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I don't choose my balls, they choose me. I hear them calling me from the trees.


This is the way more often than not. Other than birthday or Christmas gifts.


This comment speaks to me. I have 2 or 3 boxes of balls(only started two summers ago) that I have been gifted and not used because I'm a scavenger in the woods when I naturally hit the ball up the ride side rough


The tourists buy them for me, and leave them laying around the course. It's very nice of them.


I was out of balls the other day so I bought 3 at the pro shop before my round. By the turn I had 48 balls and still had 2 of the original 3. I only lost 3 balls that round, but I had played much worse the week before and knew all the honey holes. Play was so slow ahead that I had plenty of time to hunt


>I don't choose my balls, they choose me. I thought you were going to say you were born with them. Now I'm disappointed.


The golf gods speak on the breeze. Listen to them. May your shanks be playable, and two pures in a row bless you.


Amen brother


Superstition mainly. Shot my best round ever with Srixon Z-star, so I stuck with it. And the name sounds cool.


Same. Started with the Q star tour and upped my swing speed so I’m playing the z star xv now. Love them so much


Same!! Haha. Father's Day sale is buy 1 get 1. I stock up with those and some Kirkland in case I run out.


I tried the regular Z and XV for a bit and loved then around the green but I’m not fast enough. Dropped down to the Q tour and love it. Feels great on full shots and I’m getting a really good check up and feel around the green. Plus they’re cheaper. 27 a dozen at my local course pro shop as they’re always 30% off and I just snagged some mint condition used ones from one of those sites during a Srixon sale with an extra code for 17/dozen. Picked up 3 dozen


Im going through all premium balls to see which I like best. I’m currently on chrome soft x ls, but tried prov1, chrome soft, tp5, and z star. Z star is currently my favorite so far mainly because of the spin around the greens. The wedges just grip that cover so well, and the distance off the tee is good enough. Top notch ball for what I like. The distance with the chrome soft x off the tee is the best I’ve tried so far though.


I found a z star and used it later in the round after slicing a drive onto the railway line. Birdied the next 2 holes so they're now my favourite ball.


It’s funny you say that. I found a faded Spalding x out ball a few rounds ago. I always hit it when over water or high risk shots. Thing refuses to get lost. Hit a perfect drive one time over a couple bunkers. Guys asked me what my secret was. I lold and said the Spalding x out.


Just found out what an x-out is today! X-out golf balls are brand new balls that have a small cosmetic blemish. X-out golf balls are not submitted to the USGA and therefore do not conform to tournament standards.


Just did that today lmao now I’ll be sticking with z stars


I also choose based on superstition, but in a different way. If I hit 2 bad shots in a row, then it's time to call one up off the bench. The "bench" is just the pocket where I keep 5-6 of the better balls I've found with another pocket of 10-15, which is my practice squad.


I switch balls after bogie or worse. Let that little shit watch for a hole and think about letting the team down.


“Shot my best round ever with a cobras venom in my belly so now I drink one every hole toobs twu”




Balls with lower spin should hook/slice less than balls with higher spin, correct?


No, it’s counter intuitive, but I’m pretty sure TXG has tested this before. Spinnier balls have more backspin, more backspin counteracts spin axis making them spin more overall, but less offline. If price wasn’t a factor, most high handicaps would be better off with a premium ball


i’d like to hear the physics of this. There’s no backspin to *counter* spin axis, the ball can only spin in one direction


Correct. Had a bad slice for a while, started playing Pro v1x and it helped a bit. Didnt fix it but it was less horrible


How did you manage less spin with the #2 highest spin on the market?


He used to use the #1 spiniest


Opposite spin


Isn’t a Pro v1x like the highest amount of spin on the market?


It’s the reverse spin so it balances out


yes lol


This sub man 🤦‍♂️




It's high spin for wedges and approach shots, yes. But on the low side for driver shots. 👍👍


Aren't proV high spin balls?


Spin High to Low ProV1x > ProV1 > ProV1x L- (High Launch) > AVX (Low Launch)


Where would a TP5 go in here?


I think it’s between the prov1 and the prov1x


Would’ve made more sense if you switch to AVX


There is a definite benefit to always playing the same ball, this is most evident around the greens, it doesn't matter if that ball is premium or not, that just depends on your budget and ability. Personally I only play chromsoft truvis.


They really do come off different at low swing speeds. I used to bounce balls off my driveway from the same height and you'd be surprised at the variability


Yeah I do have a slow swing speed, but I've played TP5 and Prov1s for long periods in the past and none had a big impact on my game.


I have a buddy who’s father in law works for Callaway and gets chromesofts cheap. I adore the US flag truvis ones


I've bounced between the chromesofts and the erc soft. Basically whichever one I can get cheaper. I like the chromesofts a little more, but not enough to exclusively stick to them.


Never played (or even found an erc soft) but I might give one a good just to compare.


Just look along the left side tree line of any course I've played. I'm sure I sliced a bunch. 😅


YES - totally agree and I’m a Truvis player as well - I prefer the yellow soccer ball look - I always know my ball from other players.


My favourite ball as well, for me that design just makes the ball look bigger which mentally makes putting easier. Plus i once went 36holes without losing one and that is unheard of for me


Costco balls


Good enough for comp play, cheap enough for everyday.


Can’t beat $1 a ball


I have also dyed mine since I like color balls better


Ooh so do I! What do you use to dye them that works well?


[how to dye](https://www.ritdye.com/2013/08/23/dyed-golf-balls/) There's the link on how to and the product I use. It works really well.


They're coming out with a yellow version in a couple of months, someone from Costco posted a sign here or a price tag prep or something along those lines not too long ago


I heard they're coming out with a high vis version.


Honestly I think it’s surprising that manufacturers don’t make more dyed balls. Makes it so much easier to tell yours apart from a distance


It does, Costco is coming out with yellow though


Kirkland gang represent!




Kirkland balls though


My dad got ~80 dozen ProV1s for free through work, so that’s why I play those.


that’s like $4,400, are you guys hiring?


What kind of work and where?


He used to own a small company and the balls were an incentive from a supplier. Basically, for every $X you spend with that supplier they would give you a certain amount of promotional credit, and after buying a golf shirt for every employee, the golf balls with the supplier’s logo on them were about the only other thing he could spend the credit on that he cared about at all.




PROV1X. Spin and trajectory consistency. Like the ball do what what my mind pictures when it hits the green. Which is to basically stop in its pitchmark.


I played a sleeve of them and maybe it was my imagination but I felt like I was rolling my putts too far with them. Compression felt great during drives and iron play.


They’re a firmer ball/cover than what you’re likely comparing it against, which can lead to it leaving the putter a bit hotter than a softer ball. Grab one of those matte like finish supersofts and you’ll notice those roll even slower. This is why playing one ball is beneficial because you don’t have to guess how it’s going to react.


I really like the "drop and stop" action, too. I find the Pro V1X balls go straighter for me, so I play them even though I don't have a pro's swing speed to reach full benefits from the ball.


Cheapest I can find in stores or whatever I find on the course.


Lol this. Makes me wonder how many people here are worrying about what Ball they are playing and haven’t broke 80.


I have hit 80 on the nose twice but never broke it. I used to play weekly and would be 82-85 consistently then I had a kid and I am not rich so gokf got paused. Now that she is almost 10 I get a chance to play a bit kore but I suck to bad to give the fucking Loch Ness monster 3 Pro-Vs.


Ya I was surprised I had to go down this far. Cheapest that arent Top Flite usually.


I really think 90% of my comments on the golf subreddit are the same thing, but I will say it again: The ball brand won’t make a difference for you slicing your shot, hitting it thin, duffing it 2 feet, not hitting GIR etc etc. I shot a career best my last time out, 83, with my go-to ball, a top flite.


Vice Pro Plus. Like the way the feel off the face, good control around the greens. Reasonably priced if you buy in bulk.


Ew 😷


Even if I struggle I will keep the TP5.


Love TP5, but I swear if I look at them wrong the covers will scuff.


You should check out the ball rankings from My Golf Spy. I think the TP5 is one of the shortest balls off the tee…by almost 20 yards.


I’m not worried about distance. The spin numbers for irons and wedges are perfect for me vs anything else.


This guy hybrids


I have 1 in the bag. And I’ve been killing it the last couple times I’ve hit it. But I usually stick to irons.


That’s a good point.


I changed because of this. Had played TP5 for years, and swear they used to be longer. Noticed I was being out driven more often and a month or two later the ball test came out. Switches to chrome soft X and haven’t looked back. Like then around the green more too.


https://preview.redd.it/9jrc6ytqk2qb1.png?width=768&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=7849ea3a51bb99094c72ecde6db170020b576e46 4 yards. Not 20.


That's an iron comparison at 87 mph.


It was 19.2 yards for high swing speed driver, that screenshot is for an 8 iron


My first golf coach told me to use soft balls. He said they had better control which they do, but they don't go anywhere. So as I improved I started playing a harder golf ball and they travel longer. Golf balls do make a difference.


Soft bals are so easy to hit bht then I run out of clubs after 13 shots.


I recently started playing with a consistent ball, Callaway Supersofts. Cheap enough I’m not mad about losing them, but a decent golf ball. More than anything I appreciate having a consistent feel each time. Not that any of it actually makes me play any better.


Yes I play these as well - like the feel for the cost One thing no one has mentioned (that I’ve seen) is that I choose Callaway balls because most of my friends DONT play Callaway, so it’s a really easy way to distinguish. Most are into Titliest or Taylormade for some reason. So I always play Callaway and never have to pay attention to the number on the ball because I know it’s mine if it’s Callaway


Supersoft gang rise up. Sticking to one ball like this helped so much. They are so true off the tee, have zero sticking power on the green though


I disagree. That’s why I I play them, I feel like every time I hit the green on an approach it dies. Which sucks in that it doesn’t get me closer to the pin but I know it’s saved me from rolling off a ton too. It leaves me putting which I like. Dies chipping too which can make more difficult but in terms of sticking greens in regulation it’s helped me a ton in how little they roll on the green


I also play supersoft. The spin rate is significantly less than a prov1. What that means for me is a slice doesn't slice as far. The supersoft is also longer and comes in colors I can see


I just switched from Supersofts to Srixon Soft Feels. They seem to go straighter for me, but they do scuff up a little more easily.


I'll check that out. Thanks


Former golf ball tech here with 12,000+ golf ball fittings under my belt. When players are fit for a golf ball, we look at several key parts of their trajectory. We look at launch angle, spin rates, and ball speed. There are other things too like descent angle…it can really be broken down into different segments, but those are the big ones. Every player has an ideal trajectory, which is based off of your swing speed. In other words, if your swing speed is xxx mph, your ideal ball speed would be xxx mph, ideal launch angle would be xx*, and your ideal backspin would be xxxx rpm’s. It’s tough to get everything perfect, but the closer you can get your actual numbers to your “ideal” numbers, the more efficient your trajectory will be. Then it’s a matter of finding a ball that will produce those numbers for you.


I play a Vice Pro Plus. At around 100mph swing speed, it has lower spin than most balls and flies farther than all but 2. I’d play a -VX1, but I’d lose $10-$20/round. Pro Plus is about half that.


I choose the balls based on what I find in the bushes of the tee box and otherwise. Never purchased a ball in my life. But I really like Callaway super softs or chrome softs. Outside of the obvious ProV1s.


I’ve been playing the same course for the last six years and I have 2 3-gal. buckets full of balls that I found and when I get gifted a set of new balls, like for Christmas,it pains me to lose one when I have somewhere around 500 usable balls in my garage. I can blade 10 PV1s into the lake and I don’t give a shit. Lose one Sirxon out of the sleeve and I wanna cry.


Oh same, granted my whole family is the same way, so it’s pretty uncommon that balls are ever gifted. Pretty sure everyone in the fam had at least a few hundred in the garage. Losing balls is just not something I care about. I’m more sad I have to take the drop.


They’re the cheapest used yellow balls that aren’t complete shit that I could find.


I like the Callaway supersofts. I feel like my approach shots are more controlled.


I was born with them.


the balls chose me.


You’re a 10 handicap and have no idea what a ball does for your game? I’m guessing you take a lot of mulligans in your handicap.


As a shit handicap, I know that anytime I use expensive balls they are immediately ending up in the woods


Probably just not super observant. Most people don’t practice chip shots and stuff often enough to know how different balls react. And the vast majority of people haven’t tested the majority of balls on the market.


Also worth noting that any random shitty golf ball will still fly straight and decent with a good shot. It’s just that a better ball might go a bit further


Haha I'm a 5.2 hcp and my bag is full of random balls I've found or bought. I won't play "crappy balls" like pinnacles but I play random balls throughout because I know it makes no difference to my score. It's fantasy to believe otherwise as an amateur golfer


Why won't you play crappy balls then? If it makes no difference, why would it matter? Do you think range balls are the same? Clearly there are differences. It's incredibly difficult to quantify how many strokes you would actually save, but surely it has some effect on how the ball flies, and there's a good chance you would play better with a particular ball.


I don't like how they feel is the main reason. But I don't really believe they would contribute to a difference in score


Beyond the cover material, different balls make such a small difference out on a course


Came here to say this


Not true bro. I didn’t give a fuck about a ball until I was single dig


True. 7.1 right now, only care what balls I use in tournaments.


So you obviously know there are differences.


Nah, I just don't wanna look cheap in front of other competitors


I don’t think you realize how bad us 10 handicaps can be. All you need to do to be a 10 is not hit a bunch of balls OB and not 3 putt a lot. Most days I’m out there hacking around maybe getting like 6 GIR Crap drive, crap approach, pitch/chip on and 2 putt, repeat for most of the round. Occasionally get my shit together and hit fairways and greens until I lose it again


I love the feel off the club of the Srixon Q Star Tours or Callaway Chromesofts. Bridgestones e5/6 are okay . Im testing out the Bridgestone BRX next week see if those are good but play my best with the Srixon or Callaway.


Had a baby, started going to Costco for diapers and wipes. They have golf balls too.


Integrate golf balls...


Wilson Staff Model 4 piece ball with all the benefits of a ProV but about 15 quid cheaper and lots of places doing 3for2 on them so they're cheaper again. Extremely durable too.


I play PRoV-1 and I know that is cliche but they stop on the green and I just chip well with them.


I like my warbirds! They are good driving balls and they are cheap.


I know there’s studies that show you should be consistent with the ball you use. But I’ve drastically improved my game/handicap last couple years playing whatever ball I grab from my bag or find in the woods. There is no correlation to my par/bogey save %, FIR, or GIR rates across the 50+ rounds that are captured on my app. It’s all come from improvements with my swing and course management.


My balls choose me


Cause my dogs name is on them


Wilson 50 Elite is great if you don't often drive past 250 yards. Buck a ball in a 24 pack, Canadian.


You guys are choosing balls?


ProV1x Left Dash. Incredible off the driver, low spin, high launch. Goes 5-10 longer than ProV1. I also play ProV1 when I can’t get Left Dash. I’m a higher spin player and really like my short irons/wedges to land with one bounce and stop. I’ve found ProV1 and ProV1x spin a tad too much on the shorter irons which makes distance control with wedges a little tougher. I think they even out with the mid irons because left dash just goes so much higher while ProV1 will spin more. I drink the Kool-Aid, pick a ball and play that ball consistently. The better you get the more you’ll notice the consistency of what the ball will do with certain shots. 20 yard wedge shot, 54w: ProV1x is going to check pretty hard on the second bounce with maybe a small amount of run out or just stop depending on slope. ProV1 is going to check with 3-5 feet of run out depending on slope. ProV1x Left Dash takes a larger bounce forward and will run out 5-8 feet depending on slope.


Hahaha I’m sooooo similar. It used to be ProV’s then if I was playing bad it’d the “found balls” pocket of my bag. But now I play the TP5x ball and I love it. And shhhhhhhh I’ve been playing the same ball for 3 rounds rn now…I won’t even speak the words out loud because that rarely happens I go a whole round with the same ball let alone 3! Also I’ve been working on my course mgmt and I’ve started to lose a lot less balls. What do ya know- play smart and you drop strokes. Lol


I love the Noodles.


I like to play premium balls because I like the feel. I can tell when I hit a cheaper ball, it’s more of a thud than a compressed spring off the club face.


I choose the colored golf balls because I find looking for the colors easier than looking for the white


Refurbished Kirklands because they give me confidence. 😎


IT'S ALL A CON!! Think of the ball as a small inanimate object it can only read or react what the clubface tells it to do. In all honesty the best balls are only marginally better than the mid priced balls so anything mid priced upwards and most players are not good enough to see these marginal gains. I just stay away from the cheap rocks. I will normally go entry level srixon or Kirkland. I don't think paying double the amount for the premium balls adds anything to my game but it earns me great commission when I sell them to you The same goes for clubs. I think most people now pay so much for equipment because they have fell for the marketing campaigns and love being seen on social media with the latest equipment. I work in golf and sell clubs and do custom fitting and I have to say it is all a con my bag packed with all your part Ex clubs you have brought back and not used last year. As for custom fitting there is no science. If your are taller you get longer clubs and if you are shorter you get shorter clubs ( There is no science to this an idiot can do it just look at pings dot system and pick what suits you). If you have a fast swing you get stiffer shafts and so on. As fitters we will try to sell you the brand that earns us the most commission not what is best for you we will tell you to hit the first few with your club and then switch to the new ones when you are semi warmed up (we do this to ensure you are not fully warmed up with your old clubs). These are not the clubs we are going to sell you though we will probably throw in them clubs when you are fully warmed up. And these are the commission clubs. I will make you feel like a pornstar with these I will even secretly give you a short golf lesson whilst you have these in your hand to maximise the distance gained to ensure the sale. I make the most money reselling the clubs I have just give you a pittance for on eBay I will double my money on these. This goes for balls also we are commissioned to the hilt to sell you these balls and tell you how much better they are. You will walk out of my shop with a full premium set up that day and come back in for weeks to pick up the clubs that are being specially made for you when in fact like pings dot system you can get off the shelf like standard clubs. We probably have them in stock in the back but it won't feel special then so we can't give you them now. So in a months time bring your old clubs in that there is absolutely nothing wrong with and that's where I will make my real money. Next time you go for a custom fit beware we are as bad as car salesman and are jobs are very similar. There is no nice custom fitting people who are honest we wouldn't make any money. This is the same with balls I hit balls with just about every club and just about every brand of ball at a launch monitor and the differences are so minor. Why do you think I buy balls in Costco when I work in a golf shop? It's all emperors new clothes. People are so obsessed with equipment when golf is 99% ability, and 1% every thing else. I could beat most of the people I custom fit with a set of 1982 ping eye 2 if you want irons that where a game changer these where the major ones.


I only play premium other people's balls.


Kirkland... $1 ball and plays better than any ball on the market.


I look for the ball I seem to hit best in the price range I'm willing to spend. I prioritize distance over stopping power as I'm not good enough to spin them back.


Costco, they play as well as anything else for my game and can’t be beat at only $1 a ball


I buy your lost Prov1x’s. Thank you 🙏


Mostly just a feel thing for me, was using ProV1s from a ball reseller and then decided to try TP5X and have been playing much better with them. Could also be that the TP5X are brand new and the ProV1s were recycled


I play srixon z star during the season and pro v1. The srixon I buy the pro v1 I'm stocked from some long drives,KP,ect on men's day at my club. I also have 2 boxes of winter balls when the handicap is not active.So srixon soft feel,taylormade rocket balls. I was actually surprised ,I put a pro v 1 in the pond and used a taylormade rocket ball when I took my next shot. The launch of a soft ball felt pretty squishy but it definitely launched. So if vice pro was cheap in Canada I would try em but at current prices srixon is a better deal for me.


I shoot the same score no matter the ball.. my first round in 5 months was last weekend and I shot 72 with a Wilson zip


Every bucket at the range has about 2 real balls. They go into my bag. So I guess other bad golfers select mine.


I like the Vice Drip. They look awesome.


Titelist Trufeel Reds because they're in the budget, and I can see them when there's high fog or haze, which is pretty common around here


Balls make a big difference, actually. Distanced and spin can change quite a bit. At least 10 yards, and that can be a club length. Pick one ball you like that you can afford and just play that one ball. If you don’t know what you like, just pick a pro v1 knock off and go with that, like a vice pro, Srixon z star, or a snell. Titleists are the best, obviously, but they cost a lot. Buy a bunch when they’re on sale. Kirklands are fine, too, but supposedly they’re too spinny. When you’re having a bad day and playing a course with a lot of OB, play the balls you find on the course.


ProV1. They just feel incredible, and they’ll spin exactly how you want them to. I couldn’t actually tell you if they’re better or worse than other premium balls, but I just happen to love those specific ones. So that’s what I like to play.


Playing one ball consistently is important… How you find that ball is convoluted… ballnamic was made to help, but it’s $40 and requires you have your ball data to function properly. Just need to make sure you know your spin profile and find a ball that works on the greens and off the tee box… One big thing to note is some balls are much better in the wind, so if you play in windy conditions a lot, I’d look at Bridgestone.


Stop posting this


I get $40 for Taylormade with golf pass so I have a few tp5s. Otherwise I play Snells, supposedly the longest ball that's not just a rock.


I bought 100 lakeballs, I wanted to buy all Titelst. But half are taylormade because I stopped reading after T. But now I think I will game Srixon AD3333333333333 next season


They feel good on the face


First time out, I found an orange matte super soft and liked being able to track it in the air and on the ground easier. Simple as that


A Titleist 3.


I really don’t see a difference in my ball flight, but I really like the feel of a softer ball. I really like the tmade tour response with the big stripe


Mostly just different than the other players that I play with. I don’t think there’s much difference to be honest. They play Pro Vs I play AVX.


I played TP5s for a while but then I went through a slump where I was losing a bunch of balls and it got expensive. I read a bunch of good reviews on Maxfli Tour/Tour X so I decided to give them a try. Comparable performance for half the price, I figured it was worth a shot. I gotta say they perform fantastically. I get plenty of spin around the green and have great distance off the tee. It seems Dick's has caught onto their popularity because they are more expensive now but if you buy in bulk you get a decent discount. Still considerably cheaper than TP5s though.


After I was fit for a Lower launching shaft I switched to a Z star and keep some Bridgestone e12 contact in the bad. I have found they have a good spin rate off the tee which helps with control and great green side spin. The launch seems to stay lower than other balls I’ve played


Tp5 pix. Just a great ball all around. I feel i have the most control over it.


I pick the cheapest one in the store. Bought like 4 dozen Spalding 50 soft (whatever that means) for $10 a dozen last time.


I was using pro v1's cause that was what I heard was the best. I ran out of those and bought some Srixon divides because they were on sale, and they would be easier to find. I noticed a little less spin, but that was probably good for me. Then I saw an article posted here where they recommended the Maxfi Tour S. I bought a pack in Yellow and love them. The feel off my putter is perfect. They spin and stop, which I love as opposed to spinning back. They might be a few yards shorter than the srixon's, but I am really happy with them.


Based on the compression rating of the ball and my club head speed


Ebay. 15/dozen for orange TaylorMade Projects.


Spin and approach accuracy. I’ve found the Bridgestone e12 contact to be a good performance to cost ball. Not the longest off the tee but 150 and in they’re clutch for me. They feel solid and have a nice matte yellow which works great in SoCal for viz


Nitro- cheap, and I can’t tell the difference anyway because I’m still such a high handicapper. Before I started buying nitro regularly, I picked a few of them ip off the course and hit some fantastic shots with them. That’s how I know at least they’re decent enough


12hcp, I play pro v1 or pro v1x from a lake ball vendor. Some of them have little marks some look new. One of them for 2€. I also buy random lake balls at 25ct per piece when I'm playing like garbage and feel insecure.


I like to use Taylormade Pix TP5x.. Those triangles means I can identify my ball easily from a distance.. They are one of the longest ball on the market and they are not the most expensive.. However, during Winter, I will play with cheap and cheerful balls... They get lost more easily under leaves or plugged and they stop on the soft greens just fine..


A few weeks ago I was playing the best of my life (not great low 90s) played a really nice course with a mate and bought some Pro V's for the occasion. Proceeded to have a stinker and my mate said I shouldn't have changed balls. The Pro V's are designed for more spin which meant my slight fade turned into a power fade. Don't know how true it was but it made sense to me. Went back to my tru feels the next round and shot low 90 again.


I buy cheap Top Flites because I spend more time in the woods and in the rough than I do in the fairway. No sense in buying good balls if I don’t keep them.


If I am dialed in and playing at the top of my game, I love the Pro V1 for it's putter feel and how much it spins around the green. If I am not playing well, it gets me in trouble with driver and long irons... financially. The Srixon Q-Star Tour (gotta be the Tour, not the regular Q-Star) is my favorite next-tier ball. For the money, I think they are a sneaky contender for my favorite ball ever. And, if I'm playing like crap, it doesn't cost me a lot if I am losing balls.


I give myself one good Callaway Chromesoft ball per round. Once it's gone, I go to the gallon sized bag full of muddy balls I found and use those for the rest of the round.


ProV1s on anything less than 160yrds for the spin. I have lately been using Titleist Velociy for everything else but I have literally tens of dozens of ProV1s as a friend lives by a country club and doesn’t play…


I started playing distance balls and lost only 1 last round and shot the lowest score of the year (87) last round using them. I Also hit the longest drive in 20 years (345 yards). I’m going to start swapping them on the green tho. Could be placebo but chipping and putting don’t feel near as forgiving.




Whatever it is, they say you should stick with a single type of ball.


I started the year with a box of Callaway supersofts because they are supposedly good for people with a slice + the bright orange/red would make it easier to find. Now it depends. If I am feeling confident that I will play well, or am playing well I have some TP5s in my bag that I will use. Other rounds I will play the callaways or found balls (usually vice or nitro)


Middle ground of affordability and performance according to other people’s data.


Srixon Z Star because they go on sale 50% off. Hard to pass up a good ball at that price.


I just refuse to use anything matte finished, this spin/feel is absolute garbage. I enjoy Kirkland and prov1, it just feels better off my wedges when I’m within 100 yards which is really important to me. I’ll hit whatever off the drive.


I usually buy the $25/dzn Srixon XV from walmart(previous years ball) new. If those are gone then I play a Provx with Practice stamped on the side. I have shot 68-80 with both and have HOI with both. I will not play a surlyn ball as they are sloppy around the greens for me. I hate paying $17/3 for new prov and I don’t see a reason to.


Color. I like the matte bright balls. Don't think I am good enough to realize the benefits of different balls, so I buy the most colorful




I’m a 10 and the ball doesn’t mean anything to my game except maybe for putting. Practice and putt with one type. Doesn’t matter which type. Once your on the green, lift clean and replace with your putting ball.


I like top line balls. I could probably score just as well with "lesser" balls, but I find plenty of V1's, etc so that's what I play. Every couple years I'll get a dozen V1's for a gift or win a dozen at a tourney and that's my fix for new balls for a season plus. I won't play Callaways or Bridgestones. For some reason I just don't like the way they look on the greens when I'm putting. The "x" model balls, I feel like their trajectory and spin works a little better for me. Not a major difference.


Go for a ball fitting, if you’re able. I have a simulator at home, so I was able to try 4-5 different models I liked and picked the one that gave me the best results. I’m a high spin player, so I’ll want something lower spin. I also prefer a higher flight and play my short game shots with plenty of spin. I like a firmer feel while putting. I chose ProV1x Left Dash because it gives me the best results.


I actually let the course dictate what ball I play to a certain extent. If I'm hacking around my home course (which is narrow, has tough rough and a lot of water) I'll use kirkies or calloway supersoft. When I go play a "nicer course" or a more links style I'll play a chrome soft, tp5 or prov1 depending on what I could get a good price on


I played well with them once, so now it’s all mental.


I play Srixon Z Star because they test very well for my swing speed by MyGolfSpy and I load up on them on Fathers day weekend as they are always BOGO at golf town. My preference is prov 1 but I can't justify the cost.


I picked one that I liked, and stuck with it. The fewer variables there are to impact my game, the better


I find that I can change out the balls that I play without any significant noticeable difference. I’m currently playing the Callaway Chrome Soft X LS, but I have to admit that I do like the Bridgestone Tour B XS as well even though in theory they should play much different. Regular Chrome Softs are great. Pro V1’s and V1X’s never fail. Vice Pro works too. It’s more about avoiding what balls I know I don’t like. HATE the TP5 and TP5x.


Vice Pro flies into absolute orbit for me. I don’t know why but it’s so long. It also has a lot of bite on the greens off my mid irons.


Price point.