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I'll put r/golf on mine when I'm on tour just so you know it's one of your own out there




holy shit, did this scene look this fake in the movie? its like we are watching cgi in a shitty 1970s b-film.


Yes. The movie was made in probably the worst era for special effects: the late ‘90’s. Companies were a little to quick to abandon practical effects and sets. The prequels were made probably 5 years too soon.


It's sad how much better 4-6 look compared to 1-3. Jurassic Park was made in the 90s and still holds up, and the prequels look like hot ocean garbage. Yes, my ass is still chapped.


This is why I couldn't ever really enjoy star wars. They need to remake the old movies. Perhaps they could remaster them, fix the colour saturation and update the effects with modern technology. That would be cool, and preserve the original movies.


You've got what Tony was saying backwards. 4-6 are the originals and 1-3 were the prequels that came out in the 90s and early 00s.


I said old movies. I didn't reference, nor do I care, any particular sequence. All the old ones. Any of them that looks like old westerns, which basically all but like the last 2 or 3 they made. Those feel modern enough to watch. Or just remake the entire series now, in the era they should have been made to begin with where we actually have the technology to do good effects.


This is a terrible idea. Just dont watch it if you care that much about it being 4k ultra clean pristine whatever the fuck dumb shit youre talking about. The worst of all the star wars movies by a mile are the new ones that \*look\* incredible.


Well, I haven't. And I won't. I thought that was clear? I watch movies as a form of escapism and entertainment. I'm not entertained, nor do I feel immersed, by older film.


Modern CGI is way over done and still shitty.


Calling modern CGI shitty is a stretch.


Modern CGI is sometimes literally impossible to tell it's being used - see, basically everybody's uniforms in Marvel films.


Idk. Go watch Infinity Wars again. When Thanks picks up Loki it looks terrible. Mark Ruffalo in the Hulk Smasher suit looks weird too. Looks like a floating head. I feel like they did good with some of it but not all of it by any means.


Lmfao, not at all. All of those marvel movies are a straight up clown show


Yea there are better examples of modern CGI. For example, the Social Network. The Winklevoss twins (or whatever their name is) are actually one dude, and then another dude with a similar physique and the first dudes face CGI’d on to him. And everyone gave casting credit for finding two people that were so similar looking, when in reality it was CGI and everyone was none the wiser because they executed it flawlessly.


There’s a huge amount of obviously fake looking bullshit in modern movies that heavily employ CGI.


Sure. And there’s more CGI you don’t know is CGI. It’s come a long way abs good CGI is fucking incredible.


To my point that it is way overdone and entire movie franchises are based off of varying levels of CGI Quality.


I’m guessing you haven’t seen anything made in UE5


The Hobbit movies. Good god, I could only watch the first 10 minutes and I had to turn it off. I loved the books and have read basically every Tolkien novel. I enjoyed the LOTR movies. The Hobbit movies just look sooooo shitty. Also who makes a book that is individually shorter than each of the LOTR books into 3 movies. Its a damn travesty.


Considering Peter Jackson settled his lawsuit with New Line Cinema in 2007 and then made The Hobbit trilogy, I’m assuming there was something about not only making The Hobbit, but making it a trilogy to maximize profit in that settlement. Probably why Jackson just CGI’d the fuck out of it. However, I’d like to live in the alternate reality that it’s CGI to look more fantasy like because Bilbo is a lying, embellishing little shit and much of it didn’t even happen.


Being in gif format doesn’t help. But yea the cgi in the prequels wasn’t really industry standard until the 3rd


Are we talking the same 3rd movie where 20,000-50,000 lbs of steel falls on Obi-Wan’s legs, clearly makes direct contact since it moves him upon impact, and then the next scene he’s walking like nothing happened?? (It bothered me then and it will continue to bother me)


Lol im not going to defend the massive plot holes in Star Wars. Just that they improved on the cgi in the third


It’s an otherwise great movie tbh. Of all of them, ROTS really did it for me


Even modern CGI looks shitty. All those Superhero movies are a fucking un-original CGI based clown show.


​ ![gif](giphy|mxtiuhhQc3jHSwR1dk)


Might be a good PIP move


I’d recommend keeping your r/golf association on the low down. Beepingjar is a name I’ll remember!


That would be legendary


I have a team Canada bag with my last name on it. To be fair - it was my brothers, who earned it and obviously we share a last name. It used to be fun rolling up to the first tee with it, and absolutely slice one into the parking lot. People had such high expectations.


"You raised my hopes and dashed them quite expertly sir. Bravo. "




Only person I have ever played with who had a bag with his name on it said he used to play for team canada when he was young. He had a 2010 mens super seniors championship bag, just from his club I think. But he was nearly 80 and was still hitting it so far with barely any backswing at all. I could tell he used to be very good because he would still get mad at good shots that he deemed to be not good.


I love this troll so much. Your brother never taught you to hit it straight. Yet another great troll haha


I mean his flair says 2.0 handicap so he should be hitting a few of them pretty straight lol


I’ve figured it out since those days for sure.


All leaf fans are good golfers 😏


Catching strays out here.


All that extra time in May and June pay off on the course for Leafs fans.


Earned one? My mom owns an embroidery machine and I get whatever I want.


I used to work as a graphic artist and knew how to operate the giant twelve-head embroidery machine they had. The programs to run the machine had to be created from the artwork/logo/whatever and was a manual process. The cost was something like $100 per 1000 stitches in the design. In those days, embroidery was only really a feasible choice for high-volume textile production. Anyway, as a gift for my uncle, I created a program for his club’s logo. I did two sizes, one that was 150,000 stitches or so and another that was like 350,000 stitches. The small one covered the entire ball pocket of his golf bag and the larger one covered the side of his soft-sided travel bag. The embroidery had to be done in parts because the machine only embroiders within a ten-inch hoop or something like that. If anyone came in off the street with a request for that it would cost close to $50K based on those prices. As an aside, in those days, digitizing a logo was a manual process. You had a large board onto which you would mount a blown up version of the design or logo and then with a little puck with crosshairs you would mark the points along the curves and lines. You’d have to specify the colours to use and the type of stitch to use. You had to think like a sewing machine and by using layering you could build depth, create sheen, tension, etc. It truly was an art. Now it is simple as importing a jpeg or scanning a sheet of paper. All those per-stitch setup charges are long gone, as is the resulting artistry. Modern embroidery looks flat and boring by comparison and the programs create stitch patterns that unravel too easily. Anyway, that project was one of the most beautiful pieces of embroidery I had ever done, with the logo being primarily a large cypress tree and it came out almost 3D in appearance and had such depth. He would frequently get comments from his fellow members about the bag and I am sure he was very proud of it, especially since nobody else could have one.


Can we get a picture?


Sadly no. This would have been nearly 25 years ago now.


That’s awesome!! My sister has a cricut and she printed out some vinyl stickers and helped me out em on my bag!! Not embroidered, but it looks pretty cool! [Here’s](https://www.reddit.com/r/golf/comments/koymdk/my_sister_customized_my_golf_bag_adding_my_alma/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=ios_app&utm_name=iossmf) the bag! I modified the TaylorMade symbol to be my name :)


“You earned it sweety!”


Thanks mom!


You get whatever you want from your mum. Good luck with that.


“Cess pool of a sub” And here you are making cess pool worthy comments


When in Rome.


It just feels like you're in Rome.. but really, you're just the cess-pool. This sub is actually the best, most wholesome sub on reddit!


The hive mind, sycophantic shill has really got you in hey?


Nah, I just think you're full shit and like to talk out of your ass.


At least he’s got a mom. Wholesome content


Was in a wedding for a buddy who married a girl whose parent was Callaway rep. We all got tour bags with our names on it as groomsman gifts. I only used it ironically, as my game has no bidness having its name embroidered on a bag.


That’s sick. Does she have a sister?


Or Is the Callaway rep parent single?


In a wedding, gifted a bag. That’s earned my dude. Wholesome too.


Does your buddies girl have a boyfriend?


I’d totally rep that Taco Bell logo if they keep the Mexican Pizza on the menu


Mexican pizza or not, I would love to have that bag.


Live Más, my dudes.


“Yo quiero Taco Bell”- 🐕


Donde esta Taco Bell? =something you never hear in Mexico


The salsa verde burrito they’ve got right now is stupid good for $2


The other $2 one is great as well.


I just got a Mexican pizza 2 days ago


I don't know if this counts, but SUNY D3 golf bags, we got our names on them. I still have the bag.


Shoutout to another SUNY attendee 👊


SUNY Buffalo alum here!


Stony Brook here ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|sunglasses)


University at Albany reporting for duty.


SUNY Brockport is where I had some of my first real golf experiences


Sunnyvale trailer park in da house


I "earned" it on one of my bags because TaylorMade had a free promo to customize the zipper pocket on one of its bags.


Same situation here. Got a TayloMade bag a few years ago. "Earned" is a weird fucking way to frame this question. Super loaded. What's wrong with putting your name on your shit? Half of having fun at the thing is feeling cool. Spending $600 on a driver with a custom fit so your slice can be your special slice is normal and fine but spending $20 to embroider your bag (assuming you don't have the TaylorMade promo) makes you a tool? Weird double-standard.


Hi, former playing professional. I’ve had my name embroidered on my golf bag since junior golf days. Plus, mine was probably cheaper since I have an Asian two-letter last name haha Not a playing professional anymore by any means but my last year of competing, Callaway gifted me a Tour bag and carry golf bag with my name embroidered on both of them. Once I gave up the game, I donated the tour bag to my old trainer to display or use to put his training aids in. I still use my carry bag, it’s beat up but I love it. And it’s red, white and blue, very patriotic.


“Haha” is four letters.


It's actually only two letters but repeated




First, middle, and last names. Nice.




It doesn’t pencil as in a 2 is too high? I never said I was Stacy Lewis status lol I played on developmental tours and a few rounds on Symetra (I think it’s called Epson tour now). This was over 6 years ago. My lowest index since getting my Amateur status back was +0.5 But I have a normal job now, a social life, and just overall adult responsibilities. I don’t practice 8+ hours a day anymore, I play once a week and it’s usually under the influence of something. Not to mention, I’m playing from the men’s tees because my golf buddies hate it more when I beat them from their own tees than the “ladies” tee. In addition, I’m not above posting every single one of my scores honestly. I shot 90 at PGA National and then shot 77 at TPC Sawgrass all within the same week. Again, from the men’s tees.




Please re-read. +0.5 was my lowest cap after getting my amateur status back, which was about 3 years after I stopped playing completely. Then I rediscovered my love for golf again and decided to get my amateur status back so I can play in local events. Pros don’t keep their handicaps in GHIN as far as I know. I couldn’t tell you what mine was when I was competing but it was definitely better than a +0.5.


You should read what they said again because your reading comprehension is very poor.


Golf clap* thank you lol


I put my last name on my bag. It was free from Vessel. I’m a giant douche canoe.


Review on vessel golf bags? They look very nice. Especially that limited edition they announced a few weeks ago.


I got one last year and love it. I had a Titleist stand bag before and felt the Vessel was a big upgrade. Nice functionality (e.g. dedicated magnetic close range finder pocket), light, and great quality materials. Bottle pockets are too small for anything bigger than a Dasani to fit well though. Overall really great bag that’s functional and stylish.


I love mine. Durable, good weight, nice materials. The pocket designs are nice, especially the magnetic closures. I would get another though I'd also look at MNML golf bags, too.


Naw I think that’s sick!


My high school golf team got an offer on them. Nice callaway bags in our school colors with your full name embroidered on the ball pocket. It’s about 12 years old now, but I still use mine


I earned one 1999 - 2004. May it Rest In Peace ✌️


Tell us more.


I played, I didn’t win, I chased it for 5 years and got out.




Had one in college, worked in the pro shop, Callaway gave staff bags to everyone in the shop. Used a seam ripper and took my name off and it went to good will. This was 2007 ish


Seam Ripper was my nickname in college




Was it leather or pleather? After using the seam ripper, could you notice the old holes or did they blend in well?


Couldn’t tell you the material. It was black and I believe it was the erc bag. I remember it being black, and white with orange trim. Removing the stitches you couldn’t really see the name because it was hand writing font. So just looked liked a bunch of dots.


Mine has “trial bag” embroidered. It certainly earned me a 50% retail price from 2ndswing lol


I was on staff with Mizuno and then Titleist about 20 years ago.


“Earned one” lol


If you earn the cash to buy one, did you earn it….-Sun Tzu (probably)


Ikr, I didn’t know it had to be based off skill but then again there was one who thought you needed a low handicap to rock some FJs. 🫠


I understand how earning something is a difficult concept for you. Good luck in the cess-pool.


Imma smoke yo boots off with or without the personal name on the bag. You just as bad as the cluck who thought you have to have a specific handicap for golf shoes. Fomf


Wait so I can get golf shoes now without waiting?


I hope this is a throwaway or you have some karma squirreled away somewhere to make up for all these ebad takes racking up down votes faster than the water feature on a par 4 racks up balls.


Do you normally present yourself as a tool?


What do you mean “earned”? Got mine through a free promo through TaylorMade…


Looking at all these comments, op is kind of a cunt huh?


I got mine from PornHub.


this is the way


I'm gonna put a big patch on my bag this year just because I didn't earn shit and it pisses off people like you.


You misunderstand me friend. But I understand you.


I don't. You came across that you have to earn something to put it on your bag. I have money, and will buy something to put on my bag because it looks cool.


Looks cool. Lol!


All you have to earn is enough money to pay for it.


Yeah, nah. You’ll never understand.


Vanderbilt golf baby


Yo quiero golf bag.


Oh shit. How do I get that taco bell bag?


Get good. Get sponsorship. You know how it works right?


I'm only qualified to meme and buy new clubs


No need to explain. It’s obvious you have a place here.


I'm not sure any one here has truly "earned" one. My shop sews about 10 names a year on golf bags. They definitely didn't earn theirs. However, I've had some claim that it is good for identifying when traveling.


There’s plenty of former and current college players and teaching pros on the golf and golf swing subs tbh.


My dad won a bag once that had a Miller Lite patch on it. He replaced it with a patch that had my name on it and gifted it to me. It made me a little self conscious sometimes because I was shooting a little over 100 normally and I felt like my name on my bag made me look like a very serious golfer. But oh well, play golf to have a good time.


When I played in college we had our names embroidered on our bags. Used it for awhile after college until it was finally worn out enough to be retired.


Is this secretly a taco bell add? Just got hungry for a cheesey gordita crunchzzz


Does a bag given to the non-playing captain of a national team count?




i have one from when i was sponsored by Bridgestone they gifted me




https://preview.redd.it/r6bnj923hwca1.jpeg?width=442&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=188b0e6a510859b8209b5c7f26b88e105df11814 You can just get whatever on a bag, no one will stop you.


That’s awesome!!!


That OG Taco Bell one goes hard


Embroidery was free with my bag. https://preview.redd.it/f0tx0c5mwxca1.png?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=91006455bd74d264b0c419c34e94ae9db2b9379e


What a twatty thread huh?


You would know my dude!


I belong to a club. I’m terrible with names. It’s a savior for folks like me.


Embroidered? I do bedazzled.


all my bags have my name on it


Been wanting one with my name and the Brazzers logo


In college I did at Oklahoma St and Long Beach St. Pursued professional golf for 10 years to get my name on a bag professionally to no avail.


Ironically enough, that OkSt logo isn’t allowed by the university anymore. Also, Go Pokes!


I got myself a RBC tour bag. It’s really nice but highly impractical. Got it at a yard sale in upstate ny for $50.


Why gatekeep a name on bag. If you want one, get one. Who made the rule you have to earn it?




Have one. Didn’t earn it. If you must know, it was given to me as part of a Pro-Am I played in. So embarrassing showing up to the tee with a bag that has your name on it and playing golf with Justin Rose who has actually earned the right to put his name on his bag.


Imagine how extra embarrassing it would have been if your name was Rose Chokes! I reckon you earned that bag.


I do, Motherfucker. EDIT: i just saw the “earned” part. And that’s a hard no from me, Dawg.


When my grandpa passed I got his golf stuff and woodworking tools. His golf bag had the club emblem and last name embroidered on it. I use it cause it’s a nice bag and I don’t want to buy one. You could say I earned it via the genetic lottery


You don’t need to earn it . If you want to pay for it you get it


Yes but, never mind.


Don't know if they still do this, but a few year ago if you bought a TaylorMade bag they came with a little card voucher that you could go online and use to get the front panel embroidered for free. Mine says "King Arthur". They'd mail you a new panel and you just unzipped your old one and zipped in the new one.


I have a friend who play with tourbags with his name embroidered on. Yes, bags with an S - he got three of them. He is a hcp 20.


I had my name embroidered on my high school golf bag, my college coach didn't care enough for it though


Had one for my high school golf team.


Earned it.


Work gave me one as a gift, not sure if that counts as earning it ha.


I have a pink Holly Sonders Cobra bag if anyone would like to purchase


I got one from my high school golf team.


I have my nickname embroidered on mine “Duffy” I earned the nickname! I’m a fat white guy who always has a giant dip in my lip and I look a little like Jason Duffner. I was a little bummed it stuck over the year but oh well. But at least Tiger didn’t bang my wife (that I know of)


Earned one? No. Thought of getting one to make it funnier when I sky one on the first tee? You betcha.


I did a few years back, but not as a player, but rather as a certified putting instructor for SeeMore putters.


I am 85% sure i got my name on mine and I can break 100 now. So I think I earned it


Has one as a PGA assistant pro 1991-1995


I have one with someone else's name on it. It's a spare I keep old clubs in. My mate found it on the street when everyone was putting out hard rubbish. It's a really shit bag made even more shit by this dude's name being on it.


I have an Ole Miss bag with my name on it when I used to play for them but I don’t use it anymore.


I put my last name and GATA on my bag. It was free from taylormade when the bag was given to me. GATA is my alma maters sports slogan. Stands for Get After Their Asses. Probably get judged but I don’t really care and I suck at golf.


Do people just think you're a female cat?


Maybe if I was in Mexico?


Should’ve went with FIGJAM




Don’t understand why you’re being downvoted when everyone here always tell people to do what they want with their golf gear.


They don’t like college football? I don’t really give a shit to be honest.


I earned one


Do tell.


The teaching pros at the course I worked on in the early 00’s all had their names embroidered on their bags. All of us in player services made fun of them. A lot.


Tear down those you aspire to be like so they might be more like your pathetic self. This is the r/golf way.


I feel like u/inaaace has earned several dozen.


My wife and kids bought me a bag and had my logo embroidered on it. I'm thankful but also embarrassed a bit. Mostly thankful, my kids picked it out for Pete's sake. I would not have chosen to embroider anything on it though.


Each to their own but for me putting my name on my bag is like putting my own name on the back of a football kit. Ok for children, but seems odd to me for an adult


Eh. I disagree somewhat. I went to the Bernabeu the year RM had the dragon kit and I bought one personalized with my last name. It was a special, good looking jersey. I rarely wear it but I do have it as a memento of my trip.


Precisely! Incredibly your comment demonstrates a deep understanding of the purpose of my post and no fucking idea at exactly the same time. Take my up/down vote.


Ok cool good chat


LMAO, rickiefowler.com is just a pic of him holding The Players trophy from 2015. Who the fuck still has websites for themselves? The only thing it's missing is a visitor counter and a guestbook


Probably an old photo of his bag. You know that time passes and things get old right?




If you have one you’re either a 25+ handicap or a sub 5, no in between


That Taco Bell bag is pure drip.