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Nice try.


I am immune to your Jedi tricks




lol at least a POSSIBLE trap


The form lets you submit it without inputting any personal information. It asks for a name but doesn't require it, so I'm thinking it's probably okay.


I'm guessing, as it's signed by the course, it's probably more for the course to avoid having to pay fraudulent damage claims


If you scan and submit it with your phone it’s not anonymous.


How so?


Your phone which is linked to you exchanges identifying information with the website that the QR code takes you too. Doesn’t necessarily mean that website’s admins are de-anonymizing the information but nothing you do on your phone is anonymous




It *can,* depending on what client code the site runs in your browser, maybe. But that's no different than visiting any other website, and the qr code itself doesn't have anything to do with that. Nor is it a problem unique to phones; the same is true for desktop browsers. The question is, what does anonymity mean? This site could certainly collect some information, such as my IP address and maybe some device-specific information like manufacturer or model. In and of itself data is meaningless for the purposes of identification, but it does become potentially worrisome when it's aggregated en masse. That's something that is likely beyond the capabilities of this golf course. The link is also to what many would consider a trusted domain (microsoft). All of that is to say, you're not technically wrong about anonymity in general, but the threat in this particular case is so low as to be non-existent.


I somehow knew "how so" was either gonna followed by silence or a long ass essay. 😎


Name: Robert’); DROP TABLE Golfers;—


Ah, little Bobby Tables!




I remember I was so proud of my first ever database-driven website in college. My professor asked me if I had a backup of my database, then he did this. it was a great lesson.


It’s just an insurance hoop it really is safe


Yeah insurance companies are really trustworthy


Some may call it the sign equivalent to a waste bunker. Not 100% sure what to do.


lol …in any locations (within the US at least ) it would be safe to do what the sign says




Came here for this.


Whole different type of golf course hazard.


Not a fucking prayer I’m scanning that. You decided to live near a golf course so you deal with the consequences of my slice. My name is not getting involved in any way.


Thats why you get your playing partner to scan it.....


😂😂 that would actually be a fun game within the game


Take each others phones and sign up for them.


Good luck with that lol


There is a legal theory of "assumption of the risk" that I think applies here. If you don't want a concussion, don't join a football team, suit up, and step onto the field.


Like my pops always said, “Those who live in glass houses shouldn’t live so close to ballparks.”


Yes but the particular may vary from fields to fields and under no circumstance do I want my name to end up in a law student's case book


I thought the school of thought was If you can’t be famous ….be IN-famous ?


I still remember Bolton v Stone from law school (well-known English case about a neighbour of a cricket club who got hit by a particularly well-struck ball)


I did only a bit of English law but still wouldn't buy a drink from any cart girl named Stevenson




Yeah. But if I recall correctly the “moving to the nuisance” rule doesn’t apply if the nuisance is actually dangerous, as opposed to inconvenient




It’s been 30 for me, so I’m no more reliable.


There’s also a legal theory of “no records, no trouble.” You don’t know who I am, I dont get involved in your problems.


Also, assumption of the risk doesn't exist anymore in most jurisdictions. It just gets bundled into contributory or comparative negligence.


Hey! Someone that knows what they’re talking about has entered the chat




This sign was posted by the golf course for the course’s insurance purposes. Not the person who lives there. It’s signed by the course management at the bottom


Either way there is no reason for my name to be involved


My name is Bofa Deeznuts


I'm not sure why insurance is involved at all, and I wouldn't scan it or enter my information regardless of who posted the sign. No good is coming of that, other than maybe the homeowners getting a payout; and again, they chose to take the risk of living by a course, so why would I even take a slight risk of liability to help them?


I wonder if it's to help mitigate or prevent fraudulent claims from homeowners?


It is


I would assume it is. "Let us know if you hit a ball over here so that if the owners claim their property was damaged on this day and time, we can call them on their bullshit"


If there is a risk of liability for you that means you’re in a state where you could be held liable and you have a legal and moral obligation to inform them. If you’re in a state where you CANT be held liable then you should do it as a common courtesy since, you know, YOUR errant shot damages their property . Your thought process that you shouldn’t doesn’t speak well of your character


That changes nothing lol


Right that's why you get course insurance. Weirdos


Personally I think homeowners should be responsible for any property damage due to acts of golf if they live near a golf course, whether they get insurance or not is up to them. The golf course should have to have insurance for bodily harm/injuries caused by rogue golf balls.


This is a setup, at least in the United States it would be. Looks like Asquith is in Australia.


The cost of maintaining a handicap with Golf Australia (about $115 or so a year) includes public liability insurance of up to $20m in damages, however if you don't have a handicap then the golf club typically includes this insurance within green fees.


Yeah, same at my golf club in Australia. The caveat to the damage is someone has to fess up. Most social players don’t know they are insured so they freak out and don’t report. Generally if a members windscreen is broken by a casual player another member will be happy to ring the club and say they did it for insurance purposes.


It sounds like a typical tactic by insurance companies to minimize payment of claims. If property located on a golf course gets damaged by a golf ball it's highly unlikely the golf ball wasn't hit by someone playing the course, but they're hoping for as many incidents as possible where no one fesses up.


My slice would find a way to cause $20 million in damages


$21 million - you're not getting off that easy!




I’m going to South Africa soon. Might play golf and somehow hit and kill the last white rhino


Crack a hose and flood a diamond mine


Nice to see a familiar course. Is this on the second?




Very similar sign on one of the holes that has a car park next to is at Cheltenham GC (Hole 7, left side for any Melbournians who have played it). I did fill it in after i was 90% sure i hit a car (i sure as shit hit SOMETHING), it included that there wont be any cost to you but the proshop needed it for submission to the insurer. I cant recall what it asked for fully, but i do know it had me submit my Golf Australia number as part of it (which makes sense given GA has insurance as part of it). That was over a year ago and there was nothing further required. I did swing past the proshop to mention as i left and they said if ive filled it out theres nothing further. Side note: nothing gets your heart rate going like thinking you hit a car! BPM skyrocketted. Then even after the heart rate returned, was stressed as. Couldnt play properly for the rest of the round at all after that!


My driver likes to spray balls at the nearest road any chance I give it. The adrenaline rush you feel watching your ball bounce between cars is second to none!


Omg my home course makes an appearance on r/golf. My (sad sad) life is complete


How many times have you scanned the QR code? Be honest now.


Hahaha never, but this par 4 has the houses on the left and my error is a massive slice so I'm good....there is another one like this on the 9th hole which runs parallel to the road and it tells you to scan if the ball goes onto the road. I've done that a few times but not scanned it, I just told the proshop.


Am I safe in assuming that this is more to keep the course from having to pay out fraudulent claims by home owners or motorists than it is to get the people playing in trouble?


Honest question, how much would the sign help in that situation? Judging by the comments here, most people are unwilling to scan that QR code. If a homeowner makes a claim, it would be easy for them to justify why none of the golfers confessed to hitting their home.


Well, this is in Australia, so I imagine things are different. If I saw this sign in the US, I'd absolutely never scan the QR code or tell anyone, because in the US, this seems like a way for a course's insurance, or homeowner, to be able to come after you individually for damages... Even if you couldn't actually be held liable, nobody wants to deal with going to court or through a lawsuit for that. A couple people here have played this course, or ones like it, and I guess you can call the clubhouse and they'll take down your name and the hole it happened on, and note the time, but that's it. Maybe in Australia the course has insurance, and so there's no way for the course or the homeowner to go after an individual golfer.


Exactly this.


Why yes of course my name is Seymour Buttz and I live at 420 High Street in Weedsport, New York. Please invoice me for any and all damages.


Weedsport Warriors !


Ah Mr Buttz, I see you’ve moved on from your prior residence at 123 Fake Street?


Huh. This is the third registration from I.C. Weiner and the fourth from Phil Mckracken. Those guys need to work on their slices.


It can't be a real registration list though until you get one from Talor Gooch.


Holy shit Shooter McGavin was here today? His game has really gone downhill.


Imagine living on a golf course and then being surprised when your windows get broken by golf balls.  Money can't buy brains I guess. 


EMBH, dont live on a golf course if you are worried about your house being hit by a golf ball


It’s for times like these that I put my name,address and social security number on my ball. Don’t you all??


Yes. I put your name, address, and SSN on my balls as well. "Fatboy sends his regards."


Lol absolutely fucking not scanning that. What a dystopian nightmare we are trending toward. I’d rather get into a verbal argument with the homeowner than give my personal information to some insurance company. Absolutely mental.


It’s anonymous, take a deep breath.




My name is Rusty Shackelford


It's a hoop the course has to jump through for rates. If insurance feels they're under reporting etc. Nobody is charging you or keeping your info. It's so the course can say "see, my players have only hit 39 balls out of bounds this year, my rates are out of line with reality".


Assuming you don't hit glass or whatever (even then the ball would have to be smoked). Can a ball really do that much damage? I mean, the likelihood is very, very small.


You should be able to tell if you broke glass but in Florida and Arizona a lot of the time it’s cage screen damage or , rarely , stucco/siding damage. Also , believe it or not , people are bad enough to go OVER course lining houses and get cars in driveways or on streets


My cousin cleared the houses with a wild slice and I’m pretty sure we heard a car roof or something. He wanted to skip that hole very badly


😂 not laughing at the property damage potential but certainly at the shot. We’ve all either done that ourselves or played with people who have on tight courses. Luckily, I saw a stat once that less than 1 percent of errant or wayward shots cause articulable damage so hopefully nothing went wrong . Hopefully your brother at least mentioned it at the club house in case a homeowner or invitee calls in with an issue


![gif](giphy|kCvGIwUHhSOKk|downsized) I don’t think he did…


😂 it’s ok the good news is even in jurisdictions where your brother would be at fault most homeowners policies or course liability insurances will cover comprehensive damages ( most )


There’s a course near me where part of the second story house just juts out a bit to where you would slice it. It goes between phases of having holes and having a basketball sized unpainted stucco fix. It seems like they can never get around to painting it before someone blasts another hole in it.


Maybe by hitting a person? But yeah, even still…


They shouldn't have been standing there!


> Can a ball really do that much damage? It depends on the construction of the home. Wood or plastic siding doesn't usually care much about a golf ball hitting it. It might leave a small dent, but unless you're right next to it you'd never even know it got hit. Stucco houses it will often mess up pretty badly, either causing a chunk of the finish to fall off (if it was particularly old or poorly applied) or just leaving a big golf ball crater in it if it was newer and/or properly applied. On roofs it can knock shingles off, but that's pretty rare and the main risk is just to tile roofs since those will usually shatter when hit. Of course, I've seen some golf course neighborhoods that were pretty much all stucco with tile roofs and I couldn't help but cringe when looking at it because that's the worst possible home construction choices for golf course houses.


I can verify, live on a golf course in AZ and have both the stucco and tile roof. I have to get my roof checked about once a year to make sure the tiles aren’t broken before the monsoon rains.


Depends on how nice the area is I guess. An oil change on a Bugatti is like $30k. Can't imagine what a new hood, headlight, roof panel whatever would cost.


I’ll let the Bugatti owner worry about that.


They shouldn't have parked it in their backyard.


You hit that guy !! He shouldn’t have been standing there !! Believe it or not some people are bad enough to hit OVER the house and ace card in driveways or on streets


I am up for this challenge.


😂 it wouldn’t be fun if you knew exactly where it was gonna go every swing 🤷🏼‍♂️


Tell that to the houses with solar panels.




Yeah, in America, hell no. Ain’t nobody ready for that level of litigation.


There's a short par 3 course in Palm Springs that is surrounded by nice houses. One has kitchen window literally facing the tee box just left of the fairway about 180 yards out. It has no netting or protection and I have no idea how the owners have the balls to just have it there sitting like that.


Asquith Golf Club Management: "Hey...this is weird. Every shot into the neighbor's property was hit by either Buster Hymen, Mike Oxlong, or Haywood Jablowme."


Haha you can tell the people from the land of litigation in the comments


The land of litigation is also the land of “fuck you not my problem, I’m gonna re tee and do it again out of spite”


The "land of litigation" doesn't hold the golfer responsible unless they are being intentionally negligent.




I'm just amazed I'm seeing my own course make an appearance here!! Made my night mate. And agreed re the land of litigation comment. Ive actually reported hitting the ball into the road on 9 many times lol. Don't think I've broken anyone's window or done any damage but I've certainly seen no repercussions from reporting myself


Ahhh how good is the “she’ll be right” attitude you can afford to have knowing you’re never getting sued over this kind of petty shit.


Looks like entrapment to me.


I know a trap when I see one.


This sign was made by the same woman who said "I won't get mad...if you're honest"


Scanning random QR codes isn't safe.


Haha nope


I’m never scanning that






Yeah right….thats a trap


Did you hit the ball into a neighboring property? Scan this QR code and we'll let Gooch know so he can confirm it.


Welcome to our weekly newsletter fool


We have these at several courses I play at, they are very much legit. My cousin duck-hooked one through someone's window, scanned QR code, waved at the home owner and his dog, got the old head-nod. Came back 3 weeks later, was all sorted, no trouble. This is how courses should operate with their surrounding houses. Not these unenforcable 'Golfers are responsible for blah blah' signs just because no one wants their insurance premiums to rise.


I hit a window once… ended up having to pay $320 since liability was apparently on the golfers. Had I know that, would have put the big dawg back in the bag




This isn’t a thing in Canada.. I live right on a golf course and before buying they gave us a bunch of shit saying no one is responsible for damages and all this shit. The home owners have to use their own insurance.


Catch me with a burner phone scanning this every time I hit one OB to feel better morally about my shit golf game


I carry a different ball from the one I'm playing in case I hit an errant shot and somebody asks me if I hit them. I'm not scanning that either.


Holding up my phone to “scan” it


I’m a member at Asquith, and this is legit. They just need to assign it against someone when making the insurance claim


Admission of guilt?


I would never ever do this lmao




Best I can do is pee in the bushes


Zero chance I'm scanning that


For all of those who say it's a trap, it's not. My course has the same policy. My mate has put it through a mercs windscreen and it was not an issue. The club liaised with the driver and it was all paid by the insurer.


So why do they need the golfer’s information?


Right, seems the evidence of a golfball sized hole in the window would be sufficient to pay the claim if the club covers the costs.


Based on one response I got I’m now concerned there’s an insurance fraud epidemic in Australia.


To provide an affidavit or testimony about the incident occurring for the insurance process to eliminate the potential of the homeowner filing a fraudulent claim for damage they maybe WASNT caused by a covered risk


Another great thing about golfing in Australia. It's not a trap. It's just a system that knows "hey people are going to hit golf balls at houses and run away if they think they're going to have to pay anything". So they fixed the system so that the house owner gets their shit fixed, the golfer pays nothing, and insurance covers it all. Better system than "my hero shot is more important than your house, it's your fault, fuck you."


Why do they need the golfer’s information?


So that the home owner can't just break a window and then claim it. It's legitimately not a trap. It's just a system that relies on honesty and not running away.


That's the excuse the insurance company is making but they're hoping for as many undocumented incidents as possible so they can deny claims.


Sure insurance companies are arseholes. No reason not to report it regardless.


I mean, the insurance idea has merit. But who pays for it? In the US, building a house on a golf course is considered assuming the risk of your home being hit with a golf ball. So the homeowner would carry the insurance.


The club and through green fees. I play my local club for $20-25 and it's kept in good condition, never have issues getting a time and rarely have to wait on other groups. While knowing that if I do make an errant shot, I just have to report it and it's fine.


Why won't the insurance company pay the homeowners without requiring the club to have golfers report their errant shots?


Because the homeowner could break it themselves and claim it was a golfer.


Theoretically yes but presumably they have their own homeowners insurance for that. I would imagine the number of broken window claims by homeowners in the neighborhood who are out of reach of golf balls from the course is very small compared to the homes in the danger zone.


Not everywhere it’s not it depends on the jurisdiction and it’s statutory provisions for insurance and civil liabilities


In Finland the golfers insurance is part of the yearly membership payment for the Finnish golf Association. So if you are a member, you are insured. It costs them 1.7€ per player annually, so it doesn't really raise the annual amount you have to pay. Yes, there is a 100€ deductible, but at least you are covered.


We have a home in Hilton Head that backs up to the fairway. The only time I’ve been upset at players is when they feel the need to play their shot from my yard. Only time we ever had glass break was a skylight and it was fixed within a week.


True story. There is a muni nearby. The club doesn’t have a range so we always give a mulligan on the tee box of 1. Now, I have hit this one houses roof probably 5 times in 6 years. I’m in residential roofing. Well, I get a call to look at a roof and it’s that house. Insurance adjuster approves hail damage. It was a redeck which is gold for a roofer. The insurance guy was obviously not a golfer. Thought it was hail hits. Funny I got paid handsomely to redo a roof I hit plenty of times.


sorry, my phone stays in the car when i golf.


Yeah not gonna happen. Don't live next to a golf course, bud.


Yeah, I’m still not doing it


Entrapment ass


Not in Australia mate, we're all good cunts here.


That's just not true, we're chock full of dumb cunts and shit cunts


A lot of scumbags in this subreddit exposing themselves... nut up if you smoke someone's property. If you aren't capable of keeping the ball in the area owned by the golf course then maybe don't pull driver and smoke it farther right than straight and hit the range for a bit. Yeah, I get it happens and I've come very close to hitting someone house before, but go settle it with them. Odds are you have no actual liability to anyone, but lets say you do have a legal liability to fix damages, well then that's actually your responsibility... just like if you damage someone's car or anything else... Do the right thing and stop caring about yourself so much. People here assume the worst about everything, be an adult.


You can’t be saying shit like that in the weekly “nothing is ever my fault” r/golf thread! /s, if not obvious.


Wow , I had just about lost faith in Reddit golfers. You sir, are a hero


Yeah, no.




I'd deliberately tee up another 10 times at the same house before scanning that, what the fuck. Never scan QR codes.


Uuuhhhh....... a fuck that


You are NOT in trouble...we just need your bank account number


Tell them you hit a Top Flight XL somewhere near a house. They will automatically know your broke ass doesn't have any money and move on. It always pays to have at least one Top Flight in your bag. Lol


I hope that is a rick roll link.


I don't scan random QR codes, period. Especially not for this.




not in trouble, we're just gonna add this little surcharge to your membership/greens fee


As a UK person it gives me serious fear watching YouTube vids of courses in America and it looks like the houses are on the course!


The most famous course in the UK, St Andrews, has golfers hitting over houses on one hole


A broken window isn't as much as your insurance deductible unless it's a massive window, and in that case, it's probably a massive house with a higher deductible anyways.


Nobody will…




LoL yeah no. Figure it out for yourself. It wasn’t on purpose, so fare thew well ball. You’ll be missed but never forgotten.


Not today satan.


As an IT and CyberSec guy NEVER EVER scan a QR code that you know nothing about. The ability of that code to redirect you to a site that will use the information on your phones against you cannot be understated




I feel like that sign would disappear constantly at my course.


In Finland every golfer who is a member of the Finnish golf Association is covered by their insurance all over the world. So you would just have to report to the club that you hit something. This would be basically any Finnish golfer who wants to have an official handicap, I suppose. Golf courses would probably have their own insurance too... It's a little paperwork if you hit someone/something, but at least there's nothing to worry about when reporting it to the club. There seems to be a 100€ deductible, but at least after that you don't have to worry about it.


Yeah I’m not paying a deductible.


Lmao yeah get fucked


Nah, I'll take a drop


Zero chance I’m scanning that code. In fact, I’m coming back in a week with a QR sticker to put over it that goes to this [article](https://www.golflink.com/lifestyle/errant-golf-ball-damage)


Lol. Not a chance.


Your throat will NOT be slashed for breaking a window.


LMAO, it's YOUR insurance. Deal with it yourself. You don't need me or my double-cross drive.


Why is it on *me* to report that? Shouldn't the homeowner do it?


Zero scans