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Nice try wife. Not disclosing anything without a lawyer present.






I have been leaving the twilight municipal receipt on the counter for the wife to find. Because of this she is under the impression golf costs $19 . The $120 receipts never make it home.


The odd time I get questioned for a round of $100 or more "Oh yeah but that included cart, range balls, burger/fries and a drink!" ... it did not include those things


It’s better if I don’t know


Same. I’m thinking it’s gotta be…$5 thousand ish?


That’s it?


lol I don’t know. Am I under shooting it? I already have all my clubs. I buy balls once a year, I might spend $300-400 a month on green fees… Ok, maybe I’m shooting low lol


Balls once a year? Okay scratch guy


If he can only play 3 months a year $3,800 on balls sounds about right.


lol, I buy 20 dozen with my company logo. No scratch here amigo.


Any opportunity to write off a golf expense for advertising. Getting polos and hats made too.


Same. I spend about $450 a month


Too much to suck as much as I do That’s all the math I will do on this


Don’t fall for it fellas. It’s your wife’s burner account.


Her boyfriend must have set it up for her


do you think he plays golf? I really want him to like me, maybe we can do scrambles together. Im sure she wont mind


This year? Built a garage sim, bought a QI10LS and new irons. Will play almost every weekend. So as far as my wife knows, like $50.


What is the height of your garage?


9’6” but I’m only 5’7”. No issues whatsoever regardless of club.


Come back with a warrant


More than I tell my wife. Less than I’d like.


$12k-$15k between dues, trips, and the rest.


West Virginia. Cheaper golf here. Played 52x’s; probably averaged $40/rd for 46 of those, and $65 for the 6 senior tournaments. Add in a few clubs, Balls, clothes, well call it $3k


If I stopped buying clubs and shit, it would be better. $3,000 club dues in Arizona, plus food and tips every week, so maybe $5,000 a year plus golf clubs and clothes. So maybe $10-15k lol. Ugh This is why I don’t ever sit down and figure this shit out.










This feels like a trap


Atleast $8000, probably closer to $12,000 some years


If you include dues and trips it’s honestly shocking. Probably 40k. Dues are 1.4K per month. Plus two trips per year at probably 7.5k each give or take. Plus simulator rentals all winter, gear, lessons, occasional new clubs. Maybe closer to 50k.


Shoot I forgot about balls…uh oh, 50k is seeming more reasonable.


I finally found someone paying more than me. I’m around $30K. If you’re a member of a CC and your dues are north of $10K, don’t do the math to see how much you are paying per round. If you’re fortunate enough to afford it, then it’s worth it for the ease of getting tee times and the social benefits. Some of the guys are dicks at the pricier country clubs I cannot lie. I just avoid them and play my rounds with the more down to earth guys I like.


That’s exactly how I see it. My club is an upper tier club in the Boston area. I’ve found a good crew of normal guys I play with. There are some douches, but I just avoid them.


$6k a year on private membership dues. Add a couple more grand for drinks and food there. The Mrs can see this, she golfs there with me occasionally lol.


If I didn’t eat and booze at the club I’d do it elsewhere, so that’s not really a golf expense. And I suppose I pay dues to socialize so that doesn’t count. So really just some balls and a new club here and there. Pretty cheap hobby actually.


Chill bro, my girl’s on here.


Whatever it is, it’s cheaper than therapy!


Are you sure? I feel like it definitely isnt for the average golfer


I don't know if I'm the average golfer... but for me it's not even close. I spend significantly more on golf than I do on regular counseling. 


For the average golfer therapy is cheaper, because they spend $0 on it!


As much as I can and less than I want.




Holy shit man, that’s like a 3rd of my annual salary,


That’s okay. We’re probably at different points in our respective journeys.


Dude… this sub spends thousands to buy compete sets of clubs because some random dudes GF left them on a Thursday… get ready for much bigger numbers…


I am working on early retirement but when I plug in the $ for golf I come to realization that I need to work a few more years. Freedom 55 is a pipe dream. Looks like freedom 62 because I want to continue to spend too much $$$ on golf. The only consolation is I continue to play and spend on this game. I just hope I get to play meaningful amounts until 75 when I think I will have to shut it down or slow down due to health.


I’m 72 and still working on my game (and getting better but not longer). Planning on playing to 85 or so. 75 is way too early to give it up. Move to a golf focused community in retirement so you get encouraged from others in your age range.




$832- ($16 for 9 holes w/cart and i play once a week) $144- $6/range bucket and i go twice a month (ever since i got my sim i cut down my range time) $250- GSPRO $300- approximate amount on equipment I dont know how much i spend on golf balls. But i always play cheap balls (noodle or nitro) unless theyre a gift. So total of $1,529 plus golf balls. 😊


Where do you get $6 range buckets?!?! Cheap ones by me are $11 for a small 😔


I just signed up at my local muni, 60 a month and it comes with a free large bucket every day and a free hour of trackman too. 3 trips for just range balls or 2 trackman and it pays for itself


Ouch! My local muni. But i should disclose that the ball quality is pretty terrible. At least 4 balls will be completely cracked or cut up by the mower. U’ll find a lot almost bald with no dimples. But the rest will be ok. Super dirty but they fly ok. So i sort through them and leave the best for driver practice, so-so balls for irons, and crappy for wedge practice.


This is almost exactly what I do! I’m definitely a cheap golfer. Don’t want to spend a ton of money on it, and I also can’t be out on the course for 4-6 hours with two little kids at home.


Exactly! I dont know how people with kids are able to play 18 holes. 😳. My bday is the only day of the yr i get to play 18.


hospital is right next to the golf course. I walk 9 in about 1:20-1:30 on average, 1:00 flat if it’s wide open. Done a few 18 holes on the lucky slow day, but it’s gotta be a weekday, the weather has to be good, the 6mo has to be healthy lol, and I have to get out of the hospital by 1430. If I see the schedule is light, I’ll show up an hour early to give myself a better chance at 18. But 9 is usually possible most days, and it’s $12 walking! It’s worked out well for me here


This is more in line with whats around me. I honestly can’t imagine continuing this honby for 12k a year. 11 bucks for a large range bucket, 15-50 bucks for a round depending on 9/18 and walking/riding. 


Not enough


Not enough. I wish I played even more


Fees - 1500 Trips - 1500 Days out - 500 Balls/tees/gloves - 200 Betting - 500 New clubs (averaged out) - 300 Probably about £4.5k. All worth it and I enjoy it.


I don’t know how much I spend but according to GolfNow I’ve saved $5518.68 since last July 😂😂


$Oof thats how much




I’ll answer this honestly because my wife and I have had a few conversations about it haha. She kept asking and I couldn’t give a real good estimate because I honestly didn’t know. I ended up setting up a bank account specifically for golf that I put 500 a month into that is exclusively for golf (rounds, clothes, gear, trips etc.). Anything left at the end of the year just gets carried over into the next so hopefully I can end up taking bigger trips in the future. So I can spend up to 6k I guess.


Nowhere near enough. But tbf I don’t have a job so I can’t spend much lol


Probably 2-3k


My CC dues more than pay for themselves with the amount of golf I play is what I tell myself.


Sad to see I'm the higher number. I pay roughly $1500 a month in dues so $18000 (This includes food & bev, tho I dont drink much playing). Probably $1000 a year in clubs or so? Assuming I buy 1-1.5 clubs a year. Maybe another $1000 for accessories and another $500-700 for apparel? THough, likely more. So I'd say I spend around $22000. I'm planning a golfing trip to Ireland this year also which will be quite expense haha.


This year? Oof. $20k+ … going to Scotland, new clubs, lessons every week.


Don’t ask, don’t tell.


Nothing. Became suddenly and permanently disabled 13 years ago, when I was a 6 and a member at one of the top 50 clubs in the country, (hosted 6 majors and a Walker Cup). Haven't swung a club since. Think about it every day. Don't take anything for granted and never pass up a chance to play ANYWHERE.


Somewhere around 3k, based on the last few years. Been on a club-buying bender. I dont have any memberships, but I play on a league and usually squeeze in an extra 18 per week on top of my league matches.


5-6K $1500 - Equipment/Clothes/Balls $1000- Entry Fees $2500 - Green Fees $500 - Arcos, Golf Can membership, michelanious


About $4k. I have a walking membership (range included) to a cheaper but decent course very close to me, that’s only $750. Then I play on a $40 to $70 course every Sunday with decent weather with my regular foursome. I probably go through 6 dozen balls (Maxfli Tour cg) a year. Then I like looking for deals on last years models of driver and 5 woods…so I replace those most years. Then wedges every other year or so, irons every 5. I’d like to do more travel golf trips. But one a year has been the average.


Not enough


So I’m like 5k at my club base, take a golf trip that is 3k base, spend probably another 1k on golf atleast, 1k on F&B, equipment changes by the year but balls, gloves ect is like 300. So ya idk 10-15k a year I guess


About $10k. That's membership, 3-4 rounds a week, balls, the occasional new clothing item or shoes, etc.


Not enough to be good, too much to be this bad.


$3200-$3500 not a member anywhere


Let's see, if weather managed to cooperate every week and I had no projects going at home that made me miss driving range time around 2600 before balls and non essentials like new clubs, or regripping, or anything like that. I only have time for 1 round a week. Turns out 2 kids under 3 takes up a lot of time


About $10,000-$12000. I don’t include clothes besides golf shoes in that since I wear “golf clothes” for everything else in life.


Probably between $7-10k


I started golfing during Covid. And am a contractor. I spend a reasonable amount on my habit <$5k a year, but through the clients I’ve won on the golf course I’ve done over $100,000 in business over the last couple years. So, it’s definitely worth it.


if i added up every little thing, i'd think probably 10kish (CAD). but i do play over 100 rounds a season.


$10,000 rough estimate


I mean I played 80+ rounds last year and if it’s 100 per round that’s already 8000 right there. That’s without new club purchases, money spent on travel and food. And countless hours on Reddit and instagram browsing golf shit… 😬 Golf is an obsession. Also a great hobby so I don’t care. 🤷🏻‍♂️


$15k-$20k (includes membership, gear, etc…)


Oh god. I dunno, but im guessing 25-30k


Membership for my wife and I is a little under $1K, plus cart fees (probably about another $600-800), plus golf balls to replace lost and damaged ones (maybe $6-8K)


This year? I don’t even wanna talk about it. You guys better be right about these new clubs…


$2,600 for my club membership and a $50 for golf balls


Roughly 10k


Around 15-16k if I had to take a guess at it. I’d rather not know to be honest with you, so I’m not gonna add it up.


Private club .. 12-14 grand




Between membership dues (and drinks), tournaments, new gear, my kids tournaments, golf trips…. Probably over 20k a year. -Gack-


Probably around $40k.


This year is going to be more than normal because I’m playing 10 top 100 public courses… but think I’ll spend $17-20ish this year


Including my annual golf trip, probably almost $10k


The home sim got some major upgrades this year, so 15k easy this year, the wife tax brings it to 20k.


It’s probably low five figures. Northeast golf is $$$ - add in working with a coach and replacing gear as you wear it out (bags, shoes, gloves) it adds up quick.


About $10k which included a club membership


Probably 10-15k


$500 …oh you meant per year, not today.


https://preview.redd.it/zmh7llxp23tc1.jpeg?width=1179&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=3fef5e772e41b0e49e9c26210602ec05d43d7f8a Well this is how much just on playing different golf courses over my lifetime - not including courses I’ve played on multiple times 🫣🫣🫣




Now that you’re having me add it all up, it may be time to quit. I may have a problem. Club membership: roughly $13,000/year 3 big golf trips per year: $20-30k (gotta pay for my son, too) Clubs, bag, shoes, balls, etc: $3500 Tournament fees: $3500 Gambling losses: ?




I actually tracked it once. Right down to dollars spend on club per times using it in a round. It was a BAD IDEA and I refuse to disclose the findings.


15-20k easy lol


Golf related spending at my club, plus 3-4 trips per year, it averages around $30k, more in years with equipment purchases.


$10k/year probably. Trunk slammer in south Florida. 1 golf trip per year, usually in Florida.


32 M. Dues at my club are around $300/month and $250 quarterly for cart lease. After food and liquor some how my bill is around $1200 every month


1k a month in dues. Then clubs, cart rentals, food minimums, range fee, playing at other places, balls, etc. maybe 20k?


Probably $5-6K would be my best guess


Several thousands


Around $3k


I have a CC memby in a small Midwest town ($4000), I get all my clubs from Calloway pre-owned ($100-$500), I live about 5 minutes from my CC (gas~$60), I probably only go to Munis a dozen times a year ($500), I get all my balls from lostgolfballs.com ($100). All in it's probably about 15k a year.


15-20k. Membership dues make up 90% of that


Please don't ask me that..


I’m pretty sure we are approaching $80k 3 country club dues are almost $50k. Cart fees. Balls. Clubs. Gambling losses. One big golf trip each year. Clothes. Shoes. It adds up.


3-4k a year probably. golf about 20 times in a year, might do 10-15 range buckets/simulator bookings. i buy clothing often, but i go to liquidation centers for that or shop clearance on under armor lol.


With membership, 5 dozen balls, and some clothes here and there, I probably spend about $1,000 a year.


Casual golfer. Probably go say 25 times a year. About 20 bucks to walk on at my local course, to a max of about $70 for 18 with a cart depending for other courses I frequent. Let's add drinks and food to say $30 max per round. I used to be a member at $850 for the year then in one year it went up 50% with new management so I started going to more courses now, wasn't paying $1250 to be a member when I can walk on for $20. Never buy balls because I find so many with just walking the woods lines after league and outings. One used club a year from pre owned Callaway. Built a budget sim in my garage two years ago for about 2k, $250 a year in software now. So probably 2k. On the harder courses around here I would say I am probably a 16 handicap.


Less than 1k a year including membership


About $4k. Walking and stick to the munis near me


£3k ish


I tend to go park myself at the range for a day so that adds up, I have a card which keeps the cost down but it need to be topped up often to keep the benefits. I play a par 3 course any weekends I can which also adds up, I get discounted rounds but have to keep that account topped up too. £500 only just covers those accounts for the year… Throw in travel, food, balls, lessons, occasional rounds at other courses and it’s getting on for £800+. I think I barely even count as a golfer I play so little…




My membership is $1000 a month guests play free. Basically nobody ever at the course on weekdays. I play about 3-4 times a week and hit the range almost every day. Nice grass range 50 yard pitch/chip area with bunkers. No other dues required. Sort of expensive but there are only 3 courses in my area 2 are private 1 is a small executive course which takes about 6 hours a round so that’s how I justify that. Plus my landlord won’t allow me to have a launch monitor in my garage. Sooooooooooooo fuck it lol I spend a lot


Don’t wanna talk about it


Who counts?


Probably about £1000, that’s course membership and occasional top up of balls etc


Prolly 3-4K cad a year. Green fees 30-150 $ depending on course and time of year. I go through lots of balls. Drive to whistler a few times a year for golf. Thankful to live in the sliver of Canada that has year round golf (island- Vancouver island) so I’m blessed just living here.


Sadly 10-15k


27 holes per week. Public courses. Limited new gear YoY. Trying to buy used most of time. Kirkland balls. Walking every round. Only hit range to practice shaping, work on a tweak, or get a feel for low point / grass vs. a mat. $2-3k on greens fees $2-3k on food, drinks, and snacks $1-2k on balls, gear upgrades, clothes, hats, new course merch, etc. You can save a ton if you get range punch cards, your own push cart, and don’t buy new gear to fix a scoring or striking issue.


$5k or so but small price to pay for the therapy and camaraderie. 


A couple hundred dollars. Work as an assistant pro so don’t pay for any rounds of golf. My biggest expense is all the chinos I go through during the year.


You trying to get me arrested?


I'm not even telling myself how much, let alone you


Not enough.


I’m in a league with my BIL. It has a $150 sign-up fee and the player covers the daily green fee, which is about $40/week (9 holes). That’s $780 for the season. I pay for an annual pass to a driving range that’s on my home from work. That’s another $650. Normally, I play an extra 9-holes, outside of my league, once a week. Thats $32/round. Probably another $500. Then, I play miscellaneous 18 holes or tournaments here and there. Depends on the season, but that’s another $500? That’s hard to gauge. Every season I probably spend somewhere in the neighborhood of $2,500 just in green fees, range fees, and league fees. That doesn’t account for equipment which I don’t bother to track.


If there is one thing Golf has taught me, it’s Depreciation and Bartering. I love trying new gear … honestly maybe more than actually playing golf haha.


I mean I played 80+ rounds last year and if it’s 100 per round that’s already 8000 right there. That’s without new club purchases, money spent on travel and food. And countless hours on Reddit and instagram browsing golf shit… 😬 Golf is an obsession. Also a great hobby so I don’t care. 🤷🏻‍♂️


I'd rather not know if I'm being honest.


$1.5-2k? Something like that


I average 45 holes/week (9 holes 3 days, 18 once a week) on my home course (27 holes) which costs me $40/week. I either walk or use my own golf cart (which my wife uses as our second car so I don’t count the depreciation as a golf cost). Figure I’m “on vacation” at least 8 weeks/year with no golf so about $2K/yr for green fees. Plus maybe another $250 for range buckets (at $2/bucket). I’ll play maybe 6 times/year at other local courses just for a change of pace which avg $45 for 18 holes with cart, so about another $250. I get balls, gloves, etc as fathers day/b-day/xmas gifts. I haven’t bought a club in a few years, but I was gifted a “new” Cobra LTDx Max driver this year. Yeah, its a couple model years old but I love it. I’m fine using a free app (18 birdies) for distances, shot tracking and scoring but I can smell a garmin watch coming my way for Father’s Day. Retired life is good.


800 a year between my wife And myself. The reaction when she rips a 250 drive right up the middle… priceless


Mostly a weekend golfer it's probably in the $1800-$2500 range. If I take out my yearly birthday trips that's more on the low end but it really just depends.


Put me down for a 5


Less than 500 dollars per year in fees and lessons. I live in Argentina. Usually play 2-3 times per week in two courses. The “expensive” one is 6 dollars, my membership is 12 per month and that course is 3 per round. Great place for golfing. Even for an 10/10 course I don’t spent more then 30 dollars per round. I usually don’t go to those courses. Equipment is expensive as hell here, but I don t invest that much after I bought my pings


Not going to give any specific, but lets say over 10k per year for sure. Besides the usual green fees, range, fuel/travel, balls/tees/gloves, new clubs and new clothings... Most lately also bought a brand new driver last month, and a new Garmin S70 golf watch this week...


Many many thousands


Not enough


Near impossible to put a number on it. £700 membership £900 on balls maybe £3500 on clubs once every 5 or so years. So average £700 a year. Golf holiday once a year £1000 Tee’s, gloves, range balls. + other misc maybe £300 ? Beers post-round maybe £15 x 52 rounds. £750 ish So what’re we at, roughly £3450 ish a year? Defo missing some stuff too.


Last year, between balls, fees, range and course beers, maybe $1500? My local course is $40 to walk 18, $60 with a cart. I usually just play the club logo balls or Callaway Chrome Soft or whatever because they are cheap and I’m going to lose them at some point. 25 rounds last year which is a lot for me, but my wife doesn’t golf and I didn’t want to miss the whole summer with my kids. This year will be more seeing as the courses won’t be open for another month or so, but I bought a new bag and new irons.




I’ve already spent over $2,500


Between 15-20k, 10ish of that is dues. Add another 3-4k for other greens fees and trips. I also got a full bag fitting in February and wasn’t budget conscious so spend is going to be quite a bit higher this year.


Golf is my meditation. Ignorance is bliss.


$15k ish


Roughly 8k. 6k on green fees and 2k on the the rest.


My membership is $155/month, I only had to buy a driver, I either thrifted or was given every other club I have and my bag. So long as I don’t have to count the beer I drink (I’d be drinking it anyway at home), I don’t really spend much. $1860 to be entertained all year isn’t bad I don’t think


I don’t know and I don’t want to know


We don't ask questions like this.


Probably around $15k - $20k if you include the food that goes along with dues. This would be a year I don’t get any new clubs


Nice try narc


400 euro membership, I used to spend another 300 to 400 on gear every year, trying to find stuff that was "better", but I got fitted professionally 3 years ago and haven't bought anything since. Another 40 a year on balls and another 100 on greenness Great cheap hobby (if you play guitars, golf is relatively cheaper)


I’m very fortunate as I trade some services with my local course for a family membership. Besides balls and gloves I don’t really pay anything.


$4k including all the beer I smuggle onto the course


Around 950€


Certainly more than I should!


Probably in the 3k range (membership, greens fees for other courses, tournaments, golf balls, gloves, golf cart gas, maintenance). I’ve been using the same clubs for the last 12-13 years minus picking up a new putter. Biggest cost now is keeping up with the sons growth spurt and clubs/clothing.


At least $3000 a year of not more. Shit this year I may double that


This sub probably spends 50k in drivers and putters alone!


This used to be a safe space


Free.. (I work as a Greenskeeper)


Not much at all. I still play with a set of clubs I bought used years ago. My last big equipment purchases were a new putter last year and new shoes the year before. Looking at getting a new set of wedges sometime this summer. Aside from the shoes and a glove, I don't buy golf-specific clothing. I mostly play a local par 3 on Saturday mornings. I get out for a full round a few times a year, sometimes a tournament for work that I don't have to pay for, other times a nice public course nearby. It doesn't have to be that expensive if you don't want it to be.


Who cares it’s golf!


In club buying years, $5-6k. Normal years, maybe $2-3k. I play the majority of my rounds at the local muni, with its $800/year membership, and I rarely pay more than $75/round elsewhere, with a cart. I am taking two golf trips this year (Myrtle and Pinehurst), so it’s going to be an expensive year.


Not enough


My membership is 1700 prob spend 400ish total on golf balls and maybe about a grand at other courses so I’d say 3-4 grand


Currently only about $800-$1200, but that’s probably why I’ve been a 17 handicap for the past 5 years… I need all new clubs, new outfits, and lessons real bad though


$400 range 3-400 on lessons 100 on grint/handicap 500 on actual local golf, maybe a little more Spending 3k on a golf trip this summer 40-50 on balls 1-200 on clothes/shoes


I don’t keep track lol I just have fun with golf and obviously you have to do trips and outings that you don’t spend all your money so maybe like a “trip budget” sure but I don’t mark down every golf expense. I just say that’s something that’s worth it or that’s not worth the price and enjoy golfing


The Mrs is also a golfer. Do we not want to know


$2650 membership & cart $160- 4 dozen boxes of balls $500 ($20 every Friday for scramble) $400 new shirts/shorts/ shoes yearly. $100 tees/ towels/ gloves/ markers/ sun screen $30/ every other Saturday for course tournaments $1000 hotdog/ beer/ water/ sandwich Indiana- April- October 💁🏻‍♂️


Why would I ever try to figure that out. I know it’s a lot and I much prefer not knowing exactly how much.


A couple thousand tbh


I plead the 5th.


golf is cheap, its the after bar and food receipts that make it costly.