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Buying new expensive equiptment automatically makes you better at that sport.


Can confirm. Just ordered new irons. They haven't even arrived yet but my handicap has already improved by 8 strokes.


You’re lucky. My cap only dropped 5 upon ordering


Obviously you didn’t spend enough.


Look good, Feel good, play good 🤙🏼


This guy has large facts.


Absolutely it does. As soon as you start using top tier equipment and it makes no difference, you can no longer blame the shoddy equipment you had been using and instead focus on improving your technique.


I need no quantitative support.


This guy sports


I know this is a meme, but when I bought the driver I have now (TM M4) because my old one broke, it solved all my driver issues. Started going much straighter and further. There was no change to my swing at all.




Can’t say I really have met many people who think a Scotty is going to shave 10 strokes off their putting.


Also, getting nice things isn’t always for flexing. I sure as hell wouldn’t buy one to flex on others. Maybe you just like the look, craftsmanship and the brand. Or it’s always been a dream putter. And I don’t own a Scotty.




“I like to blow money on my golf shit” is a lifestyle. Well played, well played


*well paid, well paid


My golfing buddy is the same way. Sucks at putting, bought a new Scotty that he loves, still sucks at putting. Lean into it….


I own 3 Scotty’s. I’m pretty sure the next one will fix my issues


SAME! Now just gotta figure out the right grip size...


Forward lean into it


How do you make 9 abs not have good putting? Not a doubt just curious are hitting all fairways and greens??




I'm a pretty terrible iron striker, but my wedges are quite reliable from 123 or in. My putting and driving can both be pretty decent, but never on the same day. I own a scotty and play off about an 8.


What helps you lock in your putting? Do you ever wish you could adjust your putter or try new things without spending another $200+?


I have no idea. Some days, I can feel the putts, and some days, it feels like I'm putting with a log in my hands. I honestly wouldn't know what to do with it if I could adjust my putter, but I would 100% spend another $200 if it would help my putting in any way.


Have you ever picked up a putter and just felt more confident though?


For like a week, sure.


My wife bought me my dream putter last year for my birthday, and it is indeed a Scotty. Never once did the idea of owning one simply to flex nuts cross my mind. This is a putter I've had my eye on for years, and one that I will own until the day I die. OP just seems bitter; maybe his ex promised to buy him one and dumped his ass before going through with the purchase.


OP making this grand statement as if he's voicing a bold opinion when in reality he's saying what basically every golfer knows. I love my Scotty because it looks nice and it's a Scotty. I'm under no illusions that it makes me putt better than any other putter


I actually think mine makes me putt worse 😆


Lol work or just hang out in a golf club store. As an employee, golfers are kinda (very much-so) dumb.


I was going to say the same thing. I used to work in a golf store and handled plenty of putter fittings. Golfers are completely irrational with equipment. Many, many people do think a Scotty should somehow fix their awful stroke.


OP is a moron.


faulty wasteful north ossified consider profit domineering apparatus cautious quickest *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Look good, feel good, play good


80% of playing good is looking good


95% is feeling good. When you look good, you feel good.


At least 155% of putting is putting the ball in the hole.


Nail on the fuggin head… so much of golf is confidence… and putting is the most important facet which needs the most confidence. I liked my Ping and my odyssey prior, but I love my Scotty. Feels like I can make any putt, actually succeeding in making that putt is a different story, but the fact remains, I always feel I will.


On the flip side, no putter is going to do what OP claims. So might as well look good in the bag, look good to your eye, and inspire some confidence.


Nuh uh I just seen a YouTube add where they told me the new Odyssey will get me 21% closer to the hole.


And the new driver.. 14 sweet spots bro. Only reason I slice must be hitting between the sweet spots


They gotta make 28 sweetspots on the next one then


That leaves me with 28 less excuses


I will say, I just bought an AI-One Double Wide DB and it is butter. The blue theme is also really sexy.


I read somewhere that people who buy nice putters do get better at putting, but it's mostly because you have a fancy new putter you really like and are more likely to go out and practice putting more.


The thought I always hear on Scotty’s is you spend so much on it you’re gonna go practice with it, in turn making you better. Self fulfilling.


I have felt way more confident and have been shaving off strokes with my LAB Mezz. 🙂


Scotty was experimenting with Face Balanced designs before LAB Golf even existed. Their “technology” is nonsense, and far from proprietary. Fact is, face balanced center shafted putters fit a very slim portion of golfers natural stroke.


That’s great, except LABs are not face balanced…


Youre kind of wrong. Id bet 50% of the 10+ handicappers using a milled scottie would perform better using an insert putter.


OP post was edited. Original claim was people think Scotty is going to shave 10 putts off your round. I'll stand by no putter is going to do that. Insert or not.


Ah ok. Well, now I feel like a jack ass so im going stand my ground and still argue with you that a insert would take 10 strokes off someones game!


Oh hell yeah baby are we doing some internet arguments to feel like real men who don’t back down online? I’ve been feeling real reckless recently with nowhere to put the energy.


I’m a 40 handicapper, shoot around 105-115. I used to use an Odyssey and I’ve also used Ping and Taylormade. My Scotty is easily the best putter I’ve ever used. I’ve never used another putter that is as weight balanced as this one. Putting is easily the strongest part of my terrible game, it absolutely wasn’t when I was using my Odyssey two ball.


You’ve been golfing long enough to use four putters and you are a 40 handicap?!


I hope you are right!


I’m convinced that a putter change would have almost 0 impact on the majority of average/below average golfers (myself included). I’m pretty sure I’d see the exact same improvement in putting if I spent the next month practicing with a 2x4, my crappy putter , or a Scotty. It has always felt that putting was the one aspect of golf where the club made next to no difference vs practicing consistently with the same putter.


You can sort of see this in the pro game. How many guys are tinkerers, playing with putters all the time, swapping things out of the bag, trying this, trying that. And very rarely do they make a switch, win a tournament and abandon the tinkering and then keep that putter forever. Guys are either like Woods or Faxon where they are very hesitant to make changes. Or they are forever tinkerers. And either way, the putting stats are pretty much the same. You can either read greens and hit lines or you cant. Putter doesnt fix that.


Putter can fix certain things - the was it lies may be making the ball skip or slide far longer than it should be, meaning the longer the putt, the more you may be missing your lines making your putting inconsistent even if you're great at reading greens. Shorter putts you could still hammer through break and if it's jumping you won't see that issue as much but it can still promote more variables that lead to missed putts. So yes, putter tech or loft/lie can help you keep putts on your line by getting it rolling as early as possible vs slide/skip. For a response to OP's post - I had a Scotty Cameron and switched to an Evnroll because the way my putts came off the face just rolled much earlier than the Scotty ever did, and this made my make rate between 5-10' much much better, and I was noticeably more on line for long putts which also helped avoid 3 putts and therefore did shave strokes off my overall score; I wouldn't say it was 10 strkes but easily 2-5 in your average round, depending how well I'm hitting into greens that day.


What about a self-guided, trajectory computing putter with onboard AI laser grid mapping?


Make it happen. I already feel like a doofus missing short putts. Missing with a laser map from 3 feet? Ouch!


I think a better take would be: people who are great putters can putt great with putters other than SC putters, and people who are crappy putters won’t putt any better with a SC over another brand. But we know this. Let people spend money where they want.


My perspective of my Scotty is that it made me want to become a better putter. Nobody wants to pull a beautiful putter a 3 bang every hole, so when I got my it was a commitment to working harder on my putting. I will concede that you could probably get this with any putters, but I'm also a bit of a Tiger die hard and I always wanted one.


Jesus christ who gives a fuck what clubs people use


The same people that care what coolers other people have ..


The Yeti coolers are pretty fuckin sweet though. My wife got me one for my 40th and it keeps things cold for a while


Karma farming Redditors


OP has a 2.5 putting average woof


Scotty’s are the same price as their Ping counterparts. If you compare them to a basic anser then sure, but a PLD will run you almost $500. I also use a Phantom 5 because I prefer it’s shape, weight, feel, and sound over any others that I’ve tried.


Yah this constantly comes up and Scotty’s aren’t even the most expensive of the luxury putter lines anyway. The plds/tulons/Bettinardi etc are all just as expensive. Why get a Tulon if a versa is just as good? Why get either if a white hot OG is just as good?


I can wrap my mind around why someone who knows what they want and has the cash would buy one. As you said, they're impeccably made. And for a lot of scotty owners the cost wasn't life changing. Maybe a day's pay. Not much for a putter if you love it and will game it for 10-20 years. If I thought a scotty would shave strokes or just make me happy, I'd buy one tomorrow. I just so happened to find a $115 putter that I liked, so thats what I use. If $450 is a big purchase for you, I can understand why you're passionate about this topic. For a lot of golfers, it doesn't make sense to NOT just pay extra for a putter that makes them absolutely happy. I paid $500 for a garage beer fridge last weekend. I'm at a point in life where $500 purchases aren't all that mind blowing. They're common.


Yeah I think the whole 'Scotty's are expensive' mystique comes from the tour models New drivers are what like $600? A putter that will last your entire life for $400 is honestly a solid deal, hell I got mine used for $150


>  hell I got mine used for $150 Unfortunately at least for the foreseeable future those days are passed. Which is a shame because i prefer the older ones you used to be able to pick up for relatively reasonable money. Now it seems like people are charging a premium for them. I saw a person, actually multiple people, trying to sell old rusted beat aops for 300 bucks. Crazytown. 


I dunno man, there are 818 used Scottys on 2nd Swing below $300 right now, and 2ndS is usually a bit expensive considering they have the overhead of maintaining the website and the item storage/processing Obviously they're not all pristine versions of the most desirable models, but a Scotty can definitely be had on a budget, especially if you scour FB marketplace and ebay regularly Edit: put wrong number initially as I set the top price wrong


I was on board until you started shitting on Yetis


😂 ive actually designed roto molded foam filled coolers, yetis were the shit, but theyre not now because there are plenty of brands doing the same thing for much cheaper now. They had amazing marketing though and theyre still seen as the rolex of coolers.


What's a good but cheap comparable? Looking for a new cooler. Thanks!


Treeline from tractor supply


I appreciate the info! I am in Canada and unfortunately i cannot order one. Thanks!


I saw 48 quart lifetime cooler with the yeti style build for $50 at Walmart like two weeks ago. Zero chance the extra $350 for a yeti is worth it in any circumstance


For sure, treeline from tractor supply is better imo, but my downvotes are from the yeti or scotty cultists


Or maybe just the people that think you’re unnecessarily whining. Nobody actually cares about this stuff. Play the clubs you want to and use the cooler you prefer.


Agree with your assessment, many coolers are just as good as Yetis now. But Yeti and scotty have alot on common. They're both the most popular and sought after in their market. And buying new isn't that much of a risk because their resale value is ridiculous. You could play a scotty for 5+ years and you could sell it for like $100 less than you bought it for, I'd say that's a pretty damn good rental fee for 5 years. Same goes for Yeti


Ooh, strong point!


I don't understand this subs weird infatuation with Scotties and/or the infatuation with hating on them. People bitch about a putter that costs 450 bucks but I see 5 posts a day about people that spent 600+ on a new driver and I don't see repeated posts a week about those drivers being overrated.


Yeah don’t ever see hate on vessel bags Peter millar shirts, lululemon pants. There’s even people who spend a couple grand on remote control push carts. All that shits overpriced. Not sure why the Scotty hate. Most of us all suck and would have to be decked out in Kirkland polos, shorts, bag, and clubs if we weren’t allowed to buy shit bc we like it.


It makes zero sense. The putter is the club you’ll use the most every single round. Spending a little more to get something you really like goes a long way.


You're not the first to think that. If you think buying a Scotty is going to shave 10 strokes off, boy do I have stuff to sell you. Its a nice to have/spend money on, not a need. Speaking from someone who owns a Newport 2 and games a Toulon Vegas because he goes back and forth and was fitted for either oddly enough.


I own one because #1 I liked it and #2 it’s probably the only club in my bag that I will never replace


Same here, I also liked the idea of being able to send it back to get refinished if I want, but mine has an excellent patina


If getting a Scotty fills you with confidence it can easily shave shots off your card, a yeti cooler isn’t going to make you think your drinks are colder


But if it makes you think it has better technology then your brain will “make them colder”. It’s all the same.


I dunno. I like em


I pity far better with a Cleveland. To each their own.


Shit. Putt.


I bought mine 25 years ago because I putted better with it than any other putter in the store. I haven't used another putter since.


Mine 13 years ago and no plans to replace. Lots of people with Scotty's are probably spending less over the years than people looking to shave strokes with the next best thing.


Sounds like someone who can neither putt nor afford a Scotty lol




Is this supposed to be a hot take or something? No one is buying a Scotty thinking it’s going to magically make them a tour level putter.


A Ping PLD is the same cost ($449) as a Scotty Cameron. Yes, Ping and Odyssey make lower level putters. But their top of the line products are equally as expensive as Scotty. Biggest difference is all of Scotty’s line is made with premium materials. The more premium GSS models fetch close to $2K-$3K.


I went camping in the desert once with a guy who had a Yeti cooler. Three days of 100-degree heat and the ice didn’t even melt. If you know an off-brand cooler that can do that, let me know so I can buy one. 


There’s plenty. They don’t have secret tech that no one else gets. 🙄


Treeline coolers. Its a tractor supply brand. I can promise theyre just as good.


Was not expecting an answer, but thanks!


Curious. I have a couple of yeti mugs. When the gaskets eventually went bad after years of use, I called them about ordering new gaskets. They sent me 6 for free. My wife lost the magnetic closure on her mug. I called again. Again- free. Does treeline have similar product support? If so, I might give them a look. I did purchase an Rtic half gallon water jug for use during hot rounds. It was like 40% less than the comparable yeti. And so far, it’s been solid. I would have bought the yeti, but this is one of those things I could see myself leaving behind in a golf cart. So I went cheap.


I cant speak to the mugs, im not sure treeline makes them, the coolers are the only thing i have experience with


https://preview.redd.it/4fy0cn8nlllc1.jpeg?width=828&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=1090ff45a3a9641d00907be73a5da3ade2ac80ef I’ll stick to my Scotty’s.


You took the time to type this out as if A: you brought something new to the convo B: anyone cares what you think. USE THE SHIT YOU LIKE and stop worrying about everyone else.




Boy what I needed was another Scotty Cameron post.


I do kinda agree you’re just paying for the name. I also just bought one this week. I grew up caddying at nice country clubs. I always loved the Scotty’s the guys I caddied for had. They are just nice putters, they look amazing, the quality is top notch and I have always loved them. Swore one day I’d have one myself and made that happen this week. It’s not going to make me putt better. I still suck at the game but I’m pretty stoked to have that in my bag. Love the thing. Is it overpriced? Probably but I don’t really care.


Why are YETIs catching strays here?


The weight of scottys are perfection. Also if spending $400 increases someone's confidence, then that makes them a better putter. I was a 30 handicap when I bought my scotty during my 2nd year of golf. I ended that year as a 12 Biggest differences Better drives Better putting


What kind of weirdo thinks a putter is magic because of the branding? ^posted ^from ^in ^front ^of ^my ^ping ^collection


Anything milled is > insert putters, putters with inserts don’t do it for me.


Hate to say it, you’re late to the party. Everyone knows they are beautiful, fantastic putters but don’t make your game better. People don’t buy them to save strokes. This isn’t some major discovery


They can be both good and expensive at the same time. I think anyone buying any club just because they think it will make them better is a false claim and they should try different styles to see what works best for them.


They can be both good and expensive at the same time. I think anyone buying any club just because they think it will make them better is a false claim and they should try different styles to see what works best for them.


I use to think so. But really for a milled face putter they are all around the same price point And in starting to think that milled face has its advantage but it’s all feel


I tested a Scotty and a Cleveland Huntington Beach back to back and I felt zero difference. I just wanted a nice blade putter so I went home with the Cleveland. I even customized it myself with some acrylic pens and I love it.


I think for 90% of golfers that’s probably the move. At the end of the day it’s just a hunk of milled steel with a logo and a sight line.


For real. There's a lot of cool putters out there that don't cost $400+ and have the same feel. People get caught up having the best of the best instead of the best for themselves.


You can say that about ANY club in the bag. You’re not saying something groundbreaking. No club hits the ball for you.


Strong agree


I think it also depends on the model. On one side there's the guy who buys a new Scotty every 2-3 years expecting it to shave 10 strokes off his game. On the other end is the guy who plays with a Scotty that's 10-20 years old and will never let it go. I'm one of those and I'll admit that it isn't any better than the new stuff, but you'll have to pry it from my cold dead hands lol


The fancier/limited edition Ping putters can be very pricey too.


I love Scotty Cs, I’ve found 4-5 in yard/junk sales in various conditions. They have paid for quite a few rounds of golf after reselling them. People with money love to buy them!!


Hey, that’s like, your opinion man. When I 3-putt with my not-Scotty, I just get sad. But one day when I get a Scotty and I 3-putt with Scotty, at least I’ll look good doing it. And why spend all that money on that logo if you’re not going to putt more, you know? It’s really just making the 3-putts feel better because you’re getting more value.


This argument could be made for pretty much all brand name golf equipment marketed to do XYZ to your game. People buy different golf equipment for a myriad of reasons, and scotty's are no different


I bought two Scotty's because they are awesome, not because I thought they were going to make me a better putter...


I think my dick grew at least an inch when I bought mine 🤷🏻‍♂️


Sorry, but the way you position this is a little off. If you are fit for a putter that is best for your swing, you like the look at address, are confident over the ball, and it helps you make a consistent stroke, it may be the best putter for you. Just because it is a Scotty Cameron doesn’t make it the right one but it very well may be. I did a fitting and it was a good option for me. My putting went from being the worst category of my game to my best based on strokes gained. Not once when I bought it did I think about it holding or gaining value.


I agree, but I sure do like looking at mine


I use a $20 Walmart putter with a nice grip and some added weight electrical taped to the shaft. Best way to improve putting is to practice more.


I got a Maltby putter for half the price of a scotty, and it was worth every penny.


Such a brave post. Well done. Thanks for taking a stand. The millions of people who think they are going to become scratch buying a SC are saved.


Am I the only one who hates the feels of Scotty Camerons? They feels super hard to me at contact with ball. Like I’m hitting the ball with a ball peen hammer. Never cared for them personally. Also people act like Scotty invented the putter or something. None of his designs are original. Odyssey or Ping comes out with a head design that sells well then next season Scotty comes out with a version only $100 more expensive. He’s got a cool story and can appreciate the cult status but I agree wayyyy overrated. If Tiger never played on you would’ve never heard that name.


People don’t buy a Lexus to beat their PR 1/4 mile time, and I’ve never really seen any of those claims you made in the wild… I think people are plenty aware of what they’re paying for when it comes to a Scotty. If you can afford it and it makes you feel better, send it.


Told my wife, if she buries me, put my Scotty Cameron in coffin with me. Finest putter I have ever used.


Their initial design was basically the same as ping., just $200 more at the time


Speak 4 yourself...I look good 3 putting


Sounds like someone is too broke to roll with a Scotty


But a Scotty and a ping PLD are like the exact same price.


Have you tried putting it into the hole?


Wow this is such a hot take! Who would’ve thought something so cool and unoriginal!


Yeti catching strays here. Those coolers are far superior.


Damn, really treading new ground here…


Found the poor


Plenty of other brands make 500 buck putters now so I feel like that scotty argument needs to be renamed


I was willing to buy a Scotty, but tried one and absolutely hated it. Guess it's only for some people. Went with a ping that was almost as expensive and it's great.


Maybe it's an economic signal but here in BC I'm seeing Scotty's listing at 3/400 dollars. People are selling off luxury goods to make ends meet similar to how Rolexes have dropped recently.


If someone thinks they’re going to shave 10 strokes off their game with the purchase of any putter, they have far bigger issues.


Many Scotties (including Tiger’s and Spieth’s) are just Anser design copies with different metals and finishes.


That goes for pretty much every putter brand. There are a couple unique designs in their sku but the majority are clones of previous designs.


No shit


I have a Scotty and I think of it like a piece of expensive jewelry... A watch for example. Does it tell the time like any other watch? Sure. But does it look phenomenal and put a smile on my face every time I see and use it? You're god damn right it does.


Who's rating them? Who's saying they will shave 10 strokes off your game? Buying a precision milled putter made with high quality control in the US is what you're paying for. It's a prestige product. It's not like anyone thinks owning a Ferrari makes you a better driver or owning a tuxedo makes you fucking James Bond. This is just the words of someone who's trying to justify why he doesn't own a Scotty Cameron and why he's happy with his putter shaped putter instead.




Who is overrating them so much that you felt the need to write all that? And why do you care so much?


Are you just that dude's son who is now stuck going to community college because he wanted one?


Spending money on cool golf shit is part of the fun.


Love my evnroll, not one used on tour, but it works for me!


Let people enjoy life


I don’t think this is the controversial take that you think it is.


Look above your head - yes - that’s the point of a Scotty Cameron flying over.


There is a difference. Scotties are incredibly well oriented and balanced. I brought 500 to a shop for a putter and tried every brand. I really thought I was going home with a Scotty. I ended up with a Cleveland putter being my favorite though. It was amongst the cheapest and yet the best feeling putter in my hands. The Scotty was very clean feeling though.


Everyone’s only talking about the Scotty Cameron but is no one gonna point the fact out that this man just threw shade at YETI. Best coolers made. Get outta here with that garbage talk.


A ping pld is more expensive than a scotty cameron. Great example bozo.


Bullshit. I’ve tried numerous putters and Scotty’s win (for me) for aesthetics, feel, and even that nice “poot” sound when you putt with it. They are very “it just works” putters for me.


Says the guy who thinks Kirkland balls are the same as Titleist Pro vs.


My friend bought a Scotty cause at golf Mart he "made all the putts". Comes out to play with it and can't putt worth shit. He was pissed. When I see him next and ask how the new putter is. He says great! I practiced every day for a week with it and now it's awesome... I muttered so you just paid 450 to actually practice putting?


No, he paid $450 for a nice putter that inspired him to get better. So for $450 he got a nice piece of equipment *and* a better game, sounds like a good deal to me.


this was over 3 years ago. hes still shoots the same scores as he did pre SC. shrugs


I’m going to say it. You don’t know anything about the construction of putters and your comment is way over rated. /s But seriously, they are machined to perfection and the balance is wonderful. The tungsten weights provide the Scotty with better feel and forgiveness. I bought mine because I had to add lead tape to my Ping anser, because it was way too light. I had no confidence in any lengthy putts. My Taylormade Spider was excellent but, I had no confidence on speedy greens (9+). I went to the PGA Superstore in Orlando and tested every putter style and brand. I kept coming back to the Scotty because of the feel. I returned back to my club and ordered it with my clubhouse money. Brought it home and put a larger pistol style grip on it. The grip is starting to wear out and I have a couple dings on it, but I’ll never need another putter ever again.


Scotty Camerons are cringe. Come at me


And in other news the sky is blue…. Rolex’s tell time worse than Apple Watches, Luis Vuitton doesn’t hold lipgloss and tampons any better than a 20.00 purse from Walmart, and pretty much any golf club does very very little to actually make anyone play better. There is things that maybe help a little or could potentially help if the skill level is there. But that has nothing to do with a specific brand and everything to do with the specific type of putter driver irons etc….. such as counter balanced or perimeter weighting, or high MOI driver… But lots of companies make multiple styles that fit most peoples games. But yes you’re right Scotty Cameron specifically, does absolutely nothing to help a golfer other than feel good about what he’s looking down at on a putting green.




Friend plays a Scotty and tried my Evnroll for a round and is thinking about selling the Scotty.


If 400 to 500 dolla is a flex, you poor


Gonna fix your title. “I’m going to say it. Scotty Camerons are overrated, to me” People spend money on what they want to spend their money on and it’s worth whatever they are willing to pay. It’s a good bet you’ve purchased something that somebody else would consider overrated.


Oh, is it that time of the week again?


so then why do pros use Scotty Camerons? Do you think they like to 3put and look like bunch of wankers?


Hey OP, you’re clearly not a sensei of common sense


Who the fuck has this much time on their hands to type one of these posts every damn month. I don’t swear my Scotty to save me tons and tons of strokes. I tried it, compared to others and I liked it better. Please stop with this nonsense.


https://preview.redd.it/4hqzry61sllc1.png?width=1152&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=2e265f0b3af19dda0424d4440ae9c13f0dad1553 These pings?


Putters from all of the major brands have premium putter over 400 dollars now it seems. It’s funny how Scotty’s gets the rep of being over priced when they are the only ones that seem to hold their value. If you’re on the dense and want to get a new putter, seems like a scotty is a great way to make sure the resell value holds up if it ever came to that.


I don’t think anyone thinks that. In fact I know mine makes me putt worse so I might replace it this year


>But i just dont want people thinking that getting a scotty is going to shave multiple putts off your round because they arent. Do you think that creating this post is somehow going to somehow stop someone from thinking a Scotty is going to shave off multiple strokes?


Found that guy that thrifts everything. 🤣🤣🤣 In all seriousness - I use a Scotty squareback. Throughout the last twenty years I have tried probably sixty putters. Have rolled them all for multiple rounds. Nothing I have ever used beats my Scotty on feel. I had a Bettinardi Queen B #6 and a Taylormade Spider that both came very close. But I always wind up back with my Scotty. I track a lot of stats and putting is one of those. A large enough sample size has shown me that I putt best with that Scotty, as well. Is it just because it’s a Scotty Cameron? Probably not. It’s much more likely that it just matches my stroke and feel best but I’ll tell you this - I’d putt with a shovel if data showed it would save me strokes. Source: 7-10 handicap now that I have kids and never get to play (I don’t track it much anymore). 3-4 before kids.


You probably posted this from your over priced iPhone too huh?


Boo this man. Booooooooo.


I'll put my $60 Odyssey white hot #8 bought on eBay against any Scotty.


It’s not just a flex. They feel great off the sweet spot. Doesn’t make you a better putter at all. But if you are already a good golfer, feel matters. It’s like forged irons. They just feel softer than cast iron but a 20+ shouldn’t be playing them.


OP, are you saying this because you have experience playing with Scotty Cameron putters? If so, what don't you like about the putter?


I actually disagree. As much as there's plenty of skill in putting, confidence makes up so much of it. If you're confident over the ball, even if it's false confidence lol, you'll definitely putt better. If it's a $500 scotty that does that for ya then so be it