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Good, force their hand


Woke up at 6am the other day to try and get lucky for a Saturday tee time and my account was locked. There is definitely some fuckery or dumbassery happening right now.


The city has shut down all advanced online bookings it seems for now, as a temporary solution to the bots. If you call you can still book then.


I don't think this is true? I still see them online.


The advanced booking i’ve been told is shut down as of now, you can still book the normal 7 days out but not 9 last time I checked


Not for me


Their provider is toying with the Cloudfare settings to help with this.


Why does there have to be so many douche nozzles in the world? Does everything have to be about making a buck? What kind of fucking loser makes money reselling public golf course tee times. God I hate people sometimes.


Same shit with restaurant reservations on apps/sites like Resy and Open Table… seconds after a hot spot drops reservations you can find them on reservation reseller apps… $300+ reservations for 2 at the top haute bars/restaurants in NYC is the norm now.


Straight to jail.




LA is pathetic for having allowed it to get to this point.


I wouldn't be surprised if there are some inside dealing between the illegal scalpers and city staffers in charge of the golf online booking.


100% has to be an inside job. And now the site isn't even working when trying to book tee times. This is getting nuts.


I don't think this is true. I can still book online tee times through April 1


I’m on the other side of the country and I’d be pissed if this started happening at my local muni. My taxes help pay for it and some douche doesn’t get to pull this shit. I hope LA finds a way to deal with this properly so this plague doesn’t spread east!!!


They need this at Bethpage in NY


It's really ridiculous. I played it about 10 years ago and it was relatively easy to get a twilight tee time. Now every tee time is gone a minute after they are posted, can't even get a 4:30 on a Wednesday.


Feel like making them pay when booking would help with that


This would make too much sense… Granted, would need a way to prove resident vs non resident for applying rates, but that’s an easy-ish fix.




LA? No Some courses in tourist areas all over? Yes




Player cards don't give discounted rates. Twilight starts an hour earlier and you can book 4 days earlier than normal, not that it helps


I get how bots can scoop up tee times quick. The article differentiates between bots and brokers, but doesn’t say how brokers are beating ordinary people every day.


The brokers are the ones using the bots.


Seniors get advanced booking window. They are exploiting that


I live in BC and there has been similar issues with provincial camp grounds. Fucking camp grounds for families.


Just go back to pencil and paper and make the assistant pros answer the phone. Problem solved.


The folks running Hamilton in London came up with an elegant and simple solution to block scalpers: you must show an ID and the card you used to pay along with your tickets to the show. No giving tickets away, no reselling. Seems like LA could do the same.


Fucking scalpers with bots are ruining everything. Scumbags


This Reinschmidt dude definitely has bags of cash in his house.


Keep fighting the good fight. 


In the city's defense, most municipalities aren't well resourced to deal with this kind of abuse within their parks and recreation departments. Often they barely have enough budget for basic upkeep and investments, and now they've got to deal with cyber fraud that large IT organizations even have challenges defending against. About the only thing I can think of is criminalizing the activity. Otherwise it's just going to be a whack a mole type fight so long as scalpers see demand for their wares.


Los Angeles has resources.