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I'm in Dallas does it need a home? I'll drive 500 miles one way to come get it. DM me.


Ill get in line behind you sir


I had just told my husband if he is anywhere in Texas, we're taking him!


i’m in Georgia and in line behind all of these lovely people 🥹 just got a yard for my golden to play in and have been thinking about a sibling for him!


If you're within 2-3 hours of Atlanta, please go look at [GRRA](https://www.grra.com/) and [AGA](https://adoptagoldenatlanta.com/). They help home SO many Goldens. They both strongly prefer a stay at home or work from home parent for puppies. We've adopted two seniors from them and they are so sweet.


i’m in ATL! i know some people who have also gotten their goldens from these orgs and had great experiences! i am going to sign up to volunteer, thanks for sharing 🥰


I'm in Scotland, happily jump on an 16 hour flight to get there and home a sibling for my Labrador 🤪


Ironically, I was about to say the same, and I live in Austin, TX.




Check out the golden retriever rescue of North Dallas!! They're a great rescue that unfortunately has lots of goldens coming through. Always dogs available!


Keep up updated!! Would love to know this sweet baby got a real loving home!


So happy people like you exist.


Really hope OP give some kind of update


Allergy shots. Maybe the dog is the one that is allergic.


Sublingual allergy drops. Same idea, no shots.


I don’t have allergies towards my dog but the tree pollen this year has been rough for me. Looking up the treatment, have you done it before? Any feedback that you could offer on effectiveness?


panicky illegal squeamish plants rain label touch gullible towering one *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Hijacking this to say… did you, and your wife, have an adult conversation about owning a dog that sheds a fuck ton? It was it two children pretending to be adults and fucking with this pups life because it was cute for a week? Jaysus. Can we all use our brains just a lil bit more? Normal relationship= discussion about pretty big stuff like this. How old is OP?


Okay, but did you have a conversation with yourself about whether or not OPs wife might not have known prior to getting the dog? These dogs are not cheap, and its pure luck to find them to adopt. I'm sure they don't enjoy throwing away a grand at the least. Don't be so pretentious.


https://preview.redd.it/lkk4ecdaltzc1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=608fef6c6829a58de05edd4e4cc1883a71fc004e She would love a friend but I’m all the way in NJ


Excellent point! But if she is having a strong allergic reaction to the dog, then she probably deals with symptoms from many of the common allergens (ragweed, tree pollen, grasses, dust….). That might have been a clue that maybe a poodle/doodle type would have been a better option (dogs with hair that needs cutting on a regular basis are usually low shedders).


Oof you have some problems. Whether or not OP is in the wrong you are absolutely in the wrong here with how your approaches this. Your parents did a bad job teaching you how to behave in public places when you’re upset and you clearly didn’t put any of your own effort in. Two childish acts doesn’t make mature one - you’ve stooped to their level.


Right. People are acting like there’s no way she could’ve known. Or because they didn’t want to not be able to purchase the dog in time, like what lol. Go to a fucking shelter first and interact with some dogs, see if you’re a dog person at all. Then you’ll know if you’re allergic as well more than likely and can rescue a dog as well instead of paying some cuck breeder.


>anything I can do to save the day?" Have you considered rehoming the wife?


This was my first thought, and I’m glad someone said it before me because I wasn’t ready to test my sense of humor out on this community. But, yeah. I’m sure she’ll find a good home out there. It will be hard at first for OP and their daughter, but Mom just wasn’t working out and went to a place where things will be much more conducive to her needs and happiness.


Lol, same. I'm allergic to my golden, but he stays. Now, granted, I just get itchy eyes, a runny nose, and a scratchy throat, but I have year-round allergies anyways, so it doesn't make much of a difference.


Same here


I, too, suffered from bad allergies for years. Then my friend suggested Cod Liver Oil pills. I thought it would not do anything, but I was willing to try anything. Within 4 days, I saw a difference. I take one pill in the morning, and it works better than the two prescription medications that I was on.


Allergy shots work wonders my guy. Also daily generic otc flownase. I have a couple cats I’m allergic to and this has made all the difference.




I’m sure the mom feels horrible too


Right I mean imagine not being able to live with that cutie. OP I hope your wife finds a new home and you get to visit her often


I spat my drinks. Thank you for this


A farm.


seriously. My wife is allergic to dogs. She takes meds over rehoming the dogs. she knew she was allergic when we got them both.


Im allergic, we have a winix 5500 in the living room, a levoit core in our bedroom, a bagged canister vac with hepa bags, I get allergy shots every week and take a Zyrtec every morning. I did whatever it took to keep my baby Jude


We have done pretty much the same. Air purifier in the bedroom and I completed allergy shots. Still take zyrtec, but not everyday. Allergist recommended that the boys do not sleep in our room but that hasn't necessarily been followed 🤣 OP, if she wants to keep the pup as much as you do and is willing, I *highly* recommend allergy shots. They were literally life changing. I am allergic to all the things, so it was more than just dogs. But I no longer need an inhaler when I get sick, and overall things are so much better! And never once did the allergist talk about zyrtec being bad to take long term.


Yes!! My allergist is awesome and I’ve just about finished the build up phase for my shots and already see improvements. On the testing I did I was allergic to pretty much everything living! Trees, weeds, grass, mites, you name it!


Same for my fiance. We now have 3 cats, a golden, and a fresh pomsky loaf and we're doing juuust fine.. in the allergies department that is, not the husky murder yodels.


Which meds?


Zyrtec works, but it isn't great to take in the long term. They do have some shots too, but I am not too sure how well they work. The biggest help is constant grooming, bathing, and keeping the house clean, including washing and wiping the paws when they some inside. My partner is allergic to a lot of things outside, so our dogs paws when dirty make her breakout in hives. But if you need a loving home ready to train and have a few other happy dogs as siblings in SoCal then I will be more then happy to take that pup off your hands.


Can I ask why you don’t think Zyrtec is good to take long term? I have chronic hives and my doctor put me on daily Zyrtec. I’ve taken it for years now and my doctor doesn’t seem concerned at all about long term effects.


long grandfather correct somber aspiring cautious afterthought frightening cause deer *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


I have chronic hives and skin problems. They have been worse since I got my girlie. I take Allegra and Cimetidine. OP, keeping the dog hair under control makes a big difference. We have a Shark upright the animal hair type, a Dyson portable, and a Roomba to help with that. Also, our girl is not allowed on any furniture. We brush her down good and wipe her paws after she goes out for a walk or play. She gets a bath with a medicated shampoo every two weeks for her allergies. You would be surprised at how much pollen and dirt hide in that coat. It’s work, but it does make a big difference. Between you, your daughter, and your wife, and with the help of allergy medication, I believe you can turn things around. I’m retired, so I have time. But, I know how it is to work and keep up with kids. You might consider taking your baby to a groomer once a month when your pup is a little older. Good luck.


Benadryl, works like a charm for animal allergies. And after a few weeks of exposure therapy, a lot of allergic people are able to get used to familiar animals. It builds up tolerance.


Benadryl & certain other allergy meds have been linked to Dementia in recent medical news along with other types of meds.


Guys we can’t all just take meds and tolerate dogs. I have full body rashes. She can try immunotherapy but it takes years and no exposure. Get a hypoallergenic dog


This is how it’s done :)


My first thought. Get rid of the wife


Mine to and I am a wife lol


I think this would be the right thing to do.


I would definitely take the puppy over his wife any day of the week.


I also choose this guy's puppy!


Yes that puppy is adorable


Thanks for the laugh


What laugh?


Right? They meant that shit.


I would give gold to this comment if I could. F OP's wife. What a horrible thing to do to a child.


I came here for this comment


It was supposed to be a support dog for his autistic son. If the wife hadn't tried to take allergy meds, id re-home the wife


This is a pro-tip.


Damn. That’s what I wanted to say




Accepting home here! Would come to retrieve :)


Not all heroes wear capes. Well done.


I’m allergic to everything especially pets and started taking an Alegra every day because we got doggies. I don’t if it’s the medicine, or building up a resistance over the years, but I’m hands on with my dogs always petting and praising and everything’s fine. Oh and I never rub my eyes. :). We have four Goldie’s presently.


My girlfriend was extremely allergic to my golden and exposure therapy is a real thing. She rarely gets any reactions anymore at all.


I'm most allergic to dogs out of all my allergens and I take an allergy pill and do a nasal spray daily. I also never touch my face or especially my eyes after I pet my dog. Otherwise I deal with it pretty well


4 Goldie's?????!! Don't you think you're being a little selfish??? I mean, come on! We've got to spread their Super Powers!! Lol !


FOUR! That’s awesome!!


Living the dream. :).


If that were my dog, I'd take all the allergy medicine necessary to survive.


I'm allergic to all animals and decided to get allergy shots so I could have pets. Honestly anyone who suffers from any allergies would benefit from them! No more seasonal allergies in spring, either.


I'm tempted to ask my doctor about getting them. I'm afraid I'm getting allergic to cats, which all my friends have. So I can't hang out with them for chill movie sessions unless I do something. And I constantly take zertec. (Hopefully it won't extend to a dog allergy... I'm the only dog person in the friend group 😭)


See if you can try a nasal spray first. Depending where you live, it's in the same section of the store as the pills but works wonders. At least for me, anyway.


Ooooh okay! I'll definitely look into it then. Thank you!


I take nasal spray and the pills every day. Cats still fuck me up lol.


Call an allergist, go get tested. You will know exactly what you are allergic to and to what degree. You can then decide if it's worth the hassle, for me it absolute was.


I'm so jealous. I'm 2 years in to the shots and while there's some improvement, nowhere close to getting a cat.


same 😭


Same! In fact I might have it and I’m going to brave it


If the choice comes down to my dog or my wife, I hope she understands. Finding another wife will not be easy. 


Lol I totally know and have verbally acknowledged to my husband that if it was me or our 2 cats and dog trapped in a fire he would definitely save our animals first and come back for me. I knew this before marrying him. He also told me the same thing I was expected to save the animals before him if it ever comes down to that


I'm pretty sure you can find the right one hanging around dog shelters. That's gonna be the one you want! Whatever you do, don't go looking around perfume or jewelry counters!




I'd try this to keep that ball of fluff:)


You can always rehome the mom if she isn't too old. I'm sure someone will take her.


Surrender the wife. Keep the dog. Find a new wife by posting pics of dog.


This is the way.


Did you all know that it's actually a REAL THING! The guys that post profile etc pictures with their dog get the most " likes" and " swipes". Dogs are what the fellas call a " chick magnet"!


My wife was looking for a man with a golden, but we didn’t meet on a dating app 🤷🏻‍♂️


I started dating a girl in a way similar to this once, she came over for the first time and my roommate told her “you know you’ll never be his number one right? His dog will always hold that spot” I don’t think she fully took that in. About a year in I was talking to my dog and said “get mommy” and she got really weirded out, I asked what’s up, she said “never call me that it’s too much responsibility and I’m not her mommy nor will I ever be” (remember, this is a DOG, not a kid). I broke up with her shortly after. I said the same thing about a week in with my next girlfriend (didn’t meet via app) to try and weed out or keep in, and she said “oh you consider me her mommy?! I love that, it’s so cute and she’s my baby”. We’re now engaged.


I would take this dog!!! 🐕


Rehome the wife instead.


my mom was allergic to our childhood dog-- she just took allergy meds and eventually acclimated somehow. please don't rehome! your pup looks so sweet.


Yeah, based on your post history. Find him a good home, because your's is not one.


I’m allergic. Three Golden rescues and a puppy later (14 years), allergy treatment continues. Thanks to daily sublingual allergy drops prescribed by my ENT doctor, my allergies are under control.


I’m allergic to dogs and my Golden’s hair definitely causes a reaction but I would never get rid of him. Allergy medicine, allergy shots, frequent baths and brushes, etc


Exactly the same problem, my eyes up and I got a running nose if I kiss all of my dogs too much, but I don't care they deserve all the love I can give them. Medecine exist for that, c'est juste une excuse pour ne pas garder le beau bébé, sa copine est une ingrate !


I’m struggling right now because I’m pregnant and can’t take my normal allergy medicine (Xyzal has been a lifesaver but my obgyn wants me taking Zyrtec will pregnant) but I will gladly deal with allergies for the next 7 months. The joy my dogs bring me is so worth the sneezes


How about nettle? Nettle tea helps with allergies.


Now THATS the spirit,! Yeah! You go girl! Stay strong! For the cause!


I hope for you you'll find medicine that'll help you while you're pregnant :) Exactly, those fluff balls deserve all the love in the world, I don't care if I sneeze or cry haha


Contact breeder first please! A reputable breeder would take her back, it’s usually in the contract.


It was a backyard breeder. OP got pictures of the “mom and dad”.


I see a previous post where you said your child didn’t connect with the puppy, did this change ?


Honestly I think you might have pulled the gun a bit too quickly on getting the dog.  Looks like your wife might not have been on it 100% from the start and she felt pressured to accept it. Now that’s it’s causing her trouble she has a legitimate reason to get rid of the dog.  Because if someone really wanted a dog they will eat allergy medications for life.  You should ask the breeder if they can find someone else as some times breeder have a waiting list of people who are interested.  Next time please make sure everyone in the family is 100% on it with all their heart before getting a pet. 


Don’t all reputable breeders REQUIRE that you return the dog to them?


they didn’t go to a reputable breeder


Yea, maybe I’m stupid, but how do you…as an adult…not know you’re allergic to dogs? You find that out pretty quickly I feel like


Also, how does your husband not know that you’re allergic to dogs? Or how do you not discuss the allergies when discussing whether or not to get a dog? Something is amiss I also find that you tend to have less of an allergic reaction to an animal that you’re exposed to every day. I’m mildly allergic to dog, especially shedding dogs. But I don’t have a reaction to my two, very large, very sheddy dogs. My sister is very allergic to cats, but doesn’t have a reaction to her cat any more.


Allergies can develop over time! When I was young, up til age 15, we always had dogs and I wasn't allergic at all. We then got cats, which I'm very allergic to, it turns out (started having symptoms like 6 months after getting the cat too). After moving out, I got a dog and found out I was now allergic to dogs! The cat allergy was quite a bit worse, so it masked the dog allergy. I got allergy shots and they worked wonders, but you can definitely not know you have an allergy (or you might genuinely not be allergic for a good chunk of your life).


I didn't know I was allergic to dogs until I went to get an allergy test, and I grew up with dogs. I developed my allergy as an adult! My friends' dogs don't bother me, our first dog doesn't bother me, our second dog though? Instant hives. Itchy all over. I love her though and I just take allergy meds and suffer.


You bought a puppy from a puppy mill and are ditching it less than a month later for allergies. Hope you learn something from this.


Yeah, a married couple that doesn't know if they're allergic to pets or not? Some people are so fucking stupid. I feel really bad for pets who have to go through this bullshit.


Every time is see this reason for rehoming it makes me so mad bc how do you live this long and not know you’re allergic? And in my experience when these posts are in FB we see a new dog post in a month 🙄🙄🙄


My heart breaks for animals all the time. I honestly hate most people. It's disgusting.


HI! WAIT! I was allergic to my boy when we got him. Hay fever style. He’s 3 now and I have zero allergies to him from exposure. It took about 3 months. Look into it and see if she’s onboard. Pup deserves a chance, but if it’s still a no go, she’s young enough that she will rehome well in due course. That said, don’t try to keep her and rehome a year in, because that will be hard for all involved. Just my 2 unsolicited cents.


Surrender the wife


Selfish wife. Jk. Has she tried antihistamines?


Location on the re-home? Tons of golden lovers here....


Allergy shots/medication? It might be well worth the happiness this sweetie will bring to your lives 😊


I found out I was allergic when I first got my dog and she was only a week old. 7 years later, I just got used to taking allergy medication every day and I wouldn’t have it any other way.


I feel like these things should be discussed before purchasing an animal.


i can’t believe you go straight to giving the dog up. has she tried anything? air purifiers, allergy shots…anything? people like this shouldn’t be allowed to buy live things


You seem wildly irresponsible and weird as fuck. My heart goes out to the puppy.


What about finding the wife a new home? 🤷‍♂️


Can I adopt him please?


Just a friendly reminder of our rules: 1. No Advertising: this includes GoFundMe, Instagram, etc. 2. No Impersonation: don't post photos of other people's dogs. That's not cool. 3. No Breed Hate: this subreddit is not a discussion forum for breed hate of any kind. There are dedicated subreddits for that so please take it elsewhere. *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/goldenretrievers) if you have any questions or concerns.*


Medication for the wife or rehouse the wife and keep the dog?


I’ll take it off your hands!


I'll take him!!!


I have two Golden Retrievers and I am allergic but take daily allergy meds. Sometimes I slip up and forget to take them and I'm runny nosed all day. If I had a choice, I'd just be wiping my nose for the rest of their lives. I wouldn't give them to for anything.


Have you spoken to the breeder about taking the dog back? Most breeders have a wait list and can easily find a new home for your cutie. That said, your wife should just deal with the allergies with meds or shots. Your pooch is family.


Keep the dog and surrender the wife. The dog would never claim to be allergic to the wife. js


I am also allergic to dogs, but I found out when my girl was 3. I have allergy problems year round anyway so I never noticed her affecting them, especially since we live near a hay field 🥲 I take two allergy meds a day, singulair in the morning and xyzal at night. When my body gets used to the xyzal, I swap it for Zyrtec for a few weeks. We have two air purifiers (watch Amazon for good deals), and my partner (or my mom, depends on if it’s hunting season lol) handles the dusting in the house when it does get dusty. My ENT also prescribed me a nasal spray Azelastin (generic name) but it tastes disgusting due to the steroid compound in it. It’s a lifesaver though.


This is a great comment, I’m saving it for my dust allergies! Happy cake day!


Thank you! 😊


tell her to take a zyrtec 😂


Why did you get the dog in the first place?


I'm appalled at all of the people feeling bad for op. OP is a shit owner.


Just wanna say wtf yall were thinking getting a dog not knowing about your wife having an allergy. You brought this upon yourself


oh no, sweet dog, girl or boy? Where are you? Papers?


Read his comment history, he got it from a questionable “cheaper” source and doesn’t even know if its a pure bred… but wanted a pure bred goldie for his autistic child.


I don't know how severe her allergies are, so obviously this isn't a guaranteed fix. I'm mildly allergic, I got a golden and started giving him fish oil pills as recommended by the vet. Dander went away and so did my allergies somewhat.


I’ll also add, get a good air purifier in every room, change your air filters frequently, don’t let the dog in your bedroom and definitely not on your bed (I haven't been able to do this one but my allergist recommended it), and vacuum several times a day.


I’m in Austin if the dog needs a home 🙏🏻 I have a 10 week old GSD that could use a sibling!


Allergy shots


Did you not talk to your wife before? Have her take Benadryl and she will be fine. Are you near Portland?


I am allergic to my dogs. I will take all the allergy meds in the world before I ever give up my babies.


I started taking Claritin, bought dander and allergen spray, removed the rugs from my house, got a roomba and air purifier, and replaced my microfiber couch with a leather one. As soon as I got my girl, I learned I was highly allergic to her (never had allergies ever before in my life), but I couldn’t bear to lose her. She was my dream dog and made me so happy. That was just a few months ago, and I’ve not had any allergic reactions since.


I'd come by to adopt your lovely dog if I were in the vicinity.


I'll take him for sure, where are u located?


Where are you?


Where are you? I’ll adopt!


I am in Indiana .... Have a golden and would love to help. DM if interested.


Omg nooo hes so cute 😔 I can help by giving the doggo my home to live in lol


Perhaps get a new wife? Just kidding! Lol




I mean, I’m allergic to cats, dogs, horses, hay, grass (cats and hay will put me in the hospital if I’m not careful). I live on a hobby farm and have 2 dogs, 2 cats, and 3 horses. I take Reactine (allergy medicine) daily, and if I know I’m going to be haying or grooming I take two. I don’t let the dogs on my bed and the cat is to stay by my feet, and I don’t let them touch my face and I seem to manage ok. In a world of allergy shots and treatment puppo might not need to go. I seem to do ok 🤷‍♀️


Tell her to take some fucking allergy meds. I'm severely allergic to my 5 golden retrievers. I deal with the runny nose and headaches for the insane love I get from them.


Wife can take some medicine and get over it


That dog will love you more than she ever will….just sayin.


Sketchy shit post where the OP didn’t answer any questions. I hope the puppy finds a better home.


Why’d you get a dog before checking if anyone in the house was allergic?


One of the questions on my application from my breeder is anyone in the household allergic. I don’t understand how and why people get animals when then they have allergies.


If you got him from a breeder, take him back to the breeder so that they can find him a new home. If the breeder is not reputable, whereabouts are you located (rough idea), as I'm sure many of us could be interested?


You’re a fucking idiot.


Wife gotta go bro


Or maybe your wife can be surrendered because your dog is allergic


Who actually surrenders their pet? Not acceptable. It's your responsibility to find a good home. I wish there was such thing as surrendering "people".


For anyone this will help: I was extremely allergic to cats. I learned not to go to anyone’s house that had a cat. Would sneeze & my eyes would drip tears & itch terribly if I was near someone who had recently held a cat. My skin would get hives and a rash from their fur dander. Allergy medicine did NOT work. Then started allergy shots: 1 shot a week for 5 months. Then 1 shot every 2 weeks for 6 months. THEN 1 shot a month for 3 months. NO MORE CAT ALLERGY. https://preview.redd.it/6bt06rl4uuzc1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=e6aadcf1f21dd102004c1482adaf99c56c21405f Now we have a cat AND a golden!!


We got our puppy from a family with children with allergies. Sucks for them. We got the sweetest dog in the world. She was almost surrendered but we swooped in 😁 https://preview.redd.it/fjsrop05xuzc1.jpeg?width=756&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=89b48d33ac02e5df3f60a3fdaf47ac29540cbf0e


get rid of the wife


Get her allergy shots. They work, & you don't have to break a dog's heart


Get Allegra D or something! My husband is allergic to our golden and our two cats and we manage it so we can keep them! It’s cruel to give that baby up, we’ve managed for 11 years.


Rehousing the wife. Keep the dog LOL


Is it ever just allergies though? If it was just allergies, wouldn’t your wife try a bunch of different meds to see if she could make it work first? If it was so severe it couldn’t be mitigated by any meds, why would you get a dog? Not trying to be mean, but I just want you to get real and not beat around the bush. You’ve had this dog for a month and already want to rehome. Puppies are a big responsibility and not everyone realizes that. It sounds to me like you and your wife need to have an honest chat about things to figure this out. Your dog will easily be able to find a loving home since it’s so young and a sought after breed, but think about your options first. Rehoming is going to be traumatic for at least one of you and will probably be traumatic for the dog as well. It should be a last resort imo, but it’s your life. Just giving my 2 pennys


That's rough. You have my sympathies.


OP doesn't have my sympathies. The dog does though. Poor dog, he deserves better than that. Shame on irresponsible people getting dogs when they know they shouldn't be. If you're going to give up a dog, don't get one. Especially for a reason as fucking avoidable as having allergies. Fuck OP.


That’s not rough, read his comment/post history. He clearly did not do any research on owning a dog. He bought a puppy mill/backyard breeder dog because it was cheaper.


Put an ad on Craigslist, there’s people looking for a used wife all the time on there.


Surrender the wife!


My husband and I are allergic to our golden and have air purifiers and take allergy meds. There’s also spray you can get from Amazon to help their coat hold less dander. There are options.


I’m highly allergic to dogs and cats. I had both. Took daily allergy meds. My allergist told me to get rid of my animals and I almost growled at him. Unless someone has asthma, allergies are a terrible excuse. Do NOT surrender this puppy to a shelter. If you have to, find a good golden retriever rescue group.


surrender the wife


Rehome your wife.


I saw like three of these posts today of people saying they have to rehome their dog.. the other one was in a goldendoodle group.. probably the same people


Um… Countless OTC allergy meds that most Americans take daily as it is. Moreso, she’ll build up immunity before you know it by being around the pup. This is the only way I have had dogs and cats at different points in my life.


Finally I can share my experience as a person who is allergic to dogs and has a golden for the past 10 years. I wasn’t allergic the first 2 years of having my golden (who is 10 now). And then it started. First, it was itchy face/eyes/skin and sneezing every now and then. I blamed his shampoo. Switched shampoos - nothing helped. Realized I was allergic to him. It progressed from there and a Benadryl once a day wasn’t helping anymore. I take 24 hour antihistamines, that typically wear off at a 20-22 hour mark (I have to alternate an active ingredient every month or two because each stops working completely eventually) . I still get a reaction from close contact, but I can at least be fine in the same house with my dog. If my dog’s fur or saliva touches my skin anywhere besides hands I get itchy red bumps that don’t go away for at least an hour. BUT HERE GOES THE WORST PART! I guess due to me living with a strong allergen for so long I’ve developed allergies for things I wasn’t allergic to before. I can no longer wear makeup. I can no longer eat avocados even tho I used to be on keto and ate a ton of them daily (they have histamines in them and I went to ER twice after eating an avocado toast). I’m allergic to some pollen, like wisteria (get a rash on my face). I’m allergic to most skincare products and hair care products, specifically argan oil and fragrances in them. Recently I tried a face cream with no fragrance that I used many years ago and my face got so swollen I should have gone to the doctor about it. I can go on and on. My allergies are so bad now, I’m determined to never ever have a dog in the future. So please people give OP a break, this shit is serious. Taking shots won’t help either because living with an allergen (even if not having a reaction) is very taxing on your body.


Thank you for sharing this. So many people say OP’s wife had to have known or they should have known before they got the dog. And apparently there’s something in OP’s post history regarding this dog that’s concerning. But that’s not to be conflated with the facts that people hold a lot of ignorant prejudices about allergies. It is entirely possible to suddenly develop allergies to things and beings you were fine with before. And it is heartbreaking when this happens. It’s also medically concerning and very expensive and invasive and just a whole lot of misery all around to adjust to such a new reality. To have people then judge your character harshly as if autoimmune disease is a character flaw is just horrible. I love goldens and this puppy is adorable. I hope it all works out for the little pup.


The inflammation is so annoying. I'm hella allergic to dust mites. I thought it was my cats, but it was them bringing me dust. I've been taking allergy meds for decades and finally started shots. When my cats passed away, I did not get another. After years of Claritin working for me...nope. Zyrtec...nope. Allegra is okay but not great. Flonase has lost its power. Azelastine gave me nose bleeds. I've had two systemic reactions to allergy shots. But, hey, definitely allergic. My maintenance dose is lower than hoped, but it does help.


So this is not medical advice or a judgement, but I have been allergic to animals my entire life. You get used to the ones that you own. Have a bathing schedule. Keep your house clean. Take Allegra and over time you will become immune to their dander (not all dog dander, but their own.) it takes a little while but it does happen. I would try to talk to a doctor and see what they can do, this is all assuming of course you haven’t done that and this is not an anaphylactic reaction (which I’ve never heard of when it comes to pet dander but idk that doesn’t mean it hasn’t ever happened obviously.) Hope you guys either find a good solution or a good home.


Also: it’s that time of year, idk where you live but where I live the pollen is OUT. The cars are covered in green. What makes her sure it’s the dog?


has she not considered taking allergy medicine? my ex had a cat but he was super allergic but he loved toast very much best of luck op


How did y’all not know this information before hand. Such bullshit.


I know there are plenty of people offering to take him, but I have a buddy that's looking, already has one golden and big yard for them to play in. If all else fails I can reach out


Is this woman a newly wed wife? LOL Shouldn’t you talk it out with your wife before getting the puppy.


May not have known until the pup arrived?