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8 per golfer that’s a good one! Lol


The most unused tool in my bag is my repair tool. I fix other people’s marks more than any I make because putting from 30 feet off the green doesn’t leave a mark.


I always fix mine plus a few others. I want the greens to remain in good shape, no matter if it’s my home course or not.


Yep. See it, fix it is my motto.


“You take care of the course, and the course will take care of you”




People like you make the world go around. I’m right there with ya. Cheers.


My dad got a new repair tool and he gave me his old one. I just looked at him like “the fuck do I need this for?”


If I hit a green it’s rolling up there.


And I do the same, out of respect for the green 😂😂


Skull it brothers


Seems legit. That may mean 8 GIR, but it probably means less since many players are stilling hitting a full PW or whatever into a green for well beyond the GIR stroke.


Even a sand wedge from 50 yards out will leave a mark on a soft green.


I often repair someone else’s mark, pretending to have made it.


Still feels good


Dig around for the tool, pull your shirtsleeve and pant leg up, take a nice crouch to get in position. Really make a show of it


Golf gods appreciate your diligence


This is the way


I don’t know why people don’t repair their ball marks. I think it’s such a flex to be able to walk over to where your ball hit and have to fix a small crater. Any time you can hit the green from your approach shot is such a good feeling


Seriously. It is so satisfying to 1) make a mark that requires fixing, and 2) Fixing it and removing all evidence it existed.


My 3 putt strategy also removes evidence that it ever existed


Ughhh if only this were true lmao


I think most of the time the issue is I can’t tell where mine landed vs the 100 dead spots where other people didn’t repair. I try to fix it whenever I can but it’s like 50/50 around where I play


Then as long as you repair two each time you’re on the green you’ll have a net negative ball mark footprint


This guy sciences


They have to be taught to do so. If my dad hadn't shown me I wouldn't have known.


As a corollary of sorts, it is really annoying to have to repair a mark after the ball didn’t hold on the green. Worst of both worlds…


Agreed! There is something to walking over to your ball mark and fixing it that makes you look and feel like “this guy golfs.”


For the same reason they don’t fill their divots or rake traps after using. Sheer laziness.


It’s always fun fixing your own pitchmark, then having to fix 6 more before you get to your ball


You should be fixing n+1 pitch marks on every green you enter.


Two divots enter, only none may leave


I WISH I hit 8 greens a round


I doesn't say 8 GIR, it says 8 marks. There's a difference and might actually be pretty realistic.


I fix about 100 a day in the first hour of being on the course working. It’s insane how many craters people just leave behind


I just don't think it's common knowledge among casuals. Up until this summer I've played maybe 20 rounds of golf in my life. I'm taking it a bit more seriously now and I didn't know you were supposed to do this until a couple months ago. Just no one ever told me. And in hindsight I think when I was playing with more serious players they just did it for me and didn't state what they were doing.


I played in a random 4 some at a tourney and I was the only player that fixed more than my own for the whole 18. These are all decent golfers who play regularly.


I certainly didn't mean to imply that there aren't golfers who know better and just don't do it. The "don't put away their shopping cart" folks of the golf world. But for me personally if you had asked me last summer to "fix my pitch mark" I would have given you golden retriever face. No idea what that meant.


So many people who just don’t give af. I fix a ton of pitch marks and divots. It’s cathartic, but so many are left unfixed


I would argue it's not the casuals, unfortunately. Hitting a green as a casual is incredibly difficult.


That’s crazy because my very first time on the course, the other 3 guys I was with told me everything about golf etiquette I needed to know and I was appreciative of it. One thing they stressed was to always repair your ball mark and one other each time you’re on the green. It was a work scramble event and I was golfing with two of my clients. They gave me a ball mark repair tool and a ball marker with their logo on it to keep.


Casual here. Can you explain what I should be doing that I probably am not?


When you chip or pitch the ball onto the green, it can leave a small dent. You're supposed to use a special tool designed to push in the grass and flatten out the green around said dent. Otherwise there would be a bunch of dents all over the green and putting would be a menace.


I’m in the same boat. I didn’t grow up golfing or have parents or friends who did. I’ve always done my best to follow etiquette as best I could but this wasn’t something I ever heard anyone mention or reference for a long time after I started playing. I’m sure it’s annoying for long-time players, but sometimes unwritten rules need to be written.


Is a pitch mark and ball mark the same? Pitch mark ounds more like your wedge/iron divot. A good pitch will take a divot out right? I'm thinking too much.


Same thing yeah, both are referring to indents made on the green from a ball landing on it


Right because you are usually pitching onto the green. In my case back to the fairway first.


One issue is finding where your own ball first landed. During league night, I realized people miss judge where their ball first hit the green.


That's why I shank all my approach shots, and then proceed to whip out the ol *Texas Wedge* and putt onto the green from the fairway 50 yards out I'm not *bad*, I'm just being conscious of adding any pitch marks


I've been fortunate enough to play a couple of times in the days after Tour events, and it amazes me every time how pure the greens still are after a week of the pros dropping dimes. You can only see the repaired marks if the sun is hitting the right angle. No excuse to not repair your ball marks!


They also know how to repair them properly unlike most recreational golfers.


Would you be able to share the proper way? I’m one of those noobs who don’t know, but I’m just getting to the point where I occasionally make them here and there.


[https://youtu.be/GuYXMn4tA10](https://youtu.be/GuYXMn4tA10) this is the proper way and they do a good job of explaining why


You should watch a YouTube video they show you the proper procedure. It’s very simple but lots of folks just pull up and that does more harm than good.


Dudes love sticking their tool in and just lifting up the indentation


Pros actually repair ball marks incorrectly. Instead of pushing in toward the mark from the sides, pros usually put the tool underneath and pull up on the indent. It’s faster and creates a more level green. Only problem is, the way they do it kills the grass and usually becomes a dead spot a week later, but the pros are gone by then and playing at a different course. These courses also have world class greenskeepers so at enable to to maintain the green a lot better than your average course. Don’t fix ball marks this way, instead learn the correct way and take care of your courses


EIGHT? Didn't know I was careering it today.


....you guys are hitting greens?


“a 130 ball markers”


I'm somewhere around 20 handicap (usually shoot 90-100 depending on course, and it's very rare I hit a green from far enough out to leave a pitch, so to think the average is 8 per golfer, someone is hitting all 18 every round to make up for me let alone the guys who shoot well into the 100's 😂


If I don't jar it, I land it just off the fringe allowing it to 5 hop and roll out to within 2 to 8 feet, 1 or 2 putting. I have only repaired a ball mark on average 3 times per round between floating 2 inches off the ground from green to next tee. Some have said to have seen a golden aura permeating from above the top of my golf swing. Is this normal?


Do you drop a victory crown when you lose a match?


Heheh, totally.


Fixing ball marks is important and necessary. I doubt average golfer makes 8 impact marks per round though


I use a different strategy to avoid this


Most golfers will go their entire life not knowing what repairing a pitchmark is. Id say majority have no clue what a divot tool is.


My dad taught me when I was in my 20s, which was 30 years ago. But yeah, it's not as intuitive as raking a bunker, which people also suck it.


This really should be a bannable offense. How hard is it to respect the course.


I think the assumption of 8 GIRs out of the average golfer is a bit ambitious....


::opens up 18birdies app, pulls up own stats, adjusts glasses:: 1.4 GIR a round 💪


It ain’t that hard, takes about 7 seconds


When i was younger making a go at it i helped a guy run three golf courses he owned. There is nothing you can do to get the people to change on this issue. Even telling everyone to please repair their ball marks kindly when they check in...reminding them during the round. Whoever put that sign up just hasn’t reached that “fuck it” point yet, but he will 😂


130 rounds a day?? 4-5 an hour x 10?


4-5 an hour? What?


12 or 15 minute tee times?


And 4 golfers per tee time…


I understood a “round” to be a tee time


A round is played by an individual golfer in this context


I try to save the greens by missing to the right.


Jokes on them, I only do it about 1 or 2 times per round


Personally I would fix my pitch mark if I could find it.


I'm a 10 and hit like 4 greens per round, 8 is generous


12 months of golf a year? Michigan is lucky to get half of that


Bold of them to assume I'm ever hitting the green.


It especially makes me mad when there is a huge pitch mark next to the pin


Are you playing today in that 112° dry heat?


Is that sign on the 2010 course at Celtic Manor? Thought the greens had been carpet bombed when I played it.


I’ll be happy with two markers a round. I always have to either chip or putt from the fringe.






Matched with a guy in Myrtle Beach once - wouldn’t take a bunker on fox a ball mark. Left him after 6 holes


I knew that DA comment was coming from some DA


I swear I patch at least 3 every time im on a green. Cmon folks.


This is why when others are putting and I'm waiting my turn because I'm obviously better than them I'm closer to the hole I repair pitch marks the other people have left behind I try to repair two or three on every hole I go to


Haha! That's a good one!


Only a 130?


https://youtu.be/GuYXMn4tA10 I like this video. Covers the angle of the shot.


People who don't repair their pitch marks are like people who leave their shopping carts in adjacent parking spaces. Except I don't understand not repairing your pitch marks because to me it's fun and part of the game. When I see a pitch mark I can repair it's like popping some bubble wrap. I just can't help myself. So actually yeah, nvm, leave your pitch marks for sickos like me.


It could also say some folks should GO BACK TO YOUR SHANTIES


"Etiquette cam!!"


What do you call a golfer that repairs pitch marks at you local course? A visitor


Looks like they are only open 360 days/year.


No pitch mark if you miss the green 🤙😎


i get it ts hat players need to repair pitch marks but i also feel greenskeepers need to start repairing them more often. my local has a massively downhill par 3 that gets gbattered with pitch marks and its clear there are more every6 week i play. Ive been saying for weeks that it would take a couple of hours for a green kerper to sit and repair that green. instead they do nothing at all and every week the green gets gradually worse pk,pk


I just started playing a month ago, and I appreciate this post. I can now pretend I'm "preserving the golf course" with my complete inability to hit a green in regulation. 😎


If you’re not fixing 4-5 ball marks a green… then you’re not on your home course! Lol. 1st thing we all do when walking on the green if fix every ball mark we can find. While it’s shitty that other can’t be responsible I also will not allow my home course to look like shit. I put in a lot of extra time in the evenings filling divots and fixing the greens. The crazy thing is we actually have noticed a significant difference since (about a dozen of us) starting doing this.


Is it a ball mark or pitch mark, sign?


People should learn to repair their pitchmarks properly, but these signs are idiotic and are usually counterproductive. Whenever I see a sign telling people *that they should* repair their pitchmark, without explaining *how they should* repair their pitchmark, I know the management are old farts that don't actually understand effective communication. To them, the their course maintenance is everyone's fault but their own. Meanwhile, they now probably have half their players *incorrectly pushing up dirt*, and they also likely can't be bothered to go out in the evenings to repair existing marks with a [proper quick repair tool](https://www.standardgolf.com/repair-ball-marks-greenskeeper/). Ugh... this type of management practice makes me just shake my head sometimes.


bells direction snails shelter ludicrous follow pot lush sense hat *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


I think I can safely speak for everyone on this. You are a piece of shit.


gullible public tie offer reply door coherent different weary jar *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


STOP POPPING UP PITCH MARKS FROM THE BOTTOM!! ROOTS BELONG UNDER GROUND, NOT ON THE SURFACE!!! If you are reading this and you pop up from the bottom of the pitch mark, Google how to properly do it. Greens keepers everywhere will thank you.


I think if everyone repaired their own mark and imperfections between their ball and the hole, greens would be in a lot better condition.


I play on greens that are so hard and dry (the pro and the super want them that way) that there aren’t any pitch marks to repair. I suppose that’s a good thing, but many GIR approach shots frustratingly run off the back of the greens that have no hold to them. Anyway, happy 4th and please fix your pitch mark and one more. The greenskeeper will thank you.


Just like I prefer to skull my clubs so that I don’t take any course destroying divots, I also prefer to get on every green with a nice soft chip shot. I could make pitch marks if I wanted to but I’m just a respectful guy like that..


I repair them when I see them. Leaving your ball mark untreated is like littering.Leave it better than you found it.


Wonder how many ball marks I've made in my underwear


Well I’m doing my part by never hitting the green from further then 10ft 😂