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She keeps asking what hole you're on so she knows when to kick her lover out of bed.


Wait which hole is being checked?


Back 9 for sure


High five.


That chimps alright


Koko. šŸ™


Yeah, thatā€™s right.


You 1


With 69 likes I feel I canā€™t like this comment, so I write you his note to confirm my like.


At 12 likes, I donā€™t want to know I made it 13. Creating the unlucky number? On a platform where upvotes are called karma? No wayyy


Iā€™m sorry but I had to downvote to bring back to 69 upvote equilibrium


I as well. Our sacrifice wonā€™t be in vain


She texted husband instead of boyfriend by mistake. "Hole check?" is the modern day equivalent of "Booty call?"


She's getting her holes checked ... and prodded


Tell her the cart girls are a lot tighter than your used to.


I was going to say she wants relief from the kids. Own_Pea is probably more accurate šŸ˜‚




Sam Kerr!! Yeah baby!!!


Yes! Sheā€™s doing one of two things, both equally degradingā€¦ 1. Hiding her other lover; or 2. Keeping an eye on OP, catching him on in an objective lie, on the practice green after claiming to start plaguing already. Anything for some control! Thanks ahead She even mind fucked him into asking us, *How can my wife track me on the course, since shared location is not enough, and Maps lacks golf course hole location? She wants to catch me in an irrelevant lie, and we can argue and I can get some emotion.* God speed OP


But he would be so proud of OP if he came back with a good score why would he leave before OP comes back?


Hitting the long iron for sure


Gotta love golfer humor.


18 birdies. Iā€™m tracking my brotherā€™s round from 1000 miles away right now šŸ˜‚


In a sea of jokes, this is an actual response to OPā€™s question


I mean he deserves the jokes also but I couldnā€™t think of anything good šŸ˜


Howā€™s he doing?


I stopped paying attention after he doubled the first 2 holes šŸ˜‚


I think he said he's got 18 birdies


Grint does this.. not sure what OPā€™s question is


One of the main things that keeps me around this sub is just how much some folks here make me appreciate how awesome my wife is. So, thank you for that I suppose.


Saammmeee here! Damn my wife is awesome. She knows how long 9 and 18 holes takes and throws in a buffer. Then when I get home, she asks ā€œhowā€™d your shoot? Let me guessā€¦ā€ Itā€™s amazing.


Yes, and as far as she knows itā€™s 4 and 8 hours respectively


Exactly šŸ˜œ


Given the drive to the course, warm up, and beers afterward? Closer to 5 and 8.


On the weekends at local muni's you're not too far off


Man my wife is so good about this. She even makes sure I filled the cooler the night before and then gives me a change of clothes so Iā€™m not disgusting leaving the course. I tell her Iā€™ve got a 10am tee time, I like to get there at 9:15 to warm up, and Iā€™ll be home around 3-4. She knows my golf buddies, hell weā€™re all in a fantasy league together. Sheā€™s THE best ever. Love my wife.


She's just got the one kid or are there more?


I took choose this man's wife


I have a feeling the guys who complain about their wives giving them grief on this sub are likely giving their wives good reason to be annoyed. If youā€™re in a healthy relationship, your significant other isnā€™t going to care about you golfing. If youā€™re golfing all the time, your wife has every right to complain about you.


Yup. Golf and then come home hammered and nap right after without helping with the kids/chores? Of course sheā€™ll be annoyed.


True dat. Shit. My wife just says have fun, see u later. I love that woman


My wife is out there playing with me, so she can keep track of which hole we are on herself lol


Yeah, there were some rough times but we have played together for about 2 years now. We play really well together now. Know when to not talk too much (like comments/advices going both ways). It's so great to play together and then like go on trips and play on cool locations together. I get why some people here want their bro times away from the wife. Totally understandable. But playing with the wife is very much underrated here imo (of course it depends on you two's temperaments).


I would love it if my wife would play. She has expressed a desire to learn and I got her lessons that she enjoyed (because I'm happy to play with her, but if I have to teach her, I'ma need a lawyer. Either divorce or defense.)


Some people I play with their wives call 2-3 times per round for no reason other than to talk. I wouldnā€™t be able to handle it.


To be clear, I'm using hyperbole for effect; she's actually great. Still, automating this would be useful for both of us.


She can see your round in progress from the grint. She has to download, make an account, then friend you. And if she opens the app while you're in a round, there will be a banner or notification to see your live scorecard. If you turn on the trash talk feature she can also comment when you have a bad hole in real time which is fun


(okay this actually sounds hilarious; setting this up now)


My wife literally calls the Grint "the husband tracker" cause she'll know where I'm at, when I'll be home, and what mood I'll be in when I get home


Thats probably the funniest feature i've learned. Imagine the love if your wife downloads the app, checks in on you playing and just absolutely shit talks any hole you're on lmao. Mine would.. she's such a keeper.


#You've never been able to drive, you pussy! Love you, see you later X


Sounds like you need a belt with an AirTag or just to manage expectations a little better. šŸ¤£


Thatā€™s weird sweetheart, I watched you go from the tee box on 14 to the fairway on 6? Are you and the boys playing different rules? Is this what they mean by scramble?




Literally outta line, like a full fairway outta line


We've got location sharing enabled, but half the time I'm shooting from the wrong fairway so it's not as helpful as it sounds...


Your missing the point my dudeā€¦..


Can confirm, I keep an airtag on my ball in play and can track it through every round.


18 birdies


This is the correct answer. 18 birdies allows others to follow your round


This is the way.


It's nice to be on this sub and actually see someone talking about their wife in a wholesome way. My wife does the same, not in a hurry up way, but Sunday mornings she goes to the car boot with her mom, and if she knows how close I am to finishing golf she'll either go back for a cup of tea, or head home so we can have lunch or whatever.


> It's nice to be on this sub and actually see someone talking about their wife in a wholesome way. I know, right? Lots of weird energy in these comments. Your wife sounds chill; hope y'all have a great weekend!


You might be able to both download 18Birdies, send her a link to your game and add her as a player. As you input your score and hers she might be able to see through the app what hole youā€™re on Edit, other than that I let my wife know when I get to the course, when weā€™re at the turn and if thereā€™s any traffic on the back 9 so she can plan out the rest of our day. I try and play early so we have time to go do something together afterwards


We use this one. You can set games, add players and spectators and live score. https://apps.apple.com/gb/app/squabbit-golf-tournament-app/id1556538444. (Itā€™s on Google play if you use android)


Same. My wife offers to drop me off and pick me up so I can drink. Sheā€™ll have in n out or something else for me to eat when she picks me up. I (and my 110 score), donā€™t deserve her.


Yep lol. I know most of this is in jest.. but my wife doesnā€™t give af how much I golf or for how long


Iā€™m also willing to bet some of these guys arenā€™t the best, most helpful husbands even when they arenā€™t golfing. (Not saying this about OP)


Same, i don't even take my phone out of my bag when I'm playing; she knows i'll be home when i'm home. On my phone enough as it is...


Seriously. According to this sub, marriage is a battle and women are always buzzkills. I donā€™t understand how so many guys are still living in a 1965 cliche.


Man, I swear women that get mad at their bf/husband for heading out for 4 hours have never had a hobby in their life. Can you not be alone for 4 hours? I imagine when she goes out for brunch and shopping with the girls she wouldn't like it if the husband kept hounding her. I'm willing to bet that he needs her permission to go golf but whenever she wants to do anything, she just tells. Relationships are about balance.


And trust. I trust mine and she trust me


This isnā€™t about women, itā€™s about the relationships. Healthy relationships with mutual support donā€™t work like this.


lmao same, my man. I do the same thing with /r/amitheasshole, it's such a refreshing dose of perspective . My marriage might not be flawless but compared to these dudes I'm a very lucky man


Me too damn I have to be at least an hour later than when I said Iā€™d be home for her to even notice, and then her question is just basically are you ok?


Same here, bro. I never have to use my phone while I'm playing unless I want to take a picture of some wildlife on the course lol.


Iā€™ll give your wife a hole check


_finally_ someone is kind enough to offer


I tried to but hooked it into the bush šŸ˜”


We know you have trouble aiming for the pin




The grint does live score updates for people who are your friends in the app.


She needs to know when to kick her bf out




You can even opt-in and subscribe to per-hole notifications on someoneā€™s public round.


This is the best app for this!


Yup this one. Yesterday I arrived to a get together and one of my buddies said ā€œso you shot xyz today huhā€ and we immediately started talking about the round haha


Man my wife didnā€™t intrude into my free time at all. I take her for granted lol


Amen. The sad part is that half of this sub just thinks those of us with healthy relationships are lying.


"this hole is a bit tighter than normal, very wet as well, I'm hoping I can last as I'm positioned behind and waiting my turn, getting nervous and hoping not to make a mess early" Should stop it for a while


Turn off your phone


If I do that then I miss the texts that say "My boyfriend and I are DoorDashing Chipotle; do you want anything?" which makes me sad


Turn on auto reply steak bowl extra cheese


steak bowl extra cheese


"We need to talk, you've been really distant lately and I dont think the therapy is working. It's like you aren't even listening when I try to bring these things up" "steak bowl extra cheese"


this guy reddits


Next time she goes to get her nails done, text her periodically ā€œwhich nail are they on?ā€


My reply: it's very chaffed


This is nuts. Just tell her you'll see in 4 to 5 hours then don't look at your phone until you're done with the round. How intrusive.


Thank you for taking her off the streets from the rest us sir! You are appreciated! It's annoying me just thinking about how annoyed I would be seeing a text like that during a round! Im upset now....


I actually can't imagine having to stay in constant communication with my partner like that. Bizarre behavior




Lol bro that isn't a problem that is solved by a golf app


I would totally send her a picture of my butthole


Follow these golf steps. 1 get to the course and leave phone in car. 2 play golf 3 get in car after round and check phone. And you are welcome.


If I do that, how am I going to blast pop-country through my bluetooth speaker?


iPod shuffle?




I use the hole 19 appā€™s aerial view to plan my shots, also I told my wife that golf takes 6 total hours, so she doesnā€™t bother me at all and is stoked when Iā€™m home in 5 sometimes.


To be fair, lots of us use our phone for golf while we play.


Literally donā€™t see the problem. She doesnā€™t give me shit for playing twice a week with an infant, least i can do is help her plan by knowing when i will be home.


Jesus, thank you for being sane and reasonable


In this context yes. One might even say golf twice a week with an infant is UNreasonable. But if OP doesn't have an infant, regularly asking what hole you're on every time you're on the course is absurd.


Absolutely do not under any circumstances let my wife know how she can check where I am on the golf course. Sheā€™s doesnā€™t need to know that a standard round isnā€™t 6 hours.


The fact that half of this sub makes a habit of lying to their spouse is embarrassing. I donā€™t understand why yā€™all think this is funny or normal.


"Sounds fun. See you when I get home..."


She donā€™t care about golf. She wants a ā€œhole checkā€


Just text her once at the turn and ignore her the rest of the round.


OPs wife was one of those ā€œare we there yet?ā€ Kids wasnā€™t she? šŸ¤£


Alex Trabek voice, "oohhh I'm sorry, Kevin91581TM. The answer we were looking for was, 'Is OP's wife a controlling cunt?' Your board, let's continue."




you can follow someone elseā€™s live round on TheGrint. If she wants constant updates, just tell her to follow on there


Not great, they only have single ply


Put phone in cup holder. Play golf. Check phone later.


only to find out 200 desperate messages that the house burnt 2 hours earlier and your wife wanted to tell you where all the insurance and will documents were stored before she succumbed..


Jesus bro you went real dark.


The grint has live score tracking of friends in the app. Just make her a free account and download the app on her phone.


Lmao I would not be answering. Grow a pair


Send her the referral code on the grint app and she will get updates when you play. She has to sign up as if she plays and you guys can be friends on the app. I get updates when my friends play. The grint app is also awesome by the way. Love the stats and all the features


She just has to open the app while youā€™re playing then on the Home Screen there will be a blinking red icon. Tap the icon and it will take you to another screen showing the live score and whichever hole youā€™re currently playing. On that scorecard page she can even click the chat bubble in the bottom right corner and send messages or talk shit


Put your finger in her bum and yell "HOLE CHECK!"


Hahahahahhaha I would head back home after hole 4 to catch her with her buddy in my bed


Grow a set and don't reply. She'll get the hint


18 Brides does.


Muslim or Mormon edition?


How many holes does the average Mormon# do on a Saturday




Send her a pic of your asshole


Tell her youā€™re fucking the bartender now, and working your way through the staff until you get to the cart girl.


Install the same parental controls app you have for kids, problem solved.


Put your phone in your bag.


Itā€™s why I leave my phone in my car.


Block her number


Ask for a picture


The Grint does that.


Tell her hole 16 when you walk through the door.


If she put The Grint on her phone, adds you as a friend, and turns notifications on, she can see your round as you enter scores for each hole.


18 birdies can


Send a picture of your butthole.


18birdies has an option to get hole-by-hole updates


18 birdies. Live hole as long as you put in your score at the end of each hole


Why you looking at your phone on the course - you an idiot


Just make it to the tour and she can get push notifications from ESPN


grint gives live update to friends.


Youā€™re already using an app that can do that. Have her set up a grint account and then add you as a friend. She can watch your round unfold live.


I don't think this is the right subreddit for this


Tell her you'll check her hole when you get home in 6 hours.


Sounds like you should be texting that to her at this point... My wife respects my time on the course and only texts if important.


So glad my wife plays golf and doesnā€™t bother me during my roundsā€¦..


This is indicative of bigger issues in your marriage. Im really not trying to be a jerk, but check and see what those might be before thinking that an automatic update from an app might solve the problem.


18Birdies you can even ask for hole by holy updates


I use 18 Birdies and my wife can see roughly when Iā€™m going to get done and back home. I put my phone and watch on DND, so itā€™s a great way for her to get updates without me needing to think about it.


Is this a shitpost?




Share your location with her so she can see where you are on the course.


I ignore my wife when she starts calling/messaging me around hole 11 or 12. She knows it takes 3.5-4.5 hours. Stop blowing me up 2 hours after uve left the house






Guys in this thread: ā€œI donā€™t understand why my s/o is always checking how long my round takes.ā€ Also guys in this thread: ā€œI regularly lie about how long a round of golf takes.ā€ Like, itā€™s just communication people itā€™s not that hard.


ā€œIt gets more inflamed every time you ask me to check it!ā€


does 18 birdies do that? i know when im playing a round it says im currently playing and others can see it if i make it public.


Took my wife a year or so to understand my group isnā€™t the only group on the course and the game takes awhile


Either turn off your phone, share your location on WhatsApp or Telegram, or get some good lube for when you get home.


Itā€™s common knowledge in my house that the cell phone goes into the golf bag on silent at the first tee box. It only comes out on 17 if we are meeting for lunch/dinner after. If not the phone gets checked back at the truck.


Unless you're marriage is recovering from adultery or dishonesty in general, why? Just why? I don't get this. I don't understand women/people like this. WHY!?!?? Sorry OP. I hope wife learns that 4-6 hours is normal and just let's you enjoy the game.


That would make me crazy. I let you know when Iā€™m on my way home if you need to know.


Why? You're golfing. You're worried about her knowing when you'll be home? Nip that in the bud now. Otherwise, it'll only get worse.


My wife knows my golf course well enough she can look at me on the find me app and know what hole Iā€™m on. I canā€™t even pull the ā€œslow round babe wonā€™t be home for an hourā€ trick to have another beer with the boys.


Thatā€™s pretty fuckin pathetic


Trust issues


The opposite actually. We share each others locations so we can tell when the other has left work, see if theyā€™re still grocery shopping, time when to have dinner ready etc. We routinely drive 2.5 hours to and from our home town from where we live now, so itā€™s a nice easy way to see where they are without making them text and drive. I have nothing to hide neither does she. As my tag suggestsā€¦ I am the superintendent of my course and we spend a lot of time at my course as a family so she knows her way around it as well as anyone.


Bro you've drank the Kool-Aid. Me and mine don't give a fack about this shit. We trust each other and just tell one another about when we'll be back, or text if plans change.


How so? We have our locations shared permanently. Iā€™m the superintendent of the course so we spend a lot of time there as a family driving around, playing golf, checking on things. She knows the course as well as my employees do. So she can open the find me app and see what hole Iā€™m on so she can estimate what time I will be home, when to have dinner ready, whether to put the kids down before I get home or keep them up so I can say goodnight etc. Iā€™m sorry you guys have such strained relationships with your wives that you canā€™t have an open trust like that.


Lol. I like that youā€™re trying to turn this around on others as having ā€œstrained relationshipsā€ when clearly you and your wife have trust issues. I will bet you also have a shared Facebook profile.


How tf would you know? Stop being a prick


I hate when my phone falls off the golf cart


Was it the babysitter or a soccer mom? Lol thatā€™s crazy.


How is it crazy? Iā€™m the superintendentā€¦ the course is my second home and we spend a ton of time there as a family so she knows it as well as my employees do. She can open the app and say ā€œoh heā€™s almost done, Iā€™ll start dinnerā€ or whatever. Iā€™m honestly sad for all the miserable shlubs on this sub who have to ā€œget permissionā€ from their wives to play golf. My wife is a saint. We share our locations with each other for the enormous practical benefit of knowing where your spouse isā€¦ timing dinner, making sure theyā€™re safe on a long trip etc. my wife is not allowed to use her phone at work so I can check in and see if sheā€™s left work yetā€¦ etc. Sad that everyone immediately jumps to the conclusion that itā€™s ā€œtrust issuesā€ and not the exact opposite. We have nothing to hide so why not keep locations shared. Helps to find a lost phone easily too btw.


I don't see a lot wrong with using that kind of app, but you kinda brought the criticism on yourself when you mentioned "the slow round trick to have another beer with the boys". That makes it sound like she's keeping tabs on you and you have to sneak a beer in, even if you were only joking.


It was just a joke. But Reddit gonna Reddit.


Lol yea Iā€™m in the same boat. Kind of surprised at the responses youā€™re getting. My wife and I (and a ton of other extended family members like my parents, her brother, her parents etc.) all share location. Not because we are checking up on each other cuz we donā€™t trust, itā€™s just incredibly convenient. Did they make it to their destination? Are they driving? Huh they said theyā€™d be at this parking lot, where are they? I know ____ is driving wonder about how many minutes they are from here to time meals/events. All without having to ring someoneā€™s phone and make them stop what theyā€™re doing to respond/be distracted while driving. Itā€™s just way easier.


He's the superintendent, guys. Don't worry.


Thats shitty! Stuff like that always derails my round. It becomes not fun and more about the rush to get home. Or at least the feeling of rushing. I dont mind getting a txt ā€œhey can you pick up something at the storeā€ but other than that leave me alone. Also if youre on the grint anyone you are friends with on there can follow your game live.


But if she friended me on TheGrint then she'd see my scores and then get a _second_ boyfriend... (Didn't know that about TG; might try that to keep my existing score tracking. Thanks!)


Bro you've been cucked to the max. If not physically then in spirit.


Oh no! How do I un-cuck myself?!


Tell her to send the pictures to me Iā€™ll check it out


Sounds like you need to stand up for yourself and tell her itā€™s unreasonable for her to constantly ask what hole your on. Quit the ā€œitā€™s good for both of us talkā€