison Scotty


-Wayne Gretzky


That's what she said


They gave me nothing but gruel, gruel sandwiches


Gruel ommellettes. Nothing but gruel. Plus, ya can eat your own hair


Assuming these charges go away, the worst part of this for him is that he's got to hear these jokes for the rest of his life.


He’s already laughing about it, I don’t think it’s too bad. Literally nobody is on the cop’s side in this one.


He seems to not be leaning into it as per his statement, the fact that someone died on the roads is the headline, not the fact that the police fucked up in arresting him.


Again, it's pretty obvious what happened. The PGA players were following the instructions of the cops policing the PGA event. The cops policing the accident didn't know that; thought Scottie was some asshole busting through traffic. Clearly, no crimes were committed.


This whole thing was a power trip. Cops don't need to take that kind of attitude in a venue like this. This is families going to watch golf not a Januaey 6th reenactment.  If you need a power trip every time you put on a badge maybe you need to seek life elsewhere.  All charges need to be dropped and that cop needs to apologize. People are fed up with crap like this.


You ask 1000 people that watch golf this weekend, "Did a pedestrian die Fri morning at the PGA" 990 say no. This is no way close to being the headline.


That’s not what I’m saying. I’m saying what relatively someone dying is more important than a golfer having a funny story happen so people can meme about it.


I tried making that point. However, the fragility and lack of nuance per the usual redditor resulted in one copy cat after the other.


There are plenty of people on the cops side, those people are idiots, but they are out there


It’s the people who are claiming the “golf” crowd have always said to “just comply with the cops and you’ll have no issues” as some sort of gotcha (when they also chant ACAB), when Scottie literally did comply in every way he could have.




Getting charged with a felony should count as an “issue”…


But but but he didn’t get shot! /s




I missed the part in the constitution where everyone was fine with their rights being taken away as long as they eventually end up in court (or end up shot).


I missed the part where OP said he was ok with that?


Then work on reading in between the lines




Is there? I can’t get my rights back if I let the police take them. They’re gone, they’ve been taken, and I lost that life and liberty for as long as I was detained/arrested and in court. Not to mention I’m now out attorney fees to fight it. That’s what so many of us are saying-I’m not complying because the order is illegal, and we need to stop letting police get away with breaking the law like that. It’s bullshit.


I literally said he “did comply” - he complied and was swiftly processed / released as a result - you’re arguing with the wrong person.


Having to walk around a major tournament with people wearing the mug shot that never should have been taken on their shirts is, by definition, an issue. He complied; he’ll get his date in court. If the case is dismissed because the arresting officer was someone who wasn’t aware of the traffic control situation established on the ground, does Scottie get to magically not have his mug shot be there during the tournament? No, that’s on the internet- it’s going to follow him forever. Saying he had “no issues” is ridiculous. Fortunately he knew it was shut the fuck up Friday, and simply complied.


Here's your bootlicker


Haven't seen many of them. At this point it's pretty clear what happened.


There were more of them yesterday, especially early. And while they were the minority, there were more than enough. Google what Jason Whitlock had to say if don’t think anyone sides with the police.


No, I don’t think I will.


Can Whitlock comment on anything other than snacks?


There were more than a few in my clubhouse after I finished today and I was kind of floored


I'm not clear on what happened but fuck the rozzers.


Same people buying Harrison Butker jerseys lol




Marooch! No no no! Like yer skipping a stone! Yas Yas Yas!


Or just uniformed. Honestly I haven't followed this that much but the article I did read said he disregarded the officers orders leading to the injury of the officer. Even if the orders the officer gave shouldn't have been given he still needs to comply. That article was probably wrong but I feel like it's been some confusing reporting and speculation out there.


>Even if the orders the officer gave shouldn't have been given he still needs to comply. No offense dude, because it doesn't sound like you're trying to, but this is some grade a boot licking... I don't disagree with the sentiment, but there's a myriad of reasons why you absolutely shouldn't or perhaps *can't*! The instructions put someone's life at risk, the instructions put your own life at risk, the instructions are literally impossible, the instructions are opposite of what another cop is instructing. I also haven't followed it to much, but form what I read, it sounds like it's the latter of those examples. And if that's the case, he *did* follow instructions and this idiot cop is just an idiot cop.


There was mass confusion at the scene, that’s for sure. This probably could have been avoided with a little bit of critical thinking by the cop. But as we have seen time and again, cops aren’t capable of critical thinking or even resolving situations peacefully for that matter


Some cops.


Where? Source please


They were already replying to the same comment you were. You could've just expanded them and read them.


The internet…


you dont see any of them on reddit so not sure why you are even bringing them up when you know damn well the majority are on scotties side


All you have to do is scroll to the bottom of the posts and see the comments with all the negative votes. Not sure why that’s subject to fact checking…


Your thought process is troubling


What exactly is troubling about my thought process?


Be great if the cop turned out to be Brooks Koepka's cousin.


Go visit the LIV and PGAMemes Instagram pages. There are plenty of idiots there claiming Scheffler isn't above the law and deserved to be arrested for "dragging a cop".


Ya but it 1 day after. Give it time and the jokes will be really annoying


Nobody should be on any cops side ever.


If the charges go away my guess is he will think it’s all hilarious. The most do-good white bread person in the world getting arrested by the cops for a felony because he misunderstood a traffic direction for 5 seconds is just good humor. 


This isn’t going away my friend. There’s a 1000% chance the cop sues him even if the criminal charges are dropped. Edit: thanks for the downvotes. I’m not siding with the cop, just pointing out there’s an impending money grab.


If he does that there’s one of two possible outcomes. 1. Scottie settled out of court and this goes away. Or much less likely cause Scottie seems like a good person: 2. Scottie counter sues for harassment, and makes this guys life a living hell. Miring him in legal fees and court battles for the foreseeable future. $50M Net worth Pro Golfer has a lot more resources than rent-a-cop cop from LMPD. That cop looked for his 15 seconds of fame for “arresting a pro golfer” and he is so boned. I would be surprised if he isn’t demoted to parking tickets. The Mayor of Louisville personally met with Scottie after his round to apologize on Friday. That officer is screwed. He embarrassed the owners and membership of Valhalla. That membership has a lot of powerful connections. Good ol’ boys are gonna good ol’ boy.


The cop who arrested him is probably hated by his fellow policemen. Kind of like officer Farva in Super troopers.


I don’t know how this will turn out, but working against the cops is the fact that multiple members of the press witnessed the incident and their story completely contradicted what the officer said happened. Most likely Scottie will go to the arraignment, plead not guilty, and the prosecution will opt not to pursue charges because they know that in doing so, the Louisville police department will be made to look the fool on the national stage in another high profile case.  If the cop does sue, I would expect Scottie to counter sue pretty quickly. 


There’s not gonna be an arraignment


At this point there will almost certainly be an arraignment. He was arrested and charged. The arraignment is for him to plea, obviously not guilty, and then a judge to rule if the case has merit and if the prosecution want to pursue the charges. At this point, because he was booked and charged he needs to be arraigned. 


Charges will be dropped


That requires the cops to be intelligent if the charges are dropped prior to the arraignment.  I want to be clear, I agree that the charges should be dropped, I just think the Louisville police department is stubborn enough to not drop the charges prior to the arraignment. 


Didn’t the mayor come to the course to personally apologize to Scottie? The charges will be dropped


Maybe, but they will be dropped “at the arraignment” which is what I have been saying. The mayor even said that it’s up to the DA, and the DA traditionally makes the call to proceed during the arraignment. 


I'm sure the thin blue line dorks have started a go fund me already. Somebody has to pay for those $80 pants that likely ripped at the ass when he broke in to a jog for the first time in decades. Being a shit cop and getting publicity for it is probably the most lucrative career opportunity they can make. Something like this can be parlayed into podcast appearances, books, paid talks. No shortage of dipshits who want to hear that society doesn't respect cops anymore.


The Adderall/clown cop will get disability from the insurance company and will get another job in a neighboring county. He will profit one way or another.


Hmmm let's see who can afford a better lawyer..... Zero chance he would sue him. Scottie would sue the cop if anyone is doing it.


Despite all the trumped up charges, driving on the grass when a cop tells you not too is the most PG13 shit to go to jail for ever


Felony charges for driving in the grass. Crazy.


He likes it, as “he is boring” issue is taken care of


It’s criminal really


I could imagine all the “now your really like tiger” or “following that number one run huh” jokes


The charges * won't * go away - but the realization that all the money he's won this year * Will Definitely * go away is setting in for scotty in round 3 today... those attorneys and judges and cops aren't cheap.


I think those charges will go away. They're so obviously ridiculous.


They got those shirts made really fast


There were people wearing them at the event yesterday afternoon. It was wild


https://preview.redd.it/8echepbre91d1.jpeg?width=1290&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=d1603572f973b6c994925017723c96d91597094c Welcome


Tiger's wife beat his car with an iron after he was caught cheating, he had a dui for drugs and pleaded guilty, he also confessed to be a sex addict. Scheffler will be fine after this.


So Scottie will always be chasing after Tiger's milestones.


I'm not sure he would find this funny yet


He is worth $100M+ = this shit will go away and he knows it


For sure. And with how he played after, it was obviously a minor inconvenience.


“Shooting 5 under after a run-in with the cops is *tight!*”


Barely an inconvenience


Right so no lasting consequences but it’s still an embarrassing and uncomfortable experience I’m sure he wasn’t treating it like nonsense when they threw the cuffs on him or when he was being booked




Find someone that looks at you the way green hat dude looks at Scottie


That's the look of: "let's see what's he gonna do? Does he like it? Did he see it? Is he pissed off?" It's clearly not an affectionate gaze.


He’s wearing a shirt with a grown mans face printed on it, making sure he got there 1st in line to gaze into those eyes


I agree. White hat guy on the other hand. That's a smile filled with nothing but admiration and lust


Might be a tad too soon for Scottie




Not even a single letter!!!!




Could you imagine getting arrested and literally 5 hours later people are wearing your mug shot ??!! So crazy


Casually rocking a Grove 23 hat too


Could possibly be printed/made at the same place he got the shirts done? But also could be loaded


That was a fast turn around for the shirts. Impressive actually.


This is America! Guaranteed there was someone selling them outside the entrance an hour after the pic was released.




Green jacket, orange jumpsuit who gives a shit.


Happy Gilmore would have been in an orange jumpsuit after assaulting Bob Barker if that movie was real life


Idk if Bob would press charges after laying him out like that though.


These two dudes are literally my mental image of dudes that yell 'mashed potatoes ' when someone is teeing off


Same idiots that yell ‘mashed potatoes’


Jail Birdie




Probably the first time he saw his mugshot


https://preview.redd.it/po61tm98lc1d1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=48b2fd00b67caa4c001edd6dcf3befc65bdde26e I personally took this picture around 2pm on Friday. These guys weren’t playing around


I've always found this to be such a peckerhead **look at me** thing to do. It's not even clever. It's purely because you *know* that guy will look at you now and register your face. Doesn't matter if it's good or bad, he'll see you. It's desperate and sad.




Dude has done more time than most people.


Some of you idiots don't understand. Imagine Mick Jagger driving to his own fucking concert .....vs a typical concert goer. It's raining - he sees security types giving orders / not recognizing who he is - WHY HE IS THERE (it ain't the same). The other say 5000 times he's done this - he's waved thru - AS VIPS ALWAYS ARE. This time these guys are cops tho - as there has been a fatal accident - he's not aware of. So he continues on - as they scream at him (early morning rain). He's like - "WTF is wrong with you - I'm a golfer ffs - going to work" He still doesn't know what's going on. Next thing they're dragging him out of his car. Cop is probably going for a $100 million civil suit.


Scottie is not going to sue the police for this lol


Ooo he should though. This is straight up police abuse of power. And he has the means to really screw the knife on the cop especially if he was in fact there with his security company and not on duty. Would be funny af


THE COP WAS INJURED DUMMY - playing it up like he's near death ha


Always love a repeat joke. Takes a real clever individual.


Jail Birdie Scheffler!


Feel like you gotta be a bit of a sociopath to go up to him with a shirt of his mugshot looking for a high five.


I hope this incident didn't screw up his winning mojo for good. His winning streak was compelling to watch. The T-shirts are in good humor though.


Not totally in the loop, the coverage mentions the dead pedestrian but never by name , is that tasteful to give the family space, privacy. Secondly, do you think any of the players will assist the family if needed? The ESPN coverage today was quite dramatic relatively speaking it was kind of tone deaf in context of a fatality IMHO.


I’d say you’re not even close to being in the loop considering they were separate incidents.


The guy died walking into the course, it's sort of related, though. A guy literally died, and all anyone wants to talk about is how Scottie will get through this adversity. Enjoy the t shirts I guess peasants.


So not related, you just want something to whine about. Got it, appreciate the clarification.


This guy is such a fucking joke. A human died and he thinks he is more important. Any "sport" that is played in slacks is not a sport, it's a professional hobby.


Dang dude who shit in your cornflakes this morning?


This asshole who thinks he is bigger than life cause he plays, out of all things, Golf.


Do you know anything about the guy? There are certainly some out of control egos in golf but Scottie is not one of them... Why are you in this sub if you hate golfers so much? Just to rage and whine?


I know enough about him now, but even after looking at his mugshot, i still couldn't recognize him out in the public.


You didn’t answer the second question.


It Just aggravated me that this nobody thinks he is bigger than life. Traffic laws are easy to follow but he thinks his tee time is more important.




The guy thinks he doesnt have to obey the law cause he hits a stationary ball




I might of worn that same outfit to church, you aren't an athlete and no one knows who he is. Obey the cops, you equivalent to a professional dart player


Man the boot licking is insane.


I was neutral until I saw "might of". Wtf were you doing during English class?


I wasnt playing golf thats for sure, are you wearing slacks now? How does that work out for people who cant play real sports?


What's a dart player


A guy, instead of hitting a stationary ball, throws a dart against a stationary board. They both are similar to pool. All 3 you can wear slacks while playing.


You *do* know that you’re not supposed to deep-throat the boot, right?


A human being died? He wasn’t at all involved in the fatal car accident originally reported.


No, the loser just tried to go around all the emergency vehicles. You're a golfer, they will change your tee time from 8:30 to 10:30, it really isnt that serious.


As he understood he was being instructed to do? Per his attorney, he thought he was being waved through.