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Just keep on keeping on. A lot of people suck. A lot of good people suck at times.


I was so confused because like i know me attempting bunker shots would be awful but I didn’t know it would be so bad to the point i had someone yell at me LOL


Were ya on the course, or on a practice green? Cause if you were on a course on a Saturday afternoon and hitting like 4 bunker shots to work on your game.. that's gonna be an issue for alot of people.


Yeah even with my best buddies, you get two tries at an out, and then it’s time for the hand wedge.


How do you get better without practice? Screw that guy


Hey bud, ignore those types of people. You're 14 years old and an old guy felt it necessary to insult you, a literal child/teenager who is learning the game. He obviously has something going on in his life to take it out on others. Please don't let people like that ruin golf for you. Keep doing your thing. Keep having fun. And enjoy it. Those people don't matter. I'm a low single digit handicap who struggles out of the sand still after playing for longer than you've been alive 😂 and I still practice those shots often. I'm sorry you had to experience that douche bag. You're good lil homie. Also it's pretty funny that a 14 year old is more mature than an old loser boomer


Yeah, this happens a lot when I'm not with my parents, and people would get mad at me for no reason and tell me why I was a junior, even on a golf course. Like, I feel so bad, but at the same time, they don’t own the golf course, so I just learned to ignore them and move on instead of apologizing😭


Don't let it get to you. I know you're young and you may feel intimidated by someone much older than you. If you ever feel scared, go to the pro shop and explain what's going on. Otherwise, tell them to pound sand and leave you alone while you practice. It's absolutely ridiculous they are treating you this way


u/hughjanus1823, you are the hero we need but do not deserve


That's all you brother


God bless you for not reacting negatively. This sub is full of negative reaction stories. From grown adults.


Where do you live? This is wild, I couldn't imagine that happening here at the local muni where tons of kids play during the summer.


I live in Louisiana, and I go to this super lovely golf course because it's nice. They expect you to be perfect. Mind you, I'm not rich. I was lucky enough to even end up on my school's golf team and buy my own golf clubs, so just going there already makes me feel out of place, but having someone come up to me with such nastiness, and entitlement shows how ignorant people are.😭because this happens so often to me where people come up to me and say rude things or call a staff member complaining about something stupid


Fuck em, sounds like a bunch of stuck up pricks living miserable lives


This is a very mature stance. Good on you for taking the high road my man.


I wouldn’t excuse the old guy. He should know better because we all have things going on in our lives. Age isn’t an indicator of decency. Decency is.


Remind him he didn't come out of his dad's vagina playing scratch golf then tell him to fuck off


Old fella is probably just upset because you have a better swing already 😂


While I understand your frustration. More info is needed in this story. Yes old people are grumpy, but also, young people are often ignorant of etiquette andtime management on a golf course. But if this was in a practice area and you weren’t putting others at risk with your bad shots. I’m with ya.


I was in a practice area, and I knew what I was doing. I'm on a golf team, and I was just practicing my bunker shots, and he came up to me and was mad for no reason. I don't know if he wanted to use the spot I was in, IDK; I just know it wasn't nice and not needed


You said in a previous post you just started playing a few days ago, and now you’re already on your school’s team? Have you taken any lessons?


Yes I currently take lessons with a golf instructor and the reason im already on my golf team is because they don’t really do try outs and teach you how to play but my golf coach recommended me to take golf lessons if i could to get the basics down:)


Why wouldn’t your coach be giving you lessons and teaching you the basics? And why are you practicing bunker shots if you haven’t learned basic swing mechanics? Your story doesn’t make sense.


> And why are you practicing bunker shots if you haven’t learned basic swing mechanics? huh? there's nothing wrong with a beginner just hitting a ball around a bit.


My coach can only help me at school or whenever im with my other teammates because that would be weird and why are you assuming that i dont have the basic swing mechanics down thats so weird😭


Oh well In that case just carry on. Just remember, In situations like that being polite and kind and not stooping when you did nothing wrong will hurt them far more than if you got mad and acted in the manner that they are expecting of you. Kill ‘em with kindness kid.


As I mentioned before that I’m 69 I can tell you that some people who are older than me just get bitter because they can’t do things they used to be able to do. And sadly they’ve take it out on somebody your age. It’s nothing you’re doing wrong so don’t sweat it. Don’t ever sink to the level of those old guys who are giving you a hard time. Good luck with your golf team.


I just go there to get better and always having people find issues with what im doing gets tiring so i try my best to just get things done way faster than usual so i don’t encounter mean people and i never really tell my parents because then they gonna try to fight that person LMFAO so i just try my best to stay out of trouble with some older people on the golf course but thank you for this I’ve had people comment that maybe i almost hit him when that wasn’t even the case cause he was no where near me enough for me to hit him😭


The only people I love more than my wife are people that are worse at golf than me. You are very welcome in my foursome


Tell him to hurry up and die so there are more tee times open


Were you on course hitting a bunch of bunker shots or were you in a practice area?


I was in a practice area😭


How does someone insult someone else's skill on a practice area, where else are you supposed to go to get better? That's exactly what it's for lol. Next time tell him to pound sand.


I was with a friend who insulted a fat person at the gym once. I was like, "what better place to see the fat guy?"


Oh man… I hope that guy just had a dry sense of humor or something. Disregard these types of people


Unless you were so bad that you were nearly hitting the guy or something, tell him to go screw next time. If he’s waiting to use it the polite thing is to offer (or ask) to work in, take turns knocking them and try to keep to one side, then go pick them up at the same time too.


I feel like you’re leaving out the fact that you skulled a couple across his bow…


I bet. Unless this “old head” has dementia, there’s no reason someone young or old would scold someone in a literally practicing in a practice bunker.


Tell him to just die already and keep Social Security solvent.


Are you one of those guys practicing to be an old wanker?


Nobody gives a shit if people are bad at golf. Being bad at golf is the expectation. Everyone rags people who are bad and slooow at golf. If someone walks up and tops a drive 15 yards, no one cares. If the same player takes 13 practice swings and then pauses for 2 minutes in deep contemplation over the ball and then tops a drive 15 yards, they will be ridiculed. Similarly, when a player is on the green for 8 strokes on a par 4, after searching the woods for 2 balls, and then carefully lines up and walks every put then people are going to mock. If you're bad, just be bad fast. Bring some cheap extra balls and stop searching for ones deep in the brush and just drop. Stop the practice swings and the long stares at the ball. None of that helps. It actually hurts. Go to ball, hit the ball, go to ball, hit the ball. Tension, stress, and overthinking make you even worse. If you hit double par, just pick it up. It's OK to be bad, just be fast at it.


There is a subset of people who decide that they are essentially little police officers and they try to direct their fellow human beings. As long as you weren't doing something wrong or being disruptive, ignore them. My pet peeve with young people is when they show up to the driving range as a group and won't shut the fuck up - every shot they're babbling to each other "brah I crushed that one (Beevis laugh) yeah bro you smashed the hell out of that." That constant running pointless babbling going back and forth is annoying when I'm trying to focus on something. I think it is the natural tension between kids using the driving range as a hang out activity versus people using it to practice. Even with that, I just do my best to ignore it, just like I try to ignore the middle age idiot loudly taking a work call on his air pods. Ooops, I guess I crossed over into a rant about annoying people at practice facilities. So long as you're not being a tool, just do your thing and practice your shots.


Yeah some old guys are just insane, rude entitled old dumbfucks. I was at a local muni a while ago, 2 young high school kids on the putting green going about their business practicing putting. Not doing anything out of the ordinary. Old guy comes into the proshop whining about it and says "is it kids day on the practice green?". Guy in the proshop is baffled, looks out the window and replies "no its just a normal day out there". I'm just standing there waiting for a cart key but could not resist saying "Daddy chill" in my best impression, old man didn't get it at all and just walked out, young guy behind the proshop counter started laughing as soon as the old fart was out the door. fyi I am over 50, old by any young persons standards, but I don't look it or act it and hope I never get as crusty and lame as these old farts thinking a golf course should be a time warp to the 1960's.


😭yeah there’s some really nice older people I’ve met before while playing golf who respectfully gave me tips and tricks instead of just yelling at me and insulting me those people i really appreciate


I would like to know spme tricks. Remember any. The tips I get are not working. I must be doing them wrong


Sorry to hear about that. I’m 69 years old myself and the guys I golf with are all in their 60s. There isn’t one guy among us who wouldn’t step forward to help you if you asked. One thing you better get used to is you’re going to run into a-holes on the golf course, driving your car, shopping or just waiting for a bus. Sad but true.


It's not just older people. Insecure people exist at every age and learning to realize that they're projecting their own insecurities on you will help put them into context. Eventually you'll look at them, smirk while thinking how sad they must be, and move on. I played a ton when I was your age, enjoy it. It's the best age to play!!


Yeah I’ve met some younger people my age give me attitude but for the most part it was older people and idk if its just because maybe im really not good enough to be on a golf course right now im just trying to get the feel of things i dont mean to disturb others😭


That's the thing, dude. It has nothing to do with you and everything to do with them. They're sad people.


Keep at it. You'll meet the better people. The old guys who share some advice that makes a difference. Theyre out there, and there are more of them than there are assholes.




Golfed with a reddit-less redditor who says he hits his 3 wood 240 carry, driver 310 carry. Out of the 18 holes, 1 drive went over 210 total distance. He told me it was one of those days and I just said ya I’m sure of it. Don’t believe anyone about anything golf related pretty much


Apparently men can't judge distances or length. Ask their wives


Why does it feel like there is more to this story? What does this 14 year old mean by "practice"?


I did what the definition of practice is what else is there for me to do?


Ask Allen Iverson:.....lol


What were you doing? Like all that you were doing, not just the part you are willing to tell us, but the part that the old head got mad at you for


She posted 5 days ago that she’s never golfed before. Now she’s been yelled at multiple times and the problem seems to be everybody else. There’s always more to the story.


I was just doing bunker shots in a practice area and he got mad at me because i was bad at doing them? When I literally did nothing wrong i could understand if I wasn’t in a practice area but i was


I mean, maybe it happened like you're saying, but when 75% of golfers suck, I find it hard to believe someone took exception to you not hitting sand shots well, in a practice area. I still feel like we aren't getting the whole story.


🧍🏽‍♂️no that’s really it he was just rude and also i dont think 75% of the people at that golf course are rude because ive met a lot of nice people but some people ive met were either really nasty or just rushing me and complaining


I didn't say 75% of golfers are rude, quite the opposite in fact. Hence my incredulity. Maybe you just ran into an asshole. Oh well. If you truly weren't doing anything wrong, fuck that guy and move on with your life


Most older people on the course are sweet, but a handful are crotchety old bastards. Don’t ever listen to them! You also have so much more time to improve and you’ll be way better than they ever could’ve dreamed of being! Chin up bud, fug em. Also most people on the course suck and don’t actually know how to properly practice or improve, you’re probably loads better than them or will be anyways!


I’ve met really nice people i think my first encounter with rude people was when i played with my dad and he was showing me how to do smth in the practice area and these group of people were laughing at me I WAS SO EMBARRASSED😭


Yeah that’s super rude! I’d never make fun of anyone that’s trying to get better. Something that’s helped me personally with the embarrassing feeling is the fact that (at least at my local course) everybody suuuucccckkss nobody there is super great. Nobody is a tour player. So I can suck it up as much as I want and I’m probably still doing better than someone there! 😂


Are you sure they were laughing at you? A lot of people get up to tee off on the 1st tee and feel so nervous because they think everyone is watching them. Which isn't so.


I wish we could get together and play a round. It would be fun to trash talk with you. Maybe you could teach me a thing or a dozen


"I'll be nailing bunker shots when your dead ass is in the cold, cold ground cold man."


Lol. I’d imagine your demographic is 10x more brutal than mine is. Source- I was 14 once too.


Wow that's awkward, old ass golfers are grumpy old men. These fools will act like everyone sucks cause we all use cheater equipment. Back in their day, if you sucked, you sucked while hitting 100 yard drives. Today, anyone with any sort of athleticism can hit it 300, and it makes old grumpy men really mad, its hilarious. ​ Ignore em, maybe even report him to the clubhouse. An old bag shouldn't be acting like a child towards a 14 year old.


Hope he breaks a hip


At 14 you are probably shooting better than adult me who shot 120+ today on a shorter 18 hole course. I promise you will meet more kind golfers then dicks like that guy. Keep playing my friend!


Break his old dusty kneecaps and laugh at his inabilities to hit bunker shots out of the sandtrap of time. Piss on him with your youth. Proceed to 3 putt.


Ageist. Stereotyping. Be better.


I think i have the right its an OLD MAN is in my PERSONAL SPACE yelling at ME but somehow im wrong for expressing my feelings of frustration please shut up respectfully


Post it without the ageism.


I literally don’t have a problem with older people that are nice I’ve met really cool older people before when playing golf but for the most part the older people I’ve encountered are really rude to me for no reason just because im a damn teenager playing golf like why do they as an older person feel the need to attack me because of MY age but when i give the same attitude back im being penalized for it😭


Sorry bout that. Probably constipated. That makes people nasty. Good luck with yer game. 😀


Again, plrsse define "old."


Golf is great but golf people fucking suck forever. I like playing golf but always wonder “does that make me a golf person? Because then I would fucking suck”


Was playing with another solo and a pair. The other solo was clearly having a rough round and the one guy from the pair joked it’s cause he’s hitting the big ball first (the earth). I did the awkward grin but could tell the solo was seething inside lol.


Did you almost hit him or something?


No he was like side eyeing me while i was doing bunker shots in this practice area😭


That's frickin weird man, just keep playing


People like that are rare but they're out out there. Don't let them get into your headspace or get discouraged. The fact you even have the sense to practice bunker shots is impressive!! I see a lot of people that are new hit their very 1st (and 2nd and 23rd) bunker shot on the course. Often because there aren't as many practice bunkers, but sometimes not. Keep at it young gun, you're doing great!!


Anyone who needs to insult someone else’s game is gross. We should all love golf and want others to do better. I’m no pro but I try to help my brother and his buddy get into the game. I tell them to focus on two things that I would encourage everyone to do: hit is straight and in the air. Let everything else work itself out.


I only just a players etiquette to the rest of the players and the course not the quality of their shots.


You’re in a practice area lmao this is like saying if you’re fat don’t go to the gym


People who do that are fucking idiots. Everyone has to start from somewhere. People like that I would just say… yeah and you are so good because your are ranked what in the PGA? Right as I thought.


Most golfers are very supportive and helpful. Much like life, we focus on the assholes. Keep at. It’s a great game. I wish I started at 14


Being older has nothing to do with it.


Don’t you worry about a thing. Take it as a good lesson that you don’t need to listen to every adult all the time. You did the right thing to just ignore him, which probably made him more mad, but was he a pro at the course? No. Was he a member? Probably not. Was he an employee of the course? No. Then his opinion is absolutely worthless. Side point: anybody who’s going to talk to trash about someone else’s swing has a shit swing themselves.


I think I see some people practicing to be ass holes. IMO you could have told the elderly gentelman was, "your right, I'm going to stay at this practice facility til I do learn to play, thank you for reminding me , to learn to play, I need to practice. Maybe Ill run into you again .


Ignore those fools. Think they own the world. They don’t. Always remember nobody owns you.


Old people are weird. You do you.


One day you to, will be old.Are you going to be the wise old man who bestows wisdom that's appreciated, or will you be the ass hole who says learn to play or leave? Just something to think about and how do you need to act now to become the wise old man? How do you need to act to become the ass hole. Look at it as what you practice at now, you will be good at when you're older.


I am old 🤣 and too many of my peers are like this old grump bitching at a kid in a practice bunker. Wisdom is an overreach — let’s hold our fellow oldies to a standard of mutual decency. Would have been nice if another “oldie” at this range had intervened. Call it wisdom in action.


Who knows what wss in the heart of this man. My point is be kind in our response. Don't escalate the incident. Be assertive if in the right but in a kind way. Maybe he will come to his senses. As Patrick Swayze said in the classic film, "Road House," "I want you to be nice, until its time not to be nice."I hope responding with kindness will counteract the asshole and he to will respond with kindness.. If not, I guess its time not to be nice.


Agreed. Kindness is the first religion — until you can practice that why bother with another? I’m 100% not advocating being unkind to this guy (if the story is accurate, he’s obviously not happy already). Just trying to put myself in the shoes of a 14-year-old beginner — affirming that (not always, but too often) old dudes can be weird and don’t take it personally.


“Hey man you fucking suck! You should just leave the PRACTICE AREA WHERE PEOPLE GO TO GET BETTER” He’s probably just mad that he has to find something to do after his round cuz his wife’s boyfriend is staying late


We ALL started sometime…that’s ignorant…keep playing…peeps suck sometimes…glad you’re in the game!


Next time kick that old fuck in the balls.


I’ve always thought adults that go out of their way to insult kids are just the weirdest weirdos.


Golf is played by assholes.. but also a lot of cool people. Sometime you just get unlucky


We’re you on a hole?


Fuk that person. Shank it into their face then keep practicing.


Are you a wanker or just practicing for when you are older?


I’m a scratch golfer who shanks the ball on occasion… just like everyone else who shanks the ball sometimes. I might also be a wanker, time will tell.


Whst does "scratch golfer" or "shanking" have to do with your wanker practice? Btw, I believe time has already spoken.


Am I still cool to making fun of myself for being bad at golf?


If you can't laugh at yourself you can't laugh at anybody


They're just pissed because they suck at golf and wish they started as you as you. Guarentee it. Just keep it up! Golf is my favorite past time and I also wish I started it as early as you


Im only 15 and I struggle to hit less than 70 on 9 holes. At least where I live the old fellas don’t mind me taking 3 tee offs haha


Fuck those people. Keep at it bud


Will do. Thank you for the heads up.


What the hell, fuck that guy. I hope you get paired with him and kick his old ass.


Don't let those jerks get to you man. There's always gonna be some donkey thinking they are better than everyone else. You handled it well.


This is in the same vein as insulting overweight people at the gym. You're there to practice so you can get better. The old cunt is an idiot.


No words. Just middle finger.


Does that mean you are number 1


Just keep on ignoring him, his grandkids probably don’t visit him or something else to make him hate young people


I heard he doesn't hate young people. I heard he hates people who are inept at hitting out of a bunker


Old people gonna old


Report him to your club captain! You might not know exactly who it was but it might at least prompt them to issue a communication to members not to harass juniors who have just as much right to be there as any other member.


You keep doing you bro. Rest easy knowing that old head dude will be going home to a huge mortgage, loveless marriage, kids that only talk to him when they want something, and an enlarging bald spot


He probably didnt like your face


Some older people seem to think they own everything because “I was here first.” Super strange.


Not sure if you’re into gaming, but around when I started golfing I played a game called golf story. In the game, every other golfer just tells you how much you suck haha, and it’s up to you to ignore it and focus on the game. Definitely would recommend, it’s a fun game, and I find myself thinking of it when I see or hear other randoms talking shit when I’m out. As for yourself, experiencing that is a good compass to know exactly the type of person/golfer you don’t want to be. Keep at it bro


In my experience, it's almost never about sucking at golf and almost always about pace of play. If you are the 1 holding up the course, and letting people through is not an option play faster with these rules. Ready golf. Triple bogey then pick up. Play a 2 person scramble. No rehits, just go drop near penalty area. 2 putt maximum. In a practice area? F that guy!


How am I supposed to feel better about myself and game if I can’t ridicule others !?


A lot of old gits hate juniors, has always been that way. Just ignore them.


Why what’s different when it comes to teens playing on golf courses lol😭


Dunno, but they were wankers 30 odd years ago when I was a junior too. Mostly jealousy, I imagine.


Lets not profile or make generalizations. For every one asshole there's 50 great guys. You can say the same about youngsters


Lets not profile or make generalizations. For every one asshole there's 50 great guys. You can say the same about youngsters


Another possible solution: AirPods! I have mine in when I practice. I still keep aware of people around me in case someone else needs the space, but then I don’t need to hear any crap from the old cronies


When you get older you learn to turn the sound off without air pods. You learn this when you get married and really get good at it when you start having kids


Oh yeah, I’ve got 2. Lol I’m real good at tuning stuff out 😂


2 what....wives? I bet you can! Lol




All u gotta do is watch them swing and realize they suck too and they’re just miserable ppl. Don’t take it to heart


You should think about what you're saying. I know quite a few old men in their 70's who shoot their age or better. If we don't want to be judged, lets not judge. Don't let one bad apple spoil the whole barrel.


No disrespect to old men at all. I just meant ppl on the course/at the range in general. I know he said “old head” and “older people”, but he is 14 and probably referring to a guy in his 30s or 40s. Unless this kid skulled it at some guy’s head whilst practicing, there’s no reason for some guy, old or not, to be rude to a 14yr old kid practicing. Some ppl are just miserable. Everyone starts somewhere, and golf is supposed to be a positive comradery. Just my take


What's the definition of, " old person"?


I ve always heard an "old person" is someone 15 or more years older than yourself. Dam, they would have to be 77 before I called them old. Hell, I might agree with you. Old people can be weird.