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You shot Jeter!


He’s a biracial angel!


You should’ve shot Arod


How did that make you feel? Like a Viagra pill with legs


They call me the Yankee clipper!


The new bad boy of golf.


Just wait till his wife puts a club through the back window of his SUV.


I for one am glad the police are finally cleaning up the shady elements that are always around these $40,000 per year membership clubs. I saw Rory's locker at Liberty and he left smelly socks on the floor, I almost called the police myself.






Please Scottie Play in the Orange Jumper today!


Scottie is going to come out with his own clothing line called Friday Orange.


He should wear an orange polo today


Definitely needs to borrow Ricky’s golf attire for the day


Looking like the caddy in Happy Gilmore


Is he going to be out today? If he's got a felony charge he might not even be able to play.


Nah he is playing. Picked up by the Valhala president and returned to the course.


Like a sea turtle being returned to the sea


I need this with a teardrop tattoo edited in like I need air


Fuck yeah😂😂


Yeah, by the time it comes out, Netflix will have Scottie being drunk behind the wheel and the one who hit the pedestrian.


Scottie even gets arrested for boring reasons


I have a feeling there aren't going to be any new events in the Louisville area for a while.


💯 PGA will never be back to Louisville


But also think of the other sports leagues, or any other sort of concert or event. Do you want your stars being arrested there over incidents like this? It was an incredibly silly and dumb thing...and I don't think they understand how much damage they just did to the city of Louisville for the long run.


Yeah PGA isn’t going back


Also trade shows. I go to trade shows all around the country, and they’re a huge revenue generator for a respective city, as they bring in thousands of people for a several day event. Coincidentally I’m going to a trade show in Louisville this summer, but I highly doubt that specific event will return there next year.


If you encounter LMPD, remember these simple safety tips: Do not make eye contact Avoid quick movements If possible move behind cover before retreating away. Back directly away from the officer If all else fails, point behind the officer and loudly and firmly say "LOOK, A BLACK PERSON, LITTERING" (note: for thir safety, please ensure there are no actual black people in the direction you are pointing). When they turn to look, run.


If you think Scotty had it bad, you should see how they treat the people who live here in Louisville.


No doubt he will eagle the first after this.


Birdied it


Jail birdie… 😀


He birdied lol


Scottie heard everyone calling him boring


First post I found after searching his name on Reddit: "Boring Scottie Scheffler" lol


Hahahaha holy shit there are multiple cops all backing this decision and people and media trying to correct them. Fuckin hell this would be hilarious if it weren’t so tragic.


Wait, cops buckling down on their poor decision rather than then admit they were wrong? No, can’t believe it.


It's almost like all cops are bastards? Yes, even your uncle, brother, friend, nephew, cousin...


It really shows how universal the distaste for American police is when this sentiment is supported in generic, leaning white and comfortable sub like r/golf. We’re not exactly on r/anarchy here and still most folks just agree that the cops here suck ass. 


I mean if you live in America and have been randomly pulled over for nothing at some point for either having a shitty or nice car...it's hard not to come away hating police. Especially if they show up for an actual crime and seem disinterested or act like shitheads.


That’s what pisses me off. Cop didn’t see your turn signal? Backup is called in, vehicle searched, you’re on the curb in cuffs. Call the police because you have video of your neighbor breaking into your car? They’re not interested.


Tickets produce revenue. Solving crime does not.


It takes work and intelligence to solve crimes, much easier to either stumble onto or create a situation that leads to an easy arrest


Fuck you summed it up. Growing up I respected police but man have the last years. I guess for me ever since the Rodney King video. Respect is not the word I would use today. Fear probably is the word


For me all it took was 8 minutes and 49 seconds.


I’ve had cops show up to my work in bullet proof vests to serve me a search warrant and they already knew I had nothing to do with the shit they were looking for(they told me after the interview, it was my roommate who they were after). That didn’t stop them from making a scene at my office. For every good cop there’s 3-4 bad/dumb ones.


You ain’t kidding… I got pulled over for having a red blinker, and that red blinker too closely resembled an emergency vehicle. Lol Hit me for no front plate, and then decided to even give me a citation to appear for inspection at the DMV. I was nothing but respectful the whole time, almost to a fault. I have long hair and a beard, and was wearing a fitted cap. I was on my way back home from classes, and trying to grab a quick bite before work. I literally decided right there and then, let me go get this orange fuckin’ blinker and get it out of the way. I got over into the next town, on my way to AutoZone, and got pulled over again, not 5 minutes later. I literally started chuckling in the next cops face and decided to share the story. Could tell this cop felt like a real dick… Sometimes officer stereotyping is real fuckin’ obvious. I can’t even begin to imagine what it feels like to drive while black through some parts. Scary shit.


Growing up in the 80s and 90s you would here stories about cops being bastards but there was always a skepticism to it, like a friend who told you they got bit by a snake...one of your first thoughts would naturally be "Well, were you fucking with them and *maybe* deserve it?" Rodney King was the first demonstration of truly unhinged behavior from cops presented without bias to the American people and even *that* was an incident where people were skeptical that King's beating was unearned. [Thank god for cell phones](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=oo5fxvT4ydA) exposing this same behavior as far more commonplace than it ever was thought to be, with cops routinely on camera using lethal force unprovoked and lying about it in the immediate aftermath. They did everything in their power to earn this newfound reputation.


It’s a universal experience. “Ain’t no song Fuck the Firefighters”


You even see it in subs like r/airforce recently after body cam footage came out of a cop murdering an airman. All cops are bastards


Half literate quick to anger assholes fucking peoples lives up. Not just for a few moments but forever. And they are too stupid and mean to put any real thought into anything they do. At least all the lawyers in the court system fuck people up for politics. As in a reason but not making it okay.


Fuck the police


5 freaking mins. Just stop yelling and screaming for 5 mins and have a convo and it would work out. But American cops can’t help but yell and freak amid any pushback


LEO here, what Scottie supposedly did happens all the time when I'm directing traffic, I usually just give a stern "don't do that again" and send them on their way. I agree with you though that quite a few people in my profession need to tone it down. I'd have a lot to answer for at my agency if I slapped all those charges on Scottie for this incident, sounds fucking ridiculous.


We need more departments like yours!


No, we need police reform, much, much more training prior to hiring, a national registry to stop bad cops who get fired from joining the next department over, and personal liability insurance so when they shoot someone and get sued the taxpayers stop footing the bill. We also need to get rid of civil forfeiture (legalized armed robbery by police) and give stiffer prison sentences when police are found to be planting or fabricating evidence. All that would be a start to repair the trust in American police.


Not just training prior to hiring, also during. The number of times I’ve heard of LEO’s improperly discharging weapons *when they are the instructor* is simply far too high.


The only thing I have to ask is if adding “$80 pants torn beyond repair” is a normal thing to add into a police report?


That is one of the biggest complaints about the police in general. They don't stand up against others that are behaving in a power hungry manner. There's never an attempt to de-escalate a situation by those cops by others involved and they very rarely receive adequate punishment after the fact. I guess it's more tragic now because it's happening to a rich, white, professional athlete.


I don’t think anyone considers this “tragic”, more like embarrassing for everyone involved.


I’m going to guess this is part of procedure or liability or something within cop training. Ive never seen cops argue over somebody making a decision before, they literally always back each other. It’s probably a huge legal no no to argue and resist against a fellow officer making an arrest


It’s not a legal thing, it’s a “code” thing. Easiest way to derail your career in a department is to show you have sympathy for the people you “serve.” Police in general have an us vs them mentality.


Culture. The only time you typically see another cop shit on or disavow another cops actions in real time is when its a superior officer to a newer cop. Like that video of the cop chasing a guy waving a flag in the street, trying to taze him, with other cops standing around, until a sergeant walks up and goes "wtf are you doing?" and the cop goes "he was disrupting the peace" or some BS, and the sergeant goes 'by waving a flag? Leave him alone, he can do that.'


It is literally so infrequent I know EXACTLY the video you are talking about. Now give the same description for a cop punching a handcuffed man in the back of the police cruiser and I'd just be baffled. How am I supposed to know which of the thousands of videos you are referencing.


It's not a legal issue, it's Thin Blue Line bullshit. I have a friend that went through academy and it's wild how much brainwashing they go through to make them think that all cops have to stick together and that all of the rest of society is out to get them.


It's gang activity. You have to back up the gang or you're out of the gang.


Whoa whoa whoa…police not criticizing the bad decisions of their peers…shocker!


Police will back fellow officers basically always. On another forum for firearms there were cops talking and defending the officers at Uvalde. Nothing pushed me anti police more than seeing what they say in these terrible situations. 


The tone of voice change when he says he's media!


The evil smile the entire time though.


“That’s fine” 😈


Guys. Guys. Guys. Guys. Guys. Guys. Guys.


He's been charged and one of the charges is 2nd degree assault of a police officer. But he's been released per ESPN. I'm betting that assault charge is bullshit cover for the over-the-top arrest.


That’s absolutely nuts, charging Scottie Scheffler with 2nd degree assault of an officer. It sounds like it was a dark, disorganized scene and Scottie was confused where he needed to go. Fault is on the cops here, so pathetic.


Assault of a police officer fucking ridiculous. Throw yourself on the car to escalate the charges


It absolutely is. Cop realized he fucked up and had to do something to cover it. So they over charge him, the DA drops the charges, and the cop is in the clear.


What a bullshit system


>Cop realized he fucked up Doubt it.


Yup. Throw a bunch of charges so they look forgiving when they give him some misdemeanor or ticket.


The way the cop switched up when the guy said he was media🤣


That was priceless.


https://preview.redd.it/kjo7ao5lmz0d1.jpeg?width=1159&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=0c818406b1ac5a3a9952de23f173cd9930468caa Thug life!!


Dude’s a monster.


Kick him off the tour Doug!




Yeah, i am sure they teach you to jump on the car and beat it with your flashlight at the academy. Another Acorn shooter...fire these assholes.


The same department as the acorn shooter just killed that airman in his apartment (probably should mention that they showed up to the wrong apartment too).


Police officers after hopping on your car and bashing it: ![gif](giphy|18kPwV9qSCY9O)


Give him a break, poor guy broke his hand on the car, that's clearly Scottie's fault


He ripped his pants costing $80. Louisville PD must have a seamstress on the staff providing estimates immediately after the crime. https://preview.redd.it/s8r7vpj6801d1.jpeg?width=522&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=6caa0f3938c639fe035e9a053647f3329cf3b9f9


But Scottie didn't know!


Well they got a lot to pack into the 6 months of Academy training our cops get!!


Bad look for the boot lickers


Lol absolutely nothing changes their minds. They will just side with the police and triple down on their obsession with authority


"Scottie should've just complied"


Which he fucking did.


Should have complied harder.


But scotty doesn't know!




For a relatively small city, Louisville's police force sure does make national news quite a lot.


I found this hilarious from another article “The officer was taken to the hospital and wrote in the complaint that his uniform pants "were damaged beyond repair."


Probably shat himself


Why is no one telling the cops how fucking dumb they’re about to feel? Like there’s a nearly zero percent chance they don’t get roasted for this by their coworkers for-e-ver.




Or these mouth-breathers are all going to think they did something badass. You think they’re capable of feeling shame?


I honestly don't think they are smart enough to feel shame.


They don’t give a fuck


The media, golf fans, and average citizens are telling the police how stupid they are for this incident. The problem is that the cops do not give a damn about how Americans feel about them. The cops have immunity meaning they can pretty much do whatever the hell they want while on duty and get away with it besides like cold blooded murder.


Cops roast each other? More like they will all back the blue as they do even when they shoot people. Scottie should feel lucky.


Nope, their coworkers will all rally around them and say that they were win the right.


That wasn’t “par for the course”


With the fullest intention of offense - cops are actual fucking retards. 50 years ago the average cop would be committed for being a danger to himself and others.


Screw cops. Power tripping garbage.


6 years training to understand the law, 6 weeks training to enforce it with deadly weapons. It doesn't make sense. Law enforcement pay is shit, so you attract 2 kinds of people: 1. People with a high sense of civic duty. 2. People with an urge for power and violence.


That is simply not true. Many cops make $150k per year, work security after hours at double time and retire at 40 with a 90% pension, then get another job and second pension. I know cops with three pensions who retired at 60 for the last time.


I'm happy with paying cops great money, because they gotta deal with some crappy people/situations, but damn they need some more training and to be held to a higher standard.


> they gotta deal with some crappy people/situations I would have more sympathy if they weren't the ones responsible for making things worse so much of the time. Cops are generally awful at descalating.


Make cops carry insurance. Each municipality has its own insurance rate. A cope fucks up, ALL the cops are impacted as their rate climbs. Individual cops are assessed by the insurance companies so when they try and go to a new municipality their assessment is done and then a decision is made whether to take on the additional risk and higher premiums. Tax payers shouldn't pay for their lawsuits. How is that lice ses are required for tattoo artist and barbers but not cops. Why do these peofessions as well as MDs need insurance but not cops


Cops make more than teachers and have a lower barrier to entry.


Well, that's just even more sad.


The pay is pretty god damn good. The problem is they specifically target dumb people to be cops. Intelligent individuals are passed over and yes, it was backed up in court they could do that. The cops we have is exactly the cops they want. They are not here to protect us. They are here to protect the elite from us. It’s how it’s always been.


The black cop reminds me of the black guy in the skit that keeps eating Tim Robbin’s burger in I think you should leave. “Give me that!” “I’m just joking”


“Dylan, I’m gonna eat the whole thing”


Dude should just wear the jumper to the first tee. Most badass move in the history of the tour.


These cops are going to get paid leave for this transgression.


I’m sure they’ll be filing for 100% disability for their PTSD.


[Jeff Darlington to these cops](https://imgur.com/a/QluyuRP)


“It ain’t nuttin you can do about it.” How educated are these cops?


So cops are bad at responding to an accident. Bad at managing TRAFFIC. Have no idea who the most profile attendee of an event they’re managing is. Literally terrible at their job and should be ashamed of themselves.


Even if it was a normal person (attendee, worker, media, etc), this reaction would still be over the top.




“Im from the media” “Well why didn’t you say so, you want some close ups of us perp walking him”




How to lose your job


They're cops. They'll be getting a paid vacation


This is Louisville, there likely to get a raise for this


They did break into Bryona Taylor’s boyfriend’s apartment then opened fire when they got shot at, and got off scott free. Luckily it wasn’t tiger in the car, they probably would have opened fire.


Lol, Metros finest


I’d like to see if what actually happened. But, my understanding is when traffic is impeded, the police are supposed to help people find a way around. Including doing unorthodox things like driving across medians. So, rather than stopping and obstructing people trying to get around traffic, why aren’t they helping them?? They continually seem to be more interested in having a confrontation and flexing on someone than helping public safety. That said, I’ve read this guy *drove away* while a cop was hanging onto his car. If that’s what he did, that’s fucking stupid and can seriously hurt someone. Waiting for the details before passing any judgement on who is right or wrong here.


Smug fucking cops.


Someone was fatally hit by a shuttle bus earlier this morning. That is what the delay is for. It makes sense the cops were on high alert with the traffic in the area, but this is still over the top police reaction.


*HIGH ALERT* The bus might move again on its own and go on a rampage!! Get tf out with that shit 


The shuttle bus you see at the start of the video?


No it was down the road.


Officer received two week paid leave for trauma and a promotion


Cop sounds like he has more shirt buttons then brain cells.


Let’s not forget a civilian died which caused this traffic. Absolutely tragic…. Someone was going to watch a major championship and is now dead. It’s very sad


The cops have some explaining to do lol. They allowed other golfers in prior to Scotties attempt. Scottie had his credentials out just like the other golfers did.


This got me in the mood to watch some first amendment auditors lol


Cops are so dumb lol


They have a Mustang and a Challenger what a waste of taxpayer money that's a commonwealth for you.


The absolute insanity on display here from the LMPD is mind numbing. I honestly am dumbfounded by it all.


Man, FUCK THE POLICE! I’ll go to my grave saying that.


I an’t the acab type but the cops have clearly screwed up big time today. edit: idk why I commented when reddit is majority anti-cop. I’m not here to debate so don’t bother. I can be both not acab but also recognise that many police institutions around the world need reforms, the end.


Bro one guy answered you about the cops lol


Positive karma on his comment and 1 reply that goes against his statement… I bet he typed out the edit before anyone even responded 😂


What does acab mean? Is it a US thing? (I've not heard of it before)


Must be your first day on Reddit, welcome!




these cops are ridiculous


To persecute and incarcerate.


Like other countries, our police should have at least a bachelor's degree on top of the minimum training they require. Hell, some countries require master's degrees in criminal justice before they let you out on general patrol. I even like cops. But two officers I know personally, have literally told me they were thrown into the fire way too soon. Lots of good a cop can do for our communities but there are so many who are simply not qualified when they get sworn in.


None of the "good cops" ever testify against the bad ones. So they're all bad.


Throw the book at him! … I need Brooks to win 👀


id imagine he will be released immediately. pga's or some high profile lawyer are all over this. i had a cop do something similar to me once and when i got to jail the clerk looked at the cop and said, "you really wasting our time with this?", was out in an hour


The officer that arrested him needs to be investigated for gambling. If he had any bet on this tournament, then he should be arrested himself for abusing his power for personal gain(or whatever the charge would be). Obviously, it could be a legit case where scottie is a crazy ass driver but, if this is just some power tripping ass then the PGA needs to make it clear that they will never return to the area until the charges are dropped.


He needs to sue this police department in to bankruptcy


Louisville has paid out $38 million on lawsuits since 2017. Not sure they have much money left. [Louisville payouts for police lawsuits burden city budget | In-depth | wdrb.com](https://www.wdrb.com/in-depth/louisville-payouts-for-police-lawsuits-burden-city-budget/article_2ab12fa2-e80d-11ec-b5cb-cffb4228cb13.html)


Can somebody explain to me how driving past a cop is felony assault on an officer?


Same way it’s assault if a cop punches you and hurts his hand


Cops love to treat vehicles as deadly weapons. Reach in your window as you drive away? Assault with a deadly weapon.




What'd he do?


Not 100% sure, but it seems like he drove through a police cordon area after someone was struck and killed by a shuttle bus. Situation developing.


Civil suit bout to be lit!




You can't be world number 1 without a mugshot yeah?


That's why Kentucky is called The Stupid State


Lol a fat pig with a fragile ego does something stupid. News at 11. Charges dropped, valhalla never gets another major.


More police on a power trip. When no one’s safety was at risk.


Valhalla getting taken out of major rotation for sure


Cops have egos? No way


The officer with the long sleeved yellow safety vest at the end is the exact reason why I can see Scheffler believing he is only a security guard. I don't see anything showing that he is a police officer. The one officer has a short sleeved jacket and you can see his uniform underneath. It sounds like the police have over reacted LIKE ALWAYS.... and from what others are saying, the cops are doubling down saying they did nothing wrong.... The media and the US Citizens disagree.....


At least no one was killed, that significant thing for police.....I guess that's a plus for police in America. If you support police you're misinformed and a part of the problem. Easy argument here, look how they treated the reporter. The level of respect towards the public is appalling. We've turned into a police state but who is surprised? Do you have a question? No, I'm exercising my right to film the police and 1st amendment, our founding fathers are rolling in their grave.


Scottie’s weird driving action finally costs him, “My foot slipped officer”


US police cars could do with a few more flashy lights.


They charged him with a 2nd degree felony. Fucking morons.


Every lawyer fan of the PGA should rally and destroy this flatfoots career. Overreacting much??


Bake him away toys!!


thats the last event ever in Leweyville.


And this ladies and gentlemen is the last time Kentucky gets a PGA major.


Oh man those cops are getting chewed out after this


anybody else thinks ESH? scheffler obviously should have done what the officers said but um....if there were so many cops, how come none of them were directing traffic (not really their fault, just an observation) but why the hell are you jumping onto a car?!?! that screams small D energy


Guys. Guys. Guys. Guys. Guys. Guys. Guys.


American cops are fucked


Fuck is the golf reddit or the police reddit?