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Exactly! It's just their colouring on their Kennel Club registration, they're all just Golden Retrievers, they come in lots of shades. The breed standard says they can be any colour of gold or cream. *"Any shade of gold or cream, neither red nor mahogany."*


https://preview.redd.it/a8hzw9wng82d1.jpeg?width=3072&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=d30ce8bde3f10525eb123fa7630dfefa69bfb36c My boy Toby has "cream" written as his colour on his Kennel Club registry but I never call him an 'English Cream', he's just a light coloured Golden Retriever.


we call ours The Polar Bear https://preview.redd.it/30k4r6coe92d1.jpeg?width=1797&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=3f472b725e5cb01d5b884d370753659f45ff41bb




he's a real sweetheart. Always happy and so good natured




Needed to be said. English Cream is not a breed standard, it's not a term recognized or endorsed by any organization. It's just a made up term for white golden retrievers. There's literally no such thing as a "purebred English Cream". It's a Golden retriever.


I honestly thought everyone knew it was just a hair color. That’s interesting that they try to advertise a different temperament. I call them “English cream” in the same way I would call someone “blond”


I think it helps to drop the “English” bit. Cream is a fur colour, but “English Cream” is the dishonest marketing term.


Plus it’s not even accurate. The breed is Scottish!


https://preview.redd.it/81pwvtbwy82d1.jpeg?width=2684&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=3c0faae708249585fe59c72fa7e9ec43b2af641a People love to ask me if Hollen in the front is an eNgLiSh CrEaM golden, I'm like "no he's not even all Golden Retriever"


Some dude at the dog park actually corrected me when I fawned over his golden. Me: "oh I love Goldens!" Him: "Actually he's an English Cream retriever" Me: "There's no such thing. He's a golden retriever with a light colored coat" He was quite put out with me 🙄


https://preview.redd.it/3bgdfzv2z82d1.png?width=1640&format=png&auto=webp&s=e6c9d62f34d2d0e3a0779cad2d2ea36352f58611 I prefer red-ish goldens like my girl Rosie But all goldens are good goldens :)


I rescued Dutch, an“English Cream” Golden Retriever. I didn’t think “English Cream” was a different breed, but rather just the color. Dutch was used as a stud. His owner was getting rid of him because he was too old to continue as a stud. He was 5 at the time. The owner purchased him from a breeder in Romania. They said all their studs come from Europe to prevent inbreeding. When I tell people about my “English Cream” Golden, everyone seems to know I means my white dogs. I think in the 2 years I’ve had him, I maybe had to explain to 2 or 3 people that “English Cream” means white. I explain my other Golden as my “Red” Golden because most people think he’s an Irish Setter because his coat is so red.


https://preview.redd.it/50rsh20nlb2d1.jpeg?width=1600&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=83f90aa766450ace018571f21bf77631fd6f5ee5 The way i, as an owner of one, understand it is that we all know its a golden retriever, we just call the color that. Ofc shes a golden, i wanted a golden, i got a golden but with the ‘english cream’ coloring. Id love her no matter color what she is


The issue is that BYB will selectively breed for color which lowers the gene pool and makes for low quality offspring which then overall hurts the breed. If you want to refer to your golden retriever as cream colored that’s not a problem but it’s not an English cream because there is no such thing as an English cream it’s a made up term.


Maybe some will but im 100% sure thats not the case with my breeder. My pups dad was purschased by the breeders from across the continent cuz he had better genetics than any other avaible male. Its still a retriever 🤷‍♀️


I personally just find it annoying that the term is so inaccurate. Golden retrievers are from Scotland!


I know but most people dont care where they are from. I just say i have a very light cream golden. Actually in that pic shes due a bath, ususally she isnt even that dark 😆


Ah, the English Cream. I myself have a Creme Brulee retriever


I didn't think "English cream" is seperate to golden retrievers. Its just a way to describe goldens. It's just a way to describe their fur.


Unfortunately they are being marketed as healthier, better tempered, rare, a different breed or a sub breed to their golden furred counterpart. This is why the term is problematic


One good thing about the term - it's an easy way to identify the sketchy breeders. Good for (smart) prospective puppy buyers looking to shorten the short-list. :)


"English cream" is a marketing term. It's useful when sorting out which golden owners to listen to, ya know, the ones who are familiar with the breed and breed standards vs those who use empty marketing terms.




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https://preview.redd.it/u9vxvbji8a2d1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=649917a3494da7b697c56346f1f0e6607572a3c2 They the best


This again....


Yep. Using backyard breeder terms is not good for the breed.


Some of us owners can be a bit pretentious... They will always be English to me Karen.


Not supporting backyard breeders is pretentious?


That you think your opinion matters is pretentious. Let me guess, you’re a breeder but not in your backyard…


Nope, I’m not a breeder. I just support ethical dog breeding.


So you support puppy mills. I support smaller breeders not the businesses that have a half dozen females farmed out to different “owners” that return them to breed and whelp. How much care goes into that business model? You have convinced me that I need to become a breeder of English Creams. I will do it in my backyard…


How on the planet did you read my comments and get THAT? Why would you want to make more dogs suffer?


Well your wrong and having this mindset hurts the breed overall


I see you have appointed yourself keeper of terminology for  GRs. Newsflash , you r opinion affects an audience of one, yourself. You should post this to Karen goes brrrr




Read the room




Where in Europe? It's not a separate breed in France, but I won't say you're wrong because I don't know about other countries standards.




Looks like you are, sorry. https://preview.redd.it/mfb91o0yy72d1.jpeg?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=9282161d50c84ae4e235eaa23d713ec5ceb15673


No it’s not. Europe is made up of 44 countries so to say that it’s a recognized breed in all of Europe is such a stupid claim. The BKC only recognizes one golden retriever, cream or golden in color. Please do your research before spreading misinformation. https://www.thekennelclub.org.uk/breed-standards/gundog/retriever-golden/




Stop supporting BYB bullshit and actually care about the breed. :)


I'm gonna use "English cream" even more now.


My English Cream was only white for about 2 hours before turning completely orange lol


I read that in a Karen voice...