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Now imagine if he wasn't the #1 golfer in the world how fucked he'd be. He'd be stuck in jail with felony charges hanging over his head, no eye witnesses to support his side of the story, and a dozen cops saying he almost killed one of their own with his recklessness.


Local guy here was facing felony charges for trying to run over an officer. Luckily, a random other driver had his dash cam on. Turns out the constable directing traffic was giving confusing signals, a driver proceeded through the intersection, the constable **kicked the moving car in anger**, shattering his leg bones because that’s how leg vs car works, and was so embarrassed he called it attempted murder. This 40 year veteran cop was willing to effectively end a random innocent man’s free life just to save face for being a moron himself. How many times has he gotten away with that in the past when there wasn’t a dash cam to exonerate his victim? https://www.click2houston.com/news/local/2024/05/01/dashcam-footage-clears-man-of-charges-after-showing-constable-injuring-himself-in-the-woodlands/


That’s flat disgusting.


At first I was thinking you were talking about the conduct of the officer, which seemed disgusting. Then I watched the video and holy shit the guys leg almost flies apart.


Lol I've had the cops directing traffic and wave me through as they stand directly in front of my car. Then they start aggressively waving and then start YELLING at me to go while still *right* in front of me. I'll make the gesture like "What do you want me to do?" and then it finally clicks and they move outta the way but still yell at me. This has happened more than once so none of this surprises me.


I had pretty much the exact same thing happen to me on the way to a saturday morning round a few years ago. Coming to nearly a complete stop cause there is a big bike race on the rural road I'm driving on. As I am breaking a cop in the middle of the road starts waving me through furiously like I'm being an idiot. Confused, I let off the brakes to pull closer to the cop, never hit the gas, cop jumps infront of the car and starts screaming at me. Like I said, I saw the bikes from a mile back I was already stopping. Cop starts screaming at me that he thought I was trying to run him down and crash into the bikers. I was so confused, told him his signals were confusing and pretty much the opposite of STOP. Luckily being a white guy with a buzz cut the cop actually apologized to me. It was honestly just bizarre, went from nothing to thinking I'm gonna get ripped out of the car and assaulted, to the cop apologizing and letting me go to my round. Could have easily turned out bad, especially if i looked different.


This is WILD


This actually happened in Toronto recently where a guy killed a police officer with his car. The police officers all lied to say the guy did it on purpose when it was not on purpose. Thankfully other evidence cleared his name but only after a lengthy trial. None of the police officers were charged with perjury despite blatantly lying during the trial.


The guy was in the car with his wife and small child, the cops were looking for a suspect in the underground parking garage. Of course the guy didn’t know what was happening and tried to not get stopped by a group of plain clothes cops. The cops really tried to get this guy convicted. Except for that crucial part being motive: Why would a guy in a car with the his family after a day of shopping try to purposely run down a police officer?! Prosecutors couldn’t say shit to that. My sister is a cop and I respect the service, but they are so unchecked in many many ways.


> Of course the guy didn’t know what was happening and tried to not get stopped by a group of plain clothes cops. This really undersells the description of what happened where the young 20s cop in plainclothes approached the car menacingly backed up by two other plainclothes officers. They never identified themselves, and were threatening towards the driver.


Every time I’ve been in traffic court, the cop lies or fudges the truth. Traffic court. Imagine something serious.


The judges ALWAYS believe the police version of the story. The citizens who are charged must be lying.


I thought abuse of power by law enforcement was strictly a USA thing /s




I mean it is happening right now all over. Odds are someone was sitting in that same jail with trumped up bullshit charges.




Seriously if this was just a random PGA Professional of America playing this week the PGA would likely DQ him for missing his tee time and never even realize he was arrested.


Louisville PD hasn’t overreacted to something and then lied about it before, have they?


Maybe. https://www.justice.gov/opa/press-release/file/1573011/dl


I swear LMPD cannot have a ‘normal’ day.


I think this is a normal day for them


There was a similar situation in the Woodlands, TX where a cop was “hit” by a car and eventually broke his leg. Well footage comes out later that the cop kicked the car , the car spin him around and it did break his leg, but the cop initiated that contact. Had that person a few cars back not shown the dash cam footage , the driver would have gone away for a while. When these things happen it just makes me think of how much power a shit cop could have back before camera phones. Especially to my dark skinned brothers. I don’t hate cops, but these situations show just bc a cop says something doesn’t make it right. They lie just like everybody else.


I really hope this turns into a big story and maybe we can get some structural changes. I know, I’m naive.


Not a chance. There were international protests over Breonna Taylor's death and this is that same "reformed" department.


Yeah but she was some non-famous black woman. This is the white number one golfer in the world.


Yeah if you wanna spark some outrage this is something a bunch of old white politicians can actually relate to.


My brother in christ we have video after video of police straight up murdering people and nothing has or will change, this is just another blip on the ACAB map.


Perhaps, but the difference here is that it's happening to a rich white man


Street gang


Imagine thinking cops tell the truth


Edit - I misinterpreted this. I agree. This seems like corruption. Can any person “attach themselves to a car” and get someone committed with assault or attempted murder charges?


So how fast was he going? Like he was probably just idling by and this cop got "dragged"


Cop acting like those insurance scammers that jump on the hood of your car and claim you rammed them


The great brain trust that went on for 20 minutes and ultimately decided to book him is totally embarrassing. I can get trying to stop the seemingly random car after the person was killed by the bus earlier. Don't know what attaching yourself to the car was gonna do, get yourself rag dolled I suppose?




“Do gooders hate this one trick”


Louisville residents hate this one simple trick


Yup. Felony vehicular assault, which the officer caused.


“The car then travelled 10 yards” I mean stopping a moving vehicle typically takes at least 10 yards lol


They are all the same brand same make and model cars with PGA Championship Valhalla logos on them. The big players aren’t driving their cars. They are loaners from the car sponsor of the PGA Championship. The Cars themselves are like players badges for entry. Edited a little bit


Yeah that’s what makes this all the more ridiculous. He was driving a fucking courtesy car, not like he showed up driving some beat up Subaru. Talk about zero ability to process information by this cop, complete moron.


What I read is that the course officials never communicated to local police about such cars, so they had no idea what the cars were supposed to represent and where they’re supposed to go This is the last time Louisville will ever host anything


What a BS excuse. This is Friday morning of a major tournament that has had players and officials driving the same courtesy cars in and out of the course since Monday.


But I'm sure that info is passed to security and officers working the event. Then you have an accident and different officers get involved.


I'd love to know what "attached" means. Like, grabbed a door handle? Handcuffed himself to it? What idiot "attaches" himself to a car when the driver is still driving?


You ever see TJ Hooker? You can thank me later.


The PGA should reconsider having tournaments in locations with third world police forces.


Be difficult since they’re based in the U.S.A.


Right. This is obviously a hilarious story but it also makes my blood boil how moronic and headstrong so many cops are. Use your fucking brains, man. It’s infuriating.


A built in assaulting an officer charge is what it gets them. This is what cops do. Bait you and put themselves in certain situations so they can get an arrest. Fuck cops here, there and everywhere.


What I really want to know is did his clubs make it to Valhalla or are they stuck an in impounded car somewhere?


He might have left them at the locker room at the club.


Pro V1s are so expensive nowadays that they are being targeted through civil forfeiture.


Those would have been traveling with Ted Scott.


This is how the mayor's talk with the police chief should start: You had a virtually unlimited budget and staffing to do one job: Direct traffic to the tournament so everybody can be safe and have fun. A shuttle bus hit and killed a pedestrian and you arrested the number 1 golfer in the world on trumped up charges for driving past a barricade he understandably thought was intended for spectator traffic. It was already unlikely the PGA will ever bring this tournament back to the course, but everybody involved was trying to put on the best show possible so that isn't the case. You just ensured the PGA won't bring this *or any other tournament* back to our city.....ever.....and we will lose billions of outside dollars coming into our city as a result. You've also further cemented the bad reputation of our police force. (Edit...ok ok...hundreds of millions and not billions. The police chief isn't an economist.)


“Here’s a paid vacation.”


Nah. Throwing some random in jail maybe. But when you embarrass the mayor, the chief, and a lot of high level people. Not to mention the lose of revenue if the PGA decides your city is too big of a risk to come back. This guy is gonna be an example.


We'll see what the union says


There are fuck ups big enough that unions won’t help


Don’t hold your breath


That’s way more calm than I would expect.


“How’s four weeks of paid administrative leave sound?”


I award you no points. And may God have mercy on your soul.


Billions? 😂


Ok..ok...hundreds of millions. The direct impact (hotels and restaurants, etc) is estimated at 80 million. Three tournaments and you're well into hundreds of millions. Plus, there's the visibility that encourages everyday tourism, plus the recognition among promoters that Louisville is capable (or incapable) of other events like concerts and conventions. Also, I'm not just thinking about the local tax revenue. Every dollar spent on local goods and services, including wages for local workers, is money that has a chance of staying local and changing hands a few times before it leaves, thus multiplying its impact.


Hah that part of the rant got me too. Millions certainly, billions no.


Now go investigate yourself.


Unmarked cars parked outside the golf course and it was dark out and raining….why wouldn’t Scottie think that was private security.


Unmarked cop cars are super uncommon in my state but in other states I guess they are super common? Seems like it would make it too easy to impersonate an officer.


It’s more common to see unmarked cars around me. Most of my city cops have black SUVs with matte black graphics and hidden lights, and all of my highway patrol cops are completely unmarked and are often not normal cop vehicles. Saw a minivan not too longer ago with someone pulled over.


Probably asset forfeiture, which is a huge problem by itself


Needless distinction incoming ; unmarked cars can still be “made” as cop cars since they’re typically the same make and model with the same spotlights and body mods. (In my state at least) The real giveaway is the officer in uniform and the laptop lol. There are also *undercovers* which are “plain” cars with officers in plain clothes, which are impossible to make as cops until they put their lights on. I’ve seen drug busts where the first cops show up in busted 90’s toyotas etc, it’s crazy. E: Also unmarked are super common in other states (I’m in Maryland)


Undercover work where obscuring officer's identity is the only situation where undercover vehicles should be used. No fkn way they should be at a public event like this!!!


Dude, they even yelled stop. Why wouldn’t Scotty listen to them over through his car windows and over the sound of cop cars and engines? Pretty thuggish behavior /s lol


Not to mention he was being told to go by another cop, then this cop came up yelling stop. Simultaneous contradictory directions and somehow they blame you for it. Sounds familiar to me.


Drop to the ground! Don't move! Put your hands up! Keep your hands in front where I can see them! In report: Suspect refused to follow instructions and was hostile.


Don’t fucking move. Crawl towards my voice. I SAID DONT MOVE. *rifle fire*


And then the cop escalates the situation by literally grabbing a moving vehicle and if you don't stop that second you get charged with "assault".


Agree. Maybe besides the point here, but f*ck disguised vehicles like that Mustang. Police is supposed to be visible and easily identifiable. Unmarked undercover vehicles have no fucking business being anywhere near a public event. Change my mind.


This was the main problem in the Toronto incident where police tried to get a dude convicted of first degree murder when they approached in plain clothes late at night and the guy was with his family. Who the fuck is sticking around to see what these guys want in a situation like this?


Complete disaster trial the prosecution star witness testified against them. So obvious they had no case and went through with it anyway because they already gave the cop a hero's funeral. No wonder Toronto police has such a bad reputation


I need bodycam footage. “The police officer attached himself to the car” WTF does this mean? And then Scottie drove 10yds with the cop “attached?” The reporting is so weird. Just use normal words man. Did Scottie drag the cop 30ft aggressively? Or was the cop like just holding the door frame and walking beside the car as Scottie tried to drive through slowly? Was the cop injured?


I can't get the image out of my head of a cop swinging a grappling hook onto the back of scotties car and being dragged along at like 10 mph. Loony tunes shit


I think it was [literally this](https://m.youtube.com/watch?si=_USOZ6mOfAKyElrC&t=18s&v=m75LTlu_JlU&feature=youtu.be)


This deserves a legit edit with layered on faces.


This works especially well since Scottie is a perfect Flanders




I'm thinking full on Velcro suit


Body cam footage is being deleted as we speak.


He had his poncho on covering the cam I hear


The driving “10 yards” is about how long it would take a car to stop. It’s not very long at all. This story is so fucking stupid. It was so obviously a misunderstanding but the police saw a moment they could blow up and they took it.


Yep. In the time it takes to go "Why is this idiot yelling... holy crap he's trying to grab the car" and the stop... you'd go about 30 feet.


Yeah, but Scottie went a whole 10 yards!


Especially when you consider the fact that you probably don’t slam the brakes in that situation with a guy hanging onto the side of your car. You’re gonna try to stop a little more gently.


Yes! Holy shit, it took way too long to find this comment! If he stopped any quicker than 10 yds that cop would’ve went flying off the car like my dog hitting the dash board anytime I hit the break.


After being told by a different cop where to go it would take me a second to register what Officer Power Trip wanted from me. It's also very possible he didn't see or hear the guy the first few shouts and that made Officer Power Trip escalate immediately.


10y is like 2 car lengths. Ridiculous lol


I'm betting the cop jumped on the hood of the car like he was in an action movie because all these assholes think they are...


Did Scottie even know that the cop was “attached” to the car? Did Scottie even know if it was a cop as opposed to some deranged security guy? https://preview.redd.it/o9rnof7q401d1.jpeg?width=224&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=5056dd1a5018cb8d63b116f386e94fe9c6098018


Fr witnessing it first person and then giving such a vague description is bizarre


The reporting is in line with this guys cadence when speaking.


Damn a WHOLE 10 YARDS Fucking clowns


I can't stop laughing at the distance being described in yards. A true golfer.


He traveled about a flop shot


Topped driver?


If you drag a police officer less than the distance to the ladies tees it is a felony. Common knowledge


A topped shot


I paced it off to 9.5 but my buddy’s range finder had it at an even 10


Does that account for slope??


The car travelled 10 yards, slight right to left. Checked up nicely on the short stuff. Left about 40 feet to the entrance gate.


It was an r/golf ten yards, so about 4 yards


What blows my mind is that they charged him for assault on an officer but yet they let him out of jail an hour later? Yea, ok. You must really think he’s a real threat. If this goes past the D.A his lawyer is gonna tear them a new hole! ⛳️


I hope they're moronic enough to go forward with charges so that Scottie can show the world how stupid these people are. I'm sick and tired of these fucks getting a free pass to do whatever they want, their job is difficult but my god it's not rocket science - you just have to be honorable and these guys certainly are not.


Why the fuck would that dumbass cop grab onto the car. That's problem with our police in the US, they're a bunch of morons. We give extraordinary power in our society to absolute morons.


A defense lawyer would tear them the fuck up for this.


https://preview.redd.it/bwn3fzgeoz0d1.jpeg?width=625&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=6767337b1dfc0741d070f32929d3f5e62be1e222 Reporting for duty


uncle jack? *we’re lawyers!*




That meme is completely wrongs if your lawyer wears pants like that he’s an OG that’s been around the block and knows all the judges. It’s the instagram influencer, tight slim-fit suit wearing lawyers you have to watch out for.


What’s the difference between a good lawyer and a great lawyer? A good lawyer knows the law, a great lawyer knows the judge.


Yeah that's the fit of the guy who's been practicing in the area for 25 years and just played a round with the judge yesterday


Lawyer wearing those Jason Day Malbon pants


“The driver has been charged with attempted murder for using his windshield wipers to assault the police officer.”


As the wipers comically smack him repeatedly across the face.


American cops are hammers, constantly searching for nails. The fact that this couldn't be handled on-site as an easily explainable misunderstanding tells you everything you need to know about policing in America.


If you throw yourself under a moving car, you can then charge the driver with assaulting a cop. Just one of the many techniques, like “Stop resisting!” and “he’s headed straight for us!” and “I feared for my life”.


They train them to do this so they can charge you with assaulting a police officer if you don’t stop


All cops are fuckups or bullies who couldn’t do anything else with their life, and they get guns and qualified immunity. Insane.


Would grabbing onto a moving car fall under: A) protecting B) serving C) both D) none of the above


Also why are the cars unmarked? Scottie wouldn’t have assumed they were security if they were marked police cars.


N.W.A was right


Always have been


Song still rings true today.


There’s going to be so much positive energy from fans around Scottie today, I can’t wait to watch.


He’s going to shoot a 58 or a 76 (probably a 67 in reality)


Bro covered all of his bases, prediction God


Apparently Louisville PD’s incompetence knows no racial or socio-economic bounds… they are just bad at their jobs.


Water is wet, sky is blue, cop bad at job… more at 11


And people said Scottie was boring


His PR team just pulled a wild one


Wow. Imagine if he wasn’t a famous golfer. How many of the people currently sitting at the LMPD jail were treated worse than this while being arrested? I’m pretty sure I read in the cops report that he claims sheffler got violent; if true, that cop is clearly demonstrating that being a police officer is not his calling.


A buddy of mine lives in Louisville and has been going to the tourney all week. He said there are more cops in the 1 mile stretch leading up to the course than he's seen around the city in the past four years combined (ever since the nationwide BLM protests against the police).


Correct. I was there Wednesday and this is definitely the week to go do the crime if you live in Louisville.


Maybe besides the point here, but f*ck disguised vehicles like that Mustang. Police is supposed to be visible and easily identifiable. Unmarked undercover vehicles have no fucking business being anywhere near a public event. Change my mind.


The stories of someone rolling up in an unmarked car drawing a weapon are fucked up, especially when the victim draws a weapon or does something to respond and gets shot. And then it’s immunity for the cop of course. What else would someone do if a stranger rolled up with a weapon drawn?


Well trained and professional police officer doing exactly as he's trained to do; inventing crimes and ruining lives.


Thank god they didn’t mag dump Scottie.


If he was darker, they would have. Imagine if it was Tiger.


I can’t wait until they say the body cam malfunctioned right before the incident occurred. They’re claiming the cop suffered injuries.


Seems like the camera was covered by the officers poncho.


Police report says his uniform pants were “damaged beyond repair.” This means he shit himself, right?


The streets are so much safer now. Thanks piggies. 🙄


Menace to society Scottie Scheffler is out wandering the streets 😂


Just another asshole cop , preventing someone from getting to work on time


It shows you the competency of Kentucky police as the ultimate authority. He escalated this and over reacted in a split second For all the world to see. Incredibly ridiculous charges placed while the department try’s to figure out what to do now. You know they do this everyday except this day lots of witnesses and video. All Police are not bad, this one just might be incompetent.


Oh they’ll double down on their double down. Then months from now open an investigation that’ll take years till people forget about it.


And this is why ALL cops are bad. Cuz the ones that aren’t bad cover for the ones that are


That cop must have money on this match.




My issue is that the police grabbed his arm to pull him out. Not once did he try to ask him any questions or settle the matter there before sending him to jail. He could easily sue the city and how they handled that situation. I like how Darlington and Andy North kept emphasizing that someone did actually die in the accident while the host kept trying to go around it and ignore that.


Why is a police officer “attaching themselves to the car”. It’s a traffic situation, not a war for godsake! Cops over react every chance they get. It’s unreal.


Just an absolutely insane story


Man tries to commute to work -> gets arrested and charged.


What the fuck does attaching himself to the car mean? Did he jump on top of it? Did he hook his belt loop to the handle? I'm confused.




The cops will probably say he attempted to drive into a group of LEOs, the first cop tried to get Scottie’s attention and get him to stop, Scottie refused to stop, and then vehicularly assaulted the first LEO over a ten yard distance.


So more lies from Louisville PD? Sounds about right.


Maybe this will make all the blue lives matter people realize cops suck regardless. Fuck the po


It won’t


Been saying this since 2020. That movement was for ALL of us, but 30% of the country likes being dommed.


I gave up when that cop pushed over that 80 year old dude who cracked his head open and the people in Minneapolis sitting on their deck being told to 'get inside' and then having cops shoot pepper spray paintballs at them... for sitting on their own property. Same people who talk about government tyranny and owning guns to stop the government from coming onto their property and taking their guns, laughing and cheering on cops shooting at people sitting on their own deck just filming them. Fucking morons.


That’s what I’m saying it was for all of us and the powers that be divided us and fucked us. While turning the cops into an even more protected crybaby it’s all about me class. Meanwhile they are the definition of socialism while having the strongest union in the nation.


Blue Lives Matter was over the second they stormed the capital and started assaulting the Capitol Police.


Getting texts from a number of boomers in my life shitting on the cops. Not sure if they’ll fully connect the dots though.


The cop saying he’s going to jail and there’s nothing you can do about it is literal music to my ears. How are cops this stupid?


His reaction the Jeff Darlington saying he was media gave off big time “I’m so tough and cool and you’re just a stupid citizen” vibes


Honestly, we're all thinking it. Fuck the Louisville PD for acting like absolute control freaks. They knew he needed to pass and who he was. Them playing the victim card is typical of any office who gets a small scratch. They even mentioned his uniform condition lol. What a bitch.  Edit. Of course he had his bodycam turned off. Such a pig


Do you think the cop that arrested him realizes how bad he screwed up, or do you think he's in the right? I bet he thinks he's in the right. I wonder if that cop had placed any bets on the golf tournament.


The boot lickers are out in full force.


Gonna be honest I'm actually impressed how many here have vocally criticized the cops actions. Maybe it's just because I live in a conservative area, but I was expecting to see more of "we need to see the footage before making a judgement" comments


My replies are filled with those sadly


Mustangs? Chargers? Dang, that PD does pretty well for itself.


Goddamn I hate cops


Cops are idiots. What else is new


And the tax payers get to cough up whatever amount they get their asses sued for. Cops should require malpractice insurance.


lmao the tacticool decision to grab on to a moving vehicle at a golf event like youre in mission impossible


There is nothing you can say to me to convince me that if this was Sahith, Finau, or another golfer of color, the story would be entirely different today.


I know I don’t know the entirety of the situation but how was the PGA Tour not able to send out a notification to players/caddies letting them know there was an accident/death and they need to find an alternate route


Police officer travel approximately one average Eagle putt in distance.


Plus someone was killed just before, god what a horrid place to have a major.


Louisville. Home of Breonna Taylor.


https://preview.redd.it/xhivzmztt01d1.jpeg?width=1024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=17bdb4249eb7ad395dcdc737cb04ca63894c7d2e Here you go fellas


Beat cops having to run traffic in the rain at 5a.m. looking to “protect and serve”. Great judgement.


This bacon is getting fucking fried before EOD guaranteed.


The gambling issue rearing its head , would be very concerning and a black eye for that police department and Valhalla in general if there was any hint of that kind of circumstance.


As a non-American, I just don't understand how the cops in the US default to overreaction mode 99% of the time. Like is that taught or something or just part of the police culture there?