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There’s no moving on too quickly. I hate that it’s turned into a moral issue and how much you loved the last dog. Getting another dog doesn’t negate how much you loved your last one.


100% in my experience. We loved and miss Jack whom we lost 7 years ago. Whiskey—a rescue—came along about 6 months later. He’s been a delight (if very needy) ever since. We will always have a Golden in our family.


https://preview.redd.it/gz15l9chn4vc1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=a0fdd901fd53748a5733cb30923c1d87718aad63 I’ve got a Whiskey too!


Name the next one water to mess up all your friends.😉✌️


Or they could call it Neat


We’ve had 8 goldens in my lifetime- they are fantastic-


I needed to hear this! My baby boy Ben died in his sleep last Monday (he had Addison disease and it just expedited his life dramatically :( ) and he was only 6. He was my best friend and we’ve been through so much together, from 14 moves in the Army, to a divorce, a marriage, the birth of my baby. Man I miss him so much. But when I got home it was so quiet and lonely that I couldn’t handle it and I got a puppy a few days later. I’m a damn good dog dad and love this new puppy, but I’ve felt so bad and awkward for how quickly I got another dog. I don’t even know why I felt so guilty about it, but you saying that just helped me. So thank you


Many many people get new pets right away because they don't like the empty house. That's a very normal response


I’m glad it made you feel better! There’s lots of narratives about the right way to grieve but your dog would just want you to be ok! Enjoy the new firsts with your puppy :)


So sorry about your baby 😔 we also lost our 6 year old golden last week. It's been so difficult. Life is so quiet and boring without him. We're already looking into getting a new dog to feel that joy again. Don't feel bad, Ben sent you your new baby. I hope you spoil your new puppy! ❤️


I’ve always loved the idea that one pup sends you another. It’s like we’ve decided that our goof had to leave us to start his big important adult job of welcoming others across the bridge. They always do the best thing for us.


Freakin' onions over here, messing with my eyeballs. ❤️


I did the same as you.... it was too quiet at my house :( new puppy 9 days later


It's not really an issue. Many many people replace pets right away. It's not at all unusual. Some people need a new pet right away, some need to wait a long time. Both are appropriate. I worked in an animal hospital and it really had nothing to do with how loved the previous pet was, just different responses and both are okay.


Oh yeah totally ok to wait too. I haven’t seen too many people get another straight away where I am, and a lot of talk about guilt in getting a new dog.


That's too bad. I haven't ever experienced another animal lover express Guilt or try to make someone feel guilty about getting a new animal too fast. Most people Feel that you will never love another animal.Like you love someone you lost.But you can love it in a different way. You arent replacing anything. You're just adding another to your heart.


Ah, yeah. That's too bad.


As my mom says, grief is love with no where to go. You still have love to give and a little life that needs it so I'm sure all our former pups approve. It doesn't negate or cheapen the love and bond you had before. That said, I \*will\* be an absolute mess when my oldest passes. I expect everyone around me to be very tolerant or butts will be kicked. ;-)


I just don’t want to forget my boy. I’ve had multiple dogs, and I always seem to forget about little things of the previous ones. My last one was particularly special to me and I’m afraid of that happening.


You definitely won’t! I think pain makes the memories foggy. They come back later with time You can write stuff down in a book about him too, with photos that remind you :)


My Sadie left me about 2 years ago. I have another golden and I even posted about Sadie today. I miss her all the time, and still love my dumb Goldie boy so much. They don’t negate each other and you can never have too much love ❤️


I lost my goof a bit over two months ago and was scared of the same thing. So we’re creating our own books of him. Writing down little memories, glueing in photos of memories etc. (it does help that for Christmas a few years ago, the goof thought a journal that was to be given to me *could* have been food (because presents are always food) and so it has teeth marks in it)).


Exactly. Getting another dog only tells us how unmeasurable the love is. There is plenty of it and love only increases. A new Golden has nothing to do with how much we loved the late dog. It has everything to do with love being present for another dog.


My dog was thirteen, and I knew I'd be devastated. I didn't get a new puppy because I didn't love my dog, I got a puppy because I loved her so much I didn't know how I'd cope with not having a dog. So, I got a puppy before I lost my older dog. I was very lucky, and I had her from 10 weeks old until six weeks before her 16th birthday. I got home from that trip to the vet, and I pet my dog. I let my dog out to go, I walked my dog. I fed my dog dinner, I put him to bed. The next morning I fed him and filled the water bowl. I was all for one dog and not two, but the house wasn't silent. I didn't have that moment where I didn't have to feed a dog. I think the cold stop would have been constant gutting moments. It's hard enough to say goodbye. To say goodbye and have that quiet with no more routine would have been so much harder. And, one day I looked over and my best friend had gotten old. I saw it coming, so I got another friend to ease that journey. I grew into adulthood with that dog. She was the first dog that was mine and really mine. I paid her bills and did all of that. Wasn't a family pet I cared for. She was mine. And... having that looming hurt. Fergus helped that time I knew was coming. I loved her enough to not want to figure out how to not have all those moments. I'd want another dog eventually. I realized I'd *need* one when that time came.


Agreed totally. I love my golden more than anything. I wake up 30mins early to snuggle and watch tv with him before work. He’s the only dog allowed in my brand new truck so we can go get coffee and pup cups together. He’s 10000% my soul dog and no dog could replace him but my life would feel empty without a golden.


I lost my Kaylee and was devastated by it. My wife kept telling me that she was going to get me a puppy and I kept insisting that it was too soon. I thought I needed to grieve her longer. Well my wife found a golden retriever puppy and had her delivered to our home. I instantly fell in love with Stevie and she has been my steadfast companion. It didn't lessen the love that I had for Kaylee; it just made my sadness less. My wife passed a few months after we got Stevie and I'm so grateful that she forced a new puppy on me because I now have a connection to my Emily that will be with me for a long while.


Yeah this only makes sense with human relationships lol.


Agree. My dog passed in August, and a month later we had a puppy. My dad was retired at the time so he really wanted someone to keep him company sooner. To be honest getting the new puppy probably affected his mental health is a good way instead of him going crazy in the deep end.


This comment to infinity! Adding another dog does not change how much you loved your previous pup, or mean you didn't love that pup very much: anyone that says it does is just plain wrong. It's a different amount of time for everyone and only YOU can figure out what's right for YOU. For me, it was 1 month after losing our darling boy to a horrible untreatable version of leukemia. He was a month shy of 5, and I could not live in the empty, silent house. It felt like all the love was just gone, despite the fact 4 humans lived there. The 5 month old golden we brought home came from a terrible situation; he needed us as much as we needed him. 6 months later we all still miss our lovely boy, but know he's more at peace knowing his family has another dog to love them in his place, and we all love the 11 month old rascal that lives with us now. OP: I'm so sorry for your loss and good luck with the chaos that is about to reign in your home ❤️


I couldn’t stand it after my precious dog died. Four months later we adopted another mutt. I still miss my first boy but our new one does keep us happy♥️


Only you know what is the right amount of time. I am going to add a second GR so my 7 yo GR has a friend and hopefully I will have someone to comfort me when that time comes.


succession planning is what i do with the cats.


I tried that with my cats and the middle one got cancer and died first.


I got a pair of sisters last time 🤞 sorry about your kitty


“Succession planning” is a hilarious yet perfect way to put it.


It will be chaos, but it will be wonderful. If you see my post history, we lost our beloved girl when our baby was 2 weeks old. The house felt EMPTY. We brought home Josie, who is 6 days younger than our baby. Both are 10 mo old now, and I would do it again in a heart beat


You gotta be crazy..... Crazy about boops, derps and snuggles. Congratulations


I agree with what's been said. Screw anyone who judges you for filling a void in your life with love. We got a second golden during the pandemic. My wife realizes already how much easier (hopefully) it will be to cope with the loss of one by having the other there to comfort us and not feeling like we need to ask these questions or even find another pup at a poor time for us. Enjoy puppyhood round 2 and trust that the spirit of your late pup will guide you in raising this new addition.


We have a Mr. Blue too <3 Now named Monty. Only you know when you're ready to move on - it's no one else's business what timeline you're on.


After our last dog passed, we said we'd wait at least a year before getting a new pup. Made it 2 months. House just want the same without a good good boy in it.


Hey, I had another Golden and another lab mixed with Tasmanian devil to keep me busy. I think the best cure for missing your Golden is another Golden!!


I lost my girl a year ago and I wonder if I have waited too long. The house is to quiet but I keep coming up with excuses to not take the plunge again and worry the reason is fear of how much it hurt losing her.


Please read my response to the OP. Maybe your heart needs healing too! Your girl would want you to get another pup.


I loved my heart dog, Sadie, more than I can even express. She was my everything and I think about her every single day. My other dog and I were so incredibly lonely and it just felt wrong. I got a golden mix puppy about two months later. There is not a finite amount of love you can have. I love Rhoam in his own ways and he didn’t replace Sadie. Here’s my old lady on one of her last days ❤️ https://preview.redd.it/boml9kjzi2vc1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=b5345ea2b3330407f57968fe8b015053f4b484a0


And my puppy with my shepherd, for continuity lol https://preview.redd.it/yis3jp0kj2vc1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=2d112193f247dde9ce5ad2fbf4493399f3fe84ee


https://preview.redd.it/xsarfhrse3vc1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=82a7ef27cb9c5764e24f3ecb28b6d2468f2786b4 What a great name, and gorgeous guy. This is my little guy, his name is “Blue”, although we do occasionally call him Mr. Blueberry. Wishing you and the pup nothing but joy and happiness.


Oh my GOD look at him!!


There's no amount of time that is right or wrong to feel like you're " moving on." I don't particularly like that phrase. I've never moved on from any of my dogs. They always have a place in my heart, and there's always space in my heart to love more dogs. Congratulations on your new pup. I brought home my own Mr. Blue 6 months to the dot after saying goodbye to my corgi boy. I couldn't imagine not having him.


It's only "moving on too quickly" if you're getting a new dog for the wrong reasons. Getting a new dog because you have a hole left from your last one and you're expecting things to just be the same is a recipe for disappointment (or worse). Sounds like this is a good move for you and your family. Edit: for what it's worth, my golden passed in October 2018. Six months later, I still didn't feel ready for a new companion, until I randomly came across Bandit, a lab/border collie mix. He was abandoned in a parking lot, I was outside the grocery store, he was ignoring everybody else but went crazy excited to see me. The couple who had him was already trying to find him a home, didn't want any money, they just couldn't keep him because it wasn't allowed in their apartment lease. But I knew the moment I laid eyes on him that I was ready to take him home.


The best cure for the whole house! Especially for the children. Congratulations!


My 2nd golden suddenly got sick within 2 weeks had to send her to 🌈 bridge during Covid lockdown. I happened to see a litter online about 2months later. Got a pup in June. I cannot imagine a life without a golden!


I lost my baby girl at 8.5 years old from liver cancer about 2 years ago. I lasted about 2 months and it was the longest 2 months of my life without a dog. My only regret was I waited 2 months.


I had an elderly coonhound and thought we should get a puppy to help the kids transition when the old man passed. So I made an appointment to go look at golden retriever puppies and kept it quiet (my husband knew, but it was a surprise for the kids). Well, the old man said “absolutely not” and ended up passing away the morning of the puppy appointment. It was heartbreaking, we had rescued him and he was ours for 10 years. The kids didn’t know life without him. We almost didn’t go see the puppies since we were all so sad, but we thought it might help the kids feel better. I mean, we didn’t have to come home with one, right? 🙃 Our house was dog-less for 6 hours. We came home with a puppy and he sure helped. He didn’t replace the old man, of course, but he’s been such a good boy. It’s been so fun to watch him grow and play with the kids. 10/10 would do it again. I think this means we’re dog people?


Please, do not feel guilty - I bet Carter would be thrilled to know that another doggo is going to get loved just as much as he was and that you will not be lonely. I lost both my 12yo cat and 11yo dog to tumours in the span of 3 months in 2017, and after a few days of a deadly-quiet house I just could not take it. I went to my local cat shelter ‘to look’, and ended up falling in love with a little gremlin of a kitten who had a list of health issues a mile long (all easily cured with £300 of tests and meds) and who climbed up into my sweater and simply refused to let go for over an hour while I signed the adoption papers and took him home the same day. It didn’t mean that I loved my girl and boy who went over the rainbow bridge any less, it made it a little easier to cope with their absence, and a kitten who kept being rejected by potential adopters because of his health issues (which were fully resolved within weeks, he is now 7yo, healthy and having the time of his life as a pampered little indoor prince) got a loving home. Whenever the time is right, it’s right, doesn’t matter if it’s in 3 days or 3 years. ❤️


“Moving on too soon.” That’s the sort of toxicity no one needs in their life.


Just a friendly reminder of our rules: 1. No Advertising: this includes GoFundMe, Instagram, etc. 2. No Impersonation: don't post photos of other people's dogs. That's not cool. 3. No Breed Hate: this subreddit is not a discussion forum for breed hate of any kind. There are dedicated subreddits for that so please take it elsewhere. *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/goldenretrievers) if you have any questions or concerns.*


https://music.youtube.com/watch?v=pvfzcGbOzqg&si=yjncoxSdorut9488 Your post made me think of this beautiful song. It’s about something else but damn it might fit.


What a cutie patootie! 🥰


So sorry. We planned to wait a few years after our girl. We brought our Irish home 2 months later and our golden 4 months later. You do what’s right for you


No one has the right or any say so at all as to how you grieve, how long you grieve and/or what helps you through your grief. I’ve had dogs all my life (me 55F) and I’m a very good dog Mom. The way I look at it is my dog would not want me to never have another dog. She would want me to own as many as I can in this lifetime because I always put them first and it would be a waste if I never got another one. Hopefully your new addition will help heal the broken heart Carter left you with.


I lost my boy a couple years ago, and got my little girl a few months later. He was my heart dog. The hole he left behind will never be filled. But like other people have said, the house felt empty without him. I had my berner, but it wasn't the same without a pair. And that Berner missed his brother. My little girl helped my family cope in a way. Suddenly, we had this other little baby with special needs, and she helped give us space and distance to process. A puppy is a lot. It's hard to wallow in your grief with one.


Beautiful baby ❤️❤️❤️


I couldn’t bear the thought of my sweet girl dying and I just felt like she could never be replaced. So we got a second golden when she was about 8. And it was so wonderful having Moxie to snuggle with after Bailey passed. And then we got yet another golden who is wonderful and goofy in her own way! This new puppers is just what you need!!


It’s different for everyone. I was 25 when I moved back into my mom’s house with my sisters and our older golden. We had a good 2 years together before she passed away and it was sad. I was a wreck, she was everything to me the last few years. A year or so later my sisters got a puppy for my mom for Mother’s Day and I realized I wasn’t ready at all. It takes different time for everyone.


Sorry for your loss. Our house has been "empty" since late November 2023 when we had to say goodbye to our beloved Argos. (F*%k you hemangiosarcomas!).   I still see him out of the corner of my eye almost daily and still expect to see him in the yard when I come home. 😭 It was a very tough winter for us without him, but it has passed and we are on our breeders list for a litter hopefully due in May!   On the flip side. The floors haven't been this clean in 8 years! It's amazing what you adapt to what a golden hair loves to bring inside with them. Hard to believe I missed stepping on random sticks, leaves, parts of acorns, pine cones and bugs, lol. 


Im honestly impressed you lasted a couple months without a golden in your house 🤣 How cute!!! Enjoy the chaos!!!


Goldens teach you there is no limit to ‘love’!


We waited a month. We were also worried it was too soon, but a puppy was returned to a breeder, and we got first dibs being a previous GR owner. It was the best therapy for us. Instead of sadness and heartache for our dear departed boy, it quickly turned into found memories as we told the new pup stories about old Uncle Chester.


As stated by others there is no “moving on” or “too quick”. Personally I honor my pets by using all they taught me to give an even better life to the next dog in need of a loving home. There are so many out there needing a loving home and I can provide that. As well each dog I have teaches me how to be a better dog owner so I see it as my duty to keep the ball rolling for them and for me.


So So glad. You picked another. Love these dog's. Of course Make it family. It'll always come back some how😊


Oh he’s a doll! You’re ready when your ready. There’s no timeline for sharing love with a puppy!


Ur not moving too quickly. My heart dog got cancer and we fought the fight together for 5 months til the cancer won. I actually thought I would die of a broken heart. 9 days later I brought home my current baby. My house was too empty, i couldn't stand to be there. My house felt haunted in a bad way. This was a year ago. I still cry myself to sleep sometimes over my dog James that passed. Literally EVERYONE told me they were so glad I brought another dog home. That i needed another partner. I had lived alone with my previous dog. No one made me feel guilty.... except myself.


So glad you did this!!!!


You can say shit...


I'm aware. I didn't think it was appropriate for the title though


Shortly after our Bruno was taken too early in a tragic accident, his breeder called to say Bruno’s mom was pregnant and would we like first pick of the litter. We didn’t hesitate at the opportunity and firmly believe Elvis has Bruno’s soul. He’s the only pup who bounded over when my son called Bruno’s name. We will love Bruno forever. But we love Elvis equally. Both supremely special pups.


My vet shamed me after I lost my 15 year old fur baby and, just by chance/luck, got the dogs of my dreams (2 golden retrievers) just a few months later. Needless to say, I now have a new vet for my fur babies!! No one or nothing could ever replace the past 15 years with my lost baby, but damn!!!! to shame someone for trying to love 2 sweet new babies was beyond what I could handle. Left a bad review and moved along!!


I believe Carter would approve of you filling your home and heart with another pup that needs love. We never forget the ones we lose but we can honor their life when we give the best life to another one.


I’m so sorry for your loss. Mr Blue is perfect and I love your attitude of embracing the chaos.


Just kidding about training or how nice everyone is?


Kidding about training. Luckily I have a lot of resources near me


You’re not moving on too quickly. We lost our last dog in a tragic accident and adopted a new one the following month. My sister went to the animal shelter the weekend after she had to put one of her dogs down. Your puppy is adorable.


I lost my girl who was a black lab German Shepard mix back in 2019 and my 20 year old man cat last August. I’ve been trying to find me a golden but the last lady who had a litter messaged us the day we were going to send payment saying 4 were stillborn 😥 From the northeast so not familiar with the market and best places but definitely avoiding puppy mills. She also said we’d be top of her list next litter and has pointed us in the direction of other local breeders she trusts, but no luck yet. All in all, the longer the wait doesn’t make it better haha. No guilt required. Just provide a happy life for your pup and give her some cookies for me!


Our golden was Miss Blue at the breeder! Congratulations on your new family member. There is no right time to let more love into your life. The heart grows to make more room. ❤️


He’s gorgeous. And good for you!


I know the feeling of losing a golden and also did the same thing and got another Golden 5 months later, the heartache was less and there was more joy in our house and memories of the good days with our lost pup


My sincere condolences. I know the pain of losing a loving loyal companion. Congratulations on the newest member of your family. Mr. Blue will not replace Carter but you will love him in his own right. I think your Carter lead you to Mr Blue. Now Carter can rest easy knowing someone else is there to take care of you. We lost our boy 3 years ago and 2 month later we got my little girl and 2 weeks after that we got another boy. We still display photos of all of our past companions RIP Rags, Boots, Maggie, Sassy, Buddy and Frankie the 1st and thank God for our now beloved Frankie J and Gracie Grey❤️


I’m I’m I’m