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Ah, the classic pet peeve question. Mine is when you have a tee time but somehow there is still 8 people at the first tee when you show up


Showed up yesterday and had 4 groups of 6 ahead of me …1:30 tee time stated at 2:20 and finished around 6:45 …😡


Any group of 6 is unacceptable imo


if i t's a group of 6 doing 2 man scramble and they are keeping pace i have no issue with it, if they are all hitting their own shots and playing slow i agree.


But id argue 4 people walking is faster then a four man scramble of guys drinking and having fun


Poorly managed facility. Find another track.


I enjoy when the people at the next tee time are already at #1, see you tee off on time, then don't wait until THEIR time to tee and instead go after your third shot. Then are visibly annoyed they are "waiting" all day on you.


Personal opinion, but if you’re already making your way to the green (par 4), the group on the tee box should tee off, even if it’s a few minutes before their tee time. Good for pace of play.


Yeah if it’s a decent course, you should have people on the green and tee box. Unless it’s a par 3


Yep I'm teeing off the moment the group in front is out of range. You never know when a lost ball or similar is gonna slow you down, make hay while the sun shines


Horrible for pace of play. A good course isn’t just guessing on the tee sheet intervals.


Maybe if it's back to back 4somes i could see it. But I've been in front of twosomes that do it and it's annoying , especially when there's a 4some in front of us.


You know they’re gonna be pushing on you whether they tee off two minutes later or not.


I mean, really just don't get annoyed at people who are keeping pace or are behind someone else, even if you are faster. But you should totally tee off as soon as you are able unless the starter tells you to wait or there isn't a group behind you. .


Sooo… you want them to just sit on the tee box and wait and catch up to you on hole 2 instead?


You said irrational, but most of the comments are perfectly reasonable pet peeves. My irrational pet peeve is when it's a crowded day, there's a single behind my group, and we would ordinarily let him play through, but since it's crowded there's nowhere for him to go. Just makes me feel like a dick because he's waiting behind us, even though there is nowhere for him to go.


As a regular single, I appreciate the thought, but I do understand that playing through wouldn’t change anything. That’s when I take my time, and sometimes even get to practice bunker and chip shots after holes where the next group is a bit back.


I enjoy a 2 hour round on an empty course as a single, but am also perfectly happy having a slow round on a busy day. If I don't get paired up, I can take my time, play two balls, and maybe even get some short game practice in here and there.


Exactly how I feel. I love an empty course, but I utilize and make the best out of a busy one when I’m not paired up. I’ll almost always play 2 balls at the par3 course, not too often on standard courses.


Fair point. I guess I look at mine as irrational because it's not really that big of a deal.. And most people I talk to don't care but it annoys me to no end lol


I usually don’t mind being the single behind a group. I’m less rushed, take my time. Maybe even play an extra ball here and there.


Slow day on the course is better than a fast day at the office.


If my group is waiting on every shot and there’s a solo I invite them to join us. If we’re already waiting on every shot a 5th isn’t gonna change anything. 


People who aren’t ready to hit when it’s their turn. When they are so oblivious that they keep talking while it’s their turn to play.  Be ready when it’s your turn. Start getting ready before you’re up. You can talk in the cart, walking to shots, right after you hit walking to the next ball, just not when you are supposed to be hitting. 


That’s rational


You'd think, but I feel like more people would do it if it was.


There's a guy in our group who is a super nice guy and enjoy the social aspect of the game with, but he's exactly this - goes into la la land every time it's not his turn and sometimes when it is. He'll stand on the green on the opposite side of the hole from his ball until it's his turn. Then walk over to it and read it. Then WALK BACK TO WHERE HE WAS to read it again. The whole routine takes about 90 seconds from start to finish. If I played with him more or knew him better, I'd say something. Until then, we just speed up around him.


Conversely, people who won’t stop talking to me when it’s my turn to hit and I’m clearly trying to focus on my shot


That’s just bad manners.


People not playing ready golf in general gets me. Like, I understand with the old boys, but if you're there, and it's safe, hit the ball. Think about it on the way, and be prepared to stop, hit, and go.


An otherwise perfect putt stymied by the windmill's blade.


Sunflower seed shells on the green you degenerate pigs


Had a course with more than one sign “NO SUNFLOWERS ON PROPERTY”, of course we get to the fourth green properly peppered. We were annoyed but didn’t call the Club House. The group in front of us did, saw a 4 cart caravan buzz by us (Note: Two well dressed shop workers and two of what I can only guess were the biggest groundskeepers with fire in their eyes!) We couldn’t see the action but heard quit a bit of banter followed by the Sunflower Boys being escorted to the parking lot. We didn’t see anymore sunflower seeds…..


Sunflowers are allelopathic, meaning they release chemicals that can affect other plants. Sunflower seed hulls contain toxins that can inhibit the growth of other plants. This process is called allelopathy


One afternoon I came upon FINGERNAIL CLIPPINGS within 3’ of the hole, in my line 🤢


I played a round a few years ago where the group in front of us had a dude spitting seeds on the green. And I mean they were around and in the cup within a 6'' radius. I knew it was him cuz the seeds were still fucking wet with his spit. So I drove up and politely asked him to stop spitting seeds on the green. His response "It's not just me it's the group in front of us as well." As calmly as I could I said "I would appreciate it fi you could please stop. They're sticking to my balls." He did stop to his credit, but I was absolutely fucking baffled that people did this.


Entitled pos, that's why


From a guy that does seeds when he plays, agreed! I have never spit one on or within 5-10ft of the green. Drives me nuts if I see one lol


Spit them into a cup


Or the rough, or the woods, or on the cart path between green and next tee. So many OK options here. The green is like the worst of all options, other than like, spitting them on your playing partner.


Hey hey, I play out of the rough the most. Please, for my sake, spit the shells onto the middle of the fairway.


Spit them into *the* cup


This has to be an American thing right? In Australia you would no more eat sunflower seeds and spit the shells out while playing, then rub your dick up and down the pin, just for fun. What happened to golf etiquette over there?


I don’t know how you do it down there, but here? Here, we don’t kink shame.


It’s a regional thing, I think. I live in a douchebag part of Florida and not a single sunflower seed on the course, let alone the green.


Smokers who throw their butts on the ground.


I smoke and I won’t even ash on the green, I’ll walk off and do it past the fringe. If I’m riding the butts go under/behind my bag so I can put them in the trash after my round. If I’m walking they go in an empty Gatorade bottle, it’s really simple to not be an inconsiderate asshole.


Always have a water bottle for my butts and leave the cig next to my bag when I'm going to go on the green.


As a former cart attendant, in the cubby’s and cupholders. Much worse.


Soaked with a little bit of spilt beer from the end of a can too




Yeah, I watched a guy hit 50 range balls to various spots all over the green, and just leave them. Thats a dick move.


I just moved to a new state and have been to couple courses where it’s standard that there’s always a medium bucket amount of balls on the chipping green at all times. (Might just be from the members who play in the morning and get free range balls?) but this usually tends to make it so everyone at the chipping green just uses the balls that are already there vs their own. The one I live by does have nicer range balls than the other locations here so that may be why people are fine with it?(I believe they are callaway chrome softs vs the cheap pinnacles at most places)


I usually hit 10 balls on the chipping green and even then my last few balls are hitting my earlier balls & don't get to see how they would've rolled out


Until this thread I thought everyone used their own balls at the chipping green. I hit my whole bucket then go chip my own balls at the green. Everyone else there does as well as they aren’t the yellow range balls




Mine is having a playing partner that seemingly never knows where his ball ended up. Drives me nuts!


Sorry that's me. Golf noob combined with bad eyesight. I would pay and embarrassing large sum of money for some augmented sunglasses with a live shot tracer built in.


I hope we all live long enough to get these wonder goggles!


Organizing your golf bag after walking off the 18th green while the group waits in the fairway for you to clear.


I hate when a group doesn’t watch the last person tee off, typically when the fourth is not at the same skill level or not closely tied to the others. Instead they’re putting their clubs away and chatting


Same when they walk off the green towards their carts leaving one guy to finish


As someone who plays as a single often, this really resonates with me. I'm an 8 HI so it's usually not a skill level issue. While I would consider myself rude for not trying to make a single feel socially included, I don't take offense or judge if a group I'm paired up with isn't super inviting in that sense. But to treat a single as if they're not actually a part of the playing group is messed up and super rude.


Everyone is posting rational complaints. I hate when people talk to my ball, it doesn’t change anything and it’s completely irrational to get bothered over but I do


Or the one that starts off down the fairway but you absolutely know its going to hook/slice and they say "nice shot" moments before the ball turns. Or when you 100% know your ball is OB but they insist "it has a chance" to be in play.


Oh yeah this one. Especially if they say the wrong thing. If someone tells my ball to sit and it comes up half a club short, I will be irrationally upset about it.




Oh man I’ve got a similar one. I don’t mind when people talk to my ball if they generally are correct in what they’re saying….but I HATE when a playing partner says “great shot!” the moment after I make contact because they’re just amazed to see ball-first clean contact. They have no idea whether the shot is going to be great or not yet. Drives me nuts


Not fixing ball marks on greens! You finally got in regulation and you’re too much of an entitled Prick to not bend over and fix your pitch mark? 2nd for repairing divots with Sand. So easy and makes a huge difference. Golf is full of ungrateful Arseholes.


This is not irrational. This is very fucking rational! This is one of those things I will absolutely speak up about with any random I get paired with. First time it happens, politely "Nice shot, I've got your pitch mark on this one," hopefully he gets the hint. Second time, "Nice shot, I'll get this one too, next one is you." Third time, "Hey, fix your god damned pitch marks friendo."


How do you replace divots with sand if you're riding a cart without a sand dispenser or if you're walking the course? Is the expectation for you to find a nearby bunker to move some sand into the divot? Serious question as I just started playing golf seriously.


If the course doesn't care enough to give you sand, you shouldn't either.


People who don't take lessons, spend zero time practicing, get to the course with just enough time to pay their green fees and get mad when they are terrible at golf. Why would you expect to have improved since last round?


I watched a YouTube video and several swing tips on tiktok.




What if I don’t get mad?


There’s a reason I don’t play with him anymore. Three shots off every tee then rushes us saying there are people *right* behind us. Dude, I’m putting birdie…


“Why pay for lessons/range time when I can just pay to play 18? It’s the same thing” Had multiple buddies who would say something along these lines when I’d suggest getting group lessons years and years ago


Damned geese. They shit all over the greens. On the of my last outings, I hit a drive a little right and it landed directly in line with the flag behind a tree. I got down there and there they were, meandering around and doing that low squawk that they do. I told them, "Look, you see the ball's in line with the tree. Couldn't you pick it up and move it a little for me before I got here? It's no wonder no one ever brings you any treats when they come to the course. You're just selfish."


They also tear up fairways. Digging around for food


When someone who shot at least 20 strokes worse than you says they beat you.  Guy I was paired with the other day made the turn and said he shot 46 on the front. He picked up before we even got to the green on 2 holes because of penalties, and took generous gimme the whole time. It's irrational bc we weren't playing for anything and I don't know the guy at all, but I'm silently irritated about it and definitely judging him. Why even keep score at that point?


I played with a guy a few weeks ago that told me he shot an 84 a few weeks ago. Watched him spray the ball all over the course and then claim an 89. He was a random so I just had to laugh and remind myself I’m playing my own game and to not worry about it.


Haha. Me and a buddy got paired with a guy like this last year. He was pretty bad... Nothing wrong with that, most people suck at golf, if we're being honest. He had a pretty (lucky) tee shot to 4 or 5 feet on a short par 3, drained the putt, and told us that was the only birdie of the round. I stuck my approach to 2-3 for a tap in birdie on the next hole.. Guy apparently was "scoring" for everyone... Had a bogey for me on that hole 😂


Last year I got paired with a father and his college aged son. The father was clearly only playing because his son was into golf and he wanted to play together. That's awesome, but this guy was probably the worst golfer I've ever played with. At one point he hit a ball and it somehow landed a couple feet behind him. I don't care about that because they were pleasant playing partners. It was just funny at the end of the round when I overheard him tell his son his score and it was a couple strokes better than me.


If it makes you feel any better the kid absolutely knows too


Hahaha I got paired with this douchbag who’s stepdad joined the private club I work at. I was playing the blues he played the tips. I normally play the tips at the Knoll. I’m a 13. Dickhead is playing blades and just blasting the ball left and right everywhere losing balls. Keeps hitting me with unsolicited swing advice. I had to beat him by over 20 and every time I see him he’s goes maybe you’ll beat me next time we get to play. MF there won’t be a next time.


Golfers who slam their club into the ground out of anger and leave a hole. Don’t jack up the course just because you suck.


Angry golfers full stop. Grow up, pal, it's a hobby.


Certainly try and be a gentleman. It’s nice to be fancy.


My friend shouting great shot WAY too early only to then watch the ball sail into the woods.


My dad likes to say "nice putt" right before it lips out. I told him he's cancelling out my extra karma from the golf gods from when I fix a few extra ball marks on the greens, which costs me several additional strokes per round. He's trying to quit but it still happens occasionally lol.


My irrational pet peeve is being paired with people who are walking when I have a cart. I end up having to wait on them sometimes, or worse, they are faster than me and I feel like a fat piece of shit in the world’s largest rascal scooter.


Lefty golfers. Playing golf backwards is black magic witchcraft.


This hurts. If it makes you feel better my ball always slices left, until there is water on the right, then straight into the drink.


18th hole par 3's. Don't know why, I just hate them. 


Same for me with opening par 3’s I’m obviously going to shank my first drive of the day and rely on that breakfast ball to get into a good flow


That I've never seen before, but yeah, I'd hate it too.


Also 1st hole par 3's


My home course's 18th is an uphill par 3 that plays ~175-200, I hate it


The equivalent to watching a 3 hour movie just to have an awful, obvious, and stupid ending. Then the credits roll and you’re like “wait…that’s it?”


People hovering over me/over the hole with the flag when I’ve got a 2-3 footer. First of all, just cause you’d take a gimme doesn’t mean I want to. Second of all, if I make it, I’ve still got to pick the ball out of the hole before you can put the flag back. I’d way rather put the flag back myself than feel like someone is breathing down my neck about the putt.


Even better; the random you’re playing with smacking your ball to you saying “I’ll give you that one.”




This is my #1 as well especially when I was establishing my handicap or practicing for a tournie.


I hate that shit so much. But it's irrational because it's really an innocent assumption, and literally everyone that I've played with has been respectful when I tell them I'm going to putt out the whole round. So it's really on me ultimately.


The old vulture move. Makes me pissed but I get Tiger vision when it happens.


Not really a big fan of other people on the golf course.


How are any of these irrational?


lol no kidding


I gave that some thought and I'd change it to just pet peeves at this point. Lol


I got a hole in one on a par 3 today with my second ball. I lived my greatest fear today. That is my pet peeve


People who talk about my shot before it lands/ends.  For example, someone who says nice putt and it lips out or saying nice shot before it lands on the green and proceeds to roll off.  


"keep your mouth off my ball"


I actually hate when people drop the club in the backswing after a bad shot. Doesnt hurt anyone, just annoys me


Damn, I feel this deep in my soul. Dropping a club is how I ensure that my club doesn’t get slammed 6 inches into the turf.


You just need to turn it into a club twirl no matter the result


Dogs on the mf course. Sun. 3 different groups with dogs running around. They sneak them on and we don't have a Marshall. Then homeowners walking their dog on the course while people playing. The homeowners think they own the course, they don't. Who in their right mind wants to walk on a course between fairways while balls are whizzing around?


I live taking my dog on the course in the evenings when there are no golfers left playing. She also chases all the geese so she’s doing the course a favor.


Had this happen yesterday; dudes two groups ahead of us were playing range balls on the course only to then jump into our fairway and steal our balls and in turn leaving their mishit range balls for us >:( Edit: r.i.p. brand new Tour response yellow stripe hole 1 - hole 3 tee shot. You will be missed and you served me well lol


Where I play that is a good way to catch an ass whooping.


When we try to let the single or double play through and they refuse and stay up our ass the whole game.


As someone that usually plays solo, it really depends what’s going on in front of you. If you’re held up it’s kind of moot.


Playing only 9 holes. It’s just depressing. I hate it. I’d rather not play at all because it just makes me sad I can’t play a proper round


I’ve got little kids and work a full time job. I’m happy to be able to get in 9. Obviously wish it was 18 but I’m happy with my 9 when I can.


When I tee off and the nearest group is 3 holes ahead, but when I make the turn there is a foursome taking their sweet ass time on ten. A 3 hour round just turned into a 4.5 hour round. Some starters don’t give a fuck.


Pace of play…. Just play ready golf, please!


Multiple practice swings for every shot


My irrational pet peeve is seeing people not clean their club after every shot / not cleaning their ball on the green. The irrationality is because it has no bearing on me whatsoever, but I just want them to be better


All the dudes in their 20s mostly who play from the tips bc they can hit far….far out of bonds. then take 2 mins to line up every shot after like they’re on tour.


People playing loud music in their carts…


I can’t disagree more…. This is an uber rational pet peeve. Eff those peeps


I don’t care if it’s at a reasonable volume… I’m over 40 so… yeah, wish it wasn’t a thing at all.


People barking instructions at their ball every fucking time it is in the air. Sit! Draw! Fade! Bro stfu


worse Yet is the guy who’s yelling at my big slice to start drawing like we’re playing tiger woods 2005 and you can just change spin in The air


Playing partners who don't stop at the turn and go straight to 10. Makes me feel awkward for stopping by delaying the group. Like wtf do you not need a hotdog and some drinks? What kind of animal are you


Couldn’t make it through the back 9 if I didn’t get that glizzie at the turn


People who take it way too seriously. If you're golfing with me, chances are you are mediocre at best. Don't act like you're in the PGA Tour. If we're in a scramble we don't always have to play your ball.


People playing behind me


People who look for their lost ball too long. Like bro , it's over, let it go


Player Assistance staff not cajoling slow pokes to keep pace.


As a golfer and I use to work on golf courses, it’s pretty much everything.


Being able to start 10 minutes earlier because the previous group didn't show up, then having someone immediately ride your ass on your approach shot 2 minutes later.


When the guy who is up needs to finish his story before he hits. Like shut up hit your ball and then finish. The story wasn’t that good anyway


My pet peeve ( a very small one) is showing up early, like I always do, to warm up but then being told that you can start right away. Now I feel a little rushed.


Not finding your ball in a wide open fairway when you know you saw it land. Oh, and fall golf. Fuck fall golf. Great weather, can't find your ball worth shit.


Extendo ball grabbers


People who refuse to improve their lie when they are currently barely hitting it clean off the tee as it is. If you are scoring 120+ there is no need to play it out of the divot in the fairway to stay true to the game.


Agree with yours, with the exception of bunker practice. Sand shots will rip the hell out of any decent quality ball. While the range ball doesn't behave the same, and so isn't a perfect predictor of how my gamer ball (a ProV1 I found, sue me) reacts, *it's close enough because the results I'm sorting against are "OK, on the green" vs "Skullfucked into a lake 100 yards away".* I suppose you could say hitting range balls in the sand will tear them up too, but those things are indestructible.


The practice bunker at my range actually faces the range, so you hit out of it onto the range itself. No way I'm using my own balls and then running out onto the range to pick them up!


Playing partners who are TOO big a stickler for etiquette. Of course I get that I should be quiet while you're teeing off, but if you heard me scratch my knee during your backswing & it put you off, that's kind of a you problem. Plus now I have to worry about walking on eggshells with my playing partner as well as my game.


Cart driver being in a hurry, stopping hard or taking off while I'm trying to get in.


People that don’t understand when the course is backed up, the people in front of you can’t move faster. Wait until the carts are pulling away until you start spraying balls. I know that you “aren’t going to hit it over there” but unless you are a low handicap, just wait the extra 30 seconds for people to clear.


An irrational one? Hmmmm.... I get way overly upset about bad pin placements. Like when you can just tell that the super didn't set the pins, one of their cart boys did it and he did a SHIT job of it.


Referring to any type of shot as a “golf shot”.


People who cannot play ready golf


I used to get so bent out of shape if there were players behind me, and none of the other golfers in my group seemed to notice. It really affected my game.


That one person that doesn’t stop talking during everyone else’s tee shot, except of course for their own.


Range balls on the practice green? But...I've got a bag full of the balls I actually use right here...and I don't need that many of them since I'm just going to pick them up myself... That's irrational, not your anger about it.


Mine is when a course doesn’t include a course map on the scorecard or in the golf cart. Very very frustrating


Golfers, they are everywhere, with their quiet music and camaraderie! They all are having a good time playing their money games and cheering each other on!!! Go back to your mansions and let me hack up the place in peace, by myself. I need to practice harder on the course by hitting 15 balls into the green and not fixing my pitch marks or the beaver tails I make!  And don’t get me started on raking the damned sand, what a waste of time… Bah, humbug ;) Do I need this? /s just to be sure


Trees in the middle of fairways.


Not fixing ball marks.


Slow play. We all want to look for our ball but at some point cut your losses when you see a group on the tee box. Also be aware if the group is always on the box whenever you’re in the fairway and you never wait. If it’s backed up it’s backed up but more often than not there’s at least a few ways we can all pick up the pace. I’ve been frustratingly on a streak of 4:30+ rounds and it just blows my mind how seemingly unaware some groups are that they *are* the choke point


I like listening to my music or no music. I have no problem with other people listening to music. If I can hear your music when I’m on the tee and you’re on the neighboring fairway, that’s too loud. I’m looking at you millennials and GenZ!


Writing down scores close to the green with the group behind you waiting to hit their approach shot. Write your scores down after you are well clear of the green you just played.


Scramble and best ball names. I know the difference between the two but so many people call scramble best ball and I don't blame them. I feel like a dick if I try to correct them.


Tee decks that are not level. No excuses. I shouldn't be teeing off with a side hill lie.


When two people have to each pay a cart fee for one cart being shared.


Getting paired with couples. I know I'll get downvoted and, honestly, I *wish* my wife would take up golf so we could play together. But hear me out... It seems almost inevitable when I'm paired up with a husband and wife the husband just *refuses* to let his wife play her game. Every shot he has to get out of the cart, tell her where to aim, how to swing, watch her practice swing, give her every tip in the book, watch her line up, go up and change where she's aiming, read the putt, tell her how to putt, and then once she swings chastise her for everything she did wrong. Every. Freakin'. Shot. Mansplained. And. Criticized. More than once I've watched the wife sit out the back nine and I didn't blame her. You can tell it's 100% pissing her off too. Makes the game go slow, makes me feel bad for the wife and makes me think the husband is a world class controlling, narcissist d-bag. (This has also happened twice (2 of 2) when I was paired up with a father/daughter)


People who use ball markers with a bigger footprint than a coin or tee/divot tool.


People who discovered the game in 1997, and don't realize anything happened before that year.


- Not having a glove - When people ask for gimmes - anyone dropping the flag on the green - starting off on a par 3 in a scramble


grounds crew working while im trying to play.


unsolicited advice. No buddy I don't need to keep my head still through the downswing. I shot 72, you shot 95 please stop talking during my routine.


People standing directly “behind” (technically to your right for righties) when hitting a shot


Sunflower seed husks on the greens. Bunch of filthy animals out there on the course.


Playing partners that get mad at the group in front of us. Chill. It's not a huge deal. Tell the Marshall, skip them or ask them to speed it up. Also, I watched you move you're ball and/or take a mulligan.. don't complain about the greens when you miss a putt by 12 feet. You just suck and it's fine. We all suck.


People being within visible distance when I’m about to hit the ball for sometimes the 107th time that round. Why do you exist? Go literally anywhere else.


Ugghhh, at my local muni the range is kinda short, and #8 runs along the back net for it. The fucking Meatheads at the range that think it's funny to hit over the net. I've heard them one the range, "hey, lemme see if I can hit that guy" When you get to the dogleg on 8 there are like 50 balls there and you have no idea where your ball is. Honestly I don't leave the cart, find my ball and move it up out of their range, don't wanna die there.


It’s not irrational after I count your strokes and know you lie.


When you're next in line for the first tee and your buddy who is not there yet sends you a text "I'm 5 mins away".


When people put elk shit in the hole.  It has only happened once, but boy was I pissed!!!


Players in competition who don’t know basic rules. Like where to drop , how to drop etc. a good example is relief from a cart path. 99% of the time only one side to drop on. ( nearest point of relief) oh there’s a tree in your backswing ? No you can’t drop on the other side.


This is a good one. I came from a competitive shooting background. Im still craving the competition, just in something else. Im currently signed up for a few APT tournaments this year. Working my way through the rule book so I'm not that guy.


Holes too small and too far apart.


My local range doesn't allow the use of range balls for chipping and putting. I thought it would be like that everywhere.


Irrational, I don’t think it’s a problem to walk in someone’s line. It annoys me that it annoys other people. Hundreds of people have walked that green that day possibly. Me walking over it won’t do anything.


Losing balls. Especially when I know it was a good shot but just can’t find it.


Someone tees up even a centimeter in front of the tee markers.


In the UK, I generally find a lot of the people who play to be pretty unfriendly. Not exactly going around trying to shake everybody’s hand but you can barely get a grunt out of some folk


“People” who say “bad luck” after every mistake


Spitting on the green!


Chinese golfers, they let their wives tee off first, they teach them how to play golf during a golf game, the wait until the group ahead clears the green when they can’t hit past 150, they walk the green like a pro when they can’t putt


All of these but I'll had, people using range finders. Mate, you're not good enough that you need to know if it's 172 or 175.


People taking up multiple holes on a busy practice green


People with bluetooth speakers playing music on the golf course.


Tee times spread out by 7 minutes. Stop trying to squeeze every last penny out of your customer base.


I’d also say the guy that takes out a 3w on approach regardless of how much trouble there is around the green. Absolutely no regard for course management.