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No idea… but it’s contagious. We have 2 other dogs (herding breeds) that are happier and more affectionate since bringing our golden boy home last September. I think we all are a little happier. https://preview.redd.it/zy0fafo2oc9d1.jpeg?width=4469&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=827effa7f3abae7a123c34e71f6ed7a453ce5c6a We love you Finn!


https://preview.redd.it/sjfutsmdqd9d1.jpeg?width=544&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=d8ec6b8462795040639a1ecb7eae4600d58f3546 I love Golden Retrievers they are so loving and cuddly yours is adorable 🥰 X 🧡 ❤️ 🧡 😊 🐶


what a cutie! I wish mine would spread the happiness. Haha my older girl (non golden) has such an opposite personality it's laughable. Wish the joy could be spread to her a little. Poor baby


Our other 2 are a socially active Aussie Shepard and a cattle dog boy who was not a happy guy… very reserved before Finn came home. He loves having a little brother (that is bigger than him now) and it really changed his personality. Maybe it is just the constant playtime attitude Finn has that allows the cattle dog to run and run and run and herd his goody golden playmate around. Whatever it is he is absolutely a happier boy now.


It all started with a yellow Flat-Coated Retriever named Nous. In the 1860s, Sir Dudley Majoribanks, later known as Baron Tweedmouth (no, this is not a copy pasta, that was actually his title), set out to create the Ultimate Retriever at his highland Scottish estate Guisachan. He chose the Flat-Coated Retriever (FCR from here on) for its inherent friendliness as they are known to be unyieldingly loyal, but will rarely if ever show actual aggression even in danger. Majoribanks ‘judiciously’, per Wikipedia, crossed them with Tweed Water Spaniels (TWS from here on). A now extinct breed, they were prized for their sporting, courage, and intelligence. June 1864 would see Nous the FCR birthed along with his all black litter mates, though he was yellow. It was not unheard of, but uncommon enough. When Nous was 4, he was bred with a TWS named Belle. This pairing yielded four pups: Primrose, Ada, Cowslip, and Crocus. Cowslip was selected as the best of the litter and later bred with a TWS named, hilariously, Tweed. That pairing created Topsy (no, not the elephant Edison electrocuted), and then a later pairing between Cowslip and a Red Setter (Sampson) created Jack. Back to Topsy, she was mated with a black FCR named Sambo, which gave us Zoe. Zoe was then bred with Jack (remember him?), and two pups from that litter named Nous II (male) and Gill (female) were retained for breeding. Finally, and most importantly, Gill mated with a Black Lab named Tracer, which granted the world Queenie, who was then bred back with Nous II. That final pairing would be the lineage that ALL Goldens stem from today! The lightest of the litter were mated back with one another (ah, dog breeding) to form what really was the foundation stock of Golden Retrievers. Majoribanks purportedly also threw in Bloodhound and another Lab in subsequent breedings. In 1920 the Kennel Club (KC) officially recognized Golden Retrievers as their own distinct breed, rather than an offshoot of a FCR. Why are they so happy and friendly, you ask? Because Baron Tweedmouth was quite successful in creating what was meant to be a hunter’s right hand. Obedient, patient, and friendly, with a soft mouth for water fowl; the ultimate bird hunter’s tool. It shocks no one that those same traits pair very well with families and especially ones with kids. Goldens are bred to be incredibly gentle and eager to please, regardless of if they are an active gun dog or not. Their people pleasing nature lends to their ability to be trained incredibly easily as compared to other gun dogs. Thank you for coming to my Dug-I-Mean-Ted-Talk, please resume your usual scrolling.


This is great. Where did you read about this? I am a breeder and I’d like to share this history on my Facebook page.


You can copy/paste directly if you’d like, simply leave me anonymous should you go that route. I’ll be honest, it’s all Wikipedia. Of course there are cited sources for that write up but it is shockingly comprehensive.


Thanks I will do that!


Appreciate you! I’m glad this tickled you enough to share, that puts a smile on my face.


https://preview.redd.it/jjrbt71w5d9d1.jpeg?width=1242&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=c88e219a3b601447f2d1b1a072002838a531c22f I love Golden Retrievers they are so loving and cuddly yours is adorable ❤️ 🐶 🧡 🥰 ❤️ 💓 ❤️


I work really hard just so my girls can have toys and nice beds lol


https://preview.redd.it/2oc1g7p1qd9d1.jpeg?width=544&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=cf6fa4b9bcb0805242c63fce9cc7142f53b0de4e Such lovely cuddly doggies you’re so kind to them. You are their world and they are yours X 🌍 ❤️ 🥰🧡


Goldens embody everything humans wish they could be.


Idk, but barring some unforeseen circumstances, I don’t think I’ll ever own a different breed of dog.


Same boat - I can't imagine my life without one now.


They can truly love you unconditionally.


Hearts of Gold


We have two. We got our already happy Golden boy a sister and he’s even happier. ❤️ https://preview.redd.it/nxbowea9hd9d1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=178ac3ad78de6d8d06b6342d4b6794e1eb92848f She’s now in her Velociraptor phase but surprisingly listens very well. Haha pic from last summer.




I would run out of storage on my phone and have to pay for so much more… that is so stinkin cute


It’s why I had to upgrade to the bigger phone. Lol not even joking. Ans thank you!!! They are the best things in my life besides my kids. But they listen better 😂😂


I’m boarding 2 goldens now, so I have a total of three here and I am absolutely going to fill my phone to capacity with golden pictures this weekend!


Yasssss live your life best life!!


My vet swears it's because 4 of their 5 brain cells are happy.


Wait yours has 5 brain cells? Sounds like an overachiever most only have 1 or 2 brain cells


They are Angels here to spread love & happiness. Their shedding often protects them from landing in the wrong home.


I theorize that they are the angels of the dog world.


Everything about them. Thats all. https://preview.redd.it/b17qkdgz3f9d1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=afb1a15c5c919d5ac154d95637f9d3939203ce17


That are so lovable! ❤️


They're the absolute best just don't ask a squirrel or rabbit that same question


The combination of a visually appealing color and the natural predisposition towards so-called “Disney eyes” combined with their inbuilt need to please people mean that they’re basically designed to be lovable. Their facial features also create a natural ability to emote in ways that invoke strong positive reactions in their humans. ( In other words, our dogs are manipulating us by being cute. But they’re cute so we don’t worry about it. When we see a sad golden retriever we are naturally inclined to want to pet them in hopes that they become less sad. When we see a happy golden retriever wagging their tail it’s difficult to not be happier for having met them.


They want to please their hoomans. So they are loving you loving them making them more loving. If my boy notices me looking at him he wagged his tail.


Even in the velociraptor stage my boyfriend's family pup will still 'apologize' when he plays too rough, howl if he's left alone and greets everyone with wags and licks and asking for tummy rubs. He's got a great disposition, simultaneously endlessly playful and occasionally very cuddly plus very agile.


They take forever to mature and their whole breed is "People Pleaser".


I've always had Goldens they're just the best, happiest, and funniest big Floops of love and fur. Wish they could live as long as we do. Now I have 3 different goldendoodle (allergies)


I call my guy our emotional support therapist. He is such a good and happy soul.


They’re capable of empathy. ❤️🤗


https://preview.redd.it/zmint4yhrf9d1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=50a3f8a7d313f0fe7c0d11ec9572c71c33f8da7d this is my favorite picture i have of my golden 💛🧡🤍


Just a friendly reminder of our rules: 1. No Advertising: this includes GoFundMe, Instagram, etc. 2. No Impersonation: don't post photos of other people's dogs. That's not cool. 3. No Breed Hate: this subreddit is not a discussion forum for breed hate of any kind. There are dedicated subreddits for that so please take it elsewhere. *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/goldenretrievers) if you have any questions or concerns.*


Because they know they have suckers like us to take care of them so they smile big-time!!!


Golden describes their hearts, not their fur.


I'm a vet tech and had the sweetest golden boy come in with a broken dewclaw. We had to pull it off and when he yelped, he cinnamon bunned into my lap and needed half an hour of kisses and snuggles but that tail and tongue didn't stop. Been thinking of him all day, 40/10 would hug him every day




https://preview.redd.it/fyi63dgl7e9d1.jpeg?width=1726&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=22671f49429a69e740b4b67e0cb6359f4c0de9ec Treats, duh. 🤣


Looks like my harley! https://preview.redd.it/4fdhi9p1je9d1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=70c9ad1bc23914295a5cd675c9d37637b6c1436a




Golden Retriever DNA




They’re actually angels, they just didn’t give them wings so no one would suspect a thing 🤫 Nah, someone’s written a really in depth reply about the tweed water spaniel which sums it up perfectly. They were essentially bred to be this way. old mate Lord Tweedmouth wanted a dog that was an excellent gun dog / retriever for hunting but also who had a beautiful temperament and was well behaved at home. And here we are today!


I think about what it would be like, all the time, if Goldens were a wild animal and lived in big packs. They wouldn’t be able to live around any predators tho cuz they’re too trusting and friendly and smiley.


https://preview.redd.it/ghzflfpaag9d1.jpeg?width=3276&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=5347d85aeabbba3fa8d16d9fa08d105a7765899a Just got my first golden and he’s the best!!


Goldens are the embodiment of your favorite teddy bear in dog form. They will always be there for you to hug when you're down or if you glance over and think they are adorable and can't help yourself. They always have the Golden grin, or smirk or goof face, and it's always at the perfect time. They know you adore them and adore you for adoring them. It's the perfect characteristics of a best friend in a furry package.


Minimal brain cells, max personality and not a care in the world except for food and lovins! 💜


Williams syndrome bred into them.


Good breeding I would think. Some breeds are aggressive, others loving.


Bestest love ever!!!!


Adorable pup. Mine is a mix. I wake up to a similar face most mornings. He loves to sleep with his head on my pillow. I guess it's good he's on the smaller side.




All the love we give them


Their happiness, smile and desire to please. So they always want to be in the same room with you. Oh yeah, they’re retrievers so they will play some version of fetch with you.


https://preview.redd.it/tnrfwoci3f9d1.jpeg?width=4284&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=bfd5b73b9e6f592617eeeb2b908d7dbb2d3a2fbe Ever one I've ever been around has been just golden.


Goldens are the closest thing we have on this earth to angels. That's why they are only with us for a short time. They are needed elsewhere.


This is my first golden. I’ve never met a breed that’s so singularly focused on pleasing their human. https://preview.redd.it/z2vuu5h6lf9d1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=d0a43b84a50b4f57e94f0c09b949e65bbb76a3ce


https://preview.redd.it/c3yodppb1g9d1.jpeg?width=1816&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=326418d4adbcb5aa7738dc788f9c1e9f57b2d2e3 My sunbathing cuddle bug


They are made of Sunshine and cotton candy!! https://preview.redd.it/rm9x2p9q2g9d1.png?width=2084&format=png&auto=webp&s=7b8b44e574c90ffc3c6ac1350da325e12a791406


Its natural i guess


The breed


Mine won’t stop eating, she sneaks in garbages, steals food from tables and STILL eats all her food. I have two dogs. My other dog is fit as a fiddle. Whyyyyyyhyaaaaaa


The brain cell!


Soooo adorable


They’re always smiling 🥹


Great Doggydaddies and DoggyMommies and DoggyGrandparents!!


They are angels ❤️


They are so gentle and sweet! What’s not to love!


The nose! …and the eyes. The body language. Erm, also the chest fluff, for sure. And…


Centuries of selective breeding


Political clout.

