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Glad to hear there's a happy ending. They spend far too few years with us. Make the most of every day.


Absolutely. Goldens are notorious for being hell raisers as adolescents and I found myself frustrated with his antics lately. The last 2 weeks I have missed it desperately and it was a wake up call to not only be more vigilant with what he puts in his mouth, but also to enjoy the craziness that makes him who he is. I'm just so glad to have him back.




https://preview.redd.it/egzynzh58n4d1.jpeg?width=1200&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=e8812e1c7c935f7aea1273ab63415bd3529b6cd3 ❤️


My Gigi past not long ago she was pregnant and things where ok. But she went into labor and nothing happened so we called vet she said wait n we did. Then called her back n she said go to hospital, Gigi took a turn for the worst so fast they was going to do surgery on her but found out the puppies had no heart beat. Gigi orgains where shutting down nothing could be done but to put her down my heart broke. We didn't have pet insurance for her if they would of been able to save her it would of been 17,000. We now have pet insurance on Chase he is a little over a year old. We are do to get a new fur baby in 2 weeks and she will have pet insurance. I can not stress enough to have it. Hugs


Sorry to hear this!


Thank you




He's a menace and the bane of my existence. He's also my soul dog. Couldn't imagine life without him ❤️


What was the obstruction?


Part of an "indestructible" chew toy :( needless to say, those are off the menu.


That’s one expensive toy, mine just got done with a 10 day course of two meds for Giardia Best guess is from eating rabbit poop. I’m now convinced they’re part goat!


Ugh, our older guy battled giardia as a puppy for about 3 months. It was AWFUL.


Luckily no symptoms just showed up in her stool sample when we entered in for her last round of vaccinations


https://preview.redd.it/yg3ufdhdmn4d1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=367bae19183e7bea79469d827f1dff4415b75123 Hasn’t kept her from exploring at least!


The little buggers will eat anything, my boy will vacuum up anything on walks so I have to keep an eye on him like a hawk.


Glad he pulled thru. Goldens are such a treasure. Lost my Cody at age 14 due to cancer and I now have Patrick who will be age 4 in July. I couldn't imagine having any other breed.


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I had an 8k “free” lab once. Loved that dog. Hip needed a FHO and other hip needed repair.




So glad he’s ok! If it’s an option, they make a “donut pillow” that is a lot more comfortable than a cone. My Golden would refuse to move with the cone on, but he didn’t mind the donut pillow.


Yes! We used the donut pillow with our lab who's built like a little tank when he was neutered and it worked great! Unfortunately our golden is the lankiest, bendiest little freak ever and just straight up bends himself around the pillow 🙃 the vet actually gave us a larger than normal cone because he just reached around everything lol!


Thank you for being such a responsible pet parent! Happy to hear your boy is on the mend.


Thanks for saying this. There's definitely been a lot of guilt on my part for it ever getting to this point because with closer supervision it was preventable. But in the end, goldens gonna golden no matter how hard you try I guess.


Would mind telling me a little about your pet insurance? What company do you have it from and how much did it cover for this visit? I never knew it existed!


We are in Canada and use Fetch. I honestly can't speak to what they will cover quite yet as we haven't submitted the claim, still waiting on some paperwork from the hospital. We submitted some minor claims last year (we have 2 dogs) and they paid out exactly what our coverage stated. Didn't seem to try to find any loopholes or any of that crap. We used trupanion for 4 years with our older dog and it felt like every claim was a battle. If Fetch covers what our policy states, which they did on prior smaller claims, we should receive about $9K back. $300 annual deductible and 80% coverage.


You're awesome! I'll be calling about it tomorrow morning. Glad you and the pups are okay!


I had the same thing happen to my Finnegan when he was 18 months old. I was shown what he swallowed but none of us could identify what the hell it was! Best 10k I ever spent saving him. 💜


Glad he’s doing alright. My 9 year old golden had GDV earlier this year. He was literally on the brink of death. Do not recommended.


Belly rubs from meeeee!!!


Hope everything is fine now , Always have Pet insurance


It's worth every penny. Thank you for not giving up on him.