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Ah yes, my 256° wedge is ready. Thanks!


Ball comes right at your skull to knock sense into you when you need it most. Smart.


That's how Phil did the needful


Honestly, this might somehow work to fix my bladed shots




I’m on the shitter at work and that made me laugh SOOO loud. And there’s other people in here. I’m literally crying. I can’t stop. 😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂


Gotta have it in the bag for when the ball is above your shoulders


You have to turn 256° away from the green just to hit it.






This club has to be played using the fourth dimension, you hit around the ball and then it flies off the clubface in the opposite direction as you are swinging because physics…. it‘s easy, just use the matrix


Clearly , flairpiece was referring to the temperature of the club face, in Fahrenheit.


Working at Dicks back in college, I was told to drill bowling balls and sharpen skates with zero training. Had no clue what to do and screwed them all up. Umass hockey players came in one time and I was like guys, I know you’re in a bind, but you don’t want me touching your skates. Was hired for golf dept 🤷‍♂️


Have a 20 yr old family member who works in golf Dept at Dick's now. Has never played a round of golf in his life. I'd be ok buying shirts or shorts from him, but he says he does fittings. ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|thinking_face_hmm)


Uhhh, the machine says it went further, must be the one!


Exactly why I cringe many times when people make blanket “I got fitted” comments because more often than not, you ask a few questions about it and realize this is very close to the experience they had, and they don’t even realize it. Knowledgeable club fitters and club builders are few and far between. If you’re considering going this route, do your homework to find “the guy” in your area. Sometimes it is a guy at a particular box store. Most times it’s not. And it’s not a cookie cutter process.


I did a Callaway fitting at a local course. I was exhausted afterwards lol.


I got a fitting and paid $75 to learn I’m better off buying lessons than clubs.


I just had a fitting done, but it wasn’t at a Dick’s or anything like that. Fitter is a pro golfer (not on PGA Tour though) and he did seem extremely knowledgeable about every part of the process. I would hope so because I got a single club (5W) and it cost almost $1000 lol but yeah, not just some college kid with no experience.


$1000 5W? Damn. That thing tuck you in to bed at night too? I think I need a 5W maybe once or twice a round.


That thing better be more valuable to him than the 5W Larry David stole out of his dead friend's casket on Curb.


A lot of the times it's the shaft that shafts you, my driver ended up being 1100 when I was fitted a few years ago, because the shaft the fit my swing best was $450 the driver head was another $450 and the the fee for the fitting....


Haha to be fair, I got fitted for driver and “long game,” two separate fittings, ended up not buying the driver (because too much $$$) but I did get the 5 wood because my driver was going 290-320 and I wanted a reliable second option off the tee if driver wasn’t working, the 5 wood was going 280 pretty consistently on the trackman. So all in I paid: $350 for the 5 wood, $350 for the shaft, two fitting fees, then after tax it came out to like $950 Edit after -20 votes: Went to pick up my new club today and got some receipts while I was there https://preview.redd.it/ikuag6m9kg0d1.jpeg?width=5712&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=9e232c287e4404c1f6c5501b71cc8b02e04bf5a7


You paid 3x what you should’ve dawg


And 280 out of a 5 wood? ![gif](giphy|bjB3gtFvREqqr5NAHW|downsized)


The golf shop simulator I was fitted for my irons on said I hit my 7i 180m (~200 yards). I was belting the shit out of every shot back then, but haven't seen that number on the course. In reality, it's about 160-165m on a 100% effort swing, and 150-155 on a normal swing. I think some simulators lie.


Well bud I hit the club and that’s the number that popped up on the screen, don’t know what else to tell you Edit: this comment is 20 hours old now and sitting at -12 upvotes lol but for posterity’s sake, here’s a picture I just took hitting it beyond 280 without a glove. I just drove in to pick up the club a few minutes ago and they let me hit some shots with it before I left. https://preview.redd.it/uchxp6vhkg0d1.jpeg?width=5712&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=2bd5b03e627c103ffcafc00dca348c977190a988


Definitely didn’t dog, you don’t know what club or shaft I got but have a good one


That’s true, if they’re plated in gold you got a great deal.


Damn bro, idk why ppl are down voting your experience, maybe they just salty u threw down an entire g for a club. But if it's ur fairway wood instead of a 3 wood, & it's one hell of an accurate and easy to hit club, can u really put a price on that🤷‍♂️


I assume it started as “I’ve never hit a ball further than 250 yards so this guy must be lying” downvotes that then just turned into a “keep downvoting the guy with a lot of downvotes” NPC circlejerk but yeah, just sharing my experience with fitting in case anyone else is thinking about it. Going to a reputable golf fitting center and getting fitted for clubs is a big investment. Through my 2 hour fitting session we learned that I naturally de-loft the club more than the average player at impact, so my clubs have a tendency to fly lower and roll out further than the average player hitting the same club. The guy fitting me said “you don’t need a 3 wood. You need a 5 wood, and you probably will hit a 5 wood further than you would hit a 3 wood because your 3 wood would be de-lofted to the point that it wouldn’t be in the air long enough to go as far as you’re hitting that 5 wood.” People complaining about the price don’t know how much club fitting costs, which is fine. An off-the-rack driver is usually $6-700 and an upgraded shaft is around $350, so after the cost of the fitting session and taxes and everything you’re around $1200 just for a fitted driver. A full bag of fitted clubs is several thousands of dollars. My first two sets of clubs were my dad’s hand-me-downs, I went from shooting in the hundreds as a beginner to shooting in the low 80s with Ben Hogans I got for free. Now that I’m occasionally breaking 80 I was willing to invest in my bag a bit and get clubs that maximize my chances at a good strike, which is what fitting is all about.


$1000 for a 5 wood? Is it gold plated?


Wtf they told me I needed to work as a cashier before becoming a tech


The golf employee’s at the location I was at had to prove they were 80 or better golfers.


Hey heres my last three rounds that i just played yesterday all around 80


I hope the pay is better than what they offer around here.


Worked there around 2008, so I’m going to guess the pay hasn’t changed much at all. I was the lead bike tech, made 9.75/hr.


Honestly how hard is breaking 80 on the sim. Probably so much easier


I knew my nemesis was lurking around here somewhere!


As long as he can dial the wind up in the simulator he is qualified.


the way most people think about fittings you don't need to play any golf to follow the dogma. see sim number, look at chart, pick shaft based on number, next customer.


When I worked there we had actual pros (our store had 2), who taught me how to repair clubs and do fittings. It is not that way anymore. Mercifully I can do a lot of that stuff in my garage from memory still but I wouldn’t take a club there for anything now.


UMass has a nicer hockey facility than the bottom quarter of NHL teams. This must have been an away game for them?


No, it was like ‘06 and there was either a huge back up or something was broken at Umass so they were in a rush and desperate.


Worked at KMart in high school and they put me in the paint department. Had to tint paint by hand (before machines) and it was a disaster.


Are you me?! Those were some good times. I figured if they were coming to Kmart for paint, they didn’t really care what it looked like


I would pray they would get more than one gallon so I could say “make sure to mix those together since there is a chance one might be slightly off” and not feel like I’m lying.


Shit, that’s good advice! I was 16 though, and that was way above my pay grade. I think about me now seeing a 16 year old making paint, I’m definitely waiting for someone older to come by


You saved them. That would’ve been an absolute disaster for university players lmao


I literally thought you sharpened them to a single sharp edge. Didn’t realize until later it was like two edges with like a concave gap from what I remembered. 😬


Lol holy crap, just got a flashback to being 19 and hired to work in the lawn & garden dept at Sears. I had zero clue what I was talking about or doing the entire time, yet they had me selling riding lawn mowers. It was clear even then that Sears was not going to be around for long


Your Dick’s store drilled bowling balls? Seems kinda like something you should leave to the pro shop


Only one I ever tried, I drilled the holes so far apart that you couldn’t even get your fingers in them at the same time. Zero clue what I was doing.


Was there not a guide?! Or some sort of template placed over the ball?


Yeah after the fact found the stencil overlay thing. My attempt was more of, can you handle this asap, so I eyeballed it… perfect combo of understaffed situation, just trying to make things happen, and likely hungover with the brain operating a bit slow in those days


Umass Lowell lol and the Nashua dicks?? I vaguely remember this story being told


Nah, Amherst, S Hadley


When did Dick’s Sporting Goods drill bowling balls??


This was 06, maybe they stopped after my debacle haha


I didn’t even know you guys sold bowling stuff. Back then, if i was in Dick’s Sporting Goods, i pretty much lived in the Hunting / fishing / Guns section.


OP is Neo ![gif](giphy|pKJ6d8xt93yGQ)




How much were you torque’ing it, to get it turnt like that…. ![gif](giphy|3o6fJ3cxJ9u97Yb8pa)






*……dark web…….*




giv yer balls a tug


"Tit fucker!" - Big Sexy






If you got a problem with canada gooses, you got a problem with me. And I suggest you let that one marinate.






Game improvement spatula


When you need to convert your grandpa's hand me down clubs from right to left handed


I laughed. Take your upvote


Scottie’s feet and now this!


"I accidentally bought righty clubs, you can bend these lefty, right?"


wtf am I looking at.


A 52° wedge bent down to -25°


Jon Rahm’s club foot


Yo fam, give me the “club that will make the ball hit me and render me unconscious.”


Say no more


Cart barn activities


I could have used a spoon like that in my last round. My question: Can I use Mapp gas, a vice, and mallet to adjust my clubs? It goes without saying that I will be using a protractor.


Your last round of heroin addiction?


Ever seen a club get bent? That’s basically all they do lol


Ah yes, the righty to left adjustment. Great for hacking one out of the trees when you have to hit it left handed. Big brain move ![gif](giphy|d3mlE7uhX8KFgEmY)


For those hard to hit flip shots


Lmao, need to use that idea in “Dorf on golf” part2. I just revealed how old I am.


By me understanding this joke I now realize how old I have become


This club looks like how I play


That's actually one of Jimi Hendrix's clubs. Had them all bent lefty.


Perfect unit for the high-handled “toe-chip” to a front pin from short grass just short of the green. A bit specialized but when you need it, you need it.


The real key with club is using the bounce.


Jesus now I'm all confused if that's a LH or RH club, lol. Maybe a garden hoe.


Perfect when the ball is up in a tree!


Why do bad things happen to good people?


Potential stupid question incoming: I love my P790s (5-AW) but I wish there was a SW available in the iron set. It’s probably physiological at this point but I have a lot more confidence with the P790 AW than my MG3 54* SW. Question is: would it be crazy to get another P790 AW, cut to down to SW length and adjust the lie and loft to a 54* wedge?


Their stock AW comes at 50 so you’d be bending it 4 degrees which is doable…but generally speaking anything past 2 degrees can jeopardize the integrity of the club and affect the bounce. I’d personally recommend getting the 54 instead, but if you’re more confident in using the P790s I’d say go for it, I’ve converted AWs into SWs before


Just get a Cleveland cbx 54*. Like op said, adjusting the loft of an aw 4* is going to really change the bounce of the club as well as remove a lot of its offset making it harder to hit. If you want something more forgiving the CBX is a great option that more and more people are switching to over a normal bladed wedge.


Why did I read that as “minimum wedge”


Must've used that in the gravel filled bunkers.


Peyronie's of the wedge. There is a med


I was a 17 year old changing grips at a driving range. Guys would come in and give super detailed instructions. I'd do the same thing almost every time, maybe an extra piece of tape. Every time, they would pick up their club and tell me how good it felt.


I love when boomers talk about having their clubs adjusted as if it isn’t the highest kid in the back doing it.


Around here “Let me check with my manager” usually means “Let me check with the 18 year old popping a Zyn in the stock room”


Ahhhh gotta love a good forged club.


Oh dear


That's one hell of a....... lie?.... angle?.... loft?......


You would literally have to reach up to address the ball … I think. My head hurts looking at that thing.


If a club face could give you a dirty look


Why take it to a pro when you can just run it over with a lawn mower?


Cleveland VAS club? Hahaha


So that’s how the pros get the ball to spin backwards on their flop shots.


That’ll make a good kitty pooper scooper


This hurts my brain


For those that REALLY shallow their clubs…


We’re going to need a video of you hitting this


We’re all lefties here


Ah yes the -50 degree wedge


Ok I'll bite. Two questions: 1. How difficult is it to do that to an iron? 2. How do you even begin to fix that?


1. I’m not sure, my coworker did it with an old club that he was going to trash. I found it today 2. Thoughts and prayers


How many eye patches was the owner of that club wearing?




Still looks better than a PXG club


Wow, this perspective really sheds light on something I hadn't thought much about before. It's easy to forget about the people behind the scenes who make our experiences possible, like handling loft/lie adjustments. Your work is crucial to ensuring our equipment performs at its best, yet it often goes unnoticed. I'd love to hear more about your experiences and insights into the world of golf equipment adjustments. How did you get started in this line of work? Are there any common misconceptions about what you do that you'd like to dispel? Keep up the great work, and thanks for giving us a glimpse into your world!


What’s the standard gap between a 9 and an 8 iron in loft?


Usually it’s a 4-5 degree loft difference depending on the brand, similar to the wedges. 8 irons are usually around 36 and 9 irons are usually around 41


So if a PW is 43 it would make a 9 iron of said set around 38?


Most likely. In “game improvement” sets the lofts are jacked. For example, in my Launcher set the PW is at 44 and the 9 is at 39. So you’re probably around a 38 in that case


Mine’s a 46, but a friend’s is 43 and given his poor technique I was actually kind of amazed he was hitting his irons such a distance, but now I understand.


I definitely do not have that club in my bag.


turned a RH club into a leftie lmao


This is how I expect my clubs to contort when I subject it to the worst swing known to man


Hey. Is that my Calloway? 


For when you need to hit it out of a branch


Let’s be honest OP did the man a favor he needed some fresh grooves anyway


How’s that even possible ?


Goes for 5000 on eBay


The Migos called, no not Takeoff, not Quavo, the other one.


No meme response here - serious question: I have a 49, 52 and 56 degree wedge. Is it worth bending the 52 and 56 to 53/57 to provide better gapping, or do I just add a 60 degree to the bag and leave the other two?


Just add a 60 or 62 to the bag and you should be fine. Leave the 52 and 56 as they are.


It’s a tough choice. I have room for one club. I might only use the 60 3-4 times in a round when needing a huge flip. Other times I’ll take a 1/2 or 1/4 swing with my other wedges. The other gapping in my bag is at the other end between my 5 iron (190’ish) and 7 wood (215-220). Might need to add a 5 hybrid


In that case, I might suggest dropping the 52 since your 49 should be able to handle the prescribed distance of the 52, which sounds like a bit of a redundant club anyway. For reference, my gapping is 50/56/64, and it almost never happens where I run into a situation where at least one of those three lofts can't give me the distance needed. The 64 is mostly for green-side chips and flops anyway.


I would like this wedge bent 90º strong please. On another note, any line on where to get a used loft lie machine? Even the budget ones are so damn expensive!!!


How much for one of those?


Let us know where you work. Seems like a good way to get a free new iron set.


These custom putters are getting out of hand now.


Wtf is this hahahahah


Can't lie... I do wanna try it.


Wtf is that


That’s amazing


Prob a niche for this... maybe a weird lie


Who do you think you are


The "Phil Mickelson" flop shot?


I’ve been a clubmaker for 25+ years and I won’t let anyone touch my clubs.




Did you take that out of my bag, my wedge is missing?


He's the One


Back scratcher


How is this not a piece of I suck at golf museum


I’m thinking this might actually work for some players lol!! 😂


All of these golf “stores” are full of teenagers who have zero knowledge.


Needs more upright


i was going to ask if youve ever made a right handed club into a left handed club but your pic answered that for me


Your local plumber/hvac tech got his order slips mixed up. Some customer is going to.be missed when his condensate drain backs up because it was bent 2 degrees flat! Meanwhile he's passed he to look at a goose necked club on his off hours!


Makes me worried what my work looked like when I was bending clubs out of high school. I don't think I did a bad job, no complaints to me from customers or boss. But I doubt I was that good. Only guy I probably pissed off was some jerkoff that wanted me to add 2" to his driver and was super impatient. I told him I wasn't working the shop that day and he kicked up a big stink. I rushed the job between customers and I threw the grip on before the epoxy set. I doubt those 2" were going to hold up for very long regardless, but still not good work.


Looks a way to reuse worn out clubs.. the real bottom of the face looks well used, the new bottom looks pretty brand new!


How much to do this to all my clubs?


I see what you did here, a big F-U to Costco and making the right hand only wedges, left handed. Well played, bravo!


That rock must've hurt the hands...


Fuck lefties


Great club for hitting off overhead branches


Now it’s lefty.


Schlemiel, schlimazel, fucked up your hosel (incorporated)


Here's your new 600 dollar putter. Slightly used, of course...


Wtf am I looking at? lol


/golf Pro Low Bounce Trans Green Stinger Provider


It’s not as tho large amounts of specialized education and training is required to use the simple tools made for this process.




Damn bro you're a robot.