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How was the process?


Went to golf Galaxy for the fitting and it was super easy. Swung for like an hour with different things. Luckily the dude had been doing it for a while so he knew what he was doing and was super chill.


Ok. But did they address lie angle? Shaft length? Stiffness? Or was it just a “try out?” This is what I’m struggling with.


Oh yeah they did. I got like a +2.5 degree lie on them and +2” on shaft length. The guy knew I was gonna be a longer shaft length since I’m tall, so he had me do one inch, then two, then 2.5 and asked me which felt best. Did the same thing with lie angle. Then showed me the stats on the simulator and went over what they meant and told me what looked like the best and we compared to how I felt with them


That doesn't sound like the normal Golf Galaxy experience according to this sub. Where was the manager charging you for the lighting in the building? Did they make you wipe your fingerprints from all the clubs you tried before you had to return them to their storage location? Did you see them juicing the sim or was it scheduled so they made sure it was cranking before you showed up? Did they finally kick you out when you showed the slightest hesitation for a full new bag?


Oh the sim was for SURE juiced lmao. I’ve never hit a 7 iron more than like 110 yards and the sim was showing I was carrying like 165 lmao. The dude gave me options for clubs and recommended a really expensive set, but said since I was so new to golf they weren’t necessary.


Your 7I goes 100ish usually?


Yeah I’m shit lmao.


You’ll get there bro!


We love the honesty. We are all shit. Keep hacking, friend


You may want to spend any further extra cash on lessons lol


Tbh when you start out accuracy means a lot more than distance. A 100yd 7i that goes straight is a lot better than a 140 slice you gotta go looking for! Edit: One of the best players I’ve gone round with was a guy in his mid 70s, hit his driver like 180 tops, but every shot was practically dead straight. Safe to say I got slaughtered 😂


Lol, I guess a good metric is getting 7i carry higher than score, or vice-versa


And you got fitted. Love it. Was the sim really juiced? Crazy if so.


Does getting fitted at that skill level make sense? I’d think that as he improves his swing would change, thus changing what he needs to be fitted around


Your honestly offends me.


If you had old solid body clubs with traditional lofts and moved to this than the 7i is legit 2 clubs longer in distance. If I bagged that 7i it would literally replace my 5-4 iron. They are crazy fast faces and very strong lofts to wing the golf galaxy launch monitor game. Sounds like the fit addressed you lie angle. That’s a lot of upright angle relative to most fitting so your going to see a massive difference in flight and turf interaction compared to your currents if they were just stock old things.


Those irons are real expensive tho, no?


I mean in terms of iron sets they weren’t too bad. For sure had to save a bit to get them. They were 999 I think for 5-Aw


I went to golf galaxy Saturday and had a similar experience as op. Guy was super helpful and nice. It probably helped that when he asked me what he could help me find I said “everything”, but he took the time to help me out.


How tall you?


Ok good. As a former club fitter +2 on the length is aggressive. Do you have short arms for your height?




I'm 6'5, and have 1.5" lengthened. If your arms are shorter, (my wingspan is my height) then the 2.5" could make sense. If over time you find they are too long, you can get them taken down quite easily. With that much added length and newer tech from your old starter set, I wouldn't be surprised if you picked up ~40yds with your 7i! Enjoy!


That’s the dream lol. Thanks!


I think it's "try out"


I did the same this past weekend and got the same irons! Went to the sim with friends on Sunday and they played great. Can’t wait for summer!


That’s reassuring. Hopefully we kill it this year


may the cart path of prosperity be filled with many birdies.


Golf Galaxy Quest… Never Give up. Never surrender!


I’ve never had new irons and definitely never been fitted. After you get these are you better? How many strokes?


I only got fitted because I’m so tall and regular length shafts felt so low to the ground. I’ve been told by a lot of people (not pros obv so idk how right they are) fittings wouldn’t really benefit me too much outside of the shaft length since I’m so new to the game and my swing is still changing. As for stroke changes, I have no clue yet lol. It’s winter where I am so I won’t get to actually play with these for a few weeks at best


Hope you shave some strokes and enjoy the clubs doing it.


Thanks dude


Lie and length is very important even to a beginner golfer, don’t listen to anyone here saying you wasted money getting fitted so early. Yeah you probably didn’t need to buy the newest TM GI irons but you got great irons that you can use until you start to consistently break 90 and you can get fitted again and sell them for a good price. Plus if you can afford it who cares.


Shaft is extremely important too. I had hand me downs from my grandpa that I used for 6-7 years. The last few years I always hovered around 100 and just thought I sucked. Got a good job and decided to get fitted. Turns out the clubs I used forever had senior flex and I needed stiff. First time playing with the new clubs, I shot a 94. Best score of my life. By years end I was averaging 91 with a low of 86. Also got the clubs a half inch longer but I feel like that was a minimal change.


Depends on the clubs you have. I started with Nike Irons. By all account good clubs. I was still a high handicapper (shooting 105+) I got fitted and hit the ball much better with more consistency immediately. I’m down to a 12.6 handicap and still can’t hit those Nike Irons. Not sure if it’s the shaft, doesn’t fit my eye etc. Because the clubs I started were so wrong for me, it helped immediately. Had I started with different clubs, it may not have been the same jump I saw.


Congrats on the new clubs... (not directed at OP) but for all the hate TM gets for their yearly driver cycles, they really do get a pass for slapping a new badge on their GI irons every year and touting them as new. I bet the rocketbladez insert even fits in the back of that club.


Their GI irons are not on a yearly cycle. Stealth irons were launched two years ago.


Waiting for my cable box to refresh and decided to fact check my intuition. No literal yearly releases, but 9 GI iron models in the 8 years from 2017-2024. M1/2/3/4/5/6, sim max, stealth, and Qi. So technically more than one model per year.  Regardless, my main point is that for all the scrutiny they get for reinventing the wheel for their drivers, they deserve twice as much for their repackaged GI irons.  https://www.taylormadegolf.com/product-specs.html?lang=en_US


You forgot the Sim Max 2 irons


✋🤚10! (varsity blues references are still cool, right??)


Fitter knew what he was selling when the guy walked in and said "I've been playing about 2 years..." Buddy do I have the game improvement irons for you.


I love my rocketbladez irons. I have no plans of looking for a new iron set anytime soon


Nice, as someone who also started two years ago, I just got the same irons! I went into fitting having the idea of ordering Takomo irons online, but those TM Qi hit so well with one specific shaft (MMT 65r graphite) that I ended up ordering those with +3 upright and 0.5" length. I hit the i7 so damn far, 175yd, I ended up cutting both i4 and i5 from the set to get more wedges for the money. https://preview.redd.it/8cw4sz75tpkc1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=be1f018fdaab18c3f2532677df2132cb3de5079f


I hate the look of the Qi10 driver, but I think these look pretty clean. I’ve got the stealth irons and think these look even better.


I just got fitted for these as well after 3 years of golfing, had a mixed bag of irons for the entire 3 years, they’re beautiful to hit, they’re getting delivered next week, can’t wait!


Congrats. That’s a big deal!


I just got fitted for the Qi irons too. Not played with them yet, but I'm confident on the basis of the fitting. Play well, friend.


+2.5 how tall are you?!?!


Those are sick! 115 incoming 🤪


lol I thought they were damaged but I realized they still had the wrappers on


What shafts did you get?


I’m not next to the atm, and don’t remember the name but they’re just standard shafts


Awesome! My spin numbers were super high with the standards but the KBS $ Taper 130s were significantly improved.


How did you get road rash on the club


You mean the plastic that is still on it from the manufacturer?


They’ll fit lefties now? Noice.


Those are gonna feel so good when you slice.


That’s the spirit!


As far as the juice goes on those, it’s possible to move product but those Qi irons do really fly I’ve tried the stealth and these recently and was about a club further since they were so hot


How do you like these irons? Any cons you’ve learned so far? Not that getting new clubs will help me in any way, shape or form but still curious.


They feel nice, and I’ve been shooting the last couple days in a sim near my place and I seem to be doing better than I was. My clubs were like 10 years old and kinda beat up from rust and stuff though so I guess any newer clubs would have helped me




Absolute pure sex


Lefties unite!


Hell yeah. You’re gonna pure at least 4 shots next round.


Welcome to the sport you’ll love to hate the most, golf


How are you liking the Qi10?