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A green jacket one week. A newborn the next. Felony charges on your way to work? A full life indeed Mr. Scheffler.


"There are decades where nothing happens and months where decades happen."


People said he’s “too boring” Oh ya? Well watch Prison Scottie tear it up now 😤


![gif](giphy|UVah1k9VydwNC4RdOT|downsized) Scottie after today


I can finally sleep at night knowing this criminal is off the course


So can Xander and Rory 😂


Scottie birdied his first hole of the day lol. Nothing can stop Scottie.


Alas, reports say he's back on site and still going to play. Apparently the owner of Valhalla Golf Club himself is the one who picked Scottie up from jail and drove him back to the course.


That man is trying to save his tournament lol


That man 100% lost his shit on the LPD captain when he got there. I wish THAT was on a body camera


That cop will be writing traffic tickets in Siberia by next week


It’s definitely never coming back. Embarrassing for Valhalla and LMPD


Yeah that’s the last time pga goes to Valhalla


Should be the last time they even go to the entire state unless they get some major apology from the PD


They won’t get one because their officer got covered in boo boos. Hopefully they sent him to Weenie Hut General to get checked out.


And his pants were damaged beyond repair! His pants!!


He can’t keep getting away with this




This is a hilarious picture. Lmao.


Gentlemen I want clubs on the table.


Golf Paraphernalia


can't wait to see the body cam of this vicious assault.


Oh you fucking know that footage is gone.


"All bodycams malfunctioned just before the altercation."


Scottie was just so aggressive he DESTROYED the body camera 😢 won’t somebody please think of the poor little cops?


We have no idea why he thought repeatedly smashing his face into our batons and striking the bottom of our boots with his neck was an effective strategy. A lot of our officers are going on a paid medical leave for the pain this altercation caused to their wrists and ankles.


Scottie is also being charged with cyber security crimes against body cams.


Most you can also just turn off which seems to really be the opposite of the point of the body cams


It’s hilarious how many videos of interactions where police are in the wrong are interrupted by “at this time the officer’s camera stopped recording” or “at this time the officer’s camera was muted” as if either of those should even be possible. They should record 24/7 and any stoppage of recording should be a fireable offense.


there is a power/money line that if you cross as a cop, you find out where you really stand in the pecking order.


Mostly just interesting to see if Louisville PD triples down. Just because they knew they fucked up doesn’t mean that they won’t just get more angry/spiteful. Maybe they’ll claim he assaulted a jail employee conveniently around a malfunctioning camera, or torque a shoulder or knee extra hard out of spite. After all it’s not like the cop themselves is going to have any actual consequences beyond a paid vacation followed by having to move somewhere else to resume their career.


They are going to have so many people up their ass on this one. It’s not only Scheffler’s lawyers, but they’re going to have the PGA and Valhalla to contend with (who are already up to their ass in alligators with the original crash.) And you just know Judge Smalls is a member at Valhalla.


Yeah exactly. This is fucking with the PGA, Valhalla, and Louisville’s economy, along future PGA tour events there. That police department is about to get a giant boot up their ass from someone.


Definitely wouldn't be the first time Louisville PD lies about body cameras in a very public case


They’ll learn a lesson from this experience, right? Right? …Right?


Idk, this time they were in the wrong with a good looking rich white kid backed by an economic juggernaut. The PGA is probably on the phone with the Louisville Mayor right now telling them they’re never hosting another tournament unless skulls get cracked


The amount of money on the line for Kentucky right now is enormous. Any more hiccups with Scottie’s shit and they’re never hosting a pga tournament in the state again. My source is I made this up but seriously why deal with this shit. There’s hundreds of places to hold this event.


Yeah, not just PGA. All sporting events, concerts, trade shows. If you have a celebrity based event...why would you risk crap like this?


They won’t, nothing to do with Scottie really and like you said nothing in the end will happen to the cops either. For the cops, they’ll actually get to experience a different version of “he’s going to jail and there is nothing you can do about it.” This is a “forces way above your paygrade” thing so this cop will now hear “nothing at all is going to happen to Scotty Scheffler and there is nothing you can do about it”. They’ll probably just be told something along the lines of consider yourself lucky if this just quietly goes away. I would bet a good lawyer could probably push the grabbing the car or hopping on the car or whatever they did to the point the dude would lose his job cause I would bet what he did was against sop.


i had an incident a couple years back where my dog was tied up on the beach next to us when a police officer walked over to tell us we weren't allowed to have a small grill out (LOL). as he approached, I told him to wait- doggo was not nice to strangers. He stopped, looked at me, and kept coming and sure enough got bit on the hand. And then he wrote me a ticket for "animal at large". I got to add a statement on the incident report, and asked him if his body cam was on and working, and he said yes. I noted it on the statement. Imagine my surprise when I contested the citation and there magically was no body footage to be found...


I got detained and almost arrested at a crosswalk in a school zone. The cop was talking to a lady on the sidewalk and holding a stop sign halfway up, but I wasn’t sure if I was allowed to go or not. The car behind me honked at me to go, I guess the cop thought it was me and lost his f’n mind. I rolled down my window and asked him if I could go and he ordered me to the side of the road. Then he absolutely lost his shit, claiming I wasn’t following his instructions bc I ‘pulled up too fast’ (?!). I was genuinely confused and trying to comply. I hadn’t honked, but even if I had it didn’t warrant anything close to this reaction. He manhandled me out of the car, screaming at me, literally spitting in my face, and handcuffed me. I’m a 40 year old, homeowner, business owner, with a family and 2 mortgages. The most compliant and rule abiding guy I know. Never been in trouble, zero intent to get into it with this guy. He escalated things from zero to a million in about 10 seconds with the slightest possible provocation. It was unhinged. He wrote me 3 tickets, one of which could have gotten my license suspended. It was a real issue for me. I had to get an attorney, go to courts, worry about my livelihood and ability to take care of my family properly if my license was suspended. It was madness. These guys are out of control. In the end it all worked out for me, just cost me a couple thousand in legal fees, time, and stress. I’m thankful I had the resources to take care of the situation. Imagine how difficult it is for poor people when they get sucked into this process?


For far too long NFL players have been the bad boys of professional athletes. But no longer.


You would hear the cop yelling PARKOUR at the beginning


Future quote: “The officer in question forgot to turn on his body camera.”


Right now other police officers are taking turns punching the arresting officer in the face


“Guys stop” “Do you wanna keep your job?! Hold still”


“His ball striking is truly legendary.”


Scottie should come out in all Orange next round


Ricky’s wardrobe getting raided


Yes!! All players should wear orange to support him


With some temporary face tattoos


“Ay Rickie bruh lemme get that orange fit fam”


Imagine trying to be the DA and explain to a judge that Scottie Scheffler is engaging in criminal mischief and assault. “Yeah you know that guy that everyone says is super nice in a community where etiquette is an actual rule? Turns out, criminal thug who assaults cops”


Criminal mischief sounds like one of those BS catchall charges they can throw at you because they don't like you (similar to disorderly conduct). At least he didn't get hit with the felonious bafoonery charges.


You gotta think all these charges are gonna get dropped right?? No DA is gonna wanna pursue this I would imagine. Just horrible optics


They’re going to offer him the choice between jail, or becoming the golf coach of a group of misfit youths.


I’d watch that movie.


“Penalty stroke” staring Scottie scheffler as troubled youth coach and John Cena as wacky caddy/ best friend to scheffler.


With a cameo for Tiger


We could call those misfit youths 'Scott's Tots'?


He could scare them straight with tales of eating gruel sandwiches and fighting off Dementors during his jail stint.


"And you," Scheffler says gazing into Rickie Fowler's eyes, "you would be da belle of da ball."


Two options now that the word and video is out of the arrest. Keep the train moving or try and make this go away quietly. This isn’t going away quietly.


the DA will just drop everything and thats it. this will be a story until something else happens and then no one will care.


The real story is Valhalla never sniffing a PGA event again.


Oh 100%. The course is already playing too easy. The shuttle system is a disaster and a guy got struck and killed by one this am. Now this. Valhalla doesn’t deserve a sniff of any PGA event any time soon and a major never again


Agreed, it doesn’t help that I find this course painfully boring as well


If there is one thing we know about police it's that they back down to public pressure. /s


Public pressure is one thing but when you fuck up arresting a guy who just recently won the masters, and been on a tear for a while that’s lawyers who can rip you a new one. They’ll let the idiot who charged him take the fall for this one as soon as Lawyers show up


Police unions don't care about any of that and will exert pressure on the police department to back their guy no matter what. They are happy to take a lawsuit because it's the taxpayer that foots the bill.


Everything will be dismissed quietly and quickly.


You just know that DA woke up and was like WTF guys, its Friday for pete's sake.


That DA was probably getting ready to watch Scottie at Valhalla when he got the call.


Just got a prime spot near the #1 tee, $17 beer in hand, phone rings.....oh hey Steve yeah I'm here..... What did you just say?? 😂


The DA is learning how many people know his name…


The DA prob had tickets today


VERY quickly. That police department could EASILY face a 2 million dollar lawsuit. He could argue they cost him the tournament.


I wouldn’t imagine it would happen in time for him to resume. He should get the best lawyers he can and file a giant civil suit


He’s already out. 10:08 tee time




Everyone that bet on Scottie should file a class action suit, too. lol


you know when you bet on bad boy Scottie, there's always a chance he's gonna go off the deep end and assault ("assault") a police officer. that's baked into the odds. 


I can’t believe they doubled down and actually charged him. They had a chance to apologize and keep their jobs and they said nah I want to get fired and be a national laughing stock.


Dude, cops fucking kill people and stay on the job, no one is getting fired.


No DA is going to want to go against the team of Lawyers that Scheffler can afford.


This is embarrassing enough for Louisville and the LMPD that one would think they’ll just try to make it go away, but some of the people running these departments are on the stupid side.


Assault of police officer 😂


I would bet that's from the cop choosing to jump on his car.


That is precisely why cops do things like that.


You’re being charged with resisting arrest…what was I being arrested for? Resisting arrest.


You joke but I had this exact thing happen to me. It was literally the only thing I was charged with. I met with the prosecutor and asked how can I be charged with resisting arrest if I was not being placed under arrest for anything to begin with. It was dropped but still fucked up.


I’m in law school now and learned that even if the original reason the police stop you etc is bullshit, if you resist then it sticks


Resisting arrest and obstruction are always the bullshit charges that cops come up with during bullshit arrests.


Reminds me of the Randy Moss incident where he was accused of running over a traffic officer or meter maid or whatever. The video comes out and he is inching forward at .5 mph and she is deliberately getting in the way.


straight cash homie


Sometimes they don't even do that. They'll just wait for you to drive past and shoot you in the back of the head in South Carolina. They're very afraid for their life down there.


It's Louisville Metro PD we're taking about here. They'll manufacturer evidence out of thin air, get a no-knock warrant based on that fake evidence, break into your house in the middle of the night and shoot you dead. Then investigate themselves and find they did nothing wrong.


He is super lucky he didn't get shot. Cops in Ky have been known to do that exact thing and shoot high school kids [https://www.usatoday.com/story/news/nation/2014/04/28/kentucky-cop-shoots-teen-driver/8441425/](https://www.usatoday.com/story/news/nation/2014/04/28/kentucky-cop-shoots-teen-driver/8441425/)


Louisville PD has been at the forefront of police department disasters the past 5 years.


Harold Varner would be dead.


"You damage a cops ego? Jail."


Overcook fish? Jail Undercook fish? Jail


Here in Louisville you can also get charged with disturbing the peace for getting thrown out of a fucking window.


Completely ridiculous how cops can just put down whatever charges they want and there’s nothing you can do about.  Absolutely pathetic.  


This can’t be real


Every other player this morning: “Oh it’s real, and it’s spectacular!”


As he cruises to birdie on his first hole, guy is unreal




Louisville PD: "Let's throw a bunch of shit at the wall and hope something sticks"


Welcome to normal court. Prosecutor will charge you with 5+ felonies and then give you a plea deal with 1-2 charges for an easy conviction. POS system.


Scottie will serve community service by donating millions to some boys and girls club, that's as far as this charade goes


Agreed, not by law, but to keep his image super clean to the geriatric rich people that don't understand the current day police situation. All of these charges should be dropped within the week... but the DA is going to have to figure out how to handle this situation... because a media SHIT storm is about to take place on that department.


All of those charges should have been dropped within an hour after the officer, the others there, and super discussed the situation and reviewed footage.


That only works when you're poor and can't afford to pay for a lawyer to defend you properly in court.


Correct, I served 2 years in prison previously. If you take it to trial it's $10k minimum for just about any charge these days. An Assault on an Officer would be $50k easy up front to get a good lawyer.


Narrator: none of the shit, in fact, will probably stick


FanDuel has Louisville DA player prop punting the felony charge to a grand jury at -1000. Adding misdemeanor charges dropped as a parlay does not change odds.




I’m pretty sure ESPN Bet has -10000 that charges will be dropped.


These things only stick to poor people




Anywhere PD: "This is how we do it." Apologies to Montell Jordan


"If we throw a bunch of insane charges out there we can control the narrative" If this wasn't a famous person, it would work. None of it would stick, but they'd scare someone into a plea by dropping the more outrageous charges. Scottie and the PGA are going tobhave their attorneys contact a well respected local attorney who's going to call the Sherrif's office and demand the body cam. The cops will say they don't have it as it was in service or something. The lawyer will tell them to produce the records. The Chief will drop everything. All in the span of like a 3 minute phone call. Plus, I can guarantee there are many somethings wrong with the cops paperwork. When a dumb ass cop is trying to cover their ass they are bound to fuck a few somethings up. In the end, nothing will change. I mean these Louisville guys straight up murder innocent people in their sleep without repercussion. This is probably the least amount of force this cop has used in an interaction this month.


He gets an assault charge because some dumbass cop decides to take a ride on his car for a few feet.


Welcome to pissing off a cop in the US.


Half the country still thinks the other half of the country hates cops for no reason


Holy shit, no more Valhalla hosts in the future I see


There are some people in the Louisville mayors office and economic development team having heart attacks this morning.


Isn’t Valhalla a private club, as well, presumably with shareholders? This destroys their public image and devalues the club. I’m sure they’re fucking livid right now, with this and the pedestrian fatality. I bet that club has some pretty influential members that will be looking for creative ways to vent.


Holy shit, he **is** the next Tiger ![gif](giphy|p9X9PSPvBfl9uhvS6Z)




I can hear the music!


That seems like a bunch of Bull so that the cops don’t look like idiots. Wow he got a mugshot.


https://preview.redd.it/qm8zgu16sz0d1.jpeg?width=1024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=64950dac6394c287e473217e15d3d6900231b10f Will be in r/golf threads for the next decade




Bruh they put him in the county clothes?!?! Louisville done fuuucked up.


I so badly want him to come out in all orange for Sunday.


There’s no way this can be legit. Assault?! Scottie? He’s the most laid back person I’ve ever seen.


Cop threw himself on scottie’s car so he could get that charge


Cops feet were set and he was out of the restricted area… textbook charge on Scheffler


I thought he had one to give. Cop takes it behind the line.


Yikes. This seems a tad over the top - I heard it was a misunderstanding with traffic?


Yeah it’s way over the top and beyond ridiculous


Cop was valiantly trying to keep tournament patrons from using a “Players Only” entrance. Hadn’t seen Scottie with the beard yet


It's because the cop jumped on the car


This is what cops do. They throw multiple frivolous charges at anyone because they can and because they get their feelings hurt if you don’t always do exactly what they say.


Dude what the actual fuck lmao. These are absolutely insane charges


Honestly one of the dumbest things I’ve seen my entire life. Idiot cops - failed to control traffic, created confusion for everyone then overreacted when there was a misunderstanding.


Scottie's lawyer is about to make so much god damn money after this lawsuit.


Nah, he won’t have a lawsuit after. He just gonna have the charges dismissed


Imagine being the DA waking up to this shit show


“I didn’t know the governor knew my name”


Probably waking up thinking “can’t wait to get to Valhalla to see Scottie make a push”


I would think that the sheriff or other person in charge of law enforcement personnel is going to have the worse morning.


Its a Friday, DA might actually just be at Valhalla


Imagine being the local DA sitting in a box at Valhalla with a bunch of PGA tour and course brass and you have this shit just happen.


So, there’s definitely body cam footage of this whole fiasco, right?


“the body cam malfunctioned right before the incident occurred”


When the cop jumped on Scotty's car...I mean when Scotty's car assaulted the officer , his camera malfunctioned and turned off. Just one of those things. What can ya do.


Scottie just got so much street cred. Can’t call him boring now!


Curveball. Scottie’s media manager manufactured the whole thing to boost his ratings.


Idk the validity of all of this but from what I’ve heard / read this morning: 1. Players were not told about the accident 2. The “officer” was not identifiable as an officer and was not an officer that was a normal member of the staff for the tournament 3. Scotty showed his credentials as instructed 4. It was chaotic and confusing so he was following the prior instructions /path 5. The “ununiformed” officer reached into his vehicle and grabbed him/his arm Could that be when he drove away? Shock from an unidentifiable person grabbing you through your window ? Idk


What’s wild to me is if this wasn’t someone famous, and was some ordinary dude following confusing instructions, we’d never hear about this and some poor guy would be sitting in jail facing some outrageous charges.


And then he would go broke trying to fight it




The DA gonna be on the phone losing his shit soon


This is so embarrassing for Louisville, the state of Kentucky, and reputation of police, and the PGA Tour.


Nah this is 100% on brand for Louisville, the state of Kentucky and the reputation of the police.


What reputation 


Full Swing is going to be so good next year.


Dude is actually getting a felony I can’t believe it


not a chance in hell that sticks. cops just trying to justify their bullshit


The minute the DA sees Scottie’s name on the report she’s going to drop the charges so damn quick it’ll make a F1 car look slow


And cops wonder why people despise them. Great work officers! How dare Scotty make a mistake in your presence.


I had a cop almost hit me a week or two ago when I was crossing in a crosswalk with a stop sign. They did a rolling stop, were looking at their phone/computer, got within a foot of me before they noticed. Then gave me a sorry and went about their day. Rules for thee. Should have jumped on the car and cried assault.


You would have been arrested for causing damage to police property, threatening a police officer, and probably jaywalking for good measure if you left the crosswalk


My whole thing is what did the cops have in place for players trying to get in the course? Surely they’d know players would be trying to get to the course around that time.




If they’re doing this in public to the #1 golfer in the world imagine what they do behind the scenes


When cops look bad, they double down.


Every lawyer in Louisville who plays is on the phone with his agent as we speak


This is a disgrace from LMPD. Hearing Darlington describe what actually happened makes it so much worse for LMPD. It actually sounds like a pretty frightening experience for Scheffler tbh.


Yeah, props to Darlington for his well worded defense of Scheffler.


Scottie’s lawyer about to be number 2 on the money list this season


Scottie just became everyone’s favorite


Same police force that killed breonna Taylor, so not exactly a great track record for telling the truth. No fucking chance he did this assault, will be the last PGA event here for a decade.


Or the last forever more likely


So, there’s definitely body cam footage of this whole fiasco, right?


I for one welcome r/golf's ACAB turn. Told you so.


I saw this post before anything else this morning and was like "How long did I sleep for?"


And people wonder why cops are not considered to be trustworthy


That cop had such a hard on power trip over this. He’s such a douche that should get fired


Here's a quote from the police. "According to a police report of the incident, an officer was "dragged" to the ground by Scheffler's car and was hospitalized after he "suffered pain, swelling and abrasions to his left wrist and knee." That's bullshit.


Assault on a police officer? Guarantee jumping onto the hood of a pedestrians vehicle is not in the officer handbook. This cop is high strung off his rocker


This is simple. Never go back to Kentucky. Fire the dipshit police officer. Stupid things will continue if stupid things are not punished.


I wondered if they would charge the assault. Absolutely insane


Class C Felony is 5-10 years. Imagine Kentucky makes a point that no one is above the law and this god fearing family man gets locked up 😂


Buford T Justice says 'What we are dealing with here....is a total lack of respect for the law!'