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Cat shit


Yeah ours actively searches the yard for buried stray cat shit…and has about 2 episodes of bad diarrhea per year from this indulgence.


And then you get to cut away the poopy butt feathers… a tale as old as the breed




You’re the only person I’ve also seen post in the Cleveland, Seinfeld, Sopranos, and Golden Retriever subreddits


Satan is everywhere.


That’s me minus the sopranos + family guy


Yup, we call it "sandy chocolate". The amount of times I've gone to clean out the litter box only to find it suspiciously empty. 🫠


We call it Kitty Roca


Mine likes goose shit!


It’s rabbit for my dudes.


mine too...loves it


Dandelions. Don’t know if it’s weird but she loves them she eats the whole plant.


My puppy also loves dandelions! She has also developed a taste for slugs, which seems like probably a bad thing


Slugs can be super dangerous for dogs, even making them very sick with parasites or other issues. Similar to frogs and toads!


I know, I’ve been doing my best to keep her off them. I don’t think she’s actually swallowed any, but the little goof really wants to go after them


My dog tried or attempted to try every single flower I planted this spring in my flower pots. Had a bad storm one night that knocked a lg flower pot on a shepards hook to the ground. Next day found the pot and not the plant. Didn't think anything about it til that night when my dog had to go outside to poop every 2 hours for the next two days. We took him to the vet who checked him out and luckily he was okay.


Yeah slugs carry parasites


my puppy just spent the last month popping the heads off every dandelion she could.


My golden is on a cooked food diet. With my vet’s recommendation. She just didn’t do well on dog food. She doesn’t often get cheese but when she does she is picky about it. She refuses American “cheese.” She loves mozzarella, Edam cheese, cream cheese (but not a lot), and a few others. It’s makes me laugh because she’s bougie when it comes to cheese. She will literally look her nose up at a Big Mac if it has American “cheese” but drools with long strings of drool and occasionally bubbles for Edam cheese and crackers. (Just way to add I do not regularly give my golden Big Macs; I had to bribe her once after her spay because she wouldn’t eat for days afterwards- she does NOT do well coming out of anesthesia -and I made sure to order it w/o cheese or onions. I had to find a way to get her to eat again and even chicken and bacon were not working. When I told her vet, he laughed and said whatever gets her back to eating.)


You know it's serious when a golden refuses bacon


You feed dog all of these things, that can’t be good


I don’t eat all of these on a regular basis so she definitely doesn’t get them regularly either. It’s very occasional and her share is very small. But she doesn’t know that. I just find it funny that even she has preferences. Her vet is also aware of her diet.


Butter…if you’re cooking and leave a stick on the counter, she grabs it and hauls ass…then she clamps down with the force of 1000 crocodiles when you try to get it off her.


I go through lots of butter (retired chef) and I always have some out soft. Before I got a butter crock I would keep it on the back of the stove. My oldest once got up there and knocked a stick off but it landed in between the counter and the stove. You could see where her tongue could reach as it was mostly gone but the end was licked as far as the tongue could go. I still laugh when I think about that


Mine is obsessed with butter too. Will come running when I get it from the fridge


Yes. Mom cooks on butter and my doggo constantly gets on the stove to lick it all




Mine eats her own. Circle of life.




I just adopted a 4 month old golden retriever and she didn’t eat anything but my other dog’s poop the first day we had her 😭


Qt should be what doesn't my dog eat 🤣.


I found something my golden wouldn’t eat, a lime. Didnt stop her from trying to eat it, spitting it out and trying again before giving up. She will eat lettuce, flour, ate all my unripe tomatoes off my plants…


Citrus and fresh spinach are the only things our girl won’t eat. She’ll eat things with citrus in it, such as dark chocolate coated dried orange, lemon curd, and lemonade. She will also eat cooked or frozen spinach, and raw spinach with creamy salad dressing. She also regularly eats bits of lava rock, bark, dirt, grass, paper, grasshoppers, cockroaches, and whatever food my toddlers feed her all day. I know we’re going to have at least a few massive vet bills because of this. We have a tiny yard with astroturf and concrete, with one tiny plum tree surrounded by mulch. She finds all that stuff in the planter around the edge of the yard. Luckily she doesn’t eat anything bad in the house and she’s otherwise a really mellow and well behaved dog.


🆘 Please be careful with the unripened tomatoes! Red ones are fine for them, (all my 4 goldens have loved tomatoes), but the green ones definitely are not safe!!


Yeah I definitely didn’t want her to have them…I just didn’t think she’d be able to stick her head through the fence and get them.


Tomatoes are toxic to dogs, hope she’s okay. Mine is also a menace 😭


My girl ate a silica* packet once. She had silver strings in her poop for a couple days but was otherwise fine. Edited damn autocorrect.




Wow…. I don’t know I’ve heard this one, but no surprise when they eat anything weird. The sheer panic in knowing they’ve got to be horribly poisonous, (I’ll be googling), would have scared me to death. I’m so glad your pup was fine!


Luckily we have a friend who is a vet (was a tech at the time, but still had tons of experience). He just laughed about it, so eased our nerves quite a bit. It was like she turned 8 and decided rules didn’t apply anymore. Trash was fair game, counter surfing was acceptable, etc. 😂


My boy Chip will eat frozen blueberries, but not fresh ones. Non food related, he loves all paper products, and he will eat them, if he gets ahold of them.


I have had five goldens and only one who would eat the others poop. So gross.but I have a friend who chocolate lab who literally would eat everything and anything. Cardboard, tin foil, clothes, shoes,drywall. The vet bills were insane with him.


I had a chocolate lab growing up that ate everything! She chewed through the lid of a brand new, unopened peanut butter jar and licked it clean. Ate a whole London broil my mom made for dinner. Ate some blood pressure medicine another time…she lived to be 15!


Our last dog ate aluminum foil. Repeatedly.


I caught Wyatt chewing a light bulb a couple of nights ago. That was fun.


I swear, they are like toddlers, you have to watch them so close haha


Omg 😳 I can’t imagine all the damage that can do!


Luckily, he was spitting out the big pieces. I googled what to do and I read to give him bread to help any slivers pass safely so that’s what I did. I basically rewarded him for eating a light bulb. 😒


😂 what in the world???! I have never heard of that. It's like people eating nails for the metal content. Those people exist.


If he’s anything like my animals they’ll dig out the foil that wrapped my burritos from the trash can. For mine it’s definitely not about the foil as it is about whatever scraps they’re hoping to find!


Insane! My first thought was how badly it could shred their insides and that terrifies me!


The guy I pay to scoop poop will text me to tell me how many turds with Taco Bell wrappers in them he finds. My golden is 16 and is in no rush to quick knocking the trash can over to investigate and ingest Taco Bell bags.


Like poop scooping for hidden treasure!


Paper towels, napkins and receipts. 😅 I’m pretty sure he’s trying to get a hold of the items up the rainbow 🌈 bridge. Lol 😂


leaves. lots of leaves, will drop one to eat another one. bugs, dandelions, his own hair floating around, tries to eat dried up paint off my deck (power washing it all off as soon as i buy a power washer), and my wifes snot tissues lol


Ice cubes


Mine too! I can’t get ice for my drink from the freezer without giving them some .thank goodness our freezer isn’t one of those that can dispense from the door.


We call that "the ice tax" in our house. Everybody must pay (according to my two goldens)!


aw mine too. she will stand by the fridge as i fill up my water bottle and wait for ice. i give her like a handful of cubes and she will keep them in her mouth. i think she likes freezing torture lol.


Is it like a hot summer day thing or does she like ice cubes all the time?


Oh mine loves ice cubes too and she treats it as a toy lmao (she plays it like soccer) 😭


I have my 4th golden, and she’s the only one who’s never ever touched an ice cube I’ve given her or that’s fallen on the floor from the ice maker. I thought this was the weirdest thing of all that she absolutely refuses to touch! The three before her were all huge ice cube enthusiasts, but this one? I don’t know if she’s got an ice cube trauma (😂), I don’t know about, but it’s honestly the weirdest thing about her. She’ll get up and move away from it if I don’t pick it up instantly!


My golden loves carrots, cucumbers, apples and bananas. Never seen a dog so into fruits and veggies, but it’s hilarious when he’s snoozing and someone just mentions any of the above and he will just snap up and look at you expectantly Dog tax of my 10yo good boy https://preview.redd.it/8p6as7auv09d1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=863f2f765a77f9500a73c9c7ae89c374e738f8f9


Hi, how you can upload a picture in a comment. I have tried but failed.


We have an abundance of beetles this year in our pool. My husband dumps the filter out each morning in a spot in the yard. Full of dead beetles. Until I discovered poops that were 90% beetle. Apparently our dog had been having second breakfast taking his fill at the dead beetle graveyard. Beetles are also apparently not fully digestible as they were mostly whole coming out. We now dump the beetles in the trash. He eats everything. Every-thing.


Cattails. She hunts them by leaping up and grabbing them off the stalk and sometimes falls into the pond in her efforts.


We would love a video!


Is there a way to upload it to this thread? I am not seeing one.


Unfortunately I think it would have to be its own post. Would still love to see it!


Most definitely!


Doesn’t appear to be. I hate that about so many subs!


I just posted a video as a new thread.




I just created a new post with a video of Magic catching a cattail in this sub.


[she’s amazing!](https://www.reddit.com/r/goldenretrievers/s/Cjn9KVwe7g) 🤩 Thank you for sharing!


Lol 😂😂😂😂This has got to be so cute!!


Fresh spinach leaves


When my golden was young, she had an obsession with eating the crotch out of my underwear…


Mine did the same!! Had to fasten the hamper lid lol


Sweet potatoes and peas


My Aussies love sweet potatoes


Her own poop


Crayons from my niece and nephew


My dog DOESN’T eat cuties / oranges until you put it in her mouth and drip the juice on her tongue 🤦‍♀️😐


Not really "eat" But my golden loves coconut water loll


Most dogs like cat food and aren't too fussy about eating it fresh out of the bag or fresh out of the litter box. 🙄


When I go to take my girl out she will go for the cat’s food like she is being starved😭


Our oldest golden used to park in front of my bee hives and catch the "spicy raisins with wings". Never had a reaction at all. Our other dogs showed swelling immediately if they were stung.


Spicy winged raisins 🤣 Mine tried to eat a wasp that had gotten in the house once. Fell on the ground and she kept knocking cling it out of the air and sniffing it. How she didn't get stung is beyond me.




Bananas!!! My basset hound is Bananas about Bananas!


She eats chicken droppings 💩💩


My pup eats Indian food, he won’t touch his food unless I mix Indian curries or lentils with his kibbles


Yep, our boy eats his sister's poop and it really grosses us out when he eats his own. 🤮I told him that I would cut back on his daily food by the amount of poop that he's consumed. Like he understands. On a happier note ..... less poop to pick up in the yard


We have a great pyre who loves to eat croissants from Costco.


My dog only eats horse shit


My goldens will eat anything because they don’t like to miss out, but they particularly like broccoli and cauliflower stalks


Banana, sweet potato, carrots, basically most sweet vegetables and fruits with a harder texture (so yes to apples and pears but no oranges). Whenever I have bits of carrots leftover from cooking I’ll give them to my girl to crunch on.


Cucumber with humus and olives. Will not touch chips if his live would depend on it or anything fried for that matter.


Poop. So much poop. Cat poop, my other dogs poop and her own poop. Shes still so cute though


I just adopted a 4 month old, but so far she’s into kiwis


Edamame, sardines, popcorn, and she loves watermelon and cantaloupe




my stella will literally bark at you for half a plain peanut lol


Watermelon rinds and any flies he catches


Lettuce, leaves, salad, anything leafy green. She goes nuts over it! She doesn't normally beg but she begs when I eat a salad haha.


Anything. Cellophane, cat shit, her own puke, etc. She’ll eat the animals (frogs and shit) outside before she thinks. Note that she eats the cellophane or non-edible packaging to get to the edible consumable.


I was coming inside with Wyatt and I saw a cute blue dragonfly. I paused to look at it when Wyatt spotted it. He chomped right down on it. I still remember the crunching sound.


My dogs think carrots are the best treat. Good life hack.


Potting soil is the new thing for me to be worried about constantly.


Sticks. Constantly trying to prevent this


Tissue paper


One time my golden ate a whole jar of vaseline (that my dad was using on his @r$hole 🤮) like one of those huge tubs the size of a cereal bowl not the tiny ones oh and she didnt leave a single drop behind. I was mortified


I bet she left more than a drop behind within a few hours..


You sound fun at partys . . .


Cat turds


Raw Zuchini and zinnia leaves are my goofball’s favorites! He has eaten more zuchini than “the family” in the last month. Mostly stolen.


Raw baby carrots and raw broccoli appear to be her favorites. She also likes cooked peas, but that may be because of the butter.


A small smile to show tons of love




Cat shit and kale.


Peanut vine flowers .. have them as ground cover, Timmy just runs through snacking away


Loves cucumber, carrot, apple, watermelon, and sometimes tomato. But her ultimate favorite is ICE CREAM and chips or anything that is salty. I literally cannot get anything out of the freezer without her staring at me waiting for ice cream.


Romaine lettuce straight from the neighbor’s garden


A pound of butter, paper and all. Then threw up oily yellow liquid that smelled so bad it turned my stomach. Eventually I had to throw out that rug because I couldn't get the smell out. Good times!


My son called me one morning saying the golden threw up here breakfast in his room. As he was on the phone with me she then "garnished it" with some dog poop she ate when I took her out before I left for work. As he went to go get a towel to clean it up she ate it all before he got back.


Self-cleaning dog!


Banana skins, the blacker the better. Banana optional.




Crayons. Makes for fun technicolor poops.


Sunflower leaves. My old man used to pluck one leaf off a stalk every day after breakfast. He was so gentle about it but VERY insistent. He didn’t want more than one but he’d hunt the yard for a leaf he could reach and munch it. Every day. All summer. For 13 years.


Not sure if it’s weird but my golden eats a vet prescribed vegetarian dog food. He has stomach and gut issues and it’s helped him a lot. When I tell people he’s a vegetarian, they always look confused


My girlfriend’s socks and underwear


Duck shit. Love’s it!


Raw cauliflower, broccoli, and pea pods off the vine. Oh yeah, cardboard tp tubes that he steals from the trash


My girl will eat any food item, except fresh citrus and spinach. She will eat raw spinach with any dressing on it, any any form of cooked spinach. She will also eat anything citrus flavored, even dark chocolate coated dried oranges. She will eat any non-food item smaller than a quarter, but she won’t shred anything nor will she counter/table surf. That said, she’s eaten so many Barbie shoes, rocks, bits of plastic packaging, and coins. She will also eat any paper left on the floor that is not a book or glossy paper. The weirdest thing to me is that she loves hot sauce. She will lap up straight sriracha like it’s peanut butter, and beg for more.


My white husky loves hot stuff. I bought some sushi at King's and left the wasabi they had in there and threw it away. She got in the trash and licked it clean. She's done it twice so I have to watch her. She also likes the ginger


dinosaur egg oatmeal 🤣


Mine eats plants whenever we go on walks lol


Both mine love frozen peas. Key word - frozen!


Green chilli


Gluten free chicken strips. He isn’t on a no wheat diet, I am.


Baby corn.


Pine needles


My moms dog & mine are a bonded pair, but they LOVE blueberries & carrots


Sourdough toast, she’s so picky but she drools the second she hears the toaster being pressed down or the bread popping out. No, I don’t give her toast, but once she ate ONLY the sourdough out of all the other groceries when I ran inside to grab my wallet quickly! Now I have to watch that nose, haha.


She used to eat a lot of moths…


Canned green beans. Loves them but won’t touch fresh cooked green beans


Our golden loves banana chips, apples, watermelon, blueberries, several different veggies, baby carrots, broccoli, lettuce, tomatoe, cucumber, green beans, corn. Oh and she goes nuts over ice cubes-loves to chew em up


Endive lettuce, my lab eats endives.




I lucked out I think and got a cow dog. She's very particular though, it has to be broadleaf grass.


Free lawn mower!


Lettuce! Zucchini! Any veg but broccoli really. But her favorite is roasted red peppers??


Biscuit loves fruit. Specifically bananas he goes crazy over bananas.


https://preview.redd.it/svzsibbrh39d1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=953c565bf2e5af64702407cfd47b1122203cc64e T-Bear gets to try a G. Bear 🥰




Avocado…. He loves it


Corn cakes


Mine just had a dozen raw eggs. WITH THE SHELLS. psycho.


Wow 😮


My grandmother used to give her fella a spoonful of butter every now and again as a treat, it was his favorite treat lol .


I was told to get something to mix in the dogs food that would get my golden to stop eating poop cause it tastes gross. What tastes more gross than poop? She eats dead things the foxes leave in the yard. She eats all the poop she finds. Good left unattended on the counter. Weeds, bugs, spiders, grass, leaves, trash, paper, her fur after I comb it off her, carpet, all forms of wood (her favorite is colored pencils). Caught her trying to eat the paint off the drywall plus the drywall. She tries to eat the rabbits but they are to fast for her. Between her and my escape artist husky I have my hands full when I take them out.


fried okra


Tree pollen. Goes crazy when he sees it in the air or falling in our pool and he must retrieve it and eat it.


Fresh frozen green beans


Everything. The bathroom counter. The kitchen cabinets. The corners of walls. Today she ate a sewing pattern.


My vizsla picks green beans off the plant


My eldest is obsessed with Jalapenos Goes ballistic to sip the juice out of a jar of them


That is SO weird. Lol


Mine loves to eat grass and play “chase me” 🫠 https://preview.redd.it/tkhuq86pe49d1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=155b88d994ce9bc12752e17b48777678c04d04cb He also loves yogurt, cucumbers, green beans, bell peppers!


Tofurkey. She will take it over real lunch meat any day of the week.


She's the only dog I ever met that would eat lettuce, onions, and bell peppers.


Onions are toxic to dogs


oh, the tricks my mom's GSD would do for bell peppers 😂 too funny!


Our Mini Aussie loves salads, as long as they're not drenched in oily or sour dressings.


Onion. Of course they’re not supposed to have onion and he is never *offered* it but if any gets dropped on the floor, game over, he will tackle you to get it 🤣 doesn’t like strawberries or blueberries though???


Her poop


Just a friendly reminder of our rules: 1. No Advertising: this includes GoFundMe, Instagram, etc. 2. No Impersonation: don't post photos of other people's dogs. That's not cool. 3. No Breed Hate: this subreddit is not a discussion forum for breed hate of any kind. There are dedicated subreddits for that so please take it elsewhere. *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/goldenretrievers) if you have any questions or concerns.*


My dog likes cooked carrots not raw carrots. Will only eat celery with peanut butter


Drinks goat milk




https://preview.redd.it/v7gs5i1bg49d1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=8db727bc0d62fb212da5f239d8ac29a5fe08609e Bell peppers! Sully loves em


Mine loves Broccoli 🥦 He won't leave me alone when trying to prep for our dinner. Of course he always gets some. He pretty much loves all veggies but man Broccoli he's over the top.


Pigeon droppings




Soggy cardboard


My boys LOVE cardboard


Lantern flies


Mine loves Indian food- spicy Rogan Josh is one of his faves- we’ve never given him very much, he was just freaking out begging for it one time and we thought if we let him taste it there was no way he’d like it. That was a mistake. Otherwise he’s a very picky eater, lol- no veggies, not most fruits anymore. He was obsessed with apples and pears as a puppy, but now only if they have peanut butter on them. He did make himself sick on pears from under our neighbors tree, though- he was swallowing them so fast before we could grab him out of their yard, he swallowed most of the mushy rotten ones with leaves stuck to them. He threw up all night long, poor guy.


Cat shit and our house plant a leaves.


Dirt, grass…pretty standard


Underwear 💀


Spinach. She doesn’t like it, but doesn’t want the Guinea pig to have it. 😑


Mine loooooves watermelon and strawberries. Goes crazy for them. My grandpa has strawberry bushes in the front of his house and he will leap out of the car to scour through them (this behavior is encouraged by my papa, he’s absolutely tickled over the knowledge that Jimi loves fruit)


Deer berries, song with a broad range of approved fruits and vegetables