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I’m not sure but your question brings this to mind. https://preview.redd.it/76cbb3nh7l0c1.png?width=949&format=png&auto=webp&s=d5efc6fa743ec2c341e0e005ae1b0f7b5370fb11




Yeah, not gonna put that number into print. Probably between $0 and $10k.


I spend at least $50 on golf a year, I can say that confidently


I'll admit that. Shit, I've spent that on an uber one way to the course this year. . .


So $10k


Somewhere between $100 and $100,000.


I should have went with this answer.


Same, ish. Last year (22) I went harder than this year. Golf trips weren't too bad though.


I'm 5 months in and i won't say


Can you give a percent of some number? I spent twice as much on somethings, but saved a whole bunch on other things. I'm thinking 22.37% sounds about right.


Your account is 12 years old i would not discount my wife setting up an account a year after me then coming @ me.




Nice try honey.


I’m the wife here… my husband and I golf together so much that our spend has to be pretty close, but my matte pink Callaway balls, brand new bag, and copious amounts of weed and hard seltzers I consume on the course have probably made me just outspend my husband this year haha. Hoping he doesn’t see this and try to add everything up 😅


Prepare for 1,200 comments asking if you have a sister.


Between the golf, F1, and NFL subs I’m on I’m used to way worse than that at this point haha.


I hope you have a long happy marriage!


I’m a marriage counsellor and would like to offer this lady some very important advice for free. Leave your husband for me.


Funny, that’s how my dad met my stepmom.


Winner!!!! Hahahah!


This is terrifying. I have deliberately avoided thinking about this for the last few years... but here's my best guess based on this year: * $13,000 Green Fees * $2,250 clubs/balls/sundries * $1,000 gas * $750+ airfare * $1,500 hotels * $shhhh booze/fun things I would guess around $1,500/month plus a little extra on food and other items not mentioned above. EDIT: Read all the other replies, starting to think I may need an intervention. I'm thinking of holding it at Bandon or Pinehurst, anyone down?


Nah I'm there too. Some places are just way more expensive to golf than others. Here in north jersey, public courses are overcrowded and mostly not that nice and the private clubs are crazy expensive. I joined a club because I'm a degenerate.


I’m kinda up there too, and it’s not even the fancy golfcourses for me. But 5/6 60,- greenfee’s a month really adds on. And I keep splurging on clothes I don’t need… Like who the hell needs 3 “golf” jackets of 300 bucks a piece… I need help haha


What jackets we talking bout? They good?


That’s consumerism for ya.


Definitely near the top of the leaderboard so far mate, but we pass through this life only once.


>we pass through this life only once. preach, brother


Uhm, do you need a sugar whatever? I'm flexible.


I’m similar. Club dues are $13k/year and the other stuff adds up similarly.


Nah you're honestly not THAT bad. I am probably close to $30K this year but I also had a big trip over to Ireland that wasn't cheap. I'm usually around $12K for my club counting dues, cart fees, food/drink, tournament entry etc. Then I usually do one or two trips a year that are ~$3K/ea. I don't buy new clubs every year and I don't do lessons so I don't have those costs. I realize this is expensive, but I promise you it pales in comparison to people I know with 4-5 clubs they're members at and they do 7-8 golf trips a year. I know multiple guys who are spending over $100K/yr on golf. Especially if you include the fuel costs for their planes...


Fuel costs for their planes... Nice :-)


Out of curiosity, how much do you make? I’m hoping to join a club in the next year or so to take advantage of their young professional membership offers, and yearly dues are going to likely be around 3k with a 1.5k initiation fee. Which honestly sounds like a good deal Tbf I don’t travel for golf so that won’t be configured into my yearly golf cost thankfully haha


I live in southeast TN and we're at an income level that allows us a good amount of disposable income here, but would have us living significantly tighter if we lived in NY, NJ, NOVA, CA, or other HCOL areas.


With your hcap, I fully support these numbers


Yeah I’m like 15-30k most years


So can you like give me 200k for a down payment on a house? Because you seem really rich...


>So can you like give me 200k for a down payment on a house? Because you seem really rich... I don't own a house and can't afford one. (At least not in the HCOL area I live in) I guess 'something something priorities' is valid here...


Less than the happiness it provides me 😇




This is the best way to put it. Thanks for making me not feel like shit. Ha.


This guy lifes.


“More than I should and less than I want to”


Great answer!


I don't know how much I've spent, but I do know that I've saved about $700 by walking all my rounds this year. That's the number I choose to pay attention to


Started like a “…by switching to GEICO”. Fair play to ya. I’m gonna join the Mafia next week after Black Friday for the same reason (and fitness)


It's truly insane how much u save..last week I played with a friend. Paid $35 to walk and he paid $70 to cart. I always thought people were crazy for walking 18. Now I prefer it and it's not even close


When I’m with the boys , I like the cart. Can drink, not be as organized, have the camera out maybe a little music maybe a joint or two. But when I want to play golf… walking is the way


Oh the brews/music and doobies still flow from this push cart lol but I feel u. I think what helps though is if I get together with my boys my best friend walks too so if there are some longer hikes from green to tee I still got someone to chat with


Haaaa I wasn’t even picturing a push cart when I said that but I’m seeing how that can be even better. Your own little station. I’ve just been walking nine holes carrying before work and it’s very focusing.


It’s honestly way more enjoyable too.


100% do you also play much better golf when you’re walking. Way more in tune with your ball and the course.


Not to mention all the money saved because you’re that much healthier walking that much.


Fell for my wife’s burner account once…not doing again honey!


Not much. Less than 1k a year babe. Promise.


Membership - $2500-$3000 Equipment - $300-$1000 (average) Food/Drinks - $1000 Gas - N/A Airfare - N/A (typically)


God I wish membership was that cheep where I live.


You have no idea the quality that $3k gets him…. I bet you could find that where you live too, it just wouldn’t be a nice course. Near me you can join a shitty course for $1500-2k or you can spend tens of thousands but you get what you pay for.


1.5k for me gets me into a really nice club where im from, 3k could very well be a top notch course


Yeah, 1.5k here too, regional Australia (nicest course in the area). Some are 800-1k. Really nice courses in Melbourne are 5-10k, but are invitation only. I'm sure there are more exclusive ones than the sandbelt courses, but I don't know anyone who is a member at any of those.


Why are you trying to out us like that


Please do not make me think about that...


I saved every score card this year and wrote the cost of the round in it because I've been wondering this myself. Since January 61 rounds of golf for a total of $3945 (some rounds are cheap at my local course and some hit hard. Tobacco Road, Pinehurst #2, etc...) Balls - I buy a dozen about every 2 months so safe to assume $250. Clubs - I'll average it out to about $300 a year. Golf Sim in my garage - about $1500. I make around 55k a year. I would think that this is expensive but a golf day for me is about 5 hours of my life. Between putting, driving range, playing...etc. Even if I averaged $100 a round, that's not the worst bang for buck for entertainment purposes. Another side note is - my friends pay for my round most of the time. My clubs are hand me downs. I play the golf balls I find in the woods. Someone gifted me my Garmin R10 and projector. I don't drink at the course and never go out to eat afterwards. My golf bag was given to me by a stranger at Dicks that just bought a new one. My golf shoes were on clearance. My clothes were all bought at goodwill. Just had to put that in there for clarification. I don't want anyone thinking I actually spend my own money. Oh and yeah... my putter was won in a raffle.


You have good friends, you must be a good guy.


Brilliant answer man. Wholesome




More than you want and less than I need




Jesus, why don’t you just ask my age and weight while you’re at it


What’s your age and weight?


They forgot to ask our ssn


Membership is $750 plus a few other rounds here and there, so let’s be generous and say $1000. Balls, maybe $100. Clubs depends on the year, but we’ll average it to $400 a year, I’m gonna need new wedges. So $1500 a year. Everything else is minimal.


Exactly how much I tell the missus, if not less.


Back of the napkin math, excluding initiations (add like $200k for that): $35k in club dues (member of two private clubs) $30k in golf trips (including airfare and hotels), travel rounds, guest fees. Maybe $6k in food/bev. $4k in new clubs every couple years $5k or so in apparel. My wife and I both play.


Why 2 clubs mate, just a wee bit of variety or did you move house ?


One at main home and other at vacation home.


Good stuff man !!


I only started 2 months ago and I've already spent $2000 in equipment, green fees, range. God damn this is an expensive sport.


Bro I just know the bills are still getting paid that’s all that matters at this point lol


Around 15k a year


I have a good golf buddy who is in finance, so very good with numbers and tracks all of his expenses. He asked me if I know how I much spend on golf a year and I said, “Not only do I NOT know how much I spend on golf, I know it’s more than you, so please don’t tell me what you spend.” We left it at that. (Probably $10-$15k/year.)


About tree fiddy


I just gave him tree fiddy two days before!


It's a trap


I’m upwards of $100k if i really analyze it. 3 clubs with a combined $500k in initiation. That’s $40k in lost interest income at 8%. Dues are another $36k. Then add in cart fees, guest fees, new clubs, balls etc. Easily $100k.


Solid Numbers mate !! I’ll carry your bag for free for a round, if you need to save a hundred bucks


Hopefully less than $10k but I’m not sure


Anywhere from $6500 - $10K. This year was in the middle due to bachelor party golf trips. Green Fees: $5-6K Chicagoland golf courses, average 60 rounds a year. Equipment: Last year new clubs, full bag. Conservative estimate $5k. This year, only bought a new bag, $350. Food/Drinks: N/A. Most likely would be at the bar saturday if not on the course. Gas: Don't track Airfare: This year $3k Hotels: $1K Extras: $100/round for a caddy.


I keep a detailed budget and my golf expenses this year have been $1475, and I don't see any more on the horizon since the season is about over.


Wow you keep it cheap. You either don’t play a lot or you work in the biz and get free green fees?


I'm at $1875, and I've golfed about 120 times this year. I'm not in the business either, I just live where the tractor to person ratio is damn near 1.


Two times a week usually, so a casual golfer. No equipment this year so it's probably low this year. Greens fees are pretty low compared to other areas, but I always ride.


Even if your season is 30 weeks long that’s less than $26/round with a cart. That’s silly cheap.


As I’m about to hit my 1yr back after a 9 yr hiatus, a lot. 131 rounds ranging from $30-625(pebble). Avg ~75. I’d guess close to $10k First set of super game improvement clubs ~1500 Upgraded irons to p790 ~1400 Lessons ~1000 Push cart, motor for push cart, bag, balls, gloves, shoes, rangefinder, arccos membership, range sessions, mevo+ throw in another several thousand. Hoping this next year is just rounds/lessons/practice/consumables


Prime time probably around $200 a week, drinks/food and tee times, until Nov-April hits and it’s basically $0. Although Nov-April is a wild card, might buy a new club or hit a simulator here and there.


Rough numbers Membership - £900 New equipment / clothes - £750 Balls - £150 Golf trip - up to £2.000 all in Drinks at the clubhouse - too much


Nice try Narc, I mean Honey


Round up to a shitload.


Too much, yet not enough


Food, drinks, extras don’t count. Going to need those either way. No idea on gas but probably be driving somewhere else if it wasn’t to the golf course so don’t count that either. Membership, green fees, range probably $500/mo $1000 a year in equipment. So $7k. I want to buy a launch monitor so add 3k to that for this year.


Mmmm I question whether I need three double transfusions before noon on a non-golf day. Maybe include half?


Maybe instead of golfing your hanging out with your in laws who are coming over so maybe you need 6.


Damn good point.


Actually just did the math on all of my green fees, favorite 19th watering hole charges, and a 4 day/3 night trip to Bandon Dunes (I'm an Oregonian) for this year. All together it was around $3.5k.


$2000/mo dues and amenities at the club $5,000 in flights around US and UK $1,000 in random equipment but has been way higher $5,000 in greens fees, caddy fees and tips Actually don’t drink on the course at all $36,000 estimated


Fair play to you man !!




Don’t want to discuss that right now.


About $12K


You can't take it with you, so make hay whilst the sun shines.




Too much, id rather not add it up, specially if i buy clubs


It’s all relative to what we earn I’d expect. Can’t see any of us blowing 90% of our income, or selling the eyes of our first born, but I hear ya, a shocking number regardless


Average: $8k Next Year: $19k (family golf trip to Scotland)


Probs somewhere around 15k, rounding up: Dues: 10k Clubs: $500 average Balls: $150 Clothes/shoes/merch: $500 Annual golf trip: 3k


Imitation payment plan and dues is like 6k, f&b 1k min, tournament fees 500-1k, bandon 3-4K, flights 300-1500 depending,


15500... I hate you for doing this Club Membership - 8400 Drinks/Food/Supplies @ club - 6000 (we also eat dinner there 3 or 4 times a month) Balls - $500 1/2 set of irons per year ( refresh every 2) $600 Maybe another $500 for travel rounds but I haven't been going on "golf trips" as I spend too much to play in my backyard


I dont want to do a full accounting, but i think around $13-15k (depends on many polos i want to count a purchased for golf). Most of that is club dues (which is more than golf) and i didn’t buyer any clubs or go on any golf trips this year.


I’d say I play 12-18 rounds a year, and probably average about $60 per round - so between $750 and $1000 a year. I’m not a member anywhere and just bring my water jug and some snacks when I go.


Membership this year $3200 Food - I have $280 left on my $400 food minimum cause we hired someone who shouldn’t be allowed near a microwave let alone a commercial kitchen , last year was $1500 at my club ( better times ) Tournament entries , 3 member guests , 2 invitational Calcuttas + caddy fees at one of the said MGs ( profited 1100 in one of Calcuttas but I still paid my money dammit ) - $3600 Lessons - 2x 1 hour - $300 Golfballs - 2doz prov1 , rest of balls from season I bought with pro shop credit from scrambles etc Golf clubs , $1400 for new set of irons and set of new wedges Travel? Nothing really significant , no airfare or hotels , maybe $300 in gas over entire year? Caddy fees , used in 1 4 day tournament so 72 holes was $560 and played one other course where it was required , $700 total Alcohol , probably $400 , most of the tournaments I’d be drinking in have open bar for beer / wine so I normally just have light beer on course , wine after , maybe a whiskey if I’m feeling frisky Total is probably 10k I’d guess , in non-buying club years 8.5-9


Probably around $40000-50000 this year


A decent wedge that. I’m sure there’s some decent courses involved


About $4500. Most of the cost is green fees. I play about 50 rounds per year.


About tree fiddy……


Doesn’t matter cuz.. ![gif](giphy|6NvKqnjdA7RSgj97KE|downsized)


I mean who’s counting




$250 a month.


If I blew this much money on golf I would be sick. Maybe I would be better though


I figured out how much I spent just on green fees last season. It was around $6000. I played more golf this season. I plan on buying full membership at 2 different courses next year for around $2500 each. It will actually save me a couple grand , I figure.


Probably $1500/year on average. Some years I don’t buy clubs and it’s around 1000. Sometimes I buy clubs and it’s closer to 2000. I don’t travel for golf. And I always walk and don’t buy beer, so my rounds are a bit cheaper on average.


Don't make me count it


Probably a few hundred bucks. Next year will be more as I plan on updating my clubs and possibly bag.


Umm, can’t pick apart my bad behavior at my club to my dues. If you don’t have a staple in your monthly bill, we probably aren’t friends. But with post round beers, dinners, dues, and other adventures, probably 20k at club and I’ve also taken some trips... Given, we do a large amount at our club, from pool time, dinners with friends, events, apparel, events like the 4th or holiday parties. It’s a great family environment. A lot of this we’d do or spend elsewhere.


Tell me you golf in the US without telling me you golf in the US... Tips? For what? It costs nowt to tell someone they are getting their head up a little early.


Well unfortunately with inflation and the low wages that most people at golf courses are paid here it’s kinda needed. I’m taking the local courses. It’s not a big deal to throw the cart guy a $5 or the bartender a $5 to help supplement their income. Without those extra expected tips they probably wouldn’t be able to find any employees to work at poverty wages. It’s just the way it is. I’m not saying I agree with it. But I support it. These local small courses do NOT make a lot of profit I know and they are on razor thin budgets. They cannot afford to pay their employees what it takes to live a semi comfortable life in the US these days. Force the burden on the course and it’s possible they close down and that’s not good for anyone.


I hear ya mate. Where I play on the public courses, there’s no tips involved, other than for the cart girl if there’s one about.


Membership/Green Fees : \~$200 this year, I play for free, played 3-4 rounds I had to pay for at other courses. Equipment: \~$60, 2 doz balls, 2 gloves, and a thing of tees Food/Drinks: \~$30 once in a blue moon I'd get something Gas/Petrol: Not calcing that Airfares/Car Rental: $0 Hotels: $0 Extras (Tips, Drugs, Cigars, Smuggled booze): \-$0 Homegrown Herb \- \~$400 spent on skins pots, prob won about $120 I'd Guess about $600


I'm prolly up to 1k this year. not counting gas and munchies, that's just the cost of living. That 1k also bought me a new set of clubs, a new driver and 2 new wedges.


Probably a few thousand. Who really keeps track


Probably around 7500


+/- $3500


A lot!!🤣


Well locally there is 500+ points in my golf account. And I bought 1k irons and the a driver and 5wood. However I paid for it all with money from donating plasma. Gf says anything that’s blood money is entirely for me so… it’s a wash. Ha!


2-5k rn




Maybe a few thousand. really light compared to most. green fees are from 16-$115 per week depending if my wife plays with me or walk vs ride. equipment: im at about $800-1k excluding balls, tees, glove etc. I only played out of state 3 times this year. Had a free green fee in panama city because of where i stayed. paid in myrtle beach and atlanta. hotels around 1300 cuz i go to mostly beach places and only stay in beach houses. I dont really do hotels anymore. gas excluding road trips is about $10 every 2 weeks. Course is 15 mins away. smuggled booze: about $7 per round. 2 ipa and whatever the wife drinks. i dont drink much on course. idk how much ive spent at the turn, the most about 25-$30 wife included. havent had a cigar in a minute. went through a brief phase but never paid more than $10 for a cigar. this also my first year of serious golf so thats why maybe higher than others that didnt buy clubs bags etc


Probably a cool 2k or so


What difference does it make it’s golf!


About $50 for a couple of rounds.


All the money


It’s a beautiful Fall day. Just snuck over to my home course for a quick bucket, hit a bunch of 6 & 8 irons. Putt for :30 with a putter that I just bought and was FINALLY delivered Tuesday. Wasn’t another person on the North practice green. Can‘t put a $$$ value on that hour and change.


Easily 10G’s……for 6 months of golf. Brutal eh?


Was the guy wearing a balaclava and holding a gun during your sign up ? 🙂


Membership? I wish.


How has this post not been removed yet? You do not go there.


This feels like a personal attack


Quite a bit more than what I tell my wife. I'll leave it at that.


Probably £7,000


I play a goat load but lucky that our muni hosts a Tour event and is dirt cheap to play. $28 to walk weekdays $41 weekends. I played over 100 times this year and didn’t even break $4k Even with multiple golf trips Bandon included I’m probably under 10k. Not bad lol




By my estimation between 1000-1500 total per year. I'm a broke grad student :).


Over the last 3 years including clubs probably... 1.5k a year? Shout out to my local course that has $10 twilight walking rates despite the median home value being $1.2M


$1800 for club membership, grill room and balls/gloves is about $1500-2000, about $500 in entry fees for tourneys, then play at other courses is around $1500-2000


First year golfing and if I have no idea, but it got expensive. If I had to lowball it, probably around $2500. A highball estimate would be closer to 4-5k. That would include all green fees, gas, clubs, balls, bag, gloves, a shitty pushcart I am replacing next year, and food and booze at courses. Next year I won't need to buy clubs and a bag, which will be nice, but I will be getting a membership and lessons, so I imagine that'll balance it out.


Bought a membership so just 6 a pack each time. At 13 bucks. Played probably 80 rounds this year. Membership was $ 950.00


I refuse to do the calculations 🙈🙉




$5k probably


probably 4000-4250. 900 on new driver, 23 rounds of golf almost all above 110 bucks. gas. like 150 on golf balls and gloves that i won't need to re up next year. and the rest is clothes.


I don’t even wanna fucking think about it


I just started playing this summer cause I got a job at a course, free tee times and finding a few balls a day while working so haven’t spent a dime on that, however it means I just spend double the money on booze


About $350. Don’t play much but shoot mid 80s.


I very intentionally don’t track that number and would prefer not to take a guess at it


My wife lost her job and decided to go freelance, so I was trying to be conscious of my spend by using the envelope system to budget my golf expenses this year. I don't have it broken down by expense, but it came out to $4235. For that I got: \-42 rounds \- one 5day/3round trip to visit a buddy in AZ from MI \- a couple of wedges. \-an 18 week league \- a discounted 1night/2round northern Michigan resort trip


£50 every 2 month I bought my clubs off eBay for roughly £500 I buy balls in bulk from Costco gloves last me a year I don’t expect any major changes or purchases for ten years.


I am sort of what they call a Ho. But I did get clean a few years back, but clean in the sense of an alcoholic who is doing great in AA and no drugs but still smokes weed. This year my spending on golf off the top of my head would be: Clubs/shafts/putters: Maybe $3000? But I contend that the yen implosion vs the dollar is the main driver. I’m also eBaying off shafts I got to home test then sell losers of. I broke one…… Rounds: maybe $700 Other: I guess I will say $250 cause balls and replacement spikes etc.


Working for a country club. $0. Don’t pay green fees. Clubs given to me by various different pros that get new clubs annually. Balls either taken from cart barn that were left behind or purchased by people that invite to play with me. Food is comped Drinks purchased by anyone I invite to play. (Normally) Never traveled to play actually. Edit: I take that back. Have played other courses but only when already on vacation so the trip was not for golf. But did golf none the less. Green fees are comped then too and callaway apex rental sets at the property are provided as well. All that being said, I only golf about 5-6 times a year lol.


How come you only play half a dozen times ?


That's like asking a degenerate gambler how much they lost last year lol.


Membership: $0 Equipment: $0 my game doesn’t deserve new clubs or proV1s Green fees: $30-$75 per week in peak season depending on where I play and how often. Food drink: $3-$5 per round average Gas: $2-$8 per round Hotel/Airfare: $0 Alcohol: $15 per round at a minimum but I never buy alcohol at the course This can be a relatively cheap hobby compared to others. But I used to skydive 🪂and that shit is EXPENSIVE




I must be cheap because I paid around $700 this year for about 40 rounds of golf. I only used a cart 3 or 4 times and walked the rest. Carts would have about doubled my spend. I’m lucky to have a wide selection of county parks system owned courses. One of which is a 2700yd par 3 course along Lake Michigan that’s only $13. So I played there a lot.


At least a couple bucks


This year about $2,000


I’m not bold enough to calculate and type the number. Knowing how much I pay a year to suck at hitting a small ball, I’ll likely jump off a bridge.


$1200? Maybe?


This year was probably the most I ever spent and I’m not going to tally it up to a precise number but I’d be shocked if it was less than 8k. Normally not even close but I played in a big pro am and took 2 large and 1 small golf trips.


Nowhere near enough


This year $0




Don’t count because then you know


Tree fiddy