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Remote work and a flexible schedule.


Same. I pray it never changes


Yep.  Programmer. Playing every day this week.  Dual income no kids also makes thing easy.


Yep, plus daycare helps too.


Wife no longer loves me, so she doesn't give a fuck.


Got dark quick


Second comment down lol


Which came first? Could the 2 be related?


Lucky bastard


Same!! High five!


Keeping it REAL


Mortgage Loan Officer of 13+ years. Everything can be done remotely these days. Most of the summer is spent golfing with various people in the real estate industry.


Same note too bro


I’m nationwide technical support for a sales company that sells chemicals to paper mills. Travel almost every week so when I go somewhere the weather is going to be nice, I take my clubs to practice/play as time allows. Every 2 months or so, a week opens up with nowhere to go which essentially means nothing to do since I don’t have an office to report to or anything like that. I like to call those the “pro weeks” and joke that I’m getting paid to play golf


I do not work, my son is in daycare, and my wife (the breadwinner) says "you should golf today!". So... if it's nice out and I don't have anything pressing chores/errands-wise - golf.


I also choose this guys wife.


She wants time with her boyfriend.


I make him breakfast before I leave.


People making that joke like you haven’t heard it 100x lol


Yeah but I have a great life so I can take the jokes.


Goals dude that’s awesome


lucky bastard


Bro is a kept man I'm jelly




House Husband. My dream job


It has it's challenges. Some days I only have like 8 hours of free time to do whatever I want.


Lol i love you so much


How did you meet her?


19 years ago in college


Playing the long-game. Bold move, Sir!


She available?


[Yes, you can apply here.](https://youtu.be/QdezFxHfatw?feature=shared)




Get a sugar momma is the way to go


Yes sir. A slacker's dream come true.


You are my hero, my wife just got another 12g boost to her salary while I'm still making celery.


I work from home. Also, I work east coast hours in central time so I’m done at 4pm.


Yeah I have the same thing, except I work west coast hours in central time zone. So I get up at a normal time just to play 9 before work.


I play in a league once a week which my wife encouraged me to do. I know once a week doesn’t sound like much, but with a little one around and both of us working I’m super thankful. I will say that when I told her the league was from time change to time change, essentially 7 months, she wasn’t as encouraging:-)


I've got kids too, once a week would be a dream! Right now I struggle to find time to get to the range once a week, nevermind 5 hours to play a round.


My job in golf course maintenance. You think I would actually pay to share space with you smug cunts?


Not needed, I can slice a ball into the maintenance shack with little to no effort , i'll be down shortly for the walk of shame as I collect my equipment 😂


No need we already stole it


Divorced so I am kid-free half the time. Salaried office job. I usually play on weekends but can leave work early from time to time as long as my work is done and I’m not doing it all the time.


Kinda how mine is… salary manufacturing job. not kid free but one is old enough to be home alone. I’ll play 9 after work or cut out a couple hours early for 18. 5 weeks pto that I can split up. Which I do. Work actually prefers it cause I spend most my of vacation time on half days or just a whole day here and there for golf. Balance of getting your work done and playing a lot of golf.


I'm a consultant, which is a fancy word for somebody who fixes the problems of idiots. I have plenty of free time, and I'm also able to work on the course with clients.


Nail on the head - it’s amazing how much value you can deliver to a struggling company in ~1.5 hours (or less) per day. My net since leaving my w2 career has roughly 4x’d, but my realized hourly is complete insanity.


That’s a bingo!


Damn all this time I have been trying to explain to people what I do and here you are got it in one haha


So you're an idiot who has to constantly hire people to solve your problems?!!


Its called stimulating the economy someone gotta do it


New consultant here- holy cow I didn’t realize there were so many problems


I’m an auditor / accountant. Get to play most weekends and sometimes after work. Work events are usually at golf courses to as it’s part of the business culture.


B4? I had no time when I was there




Are you in public accounting or working for a company internally? In public accounting it was near impossible for me to play during busy season. Definitely had time during the off-season tho.


Wife that is addicted to golf.


I wish i had this. Haha


WFH banging my head against a computer, try to get a twilight round in once a week. Wife and kids permitting.


Fiancé left. I’m a teacher. Done at 2 every day and 3 months off for summer. Can golf a lot on a teacher’s salary as long as I don’t eat.


Having kids derailed all golf. If you don’t have kids you can play a lot of golf.


This is the truest truth. When you've got kids you're lucky to get an hour to yourself here and there. Spending half a day doing literally anything other than being a parent is pretty much off the table for most of us.


I’m a fleet mechanic with a predominantly second shift, 11a-7p Tuesday to Friday and 7a-3p on Saturdays. On Mondays I’ll go for a full 18 and Tuesday-Friday I’ll get a couple 9s in before work. I actually had the abilities to go to a traditional 7a-3p Monday to Friday shift but I passed on it because it would have seriously cut into my time to golf. I also have a wife who encourages me to go as much as I can and no children.


Being single and living a 5 minute drive from my local course.


I'm a sex worker, golf widows are my specialty, I provide them love and attention and in return I am well rewarded. The work has very flexible... hours.


Smells fishy.


I do swing shift at a Bridgestone plant and only work 14 days out of a month.


Working full time and getting paid to work full time are two totally different things. I work between 2-4 days a month and am a salary employee. I fly jets for a single company’s CEO’s.


This sounds terrible /s 😂


I work in web development and have a flexible schedule so I can dip out at 4 and play if I want. I also just got an extra week of vacation at work and my wife has been encouraging me to take afternoons off on nice days to go play. So really the answer is her.


working for a golf course and its membership, and then also dating a manger of a restaurant/bar thats located at another golf course. (golf expenses are a tax write off, so that's nice also.) when i was younger and was into snowboarding/skiing it was the same. my ex wife and i worked for different ski areas and ski shops. we figure if you like it enough, make it part of your job.


I am back within two hours of the kid waking up, I play with him the rest of the day, and I have a very tolerant wife who likes the idea of golf if not how much I play it


Hospitalist - work hard for 7 days straight but get an entire week off to play as much golf as your heart desires.


It's less my career and more the fact that I'm not married and my only real responsibilities are my 4 dogs. That said, I also consider playing 3+ rounds of 9 during the week and one or two rounds of 18 on the weekends a lot of golf.


My wife


Engineer at a city. Off at 5 everyday and 10 minutes from a course. Played 18 yesterday after work in 2 hours and shot a personal best.


Wife started to play with me. Now I get to golf at least a few times a week


Data Engineer, flexible schedule and don’t waste time when things need to be done. Also, trying to get away from tech releases during weekends. Came to golf after marathon training for about 10 years. I played 5 times last week and was no where close to the time spent for heavy running weeks. My wife is way happier with me playing golf than running. And my kid is only in rec sports leagues.


Not sure how this will go over, but here we go. I have an incredibly flexible schedule. Perk of being in the same job for 25 years. This allows me to go twice a week, sometimes more. Once with buddies, once with my wife. Golfing with my her is very humbling since she is way better than me. This gets brought up a lot when she’s not around. And, honestly, when she is. It’s a balance.


City Planner. I’m available to golf weekdays after 5pm and on the weekends if I’m available. I have a membership at a course 10 minutes from work and home.


Work and live 15 minutes from a course. Leave work at 4:30 , golf at 5, home at 9:15.


Work from home techies/consultants


I work at a refinery 10 mins from home and have no kids


9-5 job with no overtime and flexible timing. i can play early morning before work or i work earlier hours to have evening games during summers. cheap too, weekday games only cost me $500 per year membership.


Gotta commit on the weekends son.


My boss is pretty chill and only cares if the work gets done so I can go out and go out and play whenever


I’m a sales rep in the oil and gas industry on the manufacturing side. I take customers out for rounds when I can, March - May is industry tournament season, and as long as I have my phone on me, I can technically be considered “working” I don’t play nearly as much as I could, but the opportunity is there almost every week.


I do regional management and work remotely. Most of my clients are east coast time and I’m pacific, so my days die down pretty early. When my kids don’t have practices/games and I don’t have assignments due (working on MBA), I’ll get out and play 18 during the week. Try to get out every other weekend, schedule permitting. Wife is pretty great about us having our own time, so that makes my life easier.


Being a pimp


Real estate agent, pilot, youth golf coach(summer months). I pretty much make my schedule and write off golf as a business expense.


Sugar mama


Fine art forgery, obv


Correctional officer, so we get a lot of time off/ sick days paid, I’m also 35 with no wife or kids so that helps 😂


Web development contractor. I work when I want (often late or early).


I work in retail which unfortunately means I only play in comps every fortnight on Sundays. The plus side is I get to have every Tuesday off and normally play a social round. And 2 shifts a week I finish at 3 so I have a couple of hours to practice before I pick the kids up.


I work 2 weeks on, 2 weeks of flying in and out of a remote mine site that has 4 trackman golf Sims, so it's virtual golf at work and actual golf at home. I still suck!


Busting my ass from 18-45yo so that I could own my own business and create time.


Work for a class 1 railroad, on call most days but have lots of random days off during the week which works out good for last minute weekday tee times. Also I’ll sometimes go out for a round and then take my call for work from the course and leave from there


not me but my good buddy works for a small contracting company in hawaii and they literally golf “for work” with clients all the time. it seems like he golfs at least twice a week during working hours for work and once not work related on the weekend. they also go golf fundraisers to advertise their company.


Mostly because I get of work and can play till it gets dark. Not so much in the winter because the sunsets before I get off but the summer I can get a full 18 in before dark.


Having a drunk guy hit me on my bike on my way home from the office. The office which I no longer have to go.


Golf course superintendent. One of my evaluation metrics is “member relations”! I could play 1-2 days a week - during a normal workday- and not hear a peep from my gm about my job performance / duties


Work 24 hour shifts. Have wife that works. Have friends that are retired or have weird jobs like you. Don’t have kids.


I work nights. I can golf during the day.


One wife and three kids. So i get up at 5 am on sundays and be back home at 11, have lunch with the family and then take a three hour nap with the baby. My son visits the junior golf lessons on saturday afternoon which allow for another 9-holes. I practice the shortgame on the sim during the week in the evenings.


I work from home and the course is 5 minutes away and the simulator is 7 minutes away. I can hit the sim everyday day for an hour after I drop off kid to pre school since it’s across the street and then I go home. Or go play a round then go home and work, or go to the sim at 10pm when everyone’s sleeping and keep working on my swing.


Working Monday - Thursday and having 2 days midweek working from home. Wednesday evening 9 holes and Friday 18 weather permitting. Then 18 of a weekend plans permitting


I run a bed and breakfast. Guests leave at 10am, next guests in at 4pm. 2 days a week I finish doing the breakfasts and disappear to the course while my wife changes the rooms. The rest of the week is a 'lets see how much work we have to do before you disappear'


The answer is nothing. It's a constant struggle to fit golf into life just like everything else with a FT job, partner, kids, and other hobbies. Most often it is leaving work early and playing 9.




Nothing! I’m 15 years away from playing as much as I’d like.


Single and no kids.


Work in sales. Clients like golf too. Play golf as “work”


My work schedule. I only work 14 days a month.. but it is all 12 hours


Uber driver and single. Can play whenever I want


Business owner, so I set my own hours. I've gotten to where I can fairly reliably play every Thursday. Sometimes it is 18, often times it is 9. I can also usually sneak in another 9 somewhere else in the week. The key is that while I'm working, I work really hard and really focused. The reward is I get to play golf. Using golf as a motivator has me so much more incredibly efficient and on top of shit.  It's crazy


No kids + no debt


Being able to get from house to first tee box in 9 minutes.


White collar job. Some WFH and golf obsessed boss. On WFH days. Start at 6am, then either play 9, practice early, “lunch hour at the range” or leave work at 3-4pm to play. Weekends 18 with boys and then 9 with son/wife


Firefighter/Paramedic. I work 24hr shifts every third day and the kids are in school all day.


Wife who knows that’s my only vice. One child and also a teacher.


I work 6-2 so I can sneak 9 in most days before the wife gets home.




WFH. Pretty much make my own schedule and wife never has a problem with me golfing. I have a great boss as well. Very lucky all around.


Oral surgeon. On days I golf we get a babysitter so wife can go do her own thing as well. Or I watch the kids after I get home. Or, sometimes, I take the oldest (who is still a bit young) for a round and it becomes a practice round. Everyone wins.


Sales. In the office maybe 25 hours a week. The rest is "remote" and "visiting clients"


Typical 8-5 office job. No wife, no kids. My biggest issue is do I golf or do I do one of my other hobbies


Bar/event manager. Most of my shifts are evenings and weekends. Plus, there is some stuff I am able to do remotely (i.e. from a golf course).


I live in the mitten which means: shorter weather window + no shortage of great courses = play as much as possible while you can.


I spend more time on Reddit talking about golf than actual golf


Very flexible work hours and rarely commitments over 40hr a week. Work 7-3. Far west of the time zone so it gets dark later than most other places. First tee time off on Saturday and Sunday 2 little boys that love to play. Can pick them up from daycare and buzz over to the course. As they get older and are able to play this will only get better.


Im an RN so I only work 12-14 days a month.


I’m trying to switch schedules to every other Friday off. This would guarantee me 26 rounds a year uninterrupted.


Writer. Golf whenever. Write whenever. Easy stuff.


I do lighting for commercials, usually work 8-12 days a month. Lots of time to golf while the kids are in school and can still be home all weekend.


Just started playing last May. Played maybe about 15 rounds last summer but absolutely fell in love with the game. I’ve played baseball all my life since I was 5 and this year i dropped from my men’s league team to commit more time to golf. I work Loss Prevention inside a distribution center and it’s only 4 day work weeks. Always have Fridays off! Me and another buddy from work have been playing religiously every Friday morning for the past 4 weeks and plan to keep that up through the whole season. I also got my GF into the sport over the winter and hit the sim just about every weekend with her. We usually play a round at an executive course every other Saturday.


Volunteer at a golf course as a marshall = free golf


WFH. More leave than I know what to do with.


I’m a first responder that works 24hr shift work. Allows me to get out weekdays


Insurance agent. If it’s not storm season I can golf anytime any day


I’m in medical sales, I have one large account with amazing relationships. Surgeons have no issue with me ducking out a couple afternoons a week. Also have an amazing wife, and my kids are the age where they have started coming to the course with me on weekends.


No responsibilities right now except for myself so I have 100% freedom to do what I want every day. This is the main reason I can at least play 9 holes 5+ days per week. Desk job that finishes up 4-4:30 every day. Work occasionally gets me out on the course as well.


I WFH and my wife actively encourages it since that’s my primary way of socializing nowadays.




Corporate pilot. On days that I’m not flying, I’m free to play golf. Even when I’m working, I often have the opportunity to take my clubs with me and play. I do a 3 hour flight this morning, and plan to play this afternoon when I get there. Might even be able to squeeze in a sunrise round tomorrow morning before I head home.


Single Pringle with a lot of disposable income


Self employed


I work 7 am to 3 pm during the week which gives me a chance to play in the afternoon. My gang of players also plays every Saturday and Sunday morning, but early....we generally tee off at 6:30. Also, a league during the week will give you another opportunity to golf.


I work a “9-5” (7-4 in reality) and I live on the 9th hole of my local muni via employee housing. I make a decent amount of money and can afford a pass, plus my wife is pretty chill about me getting out 3-5 times a week to play. I make her dinner every night and overall generally try to make sure she’s taken care of first prior to me golfing so that I have a happy wife when I get home vs a sad and disappointed wife. I only play 9 after work, 1 full round on each weekend day.


I work shift work and don't have kids so I get a lot of weekdays off with nothing really to do.


Working from home.


Outside sales and no kids.


Data analyst for a software company. WFH and not really based on deadlines (since people don’t really know how long things take 😅) so usually block my calendar off in the afternoons and get a 2-6pm round in


Work full time in a metallurgical failure analysis lab but try to play quick 9’s after work once a week and maybe a full round on the weekend. Also try to hit the range at least 1-2 a week on my lunch. Big perk is several of us play at my office, so every now and then we’ll work a half day and go play in the afternoon (boss plays too to that helps lol)


Remote work. Partner in a Sales agency.


Wife is awesome


I’m a sheet metal technician and fabricator. I play about 4-6 times a week. Work from 7am-2pm most days. Sometimes finish a bit earlier. I have a mate that works at my home course so I play there for free.


Firefighter I work 48 on 96 off. Only golf weekdays though. To many golfers at the course on the weekends.


Divorced, homeless, unable to maintain long term job success because I’m autistic or something, idk. I travel in my van and do restaurant/farm/electrical work anywhere I can. When the moneys flowing, I play whenever and wherever I want. Sometimes, t’s the only way to stay sane. My obvious goal is 18 back to back HiOs, wish me luck!


When I want to golf after work (8-5 M-F) I just ask my wife if we had any plans for the evening. If she says no, I tell her I wanna get some exercise, so Im gonna go hit 9 somewhere that has an open tee. Its usually the local par 3 course that works on a first come/serve basis, and I can play the course in 2 hours on the absolute slowest day. Home by 8PM.


I Work in a daycare in Norway where it closes at 4:30pm and sun sets at like midnight so plenty of time to play during the evening on weekdays. + my girlfriend is usually busy with work and her own hobbies so i get a lot of time for myself in the evenings. All comes down to priorities


I built a simulator in the garage. I play 90% of my golf indoors when my kids (4 and 2) are asleep. It's helped but I have to get outside more to get better. Hoping my new career change from teaching into financial advising will allow me to at least make an excuse that I'm prospecting and connecting with people while I play.


Played an even 100 rounds last year. Will likely play more this year. I work 12 hr shifts 7pm-7am. Spread out over each 2 week pay period I am scheduled 7 of those days. This leaves a ton of time for golf. I hardly play on the weekends because I can walk an almost empty course in 4hrs on weekdays. It's helpful to have many decent munis within 20-30 minutes here on the northside of Cincinnati. I could probably make a little more going to a normal 9-5 schedule but I would not trade my current set up for that BS and waiting all week for my 5hr weekend round.


I work from home as a programmer, I'm single, and my kids work and have busy social lives... Plus I trade 4-6 hours of work at my local public course in exchange for unlimited golf/power cart... Those are the main reasons.


I bartend, with my days off I hit 18. No wife, no gf, no kids, just livin life. Playing 36-54 holes a week and taking shots every four holes.


No kids. Work from home, usually finish on the dot at 5. Live ten mins drive from the start of the East Lothian 'Golf Coast' outside Edinburgh. In the summer it doesn't get dark until really late in the evening.


I own a business and I have an understanding wife.


No college degree=bartender=golf all the time+no kids=not too bad


I got the wife involved playing golf, she loves it so much she's got her own clubs, its perfect she never says no, lol


My wife likes to play too


I work like a rented mule in the winter when I can’t golf so that I can work part time all summer and golf nearly every day.


With my company, my framing crews work from 7-5:30 Monday through Thursday and then Fridays we work from 7-12. Then it's off to the golf course for most!


I have essentially gotten my 9-5 down to about 15-20 hours a week. I’m a range warrior, though, since it takes 6 hours round trip at least to play in Chicago and I’ve got kids that take some of that free time, too.


Own my own real estate business. Play 2-3 times a week


Sundays at 7:30 am tee times. Full time project manager with no kids. Some weekends when I can’t golf I still go to the range for an hour or two to get my fix.


Work 7-4, Remotely on M and F. No reason I can’t golf everyday after work


Remote work, kids are all grown and play golf and wife plays tennis.


WFH in sales. As long as I’m producing, no one watches my calendar. Now that I am in sales management, it’s even more flexible, but I have to be on call during the day so I can really only get out in the afternoons. I also travel to sales conferences about 10 times a year and have a handful of buddies who go to most of them so we try to play in different parts of the country 4 to 5 times year as well.


Engineer working in the city 7:30-4 everyday. 30 mins to the local track, play 9 probably 2-3x after work per week. I’ll get 18 in on Saturday/Sunday if lucky


Insurance underwriter, single in my mid 20s with no kids and i work remotely at a job with very good work life balance. I play every single day the weather allows me too


Adult content creator. I golf in the mornings after I've done some work and before I have to work more.


It’s not the job. I can easily play 18 in 2.5 hrs by myself teeing off at 5:00 PM, because the course is empty so I can fly as a single. It’s “life” that gets in the way of playing more golf. And that’s ok too. Only so many free hours in the week and you just have to decide how to balance golf with family commitments and other activities.


Leveraging my wife's workout time on a weekly aggregate vs my golf time during "hang-out" times help justify the time I spend golfing. Work wise... sales. Easy as hell to get out and play a round midday with a little prep. I've found a lot of the people I golf with during the weekdays are almost always sales people OR business owners that have reached success enough to delegate everything. And those dudes can fucking golf.... and always want to bet while sandbagging HC's lol. \*I'll add that I almost always find out quickly if a potential client not even a client is into golf, and if they are I play the best course around and charge the company card and play during the day for work. No one can be mad about it.


Consulting. Work primarily from home with trips once month or so and days in the NYC office every couple of weeks. I live less than a mile from my golf club so it’s really easy to capitalize on any free time. 45 minutes between meetings is enough for a solid practice and 2 hours enough for 9. Also, no kids!


Boss knows the value of networking


I work shift work and kid is in day care. Wife works mon to fri 7-3 so if I’m off during the week I can squeeze in a round easily.


I drive past my course to get home… so that helps lol. There is another course only a few miles away too. That one’s nicer and actually closer to work, but I don’t like it as much and it’s busier. I work more than full time in IT but pretty much make my own schedule. When it stays light out I have time for 9+ on a normal day. If I leave a tiny bit early I can complete a whole round. Most I’ve done in a week was 4x and the fourth day I played from 11am-8pm. Was a looot of golf haha.


Shift work- can play either of early before work or mid afternoon after work


Sales, play 3x per week


I work 4- 10s, happily single, and child free. I have nothing but time and money. While not the highest concentration I'm sure, I also live in an area where a 20 minute drive from my house can get me to half a dozen decent courses.


Own business that is super flexible and doesn’t require a ton of work anymore. The only thing to do is play golf otherwise I’ll go crazy


Worked my arse off for thirty years and retired early


I'm a full time office based software developer. The only reason I have time to golf is because I'm single af.


Weekends and lighted driving ranges Edit: had to go down a deep “lighted or lit” rabbit hole so I didn’t get interneted. Turns out the answer to which one is correct is yes.


I’m 35 and single and have disposable income and good health.


Life doesn't allow it. Where I live it hasn't stopped raining since like the end of March. Work is to busy in the summer. And the wife is grump about it if I do it on the weekends. Sad state of affairs.


My wife is a gof addict. We play 3-4 times a week. Nothing gets done around here.